The Leukemia Detection Using Segmentation Method by Thresholding Abdellatif BOUZID-DAHO1, Nassim BOUKARI2 and Mohamed BOUGHAZI3 1, 3
Department of Electronics Faculty of Sciences of engineers Laboratory for the study and research in instrumentation and communication Annaba University Badji Mokhtar, Annaba, Algeria 2 Department of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Technology University of Skikda, Algeria E-mail:1
[email protected]
Abstract— Segmentation is the process by which we will determine the most important regions of an image. Again this process is extremely difficult to implement sue highly textured images (blood cells), the choice of method by thresholding segmentation allows us to extract the cancerous regions of our images is leukemia. Finally, it is concluded that the experimental results of the present study are of great importance in the detection and removal of cancerous blood cells (leukemia), which is one of the difficult tasks in image processing for medical hematologists. Keywords—segmentation; blood cells; thresholding; hematologists.
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