The Lord is risen! Alleluia! - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and ...

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Apr 3, 2016 - You came to Your disciples and took away their fears with Your word of peace. Come to us ... 3 Christian,

Welcoming Song: C ROWN H I M


M AN Y C ROWN S #341cw

L E A D E R : The Lord is risen! Alleluia! P E O P L E : He is risen indeed! Alleluia! L: In the name of the living God, the only God, God the Father, God the eternal Son and God the Holy Spirit! Hear the good news again! The Lord is risen! P: He is risen indeed! Alleluia! L: Holy and merciful Father in heaven, we confess that we are by nature sinful. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. John 20


P E O P L E : I have disobeyed You with my thoughts, my words and my activities. I have done what is evil and I have failed to do what is good. For this I deserve Your punishment now and in eternity. But I am sorry for my sins. I trust in my Savior, Jesus Christ, and so I pray: Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner. L: God our heavenly Father has been merciful to us. He has given His only Son as the atoning Sacrifice for all sinners. Therefore believe this good news: I forgive you all your sins in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. John 20





O risen Lord Jesus, You came to Your disciples and took away their fears with Your word of peace. Come to us also by Your Word and sacrament; banish our fears with the comforting assurance of Your abiding presence; we ask this in confident joy for You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.



P S A L M 16


I sa y t o th e L or d , Y o u ar e M y L o rd , I h av e no g o od apa rt fr o m Y o u . Al l M y del i ght i s o n th e g o dl y t ha t are i n t he l an d , u po n t h o se w ho tr us t i n Y o u r u nf ai l i ng l ov e. G u a rd m e, G od ; a n d s h i ne Yo u r fa ce K ee p me i n a ma z in g g rac e. S how me, Lo r d t he p a t h t o t a ke ; Lea d me f o r Yo u r m e r c y’ s sa ke . Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. John 20


T h os e wh o r u n a f ter o t her g ods m ul ti pl y t hei r tr o ubl e s . I w i l l n ot t a ke par t i n th ei r s ac r i fi c es ; I wi l l n ot w o rs hi p t hei r g o ds. Y o u L or d ar e al l I hav e a n d Yo u gi v e me al l I nee d ; m y f u ture i n i n Y o u r h an ds . F u l l ne s s of a ll j o y I k now w he n t h e p a t h o f lif e Yo u s h ow . H o w w on de r f ul ar e Y o u r gi f ts t o m e ; h o w g oo d th e y are ! I bl e ss t h e L or d , bec au s e H e g ui d es me , an d i n th e n i g ht m y c on sc i e nc e w a rn s m e . I a m al w a ys aa w ar e o f the L o rd ’s pre se nc e . H e i s n ea r a nd n o thi ng c a n s ha k e m e . G u a rd m e, G od ; a n d s h i ne Yo u r fa ce K ee p me i n a ma z in g g rac e. S how me, Lo r d t he p a t h t o t a ke ; Lea d me f o r Yo u r m e r c y’ s sa ke . T h ere f ore m y hea r t i s gl a d an d my s ou l re joi c es ; m y b od y al s o r es ts i n p eac e . F or y o u wi l l n o t a ba nd o n me t o th e gr ac e , n or l e t Y o u r h ol y One se e d ec a y . F u l l ne s s of a ll j o y I k now w he n t h e p a t h o f lif e Yo u s h ow .

B I B L E R E A D I N G J O H N 20:19-31

Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. John 20


B I B L E R E A D I N G : A C TS 5 :12 F F S ONG

O F T H E D AY :








T OMB #159 CW

1 Morning breaks upon the tomb; Jesus scatters all its gloom. Day of Triumph through the skies, see the glorious Savior rise! 2 You who are of death afraid, triumph in the scattered shade! Drive your anxious cares away; see the place where Jesus lay! 3 Christian, dry your flowing tears; chase your unbelieving fears. Look on His deserted grave! Doubt no more His power to save!

WE GATHER OF OUR EASTER GIFTS This is an act of worship in which believers generously return to the Savior a portion of what God has generously given to us. These are not dues, nor are they forced or billed payments. God does not want or need coercion. Instead, He gives us faith in Jesus, new life and salvation. Then He blesses us with life -long opportunities to show our thanks to Him for His awesome salvation. Thank you for your generous gifts used to extend His Work here at home and in the world.

Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. John 20




The LORD’s Supper belongs to Jesus who carefully instructed His disciples in the saving faith. The disciples were publicly united with Jesus words and promises; they publicly supported Him. Jesus did not offer His holy supper to every believer in Jerusalem. Similarly we do not treat the LORD’s Supper as a tasty treat for any and every believer. We offer holy Communion to those who have been carefully instructed in the saving faith, who are publicly united with God’s Words and promises; publicly supporting God’s Gospel message. The Lord’s Supper is not merely a symbol of Jesus redemptive suffering and death for all; Jesus told us He unites all His true Body and Blood (invisible) with bread and wine (visible). In His letters to the Corinthians, the Lord’s Word warns that those who treat Communion as something it is not are those who do not benefit from God’s Word and God’s sacrament to strengthen and help, instead they may be harmed in their faith. To aid children in understanding, one may want to use the picture of a pharmacist. Pharmacists want the best for those receiving the prescriptions from their physicians. Like the doctor, the pharmacists love to help people and not harm them. We don’t think pharmacists are bad for keeping prescriptions away from those who may be harmed by them. They just want to help people follow their doctor’s prescription to get stronger health. Similarly we keep the Supper away from those who m a y b e h a r m e d by it. We encourage those w h o w i l l b e h e l p e d . Jesus’ standard i s a p u b l i c f o l l o w i n g of God’s Word and publicly supporting His same Gospel message. As fellow WELS or ELS members, please don’t hesitate to receive God’s prescription for your soul. If you want to discover more about this teaching and many others, please don’t hesitate to ask us. We would love to help you discover more of God’s Word. Let us introduce you to our pastor. He is always delighted to share more of what God says.

Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. John 20





C OMMUNION #225, 239, 265, 291, 308 if needed

Parting Song: He’s alive!

He’s alive! He’s alive! Guilt and sadness All have vanished! Lift your eyes And see Jesus– alive! He’s alive! He’s alive! See Him on the clouds of heaven coming soon to take me to His side. He’s alive! He’s alive!

Thanks be to God! He gives us the Victory through Our Lord Jesus Christ! He’s alive! He’s alive! Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. John 20

Mark your calendars! Bring your friends! Ask Clara Kammueller or Shelly Tesnow how you can help out in some way. Awesome learning!!

G OOD S HEPHERD Evange li c al L uthe ran C hur c h and S c hool Wisconsin Rapids, WI , USA Pastor Paul A.Tullberg | Educator/Principal Donna Tullberg B l e s s e d a r e t h o s e w hWoW hWa. v1eGnOoOt Ds Se He En P aHnE dR Dy.eOt RhGa v e b e l i e v e d . J o h n 2 0