The Make Happy Work Roadmap - Delivering Happiness

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We believe Delivering Happiness at Work is a journey. And we've got your roadmap. A sequence of workshops, surveys, coaching and speaking developed  ...
The Make Happy Work Roadmap ™

Happiness at work is a journey. Here is your roadmap.


Ask why



Measure & Plan





Define & Launch



Live culture



Measure, feedback & evolve

So how do you Make Happy Work ? ™

Glad you asked! We believe Delivering Happiness at Work is a journey. And we’ve got your roadmap. A sequence of workshops, surveys, coaching and speaking developed from the $2 billion* success of and the world’s foremost science on happiness.


Let’s first ask, why make happy work?

Free Tools

Start the conversation. Find inspiration. • Happiness at Work ROI calculator • Happiness at Work Survey • Culture Coaching Call with DH@work



We’re ready to roll. Let’s align, define and launch.

Executive Workshop

Align, define, and launch.

1 day on-site workshop with senior leaders to align and define your company’s vision, values, higher purpose and happiness foundation then launch with your Champions of Culture.

Make Happy Work – Vegas Workshop

Immerse, learn and return with actionable tools.

2 day Vegas workshop on the history, model, science and the essential tools of happiness at work.

Make Happy Work – On-Site Workshop Immerse, learn and gain actionable tools.

1 day workshop at your company on the history, model, science and the essential tools of happiness at work.

Keynote Speech

Educate and Inspire.

Invigorating 60 min. keynote makes the case for happiness as a business model and the pursuit of profits, passion and purpose.



Measure and plan your journey.

MAP [Measure and Plan]

Measure your company’s happiness and map out a culture plan.

The simple Happiness at Work Survey coupled with Culture Interviews creates a detailed happiness landscape from which we’ll work with you to map your Culture Action Plan based on strengths, gaps and goals.

* $2 billion in gross merchandise sales.



Culture is calling. Live it.


Empowerment, scalability and sustainability.

4 day on-site training achieves an ultimate transfer of knowledge to your internal Culture Coaches along with strategy to scale and sustain happiness at work.


More tools for your journey.

Culture Book

Capture, celebrate and sustain culture.

Capture your culture, strengthen your brand and celebrate your people the Zappos way.

Keynote Speech and ½ Day Workshop

Inspire, find tools and get key employees on board. Make the case for happiness as a business model with an inspiring 60 min keynote then build on key concepts and add tools in the ½ day workshop.

1:1 Executive Coaching

One-on-one support your way.

Open forum coaching for any stage of your journey with an emphasis on empowerment

1 Day and ½ Day Coaching Custom solutions.



Celebrate! Look, listen, evolve. Repeat.

Re-MAP [Measure and Progress] Gather feedback and evolve culture.

Retake the Happiness at Work Survey to capture the progress and evolution of your company’s happiness from which we’ll work with you to re-map your Culture Action Plan to empower sustainable growth.

BFF Community

Connect and collaborate.

Hello BFF. Meet our friends. A worldwide community of organizations using happiness as a business model.

Custom 1:1 or group coaching for any stage of your journey with a focus on your unique workplace.

Happiness at Work Survey

Measure your state of happiness.

Self administer the simple Happiness at Work Survey to measure your company’s happiness.