The Medicago FLOWERING LOCUS T Homolog ... - Plant Physiology

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et al., 2006; Hsu et al., 2006), apple (Malus 3 domestica;. Tränkner et al. ..... S7). Together, these results indicate that disrupting the MtFTa1 gene re- sults in a ...
The Medicago FLOWERING LOCUS T Homolog, MtFTa1, Is a Key Regulator of Flowering Time1[C][W][OA] Rebecca E. Laurie, Payal Diwadkar, Mauren Jaudal, Lulu Zhang, Vale´rie Hecht, Jiangqi Wen, Million Tadege2, Kirankumar S. Mysore, Joanna Putterill, James L. Weller, and Richard C. Macknight* Department of Biochemistry, University of Otago, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand (R.E.L., P.D., M.J., R.C.M.); School of Biological Science, University of Auckland, Auckland 1010, New Zealand (L.Z., J.P.); School of Plant Science, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania 7001, Australia (V.H., J.L.W.); and Plant Biology, Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Ardmore, Oklahoma 73401 (J.W., M.T., K.S.M.)

FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) genes encode proteins that function as the mobile floral signal, florigen. In this study, we characterized five FT-like genes from the model legume, Medicago (Medicago truncatula). The different FT genes showed distinct patterns of expression and responses to environmental cues. Three of the FT genes (MtFTa1, MtFTb1, and MtFTc) were able to complement the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) ft-1 mutant, suggesting that they are capable of functioning as florigen. MtFTa1 is the only one of the FT genes that is up-regulated by both long days (LDs) and vernalization, conditions that promote Medicago flowering, and transgenic Medicago plants overexpressing the MtFTa1 gene flowered very rapidly. The key role MtFTa1 plays in regulating flowering was demonstrated by the identification of fta1 mutants that flowered significantly later in all conditions examined. fta1 mutants do not respond to vernalization but are still responsive to LDs, indicating that the induction of flowering by prolonged cold acts solely through MtFTa1, whereas photoperiodic induction of flowering involves other genes, possibly MtFTb1, which is only expressed in leaves under LD conditions and therefore might contribute to the photoperiodic regulation of flowering. The role of the MtFTc gene is unclear, as the ftc mutants did not have any obvious flowering-time or other phenotypes. Overall, this work reveals the diversity of the regulation and function of the Medicago FT family.

To precisely control the timing of flowering, plants have evolved mechanisms to integrate seasonally predictable environmental cues (such as changes in photoperiod and prolonged periods of cold temperatures) and developmental cues (such as maturity; Amasino, 2010). To allow this diversity of floral cues to influence when flowering occurs in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), multiple pathways converge on a small number of genes, the floral integrator genes, including the floral promoters FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) and TWIN SISTER OF FT (TSF; Amasino, 2010). FT and TSF are members of a family of proteins that contain a phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein (PEBP) 1

This work was supported by the New Zealand Foundation for Research Science and Technology (grant no. C10X0704) and by an AGMARDT Postdoctoral Fellowship (to R.E.L.). 2 Present address: Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078–6028. * Corresponding author; e-mail [email protected]. The author responsible for distribution of materials integral to the findings presented in this article in accordance with the policy described in the Instructions for Authors ( is: Richard C. Macknight ([email protected]). [C] Some figures in this article are displayed in color online but in black and white in the print edition. [W] The online version of this article contains Web-only data. [OA] Open Access articles can be viewed online without a subscription.

domain (Kardailsky et al., 1999; Kobayashi et al., 1999). In addition to the FT-like proteins, the plant PEBP family consists of two other phylogenetically distinct groups of proteins: the TERMINAL FLOWER1 (TFL1)like proteins and the MOTHER OF FT AND TFL (MFT)-like proteins (Bradley et al., 1997; Mimida et al., 2001; Yoo et al., 2004, 2010; Yamaguchi et al., 2005). FT and TSF act redundantly to promote flowering under long-day (LD) photoperiods (Michaels et al., 2005; Yamaguchi et al., 2005; Jang et al., 2009). The B-box zinc finger transcription factor CONSTANS (CO) protein induces the expression of TF and TSF in the vascular tissues under LD-inductive conditions (Kardailsky et al., 1999; Kobayashi et al., 1999; Samach et al., 2000; An et al., 2004). The LD-specific production of CO protein is achieved through the coincidence of the circadian expression of CO mRNA and the stabilization of the CO protein in the light (Sua´rez-Lo´pez et al., 2001; Valverde et al., 2004). FT and TSF proteins, produced in the phloem (Takada and Goto, 2003; Yamaguchi et al., 2005; Jang et al., 2009), are transported to the apex, where they are able to dimerize with the bZIP transcription factor, FD, to activate the expression of SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CONSTANS1 (SOC1; Michaels et al., 2005; Yoo et al., 2005) and the floral meristem identity genes APETALA1 (AP1) and LEAFY (Abe et al., 2005; Wigge et al., 2005). Thus, FT/TSF constitute the long-sought mobile floral signal molecule, florigen (Corbesier et al.,

Plant PhysiologyÒ, August 2011, Vol. 156, pp. 2207–2224, Ó 2011 American Society of Plant Biologists


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2007; Jaeger and Wigge, 2007; Mathieu et al., 2007; Notaguchi et al., 2008). It is likely that FT-like genes play a universal role in regulating flowering time. Evidence for this comes from experiments showing that overexpression of FT homologs causes very early flowering in eudicot plants, such as tomato (Solanum lycopersicum; Lifschitz et al., 2006), hybrid aspen trees (Populus tremula crossed with Populus tremuloides or Populus alba; Bo¨hlenius et al., 2006; Hsu et al., 2006), apple (Malus 3 domestica; Tra¨nkner et al., 2010), and morning glory (Ipomoea nil; Hayama et al., 2007), and monocot plants, such as rice (Oryza sativa; Izawa et al., 2002; Kojima et al., 2002) and wheat (Triticum aestivum; Yan et al., 2006). Unlike in Arabidopsis, where there are just two FT-like genes that act redundantly to regulate flowering, other species contain multiple FT-like genes and many do not appear to play a role in flowering (Cha´b et al., 2008; Komiya et al., 2008; Hagiwara et al., 2009; Blackman et al., 2010; Kong et al., 2010; Kotoda et al., 2010; Pin et al., 2010). For example, there are 13 FT-like genes in rice (Chardon and Damerval, 2005), although only two, RFT1 and Hd3a, have been shown to regulate flowering time (Kojima et al., 2002; Komiya et al., 2008, 2009). In addition to their roles in regulating flowering time, FT-like genes can also affect other aspects of plant development. In tomato, a balance between levels of the FT ortholog SINGLE FLOWER TRUSS and the TFL1 ortholog SELF-PRUNING (SP) determines a range of phenotypes, including stem girth and leaf development (Shalit et al., 2009). In hybrid aspen trees (P. tremula 3 P. tremuloides), an FT-like gene regulates both the LD induction of flowering and also the short-day (SD)-induced growth cessation and bud set that occur in the autumn (Bo¨hlenius et al., 2006). Thus, the FT-like proteins appear to play a wider role in controlling plant development than just regulating flowering time. Crop and forage legumes are second only to grasses in worldwide economic importance, with flowering time having a significant impact on production yields in many systems. Therefore, it is important to understand the molecular-genetics basis of how flowering time is regulated in legumes. Garden pea (Pisum sativum), a LD legume, has been used in early work on the genetic control of mobile floral signals (Weller et al., 1997). More recent work in pea has shown that LATE BLOOMER1 and DIE NEUTRALIS, orthologs of the circadian clock-associated Arabidopsis genes GIGANTEA and EARLY FLOWERING4, respectively, are required for the LD-specific production of a mobile floral signal(s) that probably comprises at least two FTlike proteins (Hecht et al., 2007; Liew et al., 2009; Hecht et al., 2011). Five FT-like genes have been identified in pea, and these genes have different patterns of expression (Hecht et al., 2011). Hecht et al. (2011) have shown that the pea FTa1 gene corresponds to the GIGAS locus, which encodes a mobile floral signal that is essential for flowering under LD and promotes flowering under SD but is not required for the photoperiodic response. 2208

They also provide evidence for a second mobile floral signal that correlates with the expression of another FT-like gene, FTb2. A recent paper also implicates two FT-like genes in the regulation of flowering of the SD legume soybean (Glycine max; Kong et al., 2010). Here, we characterize five FT genes from Medicago (Medicago truncatula) and show that their expression differs in tissue specificity, diurnal rhythmicity, and response to photoperiod and vernalization. We find that one of the FT orthologs, FTa1, plays a major role in regulating flowering time. This gene is essential for the induction of flowering in response to vernalization but not for the photoperiodic induction of flowering. This work provides a foundation for understanding the roles of the Medicago FT family members in plant development and highlights differences between the behavior of FT family members in Medicago and pea.

