The Mincer Metaphor - Semantic Scholar

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Sep 17, 1995 - J. W. Lloyd. ... In L. Steels and B. Smith, editors, AISB{91: Arti cial ... Altho , J. Boose, B. Gaines, M. Linster, and F. Schmalhofer, editors, Cur-.
The Mincer Metaphor: A New View on Problem-Solving Methods For Knowledge-Based Systems? Dieter Fensel Remco Straatman Frank van Harmelen y University of Amsterdam Department of Social Science Informatics (SWI) Roetersstraat 15 1018 WB Amsterdam the Netherlands E-mail: [email protected] September 17, 1995


In this paper we present the following view on problem-solving methods: Problemsolving methods describe an ecient reasoning strategy to achieve a goal by introducing assumptions about the available domain knowledge and the \functionality" of the task. These assumptions characterize a problem-solving method. This di ers from current views on problem-solving methods. Current work does not explicitly take the role of eciency of problem-solving methods into consideration, whereas we regard it as the primary principle that drives the development of problem-solving methods. A consequence of our view is that development of problem-solving can no longer be seen as hierarchical re nement of a functional specication.

1 Introduction The concept of a problem-solving method (PSM) is present in a large part of current knowledge-engineering frameworks (e.g. generic tasks [Cha86], Role-limiting Methods [Mar88, Pup93], kads [SWB93], method-to-task approach [Mus92], Components of expertise [Ste90], gdm [TvHWS93]). The actual form of problem-solving methods di ers between frameworks, but in general a PSM describes which reasoning-steps have to be performed, and which type of domain-knowledge is needed to perform a task. Furthermore problem-solving methods are domain independent, and described at the knowledgelevel [New82]. A knowledge-level description describes reasoning in terms of goals to be Supported by the Netherlands Computer Science Research Foundation with nancial support from the Netherlands Organization for Scienti c Research (NWO) y Current aliation is: AI Group, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Free University of Amsterdam 


achieved and knowledge needed to achieve these goals and abstracts from details concerned with implementing the system. Problem solving methods are used in a number of ways in knowledge-engineering:  as a guideline to acquire problem-solving knowledge from an expert;  a description of the essence of the reasoning process of the expert and the knowledgebased system;  to enable exible reasoning by selecting methods during problem solving;  as a skeletal description of the design model of the knowledge-based system. That is, the knowledge base is developed by structure preserving design and its structure re ects that of the problem-solving method. The concept problem-solving method has greatly stimulated research in the knowledgeengineering community and has resulted in libraries and shells of problem-solving methods [Ben93, BV94, CJS92]. However a question that, according to us, has not been answered clearly is the relation between problem-solving methods and eciency1. Most descriptions of PSM frameworks do point to PSMs as being related to eciency, however no framework makes this relation explicit. Others claim to have no concern for eciency since their problem-solving methods are only used to capture the expert's problem-solving behavior.2 According to us these points of view miss the main point of problem-solving methods: providing the desired functionality in an ecient fashion. A desirable method describes not just any realization of the functionality, but one which takes into account the constraints of the reasoning process. The constraints have to do with the fact that we do not want to achieve the functionality in principle but rather in practice3 on a reasoning system that has limitations in available resources such as space and time. When this relation between PSMs and eciency is ignored or kept as an implicit notion, both the selection and design of PSMs cannot be performed in an informed manner. In the design of PSMs this will result in a design process that has no explicit representation of one of its goals. Such a design process cannot justify its decisions or guarantee that its products are acceptable. In the selection of a PSM the same holds: ignoring one of the criteria will lead to uninformed decisions. After stating the claim that PSMs provide functionality in an ecient way, the next question then is: how do PSMs achieve this fact? In our view, the way problem solving methods achieve ecient achievement of functionality is by making assumptions. The We may want to use the term computationally adequacy here since the term eciency tends to invoke thoughts of symbol-level optimizations. However we think that trying to make a problem solvable in a tractable way (a knowledge-level concern) is not fundamentally di erent from symbol-level optimization: the basic goal, dealing with limited resources, is the same; the level of abstraction di ers. 2 When people in knowledge engineering make this claim they forget the fact that experts also have to solve the task given their real-life limitations. In fact a large part of expert-knowledge, such as heuristics, is concerned exactly with ecient reasoning given these limitations. Actually, the conceptualization of a domain from an expert di ers from the conceptualization of a novice as the conceptualization of the former re ects the learning process which yields eciency in problem solving. Making the assumptions underlying these conceptualizations and the way they lead to ecient reasoning explicit is precisely the purpose of our work. 3 \Rules of substantive rationality that are not backed by executable algorithms are a worthless currency" [Sim81] 1


requirements put restrictions on the context of the problem-solving method, such as the domain and the possible inputs of the method. These restrictions enable correct reasoning to be performed in an ecient manner. For instance, a method for obtaining the cheapest correct design is starting with an empty design an extending this until it is correct. This method requires the cost-function to be monotonic in the size of the design to function properly. When one selects this method, one makes the assumption that this requirement holds. Analysis of the context of the system has to determine whether the assumption actually holds. The role assumptions play in the ecient realization of functionality suggests that the process of designing PSMs must be based on them. [AWS93, WAS95] introduce a general approach that views the construction process of problem-solving methods for knowledgebased systems as an assumption-driven activity. A formal speci cation of a task is derived from informal requirements by introducing assumptions about the problem and the problem space. This task speci cation is re ned into a functional speci cation of the problem-solving method by making assumptions about the problem-solving paradigm and the available domain theory. Further assumption are introduced in the process of de ning an operational speci cation of the method. A task is decomposed into declaratively described subtasks and the data control ow between these subtasks are de ned. We will use this approach as a general framework and try to make it more concrete. Our focus lies thereby on assumptions which are related to eciency of a problem-solving method. We propose to view the process of constructing a PSM for a given function as the process of incrementally adding assumptions that enable ecient reasoning. This way of constructing PSMs does not consist merely of steps that re ne the previous structure of the reasoning system, as is sometimes suggested in literature. Typically, addition of new assumptions that make the method useful changes its structure. We think our view on designing PSMs is more in accordance with observed practice in the construction of problem-solving methods. Summarizing, we want to make the following four claims in this paper:  Problem solving methods are concerned with ecient realization of functionality. This is an important characteristic of PSMs and should be dealt with explicitly.  Problem solving methods achieve this eciency by making assumptions about their context. It is important to make explicit these assumptions to reason about problemsolving methods.  The process of constructing problem solving methods is assumption-based. During this process assumptions are added that facilitate ecient operationalization of the desired functionality.  This means we can no longer uphold the classical view of construction by hierarchical re nement of the functional speci cation. Instead, the construction process proceeds by re ning the assumptions, resulting in possibly non-structure-preserving operations on the problem-solving method. Note that our point of view does not disallow any of the previously mentioned uses of PSMs. The PSM description still identi es what domain-knowledge needs to be elicited (probably even in more detail), and we can also still elicit methods from experts, as long 3

as we make make explicit all aspects of the method by lling in the four parts discussed above. In fact, the more precise description of the assumptions of a method, enables another use of PSM descriptions. The description of PSMs used in building a system can serve as a design rationale of the resulting reasoning system. Such a rationale can be used both for explanation and for maintenance of the system. Our view also sheds a di erent light on the interaction problem [BC88]. We will discuss this in more detail in section 5.2. The rest of the paper is structured as follows: In section 2 we de ne in more detail what a PSM consists of and the relation between its parts. In section 3 we further elaborate on our point of view that problem-solving methods provide ecient functionality by imposing requirements based on two example methods. In section 4 we discuss some implications of our viewpoint on the process of developing and resuing problem-solving methods and in section 5 on problem-solving methods itself. Finally in section 6 we discuss the di erences between our view and that proposed in in the knowledge engineering literature, software engineering, and complexity analysis. We conclude in section 7 by outlining further research tasks.

