The MandMarblestone Group, LLC

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expense. What is OCPP®?? How Can It Help Your Clients? The MandMarblestone Group offers the two most powerful retiremen
Ideas and insight into smarter retirement plans for owners, family members and preferred employees


MANDMARBLESTONEGroup llc retirement plans redefined

February 2012

IRS-Approved Income Tax Reduction Are Your Clients Paying Too Much Income Tax?

Help your clients reduce their quarterly income tax payments!

Find out about two of the most powerful IRS approved retirement plan designs available!

Completing a Form 1040 may impact a client’s “Accountant Satisfaction Rating.” Whether justified or not, clients often gauge their accountants by how much income tax they pay. Tax preparation time is difficult and pressure-filled at best. No matter what the scorecard (tax return) says, there is little time to do meaningful tax planning in the first part of the year. As tax planning professionals, we know there is no single tax planning technique that is the “final answer” to minimize our clients’ income taxes. Effective tax planning requires a review of all aspects of a client’s financial life, followed by the recommendation of planning techniques that, in the aggregate, produce the most favorable results. Even with continuing changes to the tax law, the ability to make deductible contributions to a well-designed qualified retirement plan remains one of the most advantageous and safest tax benefits available to your clients under the Internal Revenue Code. The MandMarblestone Group

To learn if our OCPP® plan design is right for your clients, call the MandMarblestone Group at 215-222-5000.

The MandMarblestone Group has been a trusted retirement plan resource to accountants for more than 35 years. The MandMarblestone Group designs and administers powerful, IRS-approved 401(k) plans and cash balance pension plans that allow business owners and their family members to maximize pre-tax savings while controlling their employee contribution expense. What is OCPP®?? How Can It Help Your Clients? The MandMarblestone Group offers the two most powerful retirement plan designs available today: 1.

OCPP® - Our “one category per participant” 401(k) defined contribution plans maximize contributions to owners, family members and other favored employees, while allowing year-to-year flexibility and control of employee contribution expense.


Cash Balance Defined Benefit Plans – For those clients who want to shelter substantially more than $55,500 per year, while still controlling employee contribution costs.

Identify Your Valued Clients Since you are completing your clients’ 1040s, it’s an opportune time to identify clients who may reduce their income taxes by an effectively designed qualified plan. We would be pleased to work with you and your clients to explore these tax reduction opportunities. MandMarblestone does not offer investments or provide investment advice. How Can MandMarblestone make OCPP® Work for Your Clients? We are pleased to offer a complimentary analysis of your existing or prospective clients’ current retirement plan design. We help business owners quantify contribution objectives for themselves and their employees, and then make recommendations that align most closely with their specific objectives, rather than giving them only the limited choices of prototype plans. If you’d like to discuss how we might help you, call or e-mail Bob Mand, Ken Marblestone, Ian Haring or Mike O’Connell at MandMarblestone. 215-222-5000, or email us at: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Note: We also remediate problematic plans to full IRS compliance.

 You also may reach us through our website:

If you do not wish to receive future copies of our Qualified Planning Ideas email, please reply to [email protected] and type the word unsubscribe in the subject line. This email is sent in order to share general planning concepts. It is not intended to constitute legal advice.  February, 2012. All rights reserved. IRS Circular 230 Disclosure: Unless expressly stated otherwise, any tax advice contained in this communication (including any attachments) was Not written and is not intended to be used, and cannot be used by you, the taxpayer, or any advisor for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties Imposed by the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing, or recommending any transaction or matter addressed herein to any other party.