Jun 1, 2013 ... 29 Awakening Through Community. 32 CE Interview: Joe Martino. 35 Personal
Paradigm Shift science & tech. 36 The Meaning of Software.
- health - science & tech - conscious life - solutions - alternative news JUNE 2013
Photo Credit: bschwehn (stock.xchng)
Message From The Editors Deeper Look at Synchronicities
science & tech
CE Project Updates
36 The Meaning of Software 39 Tech Find of the Month
8 The Building Blocks of Life 11 Recipes of the Month 12 Spiritual Nutrition 15 Running on a Treadmill
40 44 46
alternative news
Lucid Dreaming & Lucid Meditation
19 23
Personal Paradigm Shift
Wealth: A Symptom of Sociopathy
reviews & you Yoga Routine of the Month DVD & Book Reviews Readers Corner
48 Monthly Astrological Analysis 50 Have A Laugh: Comics 51 Monthly Exercises
Animal Testing & Exploitation
conscious life 24 Drama and Your Teenager 26 Embracing Your Dark Side
Photo Credit: african_fi (stock.xchng)
29 Awakening Through Community 32 CE Interview: Joe Martino
40 8 facebook.com/CollectiveEvolutionPage
Photo Credit: ronmar (morguefile)
EDITORS: Collective Evolution
[email protected]
WEB: www.collective-evolution.com
A Quick Update & Look at the World The sixth issue! The one that is designed to be a part of what is the midway point of the 2013 year. With the year already half over we hope it has been an overall good one for each of you -our readers. The challenges, as difficult as they may have been and still are, are simply another piece to the grander picture of things. For those of us in North America and other parts of the world the weather is starting to warm up. As beautiful as a white snowfall may be, I’ve always felt a greater preference for the years warmer months. It’s as if the suns extended presence fuels so much more energy and ability to accomplish things. While the cold winter on the other hand makes time under the warm sheets of a bed that much more enticing. With this sixth issue of CE Magazine you will once again see some minor adjustments
in the design department. We are continually looking at ways to be more creative and to make the content that much more interesting for you to engage with. Several new writers will be making their first appearances in this month’s issue. Please take the time to read each and every article and be sure to let anyone know if a particular piece really struck home for you. For those who chose to make it publically available the contact information is given with the article that they have contributed. Should you ever want to make a general comment about the magazine it is always best to contact us via the main CE e-mail:
We truly hope that you enjoy this June issue. Feel free to share it with anyone you think may also be interested. We are always looking at any and all ways possible to expand the reach of our content. Thank you again for your support and we will catch up again in July.
Editor’s Must Read of the Month: Lucid Dreaming & Lucid Meditation (Page 16)
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magazine contact Published by Collective Evolution in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- health - science & tech - conscious life - solutions - alternative news JUNE 2013
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We always have great stories archived in our ‘hot’ trays but we know we can’t see everything! If you want something covered or have a story to share, contact Alanna:
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Photo Credit: bschwehn (stock.xchng)
A Deeper Look At
[email protected]
Many of us can attest to having experienced instances in our lives where stunningly implausible coincidences have taken place, leaving us to wonder how such events could have occurred solely by chance. Numbers manifesting and repeating, unusual words recurring, thinking about an old friend and then proceeding to run into them in public, or even coincidentally hearing a personally meaningful song multiple times over the course of the day are just a few of these unlikely twists of fate that could easily be written off as flukes. However, if we pay close attention to these events we can begin to see the subtle humor and irony that the universe seems to possess. The late psychiatrist Carl Jung discussed in his famous essay titled Synchronicities: An Acasual Connecting Principle, the extraordinary coincidences occurring in everyday life. One incredible story in this essay which was originally told by French astronomer Flammarion involved a man named Monsieur Deschamps, who at a young age was given a special type of plum pudding by a man who went by Monsieur de Fontgibu. Over the next ten years, Deschamps was not able to taste this rare plum pudding until one day while sitting at a restaurant in Paris, Deschamps noticed the plum pudding on the menu. When he ordered the pudding he was told that the last portion had just been ordered and eaten by Monsieur de Fontgibu, who was by chance sitting in same restaurant at the time.
Photo Credit: GoodOil_Man (morguefile)
BLOG: www.collective-evolution.com/author/jeffr
Years later Deschamps attended a party where the plum pudding was being served once again, and out of humor remarked that the only thing missing was Fontgibu, who had strangely been around the only other two times Deschamps had had the opportunity to eat the plum pudding. Soon after his remark, a knock at the door interrupted the party. It was Monsieur de Fontgibu, who had been given the wrong address for the place to which he was supposed to go. Hard science has difficulty explaining such phenomenon, for the probability of these kinds of events taking place out of chance is extremely far-fetched. Therefore explaining these happenings in terms of cosmic intelligence and intervention seems more plausible. Carl Jung coined the term synchronicity, discussing the possibility of our psyche manipulating the world of matter and creating playful interactions within the material spectrum. For example, many people talk about randomly seeing the numbers 11:11 on a clock, but then afterwards are haunted by these numbers constantly seeing them on clocks, in movies, on license plates, etc. Some say that seeing this number is the higher self or spirit dimension trying to get your attention to say that you are exactly where you are supposed to be, or that it is the universe trying to communicate that an awakening is taking place within yourself. Have you ever experienced such an occurrence?
Photo Credit: hotblack (morguefile)
For a great read check out Stanislav Grof’s ‘When the Impossible Happens: Adventures in Non-Ordinary Realities’ In his later years of practice, Jung became very interested in the idea of synchronicities, trying to bridge the concept with quantum physics. His colleague, Albert Einstein, encouraged Jung to pursue the idea due to the advent of quantum physics and the new possibilities it was creating for the science community at the time. It was during this time that Jung began to accept that the materialistic understanding of the universe that western science had supported for so long might have holes in its framework. Prior to this discovery, the academic community concurred that consciousness, life and intelligence seemed to be the accidental by-products of the billions of years of interactions between inorganic matter in a seemingly random part of the universe. This narrow view of the universe reinforces a “one life to live” way of living, supporting the pursuit of selfish interests in competition with one and other on a social, economic and political scale. Accepting the idea that there is an interconnected consciousness opens our possibilities up to an unlimited potential. The material and metaphysical are both an equal part of a vast universe of wonder and phenomena that can only be explained with the two parts in mind. In Stanislav Grof’s book, When the Impossible Happens: Adventures in Non-Ordinary Realities, he discusses a seminar he attended in which his colleague Joseph Campbell was lecturing on mythology and psychology. Campbell was speaking about Carl Jung’s work
on synchronicities, and shared with the audience his own account of a synchronicity that had opened his eyes at one time. Joseph was in the middle of his one of his latest projects at the time, The Way of the Animal Powers, a comprehensive encyclopedia of shamanic mythologies. He was writing the chapter on the African Bushmen who reside in the Kalahari Desert. One of the deities that the tribe worships is a praying mantis. Joe was on the fourteenth floor of a high-rise building in Manhattan, which had two windows that lit up the study. Suddenly, Joe felt the urge to open one of the windows. It was then he caught the sight of a large praying mantis, climbing its way upwards. According to Joe, the mantis turned its head towards him, catching a quick glance into his eyes. It was strange enough to see a praying mantis in the middle of Manhattan so high up from the ground, even stranger to see one while writing a chapter in a book about the insect. Could mere coincidence explain the event? Campbell seemed to think not. Could the universe manifest its ironic and humorous voice through means of synchronistic occurrences in our lives? Next time something like this happens to you, take a moment to pause and appreciate the amusing experience taking place. Perhaps these kinds of events can remind us of the vast wonder which life contains, the beautiful mysteries of a vibrational cosmic reality more profound than we could ever imagine.
Jeff is also a regular contributor to the Collective Evolution Website. Be sure to check out some of his most popular articles:
Photo Spotlight
Photo Credit: narcissa (stock.xchng)
Millions of people every year attend protests in support of a cause or in opposition to a system they feel passionate about. Imagine if we all came together in one common interest. The change literally could happen overnight.
The Building Blocks of survival with the physical body and how they relate to nature. With proper hydration, it is estimated that the average person can survive without consuming any food for 30-40 days. Food, which is an extension of the earth, is a large aspect of our physical makeup. It’s estimated that the average person can die without consumption of water after 3-7 days. Our body is comprised of approximately 70-80% water, another one of the main elements of life on Earth. On average, a person can die without oxygen after about 3 minutes!
This photo illustrates the human bodies connection to the main elements of life (earth, water, light and air)
Whenever I discuss various topics in health, I often emphasize the importance of looking at the overall picture of the state of the body as well as the lifestyle of the individual. So easily we are conditioned into the so-called “western way of life” which is a fast-paced, time consuming, sometimes stressful and hard-working lifestyle. We live like this because we believe it’s what we need to do in order to survive and live a comfortable life. The culture of western society has been built upon a lot of fear, misinformation, a dependency on our governments and corporations and an overall moral that keeps us in a judgemental, separated and ill society. Our way of life has become so stressful on our bodies and minds that we have resulted with illness in staggering numbers, and year by year we are searching for an end to it. Let’s take a look at some health statistics that reflect our way of life. According to Health Canada and the CDC, approximately 9% of the population of Canada and the United States experience depression, the leading cause of disability in both countries. In 2012 approximately 200,000 Canadians were diagnosed with cancer and approximately 80,000 died from cancer. 2 in 5 people in Canada will be diagnosed with some form of cancer in their lifetime. It has been estimated that over 2 million Americans are hospitalized and more than 100,000 die each year, 270 a day, from known side effects of prescription drugs. In Canada they cause about 20,000 deaths annually. They are the fourth leading cause of death in the US and Canada, after cancer, heart disease and strokes. Clearly there is a danger when it comes to prescription drugs, yet we rely on them so much for answers to end our illness. In 2005, 65% of the American population spent $250 billion on prescription drugs. Canadians now spend more on prescription drugs annually ($24 billion) than we do on doctors ($18 billion). So much money and so much illness! But does it have to be this way? Can it be prevented? In ancient Eastern tradition, specifically areas such as India and China, the human body was always viewed as being an extension of nature and a vessel for our soul. When it came to medical science and practice, they viewed the elements of nature within us and looked at how they were affecting our physical experiences. To expand on this understanding, we can look at some important aspects
With understanding this connection, it’s very important to be aware of what we are exposing our bodies to, what we are using for fuel and how we are treating any illness that we experience. If we need to eat food from the earth, drink water and breath air, what is the quality of it and how clean is it? Our western culture is experiencing a lot of illness and has an overall low moral, and a large factor in this is a direct result of the relationship that we have with these elements and our bodies. When it comes to health, there is so much information out there that it can be very confusing to understand what is the “right” way to go about it. There’s all sorts of people who
claim to be experts and educated health practitioners, but the concept of good health is a lot simpler and easier to obtain than we may think. We also don’t give ourselves enough credit for the power we yield in being able to experience good health. In terms of the food we eat, a large portion of the produce sold in our grocery stores is grown and sprayed with toxic chemicals, processed and genetically modified. In many cases, our animals that are farmed for use of their meat are pumped with antibiotics, growth hormones and are raised in stressful living conditions. With water, even though it seems that North America has high quality water standards, our treatment facilities use unnecessary methods to treat the water such as adding chlorine and fluoride, both known to be highly toxic. Also, through the testing of municipal tap water supplies all over North America traces of heavy metals, pharmaceutical drugs, viruses and bacteria have been found. With the industrial and technological revolution of the 21st century, our air quality in North America has been greatly compromised and it is getting worse each day through the continuous dependence of an industry based on fossil fuel consumption. The four most populated cities in North America: Toronto, New York City, Los Angeles and Chicago, annually have dangerous smog alerts in the summer seasons where it’s advised to not be outside and breath the air! These facts can bring one to really bring into perspective our situation individually and collectively across the planet. So what can we do to change our experiences and prevent illness in these terms? I would suggest looking into buying organic food.