RESULTS Medicago Has Five FT-like Genes

Our database searches for putative Medicago flowering-time genes revealed five FT-like genes, MtFTLa to MtFTLe (Hecht et al., 2005; Liew et al., 2009; Yeoh et al., 2011). Phylogenetic analysis of FT/TFL proteins from other plants showed that all five Medicago FTs belonged to the FT clade and that, in legumes, this clade consists of three groups of FT proteins, which we have called groups FTa, FTb, and FTc (Fig. 1A). The Medicago FTs have been renamed accordingly: FTLa as FTa1, FTLb as FTa2, FTLd as FTb1, FTLe as FTb2, and FTLc as FTc (Hecht et al., 2011). The Medicago FT genes MtFTa1, MtFTa2, and MtFTc are located next to each other within a single bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone (GenBank accession no. AC123593) mapping to chromosome 7, and MtFTb1 and MtFTb2 are found in tandem on another chromosome 7 BAC clone (AC127169). The FT-like genes have a similar genomic structure to the FT genes from other species, with four exons and three introns (Supplemental Fig. S1A), and reverse transcription (RT)-PCR confirmed that all five FT-like genes are expressed. An alignment of the predicted protein sequences of the Medicago FT family is shown in Supplemental Figure S1B. To examine how widespread the three FT groups are, we constructed a phylogenetic tree of representative FT protein sequences from the Rosid clade of eudicot plants. Rosids consist of 17 plant orders, including the Fabales, to which the legume family (Fabaceace) belongs (AGP III, 2009). The FTa, FTb, and FTc groups were only found in the legumes and not in any of the other Rosid orders (Fig. 1A). While many plants belonging to these orders contain multiple FTs, these are more related to each other than to FTs within a different order, suggesting that they arose from gene duplications that occurred after the ancestor of the order evolved. The exception is Rosales, where RcFT (from china rose [Rosa chinesis]) and FvFT (from Plant Physiol. Vol. 156, 2011

FT Regulation of Medicago Flowering

Figure 1. Three classes of FT-like proteins are present in legumes (order Fabales) but not in other Rosid orders. A, Phylogram of FT-like protein sequences from different Rosid orders. The legume FTa, FTb, and FTc groups are indicated. B, Partial amino acid alignment of FT sequences and other PEBP proteins. Asterisks on the top row indicate Tyr-85 (Y)/His-88 (H) and Gln-140 (Q)/Asp144 (D) residues distinguishing FT-like and TFL1-like members. The black bar indicates the conserved segmental region B, corresponding to the external loop of the PEBP proteins. Sequences were aligned using ClustalW and analyzed with the Geneious software. The sequences are from Arabidopsis (At), sugar beet (Bv), orange (Citrus unshiu; Ci), pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima; Cm), fig (Ficus carica; Fc), woodland strawberry (Fv), soybean (Gm), cotton (Gossypium hirsutum; Gh), apple (Md), Medicago (Mt), rice (Os), Lombardy poplar (Populus nigra; Pn), trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata; Pt), Japanese apricot (Prunus mume; Pm), pea (Ps), Asian pear (Pyrus pyrifolia; Pp), China rose (Rosa chinensis; Rc), tomato (Le), and grape (Vitis vinifera; Vv). [See online article for color version of this figure.]

woodland strawberry [Fragaria vesca]) do not group with the other Rosaceace family FTs (Fig. 1A). The Fabales consist of three other plant families, although FT sequences are only available from the Fabaceace family. Therefore, it is not known if the FTa, FTb, and FTc groups are present in the other Fabales families or if they are legume specific. The difference between Arabidopsis FT, which promotes flowering, and TFL, which represses flowering, has been attributed to sequences within an external loop of protein sequences that contain 14 amino acids (known as segment B) that are highly conserved within FTs but not in TFLs. A Gln at position 140 within this region, as well as an adjacent Tyr residue (Tyr-85), are critical for FT function and are predicted to form one wall of the ligand-binding pocket (Hanzawa et al., 2005; Ahn et al., 2006). Analysis of these regions from the legume FT groups and other FTs revealed that while these sequences are highly conserved in the other Rosid FTs, the legume FTs differ from the consensus at three to six positions, with the FTc group proteins possessing a His rather than a Gln at the position equivalent to 140 (Fig. 1B). However, it Plant Physiol. Vol. 156, 2011

is not easy to predict from the segment B sequences which of the Medicago FTs might function to promote flowering. FT Family Members Show Different Patterns of Expression

To gain insight into the potential roles of the different Medicago FT family members, we analyzed their transcription profiles. Total RNA was isolated from a range of tissues (Fig. 2, A and B) obtained from plants grown under inductive conditions (seedlings were vernalized for 14 d at 4°C and then grown under LDs [16 h of light and 8 h of dark]), and quantitative (q) RT-PCR was performed (Fig. 2C). All five FT genes were expressed. The highest level of MtFTa1 transcript was detected in the first leaf (monofoliate leaf) of seedlings, with strong expression also observed in expanded trifoliate leaves (but not in the immature “folded” trifoliate leaves), stem, and flowers. MtFTa1 was also detected at low levels in apical bud tissues (this includes the lateral meristem and emerging leaves), flower buds and developing seed pods, roots, 2209

Laurie et al. Figure 2. A and B, Expression of the FT-like genes in different tissues of Medicago cv Jester plants grown for 15 d (A) and 35 d (B) under LD after 2 weeks of vernalization at 4°C in the dark. Arrowheads indicate the tissues harvested and representative ages of plants to investigate expression. Harvesting was done at 2 h after dawn (ZT2). C, Transcription profiles of MtFTa1, MtFTa2, MtFTb1, MtFTb2, and MtFTc in various tissue types as shown in A and B. The average 6 SE of three biological replicates is shown for each sample, and transcripts were normalized to PROTODERMAL FACTOR2 (PDF2). [See online article for color version of this figure.]

and cotyledons (Fig. 2C). MtFTa2 was detected in all tissues examined except cotyledons. Both MtFTb1 and MtFTb2 were strongly expressed in the expanded trifoliate leaf and monofoliate leaf but, like MtFTa1, not in the immature trifoliate leaf. MtFTb1 and MtFTb2 were expressed at moderate and low levels in cotyledons, respectively. MtFTb1 was not detected in the other tissues examined, while MtFTb2 was expressed at very low levels in these tissues. MtFTc expression was detected, albeit at low levels, in apical buds, and just detectable levels of MtFTc transcript were also found in stem, buds, and flowers but not in leaf or other tissues from vernalized LD plants (Fig. 2C). However, MtFTc was detected in both leaves and apical buds in SD-grown plants sampled at Zeitgeber time (ZT) 12 (the time of maximal MtFTc expression, as shown in Fig. 5Aiv below; Supplemental Fig. S2). Thus, although the five FT genes have distinct patterns 2210

of expression, they are all expressed in the leaves, the major site of FT/florigen production in other species (Turck et al., 2008). We then examined if the expression of the FT genes changes over a developmental time course, using vernalized whole plants grown in a LD photoperiod. MtFTa1 remained relatively constant throughout development (Fig. 3A), whereas MtFTa2 and MtFTb1 were expressed at the highest levels in 5-d-old plants (Fig. 3, B and C). MtFTb2 transcript levels increased prior to flowering and then decreased about the time when flowers first appeared (Fig. 3D). Given that MtFTc is expressed in apical buds, we examined its expression in this tissue over time (Fig. 3E). MtFTc expression increased up to day 15, the time when the Medicago floral inflorescence identity gene, PROLIFERATING INFLORESCENCE MERISTEM (PIM; Benlloch et al., 2006), was first expressed (Fig. 3F), and Plant Physiol. Vol. 156, 2011

FT Regulation of Medicago Flowering Figure 3. MtFTs have different expression patterns during development. Relative transcript profiles are shown over a time course of whole seedlings (FTa1, FTa2, FTb1, and FTb2) or the uppermost dissected apical buds (FTc and MtPIM). Medicago cv Jester seedlings were vernalized for 2 weeks in the dark at 4°C and grown under LDs for up to 25 d. Harvesting was performed at ZT2. MtPIM was used as a marker of the floral transition. A flower bud had emerged from the node or was visible on whole plants harvested at 25 d (fifth or sixth node). The average 6 SE of three biological replicates is shown, and transcripts were normalized to PDF2.

then it gradually decreased. We also examined the expression of the FT family (excluding FTc) in leaves of different ages. Interestingly, levels of MtFTa1 tended to increase as the leaf aged, whereas MtFTb1 expression clearly decreased with leaf age (Supplemental Fig. S2). Overall, our results show that, despite differences in the developmental profile, all five of the FT genes are expressed prior to the induction of the meristem identify gene PIM and therefore are potential regulators of the floral transition. Only MtFTa1 Is Induced Both by Vernalization and LD Photoperiod, Conditions That Promote Flowering