2 A Framework for Representing Problem-Solving Methods We will present a framework for representing the di erent aspects of a problem-solving method. Our framework does not drastically deviate from earlier work on PSM's, but rather clari es the relations that hold between the ingredients of a PSM and presents some requierd extensions.4 In particular we extend the description of PSM's with a description of their costs, and describe the relations between function, operationalization, assumptions, and costs of a PSM. A PSM describes how to achieve a goal in terms of problem-solving behavior. For this reason a PSM consists of two main parts: a functional speci cation and an operational speci cation together with its assumptions and a cost description. The relation of these parts to the environment of the PSM is the following: the functional speci cation should match the goal description of a task and the assumptions should hold for the domain knowledge. Furthermore, the cost described in the cost description should be acceptable for this task. Figure 1 depicts this relation. The functional speci cation, PSMfunctional , is a declarative description of the inputoutput behavior the PSM was designed for. In this way, the functional description can be seen as a description of the goal of the PSM. The operational speci cation, PSMoperational , describes how to realize the functional speci cation in a reasoning system. The assumptions, PSMassumptions describe conditions under which the structure described in the operational description will achieve the functional speci cation. Figure 1 depicts the di erent parts of a PSM. The relation between functional speci cation, operational speci cation, and assumptions is essential for understanding PSM's. Given that the requirements hold, the reasoning system de ned by the operational speci cation will exhibit the input-output behavior speci ed in the functional speci cation. One can view the assumptions as the \... when one searches the literature for a precise de nition of problem-solving methods, it become clear that there are di erent views." [WVSA93]. 4




Problem-solving method

functional specification is-realised-by cost description

operational specification results-in is-based-on assumptions


domain knowledge

Figure 1: The PSM and its environment \missing-pieces" in the proof that the behavior of the method structure satis es its goal. When selecting a PSM these assumptions become proof obligations for the correctness and eciency proof of the system. The cost description, PSMcost , describes the costs that are associated with using this PSM (or more speci cally PSMoperational) to achieve the functionality. The cost of a PSM denotes the amount of resources (computing space and time, user interaction, etc.) needed by the method. In this article we will focus on the computing time, even though the claim on other resources by the method are important as well. Given the functional description, the assumptions and the cost description, we are able to express exactly what the utility of the PSM is. We can express what the method provides, namely the functionality described in PSMfunctional , and what it expects in return, namely that which is described in PSMassumptions and PSMcost . Also we describe how we achieve this, namely by the reasoning system described in PSMoperational. We now will elaborate on the speci cation of the four parts of a PSM. The simplest form of functional description is a list of input-output tuples. However, in practice, this will often not be possible or feasible because of the size of such a speci cation. In practice, some form of mathematical representation of the relation between input and output is needed. In the paper, we use syntactically extended rst-order logic for this purpose. We use syntactical extensions like sets but from a semantical point of view the usual modeltheoretical semantics of rst-order logic can be applied (see [KLW93] for more details). An example for a functional speci cation is given in section 3. As the operational description of PSM is the focus of our paper we do not want to go into detail on this topic.5 5

Other work in the AI literature provides ample proposals for notations of the functional description


The operational speci cation consists of inferences and the data- and control- ow between them. Our operational speci cation is loosely based on kads [SWB93], however we do not think this limitation is essential for the issue at hand. The inferences specify the smallest reasoning steps that are used to accomplish the functionality of the method. They are described by their input/output relation and can be achieved by a method or a primitive inference. The roles are stores that are used to act as input and output of the inferences. Roles are either domain views in which case they get their values from the domain knowledge, or internal roles in which case they get their values from other inferences. The data- ow connects inputs and outputs of inferences to the roles. Finally, the control of a PSM describes the ordering of execution of the inferences. In this paper we will use a procedural representation for this, based on quanti ed dynamic logic [Har84, Koz90]. Therefore, the building blocks of our language are formulas and programs. Atomic formulas are formulas over the contents of roles, and complex formulas can be built in the usual manner. There are two types of primitive programs: (i) a formula followed by a test operator \?", and (ii) programs that assign the output of an inference action to a role: output-role := quantor output-role inference-action(input ? role ; output ? role ): Quantors can be 9m and 8 selecting either m or all instantiations of the inference action. Complex programs are built up in the usual manner by sequence ;, non-deterministic choice [, and loop . Again, as with our restriction to kads, we do not think that this particular choice for control language is of much importance in this paper. Inferences can either be realized either by methods (i.e., the description of a method can be hierarchically composed) or be primitive inferences. These primitive inferences are atomic reasoning steps which are not decomposed any further. A primitive inference consists of a description of its inputs and outputs, and the relation between the input and output. In fact one can think of primitive inferences as a special type of problem solving method which has no operational speci cation. Because of this, the cost description can not be expressed in terms of the methods components and is taken to be a given function of the input. The assumptions of a method are both necessary and sucient criteria for the application of the method. The assumptions can de ne restrictions on the possible input of the method, and availability and properties of domain-knowledge. Examples of input assumptions are for example the fact that the requirements for a design must not con ict, or that an input-list must be sorted according to some criteria. Example of assumptions on domain knowledge are the availability of heuristics that link violated constraints to possible repair actions, or that a preference relation must describe a complete ordering. In [Fen95] a number of assumptions were identi ed for an existing problem-solving methods. In section 3 we will summarize some of this work. A survey on assumptions used by problem-solving methods in diagnosis can be found in [Ben93]. As the assumptions describe properties of the domain-knowledge which is represented in rst-order logic (with some conservative extensions), meta-logic seems a good candidate language for formally specifying the assumptions. The overall computing time of a method will be expressed in terms of the computing time needed by the inferences and the control of the method, as described in of a reasoning system. See e.g. [Lev84] for a generic example, and [tTvH94] for a speci c notation for diagnostic reasoning.


PSMoperational . In this paper we will not go into detail on the representation of com-

puting time. We want to mention however, that in the case of typical AI-applications we should be more interested in average case behavior than in the worst case behavior, because a signi cant part of the methods are of a heuristic nature. A cost model for average-case behavior of kads conceptual models is explained in [SB95]. Note that we are not necessarily looking for absolute values for the cost descriptions, but rather want to be able to make qualitative judgments on, and comparisons between methods. In this section we have described the di erent parts we think are essential in describing PSMs. In section 5 we will discuss the formal relationship between the parts in more detail.

3 Why Are Problem-Solving Methods Necessary? An Example We use the task parametric design and the problem-solving propose & revise to illustrate the main points of our paper. This choice is in uenced by the fact, that the point of view which is presented here arose from the experiences gathered in the SisyphusII project [Se96] aiming on comparing di erent approaches to knowledge engineering. Sisyphus-II de ned the task to con gure a vertical transportation system (an elevator) which was originally described in [Mar88, MSM88]. [Mar88] and [MSM88] developed the problem-solving method propose & revise for parametric design to solve this con guration task. In the following, we formally de ne the task parametric design. Then, we de ne a problem-solving method generate & test which can be used to solve this task in principle. This method can be derived straightforward from the task speci cation. As this method is very inecient, we derive in a third step a more ecient problem-solving method propose & revise. Actually, we sketch some variants of it. Propose & revise restricts the task and makes additional assumptions about available domain knowledge in order to gain eciency. The purpose of this section is neither to de ne the appropriate way to specify the task parametric design nor the problem-solving method propose & revise. We only use both to illustrate our ideas on problem-solving methods.

3.1 A Formal Description of Parametric Design

A parametric design problem can be de ned by a problem space, requirements, constraints, and a preference (see [Tan92] for more details). The problem space describes the space which contains all possible designs. The de nition of the problem space is domain-speci c knowledge. Further, a nite set of requirements is assumed to be input delivered by the user. These requirements must be ful lled by a desired design artifact. A design which ful lls all requirements is called a desired design. In addition to the case-speci c user input, a nite set of constraints model additional conditions for a valid design artifact. These constraints are domain knowledge describing the regularities in the domain in which the design artifact is constructed. A design which ful lls all constraints is called a valid design. A design which is desired and valid is called a solution. The preference de nes a preference function on the problem space and can be used to discriminate between several solutions. 7

In the case of parametric design, a design artifact is described by a set of attributevalue pairs. Let a nite set of parameters (i.e. attributes) A = A1 ; : : :; An be given. For each attribute, we assume a set of possible values r1; : : :; rn for each attribute which de ne the range of it. We can now use rst-order logic to de ne the task.

