The Mechanism of Room-Temperature Ionic

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Mar 28, 2017 - the electrode surface (linear CO2 is not SFG-active) but the [Emim] ... the relationship between the surface structure and surface tension in ...
molecules Review

The Mechanism of Room-Temperature Ionic-Liquid-Based Electrochemical CO2 Reduction: A Review Hyung-Kyu Lim * and Hyungjun Kim * Graduate School of EEWS, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141, Korea * Correspondence: [email protected] (H.-K.L.); [email protected] (H.K.); Tel.: +82-42-350-1725 (H.K.) Academic Editor: Hua Zhao Received: 10 February 2017; Accepted: 25 March 2017; Published: 28 March 2017

Abstract: Electrochemical CO2 conversion technology is becoming indispensable in the development of a sustainable carbon-based economy. While various types of electrocatalytic systems have been designed, those based on room-temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) have attracted considerable attention because of their high efficiencies and selectivities. Furthermore, it should be possible to develop more advanced electrocatalytic systems for commercial use because target-specific characteristics can be fine-tuned using various combinations of RTIL ions. To achieve this goal, we require a systematic understanding of the role of the RTIL components in electrocatalytic systems, however, their role has not yet been clarified by experiment or theory. Thus, the purpose of this short review is to summarize recent experimental and theoretical mechanistic studies to provide insight into and to develop guidelines for the successful development of new CO2 conversion systems. The results discussed here can be summarized as follows. Complex physical and chemical interactions between the RTIL components and the reaction intermediates, in particular at the electrode surface, are critical for determining the activity and selectivity of the electrocatalytic system, although no single factor dominates. Therefore, more fundamental research is required to understand the physical, chemical, and thermodynamic characteristics of complex RTIL-based electrocatalytic systems. Keywords: room-temperature ionic-liquid; carbon dioxide; electrocatalytic system; faradic efficiency; product selectivity

1. Introduction CO2 conversion technology is a valuable method that converts CO2 , a greenhouse gas, into useful carbon resources such as fuels and fine chemicals [1–3]. This technology is not only important scientifically but is also vital for a sustainable future. The various ongoing investigations can be categorized as biochemical [4–8], thermochemical [9–13], photochemical [14–17], and electrochemical approaches [18–23]. Among these, the electrochemical method shows the most promise as an efficient form of CO2 conversion technology, because of its many advantages like high reactivity under ambient conditions and good extensibility from small- to large-scale processes [19]. Moreover, an ideal, closed-loop carbon cycle, from feedstock to energy production, is possible by directly integrating the electrochemical CO2 conversion system with renewable sources of electricity [24–26]. Generally, an electrochemical CO2 conversion system is composed of a cathode part where the CO2 molecule is directly reduced to other chemicals (e.g., CO, CH3 OH and C2 H4 etc.) on the catalyst surface (e.g., Ag, Au, Cu, and Zn etc.), and an anode part where counter oxidation reaction takes place (e.g., water oxidation in aqueous system). These two cathode and anode parts are present together in the same reaction medium or separated by a proton exchange membrane to take an Molecules 2017, 22, 536; doi:10.3390/molecules22040536