Next, we investigated if the expression of any of the Medicago FT family members was induced by the environmental conditions that induce flowering. Flowering in Medicago is promoted by both exposure to prolonged periods of cold (vernalization) and LD photoperiods (Clarkson and Russell, 1975). Under our conditions, vernalized Medicago cv Jester flowered 35 and 56 d earlier than nonvernalized plants when grown in LD or SD photoperiods, respectively (Fig. 4A). LDs Plant Physiol. Vol. 156, 2011

also promoted flowering, with nonvernalized and vernalized plants flowering 56 and 35 d earlier, respectively, when grown in a LD photoperiod, compared with plants grown in an SD photoperiod (Fig. 4A). These differences were apparent when flowering time was measured as either days to produce the first flower or number of nodes produced at flowering (Fig. 4A). We then examined the effect of vernalization and daylength on the expression of the FT family members. Comparison of FT gene expression in LD or SD photoperiod revealed that while MtFTa1 was expressed in SD conditions, it was expressed at approximately 2-fold higher levels in LDs (Fig. 4B). In contrast, MtFTa2 showed the opposite response, with moderate expression under LD and approximately 7-fold higher expression under SD conditions. The expression of MtFTb1 and MtFTb2 was strongly influenced by photoperiod, with both being expressed in LDs but undetectable in SDs. MtFTa1 and MtFTa2 were strongly induced by vernalization, with neither gene being expressed at a detectable level in LD nonvernalized whole plants at day 15 but expressed at high levels in LD vernalized plants (Fig. 4C; note that 2211

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Figure 4. Vernalization and LD photoperiod promote flowering and MtFTa1 expression. A, Flowering time of Medicago cv Jester plants vernalized in the dark at 4°C for 2 weeks (V) or nonvernalized (NV) and grown in either LD (16 h of light/8 h of dark) or SD (8 h of light/16 h of dark) photoperiod. Flowering time was expressed as either number of days to produce the first flower (days to first flower) or the node from which the first flower emerged (nodes to first flower). Nodes were counted from the base of the plant to the growing tip of the primary stem. The data represent average 6 SE of 10 plants. B, MtFT transcript levels in whole seedlings vernalized and grown in LD or SD. C, MtFT transcript levels in whole seedlings grown under LD, with or without vernalization. Seedlings were harvested with three nodes at 15 d old (LD) or 21 d old (SD) at ZT2. D and E, Transcription profiles of MtFTa1 and MtFTa2 in seedlings grown at 4°C in the dark for 14 d and then transferred to LDs at 21°C for 14 d. The data represent an average 6 SE of three biological replicates, with transcripts normalized to PDF2.

MtFTa1 is expressed in older nonvernalized plants [see Fig. 8E below]). In contrast, MtFTb1 and MtFTb2 were expressed in nonvernalized and vernalized plants (Fig. 4C). MtFTc expression was not detected using the RNA isolated from whole plants in this experiment under any of the conditions, although it was detected in apical buds harvested from LD- and SD-grown plants (Fig. 5Aiv). A feature of the vernalization response is that plants retain an epigenetic memory of the cold. To examine if prolonged exposure to the cold directly activates the MtFTa1 or MtFTa2 gene, or if subsequent exposure to an inductive photoperiod is needed, we carried out the following experiment. Medicago seeds were germinated, vernalized at 4°C in the dark for 14 d, and then transferred to inductive conditions (21°C and LD photoperiod). MtFTa1 was not expressed in germinated seedlings after 0, 7, or 14 d in the cold; however, after being transferred into warm LD conditions for 1 d, MtFTa1 expression was just detectable, with expression increasing after 7 and 14 d (Fig. 4D). Thus, vernalization per se does not induce MtFTa1 expression, implying that Medicago retains a “memory” of being exposed to cold. Surprisingly, MtFTa2 responded quite differently and was up-regulated after 14 d at 4°C, while the seedlings were still in the cold and dark. This up-regulation of MtFTa2 expression was maintained after the plants were returned to warm temperatures (Fig. 4E). 2212

In summary, the four leaf-expressed FT genes are induced by conditions that promote flowering (MtFTa1 and MtFTa2 by vernalization and MtFTa1, MtFTb1, and MtFTb2 by LD photoperiod) and therefore may play a role in the induction of flowering; however, only MtFTa1 is induced by both vernalization and LD photoperiod. Transfer from an SD to LD Photoperiod Promotes Flowering and Leads to the Rapid Up-Regulation of MtFTa1, MtFTb1, and MtFTb2

To further investigate the effect of photoperiod on the expression of the FT family members, we compared their expression over a diurnal time course from LD- and SD-grown plants (Fig. 5A; for independently replicated data, see Supplemental Fig. S3). MtFTa1 was expressed at similar levels throughout the LD and SD diurnal time course and did not appear to cycle in a robust manner (Fig. 5Ai). However, consistent with Figure 4B, MtFTa1 was found to be expressed at significantly higher levels in LDs compared with SDs (Fig. 5Ai). MtFTa2 was also detected at all time points in both the LD and SD diurnal time course and was the highest expressed FT family member under SD conditions, with peak expression occurring during the dark (ZT12; Fig. 5Aii). MtFTb1 expression was not detected at any time points of the SD diurnal time course but was expressed bimodally in LDs, with peak Plant Physiol. Vol. 156, 2011

FT Regulation of Medicago Flowering

Figure 5. Photoperiodic regulation of MtFT gene expression. A, Relative transcript levels of MtFT genes were measured every 4 h through the diurnal cycle in LD and SD conditions using qRT-PCR. LDs were 16 h of light/8 h of dark and SDs were 8 h of light/16 h of dark. ZT0 indicates lights on. The graphs show MtFTa1 (i), MtFTa2 (ii), MtFTb1 (iii), and MtFTc (iv) transcript levels in LD and SD, the above genes in LD (v), and the above genes in SD (vi). Below graphs v and vi, the white bars indicate day and the black bars indicate night. Transcript abundance of the MtFT genes was normalized to TEF1a and calibrated to the sample with the highest gene expression (FTb1 at ZT4 in LD). Total aerial parts of vernalized 10-d Jester plants grown in vitro were used. The average 6 SE of qRT-PCR results from four biological replicates is shown. B, Transcript profiles of FTa1, FTa2, FTb1, and FTb2 during shifts between SDs and LDs. Whole plants to be shifted were grown under SDs until the monofoliate leaf unfolded (approximately 6 d). A subset of SD plants was harvested, and the remaining plants were shifted into LDs and harvested after 1, 2, and 3 d in LD. The remaining plants were shifted back to SDs and harvested after a further 1, 2, and 3 d in SD. Seedlings were harvested at ZT4 irrespective of LDs or SDs. The data represents an average 6 SE of three biological replicates, with transcripts normalized to PDF2.

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expression at 4 h after dawn (ZT4) and at dusk (ZT16; Fig. 5Aiii). MtFTb2 showed a similar pattern of expression (Supplemental Fig. S3). Although MtFTc was expressed at very low levels in whole plants, like MtFTa2, it was also expressed at its highest level in SDs at ZT12 (Fig. 5Aiv). We were unable to detect MtFTc expression in the leaves of LD plants; however, given that maximal MtFTc expression was detected in SDs at ZT12, we examined whether it was expressed in the leaves at this time point. This experiment revealed that MtFTc was expressed, albeit still at relatively low levels, in both the leaves and apical tissues in SDs (Supplemental Fig. S2). Overall, these results demonstrate that the different Medicago FT family members have distinct photoperiodic responses. To determine if any of the FT family members are regulated by photoperiod within a time frame that is consistent with them having a role in regulating flowering, we performed an experiment where Medicago plants were grown under an SD photoperiod and then shifted for varying numbers of days into inductive LD conditions. Plants grown in SD conditions after vernalization flowered with about nine nodes. When these plants were shifted into a LD photoperiod when they had one visible node (and many other nodes already formed within the shoot apex), they flowered with a total of about seven nodes (Supplemental Fig. S4A). Shifting these plants from SD into LDs for just 1 d was not sufficient to promote flowering. However, flowering was promoted when the plants were shifted into LDs for 3 d or more (Supplemental Fig. S4A). This indicates that three LDs were sufficient to induce flowering in plants of this age. Next, we examined if the expression of different FT family members responded to changes in photoperiod on a similar time scale. RNA was obtained from Medicago cv R108 leaves and apical buds collected at ZT4 after plants were grown in SD and then transferred to LDs for 1, 2, and 3 d, then back to SD for 1, 2, and 3 d (a similar experiment using RNA obtained from Medicago cv Jester whole plants collected at ZT2 is shown in Supplemental Fig. S4). MtFTa1 was upregulated in both the leaves and apical buds after just one LD, and its expression increased after a further 2 and 3 d in LDs (Fig. 5B). MtFTa1 returned to preshift SD levels after just 1 d after being transferred back into SDs (Fig. 5B). Interestingly, MtFTa2 showed the opposite pattern of expression to MtFTa1 and was expressed at lower levels in both leaves and apical buds when grown in LD photoperiod compared with plants shifted back into SDs (Fig. 5B). MtFTb1 and MtFTb2 also responded rapidly to changes in photoperiod, with one LD being sufficient for their up-regulation and further increases seen after 2 and 3 d in LDs (Fig. 5B). MtFTb1 and MtFTb2 were not detectable when returned to SDs (Fig. 5B). Thus, MtFTa1, MtFTb1, and MtFTb2 are up-regulated rapidly by LDs and therefore could be responsible for the LD induction of flowering. The different behavior of MtFTa1 and MtFTa2 in the shift experiments suggests that the two genes are 2214

regulated by different mechanisms, and this is consistent with their different diurnal patterns of expression and vernalization response. MtFTa1, MtFTb1, and MtFTc Encode FT Proteins That Can Complement the Arabidopsis ft-1 Mutant