Now with organics comes a large controversy of it being expensive, and it can be, but not with small changes in ones lifestyle. I find that organic foods have a higher and lighter energy than conventionally grown food. This results in me not having to consume as much food to gain and digest the proper nutrients needed. Try cutting down your meal sizes when eating organics and see how you feel. When you eat less, of course your grocery bill tends to be lower! Try researching and looking into your local buyers clubs which can be found in various cities. You can join the club usually for free or with a small administration fee and be able to purchase organic foods in bulk for cheaper than prices you will find in grocery stores. Another thing to think about is a vegetarian/vegan diet. Not only are the health benefits of not consuming meat or dairy products extremely beneficial, meat and cheese are pound for pound the most expensive food products!
Photo Credit: RRRuslan (stock.xchng)
ks of Life
WRITTEN BY: Matthew Christodoulou EMAIL:
[email protected] BLOG: www.collective-evolution.com/author/matthew
Continues on the next page... Photo Credit: african_fi (stock.xchng)
010 Without getting into all the statistics of how important water truly is to our overall health, there are some simple things you can look into and consider when drinking water. It’s important to avoid heavy metals, toxins, pharmaceuticals and bacteria/viruses, which can directly affect our neurological, psychological and physical conditions. By simply purchasing a water filtration system we can eliminate as much as 90-99.99% of all of this stuff from our water and drink it as nature intended it to be. Some of the higher quality systems can be expensive, but you can find some on the market for as little as $300-500. When you take into consideration that our body is made up of 70-80% water, spending a few hundreds dollars for a lifetime of clean water just makes sense! For individuals, the quality of air that we breathe can be difficult to control as we go about our daily lives, mainly in large urban cities. It’s hard to avoid the traffic and industrial pollution. However, it is possible to control the air we breathe in our homes with air purifiers. Studies have actually found that shockingly, the air in our homes can be up to 80% more toxic than outside! If you think about all the chemicals we are exposed to inside of our homes through cleaning, cooking, habits like smoking
and the use of toiletries, if it isn’t filtered in some way it just sits inside and we breathe it all in. Reducing our exposure to this stuff inside of our homes can really reduce the amount of stress put on our lungs in order for them to filter the air we breathe. Remember, as Canadians we spend about $24 billion a year on prescription drugs and $18 billion on doctors. Our dependency on drugs and rates of illness are so high because we’re getting sick but don’t really know why. We just want a cure and take the advice of professionals. When you take into consideration how much is spent and focused upon improving the quality of life we live through eating and accessing organic foods, clean water and clean air, it can be very eye opening. If we spent more time learning about and focusing on our relationship with these elements and the importance of how they are our building blocks of life, we just may see our dependencies and rates of illness diminish. A healthy lifestyle for all is possible, we just need to shift our priorities. This shift lies in our own power of awareness, taking action and the desire for change. Much love!
CE Magazine Recipes of the Month:
Raw Cream of Broccoli Soup INGREDIENTS: • 1.5 cups organic low sodium veggie broth • 1.5 cups water • 1 cup cashews Blend on high for 30 seconds • • • • • • • •
2.5 cups chopped broccoli florets (raw or steamed) 1 tsp onion powder 2 tsp garlic powder or 1 clove garlic 2 stalks celery (optional) Black pepper 1/3 cup nutritional yeast 1/2 tsp Himalayan salt (optional) 1 large avocado
Photo Credit: superchargedfood.com DIRECTIONS: In a high-speed blender, blend water and hemp seeds until smooth and frothy (about 30 seconds on high). Add the rest of the ingredients and blend until creamy and smooth. Warm on the stovetop or in the dehydrator before serving.
Coconut Crusted Veggie Burgers INGREDIENTS: • 1 small can garbanzo beans • 1 small can cannellini beans • 1 1/3 cups rolled oats, processed into flour • 1 tsp garlic powder • 1 tsp onion powder • 1 tsp cumin (can also use curry powder) • 1 tsp herbamere or sea salt • 2 small zucchinis, shredded • 2 carrots, shredded • 1.5 tsp Dijon mustard • 3 tbsp olive oil • 3 tbsp balsamic vinegar FOR THE CRUST: • ½ cup unsweetened coconut flakes • ½ cup gluten free bread crumbs • salt and pepper • dash of garlic powder
Photo Credit: Grounded Nutrition
DIRECTIONS: Form dough into patties and coat with crust. Place on baking sheet and bake at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes or until cooked through.
This month’s recipes were provided by the awesome team at Grounded Nutrition (www.groundednutrition.com)
SPIRITUAL NUTRITION WRITTEN BY: Neil Froehlich & Kevin Ferrier
[email protected]
CREATING A CONDUCIVE TEMPLE FOR THE SOUL In the health/ spirituality movement it is common to hear people refer to their body as a temple. At Grounded Nutrition we believe there is truth to this metaphor and that what we build, repair and surround our “temple” with directly impacts our ability to connect to source energy, love, higher mind and/ or god. When we are able to connect spirituality and nutrition they can work together as very powerful compliment to each other. KEY CONCEPTS 1) Vibration: Modern science is now identifying that everything around us is simply energy and it is simply different vibratory frequencies that allows us to perceive differences in our surroundings. In addition, our personal vibratory state determines the amount and type of information we have access to. The lower the vibration the more dense (dualistic) it is, and the higher the vibration the lighter (loving/oneness) it is. Accordingly foods also have individual states of vibration that will affect our bodies’ vibration when we consume them.
2) Conductivity: We are electrical beings and our ability to absorb nutrition and a beneficial relationship with the substances we are consuming we must of have a conductive instrument. In our natural environment we would be constantly connected via the earth to natural and healthy frequencies. However, instead in our modern day lives we often cut ourselves off from the earth for extended periods and expose ourselves to large amounts of unnatural frequencies via technology. This means that we are often thrown out of alignment with source energy because our body is disconnected. This produces many imbalances within the body/ spirit connection. 3) We Are Unique: As every single human experience is unique, it makes sense that everyone will need different foods and liquids at different times as well. Trying to fit into a standardized way of eating is like following a food religion. Although following someone else’s guidelines may be useful, beneficial and make the process a little bit easier ultimately we all have to make our own choices and do what is right for our soul and experience.
Have any questions about the article or general health? VISIT WWW.GROUNDEDNUTRITION.COM OR CONTACT VIA FACEBOOK
013 We always suggest reading 100 nutrition books and do all the research you can. Take the message that resonates with you from everything you have learned and come up with your own beliefs. Trust yourself to reconnect with what your body needs and take control of your health, diet, routine and lifestyle. NUTRITION AS A TOOL FOR SPIRITUALITY The higher the vibration of the body, the more access to high-vibrational information we have and the more connected to source we become. How do you raise the vibration of the body with nutrition? By cleansing restoring and regenerating the cells of the body with nutrient dense, water containing, fresh, organics ensuring we get enough vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids, calories and anti-oxidants. Foods that raise vibration: Primarily clean water and water containing whole foods (raw foods), fruits and vegetables, fresh super foods, herbs and sea vegetables. Foods that lower vibration or ground us: Animal products, nuts and seeds, processed foods.
Note: Most of us will need some sort or ‘healthy fat’ food such as animal products or nuts and seeds. They are in the lower vibration category but that does not mean they are ‘bad’, eating them in moderation helps us stay grounded to this 3D earth we currently reside in. Remember, it’s all about balance. Find what works for you. BALANCE If we raise the vibration quickly, we gain access to a lot of new information at a very rapid rate. If the download of information is too much at once, it can actually cause short and long-term damage to us mentally and emotionally. Let’s compare this to a computer. There is only so much information that a computer can download at one time. If we overload the computer with information then it can leave damage to the computer. As we raise our vibration with clean healthy foods, positive relationships, lifestyle choices and other
variables, they all grow and expand synergistically. If we enhance one aspect then we get challenged to cleanse in another area of our life because we are no longer in alignment with what we were previously doing. If we focus too much on one area and neglect other areas that need to be cleansed, restored and regenerated then we usually hit a plateau or become stagnated in our overall growth. For example, if we incorporate more raw foods into our daily routine then we may begin to notice that our mindset, emotional body, or relationships naturally let us know that there is cleansing, restoring and regenerating to be done as well. Take the signs and messages from the universe and keep on moving! CONCLUSION The Cleansing, restoring and regenerating process is a transition. There are multiple aspects of lives that we need to take into consideration. Listen to and trust your body with what needs to be done next. This will become second nature over time. If you are feeling stuck, off or stagnated then one or more areas of your life are most likely lacking attention. Unfortunately, it is usually the areas that we have been avoiding, but it is this very thing that may be holding you back from spiritual growth. ALL of our baggage has to be dealt with. The Universe will not allow us to “sneak” anything by at this point. Step up, take the bull by the horns and just do it! If you have symptoms and health problems that are only getting worse then focus most of your time on diet and lifestyle. If you are an emotional wreck and you don’t know why then go see a counselor/ coach, therapist, hypnotherapist or anything that will help you release the emotional blockages. If you keep running into financial problems then focus most of your time on improving your relationship with money. We are really being cleansed on a deep level right now and it is a bit scary, but we have to get comfortable being uncomfortable. NOW it the time, we’re all in this together!
THE “2 PURE H2O” WATER SYSTEM COMBINES: - Up to 99.99% purification - Restructering - Magnets - Earth Minerals to balance to 8.0-9.0pH - Stainless Steel Housing, Ultra Violet Light - Far Infrared Technology - Lower Surface Tension for better absorption
No other water system for home use provides all of these elements! Dennis Higgins, Inventor & Engineer If you live in an urban area, it’s very likely that your municipal water contains many known toxins and contaminants that can be harmful to you and your family. This is why it’s important to consume healthy, revitalized and purified water. With over 20 years of experience studying and experimenting with energy and water, Dennis has engineered and perfected the “2 Pure H20” VitaTech Water System to be able to recreate the natural properties, energy and vitality of fresh, clean and unpolluted H20. Water purification at it’s finest!