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advantage of independent variation and optimization for each part. Although there have been many investigations on the development of high-performance electrochemical CO2 conversion systems, these systems have not yet reached a commercial level regarding efficiency, product selectivity, and stability. Here, the most critical bottleneck is the high thermodynamic stability of CO2 gas [27]. This bottleneck means that electron injection into CO2 , which is the first reduction step in electrochemical CO2 conversion, is significantly disfavored (e.g., reduction at −1.9 V vs. standard hydrogen electrode (SHE) in dimethylformamide [28]). Many types of electrocatalytic system have been proposed to resolve this problem, from traditional transition-metal-based catalysts to complex biomimetic systems [29–32]. In particular, Rosen et al. reported a highly efficient Ag-based electrocatalytic system with a reaction medium comprising 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ([Emim][BF4 ]), one of the room-temperature ionic-liquids (RTILs), and water [33]. This result was notable because the reaction medium had a significant impact on the catalytic reactivity, thereby expanding the investigative scope from solely catalyst design to the design of the reaction environment, especially that of the RTIL. RTILs are organic salts that consist of ionic species in the liquid state, even at room temperature. As such, the properties of RTILs are different from conventional aqueous or non-aqueous solvents and are characterized by their nearly-zero vapor pressures, high electrical conductivities, high electrical and thermal stabilities, and high solubilities [34–37]. In particular, a significant advantage of RTILs is their tunability, which is made possible through the many possible combinations and chemical modifications of the cations and anions. Therefore, many researchers have tried to find novel electrocatalytic systems based on RTILs by varying the type and components of the catalyst and the reaction medium [38–41]. In contrast, for the rational design of an RTIL-based electrocatalytic system with improved performance, an understanding of the intrinsic character and the underlying mechanism of electrochemical CO2 reduction in RTIL-based catalytic systems is crucial. Consequently, significant research in this area has been carried out. However, the understanding of RTIL-based electrochemical CO2 reduction systems is still limited because the reaction system involves many types of non-neutral and complex chemical components, and the reaction occurs in a very thin electrode–solvent interfacial region, i.e., the electrical double layer region [42–45]. Thus, there is no unified experimental or theoretical design principle for RTIL-based electrochemical CO2 reduction systems. This mini-review aims to summarize recent experimental and theoretical studies concerning the CO2 reduction mechanism in RTIL-based media and to provide an overall insight and guidelines for the design of new electrocatalytic systems. The review is divided into two parts. First, approaches focusing on the electrode–RTIL interface are summarized, and, in the second part, we have summarized studies concerning the correlation between the activity and the molecular structure of the RTIL components. 2. The Roles of RTILs at the Electrode–RTIL Interface Following the seminal work by Rosen et al. [33], they carried out various experimental characterizations to identify the underlying CO2 reduction mechanism [46–48]. In particular, vibrational spectroscopy techniques have been used to reveal the characteristics of the solid–liquid interface; furthermore, sum frequency generation (SFG), a powerful technique for the exploration of molecular structures at interfaces, has proven useful [49–51]. In the SFG spectrum of a system comprising a Pt electrode and [Emim][BF4 ], Rosen et al. observed CH3 bending (~1430 cm−1 ) and ring stretching (~1570 cm−1 ) modes [46]. This implies that [Emim] cations are preferably located at the electrode surface during electrolysis. Moreover, a series of SFG spectra measured during the electrochemical CO2 reduction reaction (Figure 1) show that when the cathode potential becomes more negative, a sharp peak gradually appears at 2348 cm−1 , attributed to the formation of an [Emim]-CO2 -[BF4 ] complex at the electrode surface. Since this peak is slightly shifted from the stretching mode of gas phase CO2 (2396 cm−1 ), the authors suggested that CO2 is not adsorbed onto the electrode surface (linear CO2 is not SFG-active) but the [Emim] binds to CO2 , which results from

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electron transfer at the electrode surface. Braunschweig et al. also suggested the complex formation Molecules 2017, 22, 536 3 ofof 16 [Emim] and CO2 at the interface [52]. Deng investigated the the adsorption adsorption behavior behavior of of the the cations cations and and anions anions of 1-butyl-3Deng et et al. al. investigated methylimidazolium methylimidazolium methylsulfate ([Bmim][MS]) in aqueous solution at the air–liquid air–liquid surface, surface, and and the relationship between the surface structure and surface tension in terms of the RTIL concentration the relationship between the surface structure and surface tension in terms RTIL concentration in in solution solution [53]. [53]. Although this experiment experiment was performed performed with an an air–liquid air–liquid interface interface instead instead of of an an electrode–solvent interface, the results provide important insights into the molecular structures and electrode–solvent provide important insights into the molecular structures and their thethe physical properties. UsingUsing the SFG aqueous measured their correlation correlationwith with physical properties. thespectra SFG of spectra of [Bmim][MS] aqueous [Bmim][MS] at differentatmole fractions 2),(Figure the authors found thatfound the amphiphilic imidazolium cation is measured different mole(Figure fractions 2), the authors that the amphiphilic imidazolium surface-active and behaves like a surfactant even at very low mole fractions. As the mole fraction of cation is surface-active and behaves like a surfactant even at very low mole fractions. As the mole the RTIL of increased 0.1, the surface saturated with [Bmim],with and [MS] began adsorb to the fraction the RTILtoincreased to 0.1,became the surface became saturated [Bmim], andto[MS] began to [Bmim] surface layer. surface Since the surface tension rapidly decreased at decreased low concentrations, the authors adsorb to the [Bmim] layer. Since the surface tension rapidly at low concentrations, suggested the cations the surface to a greater than the anions. the authorsthat suggested thataffect the cations affecttension the surface tensionextent to a greater extent than the anions. To potential-dependent structural changes in theininterfacial doubledouble layer region Toexplore explorethe the potential-dependent structural changes the interfacial layer during region the electrochemical reduction of CO , Rey et al. employed a non-resonant (NR) SFG method to study during the electrochemical reduction 2 of CO2, Rey et al. employed a non-resonant (NR) SFG method the [Emim][BF 0.3 with mol % onwater an Agonelectrode surface [54]. NR-SFG is similar to study the [Emim][BF system 0.3water mol % an Ag electrode surface [54]. NR-SFG is 4 ] system4]with to NR second-harmonic generation (SHG)(SHG) measurement whichwhich is frequently usedused in the study of similar to NR second-harmonic generation measurement is frequently in the study electrified interface system. The The authors observed that the minimaminima appeared at a similar of electrified interface system. authors observed thatNR theintensity NR intensity appeared at a potential for bothfor theboth Ar and saturated cases, thereby that the NR changes similar potential theCO Ar2and CO2 saturated cases, indicating thereby indicating thatintensity the NR intensity are closely related to related the intrinsic of the RTILof itself. As shown Figure 3, the curvature of changes are closely to theproperties intrinsic properties the RTIL itself.inAs shown in Figure 3, the the potential-dependent NR intensityNR wasintensity different from the threshold forpotential CO2 reduction, curvature of the potential-dependent was different from thepotential threshold for CO2 − 1.33V vs. −1.33V Ag/AgCl in both forward reverse Therefore, they concluded that the intrinsic reduction, vs. Ag/AgCl in bothand forward andscans. reverse scans. Therefore, they concluded that the structural transitiontransition in the RTIL controls potential CO2 reduction, and this NR intrinsic structural in system the RTIL systemthe controls the of potential of CO2 reduction, andintensity this NR behavior be acould descriptor for the design of design new RTIL-based electrochemical systems. systems. intensity could behavior be a descriptor for the of new RTIL-based electrochemical