De nition 1 (Problem Space) A problem space is a signature S (de ning variables,

constants, typed function symbols and typed predicate symbols) together with a standard interpretation I over that signature.

De nition 2 (Requirements and Constraints) The set of requirements and constraints are represented by two sets of well-formed formulas R and C over the signature S. Example We regard the case of con guring an elevator. As attributes

are given the number of persons that can be transported by the elevator and the space which is required by it. We represent the rst attribute by the variable persons and the second attribute by the variable space. X = fpersons; spaceg. The range restriction are rpersons = f1p; : : :; 20pg and rspace = f0:0m2; 0:5m2; 1:0m2; : : :; 20:0m2g. As function symbol, we provide halve : rpersons ! rspace used to de ne a constraint, and interpretation by: halve : rpersons ! rspace with halve(Xp) = 0:5  Xm2 We also provide three binary predicate symbols ,, and =, interpretation as usual. After de ning the problem space, we can now de ne requirements and constraints. The client comes up with two requirements: 1. The elevator should be able to transport 8 persons at the same time. 2. The elevator should not require more than 5m2 space. We model the requirements by the set of formulas R = fpersons  8p; space  5:0m2g As part of the domain knowledge, we assume the following constraint: An elevator needs 0:5m2 for each person which it should be able to transport at the same time. We model this constraint by the set of formulas C = fspace = halve(persons)g

Desired designs, valid designs, and possible solution are de ned by means of variable substitutions and models. As we apply the standard de nition of a model we refer to [Llo87] for its de nition.

De nition 3 (Possible designs, desired design, valid design, solution)

The set of all possible ground substitutions de nes the set of all possible designs. A desired design is a ground substitution  for which holds I is a model of R. A valid design is a ground substitution  for which holds I is a model of C . A solution is a ground substitution  for which holds I is a model of (R [ C ).

It is easy to see that the set of possible solutions is the intersection of the sets of all desired and valid designs. 8

Example With the de nitions of the previous example we get desired designs = f j 8  (persons)  20p ^ 0:0m2  (space)  6m2 g, valid designs = fj(persons) = halve((space))g, and solutions = fj(persons) = 8p ^ (space) = 4:0m2, or (persons) = 9p ^ (space) = 4:5m2, or (persons) = 10p ^ (space) = 5:0m2g. By applying the preference P, an optimal solution is selected out of all solutions. De nition 4 (Preference) The preference P is a partial function on all possible designs.

De nition 5 (Optimal solution) An optimal solution is a solution s with: :(9s0 2 solutions j P (s) < P (s0)) Example We assume possible designs ordered by their space. That is, a pos-

sible design is preferred over another possible design if it requires less space. Therefore we get  with (persons) = 8p ^ (space) = 4:0m2 as optimal solution.

In general, several optimal solutions could exist and one can further distinguish whether the user gets all of them or a non-deterministic selection of some of them. One could extend this de nition by introducing priorities on requirements and constraints, or by distinguishing between constraints which must always hold and constraint which should hold etc. but this goes beyond the scope of the purpose of the paper.

3.2 A Non-Ecient Solution by Generate & Test

A straightforward operationalization of the declarative task speci cation can be achieved by applying a variant of generate & test. This method can be viewed as applying an uninformed theorem prover to our speci c type of task The method de nes four di erent inferences and four di erent types of knowledge which are required by it. The inference structure of this method is given in gure 2.  The inference action generate requires knowledge which describes what possible designs are. X 2 possible design X 2 problem space.  The inference action R-test requires knowledge which describes what desired designs are. X 2 desired design X 2 possible design ^ 8Y (Y 2 requirements ! fulfils(X; Y )).  The inference action C-test requires knowledge which describes what valid design are. X 2 valid design X 2 possible design ^:9Y (Y 2 constraints ^ violates(X; Y )).  An inference action intersect to combine the two tests:

X 2 solution

X 2 desired design ^ X 2 valid design 9

problem space


possible design





solution inference data-flow select


input or output internal role domain-view

optimal solution

Figure 2: Inference structure of generate & test

 The inference action select requires knowledge which evaluates solutions, i.e., knowl-

edge which describes what a preferred design is. X 2 optimal solution X 2 solution ^ :9Y (Y 2 solution ^ P (X ) < P (Y )). The advantage of this method is that it clearly separates the di erent types of knowledge which are included in the functional speci cation of the parametric design task. On the other hand, it is precisely this separation which prevents the development of an ecient problem-solver. The knowledge about what is a correct and good solution is clearly separated from the generation step and there is no feedback from the results of the test and evaluation step. The use of the results of the test and evaluation as guidance for the generation step are precisely the main improvements which are incorporated in the propose & revise method. We now have to complete the method description by de ning its control. Again we do this in a straightforward manner (see gure 3). The control ow speci es the following reasoning process:  First, all possible designs are derived.  Second, all valid designs are derived.  Third, all desired designs are derived.  Fourth, valid and desired designs are intersected. 10

 Fifth, an optimal solution is selected. possible design := 8possible design generate(possible design); valid design := 8valid design C-test(valid design; possible design); desired design := 8desired design R-test(desired design; possible design); solution := valid design \ possible design; optimal solution := 91optimal solution select(optimal solution; solution) Figure 3: Control ow 1 of generate & test The sequence of the second and third step is arbitrary and could also be speci ed as parallel activities. It is clear that this method is not very ecient as it has to derive and test all possible designs (i.e., the complete problem space). On the other hand, the method is able to achieve the functionality speci ed by the task if the problem space is nite. In regard to in nite problem spaces one has to regard the following. First, at the knowledge level in its original sense one should abstract from all computational concerns like limited space of computation time by describing completely rational agent. Therefore, it is not at all clear whether an in nite search space should be regarded as a problem. In fact the problem of tractability of the method arises not only for in nite search spaces but already for nite spaces as the size of the space increases exponentially with the number of parameters and their ranges. Dealing with the size of the search space therefore immediately leads to the consideration of limited rationality 6 . The signi cant problem of this method arise not only in the case of in nite search spaces but already for nite search spaces. Already for realistic settings with nite search spaces no computational agent can be implemented which realizes the method. Second, one can transform each in nite search space into a nite one by making some pragmatic assumption. In the example we used the two parameters elevator space and number of persons who should be transported at the same time as problem space. By taking the size (together with a minimal grain size for its measurement) and the population of the city in which the elevator should be used as upper bounds for the parameters we could de ne a nite search space. In general, it should always possible to transform a in nite search space into a nite one by making domain-speci c assumptions. These domain-speci c assumptions improve the eciency of our method by reducing the search space. Third, one could think of reducing the functionality of the method. In the task description (see de nition 5) we required that an optimal solution should be found. A weaker de nition of the functionality of the method Decision procedures with perfect rationality try to nd an optimal solution whereas decision procedures with limited rationality re ect also on the costs to nd such an optimal solution. 6


is to require that an acceptable solution is a solution which has a preference higher than same threshold t. De nition 6 (Acceptable solution) An acceptable solution is a solution s with P (s) > t. The speci cation of the inference action select then becomes:

X 2 acceptable solution

X 2 solution ^ P (X ) > t

The technique of weakening the task de nition to improve the eciency of the computation is commonly used. A well-known example from the problem area model-based diagnosis is the single-fault assumption (cf. [dKW87]). It assumes that the symptoms of a device are caused by one fault. This can be used to improve the eciency of the methods, but disables these methods to deal with situations where the device was su ers from several faults. The weakened functionality of de nition 6 enable us to de ne a new control ow for the method which allows the method to deal with in nite problem spaces (see Figure 4). The sequence of the four inference actions is repeated until an acceptable solution has been


possible design := 9mpossible design generate(possible design); valid design := 8valid design C-test(valid design; possible design); desired design := 8desired design R-test(desired design; possible design); solution := valid design \ possible design; optimal solution := 91acceptable solution select(acceptable solution; solution) until :;(acceptable solution)? Figure 4: Control ow 2 of generate & test

found. The inference action generate derives m possible designs per step which are further on treated by the two test steps and the select step. If generate works randomly we can for each given probability 1 > > 0 guarantee that the method nd a solution (if there exists one) in nite time with probability > 1 ? . The average amount of time increases with . Making the search space nite by introducing domain-speci c assumptions or reducing the functionality by weakening the solution criteria transforms generate & test into a method which can be solve the problem in principle. Still we cannot expect to get an agent which solves this task in a realistic amount of time by implementing the method. Actually, we have not really described a problem-solving method but rather a kind of uninformed theorem prover. Arbitrary generated designs are tested whether they 12

are desired, valid, and preferred. Still, we have achieved an operational description of achieving the goal. From a point of view where one does not want to care about eciency, this could be a legal point to describe the essence of the reasoning process of a system which solves the task. For example, [RA94] de ne a knowledge level model of machine learning algorithms by applying the generate & test schema and in [BV94], chapter 6 it is used to de ne a top-level view on the diagnostic task.

3.3 An Ecient Solution by Propose & Revise

The three main advantages of generate & test as it is developed above are:  It requires only the knowledge given by the functional speci cation.  The four types of knowledge (regarding the requirements also as knowledge) are clearly separated and each inference uses precisely one knowledge type. The description of the problem space is used in the generation step, the requirements and the constraints are used in two test steps and the preference is used in the select step.  Its inference structure is cycle-free. That is, its operational speci cation does not contain feedback loops which introduce non-monotonicity into the reasoning process. Generate & test leads to a precise and clear distinction of di erent conceptual types of knowledge and de nes the dynamic behavior of the problem-solving process in an highly understandable manner. On the other hand, these advantages are precisely the reasons which cause the inecient problem-solving behavior. The problem-solving method propose & revise, which we discuss in this section, adds eciency to the problem-solving process by regarding the given properties of generate & test as disadvantages:  generate & test requires only the knowledge given by the functional speci cation: An expert includes feedback based on experience from solving earlier design problems.  In generate & test the knowledge about what is a desired, correct, and preferred solution is clearly separated from the generation step: A much more clever strategy is to use these knowledge types to guide the generation step of possible designs. An expert has learned which design decisions led to desired, valid, and preferred solutions and which did not. Therefore, expertise compiles test knowledge into the generation step. New types of knowledge arise which describes the ecient generation of solutions.  There is no dynamic feedback in generate & test from the results of the test and evaluation step of a given design: If a design derived during problem solving is not a solution, a new design is derived in the next step. Dynamic feedback would include the reported shortcomings of the rst proposed design as guidance for its modi cation by the next derived design. The use of the test and evaluation knowledge as guidance for the generation step by new types of knowledge and the use of the feedback of the test step as input for the generation step are precisely the main improvements which are incorporated into the propose & revise method. In a pessimistic manner this can be expressed as destroying the clear conceptual 13

distinctions of generate & test. Optimistically, this can be viewed as introducing new types of knowledge which glue these di erent aspects together and which add expertise. The improvement comes in by di erentiating the generate step into two di erent activities. The propose step derives an initial design based on the requirements and the revise step tries to improve an incorrect design based on the feedback of the test step. It uses therefore the meta-information that this design is incorrect as well as the reported constraint violations of test as knowledge source. As the generate step is split up into two di erent activities the requirement for available design knowledge has to be reformulated:  The propose step requires propose knowledge which enables it to derive desired designs using the requirements as input.

X 2 desired design

Rs = requirements ^ propose(Rs; X ))

 The revise step requires repair knowledge which enables it to x constraint violations of desired designs. Additionally it uses the reported violations to guide the repair process. Revise delivers an acceptable solution as its output.

X 2 acceptable solution Z 2 acceptable solution

X 2 desired design ^ violations(X; ;)) X 2 desired design ^ violations(X; V s)) ^ repair(X; V s; Z ))

Figure 5 shows the inference structure of propose & revise. The third inference action test requires constraints to check desired designs for violations. As output it derives for each desired design the set of constraints which are violated by it.

violations(X; V s))

X 2 desired design ^ V s = fY 2 constraintsjviolates(X; Y )g

Propose & revise requires a number of additional assumptions to justify its I/O behavior against the speci ed task. Propose & revise no longer contains an R-test. That is, the designs are no longer checked whether they meet the requirements. Propose is assumed to derive already desired designs instead of possible designs as delivered by the generate step. It is also assumed that the revise step delivers designs which are desired (assumptions about the domain speci c repair knowledge) or that requirements violations which are not xed by it must be accepted (weakening the functionality of the method). Additionally, propose & revise no longer contains a selection of a solution using the preference. That is, it is either assumed that the propose step as well as the revise step deliver acceptable (or optimal) solutions or that the functionality of the task is reduced to nding just a solution. The propose knowledge enables the derivation of designs which meet the user requirements, which have the highest preference, and which contain only a few constraints violations. Propose already derives desired designs instead of possible designs. The test step only has to check the constraint violations. User requirements are ful lled or if not they cannot be ful lled. In addition, the step has to deliver the violated constraints. Given the violations, the revise step has x knowledge which allows an ecient modi cation of the design which repairs the violations and change the design in a way such that it still meets the user requirements possible and it still leads to most preferable designs. The revise 14


revise knowledge


acceptable solution



inference data-flow


desired design



propose knowledge

input or output internal role domain-view

Figure 5: Inference structure of propose & revise step tries to improve an incorrect design based on the feedback of the test step: It uses the meta-information that this design is incorrect as well as the reported violation of test as knowledge source. If we take a closer look at revise by distinguishing several sub-steps of it we would see that the test inference appears also as sub-step of revise (cf. [Fen95]). After applying some repair rules on a invalid design, revise has to check whether the given violations are overcome and whether no now violations are introduced by applying the repair rules. Again, test knowledge which was originally separated from the generation step appears now as sub-activity of it. The revise step causes the main e ort in precisely specifying the behavior of the method as well as its main computational e ort. The actual eciency of the method therefore heavily relies on the quality of the repair rules which are required by revise but also on the propose knowledge. The propose knowledge is responsible for ensuring preferred desired designs which require less repair activities. The main point of the method in gaining eciency is not so much to get rid of the R-test and selection step but to reduce the search space from the set of all possible designs (i.e., the complete problem space) to the set of preferred desired designs (see gure 6) which should be nearly valid. Regarding the restructuring of the inference structure by propose & revise, the possible control ows I and II are shown in gure 7. Control ow I tries to nd an acceptable solution in one attempt (i.e., the assumption is that this can be done) whereas control ow II includes a loop of propose, test, and revise until an acceptable solution is found. The propose step as well as the revise step glue types of knowledge together which were treated separately by generate & test. These new knowledge types de ne strong assumptions about domain knowledge required by the method. The only reason for doing this is trying to gain eciency. That is, we assume that the \re ned" problem-solving method propose & revise will be able to nd a solution faster than generate & test (or a better solution in the same amount of time). Therefore, developing problem-solving 15

possible designs = problem space

preferred and desired designs

preferred designs

valid designs desired designs

solutions search space of generate & test search space of propose & revise

Figure 6: Topography of the search space methods means to abuse conceptual distinctions and to introduce assumptions about new types of domain knowledge for reasons of eciency. The pure and very clear separation of four types of knowledge in generate & test is destroyed by trying to press parts of the test and evaluation knowledge into the generation step in order to improve its eciency and therefore the eciency of the complete method. Furthermore, this is only one possible transformation of propose & revise. We still have made the assumption, that propose and revise works with complete designs. But as discussed in [MSM88] it could also make sense to regard repair activities as soon as possible. That is, instead of proposing a complete design which then is repaired, we can also incrementally develop a design and repair at each step where a constraint violations occurs. Actually we have not yet exploited the fact, that we specify propose & revise for a subclass of design tasks, i.e. for parametric designs. A natural decomposition of the entire design artifact is provided by the parameters which describe it. In each propose step we can assign one or some parameters a value and then we can apply revise to these incomplete designs before we propose the next parameter values. This divide & conquer strategy with intermediate repairs requires that the constraints do not interact much (see [Mar88]). Otherwise, we always have to redo older repair activities when new constraints violations are reported for a further parameter. Actually it is the same assumptions which underlies all approaches on hierarchical task decomposition. It is only useful if the subtasks in di erent steps to not interact heavily. The stepwise derivation of incomplete designs requires the introduction of the new inferences select-parameter and check-completeness. This stepwise derivation of the design leads to even more \structure altering" transformations of generate & test and propose & revise which result in even more eciency improvements.