[email protected] / (289) 200 - 0541
WRITTEN BY: Veronica Constantinescu
This question popped into my head while I was swimming today. The first day of swimming in the new leisure center I had just got a membership 10 minutes before that Wednesday in November. Ah, the beauty of new commitment to yourself, to your body and to your mind, going over and over in my head how this time it was going to last, this time I feel mature enough to understand the importance of the ‘mens sana in corpore sana’ concept, healthy mind in a healthy body. And then it struck me… I HAD changed, I was actually going to yoga for about a month and a half, loving every moment of it, even the sore muscles that hurt in places I had no idea I had any muscles, to the point that that same morning I had woken up 20 minutes before my waking time to salute the sun (the sky or universe in London weather) and to do a light set of stretching and breathing exercises. Me, I did that. You don’t know yet, but my relationship to sports has always been reduced to strange encounters, only when my conscience couldn’t live with my crazy lifestyle anymore and it took me by the hand forcefully and dragged me into the gym. We were as compatible as water on a duck’s back. But I always found ways to bail out, reasons one crazier than the other, best one lack of time I guess, procrastinator is my middle name, small demon I shall conquer completely one day. So what had changed? What made me enjoy this for the first time? What made me take the next step and want to compliment my yoga practice with swimming, and a cheeky sauna? I remembered running on the treadmill, feeling a dull look in my eyes, putting the music volume up and wondering
how long 20 minutes really are, for the duration of the 20 minutes I was running. Then, I thought of yoga, the serenity I felt when I was in the studio, managing to briefly quiet my mind down in episodes. The ego is strong he will not give without a feisty fight, but regardless of this, I made it to episodes. Big step for me, big step for humanity. The poses require a good level of stamina and balance, focus and surrender at the same time. And believe me, I never knew what proper breathing was until I got there. It’s not only about the body looking good, it’s about the spirit too. It’s about blending the two and shaping them together into the best form that they can be. Cheesy maybe, written about it, spoken and discussed, but when you come to this realization by yourself and it becomes intrinsic rather than what you read in a magazine or on a blog, it sticks to you. So my point here is find an anchor for the soul in the exercise you practice. It shifts the whole enterprise of having to do it to look good to wanting to do it and feeling good. Give yourself the chance to try an alternative or complimentary practice that would sooth the mind and tone the body. Don’t jump into the first studio and say ‘that’s it’, only stay if you feel comfortable with the teacher, how the class is run and if you’re feeling THAT connection to it all. Took me about 6 different teachers and classes to find the one I like, and now I can proudly say that I’m happy my conscience is such a tough lady.
Photo Credit: said_w (stock.xchng)
Opening to the Supermind Through
Lucid Dreaming & L If we enter the quiet mind, we enter a borderland between waking consciousness and dream consciousness. It is the zone of Lucid Meditation. In this margin we have right of entry to many things: worries and fears, suppressed emotions, all of which can now rise to the surface to be relieved or made productive. Our dearest aspirations and longings may come up. Our minds carry a magical power that we can mobilize when we become lucid. It is rewarding to develop this capacity, and to visualize what we dearly want to achieve. Though it may sound mysterious, it is not. Achieving what we visualize is fully possible if we make this way-- the way of lucid meditation-- a way of life and practice. Lucid dreaming is a special kind of dreaming; the dreamer is awake and yet dreaming. He/she can direct the dream. At such a time, waking consciousness meets dream consciousness. When the waking mind and sleeping mind join, we have special access to high expanses of the mind. In the lucid dream, we bring waking consciousness into the dream world; in lucid meditation we bring the dream consciousness into the waking world. In both cases, there is a joining. It is this joined consciousness that we cultivate in lucid dreaming and lucid meditation. But all this is of little benefit, if we do not bring the lessons learned from such dreams and meditation into waking life. Lucid meditation helps us to achieve a cool and detached mind with which we can survey our emotions, make important observations about ourselves and others, and better decisions, therefore. We become more able to control passion and operate with wisdom. Practicing
Photo Credit: harmtido (morguefile)
introspection, and keeping open to inner subtle cues, we contact the higher subtle realms. We broaden inner vision; we surrender, all the while looking inside with a surrendered expectation. We become progressively open to the higher realms and to messages that come from a higher place. For instance, while watching a wildlife program, I was drawn in to the inner state of a puma hunting its prey. I felt the puma’s hunger, its graceful and powerful burst of speed, its satisfaction as it filled an empty stomach. This experience let me know that when we identify with either person or animal, we do so by entering the other on the subtle plane. “Avesa,” is the Sanskrit term for moving into the subtle body of another entity. Our ability to experience avesa is the basis of sympathy, empathy, and identification with another. When we are disturbed by another person’s problems, feeling their pain or their fear, they are uniting astral bodies on the subtle plane, creating avesa and identification. Lucid meditation is the mirror of lucid dreaming. In lucid dreaming, our goal is to be awake in the dream. In lucid meditation, we are already awake, yet we try to connect with the power of the dream realm. Translated into waking life, this ability, cultivated during meditation, develops the power of our subtle senses. This capacity affirms our essential unity with all of life. It cultivates compassion, awareness, and a sense of our being in the flow of things. Using examples from meditations, I will share my experiences with lucid meditation, to show how it has helped me to be a better teacher, therapist, father, husband, and friend, and improved my sensitivity and compassion.
Lucid Meditation An Excerpt From the Book Living in the Supermind THE SUPERWORLD AND THE DREAM The Supermind dwells in the Superworld. The Superworld extends across the universes; in it we are everywhere in a moment. It is the world of thought and at the same time a world beyond thought, reaching ever higher into a sphere of undiscovered power. A world of consciousness, it embraces all things, for all things have consciousness. It is ever present, yet hidden by the veil of cynicism and doubt. The Superworld can be reached through the silent mind, but at the same time, by elevation of the self, the personality, into that spiritual High Essence called Self. This is achieved by raising our thoughts and aspiration to high realms of beauty, love and service. We experience the Superworld in our dreams, in which movement is easy, where all things are possible and reality is ever created anew. In our astral bodies, we visit the infinite realms of the dream. Finally, we visit the domain of All Love. Dreams have an important relationship to the Superworld. The Supermind can be entered in a dream. There, we can understand more deeply. Our dreams help us to evaluate progress or lack of progress in our evolution, and through them, we can prognosticate and help to find our future path. But in order to see into the future and into the way things are in the higher realm, we must drop the shackles of doubt and the inhibition we have been taught. It is absolutely necessary to take the visions we see literally. In this way, we get a feel of the power that resides within, as we inhabit the Superworld: the facility to move, create, understand and change. I have always relied on dreams to understand my patients more deeply. Now I can use them
to see into the higher world, which they and we can, and do, inhabit. Dreams are thought journeys into the future. When we take our dreams seriously, even literally, we can use them to move upward, and create. HOW DO WE MOVE THROUGH THE MIRROR TO THE DREAM WORLD? How do we move through the mirror to the dream worldand access the Supermind? To enter this world that can bring us greater love, unity, knowledge, power, confidence and beneficence, and integrate it into the plane of existence with which we are so commonly familiar? Settle into a half-dream place, a state of lucid meditation - remaining awake, and yet settling into the dream world. (A caution - remove doubt about what is seen until it can become understood and integrated with this world. Doubt is a barrier which can inhibit your movement between states.) Begin your lucid meditation in this half-asleep state. Travel into a quiet receptive mood, ready for the unexpected. Set the ego aside, no longer clinging to our sometimes selfcentered and already established assumptions. Once we have done this we have opened the gate called intuition and are ready to receive downloads from the Cosmic Mind, the Supermind that both surrounds us and is within us.
About the Author Dr. Maurie D. Pressman is the author of Living in the SuperMind -From Personal Mind to Spiritual Mind. A conventionally-trained psychiatrist, he has combined that work with studies in the high reaches of the mind. His practice focuses on spiritual psychotherapy and the exploration of the human soul. He is Emeritus Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Temple Medical School and Emeritus Chairman of Psychiatry at Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia, PA, Dr. Pressman was an early pioneer in visualization, creating a highly-successful innovative program in 1972 for Olympic ice-skaters using hypnosis and visualization.
For more information, visit www.mauriepressman.com
“If you aren’t in the moment, you are either looking forward to uncertainty, or back to pain and regret.”
Photo Credit: MarkHan (stock.xchng)
Jim Carrey
The Impoverished Soul:
Wealth as a Symptom of Sociopathy WRITTEN BY: Christian McCrory
Wealth is defined as an abundance of resources—the possession of more than what is needed. When we take stock of it all, we see that the world is a place of finite resources. If I have more than I need of those resources, shouldn’t I share at least some of it with the less fortunate? If Grok comes back with 17 billion bison, doesn’t the tribe expect him to toss a haunch or two to Derpina and her seven starving daughters? There are people in this country who are so wealthy that they could buy every homeless person in North America a place to live—and still have fortunes to spend. The question I have is: why don’t they?
Photo Credit: ardelfin (morguefile)
According to research by psychologist Paul Babiak, sociopaths are four times more likely to be found amongst a group of CEOs [1]. This makes sense: people who achieve positions of power, no matter what the institution, are more likely to have pursued them. Sociopaths crave power, so we would expect them to be overrepresented in positions that feed that need. Similarly, I would imagine that those who achieve enormous wealth—a medium of power—are also likely to have desired to achieve it. Are the very wealthy categorically more likely to be sociopaths? And perhaps more importantly, is the psychologically dysfunctional behavior of sociopaths economically rewarded in our society? The inaction of the 1% would seem to suggest that it is. As I see it, only a sociopath could be satisfied with such extreme abundance when so many do not have their basic needs met. Each of us has been nourished by society from birth: our schools, grocery stores, libraries and roads were all built for our collective benefit. Shouldn’t our individual labor profit society in the same way that society’s labor has profited us? Isn’t it time we started demanding the fruits of our labor from the swollen parasites among us?
Photo Credit: kconnors (morguefile)
Photo Credit: Ronmar (morguefile)
Nearly everyone aspires to have a more comfortable life. Once we have secured basic necessities, we strive to attain those things that we believe will enrich our lives further: a more convenient home, a nicer car, a faster computer, etc. This is a normal human tendency—there is nothing wrong with wanting to improve our lives. The question is, how far do we go in this pursuit? Income inequality in the US and other countries is greater now than it has ever been. A small number of bankers and CEOs make millions, while legions of people struggle to survive due to poverty, disability, and homelessness. Isn’t there something morally wrong with a small group of people living in exorbitant luxury while the population around them starves?
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020 There is a Christian parable that poignantly illustrates the human condition. A man asks God what the difference between heaven and hell is. First, he is shown a vision of hell, in which a party of hungry wretches is seated around a large table. Each of them is attempting to eat from a large banquet, but must use a long, silver spoon to do so. These spoons are so long, in fact, that the dinner guests find it impossible to maneuver a morsel of food into their mouthes; the food spills to the ground as they vainly attempt to eat it. Hungry and frustrated, they curse at one another in their misery. Next the man is shown a vision of heaven. It is a familiar scene. Again, people are seated at a table with a large banquet in front of them. And again, each holds a long, silver spoon, a spoon that is far too long to effectively eat with. However the guests at this dinner party are all seated and content. Here, there is no frustration and no hunger, because each guest feeds the other.
Imagine a community garden in every neighborhood, one that can sustain its population. Imagine clean and efficient public transportation, affordable healthcare, and no student debt. Imagine having the ability to fly around the world at will, as conveniently and comfortably as the plutocrats do. That’s not some far off, impossible world. That’s something we could build if only the dollars needed to do it were not being squandered by affluent sociopaths trying to feed their starving souls.
Christian Referred to the Following Sources Within this Article: [1] Babiak, Paul. Corporate Psychopathy: Talking the Walk. US National Library of Medicine. 2010. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20422644) [2] Kropotkin, Peter. Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution, Cosimo Classics, New York, NY, 2009.