To assess the potential of MtFT genes to regulate flowering time, the five Medicago genes were overexpressed in Arabidopsis using the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. The 35S:MtFT constructs were introduced into the late-flowering Arabidopsis ft-1 mutant plants (in the Landsberg erecta [Ler] background). At least 10 independent homozygous T3 lines were produced, and representative plants grown under LD conditions are shown in Figure 6A. 35S:MtFTa1 complemented the ft-1 mutation and caused plants to flower even earlier than wild-type Ler plants, with 35S: MtFTa1 plants flowering with 5.0 6 0.2 leaves compared with 9.1 6 0.9 leaves for Ler. In contrast, plants overexpressing MtFTa2 flowered with 22.4 6 0.6 leaves, which was similar to ft-1 (21.4 6 2.0). MtFTb1 was able to partially complement ft-1, with highexpressing lines (such as the line shown in Fig. 6)

Figure 6. Overexpression of MtFTa1, FTb1, and FTc complement the Arabidopsis ft-1 mutation. A, Photograph of the 35S:MtFT lines in the Arabidopsis ft-1 mutant (Ler). Ectopic expression of MtFTa1, MtFTb1, and MtFTc resulted in early flowering of ft-1 mutant plants. B, A representative line expressing each MtFT construct was selected for flowering-time analysis. Total leaf number was calculated by combining total rosette leaves and cauline leaves on the primary inflorescence. Data represent a minimum of 10 plants scored for each line 6 SE. MtFTa1 and MtFTc overexpression lines were consistently early flowering (greater than 10 independent lines scored), whereas MtFTb1 transformants displayed early and intermediate flowering times (Supplemental Fig. S5). [See online article for color version of this figure.] Plant Physiol. Vol. 156, 2011

FT Regulation of Medicago Flowering

flowering with similar numbers of leaves as Ler, whereas other lines showed intermediate flowering with up to 15 leaves (Supplemental Fig. S5A). In contrast, 35S:MtFTb2 lines were unable to complement ft-1, even when expressed at high levels (Fig. 6; Supplemental Fig. S4B). 35S:MtFTc plants flowered very early, with some lines flowering without producing any rosette leaves and only two cauline leaves. The 35S:MtFTc plants showed other abnormalities, such as curly leaves (Supplemental Fig. S6) that have been found in 35S:AtFT Arabidopsis plants (Teper-Bamnolker and Samach, 2005). In summary, MtFTa1 and MtFTc can fully complement ft-1 and result in very early flowering when driven by the 35S promoter, whereas MtFTb1 partially complements ft-1. Overexpression of MtFTa1 Strongly Accelerates Flowering in Transgenic Medicago Plants

Medicago cv R108 was transformed with the same 35S:MtFTa1 construct that was used to complement the Arabidopsis ft-1 mutant. As controls, we transformed plants with a 35S:GUS construct and also regenerated Medicago plants from leaf explants that had not been infected with Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The flowering time of T0 plants (plants regenerated directly from explants) was measured. Nine independently generated 35S:MtFTa1 plants were obtained, and all flowered significantly earlier than the 35S:GUS and regenerated plant controls (Fig. 7, A and C). In nonvernalized plants, MtFTa1 was expressed at approximately 30- to 3,400-fold higher levels in the three 35S:MtFTa1 lines examined compared with the 35S: GUS or regenerated control plants (Fig. 7B). We then measured the flowering time of T1 progeny from two of the 35S:MtFTa1 lines grown in LD photoperiod without vernalization (Fig. 7, D and E). All 12 progeny from the first line, M1-4, flowered significantly earlier (average, 28.6 6 0.9 d) than R108 (average, 54.1 6 1.1 d). The second line segregated early-flowering plants that flowered after just 24 6 0 d with only two nodes and a late-flowering plant that flowered after 57 d with 11 nodes. Thus, MtFTa1 can induce flowering when overexpressed in Medicago, even in the absence of vernalization, indicating that FT expression is a limiting factor in promoting the floral transition. The 35S:MtFTa1 plants also exhibited increased internode elongation and less branching compared with the 35S: GUS and regenerated control plants, resulting in a more erect phenotype, indicating that, in addition to promoting flowering, MtFTa1 influences other aspects of plant development. Medicago fta1 Mutants Are Late Flowering

The fact that MtFTa1 is expressed in the leaves, is upregulated by conditions that promote flowering (vernalization and LDs), and causes early flowering when overexpressed in Arabidopsis and Medicago strongly implicates MtFTa1 as a key regulator of flowering. To Plant Physiol. Vol. 156, 2011

provide more direct evidence for the role of MtFTa1 in flowering, we set out to identify plants carrying mutations in this gene. Using Medicago cv R108 Tnt1 retrotransposon-tagged insertion mutants (Tadege et al., 2008), a reverse genetic approach was employed to screen for Tnt1 insertions within the MtFTa1 gene using PCR. Two different lines were found to have Tnt1 sequences within the MtFTa1 gene. Line NF3307 contained an insertion within exon 1 (fta1-1), and Tnt1 was inserted within intron 1 in line NF2519 (fta1-2; Fig. 8A). Both lines segregated plants with a late-flowering phenotype (fta1-1 is shown Fig. 8B and fta1-2 is shown in Supplemental Fig. S7). No RT-PCR products were detected using primers across the insertion sites, indicating that the Tnt1 sequences prevent a correctly spliced mRNA from being produced (Fig. 8C). Next, we investigated if late flowering correlated with homozygous Tnt1 insertions. In both lines, approximately 25% of the plants were late flowering, and all were homozygous for the Tnt1 insertion within the MtFTa1 gene (Supplemental Fig. S7). Together, these results indicate that disrupting the MtFTa1 gene results in a late-flowering phenotype. Loss of FTa1 also affected the growth habit (Fig. 8B). In comparison with the wild type, the fta1 mutant showed dramatically reduced elongation of main stem internodes, more profuse and vigorous lateral branching at lower nodes, and a more prostrate habit overall. To investigate the environmental conditions in which MtFTa1 functions to promote flowering, wild-type R108 (from NF3307) and the fta1-1 mutant were either vernalized for 2 weeks at 4°C or not vernalized and grown in an LD or SD photoperiod. The vernalized fta1-1 mutant flowered later than the wild type when grown in both LD and SD photoperiods, consistent with the expression data showing that while MtFTa1 is upregulated by the LD photoperiod, it is also expressed in SD conditions (Figs. 4C and 5). However, the fta1-1 mutant still flowered significantly earlier when grown in LD compared with SD photoperiods (92 d compared with 141 d; Fig. 8D). Similarly, the nonvernalized fta1-1 mutant also flowered earlier in LD compared with SD conditions (94 d compared with 144 d; Fig. 8D). Therefore, while the MtFTa1 gene plays a major role in the promotion of flowering under the LD photoperiod, an MtFTa1-independent pathway must also exist to allow Medicago to flower earlier in LD conditions. In both LD and SD conditions, the vernalized fta1-1 mutant flowered at the same time as the nonvernalized fta1-1 mutant (Fig. 8D). Thus, the fta1-1 mutant is completely unresponsive to vernalization, indicating that MtFTa1 is the major target of the vernalization pathway. Given that we did not detect MtFTa1 expression in nonvernalized 15-d-old plants, it was surprising that the fta1-1 mutant flowered later than wild-type plants without vernalization. Therefore, we examined MtFTa1 expression in older nonvernalized plants and found that MtFTa1 was indeed expressed in plants prior to flowering (Fig. 2215