3.4 Resume

All in all we can conclude that propose & revise provides the same or less functionality as generate & test. It requires stronger assumptions to achieve this functionality. Fi16

Control ow 1 of propose & revise desired design := 9mdesired design propose(desired design; requirements); violations := 8violations test(violations; desired design); acceptable solution := 91acceptable solution revise(acceptable solution; desired design; violations); Control ow 2 of propose & revise


desired design := 9m desired design propose(desired design; requirements); violations := 8violations test(violations; desired design); acceptable solution := 91acceptable solution revise(acceptable solution; desired design; violations); until :;(acceptable solution)? Figure 7: Di erent control ows of propose & revise

nally, it is much harder to understand in detail as generate & test. Especially the revise step requires several level of re nement to de ne it precisely (see [Fen95]) and \the nonmonotonic nature of the Propose and Revise method is dicult to capture in intuitively understandable theories."[WAS95]. Given this we must face the fact that the only reason why we still would prefer propose & revise is for reasons of eciency. The rst draft title of this paper was \stepwise re nement of problem-solving methods". But it should be clear that the process of constructing a PSM is not at all a re nement process. Instead, the conceptual structure is changed in order to allow ecient reasoning.

4 The Development Process of Problem-Solving Methods The development of problem-solving methods is a model construction process. As we aim on reusing generic model components we can apply a process model of component-based design (see [BV94], chapter 13). It consists of three main activities:  Specify: The intention of the user is translated into explicit (i.e., formally described) requirements. The outcome of this phase is a functional speci cation of the system or more speci c a competence theory of the problem-solving method. Already in this phase unrealistic expectations on the competence of the system get transformed into more realistic requirements on computational agent. Still, the main aspect 17

of this phase is the proper de nition of the functionality of the system and not its computational realization. Outcome of this phase is a task de nition and a functional speci cation of a problem- solving method.  Construct: An operational problem-solving method is constructed which describes how the functionality is achieved in an ecient manner. Assumptions are introduced over domain knowledge required by the method. As already discussed this can lead to changes (weakening) of the functionality but the main aspect of this phase is not the functionality but the development of a way to achieve the functionality. Outcome of this phase is an operational speci cation of a problem- solving method together with its assumptions and costs.  Assess: The operational speci cation and its functionality must be compared with the required functionality. Possibly, this assessment can result in a set of violated requirements. These violated requirements are input of the specify and construct steps in the next iteration of the process. As process model of these tree sub-activities we get a cyclic iteration of the tree activities which corresponds to process models in software engineering [Boe88, CFS89], knowledge engineering [Mor87, NS92], or component-based design [BV94]. Speci c characteristics are:

 Generic description of the functionality of problem-solving methods as in de ned for

diagnostic tasks can be used as input for the speci cation step.  Generic schemas and transformation operations as sketched in this section can be used as input for the construction step.

The control strategy of the entire process could be a variant of propose & revise. 7 An initial functional and operational speci cation is proposed and the violated requirements (or violated assumptions) are used as input for the next iteration of the process.

4.1 The Role of an Operational Speci cation of a Problem-Solving Method: The Mincer Metaphor An operational speci cation of a problem-solving methods translates a goal description (i.e., a task) into a set of assumptions on domain knowledge required to solve the task eciently. It consists of inference actions, the data ow between the inferences, and the control ow de ned on these inferences. It describes an abstract algorithm which achieves a goal if its assumptions are ful lled. The algorithmic description is not complete in concern to its elementary steps. The inference actions are described functionally, only. Therefore, it is not speci ed how these inference actions can be computed. Only their functionality is de ned. At a given level of granularity, the algorithmic realization of an inference action is viewed as an internal detail which should not be speci ed. The operational speci cation de nes therefore an intermediate level. It allows to specify as much algorithmic aspects as necessary without enforcing a complete algorithmic de nition. From our point of view an 7

This idea is due to Annette ten Teije and Joost Breuker.


operational speci cation of a problem-solving method should not be viewed as a high-level design model of the knowledge-based systems. The development process of ecient problem solver is not a structure-preserving transformation process. Instead, the structure of the operational speci cation is changed by introducing new assumptions or by strengthening earlier ones. We expect similar transitions from the speci cation of a problem-solving method to a design model which describes an ecient implementation. Therefore, we expect neither that the inferences of the problem-solving methods correspond to separate buildings blocks of the design model nor do we assume that the control de ned by the problem-solving method correspond to the actual control ow of the implementation. We will illustrate the problem by an example given in [EST+ 95]. [EST+ 95] describe and compare di erent problem-solving methods. One of these methods is the board-game method which can be used to solve one-player board games but also assignments problems as the room-allocation problem of Sisyphus-I [Lin94]. By de ning a move inference action of the board-game method applied to the tower-of-Hanoi game they discuss the following alternative:  The possible-move inference delivers only strictly legal moves.  The possible-move inference delivers potential -but not necessarily strictly legalmoves, and a second inference action contradiction prunes illegal states by having knowledge over illegal states. + [EST 95] state the following dilemma: The latter con guration of the board-game method is computationally less ecient than the former, because an implementation must generate and reject contradicting states that are irrelevant for the goal. However, for certain games, the con guration of the board-game method in terms of both possible-move and contradiction simpli es the software engineering considerably. They use the cannibals and missionaries problem as an example where possible-move describe the transportation and contradiction describes illegal states of the locations. Another example is chess where possible-move could de ne the possible moves for each piece and contradiction rules out possible moves according to the current situation of the board. Each inference deals with completely di erent types of knowledge. Again for eciency reason this is not at all a clever implementation strategy. Keeping the conceptual structure of the problem-solving method identical with the structure of the implemented system leads either to inecient implementations or speci cations which are hard to understand as they re ect eciency aspects which are related with implementation issues. Gaining eciency cannot only be achieved by local optimization of single inference steps but by global optimizations which change the conceptual structure of the problemsolving method. Therefore the operational description does not deliver a high-level design model of the knowledge-based system. As a consequence the question may arise what is the purpose of an operational description? From our point of view an operational description of a problem-solving method gives the rational of the assumption it makes about the required domain knowledge. The conceptual description of the method de nes the translation of the goal in the assumptions about knowledge required to achieve it (see gure 8). The conceptual description justi es the necessity to make these assumptions in order to achieve a level of eciency in ful lling the goal. The development process of the operational description of a problem solving method is the process which derives these assumptions. The development process starts with op19


assumption 1 assumption n


Figure 8: The mincer metaphor erational descriptions with little concern about eciency and little assumptions like the generate & test version in section 3. Then, in a stepwise process additional assumptions are introduced and the conceptual structure of the method is changed accordingly. The cascade of operational descriptions with increasing concern about eciency delivers the rationale of the assumptions. It reports at which stage of the development process the assumptions were introduced and which consequences they have. Therefore, a single operational description and the transition process which led to it describe the role of an assumption in achieving the goal eciently. As the development process of appropriate problem-solving methods is a modeling activity we do not assume a linear development process. Instead, we assume a cyclic process of introducing, modifying, and revising assumptions. By documenting this process, we also keep the rationale of the assumptions (see [PC86, LS95]). The precise de nition of the task heavily in uences the computational complexity of the problem and the assumptions which have to be made in order to achieve some level of eciency. Therefore the construction process of problem-solving methods is not only a process of developing operational speci cations and their assumptions but it can also include the revision of the functionality (and therefore the task which can be solved by the method) to a subproblem of the original given problem. In section 3 we used the example of reducing the task from nding an optimal solution to nding an acceptable solution. Developing ecient problem-solving methods can therefore be viewed as dual process of introducing assumptions about domain knowledge and of weakening the task. In the later case, the functionality of the method is directly weakened. But also the former case can be viewed as a process of weakening the functionality of the method as it can only applied to case where the assumptions hold. Therefore, its functionality is restricted by introducing assumptions. Naturally this viewpoint on designing PSMs brings up questions about the relation to implementation design: 20

