Oct 7, 2015 ... MBA_MSA 500A Financial Accounting/ MGMT 500A Accounting for Managers ...
Financial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making, 7th ...
MBA_MSA 500A Financial Accounting/ MGMT 500A Accounting for Managers Fall 2015 Section A: Wednesday, 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM Location: Refer to MyBenU 10/7/2015 - 12/9/2015
There are no prerequisites for this class.
Dr. Sharon Borowicz MBA Dept. Assoc. Professor of Business E-mail:
[email protected] Office Phone: 630-829-6219 Cell Phone: 630-337-1808 (do not text) GBA Office Phone: 630-829-6210; Fax: 630-829-6034 Office Hours by appointment
Learning Objectives (LO) and assessment: This course will teach business professionals to prepare, interpret and analyze financial statements. The key objectives of Financial Accounting are to: 1. Explain fundamental accounting concepts and accounting terminology; 2. Apply GAAP in preparation of the four primary financial statements; 3. Apply and interpret appropriate liquidity, solvency, profitability and management efficiency ratios in order to interpret financial statement; 4. Describe the importance of financial statement disclosures and apply these disclosures to explain related changes in the financial statements; 5. Argue ethical issues related to financial statement presentation and judge the responsibility of management While the course very definitely covers theory, it is theory that is relevant to, and being applied in, the real world. The concepts presented serve as a basis for managers to communicate and make fiscally responsible decisions. Course Requirements Deliverable Point value Quizzes (2) – LO #1 200 points CVS Ratio Analysis Homework – LO #1 & 300 points #2, #3 & #4 Final Paper & Presentation - LO #3 & #4 500 points Total 1000 points
Percent of total points 20% 30% 50% 100%
Required Text • Financial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making, 7th Edition, Kimmel, Weygandt, Kieso, Wiley, Hard cover ISBN : 978-1-118-16228-6; e-text ISBN : 978-1-118-56217-8 The textbook is your quick reference for the topics we discuss in class and the readings from the textbook provide you with information that will make you more effective in class discussions and application exercises we work on in class Homework problems will be accessed through Desire2Learn
This class requires that student’s set aside a minimum of 15 hours per week beyond class time for studying, research, homework and team work. Class attendance is crucial to the learning experience. A student is required to contact their instructor in advance if they are going to miss a class session. Students who miss 9 contact hours or more class will not receive credit for the course. Such a student will be administratively withdrawn from the course and will be assigned a grade of “F”. Read: Chapter 1, 2 & 16. The readings are important in order to become familiar with the accounting terms. View: http://www.stratpad.com/financial-statements-made-easy-video-course/financialstatements-made-easy-course-overview/ Due to the accelerated nature of this class, i8t is critical that you view all the videos in the “Financial Statements Made Easy” short video series. There about 5-6 videos but they are only 2-3 minutes long and they will prepare you for the first class. Please access D2L and familiarize yourself with the content on the site Make sure you download and bring to class CVS 2014 Annual Report. You can use your laptop in class (you will want to download the CVS 2014 .pdf since the WiFi can be slow) or you can bring hard copy.