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Photo Credit: vahiju (morguefile)
Photo Credit: mattox (stock.xchng)
This is not who we are meant to be. We are a fundamentally cooperative species, inclined more toward mutual aid than competition [2]. The food on our plate, the shoes on our feet, the clothes on our back—these are provided for us by the effort and attention of our fellow man. It is in our blood to provide for one another. Yet because we have lived under the competitive, dollar-hungry ethos of capitalism for centuries, many of us mistakenly believe that the sole purpose of work is to provide for ourselves. We have lost sight of the original purpose of work: to improve upon the circumstances of our community.
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Animal Testing &
Exploitation ...less than 2% of illnesses that humans get are ever seen in animals....
Photo Credit: xandert (morguefile)
It is estimated that between 14 and 70 million animals are used each year in experiments and animal testing practices. This number is so broad because currently there is no law that requires these animals and their uses to be documented. These animals are simply used, abused and then thrown out with the justification that it is for the greater good of humanity. Surely if someone were to dump corrosive material on their dog and a neighbor were there to witness it they would be charged, so what makes this okay for the big companies that conduct these tests and experiments? The industry claims that in performing these tests on animals it will prevent human suffering and potentially human lives in the future. Other people such as animal activists and the like say that this testing is inhumane and cruel. What is important to look at is why are we even producing products and conducting tests that can cause harm and death on any living being, animals or humans? Is there not an alternative way that is in more alignment with the Earth and its inhabitants?
Is societies idea of beauty worth the suffering that is inflicted upon millions of animals? Testing for cosmetics and beauty products such as concealer, lipstick, nail polish, shampoo, conditioner, mascara, blush, powder, face cream, sunscreen, body lotion, make-up remover, toothpaste, mouthwash, cleaning supplies and many more everyday items are all products that most brands have probably tested on animals. Not only that, many pharmaceuticals, drugs, and even foods are regularly tested on animals and many animals are used for experimentation purposes and studies only. When we take a look at tests performed by the pharmaceutical industries we should note that less than 2% of illnesses that humans get are ever seen in animals, less than 98% are NEVER seen in animals. Another interesting fact is that smoking was considered to be safe because
WRITTEN BY: Alanna Ketler EMAIL:
[email protected] BLOG: www.collective-evolution.com/author/alanna
animals cannot get lung cancer, so they performed tests on animals to test smoking and they found it to be safe because none of the rats developed cancer. This shows that many of the diseases that humans are capable of getting lab animals are not, so why bother to do these tests? Is it maybe so the false results can be glorified and these products can be regarded as GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe?) It is interesting to note that animal testing is not even required by law. The companies that perform these gruesome tests do so to protect their companies. They are choosing to use products that are potentially unsafe and therefore require some kind of testing. If they didn’t test it and someone was to use their mascara and go blind from it they would be sued for sure. So they are choosing to use unsafe chemicals and tests on animals to make sure that the products are safe enough to be used on humans. Nowadays there are many alternative methods available to animal testing. They actually have the technology to reproduce human skin and perform their tests that way. Which, when you think about it makes a lot more sense anyways. There are many alternative options like this available now and many companies are switching to cruelty free. There are tests that are more accurate than animal testing ever was to seeing the potential reaction for humans. The best way to contribute to banning this archaic practice for good is to choose cruelty free products, and purchase brands that are against animal testing. Buy natural organic products with plant-based ingredients, it is safe to say that these products are so harmless that they wouldn’t need to be tested on animals in the first place. On March 11th, 2013 the European Union took a huge step forward in eliminating animal testing and products tested on animals for good. They outlawed the practice of animal testing and ALL products that have been tested on animals worldwide. This is amazing, this goes to show that when we are passionate about something and we care for the greater good of humanity and our planet that when we come together and unite as one we can accomplish great things in changing what is sometimes said to be unchangeable. Some people say you can’t change the system, that’s just the way it is, but acts like this go to show that there is room for change and the first step to creating these big changes on the planet is to create awareness. Please speak up about the issues that you think are important!
Getting to Know & Deal With the
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Photo Credit: taliesin (morguefile)
Drama and teenagers seem to go together like peanut butter and jelly, however I don’t think it’s intentional….it just happens! Drama can be a common occurrence with adults as well, but we don’t always call it “drama” we call it “grown-up stuff” but it’s still essentially the same thing. So let’s define what drama is. According to Dictionary. com it’s any situation or series of events having vivid, emotional, conflicting, or striking interest/ results. My definition of drama is when we have a negative emotional charge to a situation, and we then allow it to become the focal point of our day, week or life, and it’s always being magnified to appear much larger then it is! This can be created within our own personal life situations or we can allow ourselves to be engaged in someone else’s life situation. I found in my work with teenagers that one of the top things that influenced their life was the drama they got involved in, mostly at school with their friends. They would allow this drama to affect their mood, their sense of wellbeing, their friendships and their life at home.
Photo Credit: taliesin (morguefile)
WRITTEN BY: Kimberly Ross
Drama happens when we are paying more attention to what others are doing and very little attention to what we are doing. Some people seem to thrive on it, and when I say thrive I don’t mean in a positive way! Drama is judgment in action, as we take any given situation and judge it as right or wrong, good or bad according to our own personal views and beliefs without taking into consideration other peoples beliefs or perceptions or other underlying factors. Teenagers are generally in a place where they are very focused in their world and trying to assert their own identity within that world. Some of these teenagers would like to include others in their world on their terms without realizing that perhaps it’s okay to just allow others to have their own experiences. It would be a good thing for teens to learn early on that we are not on this planet to force our point of view or take on the responsibilities of others, but to learn, grow and realize our own potential.
Have a personal issue regarding your children that you would like guidance on? Be sure to contact Kimberly directly:
[email protected]
OF YOUR TEENAGER disallow any given situation to be part of their life in an empowering or disempowering way. Teenagers do not always understand that by not engaging in drama they are asserting their own power of choice and taking responsibility for their own emotions, which frees them from being emotionally manipulated by situations outside of themselves. This translates into significantly less stress in their lives and better relationships all around.
Get to Know the Author: A Youthworker and mother of three, Kimberly would like to use this monthly column to share with you the reader some of the things she has both learnt and observed of who she believes is the most interesting population on the planet: THE TEENAGER. She does not claim to be an expert, nor does she have all of the answers, but she always has and still does have quite a love for communicating with this generation of courageous souls. Souls that are innundated with both pressures and preceived obligations from parents, school and peers (just to name a few). All while trying to figure out their own independence and who they truly are. Look out for Kimberly’s column in each month’s issue of CE Magazine.
Photo Credit: matthew_hull (morguefile)
When engaging in a personal drama we will have an emotional trigger to something that is going on in our lives, and instead of exploring the reason behind the emotional trigger and working on clearing it so we can come to a place of peace, we allow the emotion to take over and be our primary focus. This usually entails living in that space as well as trying to bring others into that space with us. As a parent you have either experienced it yourself first hand or you have witnessed it or have been a part of it with your teenager. When your teen comes home from school distressed by some drama that has unfolded with his or her friends, talk to them about it. Don’t dismiss their feelings as silly or superficial because what they are experiencing is real to them! This is an opportunity to discover with your teen why the situation is causing anxiety, frustration or anger, it’s a window of insight to your teen’s own beliefs about themselves. It is important to take the time to listen fully to whatever has unfolded, meaning being very present and allow them to voice all the gory details about what has transpired, their feelings about it and how they feel it’s impacting on them personally. By listening to them without judgment and with understanding you are giving your teen an opportunity to share an important part of their life with you, which in turn shows them you are an available support system for them. Secondly (because you have done your own personal work and realize that this situation has come to your teen as an opportunity for growth and personal awareness) you can offer them some conscious guidance on how to move through it so that they gain an understanding of how they can allow or
Our dark side is not just evidenced by heinous and horrific acts of crime and injustice. It can show up often in very subtle ways. For example, it appears when a driver cuts you off and you react by swearing or getting angry. It sneaks in when you gossip about a co-worker or friend behind their back. It emerges when you criticize your partner or child for something they have done or failed to do. The list of how our dark side shows up in our lives is endless. It isn’t just found in what society would label the most wanted or dangerous people. It is found within each and every one of us residing on this planet who means well. Our dark side is a part of our mental programming within our sub-conscious minds. The dark side is triggered by our intentions, limiting beliefs and fears. It then emerges energetically through our thoughts that we have about others and ourselves and is acted upon in our words and behaviors. Often when it does show up, we tend to feel deep shame, guilt and judgment toward it and would
prefer to bury it or avoid understanding why it decided to pop in when it did. But dealing with your dark side in this manner is not helpful and will not prevent it from showing up again during the course of your lifetime. Rejecting those aspects of your personality in fact begin to amplify your dark side. How many times have you promised that you would be kinder and gentler toward yourself and those you cared about, only to react negatively and with judgment the next time something happened that wasn’t to your liking? It is not because you are a, “bad person,” or that there is something, “wrong,” with you. It is merely showing up because that part of your existence is in need of being understood and embraced.
Photo Credit: boogy_man stock.xchng)
Photo Credit: WiseWander (stock.xchng)
We all have a dark side, a shadow that lurks deep within us. This dark side that resides within every human being exists simply because we have chosen to experience duality. It is not something that we can avoid as human beings. Although we try to avoid it or control it as much as we can, this dark side is a part of our existence. Our dark sides appear in varying degrees and is often most prevalent in the world around us. Turn on the news and open the newspaper and you will see humanity’s dark side. From wars, to genocides, to local murders and robberies, these are very clear examples of human nature’s dark side.
We tend to praise ourselves when we act out of love and kindness, but we judge when the opposite is true. We do this because our culture has greatly misunderstood and judged our dualistic nature.
Be sure to follow Vanessa on Twitter:
DARK SIDE OPEN HEART-OPEN MIND Vanessa Petronelli B.A., W.W.H.P. & Certified Yoga and Mindfulness Teacher From an early age Vanessa knew that her path in life would revolve around specializing in several areas of human growth and development including “deprogramming” from limiting belief systems, detachment from ego and self-love. She is a life coach and healer, teaches yoga and meditation and facilitates workshops and retreats.
Her passion and purpose is to assist in humanity’s evolution in consciousness through the facilitation of coaching, providing healings, writing and teaching yoga/meditation. www.openheart-openmind.ca EMAIL:
[email protected]
We have been taught that we should reward the positive side of our human existence and punish the negative or dark side. To some extent this has worked in our world and is a large part of keeping our population under security and in control. As we move forward, however, these attitudes toward this part of our experience will not be congruent in a Unity Consciousness. You cannot love one part of your existence and live in fear of the other. To embody your wholeness means that you must lovingly accept all parts of who you are, including the darker parts. This is not an excuse to act out your darkness, but as a reminder of our daily challenge to work from a deep and inner place of love. Our dark side holds many wonderful gifts about the true nature of who we are, what we are here to learn, what we need to transcend and how we need to evolve. Our dark side is showing us where love is not residing or flowing fluidly. It has in many ways protected our deepest insecurities, fears and past hurts from happening again, it has kept us alive and in a state of survival and it has valuable lessons and gifts that are waiting to be discovered. If you can view your dark side merely as sub-personalities that are looking to be understood, acknowledged and loved, then you will see that many of your experiences within and around you will drastically shift and transform. You will no longer be denying a part of your existence that you once judged harshly. You will form a deeper level of compassion toward yourself and others and you will learn
BLOG: www.openheart-openmind.ca
to love and accept your human nature and experience fully. When you dig deep into your dark side and you work through those parts of you, then and only then, will you begin to really love yourself and the world through a lens of unconditional love.