Figure SeriesofofSFG SFGspectra spectra taken during in [Emim][BF 90water mM 2 electrolysis 4 ] containing Figure 1. 1. Series taken during COCO 2 electrolysis in [Emim][BF 4] containing 90 mM water voltammogram three electrode cellsimultaneously taken simultaneously with SFG (left); (left); LinearLinear sweep sweep voltammogram of threeofelectrode cell taken with SFG spectra spectra (right). Thein current in thespectrum “argon” spectrum is attributed toresidual reduction residual in our4] (right). The current the “argon” is attributed to reduction water in ourwater [Emim][BF [Emim][BF pure to be stable between +2 andSHE, −2 Vand versus 4 ] because 4 ] has been because pure [Emim][BF 4] [Emim][BF has been reported to bereported stable between +2 and −2 V versus the SHE, and the residual current varies with the water concentration. Reprinted with permission residual current varies with the water concentration. Reprinted with permission from ref. from [46]. ref. [46]. Copyright 2012 American Copyright 2012 American ChemicalChemical Society. Society.

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Figure 2. 2. SFG SFG spectra spectra of of [Bmim][MS] [Bmim][MS] aqueous aqueous solutions solutions with with different different [Bmim][MS] [Bmim][MS] mole mole fractions fractions Figure Figure 2. SFG0.002, spectra of [Bmim][MS] aqueous solutions withand different [Bmim][MS] mole fractions (0.0004, 0.001, 0.004, 0.02, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.6, and 1): (a) SSP (b) PPP polarization combinations. (0.0004, 0.001, 0.002, 0.004, 0.02, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.6, and 1): (a) SSP and (b) PPP polarization combinations. (0.0004, 0.001, 0.002, 0.004, 0.02, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.6, and 1): (a) SSP and (b) PPP polarization combinations. The spectra spectra for for different different [Bmim][MS] [Bmim][MS] mole mole fractions fractions are are offset offset for for clarity. clarity. The The shape shape and and intensity intensity of of The TheSSP spectra for different [Bmim][MS] mole fractions are offset for clarity. increases. The shapeThe and SSP intensity of the spectra significantly change as the mole fraction of [Bmim][MS] spectra the SSP spectra significantly change as the mole fraction of [Bmim][MS] increases. The SSP spectra −1) mole the SSP spectra significantly change ascm the fraction ofthe [Bmim][MS] increases. The SSP reaches spectra appears when mole fraction of [Bmim][MS] show that the peak of the anion (2845 − 1 show that the peak of the anion (2845 cm ) appears when the mole fraction of [Bmim][MS] reaches −1) appears when the mole fraction of [Bmim][MS] reaches show that the peak of the adsorb anion 0.1, suggesting that anions anions adsorb(2845 to the thecm surface. Reprinted with with permission permission from from ref. ref. [53]. [53]. Copyright Copyright 0.1, suggesting that to surface. Reprinted 0.1, suggesting that anions adsorb to the surface. Reprinted with permission from ref. [53]. Copyright 2016 American American Chemical Chemical Society. Society. 2016 2016 American Chemical Society.