 Essentially the process of going from the conceptual model to the implementation

will be the same as that of going from the initial PSM model to the acceptable one. Both processes consist of making transformations, based on assumptions.  However, the information that is used during implementation will be a superset of the information that is available during the design of the conceptual model. The additional information available during implementation design concerns information about aspects such as operating systems, machine limitations etc.  Also, the type of transformations will be di erent. Whereas all transformations in PSM design are between PSM descriptions, implementation transformations can be between PSM descriptions and implementation language as well. We do not see the necessity or feasibility of structure preserving design for constructing an implementation. Structure preserving design is not necessary since the process makes explicit the design steps and their assumptions. This enables explanation and modi cation of the implementation, which are the main reasons for structure-preserving design. We do not think structure-preserving design is feasible, since a lot of decisions cannot be made during PSM construction because of the restricted information available at this level. The information available during implementation design is a superset of that available during the PSM design in two ways. First, information is added that was not present during PSM design (e.g. the speci c implementation language). Second, information that was present in an abstract manner at during PSM design, may be present in a more speci c form during implementation design. An example of this is the notion of computing time, which is expressed at an abstract level during PSM design (e.g. complexity measures) but can be made more speci c (e.g. estimates of CPU-seconds) during implementation design. Note that because of this, the design process assumes that the decisions made during PSM design either do not con ict with possible implementation design decisions, or that these decisions have more impact.

4.2 ADAM: Assumption-Driven Adaptation of problem-solving Methods

We view the construction of problem-solving methods as an assumption-based process. The general idea is that construction of a PSM is a process of transforming an initial, purely functional, PSM description into an operational one by making assumptions. We will call this process adam (Assumption Driven Adaption of problem-solving Methods). We envision a construction process that starts out by making an analysis of the problem-space of the task. Based on this, a PSM description is made. This consists of a functional speci cation based on the problem space and a \weak" operational speci cation. That is, the operationalization is based of the functional speci cation and has a general \weak" problem solving strategy. The subsequent steps consist of transforming the PSM into a more acceptable PSM in terms of the requirements (computing time, space and other resources). The process stops when an acceptable PSM is reached. The parametric design example in section 3 can be seen as an example of this. First we analyze the problem space, which leads to the creation of a rst PSM, generate & test. By making additional assumptions we arrive at an acceptable method, propose & revise. This process 21

problem space







psm #1

psm #2


functional specification


operational specification





o a psm #n

problem solving method transformation

Figure 9: The PSM design process is depicted in gure 9. The transformations will be aimed at improving the current PSM with respect to eciency (or other resource use). A transformation will add assumptions to the PSM, and can change the operational description, the functional description, or both. In the knowledge engineering literature the problem of designing an appropriate problem-solving method for a given application is mostly viewed as a selection or hierarchical design problem.  Selecting an appropriate problem-solving method out of a library of problem-solving methods [BV94].  Constructing a problem-solving method by hierarchical re nement of its inferences (i.e., subtasks) [TvHWS93]. Both approaches view the development process of an appropriate problem-solving method for a given application as a routine design problem. In the rst case, the problem-solving method can be selected out a set of given methods and in the second case the problem of designing a method can be solved by hierarchical design. We take a more pessimistic point of view as what we want to provide as starting point are general schemes of problem-solving methods de ning their functionality and an operational description with very weak assumptions (like partially interpreted schemes and their assertions in the PARIS system [KRT89]). For instance for propose & revise there exist many variants with slightly di erent assumptions and behavior (see [Fen95]). Putting all variants into a library would lead to non-manageable libraries. Therefore, we can provide only a general schema covering all these variants. In addition, modeling operators are provided which transform these schemes into more concrete description of problem-solving methods by introducing new assumptions. We aim on supporting the creative process of developing problem-solving methods by these modeling operators.8 As this development process is not mainly a process of hierarchical re nement of inferences but a process which can lead to drastic changes of the overall inference structure and the control we cannot rely on supporting only hierarchical re nement as done in other approaches. The functionality and the assumptions of a method can be used as an index during the development process. The functionality of the method is relevant for a goal-driven 8 [Abe95] developed the same idea for a library of elementary inference actions. Instead of storing e.g. the inference action select or all its variants in a library [Abe95] provides general schemas of such elementary inferences and operators which can be used to modify their precise de nitions.


development as it de nes the range of tasks to which the method is applicable. The assumptions of the method are relevant for a development process driven by the available domain knowledge as this knowledge must ful ll these assumptions.

5 Problem-Solving Methods As Product A problem-solving method relates a goal (a task) with required domain knowledge to achieve the task (see gure 1). As discussed before, the description of a problem-solving method consists again of two parts: (1) a speci cation of its functionality which de ne the link from the task to the method. (2) An operational description of the method speci es a way to realize the functionality. Part of the operational speci cations are assumptions about the domain knowledge required to realize the functionality in an ecient manner. These assumptions de ne the link of the method to the domain knowledge. In the following, we discuss the formal relationships between these parts and give some insights in the so-called interaction problem of domain knowledge and problem-solving methods.

5.1 The Four Formal Relationships

The external and internal relationships of a problem-solving method de ne three di erent types of proof obligations. A fourth type of proof concerns the eciency of the chosen method. First, the external relation between the goal (i.e., the task) and the functionality of the problem-solving method has to be established. One has to ensure that the functionality of the method is strong enough to ful ll the goal. Representing the functional description and the goal by predicates over input and output one has to ensure that: j= 8I 8O(precondition(I ) ! (psmdec(I; O) $ goal(I; O))) Second, the external relation between the method and the domain knowledge has to be established. One has to ensure that the domain knowledge ful lls the assumptions of the method. Depending on the type of assumptions we get either: domain knowledge j= assumptions; or domain knowledge j6= :assumptions In the rst case we enforce that the assumption is ful lled. In the second case, we enforce that the assumption is not violated by the domain knowledge. Third, the internal relationship between the declarative and operational descriptions of the method has to be established. One has to ensure, that given the assumptions the operational descriptions describes a way to achieve the functionality. As the description of the operational speci cation requires a logic over states, we use dynamic logic ([Har84, Koz90]) to formalize this obligation: j= 8I : (precondition(I ) ^ assumptions) ! hpsmopiTrue j= 8I 9O : (precondition(I ) ^ assumptions) ! [psmop]psmdec (I; O) The rst obligation ensures the termination of the program and the second obligation ensures that the desired functionality is provided. 23

Fourth, a statement about the eciency of the method has to be made. In the ideal case, we want to have that, given the assumptions, each other operational description requires at least the same e ort as the chosen one to achieve the functionality of the method. A simpler obligation is to proof a statement about the expected eciency of a chosen method. Related work is done by [PP92] who discuss ecient variants of problemsolving methods for assignment tasks; [EST+ 95] who did a worst-case analysis for some problem-solving methods; and [SB95] who developed a calculus to express computational properties of problem-solving methods.