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Figure 7. Overexpression of FTa1 in Medicago results in early flowering. A, Flowering time of Medicago cv R108 transformed with 35S:FTa1 or 35S:GUS. Regeneration controls (RC) are plants that were regenerated from leaf explants in the absence of phosphinothricin selection. The graph shows flowering times of T0 transformants and control plants in LD conditions without vernalization, expressed as nodes to first flower. The data from nine independent 35S:FTa1 transformants, five independent 35S: GUS lines, and eight RC plants were used to calculate the mean number of nodes to flowering 6 SE. B, MtFTa1 transcript accumulation in T0 transformants and control plants was measured in LD conditions using qRT-PCR. Relative transcript abundance of MtFTa1 in fully expanded trifoliate leaves at ZT1.5 is shown for three independent 35S:FTa1 plants, one 35S:GUS plant, and one RC plant. Data represent average 6 SE of two biological replicates, with transcripts normalized to TEF1a. C, T0 transformant and control plants grown under LDs. Photographs were taken 42 to 44 d after transfer of regenerated plantlets to soil. The white arrowhead indicates a flower. D and E, Graphs showing the days to first flower (D) and nodes to first flower (E) of 35S:FTa1 T1 and R108 control plants in LD conditions without vernalization. The flowering time of the progeny of two independent T0 transformants was measured. All the progeny of M1-4 flowered early (n = 12), while the progeny of M18-2 showed segregation, with two plants flowering early and one plant flowering as late as the R108 control plants (n = 10). [See online article for color version of this figure.]

8E). Thus, the expression of MtFTa1 in nonvernalized plants later in development is sufficient to promote flowering. Altered Expression of FT Family Members in fta1

To investigate if MtFTa1 affects the expression of any other FT genes, we first examined the expression of MtFTa2, MtFTb1, and MtFTb2 in fta1-1 mutant plants grown in SD and shifted to LD photoperiod. This experiment was performed at the same time as the 2216

shift experiment with wild-type plants shown in Figure 5B. The fact that MtFTa1 is expressed at higher levels in LD than in SD photoperiod, whereas MtFTa2 shows the opposite expression pattern (Fig. 5), raised the possibility that MtFTa1 might repress MtFTa2 expression. However, MtFTa2 was expressed in both the leaves and nodes in fta1-1 mutant plants and at similar levels to those in wild-type plants. Therefore, the reduced levels of MtFTa1 in SDs are not responsible for the rapid up-regulation of MtFTa2 that occurs when plants are shifted back to SDs. Similarly, it Plant Physiol. Vol. 156, 2011

FT Regulation of Medicago Flowering

Figure 8. fta1 mutants are late flowering. A, Schematic of the MtFTa1 gene with the positions of fta1-1 (NF3307; +56) and fta1-2 (NF2519; +273) marked. Exons are shown by black boxes, and thin lines represent introns. B, Photograph of R108 (wild type [WT]) and an fta1-1 mutant plant taken 35 d after germination. R108 is producing flowers (arrowheads). Plants were vernalized for 2 weeks and then grown in LDs. C, A graph showing the relative expression of MtFTa1 in R108 and plants homozygous for the fta1-1or fta1-2 mutation. RNA was extracted from fully expanded trifoliate leaves grown under LDs at 15 d after germination, following a vernalization treatment. Data represent average relative expression for three biological replicates 6 SE. D, A comparison of flowering times (measured using days to first flower) of R108 and fta1-1 plants in different growth conditions (LDs or SDs), vernalized (V) or nonvernalized (NV). Data represent average of at least six plants 6 SE. E, The relative expression of MtFTa1 in R108 grown in LDs (nonvernalized). The uppermost fully expanded trifoliate leaf was harvested from plants with four, six to eight, 14 to 16, and 18+ nodes. Plants with 18+ nodes had flowered. Data represent average for three biological replicates 6 SE. [See online article for color version of this figure.] Plant Physiol. Vol. 156, 2011

was possible that the up-regulation of MtFTa1 in LDs might contribute to the expression of MtFTb1 and MtFTb2 only under LDs. However, both MtFTb1 and MtFTb2 were up-regulated upon transfer from SD to LD conditions in the fta1-1 mutant, indicating that FTa1 is not required for their expression in LDs (Fig. 9B). To further investigate the regulation of the FT genes, we examined their expression in wild-type and fta1-1 mutant plants in leaves and apical bud tissue at different stages of development. RNA was isolated from plants with two nodes (approximately 10 d), five nodes (approximately 20 d), and plants that had flowered (approximately 60 d for wild-type plants and approximately 80 d for the late-flowering fta1-1 mutant). As expected, MtFTa1 was expressed in both leaves and apical buds at these time points but was not detected in the fta1-1 mutant (Supplemental Fig. S8A). Prior to flowering, MtFTa2 was comparable between the wild type and fta1-1 in both leaves and apical buds (P = 0.45 and P = 0.57, respectively; Fig. 9A). However, after flowering, MtFTa2 was expressed at significantly higher levels (P , 0.01) in the fta1-1 mutant compared with the wild type (approximately 10-fold and approximately 8-fold higher in leaves and apical buds, respectively; Supplemental Fig. S8B). MtFTb1 was expressed at slightly higher levels in the leaves of the fta1-1 mutant compared with the wild type, although this difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.063). However, after flowering, MtFTb1 was expressed at significantly higher levels in fta1 compared with the wild type (P = 0.014; Supplemental Fig. S8C). In contrast, there were no significant differences in MtFTb2 between the fta1-1 mutant and the wild type (P = 0.677; Fig. 9B). The increased expression of MtFTa2 and MtFTb2 in the fta1-1 mutant might be due to the significant difference in the age of the fta1-1 and wild-type plants when they flowered, although it might also be due to MtFTa1 directly or indirectly suppressing MtFTa2 and MtFTb1 expression. Additional experiments will be required to establish why MtFTa2 and MtFTb1 are expressed at higher levels in the fta1-1 mutant. However, the effect of the fta1-1 mutant on MtFTc expression was more dramatic. Prior to flowering, at the two- and five-node stages, MtFTc was only expressed in the apical buds of wild-type plants and could not be detected in the fta1-1 mutant (Fig. 9C). However, MtFTc expression was observed once fta1-1 plants had flowered (Fig. 9C). The fact that in LDs, MtFTc is only expressed in the apical buds and only once the fta1-1 plants flowered suggests that MtFTc might be expressed in a similar manner to the floral meristem identity genes. We examined the expression of MtPIM and a Medicago homolog of FRUITFULL, FULc (Hecht et al., 2005). Both of these genes were not expressed in wild-type plants at the two-node stage (approximately 10 d after germination), whereas MtFTc was detected at this stage (Fig. 9C). Thus, MtFTc is expressed prior to the induction of the floral meristem identity genes. 2217

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Figure 9. Altered expression of Medicago FTs and floral meristem identify genes in the fta1-1 mutant. A and B, Relative transcript levels of FTs in wild-type (black or gray) and fta1-1 (white) leaves or dissected apical buds during shifts from SDs and LDs, as described in Figure 5. C, Relative transcript levels of FTc and the meristem identify genes, MtPIM and MtFULc, in dissected apical bud tissue from wild-type R108 and fta1-1 plants approximately 10 d old with two nodes (2n), approximately 25 d old with five nodes (5n), or once the plants had flowered. Plants were vernalized for 2 weeks in the dark at 4°C and grown under LDs. Tissue was harvested at ZT2. The data represent an average 6 SE of three biological replicates, with transcripts normalized to PDF2.

ftc Mutants Have No Obvious Phenotype

MtFTc is expressed in apical bud tissue prior to the expression of the floral meristem identity genes, and its expression is delayed in the fta1-1 mutant, suggesting that it might be involved in the floral transition. To investigate the role of MtFTc, we screened the Tnt1 lines for inserts within the MtFTc gene using the same approach we used to identify the fta1 mutants. Three independent Tnt1 insertions were identified in MtFTc within the 5# untranslated region (NF6335; ftc-1), exon 1 (NF4345; ftc-2), and intron 1 (NF4913; ftc-3; Fig. 10A). The Tnt1 insertions all segregated approximately 3:1, and homozygous lines for each of the lines were identified (Supplemental Fig. S9). qRT-PCR using primers to amplify across MtFTc exons 1 and 2 revealed that MtFTc is expressed at lower levels in ftc-1 homozygous 2218

plants and that, in ftc-3 homozygous plants, a low level of correctly spliced transcript persists despite the large Tnt1 insert. In contrast, MtFTc was not detectable in ftc-2 mutant plants, indicating that only ftc-2 is likely to be a null mutant (Fig. 10B). Homozygous plants for each of the three Tnt1 insertions developed normally and were phenotypically indistinguishable from the wild type, with normal flowers forming at approximately the same time (Fig. 10C; Supplemental Fig. S9). Thus, MtFTc does not appear to play a major role in regulating Medicago flowering in LDs, consistent with its confined expression pattern in apical buds. However, given that MtFTc is also expressed in the leaves in SD-grown plants (Supplemental Fig. S2), we are currently investigating if MtFTc influences flowering in SDs. Plant Physiol. Vol. 156, 2011

FT Regulation of Medicago Flowering Figure 10. Wild-type flowering of ftc mutants caused by Tnt1 insertions. A, Schematic showing the positions of Tnt1 insertions in the MtFTc gene. Using a reverse genetics approach, Tnt1 insertions were identified in the 5# untranslated region (NF6335; ftc1), exon 1 (NF4345; ftc2), and intron 1 (NF4913; ftc3). B, Relative expression of MtFTc in apical buds from wild type (WT) and three ftc mutant lines. C, Flowering time ftc mutants in vernalized LD plants. Data represent the average of eight plants homozygous for the Tnt1 insertion 6 SE.