Figure 3. (Top) SFG nonresonant (NR) signals when room-temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) Figure3.3.(Top) (Top) nonresonant (NR) signals when Meniscus room-temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) 2. (Bottom) cyclicliquids voltammograms (CVs). electrolytes were saturated with Arsignals or CO Figure SFGSFG nonresonant (NR) when room-temperature ionic (RTILs) electrolytes . (Bottom) Meniscus voltammograms (CVs). electrolytes were saturated Ar orMeniscus CO2CO 2 reduction and the cyclic NR intensity minimum. There The circles denote potential for were saturated withthe Arthreshold or CO2with . (Bottom) cyclic voltammograms (CVs). The circles denote 2 reduction and NR intensity There Thethreshold thefor threshold potential 2NR reduction thethe nonresonant intensity minimum. was acircles close denote association between the onsetand offor CO the potential CO2 reduction theCO intensityand minimum. There was a minimum. close association 2 reduction and the nonresonant intensity minimum. wasFirst a close between the onset of CO (a) forward (reduction) scan; (b) First reverse (oxidation) scan. Reprinted with permission from between theassociation onset of CO reduction and the nonresonant intensity minimum. (a) First forward 2 (a) First forward (reduction) scan; (b) First reverse (oxidation) scan. Reprinted with permission from ref. [54]. Copyright Chemicalscan. Society. (reduction) scan; (b) 2015 First American reverse (oxidation) Reprinted with permission from ref. [54]. Copyright ref. [54]. Copyright 2015 American 2015 American Chemical Society. Chemical Society.

Osawa’s group has reported various studies using surface-enhanced infrared absorption Osawa’s (SEIRAS) group has has reported various studies using using surface-enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy forreported probing the RTIL/electrode interface characters. Theinfrared most representative Osawa’s group various studies surface-enhanced absorption spectroscopy (SEIRAS) for probing the RTIL/electrode interface characters. The most representative cases are potential dependent in-situthe SEIRAS measurements of the interface between Au electrode spectroscopy (SEIRAS) for probing RTIL/electrode interface characters. The mostthe representative casespure arepotential potential dependentin-situ in-situSEIRAS SEIRAS measurementsof ofthe theinterface interfacebetween between theAu Auelectrode electrode and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amide ([Bmim][TFSA]) or a cases are dependent measurements the and pure 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amide ([Bmim][TFSA]) [Bmim][TFSA]/water mixture solvent [55,56]. In their measurements, the authors were able to observe and pure 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amide ([Bmim][TFSA]) or or aa [Bmim][TFSA]/water mixture solvent [55,56]. In their measurements, the authors were able to observe the potential-dependent restructuring of the solvent components, such as the cations and anions of the potential-dependent restructuring components, as the integration cations andofanions of [Bmim][TFSA] or the water moleculesofatthe thesolvent Au electrode surfacesuch by direct specific [Bmim][TFSA] or the water molecules at the Au electrode surface by direct integration of specific

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[Bmim][TFSA]/water mixture solvent [55,56]. In their measurements, the authors were able to observe Molecules 2017, 22, 536 5 ofof 16 the potential-dependent restructuring of the solvent components, such as the cations and anions [Bmim][TFSA] or the water molecules at the Au electrode surface by direct integration of specific SEIRAS peaks peaks during during the intrinsic behavior of SEIRAS the cyclic cyclic voltammetry voltammetrymeasurements. measurements.They Theyobserved observedthe the intrinsic behavior thethe [Bmim][TFSA] components atatthe applied potential potential and and of [Bmim][TFSA] components theAu Auelectrode electrodesurface surfacein in terms terms of of the the applied found that the first interfacial layer is dominated by the cations at a negatively charged surface and found that the first interfacial layer is dominated by the cations at a negatively charged surface and anions at at aa positively positively charged charged surface. surface. Thus, Thus, the the mixing mixing and and exchanging exchanging of of ions ions in in the the surface surface layers layers anions that occur occur during during the the potential potential scans scans are are accompanied accompanied by by aa certain certain degree degree of of hysteresis hysteresis arising arising from from that the strong association between ionic components. More interesting behavior has been observed in the strong association between ionic components. More interesting behavior has been observed in the [Bmim][TFSA]/water [Bmim][TFSA]/water mixture water concentration concentration (c (cw w) of 700 ppm. As shown in the mixture system system with with aa water ) of 700 ppm. As shown in Figure 4, the band intensity profiles of v(OH) from water and v(CF 3) from the [TFSA] plotted against Figure 4, the band intensity profiles of v(OH) from water and v(CF3 ) from the [TFSA] plotted against the potential potential cycle cycle are are very very similar, similar,which whichstrongly stronglysuggests suggeststhe theassociation association of of water water molecules molecules with with the [TFSA] at at the the electrode electrode surface. surface. In In addition, addition, the the authors authors suggested suggested that that the the large large intensity intensity changes changes [TFSA] (hysteresis) in humid conditions compared to the dry state indicate the accelerated cation–anion (hysteresis) in humid conditions compared to the dry state indicate the accelerated cation–anion exchange rate rate induced inducedby bywater. water. exchange