5.2 Assumptions: The Interaction Hypothesis

The assumptions of a problem-solving method de ne the relation between the method and the domain knowledge which is required by it. They handle the domain dependency of a problem-solving method in domain-independent terms. The assumptions can be viewed as an index of a method since a method can only be chosen if its assumptions are ful lled by domain knowledge. We can then view the assumptions as proof obligations for the domain knowledge, or an assumption can be viewed as an elicitation task. That is, the assumptions de ne goals for the knowledge acquisition process. Making the assumptions of a problem-solving method over the domain knowledge explicit is a way to deal with the interaction problem. The interaction problem [BC88] states that domain knowledge cannot be represented independently of how it will be used in reasoning. Vice versa one could state that a problem-solving method and its speci c variant cannot be constructed independently of assumptions about the available domain knowledge. Developing reusable problem-solving methods as well as reusable domain theories requires therefore:  the explicit representation of the assumptions of the method over the domain knowledge.  the explicit representations of the assumptions of the domain knowledge. Ontologies (i.e., meta theories of domain theories) are proposed as a means to explicitly represent the commitments of a domain theory ([WS94, SWJ95]). Ontologies introduce generic terminologies which are instantiated by a domain theory. These generic terminologies can be viewed as representation of the ontological commitments of a domain theory. Actually, already the assumptions of a problem-solving method together with its task de nition can be viewed as the ontology of the task-speci c and method-speci c domain knowledge which is required by it.

6 Related Work In this section we will brie y discuss some related work from various research elds. We will start by comparing our work with other work in knowledge-engineering. After this we will take a look at related work in software engineering and complexity theory.


6.1 Related work in Knowledge Engineering

We brie y discuss the di erences between our approach and other work on problemsolving methods in the literature. Relevant is rst of all the work by Newell [New82], whose \knowledge level hypothesis" is the basis for much of the current work on problemsolving methods. The major di erence between our work and the view of Newell is that Newell was concerned with ideal rationality as an idealized concept. The knowledge level is concerned with purely functional speci cations, whereas we agree with Simon that \Rules of substantive rationality that are not backed by executable algorithms are a worthless currency" [Sim81]. A re nement of Newell's work that does take eciency into account is the work on bounded rationality (e.g. [RS95]). An important notion there is the utility of a reasoning process, where the bene t of reasoning is charged against its costs. Such notions also play a role in our framework (in particular the use of the cost model in section 2. However, the notions in the work on bounded rationality are rather general, and do not for instance consider the introduction or re nement of domain speci c assumptions in order to increase utility. Although not treated in the work of Newell, much of the work that is based on Newell's knowledge-level hypothesis does indeed take eciency into account. 9 Work on such theories about problem-solving methods as role-limiting methods [Mar88], generic tasks [Cha86, CJS92], the method-to task approach [Mus89], generalized directive models [TvHWS93, vHTWS92], components of expertise [Ste90] and kads [WSB92, SWdH+ 94] all deal with the matter of eciency in one way or another. However, many of these approaches treat eciency implicitly. We will brie y sketch the di erences between our approach and these works. role-limiting methods is clearly aimed at providing ecient problem solvers. Unlike our approach, this concern is so strong that no separation is made between eciency and functionality. In their terminology, a problem-solving method is \an algorithm which determines how domain-speci c knowledge is used for solving problems." [Pup93]. From our point of view a problem-solving method de nes a class of possible algorithms by describing their functionality, their common assumptions and their expected eciency. Originally, role-limiting methods were building blocks that solved an entire task. Currently, work is done to extend the application scope of role-limiting methods by breaking them down into components with smaller grain size [PG93]. A complete problem-solver for a given task can then be con gured out of these elementary components. Therefore, the selection problem of appropriate components become much more serious. In addition, the complete problem solver is now result of a con guration activity. Selecting a component and con guring a complete problem solver deal with two questions: The functionality of the methods must t to the given task (or subtask) and their assumptions about domain and task must be ful lled in order to enable eciency. We assume that signi cant progress in this direction can only be achieved by systematic explication of underlying assumptions of these methods and their relation to the expected eciency as we propose in our paper. Actually, the introduction of eciency aspects at the knowledge level can already be found as a side aspect in [New82]. He discusses the case where several actions lead to the same goal or several goals have to be achieved. In this context, he makes a short remark: \If the agent has general goals of minimizing e ort, minimizing cost, or doing things in a simple way, these general goals select out of a speci c action from a set of otherwise equipotent task-speci c actions." [New82]. 9


The work on generic tasks is very close in many respects to our own, and the same types of knowledge are distinguished: a domain independent speci cation of the task, subtask decomposition knowledge, search-control knowledge and method selection knowledge which roughly corresponds to the assumptions in our approach. Also shared with the generic task approach is the belief that the task structure is only meant as an analytic tool and that it should not be taken as the structure of the design or implementation. The main di erence between our approach and generic tasks is that we have argued against the hierarchical nature of the decomposition process of tasks into subtasks. This same point (the lack of belief in hierarchical decomposition as a process to obtain realistic problem-solving methods) also characterizes the main di erence with the work in the method-to task approach. With generalized directive models we share the notion of assumptions that must be introduced during the construction of a problem-solving methods. These assumptions are embodied in the GDM formalism in the form of applicability conditions on the grammar rules that perform the transformations on the problem-solving method. However, the nature of the GDM grammar enforces a hierarchical and local decomposition process, which would not be able to capture the transformations that were required in section 3 to obtain propose & revise. The components of expertise approach shares our concern with the pragmatics of problem-solving methods, and distinguishes a conceptual and a pragmatic viewpoint on methods (see [Ste90]). At the conceptual level the general type of inference of the system is described. The pragmatic level can be used to express limitations as of time and space or of observation. Therefore, the pragmatic level introduces the idea of bounded rationality in the components of expertise framework. A problem-solving method is a "knowledgelevel characterization" of the problem-solving process of the system. As in role-limiting methods and in di erence to our point of view a problem-solving method is viewed as an algorithm: "A method is an algorithm. It contains a series of activities and a control

ow de ned over these activities." [Ste93]. [Van91] re nes the principle of rationality into a two-step procedure. In a rst step knowledge is con gured into a model of the actual task set to the agent (which is called knowledge use level in [Ste90]). In the second step the principle of rationality can then be applied within the boundaries of the task model. A problem-solving method is speci ed by three components in this framework: a task decomposition into subtasks, a competence theory (i.e., a de nition of the functionality of a problem-solving method), and a specialized principle of rationality (also called control). Obviously, this kind of rationality is connected with the eciency of the problem solver. In kads, the concern with the eciency of problem-solving is less prominent than in components of expertise. The connection between problem-solving methods and computational eciency is proposed as epistemological and computational adequacy [SAW91]. A problem-solving method speci es role limitations in the use of knowledge. The combinatorial explosion of inferences in unstructured knowledge bases is thus prevented [WVSA93]. Thus, the assumption is that epistemological role limitations as described by a knowledgelevel model are connected to computational access limitations. This point was further worked out in [AWS93, WAS95]. There, the construction process of problem-solving methods is also seen as an assumption driven activity, and a formal speci cation is derived from informal requirements by introducing assumptions about the problem and the problem 26

space. Our work is based on the work by [WAS95]. In their work, PSM construction is seen as re nement of competence theories. A competence theory expresses the relation between input and output of a task. This process is seen as consisting of three steps: 1. Speci cation of the problem-space and of the requirements for the solution. This yields a required competence theory T0 for the PSM. 2. Conceptual re nement of this competence theory introducing the intermediate task and domain vocabulary based on assumptions regarding the available domain theory and the ways the task goal is achieved by the method. This leads to a re ned competence theory T1 of a PSM. 3. Operationalization of this re ned competence theory to inference structures and associated control regimes that are suciently detailed and practical to act as a basis for KBS design. This entails further assumptions of an operational nature and yields an operational speci cation T2 of a PSM. ([WAS95], page 2{3) Besides the high degree of correspondence our work also di ers from this work in some aspects:  introduction of eciency as an explicit requirement of this design process.  making explicit the relation between the assumptions, the functional, cost, and operational speci cation of the PSM.  instead of re ning competence theories and transforming these into operational speci cations in separate steps, we view the process as transformation of entire PSMs. As can be seen in section 4, every step in the design process can change any or all parts of the PSM. We have already argued that this process is not viewed as a process of stepwise re nement.

