Feliz cumpleaños â. Happy Birthday. ⢠el pastel â the cake. ⢠el regalo â the present. ⢠el globo â the b
The Language Spark February Newsletter
Happy Birthday Vocabulary
In February is the Happy Birthday Unit! This month we will learn about birthdays in Spanish. The focus words will be Feliz cumpleaños, el pastel, el regalo,
What We Will Be Doing… Happy Birthday Game: We love to play games to make learning Spanish fun. One of the games we will play this month is “Partner Party Bag Toss.” In this game, children line up 3 -4 fee apart facing each other. The kids on one side of the room will each have a set of bean bags with pictures of our words for this unit on them. The kids on the other side of the room will have the party bags to hold open. The teacher will call out a word from the unit and the children will toss that bean bag to their partner’s party bag as they all say the word in Spanish. Play will continue with the rest of the words and then they will switch sides. Another game we will play is called Present Bag Find It. Before the kids come to class the teacher will set out several present bags. Each present bag contains a different item (so one bag will have lots of balloons in it, another will have lots of present boxes, etc). The teacher will call out two items. Children must search in all of the present bags, find the items and say, “Yo tengo el ____ y el ____” (I have the ___ and the ___) and bring them back to the teacher.
el globo and la vela. We are bringing balloons, present boxes and candles to make this unit come alive for your children. It will be so much fun!
Happy Birthday Lessons: Children will learn to sing the Happy Birthday Song in Spanish and will watch the video about Sofía’s birthday surprise. We will also do several lesson activities. In one activity, children will set the scene for a party and they need to collect the items we need. Children must collect and place the right items on their birthday scene. So for example, they might need 4 balloons, 5 candles, 2 presents and one cake. We say in Spanish, “I put 4 balloons on,” etc. We continue placing and naming items until the scene is set. Then we all sing the Happy Birthday song.
• Feliz cumpleaños – Happy Birthday • el pastel – the cake • el regalo – the present • el globo – the balloon • la vela – the candle
The Language Spark● (936) 647-3258 ● www.TheLanguageSpark.com