Figure4. 4. (a) SEIRAS band band intensities intensities as as a function function of potential potential recorded recordedat at every every 0.05 0.05 V V interval interval during during Figure potential scan scan at at22mV/s mV/s in in dry dry (c(cww [Bmpyrr] > [Emim] > [Pmim] (Figure 9). The chain length of the imidazolium cation had a less systematic effect, and the pyrrolidinium cation, which has no acidic protons, showed higher activity than the imidazolium cations [Emim] or [Pmim]. In addition, the performance change on varying the anion showed the following trend: [NTf2 ] > [BF4 ] > [FAP], which could not be simply

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explained by solubility (CO2 solubility order: [FAP] > [NTf2 ] > [BF4 ] [73,74]). Thus, the authors suggested that the RTIL components play a complex role in the CO2 reduction mechanism, presumably altering the character of the double-layer at the electrode surface, which contrasts with the prevailing simplified view focusing on the local chemical interaction between CO2 and RTIL components or CO2 solubility. Molecules 2017, 22, 536 9 of 16 Molecules 2017, 22, 536

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Figure 8. A schematic flow of reaction intermediates. [BF4] anions were not shown in the figure for

Figure 8. A schematic flow of reaction intermediates. [BF4 ] anions were not shown in the figure for −1) in each reaction step simplicity. values represent the calculated reaction [BF free4]energies (kcal·mol Figure 8. AThe schematic flow of reaction intermediates. anions were not shown in the figure for −1 ) in simplicity. The values represent the calculated reaction free energies (kcal · mol each reaction step or standardThe electrode vs. SHE) in each electrochemical Green the −1)arrows in eachrepresent reaction step simplicity. valuespotential represent(V the calculated reaction free energiesstep. (kcal·mol or standard electrode potential (V vs. SHE) in each electrochemical step. Green arrows represent the thermodynamically favorable and in red arrows represent unfavorable Reprinted with or standard electrode potentialpathway (V vs. SHE) each electrochemical step. Greenones. arrows represent the thermodynamically favorable pathway and red arrows represent unfavorable ones. Reprinted with permission from ref. favorable [67]. Copyright 2015and Royal Chemistry. thermodynamically pathway redSociety arrowsof represent unfavorable ones. Reprinted with permission from from ref. [67]. Copyright 2015 Royal of Chemistry. Chemistry. permission ref. [67]. Copyright 2015 RoyalSociety Society of

Figure 9. CVs of the reduction of carbon dioxide on silver with a scan rate of 1 V·s−1, reported vs. a +/Cc reference, in a range of RTILs where the cation is varied. Black is [Bmim][NTf2], green Cc 9. of CVs of reduction the reduction carbondioxide dioxide on a scan raterate of 1 of V·s1−1,Vreported vs. a FigureFigure 9. CVs the of of carbon on silver silverwith with a scan ·s−1 , reported vs. 2], blue [Emim][NTf2], and red [Pmim][NTf2]. Reprinted with permission from ref. [72]. [Bmpyrr][NTf + /Cc reference, in a range of RTILs where the cation is varied. Black is [Bmim][NTf 2], green Cc + a Cc /Cc reference, in a range of RTILs where the cation is varied. Black is [Bmim][NTf2 ], green Copyright 20162],American Chemical Society. blue [Emim][NTf 2], and red [Pmim][NTf2]. Reprinted with permission from ref. [72]. [Bmpyrr][NTf

[Bmpyrr][NTf2 ], blue [Emim][NTf2 ], and red [Pmim][NTf2 ]. Reprinted with permission from ref. [72]. Copyright 2016 American Chemical Society. Copyright American Society. screening study of 13 ionic liquids or salts, including Zhao2016 et al. reportedChemical a more extensive imidazolium, pyrrolidinium, ammonium, borate, and and Zhao et al. reported a more extensivephosphonium, screening study of 13pyridinium, ionic liquids or sulfonium, salts, including 7imidazolium, ammonium salts with an Ag electrode [75]. They performed electrochemical measurements in the pyrrolidinium, ammonium, phosphonium, borate, pyridinium, and sulfonium, and presence of a low concentration of the above compounds (2.0 mM) dissolved in an aprotic (acetonitrile) 7 ammonium salts with an Ag electrode [75]. They performed electrochemical measurements in the presence of a low concentration of the above compounds (2.0 mM) dissolved in an aprotic (acetonitrile)