Vanessa is also a regular contributor to the CE Website. Be sure to check out some of her most popular articles:
Photo Credit: hotblack (morguefile)
WRITTEN BY: Vanessa Petronelli
The Magic of Meetup:
My Awakening Through Community
Credit: kajrdj (stock.xchng)
It’s been about three years since I decided that my cognitive therapy had gotten me about as far as I needed to go in getting through some rather intense anxiety and depression. I felt that I needed to end my isolation, and so after a search on Meetup.com, I found myself in an Eckhart Tolle group, led by Michael Jeffreys. Eckhart Tolle is the best-selling author of the Power of Now, and I hoped that by being “present” I could alleviate some of the demons that were haunting me. It had taken all I could muster just to get in the car and drive to Santa Monica, and had remained silent in the group for one or two meetings when Michael asked a simple question. He turned to me when he asked, “So Tom, can you accept not knowing?” Our eyes met and I realized that this was a core issue for me, and I shook my head fiercely and emphatically “No.” That was really the beginning of some amazing insights. I had to confront the fact that I had bought into the (unquestioned) belief that I should and ought to “know” many things – how to earn a decent living, plan for the future, take care of myself and loved ones, and so on. Particularly as a man, I felt that I should be “in control” of many aspects of life.
And yet, right then and there, I had to admit to myself that I had to surrender – that ultimately there were many many many things I did not and could never know—or control. And in fact this sense of acceptance and surrender began to ease many of my fears—I gradually began to “drop the burden” of seeking perfection. After being confronted with this stark reality the next insight that really helped was understanding Eckhart’s concept of Victimhood. Like many I had always assumed that having an “Ego” meant being arrogant and selfassured. In the Meetup we discovered that the Ego can also “feast” on a sense of worthlessness and negativity— it is just impersonal energy and doesn’t care how it gets attention.
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BLOG: lifeisintelligent.wordpress.com
Michael suggested that instead of “playing the victim” we instead experiment and “become the Scientist;” that is, observing and if possible putting aside any pre-judgment of a situation or labeling it as a “problem” and instead just seeing how it played out. I soon discovered that this created a space in which many things that I had previously decided were “wrong” could just be accepted—it was not the situation itself that was the “problem,” but merely the story I discovered I was mired in telling about what ought to happen. Eventually this dynamic of creating a space for the unknown led to another key aspect in my recovery – laughter. I had always assumed that any “spiritual search” was a serious quest; in the Meetups there were belly laughs as people shared their absurd experiences coming up against their wrong assumptions. In my case I received a letter from AT&T and described how I immediately got into a rage about their poor service and how they were going to screw me before I opened the envelope. Then when I got upstairs, inside the letter I found an unexpected refund check for $50. We all laughed at the insanity of how the ego-mind tells us things that make us suffer, and then turn out to be completely wrong. The laughter and participation felt so good (which was a long lost feeling for me) that I took Michael up on his offer of doing a private session. We met in a beautiful park and I came prepared with a whole list of “issues.” But I sensed how many of my most pressing concerns faded when we let ourselves take in the beauty of the park and watch the ducks glide across a pond. The one thing that landed for me that day was the realization that the ego – or the voice in my head – was really just another sound, like the people talking or the cars driving by. This was the beginning of the recognition-on a deeply personal and experiential level--that who “I” was might not be what I had always suspected.
Photo Credit: ardanea (morguefile)
WRITTEN BY: Tom Bunzel
030 Like Eckhart Tolle in his description of his own awakening, I was confronting the true source of my suffering and I could begin to sense a way out—by suspending judgment and scientifically observing the effect of my “self-talk.” Perhaps I could go deeper—and finally feel better again. I noticed more and more how my suffering was the result of my conditioned reactions, not actual situations. Michael does another exercise which is to try to locate physically where in your body “you” actually reside. Many of us immediately pointed to a spot behind our eyes – ostensibly our brain. That’s because our idea about who we are – the sound in our skull – thoughts – are so compelling and real. (The key to this exercise by the way is becoming quiet and to actually do it, and– not to think about doing it) You may well discover something surprising… But of course you could be comatose or lobotomized and still “exist.” Your breathing, digestion, circulation and other functions would still “operate” – in fact so would some parts of your brain. As Eckhart Tolle suggests, it is a much higher “knowing” intelligence that truly controls those functions. I think the key to the success of the Meetups (and our private sessions) was the questioning of so many “transparent” beliefs that I had always taken for granted. With my computer background, I could now see them clearly as self-running and perpetuating “programs”—with “me” as their observer. Using this “software model” I realized that I was much more than “hardware” – in fact, I was an energetic program (verb) rather than a static file (noun.) But an even more significant aspect of the Meetup experience is exactly that –the experience. By taking an active role and “trying” things rather than prejudging them and then noticing the reality rather than the anticipated outcome experientially a completely new set of circumstances emerged, at first slowly and then like a torrent. It is amazing to confront factually and not hypothetically the amazing distinction between life and your thoughts about life. I am always brought back to the final one of Byron Katie’s Four Questions in the Work: “Who would you be without that belief?”
The Meetups provides a chance to see experientially that you are not alone in the way you’ve been conditioned, and to share experiences with others who have many of the same struggles. What the group provides is the direct experience of how thoughts are not “real” in the same way that life (which we somehow take for granted like the fish takes water for granted) is the bedrock of reality. When you sit in that room you are in a space where you can be honest and share, and also observe the workings of your own mind as it tries to maintain control of your sense of personal identity. One final example in the group brought this point home. There was (not surprisingly) a woman who attended a Meetup whom I wanted to get to know better. I anticipated her attendance one afternoon and she showed up and did not acknowledge me. Throughout the entire Meetup I noticed myself obsessing about what to say or how to act and then at the end we said hello and went our separate ways. I considered this in the car and then I literally burst out into laughter when I realized that everything in my mind – my entire afternoon of obsession and thought had made me “miss” most of the Meetup and she was obviously unaware and oblivious to all of my intense mental activity – because something entirely different and opaque to me was also playing out in her mind (in fact she went up at the end to discuss “her issues” with Michael and was herself in a world of her own, as I was in mine.) I realized then that between her thoughts which I could not know, and my thoughts which she was also unaware of, there had a been a flow of Life that I had missed entirely. I had met the enemy (as the comic strip Pogo once said) and it was “me:” the yacking me which consumed my attention. What a relief to first notice the source of my unhappiness and ultimately to be able to drop so much of it. For my entire life I had been seeking my passion, and now I realized that this very work –this objective observation of what is and my own tendencies to subjectively judge it, not only yielded immense dividends in a lessening of suffering—but also opened me to amazing experiences and discoveries, and made life fun again.
Tom Bunzel is a speaker and nonfiction writer in high tech, and a consultant and technology coach in the fields of digital video, multimedia, presentations and social media. His books Tools of Engagement: Presenting and Training in a World of Social Media and Presence of Mind: Journey to a New Operating System are available on Amazon. Website: http://www.professorppt.com Blog: lifeisintelligent.wordpress.com
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”
Photo Credit: boogy_man (stock.xchng)
Albert Einstein
CE Interview of the Month:
Collective Evolution
Sitting Down with Joe Martino
In this month’s interview we will be talking to someone you might all be a bit familiar with, he has been the key member behind CE and has been working hard at it since it all started 4 years ago. Let’s welcome Joe Martino. While I’m familiar with you but the rest are probably not, so why not start with a bit about yourself? Not a problem. I’m 5’10, brown hair, I enjoy long walks on the beach and thoroughly cleaning dust from under kitchen appliances on my Saturdays. In all seriousness, I’m a person who’s passionate about the message I share and try to inspire others to not only make change within this world but to find peace and joy in their lives. This isn’t just a new thing for me, as a kid I always felt the urge to do things differently and deep down I always knew things wouldn’t stay the way they were forever. This doesn’t mean I didn’t do all the things every other kid did. I was big into sports, especially baseball, I loved creating games and using my imagination, scoping out old abandon houses and of course playing video games. In fact most of those things are still appealing to me I just don’t spend as much time doing them. Inside and outside of CE, I am a regular guy who enjoys sports, cooking, nature, hanging with friends and doing ANYTHING that involves baseball. My dream as a kid was to one day play in the MLB but life took a different path. Who know’s though, maybe I can still make a run at it?
It’s never too late! So tell us how CE got started? It started up when, for me personally, I was going through some interesting times. I was in and out of depression and college. (Yes there was a direct relationship! You can figure it out.) You could say I was at a ‘low point’ in my life and at that time I was searching a lot for answers. Answers to questions about life, how our world functions, outer space, aliens, spirituality, world events, everything! Several of my friends were in this same boat at the time so it made for some very interesting nights and conversations. It wasn’t long before the idea to create an online platform for all of this came and next thing you know, there was Collective Evolution. My buddy Mike and I were sitting in a library talking about a website name when I said to myself, “Okay so the collective is essentially evolving, consciously, so ‘Collective Evolution’ is an option.“ We wrote that down and kept making a list of keywords. We didn’t look back at the name again for several hours and then realized, wait a minute, that’s perfect! It’s funny how something can go from thinking nothing of it to now being a world-wide community that millions access a month. Since then I’ve taken the role of leading it and CE has gone from simply being a website to now producing documentaries, radio, social media, events, and this magazine. Been a great journey.
How time flies over 4 years eh? So what inspires you to do this work? It flies so fast, much of the journey feels like yesterday. Well since I was a kid I dreamt of massive global change. I always felt it was possible and by the time I was 18 years old I was passionate about looking into how to make it all happen. By The time I was 22 I really wanted to do something about it and that’s when CE came to be. Now being 26 I can say that my main inspiration is the same, only slightly wiser I guess haha. Before it was about simply making the world run better, more efficiently, no war, no pain, and no suffering. As I got older I realized the huge importance of consciousness and expanding your own understanding of who you are. Things like disempowering the ego and going beyond belief systems and self-induced limitations is a huge part of all of this. The greatest suffering actually all stems from not being aware of who we truly are beyond our thoughts. Long story short, what inspires me now is still the desire to make this world a better place. Help myself, as well as everyone else, achieve peace and joy in their life and turn this world into something that’s foundation is co-operation, harmony, peace and expansion. I can’t say that doing CE is easy, it comes with a lot of challenge and a ton of public backlash. What makes it easy to get through it all is knowing what I’m working towards.
Nicely put. Can you tell us what you are currently working on and doing? Well aside from the day-to-day stuff that goes on with CE i.e. website upkeep, social media, emails, writing etc. I am in the midst of writing CE3. It’s the final installment to ‘The Collective Evolution’ series of documentaries and in my opinion I think this is going to be the best one! Of course they all are helpful and have their own purpose, but this one comes with more experience, a new approach and a very important message. It’s an exciting project that is still a few months away from completion but each day it’s
taking a step forward. I am looking forward to when post production begins because as you know it’s at this time that the toothpicks come out and epic editing moments begin.