FT-like proteins appear to play a universal role in regulating flowering time (Turck et al., 2008). Here, we have characterized five Medicago FT family members and show that the different FTs have distinct patterns of expression and responses to environmental cues. We demonstrate that only one of the FT genes, MtFTa1, is regulated by both vernalization and a LD photoperiod and that this gene plays a major role in the regulation of Medicago flowering. Unlike other Rosids, the legumes have three distinct groups of FT proteins, FTa, FTb, and FTc (Hecht et al., 2011; Fig. 1A). MtFTa1 encodes an FTa group protein, and recent work by the Weller group has shown that the pea FTa group gene, PsFTa1, also plays a key role in regulating flowering time. PsFTa1 corresponds to the GIGAS locus, is essential for flowering under LD conditions, and promotes flowering under SD conditions (Hecht et al., 2011). Like Medicago, pea has at least five FT-like genes, and these genes have shown distinct patterns of expression. The pea FTb group gene, PsFTb2, is also implicated in the LD induction of flowering (Hecht et al., 2011). Ten FT genes have been found in soybean, a SD legume (Kong et al., 2010; Hecht et al., 2011). Two of these soybean FT genes (GmFT2a and GmFT5a) have recently been implicated in controlling flowering (Kong et al., 2010). GmFT2a encodes an FTa group protein and GmFT5a encodes an FTc group protein, named GmFTa3 and GmFTc1, respectively, by Hecht et al. (2011; Fig. 1A). Therefore, it appears that flowering in legumes involves multiple FT genes that belong to different FT groups. Overexpression of the different Medicago and pea FT family members in the Arabidopsis ft-1 mutant revealed that not all the FT-like genes are functional, and even those that were able to complement ft-1 varied in the degree to which they promoted flowering. Therefore, sequence variation within the FT-like family members affects their ability to promote flowering. Conserved sequences within the FT proteins are required for the promotion of flowering. The Tyr-85/ Plant Physiol. Vol. 156, 2011

His-88 and Gln-140/Asp-144 residues, as well as sequences within the external loop of the PEBP proteins, known as segment B, determine whether the FT-like and TFL1-like members promote or repress flowering (Hanzawa et al., 2005; Ahn et al., 2006). While the all legume FT-like proteins have the conserved Tyr-85, the legume FTc group proteins, which strongly promote flowering, have a His rather than a Gln at position 140. Segment B, which is conserved in the FT-like proteins from other plants, is more divergent in the legume FTs. Amino acid changes within this region can have a profound effect on the activity of the FT-like proteins. In sugar beet (Beta vulgaris), just three amino acid changes within this region (Tyr-138/Asn-134, Gly-141/Gln-137, and Trp-142/Gln-138) determine the ability of BvFT2 and BvFT1 to promote and repress flowering, respectively (Pin et al., 2010). These three amino acids are conserved within strongly activating MtFTa1 and PsFTa1/ GIGAS proteins. However, interestingly, two of these amino acids (equivalent to Tyr-138 and Gly-141 in BvFT2) vary in the FTc proteins. Tyr-138 is replaced with other polar amino acids (Phe or Ile), whereas in BvFT1, it is replaced with a nonpolar amino acid, Asn. This suggests that while conservative substitutions at Tyr-138 do not abolish FT’s ability to promote flowering, nonconservative changes might have a more profound effect. In contrast, changes at Gly-141, a nonpolar amino acid, are probably less important, as the acidic residue Asp or Glu is present at the equivalent position in FTc proteins. Thus, it is unlikely that the presence of the polar amino acid Gln at this position in BvFT1 is responsible for the late-flowering properties of BvFT1. All the FTs except BvFT1 have a Trp at the equivalent position to 142 in BvFT2. It is likely, therefore, that this amino acid change, probably together with the Try138/Asn change, is key to the BvFT1 repressive function. However, it is not clear whether variation in the amino acids within the B segment of the legume FTs is responsible for their differing abilities to promote flowering. Clearly, variation within other regions also affect the ability of the different FTs to promote Arabidopsis 2219

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flowering when overexpressed, as MtFTa1/MtFTa2 and MtFTb1/MtFTb2 have identical B segments, although only MtFTa1 and MtFTb1 cause early flowering. Our results indicate that MtFTa1 plays a key role in the promotion of flowering by vernalization. The expression of MtFTa1 is strongly induced by a vernalization treatment (Fig. 4C), and the fta1-1 mutant appears to be unable to respond to vernalization (Fig. 8D), indicating that MtFTa1 is the major, and possibly only, target of the vernalization pathway. Although another FT gene, MtFTa2, is also induced by vernalization, this gene was unable to complement the ft-1 mutation when overexpressed in Arabidopsis. Therefore, it appears that MtFTa2 does not encode a protein capable of inducing flowering. The identification and characterization of an MtFTa2 mutant will be required to establish if it plays any role in Medicago flowering. A hallmark of the vernalization process is that plants retain an epigenetic memory of being exposed to the cold. To investigate if up-regulation of the MtFTa1 or MtFTa2 gene in response to vernalization occurs only after the plants are returned to warm temperatures, we examined their expression in germinated seedlings growing at 4°C in the dark and then growing at 21°C in LDs. MtFTa1 was not expressed in seedlings during the cold but was up-regulated when the plants were transferred into warm LDs (Fig. 4D). This implies that, as in other plants, Medicago plants retain a memory of the cold. Interestingly, MtFTa2 expression was up-regulated while still in the cold; however, its expression was maintained when the plants were grown in warm temperatures, suggesting that there might also be a epigenetic basis to its regulation. Although MtFTa1 is strongly induced by vernalization, MtFTa1 is expressed at low levels in nonvernalized plants (Fig. 8E) and this low level of expression is sufficient to promote flowering, as the nonvernalized fta1-1 mutant flowered significantly later than wild-type plants (Fig. 8D). Thus, although MtFTa1 is the major target of the vernalization pathway, it also plays an important role in determining the flowering time of nonvernalized plants. In vernalization-responsive Arabidopsis accessions, FT expression is repressed prior to vernalization by FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC) interacting with the FT promoter (Searle et al., 2006). Vernalization results in the epigenetic silencing of the FLC gene, which then allows the FT gene to be up-regulated by the photoperiod pathway. Medicago does not possess an obvious FLC homolog (Hecht et al., 2005), raising the possibility that the vernalization-responsive regulation of MtFTa1 might stem from a different mechanism to that of Arabidopsis. This may not be surprising, as it has been suggested that since flowering plants evolved in a warm environment where vernalization would not be necessary, the cold induction of flowering might have evolved independently in different families of flowering plants (Amasino, 2010). In support of this, a recent study has shown that vernalization of cultivated sugar beet, a eudicot in the family Amaranthaceae, involves a different mechanism from Arabidopsis, a member of the 2220