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Zhao et al. reported a more extensive screening study of 13 ionic liquids or salts, including imidazolium, pyrrolidinium, ammonium, phosphonium, borate, pyridinium, and sulfonium, and 7 ammonium salts with an Ag electrode [75]. They performed electrochemical measurements in Molecules 2017, 22, 536 10 of 16 the presence of a low concentration of the above compounds (2.0 mM) dissolved in an aprotic solution of 0.1solution M tetrabutylammonium hexafluorophosphate ([Bu4N][PF6]) ([Bu to minimize (acetonitrile) of 0.1 M tetrabutylammonium hexafluorophosphate to minimize 4 N][PF6 ])background effects from pure solvents. They observed that most compounds enhanced the catalytic CO 2 reduction background effects from pure solvents. They observed that most compounds enhanced the catalytic kinetics, but imidazolium andimidazolium pyrrolidinium were the cations most active. pyrrolidiniumCO2 reduction kinetics, but andcations pyrrolidinium were However, the most active. However, based RTILs showed better performance those containing imidazolium in terms of long-term pyrrolidinium-based RTILs showed betterthan performance than those containing imidazolium in terms of stability, which is ascribed the different role of cations; pyrrolidinium is believed to change the long-term stability, which isto ascribed to the different role of cations; pyrrolidinium is believed to change character of theofinterfacial double layer,layer, while imidazolium is believed to acttoas co-catalyst. the character the interfacial double while imidazolium is believed acta as a co-catalyst. Lau Lauetetal. al.performed performedanother anotherinteresting interestingscreening screeningexperiment, experiment,and andthey theyconcluded concludedthat thatthe the activity activityenhancement enhancementofofimidazolium-based imidazolium-basedRTILs RTILsoriginates originatesfrom fromthe theC4 C4and andC5 C5hydrogen hydrogenatoms atoms rather ratherthan than that that atat the the C2 C2 position position (Figure (Figure 10a) 10a) [76]. They They systematically systematicallysynthesized synthesizedvarious various functionalized imidazolium-based RTILs, as shown in Figure 10b, and observed that the methylation functionalized imidazolium-based RTILs, as shown in Figure 10b, and observed that the methylation ofofthe theC2 C2hydrogen hydrogendid didnot notaffect affectthe thecatalytic catalyticactivity, activity,while whilethe themethylation methylationofofC4 C4and andC5 C5hydrogen hydrogen significantly decreased the activity (Figure 10b,c). Thus, they suggested that the coordination significantly decreased the activity (Figure 10b,c). Thus, they suggested that the coordinationofofthe the reaction reactionintermediates intermediatesand andthe theC4 C4and andC5 C5hydrogen hydrogenresults resultsininthe thestabilization stabilizationofofthe theintermediates intermediates (Figure (Figure10d). 10d).They Theyalso alsoscreened screenedvarious variousimidazolium-based imidazolium-basedRTILs RTILsfunctionalized functionalizedatatthe theC2 C2hydrogen hydrogen and found that RTIL 4a in Figure 10b showed the best activity and stability. Interestingly, they and found RTIL 4a in Figure 10b showed the best activity and stability. Interestingly, they showed showed a dramatic loss of after activity after methylation theC5C4positions and C5 of positions 4a (8a10b), in a dramatic loss of activity methylation of the C4of and RTIL 4aof (8aRTIL in Figure Figure 10b), which is consistent with their conclusion; that is, the formation of interactions via the C4 which is consistent with their conclusion; that is, the formation of interactions via the C4 and C5 and C5 hydrogen atoms stabilizes the intermediates, enhancing the activity. hydrogen atoms stabilizes the intermediates, enhancing the activity.

Figure 10. (a) Molecular structure of imidazolium cation; grey is carbon, white is hydrogen and blue Figure 10. (a) Molecular structure of imidazolium cation; grey is carbon, white is hydrogen and blue is nitrogen; (b) Chemical structures of various functionalized imidazolium salts studied; (c) Effect of is nitrogen; (b) Chemical structures of various functionalized imidazolium salts studied; (c) Effect of different cations (1a, 2a, 3a) on the electrochemical reduction of CO2; (d) Possible binding modes of different cations (1a, 2a, 3a) on the electrochemical reduction of CO2 ; (d) Possible binding modes of 2a 2a with an electro-generated CO2 anion radical on a silver surface. Hydrogen bonds represented by with an electro-generated CO2 anion radical on a silver surface. Hydrogen bonds represented by dashed dashed line (red). Reproduced with permission from ref. [76]. Copyright 2016 American Chemical Society. line (red). Reproduced with permission from ref. [76]. Copyright 2016 American Chemical Society.