Those are great times! The documentaries all seemed to blend into one another in their creation. CE2 started right after CE1 and CE3 right after CE2. Since this is the end, are you hoping to take a break? That’s a good question as in my mind right now I would say yes, just like I said I wanted to take a break after CE1. But sometimes you can’t stop the ideas and inspiration of a project once it wants to get in there. Before CE1 was even fully complete CE2 was starting to hit paper. In the middle of writing CE2, CE3 had it’s own brainstorm web and general idea. So long as that doesn’t happen again, there should be a break! In the end, yeah a break from making docs would be good. But there are also outside plans to get an earthship community going here near Toronto so if that takes off then I’m sure my attention will go there for a long while. It’s all fun to me though regardless of the challenges at time, so I don’t worry to much about what happens next. Just going with the flow of it all for now. Sounds like a plan. Thanks for takin the time to go ahead and do this today! Was my pleasure!
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WRITTEN BY: Randi Schwartz
Photo Credit: presto44 (morguefile)
If you’re lucky enough to experience a true tragedy in your life and are still living, you will most likely experience a paradigm shift of your own. When you realize that all you held as true, the basis from which all your dreams and goals are rooted has been based on un-truth, you get shaken to the core. After all, fundamental beliefs are the foundation upon where a home is built. Your home is only as strong as its’foundation. If the time arises when you realize your foundation has been constructed from the wrong material...you must rebuild. Use new material. Take your time. Do your research. You know what is best, what will bring you to your most productive levels. Only you can find your way to the point where you experience a true paradigm shift. Tangible changes naturally spawning from this shift would be visceral, permeating every facet of your life experience. Your new way of thinking and believing will affect the way you live your life from this minute on. Are you gonna be a victim? or are you gonna be a victor? Are you going to strive for what is REAL or slave for what is temporary? And what will you teach your children to do, and what will anybody learn?
Some truths we as Americans have based our lives on turned out not to be. Systems upon which we built our hopes and dreams- life expectations- “The American Dream”- has turned a flip-side. The products, the credit- the debt, the bankruptcies…..predatory lending, opportunistic borrowing…the idea that our resources on earth are infinite….these models fall short; similarly, our waning resources. How many petroleum products are we “dependant” on in 2013? A very wide spectrum of frivolous products, indeed. Paradigm shift- implemented, would necessitate prioritizing, under a new conviction. I am embarrassed to be a human in these times….styrofoam everywhere, to say the least. Somehow in the name of progress, we have become “dependant” on a plethora of convenience items- whose engineering and development seems not to have taken into account the question – where does it all go?
Subsequently asking- where did it come from, who are we funding by making purchases, do I support their cause? Do our beliefs conflict? Do I want to contribute to the demise or the rebuild? I can understand, when the products were new, and the technology was changing, the idea we were living on unending supply for our demand. Everything became disposable, and it didn’t matter. Now, in 2013, we are conceding to the fact that we are running out of resources, on refuse. People overeat and get so engorged in their own bodies they opt for stomach surgery- to lose weight. The use of plastics in our disposable society is deplorable. Continuing these trends is unforgivable. Our children are growing up in a world which seems to have absolutely no respect for the planet we are living from. It’s an “I want” world, with no personal responsibility attached. Very inconvenient conveniences at the end of the day. We, as a society- in both America and beyond- need to have a paradigm shift for survival. When you feel the urgency, the urgency for change- starting in your own home is a great place to implement lifestyle transformation. Reduce your consumerism. I have ousted- paper towels, plastic cups, bottled water, individually wrapped food items, pointless- plastic junk toys for my child, - and substituted them for more sustainable and economical products. I make my own laundry soap, deodorant and cleaning fluids, substitute natural oils for processed lotions- and when I do veer off the course, it is luxuryas opposed to a staple. We must create a new mindset, based on a personal paradigm shift. When applying these changes, you begin to realize just how much society has taken for granted, how spending money is encouragedhow new products don’t take into account the global cost of hyper-consumerism and the disposable mentality. The reliance on instant gratification is crippling. Our children know of nothing else. It is time to increase awareness and take action. Where the “rubber meets the road” on this?- Truly implementing change in your life, setting examples and educating your children. They can nurture the changes when we increase their awareness. A paradigm shift indeed, for all humanity, one which would devalue money and highly value kindness and empathy-as well as appreciating the ecological toll our hyper consumerism has taken on our PLANET….. people taking some personal responsibility would change our world. Let’s get started.
Randi is one of 4 new writers being featured for the 1st time in CE Magazine
The Meaning of Software -
Is Living Intelligence
WRITTEN BY: Tom Bunzel
When I recently watched the controversial YouTube video Ring of Power 2 Monkey Blood I was once again confronted with a stark reality – viewed with the benefit history, the extraordinary “myths” of antiquity make so much more sense. Now that we have developed genetic sequencing, for example, or the decoding of genetic information with supercomputers, the very name “Genesis”, according to the film, crystallizes as “Gene of Isis.” For a people that had no inkling of how they were created, the only way to explain advanced technology was mythology. But we use computers every day. If we say DNA is software, it means something to us. Or it should. When people hear the phrase computer code or programming their eyes glaze over; and, indeed, the entire new world of apps on tablets and smart phones has served to separate ordinary technology users from the magic that takes place in their devices. It is even more significant when we begin to “grok” that a similar kind of code that runs our technology is also at work in our cells. We don’t need to seek “intelligent life” on other planets. We are it. Let me give you a taste of what it may mean in one small example: “Object-oriented” programming allows developers to create blocks of code that can be reused in various programs. For example, a Microsoft developer might use the block of code that a web page… (You can see the HTML code for any web page by clicking View Source in your browser.)
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BLOG: lifeisintelligent.wordpress.com
As I’ve written in the past, another very simple example of such code is a Word macro like this: Sub red() ‘ red Macro’ ActiveDocument.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, 93#, 43.5, 117.75, _ 141.75).Select Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(192, 0, 0) Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.Visible = msoTrue Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.Solid End Sub To anyone not familiar with computer code, this is a language called VBA (Visual Basic for Applications); A “Sub” stands for “subroutine,” or simply a block of symbols that contain meaning—in this case when the macro runs this all happens in the blink of an eye and a red rectangle appears on the page. In Microsoft Word this “happens” as a result of user input (Mouse Click) and the macro “runs” (lives) as the Code executes. Remember again that DNA in our cells works the same way—as Juan Enriquez says in the TED Talks video I always quote, the apple (a program or executable) is on a branch--when sunlight hits it, its code executes (like the macro code above), and the apple falls from the tree. Remember that DNA controls (instructs) our various systems using chemicals according to four letters of our alphabet that we have chosen to represent those proteins – A, C, T and G. Changing the letters’ order creates a different manifestation of life… More on this in a minute.
Our macro (program) creates a rectangle which it fills with the color value which represents red, the RGB value of which is (192, 0, 0) If you want to check this color value for yourself, open a program like Photoshop and enter the RGB value for a tool like the eyedropper, and you’ll see it for yourself. This gives you the first inkling of how mathematics is representing a quality or property—here it’s a simple color value.
In programming terms, we have set the “property” of the object (rectangle) to be a Fill Color with this value (Red.) In the case of DNA, as it is sequenced (decoded) by supercomputers, our own genetic code is what instructs the genes to combine as one of a set of amino acids (chemicals) to express—and these various combinations can be decoded as four letters, A, C, T and G. (And in fact within the supercomputers for sequencing, they are sometimes also associated with specific colors so that A=Blue, C=Green, T=Yellow, G=Red.) Of course the actual letter, color or RGB value (number) only has a meaning assigned by the human intelligence that uses it to figure out the instructions— but within our DNA the code intrinsically represents a meaning for the expression of Life. This potential of the apple to execute (fall) is a “property” of the apple that is the result of its DNA (code.) If its DNA instructed Life to form a banana (different
sequence of A, C, T and G), it would not execute the same way (live) because of its different properties. Ironically, the apple’s color property is also often red – the computer image of a banana would manifest a different “RGB value” – yellow.
Of course when we consider our DNA we often think we also have certain “properties” – eye color, hair color or on a more complex level, perhaps a tendency (or potential “property”) for diabetes or depression. (Consider the RGB value of “blue” eyes) What determines whether we manifest those properties? Simply put – Life. But what are we? Are we the programmed object that is the block of code (the body of cells – or the nucleus with the DNA?) At first look it might appear so – but the “object” you were at birth is hardly the same as the one you are now —although the code in your cells is similar (DNA can also change as you grow and develop, as can the brain—a property called neuroplasticity). We can “reprogram” ourselves and biologists have discovered (Bruce Lipton, among others) that DNA responds to input from the environment—this is the new field of Epigenetics. Environmental input (sunlight for the apple) triggers Life’s DNA code the same way that a mouseclick (input) triggers computer code.
038 And so you aren’t even really your properties (programmed code) or “methods” (abilities) – (one of Microsoft Word’s methods would be to create text on a page; another method would be to send data to a printer). Rather, the truest aspect of what “you” are is the manifestation or execution of the code from moment to moment – which is Life. Indeed the very notion that you are a separately programmed “object” apart from the rest of Life is the result of our own very “human” programming – it’s “wired” into your brain as a concept or thought. It does not exist in nature. When you begin to consider that thought is just another programmed “property” of your evolved brain (and again, not a “thing” –but an aspect or property as with the computer programmed object –the macro –you may realize that you are no “thing” but rather the consciousness (mental attribute or property) that is all of Life. In computer terms, you are a “program” (being), not a “file” (thing or noun). You live… As Buckminster Fuller once put it, “I think I am a verb” (being) – not a noun (object). DNA code therefore represents the incredible manifestation of a vast intelligence, with the infinite perfection of mathematics, which is reflected in all of Nature. And its discovery suggests that none of “us” are separate “things” but rather the properties that are manifested through the endless, infinite and magical evolutionary processes of Life itself.
Did our ancestors understand this? The YouTube video suggests that we are the remnants of a race that inhabited the planet Venus, and that global warming dried up their oceans and seven of them landed here, and began Atlantis (sort of like the Superman story). They had “special powers” (aka technology) and were worshipped as Gods (like Steve Jobs?) But what if they simply understood more about the various frequencies and the nature of consciousness; in other words they were advanced in their understanding of a more supreme Being –Life itself? Much more of who and what we are might begin to make sense. Science is beginning to catch up to this realization, as fields like quantum physics come up against the barriers of our own consciousness—which is Life itself. This is what has made “one theory of everything” so hard to achieve in physics and has given rise to a new field: biophysics. In one of my blogs I put forth a “theory of bio-relativity” to take our “being” and consciousness into account. But perhaps more significantly, another noted biologist and leader in stem cell research, and Chief Science Officer of Advanced Cell Research, Dr. Robert Lanza, has written a book on this topic, called Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe. It is our profound understanding of the meaning of code, and how it operates within life impersonally and mathematically, that I believe can open us to this new perspective on reality, and our true nature.
Tom Bunzel is a speaker and nonfiction writer in high tech, and a consultant and technology coach in the fields of digital video, multimedia, presentations and social media. His books Tools of Engagement: Presenting and Training in a World of Social Media and Presence of Mind: Journey to a New Operating System are available on Amazon. Website: http://www.professorppt.com Blog: lifeisintelligent.wordpress.com
of the month
Photo Credit: Amanda Voisard
This months cool tech find looks at a technology that isn’t necessarily new, but is doing things that are assisting humanity in multiple ways the more we learn about it. That technology is 3D printing and it is a fascinating area of technology that is digging its roots deep in an attempt to become a strong option for automating the building of useful tools for humanity moving forward. If 3D printing is new to you than you are in for a treat. Imagine being able to print out any object you wish with the click of a button. Whether it is multicolored, has moving parts or is made from multiple types of materials, 3D printing can build that object for you in minutes. OK maybe it’s not quite that simple, but it will still amaze you.