Brassicaceae (Pin et al., 2010). In sugar beet, rather than silencing an FLC-like gene, vernalization downregulates an FT gene, BvFT1, that has evolved the ability to repress the expression of another FT gene, BvFT2, shown to be essential for flowering (Pin et al., 2010). None of the Medicago FT genes are down-regulated by vernalization. Therefore, the up-regulation of MtFTa1 by vernalization does not appear to involve another FT. Vernalization in cereals also involves the downregulation of an FT repressor, in this case the CO, CO-like, and TIMING OF CAB EXPRESSION1 domain transcription factor VRN2 (Yan et al., 2004; Hemming et al., 2008). We are currently searching for genes that encode vernalization-responsive repressors of MtFTa1 expression. The expression of MtFTa1 is induced by a LD photoperiod (Fig. 5B), and consistent with a role in promoting flowering in this condition, the fta1 mutant has significantly delayed flowering in LDs compared with wild-type plants (Fig. 8D). However, the fta1 mutant is still capable of responding to photoperiod, indicating that another pathway exists. A candidate for this pathway is MtFTb1. Consistent with a potential role as a florigen, MtFTb1 is expressed in the leaves under LD photoperiods but is not expressed at detectable levels in SD photoperiods (Fig. 5B) and can complement the Arabidopsis ft-1 mutant when overexpressed at high levels (Fig. 6). Unfortunately, we have not yet identified a Tnt1 insertion within the MtFTb1 gene to examine whether it is involved in regulating flowering. However, recent work in pea supports the idea that photoperiodic regulation of flowering in temperate legumes might involve multiple FT genes (Hecht et al., 2011). Hecht et al. (2011) have shown that PsFTa1 corresponds to the GIGAS gene. The Psfta1/ gigas mutant is deficient in a mobile floral signal that is required for flowering under LD and promotes flowering under SD conditions; however, the mutant can still respond to photoperiod (Beveridge and Murfet, 1996; Hecht et al., 2011). Hecht et al. (2011) provided evidence that the photoperiodic induction of flowering involves a second mobile floral signal that correlates with the expression of the FTb group gene, PsFTb2, which, like the Medicago FTb1 and FTb2 genes, is induced by LDs. Thus, the photoperiodic induction of flowering of both Medicago and pea might involve FTa and FTb group FT proteins. Interestingly, MtFTa1 and MtFTb1 are regulated differently by photoperiod; for example, MtFTa1 lacks a robust diurnal rhythm and is expressed in SDs, whereas MtFTb1 is regulated diurnally and not expressed in SDs. This suggests that two mechanisms might exist to mediate the LD induction of the FTs. Although the FTa group genes MtFTa1 and PsFTa1/ GIGAS play important roles in the regulation of Medicago and pea flowering, respectively, they do not have exactly the same function. While flowering of the Medicago fta1 mutant is delayed under LDs, normal flowers are eventually produced and the meristem identity genes MtPIM and MtFULc are expressed in Plant Physiol. Vol. 156, 2011

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the apical buds at flowering (Fig. 9C). In contrast, Psfta1/gigas mutants generally fail to produce flowers under LDs, and this is associated with a lack of expression of the floral meristem identity genes PIM and SEPALLALA1 and the reduced expression of UNIFOLIATA (Hecht et al., 2011). Interestingly, flowering of Psfta1/gigas is only delayed under the SD photoperiod, and normal flowers are produced (Beveridge and Murfet, 1996; Hecht et al., 2011). The Medicago fta1 mutant also has delayed flowering under SDs. The role of MtFTa1 in the induction of flowering under SDs is in contrast to Arabidopsis, where FT/TSF play a very minor role in SDs, with the ft-10 tsf-1 double mutant flowering only slightly later than wild-type plants in SDs (Jang et al., 2009). Instead, the SD flowering of Arabidopsis involves the FT/TSF-independent induction of SOC1 by GA (Borner et al., 2000; Jang et al., 2009). Recently, two FT genes (GmFT2a/FTa3 and GmFT5a/FTc1) have been implicated in the flowering of the SD legume soybean. These genes are expressed at low levels in LDs and up-regulated under SDs. Thus, the altered regulation of the FT genes appears to be a key difference between LD and SD legumes. In addition to the LD-induced MtFTa1 and MtFTb1 genes, MtFTc was also able to complement the Arabidopsis ft-1 mutant. Although more divergent in sequence compared with the other Medicago FTs, MtFTc caused Arabidopsis to flower very early when overexpressed. This suggested that MtFTc might play a role in controlling flowering time. However, the ftc mutants flowered at the same time as the wild type and did not have any obvious phenotypes. Thus, the role of MtFTc is not clear. A possible explanation for the lack of a flowering-time phenotype in the ftc mutant is that MtFTa1 and MtFTc have overlapping or partially redundant roles and that MtFTa1 activity can compensate for the lack of MtFTc. However, the fta1/ftc double mutant needed to address this question will be difficult to obtain, as the two genes are tightly linked (only approximately 30 kb apart). MtFTc is expressed in the apical buds but not in leaves, and its expression is associated with flowering. The fta1 mutant has no detectable MtFTc expression prior to flowering; however, MtFTc is expressed once fta1 plants flower. This may be similar to the Arabidopsis floral meristem identity gene AP1, which is activated by FT but can also be activated by other pathways that induce flowering. However, MtFTc expression was detected prior to the induction of the Medicago ortholog of AP1, MtPIM, and the meristem identity gene MtFULc. Thus, MtFTc expression appears to be associated with the floral transition rather than simply with the formation of flowers. In pea, the PsFTc gene is also expressed in apical buds but not in leaves (Hecht et al., 2011). Like Medicago, the PsFTc gene is up-regulated at a similar time to the pea meristem identity genes, and its expression is reduced in the Psfta1/gigas mutant (Hecht et al., 2011). In contrast to Medicago and pea, the soybean FTc group gene GmFT5a/FTc1 is thought to play a role in regulating flowering, as it is up-regulated Plant Physiol. Vol. 156, 2011

by inductive SD photoperiods and is expressed in the leaves. Thus, the FTc gene may play a different role in the tropical SD legume, soybean, compared with the temperate LD legumes, Medicago and pea. In pea, the expression of the FTa2 gene is abolished in the fta1/gigas mutant, indicating that FTa1 directly or indirectly up-regulates FTa2 expression. However, this is not the case in Medicago, where lower expression of FTa2 is not seen in the fta1 mutant (Fig. 5). If anything, FTa1 might lead to the down-regulation of FTa2, as once the plants flower, FTa2 is expressed at higher levels in the fta1 mutant compared with wild-type plants (Supplemental Fig. S8). Other differences also exits between the pea and Medicago FTa2 genes. PsFTa2 can complement Arabidopsis ft-1 (Hecht et al., 2011), whereas MtFTa2 was unable to complement the Arabidopsis ft-1 mutation and therefore probably does not encode a protein capable of affecting flowering. MtFTa2 expression is induced by vernalization and SDs, environmental conditions that might allow Medicago to adapt its flowering response to suit particular regions. Therefore, more recent mutations within MtFTa2 might have resulted in the loss of its ability to function as a florigen. It is also possible that MtFTa2 actually delays flowering in SDs, perhaps by competing with MtFTa1. Further experiments will be needed to establish if MtFTa2 plays a role in flowering. Similarly, while MtFTb2, like MtFTb1, is only expressed in LD photoperiods, MtFTb2 cannot complement Arabidopsis ft-1, while MtFTb1 partially complements ft-1. Interestingly, in pea, both the PsFTb1 and PsFTb2 genes can complement Arabidopsis ft-1; however, only PsFTb2 is induced by LDs and PsFTb1 is expressed at very low levels in both LD and SD throughout development (Hecht et al., 2011). Thus, in both Medicago and pea, probably only one FTb group gene functions in the LD induction of flowering. Sequence variants within FT homologs from sunflower (Helianthus annuus; Blackman et al., 2010), wheat (Yan et al., 2006), rice (Hagiwara et al., 2009), and Arabidopsis (Schwartz et al., 2009) have been shown to be important for flowering-time adaptation. Since there is significant variation in flowering time in different Medicago accessions (Skinner et al., 1999), it is possible that variation in the activity or expression of the various Medicago FT family members underlies some of this variation. In conclusion, this work provides a detailed characterization of the Medicago FT gene family and demonstrates that MtFTa1 plays a key role in the regulation of flowering. Since the other FT family members are also regulated by vernalization and/or daylength, it possible that they also influence flowering. Future work will focus on understanding the roles of the different FT family members.