From the above experimental screening studies, it can be found that the performance of RTIL based CO2 reduction system is determined by not only the individual role of each component but also the complex reaction environment around the active site. Beyond the local interactions between the reaction intermediate species and the RTIL components, many studies have focused on the thermodynamic properties of the RTILs themselves to provide an overall understanding of RTIL-

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From the above experimental screening studies, it can be found that the performance of RTIL based CO2 reduction system is determined by not only the individual role of each component but also the complex reaction environment around the active site. Beyond the local interactions between the reaction intermediate species and the RTIL components, many studies have focused on the thermodynamic properties of the RTILs themselves to provide an overall understanding Molecules 2017, 22, 536 11 of of 16 RTIL-containing reaction systems [62,63,68]. Marjolin et al. reported that it is possible to estimate the reactivity of electrochemical CO2 reduction with aromatic N-heterocycles (ANH) by evaluating the Pourbaix diagram of ANHs in terms of the pH and electrode potential [62]. The authors showed that the triple point of aa DFT-based DFT-based molecular molecular Pourbaix Pourbaix diagram diagram successfully successfully reproduced the the experimental experimental CO2 reduction conditions (Figure 11). Thus, they proposed that the theoretical Pourbaix diagram triple reduction conditions (Figure 11). Thus, they proposed that the theoretical Pourbaix diagram point a unifying descriptor to estimate which molecules would be goodbe proton hydride triple could point be could be a unifying descriptor to estimate which molecules would goodorproton or shuttling agents. agents. hydride shuttling

Figure 11. 11. Molecular Pourbaix diagrams for (a) pyridinium, pyridinium, (b) imidazolium, imidazolium, (c) 1-ethyl-3-methyl 1-ethyl-3-methyl imidazolium and (d) phenanthroline species. The diagrams depict electrochemical conditions (variable + ++ 2e−− reduced pH and and E), E), where where nonprotonated nonprotonated(white (whiteregion), region),monoprotonated monoprotonated(cyan (cyanregion), region),2H 2H + 2e + − (purple region), reduced(yellow (yellowregion) region)are are the the thermodynamically thermodynamically most stable states region), and and 3H 3H+ + 2e− reduced + ++ 2e−− → in water solvent. solvent. Overlaid Overlaid in in the the diagrams diagramsare arestandard standardreduction reductionpotentials potentials(SRPs) (SRPs)for for2H 2H + 2e ++ + 2e− +++ 2e−− → − → H2 (H22,, red dashed line), CO + 2H CO + H O (CO, blue dotted line), CO + 2H dashed line), CO22 + 2H + 2e → blue dotted line), CO 2 2 2 + 2H + 2e + + 2e − → HCO − − gold dotted lines). At applied potentials, ++ HCO2H (HCO (HCO22H) H)and andCO CO22++HH 2e− → HCO2− (HCO 2−, gold lines). At applied potentials, more 2 (HCO 2 ,dotted more negative product species would thermodynamicallystable stable compared compared with negative than than thesethese lines,lines, product species would bebethermodynamically reactant protons, electrons, Reprinted with with permission from ref. ref. [62]. [62]. Copyright 2015 electrons, and and CO CO22. Reprinted American Chemical Society. Society.

4. Conclusions

many experimental experimental studies have reported the improved performance of RTIL-based So far, many electrocatalyticsystems systemsfor forCO CO2 2conversion. conversion.ItItisisbelieved believedthat thatthe theunique unique physicochemical properties electrocatalytic physicochemical properties of of the RTIL components enhance both the activity and selectivity. Toa develop a moreRTIL-based advanced the RTIL components enhance both the activity and selectivity. To develop more advanced RTIL-based electrocatalytic system, we underlying must find the underlying can component be used to electrocatalytic system, we must find the mechanisms thatmechanisms can be used that to guide guide component design. Experimental focused on structural the observation of the design. Experimental studies have mainly studies focused have on themainly observation of the characteristics structural characteristics physical) ofatthe RTIL components at the electrode–solvent interface. (mainly physical) of the (mainly RTIL components the electrode–solvent interface. The cationic speciesThe are cationic species are primarily located at the electrode surface during electrolysis, interacting with the reaction intermediates or altering the character of the electric double layer (summarized in Figure 12). Along with these experimental efforts, theoretical works have mainly focused on quantitative thermodynamic analyses of the physicochemical interactions between the RTIL components and the reaction intermediates, primarily at the electrode–solvent interface or in the bulk region. In addition