Industry defines 3D printing as being able to automatically output three-dimensional objects based on a digital model. Instead of the traditional methods of machining where raw materials go through a process of layer removal in order to achieve the end product, 3D
? Photo Credit: Grafixar (morguefile)
[email protected] BLOG: www.collective-evolution.com/author/joe
printing focuses on adding layers to create the desired result. This additive technique allows for objects to be completed with moving and functioning parts as details are added layer by layer. Currently, objects can be printed and made up of materials like alloy metals, thermoplastic, paper, photopolymer, ceramic powers, titanium alloys and more. 3D printing has been used to print anything from tools to machine parts, to fossils and eating utensils. What we wanted to focus on today however is quite a fascinating print. Constructed from plastic, 3D printing has created it’s first exact anatomical replica of the hearts of medical patients with unusual heart complications. The model you see pictured was printed at the Children’s National Medical Center in Washington DC. Laura Olivieri who is a pediatric cardiologist at the center says these models allow for doctors to perform dry runs on very complex operations without any risk to patients. This allows them to determine the possible troubles that can be encountered and gives them a good look at the anatomical differences in the hearts they deal with during these operations. They were able to create the model hearts by building a digital model through ultrasound scans of patients hearts. This gave the printer enough data to work with to be able to the replica one layer at a time. The hospital has plans to one day create real tissue with the 3D printer. This is not the first attempt at medical related 3D prints, researchers at Cornell University created an artificial ear that was seeded with cells from cows. It seems that if we can think of it and create a digital image, we can print it. Imagine the possibilities if we began using this technology to its full potential.
Know a COOL TECH FIND that you want to see featured in an upcoming issue of CE Magazine? Share it with us:
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This month I chose to connect yoga poses to each chakra in the body instead of doing a flow. There are many poses that would be suitable for each chakra I just took a couple of my favorites and united them accordingly with how I felt, but please don’t feel you
need to stop there, explore! Explore! Explore! We all carry our own experiences and knowledge so we are all going to find our own imbalances within our bodies. Balancing the chakras helps balance our mind, body and soul.
ROOT CHAKRA - Half Lotus Half Lotus
The first chakra is located at the base of the spine. The root chakra is what grounds our physical body to the earth. I chose HALF LOTUS for this chakra; you’re welcome to take the full lotus if you practise it. Whichever you choose, start with the grounding of your sit-bones on your mat and the ability to align the chakras to the universe sitting straight is why I would relate either to the root chakra. Once in the pose take at least 25 breaths, allow for yourself to calm the voices in your head and bring your awareness to the base of your spine, where the root chakra is located. Use your breath to let go and allow yourself to connect with the ground beneath you.
SACRAL CHAKRA - Extended Side The second chakra is located in your pelvic area, and is the center of passion and creativity, giving us the gift to be able to experience our lives through feeling and sensation. EXTENDED SIDE angle is a good pose for this chakra because it stretches through the hips and the core, allowing the muscles in the pelvis to be pulled in opposite directions for maximum stretch. Come from standing at the top of your mat, inhale, take a step out with your right foot turn your right toes out to face the back of your mat on your exhale. Align your feet heel to arch, so that the foot of the front heel lines up to the arch of the left foot behind. Bend the right knee forward keeping the knee over the ankle at all times, if you need to adjust the back foot accordingly do so to ensure the front knee stays over the ankle. Take your right palm and place the palm flat fingers spread down on the mat to the inside of the right foot for support. Drop your sit bones and sweep your left arm down up and around to reach over to the right side. Drop your shoulder away from your ears and pull your belly button into the spine. Hold the pose on either side for a minimum of 5 breaths and bring your focus to your sacral chakra, to focus and fuel your creativity and passion.
As you practice this month’s routine regularly observe for any changes in both your body and your state of being. Take note of anything and feel free to contact me should you have any questions. Also stay posted to CE Magazine for future yoga routines, tips and practices.
041 SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA - High Lunge The third chakra is located between the naval and the solar plexus and is considered to be your “power center,” or what my teacher calls our “magic button.” Confidence and owning your own power stems from this chakra. HIGH LUNGE, almost reminds me of the main character in the movie “Superstar,” when she lungs forward with confidence and screams “I’m a superstar.” I wanted to use it in pairing to the solar plexus chakra for the idea of that confidence I imagine, since we are all superstars. Come into this pose from DOWNWARD DOG, inhale your right leg first into the air, exhale swing it forward and place it between your palms on the mat. Inhale and your raise your arms up over your head. Close your eyes and take 5 breaths focused on how amazing you are, as well as the spot in your body where your third chakra is located.
High Lunge
HEART CHAKRA - Hero Pose Our fourth chakra is located at heart center, this chakra connects us to love and the knowing that we are all more highly connected to each other and everything around us. Opening our heart chakra allows us to connect to our true essence. I have chosen hero pose to best fit the opening of the heart chakra. Start by sitting you bum down between your feet with your knees bent in front of you. Inhale and find length in the spine, exhale lay yourself back, take your arms out to the side face the palms up. Encourage you hips to tilt forward opening through the hip flexors and allowing for your heart to shine to the universe. Close your eyes and focus on your heart and all the love you have for yourself and those around you.
Hero Pose
THROAT CHAKRA - Ear Pressure Posture Ear Pressure Posture
The fifth chakra is found at our throat, and is the chakra connecting to our communication, and the ability to be able to speak ones inner truth, regardless of what influences may be lingering. EAR PREASSURE POSTURE is a good way to reach our fifth chakra. Start by lying on your back lay your arms down along side your body palms facing down, fingers spread. Push into the back of your head to protect your neck and inhale your feet up over your head. Exhale, bend your knees to your ears. Inhale your fingers together and interlace them. Exhale; push your interlaced fingers into the mat to help push your knees closer to your ears. Squeeze your ears with your knees. Attempt 5 breaths in this posture with your awareness on your throat chakra, close out the outside world and take the five breaths to focus on you, and your own truth.
Tara now has a Facebook Page dedicated to her work and passion for Yoga. Check it out, like it and share the page with your networks: www.facebook.com/RadiantFlo
042 THIRD EYE CHAKRA - Thunderbolt The sixth Chakra is found behind the bridge of the nose between your eyes, allowing us to see both the inner and outer worlds through our interpretations. When your third eye is open you not only see but you understand. THUNDERBOLT pose, hold your core tight by, pulling your belly button to your spine sit your bum back onto your heels and close your eyes. Quiet the mind and take another 25 breaths focusing on the breath, and the area of your third eye. Allow yourself to connect to your own intuition.
CROWN CHAKRA - Headstand Headstand
Our last chakra, the seventh, is connected to the universe and our higher self. Going beyond the limits of your own ego. HEADSTAND! Not all of us are going to be attempting this and if you are no regular tp practising headstand I’m not asking for you to start the attempt. I will however express my own love for headstand and the fact that this pose, completely pressure points our crown chakra. We have to let go of our ego to be able to flip ourselves upside down by choice. Head stand forces you to completely focus on your connection with you in a way you’re not used to connecting since we are constantly on our feet.
DVD & BOOK REVIEWS Consciousness Is All - Plus By: Peter Dziuban (Audio Book Review)
WRITTEN BY: Michael Jeffreys
[email protected]
“The only One ‘experiencing’ the Presence of Consciousness here, now, is Consciousness Itself. This never is an experience being had by another.” –Peter Dziuban
2006 348 Pages $16.15 USD (amazon.com)
Just about everyone on the planet has been so thoroughly conditioned to believe that they are a human being, a body, which consciousness resides inside of, that it isn’t even seen as a belief, but simply a given, i.e., ‘the way it obviously is.’ Well, there was a time when the Earth was believed to be flat too! And in fact this too was at one time simply accepted as ‘common knowledge’, (I mean, all you have to do is look to see that the land is basically flat!), and so was rarely questioned. Likewise, most of us take it for granted that we are located somewhere inside our body. (And yet, when you look, you can’t pinpoint exactly where or what ‘you’ are or even where ‘you’ begin or end! Don’t you think if you were actually located somewhere in the body, you would know where!??). The result of this erroneous, uninvestigated ‘core belief’ is that it produces a precarious feeling of being a separate-self, a mental ‘me’, that appears to be happy when it gets what it wants and unhappy when it doesn’t. Yet, if we are honest, even when we get what our mind tells us we want, the happiness is short lived. And so, we stubbornly continue seeking out in the world of form, in vain, for the one thing that will bring us lasting peace and happiness. What we don’t realize is that we are starting off on the wrong foot so to speak. The ‘mistake’ we are making
BLOG: www.mjeffreys.com
is starting from the position or belief that we are a ‘human’ who has to ‘get back to’ or ‘reconnect with’ our True self. There are many spiritual teachings that preach this, but that is NOT what this book is saying. Not at all. In Consciousness is All, Peter is making the boldest of claims imaginable: we have it all backwards! That instead of starting from the perspective that we are a broken, screwed-up, confused human being who is looking to become one with or merge with God, Oneness, Awareness, All that is, etc., one should start AS pure Consciousness, pure Presence and stay there! Why? Because that is what the ONLY alive Consciousness that is present right here and right now is doing! Says Peter:
“To start or identify merely with, or as, all the seeming sights and feelings and thoughts that one seems to be aware of is to totally ignore Awareness Itself. It is to attempt to function as un-Awareness, not-Present Life, and that’s why the suffering seems to continue.” -Peter Dziuban In other words, we are unwittingly putting our attention on form (thoughts, feelings, images and sensations), on that which changes, and in so doing it somehow escapes our attention that there must be something present that does not change, or how else would we even know of change!? This changeless presence was never born and thus cannot die. It is the eternal, timeless, present moment that time appears to appear in. It is fully alive, fully present, boundless, uncontained by anything...
[email protected]
for what can contain the INFINITE?
“Infinity has no form or limits—exactly as the Consciousness You now are has no form or limits. They are the same One.” - Peter Dziuban What sets CIA apart from almost every other ‘spiritual book’ out there is that it really has nothing to do with ‘being spiritual’, rather it’s just clearly recognizing what you already presently are AND HAVE ALWAYS BEEN! What you start to notice is that whatever you observe, cannot be you, since you are Aware of IT. If you know of its existence, than you must be prior to it, or how would you know about it? Around here the thought may come, “Well, how do I know this isn’t just Peter’s beliefs or imagination?” Good question! The answer is that throughout the audio (and in the book as well), Peter is constantly and sincerely encouraging you not to take his word about anything, but to check it thoroughly for yourself. In fact, it’s the only way you’ll come to see this for yourself; to know it directly. And it has nothing to do with beliefs. No belief can contain it, yet ALL beliefs appear in it. Note that Peter is NOT asking you to swop one belief for another. If you do than you will have missed the entire point of the book/MP3s! Consciousness is the seer of ALL beliefs, the owner of none.
