2 www.boundary-element-method.com. 3 The Boundary Element Method in Acoustics. 4 Line Integration in Vector Calculus. 5 Surface and Volume Integrals.
The Laplace Integral Operators The Laplace integral operators arise when we reformulate Laplaceβs equation1 as a boundary integral equation, which is an essential step in the development of the boundary element method2. Although various integral equations arise from various classes and dimensions of domain, the same set of integral operators tend to arise. Hence it is useful to consider these operators separately, as building blocks of integral formulations. In this document the Laplace integral operators and a number of their properties are stated3. The operators are defined generally so that they can be adapted to the various Laplace problems. The notation is also useful in developing the boundary element method. Definition of the Laplace integral operators The Laplace integral operators are denoted L, M, Mt and N and are defined as follows: {πΏπ }Π (π) = β« πΊ (π, π) π (π)πππ ,
ππΊ (π, π) π (π)πππ , πππ
π β« πΊ (π, π) π (π)πππ , ππ£π Π
{ππ }Π (π) = β« Π
{ππ‘ π }Π (π; ππ ) =
{ππ }Π (π; ππ ) = β« ππ£ Π π
ππΊ(π,π) πππ
π (π)πππ .
where Π is a boundary (not necessarily closed), nq is the unique unit normal vector to Π at q, vp is a unit directional vector passing through p and ΞΌ(q) is a function defined for q βΠ. In the definitions (1-4) the boundary Π represents a line in a two-dimensional geometry and a surface in three-dimensional geometry and hence the integrals are line integrals4 or surface integrals5. The operation of partial differentiation 6 G(p,q) is a the free-space Green's function for the Laplace equation. The usual Green's functions are 1 ln π in two dimensions, 2π
1 in three dimensions. 4ππ
πΊ (π, π) = β
πΊ (π, π) = Laplaceβs Equation www.boundary-element-method.com 3 The Boundary Element Method in Acoustics 4 Line Integration in Vector Calculus 5 Surface and Volume Integrals 6 Partial Differentiation 1 2
where r = |r|, r = p-q. Note the decaying behaviour of the three-dimensional Green's function. This property is conveyed to potential field produced from the surface in exterior problems. For the two-dimensional case, note the ln r behaviour of the solution as r approaches infinity; if this is not physically representative (for βexteriorβ problems) then some modification or alternative Greenβs function would be required. Properties of the Operators In general for a given function (π) (π β Π) , {πΏπ }Π (π) and {ππ }Π (π; ππ ) are continuous across the boundary Π (for any given unit vector vp in the definition of the latter function). The {ππ }Π (π) and {ππ‘ π }Π (π; ππ ) operations are discontinuous at Π and continuous on the remainder of the domain. The operators M and Mt have the following continuity properties at points in the neighbourhood of the boundary Π : 1 1 {π π}Π (π + Ξ΅ππ ) + π (π) = {π π}Π (π) = {π π}Π (π β Ξ΅ππ ) β π (π) , 2 2
1 {ππ‘ π}Π (π + Ξ΅ππ ; ππ ) β π (π) = {ππ‘ π}Π (π; ππ ) 2 1 = {ππ‘ π}Π (π β Ξ΅ππ ; ππ ) + π (π) 2
where π β Π and np is the unit normal to Π at p. The continuity properties are slightly 1
different if Π is not smooth at p, the 2 π are replaced by 2π π (π) for two-dimensional problems and 4π π (π) for three-dimensional problems, where π(π) is the (solid) angle subtended by the region at the boundary at p+ on the left equations and where 1 β π(π) is the (solid) angle subtended by the region at the boundary at p- on the right equations. Derivatives of G with respect to r In two dimensions we have ππΊ 1 1 =β ππ 2π π
π 2πΊ 1 1 = ππ 2 2π π 2 ,
ππΊ 1 1 =β ππ 4π π 2
In three dimensions we have
π 2πΊ 1 1 = 2 ππ 2π π 3 , Expressions for the normal derivatives of r
In this section we derive simpler expressions for the normal derivatives of G , that occur in the kernel functions in the definition of the integral operators (1-4). The simplifications require knowledge of the operations of vector geometry 7. derivatives of G with respect to vp and nq , may be written as follows: π. ππ ππ = πππ π
π. ππ ππ = ππ£π π
π2π 1 ππ ππ = (ππ . ππ + ) ππ£π πππ π ππ£π πππ
Expressions for the normal derivatives of G With the results found above expressions for the kernel functions in the M, Mt, and N operators can be found:
ππΊ ππΊ ππ = , πππ ππ πππ
ππΊ ππΊ ππ = , ππ£π ππ ππ£π
π2πΊ 1 ππ ππ = (ππ . ππ + 2 ) in two dimensions and 2 ππ£π πππ 2ππ ππ£π πππ
π2πΊ 1 ππ ππ = (ππ . ππ + 3 ) in three dimensions. 3 ππ£π πππ 4ππ ππ£π πππ
Vector Arithmetic and Geometry