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primarily located at the electrode surface during electrolysis, interacting with the reaction intermediates or altering the character of the electric double layer (summarized in Figure 12). Along with these experimental efforts, theoretical works have mainly focused on quantitative thermodynamic analyses of the physicochemical interactions between the RTIL components and the reaction intermediates, primarily at the electrode–solvent interface or in the bulk region. In addition to deciphering the underlying mechanisms, several screening studies have been conducted on various combinations of RTIL components Molecules 2017, 22, 536 to screen and optimize the combinations. 12 of 16

Figure 12. Schematic molecular structure model of *COOH in [Emim][BF4]/water mixture solvent. Figure 12. Schematic molecular structure model of *COOH in [Emim][BF4 ]/water mixture solvent. The The solvent containing RTIL components forms a complex and unique electrical double layer on solvent containing RTIL components forms a complex and unique electrical double layer on catalyst catalyst surface, which is conceived to affect electrocatalytic activity. surface, which is conceived to affect electrocatalytic activity.

Despite various in-depth systematic research efforts, unfortunately, we have found that there is Despite variousconsensus in-depth systematic research efforts, unfortunately, have found that systems there is still lack of general about the actual role of RTIL componentswe in electrochemical still lack of general consensus about the actual role of RTIL components in electrochemical systems among various experimental reports, among theoretical investigations, and even between experiments among various experimental among theoretical investigations, and even between experiments and simulations. This limits reports, researchers in deriving the key major factors determining the catalytic and simulations. This limits researchers derivingdescriptors. the key major determining thedue catalytic activity of the electrocatalytic system, theinso-called Wefactors speculate that this is to the activity of the electrocatalytic system, the so-called descriptors. We speculate that this is due to complicated entangled structural and electrostatic properties of RTIL at the double layer region. the complicated entangled and electrostatic of RTIL at the double layernot region. Therefore, we conclude thatstructural future studies will need toproperties put research efforts on identifying only Therefore, we conclude that future studies will need to put research efforts on identifying not only the role of each ionic component of an RTIL separately, but also the cooperative and collective role of the roleinofaeach ionicand component an RTILatseparately, butsurface also theorcooperative andabove collective role of media physical chemicalofmanner the electrode in the region the surface. media in a physical and at the electrode surface or in the region above the surface. We anticipate arriving atchemical the RTIL manner design principle based on such fundamental efforts to characterize We anticipate arriving at the RTIL design principle based on such fundamental efforts to characterize the physical, chemical, and thermodynamic properties of complex RTIL-based electrocatalytic the physical, chemical, systems in near future.and thermodynamic properties of complex RTIL-based electrocatalytic systems in near future. Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the Nanomaterial Technology Development Program (Grant Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the Nanomaterial Technology Development Program (Grant 2016M3A7B4025414) through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of 2016M3A7B4025414) through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science, Science, ICT & Future Planning, and by theSI1701-05 programsupported SI1701-05 by supported the Korea Research Institute ICT & Future Planning, and also by thealso program the KoreabyResearch Institute of Chemical of Chemical(KRICT). Technology (KRICT). Technology Conflicts Conflicts of of Interest: Interest: The authors authors declare declare no no conflict conflict of of interest. interest. The founding founding sponsors sponsors had had no no role role in in the design of of the the study; study; in in the the collection, collection, analyses, analyses, or or interpretation interpretation of of data; data; in in the the writing writing of of the the manuscript, manuscript, and and in in the the decision to publish the results. decision to publish the results.

Abbreviations The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript. [Emim] [Bmim] [Pmim] [Bmpyrr] [Bu4N] [BF4] [PF6] [MS]

1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium 1-Propyl-3-methylimidazolium 1-Butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium Tetrabutylammonium Tetrafluoroborate Hexafluorophosphate Methylsulfate

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Abbreviations The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript. [Emim] [Bmim] [Pmim] [Bmpyrr] [Bu4 N] [BF4 ] [PF6 ] [MS] [TFSA] [CF3 SO3 ] [NTf2 ] [FAP]

1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium 1-Propyl-3-methylimidazolium 1-Butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium Tetrabutylammonium Tetrafluoroborate Hexafluorophosphate Methylsulfate Bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amide Trifluoromethanesulfonate Bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide Tris(pentafluoroethyl)trifluorophosphate

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