“Feel how delightfully unlabored--how permanently easy--it is for Awareness to simply be here, now.” – Peter Dziuban
The audios contain not only Peter reading the book to you, chapter by chapter, but also a generous amount of spontaneous commentary that helps illuminate and ‘bring to life’ the book’s contents. To me, this additional material is priceless because you get to hear Peter talk spontaneously about those parts of the book that he feels are critical to helping one better grasp what he is pointing to. Peter’s voice is friendly, yet still carries a confidence comes from one who knows from direct experience. In a way, he demystifies the mystical. This truly is the ‘pathless path’, as there is literally nowhere to go and nothing to become, as YOU, Consciousness, is already ceaselessly and eternally present! One just needs to see it clearly for oneself. But therein lies the rub. For we are so addicted to our thoughts, beliefs, feelings and emotions, that to let them pass without getting involved with them, is not easy for most. This is why a comprehensive program like this is so helpful, because Peter comes at it from so many different angles, that eventually a crack in the egoic mental wall of identification and beliefs begins to appear. Remember, Peter is not giving you anything that you aren’t already. He is just drawing your attention, over and over, to what is already effortlessly present right here and now, until you are able to see it clearly for yourself. You can order CIA plus (and see the names of the 31 chapter titles) here on Peter Dziuban’s website: http://www.consciousnessisall.com/consciousness-is-allaudio-chapters.aspx
CONCLUDING COMMENTS The book is very good, but the MP3s/CDs are better. You are basically getting a Ph.D in Consciousness (YOU!) for $49.99. (31 MP3s containing over 39 hours of material.)
[email protected]
READERS CORNER Welcome to the reader’s voice a section within CE Magazine completely dedicated to sharing you, one of our readers, with all of our other readers. It is your opportunity to submit and have shared any short stories, poems, or even just everyday experiences that you would like to share with the CE community. Be sure to share your voice by sending your submissions to
[email protected]
ONE By: Gerlinde Rosensteiner
Peace be with everyone peace be with you Please accept all human forms cos I accept you Let kindness reign all around let Love be the clue.
Photo Credit: Imelenchon (morguefile)
[email protected]
Jeanette Fellows Custom Paintings jeanettefellows.webs.com
ASTRO-EVOLUTIO We certainly had our hands full with 2 eclipses last month –not to mention Uranus squaring off an EXACT aspect with Pluto in Capricorn on May 20th. Uranus being an energy that is sudden and unexpected causes us to awaken to changes that need to be made in both our personal lives and in the world as a WHOLE— while Pluto urging us to face the truth in matters of FREEDOM that we WANT. Freedom requires a change in our old thinking while opening our minds to more innovated solutions – and taking action. Feel the FEAR – and do it anyway is a true statement of Uranus/ Pluto. If it’s any part of an old paradigm no matter how much we try to be in control of things, it may not be strong enough to survive a storm that is meant to tear down what is against TRUTH of the new paradigm we are all awakening to. What is destroyed and relinquished was never meant to survive. We must be diligent on focusing on a SOLUTION to whatever arises... rather than focus on problems that seem helpless. Our POWER here is to awaken to a new way of thinking and we must take action in OUR PART in being the CHANGE we want to see in this world. June 7th Neptune in Pisces (and also Pisces modern ruling planet) will be in station retrograde and will continue its retrograde motion until November 2013. Retrogrades are the energies being directed inward in a reflective way rather than when it’s direct in an outward projective way. This means we are all
called to stop and go within and reflect on our spiritual journey, and contemplate about our belief systems, expectations and any high ideals we have about our life’s journey. Neptune is also the planet of illusions, escapes, dependencies and deceptions. Where in your life are you running away from truth? What are your “should” and “should not” statements you tell yourself – only to cause more guilt and sorrow in your life? What are you feeling confused about in your life at this time? What do you feel you cannot life without? How does lying to yourself reflect how others deceive you? This is the kind of contemplations we will all be asked during the months to follow. Meditation, stillness and solitude may provide us with some further clarity we need. More than ever this may be a tempting time for many to turn to alcohol and drugs in trying to mask or run away from the shame, guilt and confusion that they feel so deep inside. Hopefully more will be willing to ask for another way to heal at this time –especially with Chiron the wounded headliner asteroid transiting in Pisces also going retrograde June 16th. It’s not a coincidence that this time is being called for us to continue our healing journey while recognizing we are all wounded healers – helping this world become a better place because of our experiences that bring us the gift of compassion, kindness and understanding. What makes things more interesting this month is Saturn in Scorpio (planet of responsibility, discipline,
Photo Credit: seriousfun (morguefile)
with Astrologer Kelly Simas
dignity) will be in its exact trine aspect with Neptune in Pisces--- both these planets in water signs work harmoniously together using imagination and intuition within practical advantages. Our ideas for status and achievement will allow ourselves to shift our goals in ways that bring contribution – as giving becomes more obvious in gaining true success in our lives. We can start taking our inspirations more seriously, connecting with the higher part of us that will see to it that all the details will be taken care of. It’s a call of faith – in which hard work and dedication is essential to the birth of new creative projects that feed our SOUL! What is more exciting is that Jupiter will be leaving the planet air sign of Gemini which for the last year has helped us expand and grow in ways of ideas, information learning, communication, teaching, socializing, networking, marketing and so on – and moving on while entering the water sign of Cancer on June 25th which it will remain there until July 2014. During this time our journey or expansion, growth and wisdom will come through experiences with our FAMILY, HOME, sense of SECURITY and NURTURING. Cancers will benefit greatly from this however all the other signs also benefit as well. We are all being called upon to understand more about the importance of family, home, safety, security, nurturing, children, and even our habits and lifestyle. Many people will expand or gain opportunities through children (current
or near future children) buying a new home – moving, connecting more with mothers other family members. It is also a time where dreams will be most revealing in revealing unfinished business from our pasts – mainly our childhood memories and experiences while gaining a greater sense of sympathy for our loved ones. While understanding more about our pasts and family dynamics we can then open the doors to forgiveness and Joy in our present lives. Mercury will be entering its retrograde shadow in Cancer June 10th and then following its retrograde journey on June 26th – the day after Jupiter enters Cancer for 3 weeks until July 20th when it stations direct again. What a PERFECTLY orchestrated time for us to slow down our busy lives and minds –and reflect on our past while taking the time to open our minds in healing our pasts, memories and stories of what happened-didn’t happen-what we lacked and needed. Many caretakers, approval seekers and people pleasers are given an opportunity to self care for a change. For those who are mostly self absorbed with their own busy self gratifications – delays and setbacks will allow you to slow down and see who really needs you at this time and provide time to reconnect with loved ones who have been feeling fed up with your more important self absorbed priorities.
KELLY SIMAS Kelly Simas is an Intuitive Counsellor/Coach, Astrologer, Numerologist, and Reiki Practitioner. She is currently studying as a Psychotherapist Intern at Transformational Arts College and is also working to obtain her degree in Astrology through RASA. She has her private practice @ Evolution of Mind Body & Spirit. To contact Kelly for services, visit her website at www.evolutionofmbs.com and check out her monthly astrology forecast videos for each zodiac sign on YouTube http://www.youtube. com/user/EvolutionofMBS
HAVE A LAUGH 3 men were standing side-by-side in the men’s bathroom all using the urinals. The first man finished his business, then proceeded to wash his hands very well. Upon finishing he announced to the other two: “I went to University where they taught us that cleanliness was always of utmost importance.” Photo Credit: atsoram (stock.xchng)
The second man proceeded to finish his business then quickly washed just his fingertips. He then announced: “I went to College where they taught us to be environmentally conscious.” The third man finished his business and proceeded directly to the door without washing his hands. On his way out he announced: “I didn’t have to go to school to know not to pee on my hands.”
[email protected]
WANT TO RUN AN ADVERTISEMENT IN AN UPCOMING ISSUE OF CE MAGAZINE? Advertising space is available for you, your product or your business. Full page, half page and even third of a page space can be made on major pages of upcoming issues. Make our subscibers aware of what you have to offer and would love to share with them. Be sure to look through this issue for some of our advertising examples, including the completely custom made ‘2 Pure H20 Vitatech Water System’ ad run in the health of section of every issue. For more information contact
[email protected].
monthly exercises FILL IN THE BLANKS - Each of the statements below is a popular article title on Collective Evolution. Fill in the blanks with the missing word from the title. - The answers to this month’s riddles will be posted in the July issue of CE Magazine - TIP: If you find yourself stuck, just visit the site & read the article while you are there :)
1. Scientists Discover BT Toxins Found in _____________ Crops Damage Red Blood Cells 2. Daily Consumption of _________ Increases Aggressive Prostate Cancer Risk By 40% 3. ______________ Controls Seizure Activity 4. European Union Votes To Ban _____________ Linked to Bee Deaths 5. Why We Could All Benefit From Taking a Break From ______________ 6. _________ Energy Devices: Yes They Are Real 7. The Top 5 Regrets of the ____________ 8. _______________: What Role Does Our Ego Play 9. Still Using __________ or Pads? You Should Read This 10. _____________: More Than an Herb
Photo Credit: pietervleu (morguefile)
[email protected] BLOG: www.collective-evolution.com/author/mark
At the end of each issue of CE Magazine, either Joe or myself like to take a page or two to fill you in on the latest happenings surrounding Collective Evolution. This month there are a number of things that I would like to share with you. MARCH AGAINST MONSANTO As you are probably already aware of people from various cities recently gathered in the public domain to march against food manufacturer Monsanto. Both Joe and Alanna from Collective Evolution were at the Toronto version and were able to connect with several other active people in the spiritual/ shift community. Many familiar faces as well as new connections were made to make the overall day a great success and something that CE was happy to be a part of. Stay posted to the Photo Spotlight in the July issue of CE Magazine to see a picture or two from the Toronto march. DOCUMENTARY: CE3 Progress continues to be made in putting together our next feature length documentary. Joe has set aside a number of days in each week where the documentary script sits as his primary focus. Several other key interviews and footage continue to remain on hold due to complications on the end of those we are looking to feature. MEETINGS At several points throughout this month members of Collective Evolution have been involved in meetings to gain further clarity or to push forward particular projects. These meetings included Skype calls with individuals as far as Australia, and even group meditations to help quiet the mind and provide a level of clarity on various issues.
FUN & RELAXATION Since you can’t always be ‘working’ in life its important to take some time to enjoy things that interest you in this world. As we have both mentioned on various occasions through the CE domain, baseball has always been the sport of choice for both myself and Joe. In the month of May, we, along with one other friend, went on a brief 3 day road trip to New York City to watch our favorite team take on the New York Yankees. Unfortunately the Toronto Blue Jays lost both of the games they played and were rained out from playing the third that we had planned to see. Despite this, the trip was a lot of fun and it was great for both Joe and I to engage in the sport that we love to both watch and play. BIRTHDAYS The month of May also featured a couple of birthday’s for people on the CE team. Both Joe and Alanna rung in another year of life during the month. The festivities for both birthday’s were definitely low-key relative to what many enjoy doing for their birthday’s annually, but was still a good time for all involved. EXPANSION The final note I’d like to bring up is a new concept we are looking to adopt within future issues of CE Magazine. A magazine for the people, by the people. To make that possible we need your contributions. We are actively seeking your written work, your personal stories, your artwork, your comedy, your poetry, anything that you would like to share in the public domain of Collective Evolution. This is your opportunity to be a part of this rapidly growing magazine and have your voice heard. Please be sure to contact us if you or someone you know would like to get involved. Until next month, thanks for reading another issue of CE Magazine!
CE Magazine June 2013
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