MATERIALS AND METHODS Bioinformatics Medicago (Medicago truncatula) homologs of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) FT were identified using tBLASTn searches against Medicago ESTs


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and BAC sequences. Alignments were performed and aligned using ClustalW in the Geneious software package. Phylogenetic relationships among sequences were estimated using the neighbor-joining method in the MEGA 4.0.2 program (Kumar et al., 2008). The accession numbers for sequences are as follows: Arabidopsis AtFT (NM_105222), AtTSF (NM_118156), AtTFL (NM_120465), AtBFT (NM_125597), AtMFT (NM_101672); sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) BvFT1 (HM448910), BvFT2 (HM448912); orange (Citrus unshiu) CiFT (AB027456), CiFT2 (AB301934), CiFT3 (AB301935), CmFT-like2 (ABI94606); pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) CmFT-like1 (ABI94605); fig (Ficus carica) FcFT (BAI60052); woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca) FvFT (CBY25183); soybean (Glycine max) GmFTa1 (AB550124; Glyma16g04840), GmFTa2 (AB550125; Glyma19g28390), GmFTa3/ FT2a (AB550122; Glyma16g26660), GmFTa4 (Glyma16g26690), GmFTb1 (Glyma08g47820), GmFTb2 (Glyma08g47810), GmFTb3 (AB550120; Glyma18g53680), GmFTb4 (AB550121; Glyma18g53690), GmFTc1/5a (AB550126; Glyma16g04830), GmFTc2 (Glyma19g28400); cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) GhFT (HM631972); apple (Malus 3 domestica) MdFT1 (AB161112), MdFT2 (AB458504); Medicago MtFTa1 (HQ721813), MtFTa2 (HQ721814), MtFTb1 (HQ721815), MtFTb2 (HQ721816), MtFTc (HQ721817), MtTFL1 (Medtr7g127250), MtBFT (AC146807_6.1), MtMFT (Medtr4g155400); rice (Oryza sativa) OsHd3a (NM_001063395); Lombardy poplar (Populus nigra) PnFT1 (AB106111), PnFT2 (AB109804), PnFT3/4 (AB110612); trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliate) PtFT (EU400602); Japanese apricot (Prunus mume) PmFT (BAH82787); pea (Pisum sativum) PsFTa1 (HQ538822), PsFTa2 (HQ538823), PsFTb1 (HQ538824), PsFTb2 (HQ538825), PsFTc (HQ538826); Asian pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) PyFT (BAJ11577); China rose (Rosa chinensis) RcFT (CBY25182); tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) LeSP3D (AY186735); and grape (Vitis vinifera) VvFT-like (DQ871590).

Plant Materials and Growth Conditions Medicago cv Jester was kindly supplied by Seedmark, accession R108 (Hoffmann et al., 1997) and various Tnt1 insertion lines were obtained from the Noble Foundation, and the R108-1 (c3) line used for transformation was from Pascal Ratet (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Gif-surYvette, France). Medicago and Arabidopsis plants were grown under the following regimes: 16 h of light/8 h of dark for LDs and 8 h of light/16 h of dark for SDs, in growth cabinets maintained at 21°C with 30% to 40% humidity, and a light intensity of approximately 115 mmol m22 s21. For vernalization treatment, Medicago seeds were first scarified, germinated overnight at 21°C on moist petri dishes, and placed at 4°C in the dark for 2 weeks. For cultivation of Medicago plants, soil was composed of a mixture of nine parts Black Magic seed-raising mix (Yates Orica New Zealand), three parts coarse-graded vermiculite (Pacific Growers Supplies), and one part No. 2 Propagating Sand (Daltons). After 1 month of growth, watering was supplemented with hydroponics medium (without Na2SiO3; Gibeaut et al., 1997). For in vitro culture, Medicago cv Jester or R108 seeds were scarified, sterilized, and cold treated for 3 d or 2 weeks (vernalized) at 4°C. Germinated seedlings were transferred to half-strength SH9 medium (Cosson et al., 2006) with HP 696-7470 agar (Kalys) in Magenta boxes (Sigma). Flowering time of Medicago plants was recorded as the number of days from germination to flowering (when the first fully opened flower was observed) and/or the number of nodes on the main axis at flowering.

Arabidopsis Complementation PCR-amplified MtFT DNA fragments were cloned using the pCR8/GW/ TOPO TA entry vector (Invitrogen) and recombined into the plant transformation vector pB2GW7 (Karimi et al., 2002). Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain GV3101 (Koncz and Schell, 1986) containing the pB2GW7 vectors was applied to Arabidopsis ft-1 mutant flowers using the protocol described by MartinezTrujillo et al. (2004). Seeds were sown directly onto soil for selection for transformants using the Basta herbicide. Putative transformants were confirmed by either genomic DNA (gDNA) PCR or qRT-PCR analysis. A minimum of 10 transformants were characterized for each transgene.

Transformation of Medicago R108 with Agrobacterium and Regeneration via Somatic Embryogenesis Four rounds of transformation were conducted with 35S::FTa1 or 35S::GUS in pB2GW7 (Karimi et al., 2002). Plasmids were transferred into Agrobacterium GV3101 or EHA105 (Hellens et al., 2000). Explants from 3- to 5-week-old R108-1 (c3) plants growing in vitro in LDs without vernalization were cocultivated with Agrobacterium containing the constructs and regenerated via somatic


embryogenesis according to the Medicago handbook (Cosson et al., 2006). Selection for transformant plants was with Basta (3 mg L21; Kiwicare) or DLphosphinothricin (2 or 3 mg L21; Sigma). Explants without Agrobacterium infiltration went through somatic embryogenesis on selective or nonselective medium as negative control or regeneration control, respectively. Regenerated T0 transformed plantlets were further cultivated in soil.

RNA Extraction, cDNA Synthesis, and qRT-PCR RNA was extracted from approximately 100 mg of plant tissue using either the RNeasy Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen) followed by TURBO DNase on-column treatment (TURBO DNA-free Kit; Applied Biosystems) or using Plant RNA purification reagent (Invitrogen) and subsequent DNase treatment (Invitrogen) as per the manufacturer’s instructions. Total RNA (0.5–1 mg) was transcribed into cDNA with SuperScript III reverse transcriptase (Invitrogen) using the (dT)17 primer (Frohman et al., 1988) or with Transcriptor Reverse Transcriptase (Roche) and random hexamers, according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. To determine relative gene expression levels, qRT-PCR was performed in triplicate using either the Roche LightCycler 480 instrument or the Applied Biosystems 7900HT Sequence Detection System. For the Roche LC480, qRT-PCR was performed in 10-mL reaction volumes using the LightCycler 480 SYBR Green I Master (Roche). cDNA was diluted 30-fold, and 3 mL was used in each reaction. Final primer concentrations were 0.5 mM, and all primer combinations showed efficiencies greater than 1.8 using an annealing temperature of 58°C. For qRT-PCR performed using the AB 7900HT Sequence Detection System, 2 mL of a 20-fold-diluted solution of cDNA sample was used in a total reaction volume of 10 mL of 13 SYBR Green PCR Master Mix (Applied Biosystems) with final primer concentrations of 0.5 mM. Relative gene expression levels were calculated using the 2(2delta delta C(T)) method (Livak and Schmittgen, 2001) with modifications (Bookout and Mangelsdorf, 2003). Primers used for qRT-PCR experiments can be found in Supplemental Table S1.

Reverse Genetic Screening for Tnt1 Insertions Using a reverse genetic PCR approach, Tnt1 insertions were identified in genes of interest using Tnt1- and gene-specific primers, with superpooled DNA extracted from over 5,000 Tnt1 mutant lines (Tadege et al., 2008). Following amplification from superpooled DNA, nested gene-specific primers and additional rounds of PCR were used to identify the exact line carrying the Tnt1 insertion in the gene of interest. PCR products were purified and sequenced. Gene-specific primer sequences can be found in Supplemental Table S1. Sequence data from this article can be found at the GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ data libraries under the following accession numbers: MtFTa1 gDNA, AC123593 (Mt3.5, Medtr7g084970.1, chr7:25432978.0.25435370); MtFTa2 gDNA, AC123593 (Medtr7g085020.1); MtFTc gDNA, AC123593 (Mt3.5, Medtr7g085040.1, chr7: 25463178.0.25466505); MtFTb1 gDNA, AC167329 (Mt3.5, Medtr7g006630.1, chr7:979293.0.981445); MtFTb2 gDNA, AC167329 (Mt3.5, Medtr7g006690.1, chr7:1019320.0.1022742); MtFTa1 cDNA, HQ721813; MtFTa2 cDNA, HQ721814; MtFTb1 cDNA, HQ721815; MtFTb2 cDNA, HQ721816; and MtFTc cDNA, HQ721817.

Supplemental Data The following materials are available in the online version of this article. Supplemental Figure S1. Genomic structures of the Medicago FT genes, and alignment of Arabidopsis and Medicago FT protein sequences. Supplemental Figure S2. Medicago FT expression in leaves of different developmental stages. Supplemental Figure S3. Independent replication of the diurnal expression profile of MtFT genes in LD and SD conditions. Supplemental Figure S4. Photoperiodic regulation of MtFT gene expression. Supplemental Figure S5. Flowering time and transgene expression levels in 10 Arabidopsis ft-1 lines expressing MtFTb1 or MtFTb2. Supplemental Figure S6. Phenotypes of ft-1 Arabidopsis plants overexpressing MtFTc.

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FT Regulation of Medicago Flowering

Supplemental Figure S7. Characterization of the fta1 mutant alleles. Supplemental Figure S8. Altered expression of Medicago FTs in the fta1 mutant. Supplemental Figure S9. Characterization of the ftc mutant alleles. Supplemental Table S1. A list of primers used in this study.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Jane Campbell and Robyn Lough for technical assistance and Pascal Ratet for very helpful Medicago transformation advice and providing R108-1 (c3) seed. Received May 18, 2011; accepted June 12, 2011; published June 17, 2011.

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