6.2 Related Work in Software Engineering

Work related to the development process we described is done by the software engineering community under the names program development by stepwise re nement or program transformations. In both cases, a mostly formal speci cation of the functionality of a program is stepwise transformed into an e ective and ecient description of a program which achieves this functionality. In software engineering this is viewed as an activity during the design or implementation of system. In the case of KBS the eciency aspect already is an important issue during the analysis and speci cation process. Therefore, ideas used for program development in software engineering can be applied for specifying ecient problem solver for computational hard problems. [Wir83] describes program development as a process of stepwise re nement. 10 He uses the development of a program for 8-Queens problem as example. As in our paper he starts with a variant of generate & test which can achieve the functionality in principle but not in practice. More ecient 10

The paper originally appeared in 1979.


versions are achieved by stepwise re nement. "In each step a given task is broken up into a number of subtasks" [Wir83] or in other words: "In each step, one or several instructions of the given program are decomposed into more detailed instructions." [Wir83]. Having lots in common with this approach the main di erences to our approach lie mainly in two aspects. First, we view the development process of ecient problem solver not as a process of stepwise re nement of its sub-steps but of its assumptions. Second, during the development of the problem solver the functionality is weakened explicitly (e.g., from an optimal to an acceptable solution) or assumptions are introduced which limit the system to cases where these assumptions are ful lled. Therefore, we get eciency not by algorithmic re nement but by introducing assumptions on powerful domain knowledge and by weakening the task. The main issue in work on program transformation is the aspect of correctness (see e.g. [FLBP87]). That is, one wants to ensure that an implementations ful lls a formal speci cations. We have already mentioned that this concept of correctness has to be changed in our approach as we do assume modi cations (i.e., restrictions) of the functionality during the transformation process. A very interesting approach in the area of program transformation is KIDS (Kestrel Interactive Development System, see [Smi90, SP]) which provides automated support for the development of correct and ecient programs from formal speci cations. The program development is divided into six activities from which four of them are relevant in our context:  Development of a domain theory. The result of this activity provides the terminology of an application domain together with the available domain knowledge necessary to specify the functionality of the desired system.  The creation of a functional speci cation. The domain theory is used to de ne the goal which should be achieved by the system.  Apply a generic search strategy. Prede ned library routines, the divide-and-conquer strategy, global search strategies (like chronological backtracking or branch-andbound), and local search strategies like hill-climbing are provided to de ne an operational but inecient speci cation of the system.  Optimize the search strategy. Local optimization techniques like simpli cation, partial evaluation, etc. are provided to improve the eciency of the sub-steps of the search method. In our paper, we also started with the general search strategy generate & test and re ned it to propose & revise by introducing eciency aspects. Again, the main di erence is that in KIDS the transition from an inecient to an ecient realization does not change the functionality of the system. Parts of the search space are pruned and search heuristics are used which do not change the completeness of the search in regard to the possible solutions. A further di erence concerning the life cycle of the development process is that in knowledge engineering the task and the problem-solving method is used as a guideline for acquiring and modeling the domain knowledge. The assumptions of a method and the terms which where used to de ne the task (like problem space, requirements, constraints, preference in our example in section four) de ne the goals of the acquisition process of domain knowledge. The di erence is a consequence 28

of the domain-independent formulations of tasks and methods which should enable their reuse in di erent application domains. In KIDS, the domain model is necessary to de ne the tasks.

6.3 Related Work in Complexity Analysis

The di erence between an expert and novice is often not that only the expert can solve the cases but lies in the fact that only the expert can solve it eciently. This expert knowledge is the empirical foundation for work on problem-solving methods. The attempt is to abstract and to generalize these heuristic strategies in order to make them reusable for di erent domains. Problem-solving methods and their assumptions try to add eciency to the reasoning process. The assumptions of a method de ne goals for the knowledge acquisition process. Vice versa it allows the expert to introduce his domainspeci c problem-solving knowledge which enables ecient problem solving. A large part of the problem types tackled by problem-solving methods are at least NP-hard (e.g. scheduling, design, diagnosis). This means that there is no hope of nding a method that will solve all cases in polynomial time. [RK91] even de ne AI as \... the study of techniques for solving exponentially hard problems in polynomial time by exploiting knowledge about the problem domain." Most problem-solving method in knowledge engineering describe a heuristic strategy to tackle with problems which are in their general formulation at least NP-hard problems. To overcome this problem, there are basically three general approaches:  Introducing assumptions about the domain knowledge which transform a NP-hard problem into a problem with a known polynomial solution. The assumptions can reduce the complexity-class of the problem. For example, if the preference function for a solution has only one optimum, a search strategy like hill climbing can be nd the best solution in polynomial time.  Weakening the desired functionality of the system. This can reduce the complexityclass of the problem. An example of this type of change is no longer requiring an optimal solution, but one which is acceptable (see section 3).  Making heuristic assumptions which should improve the average behavior of the knowledge-based system. Heuristic knowledge is either knowledge that speci es an ordering on di erent search alternatives to be examined during problem solving or knowledge which structures the search space by excluding non-promising regions. The ordering should be such that preference will be given to alternatives that, on average, will lead to success more often than the other alternatives. The addition of heuristic knowledge can change the average-case behavior of the method but not the complexity class. [BD93] introduces a number of heuristics to improve the average search process for model-based diagnosis. Propose-and-revise uses the assumptions that a strategy which proposes initial designs and locally re nes them until no constraints violations can be found is more ecient that a method which tries to nd correct solution in one step. The rst two approaches tackle the problem by solving a di erent, namely more restricted, problem. There is a di erence between these approaches however: In the rst approach 29

this restriction is already part of the domain so the required functionality does not change. The second approach explicitly changes the functionality. The three approaches also di er in terms of the assumptions they introduce. The rst approach introduces assumptions about properties of the domain. The second approach introduces assumptions about the overall goal of the system. The assumption is that the reduced functionality still is acceptable to reach the goal of the system. The third approach assumes the existence of heuristic knowledge in the domain that enables ecient average case behavior. Studying these assumptions and restrictions and their in uence on the eciency de nes a link to the work in complexity analysis. [Neb95] proposes di erent strategies to deal with highly complex problems. We have translated his proposals into our framework: 1. Natural restriction of the problem: If an application domain is given, one can introduce assumptions about problem instances (input) which bound the parameter which causes the complexity by a constant. 2. Enforcing restrictions: Application-independent system like knowledge representation systems as KL-ONE cannot rely on application-speci c assumptions. Here, eciency can only achieved by reducing the functionality of the system. In the case of KL-ONE the representation formalisms has to be restricted in order to guaranty polynomial behavior. 3. Approximations: Instead of looking for the optimal solution the functionality of the system is reduced to nd an approximation. (See e.g. [vHtT95] for an example of such an approach in diagnostic reasoning). 4. Reconsidering the Problem: For example, heuristic or case-based diagnosis can behave much better from a computational point of view than consistency-based diagnosis [Rei87] which is NP-hard. Otherwise, heuristic or case-based diagnosis \work only if there exists experience with the technical device one wants to diagnose, which is not necessary for the consistency based approach." [Neb95] 5. Solving small instances: Finally one could accept combinatorial explosion and use heuristics and search space structuring to prevent unnecessary e ort. Our work on problem-solving methods can be discussed along these ve strategies. (1) introduces assumptions over the input, (2) and (3) weaken the functionality of the KBS, and (5) includes heuristics and strategies to improve the search process. [BD93] discuss several heuristics for model-based diagnosis. These heuristics do not change the complexity of the problem but they should enable a reasonable computational behavior in the average case. [Neb95] and [BD93] discuss the use of heuristics and strategies to improve the search process independently from assumptions over available expertise and required functionality. Similar ideas are used in operation research or by search strategies in AI (e.g., by procedures as branch-and-bound or A ) where ones tries to prune parts of the search space without losing completeness. The heuristics and search strategies used by propose & revise as discussed in the paper include:  either the weakening of the functionality (see 3),  or the introduction of strong assumptions about the available expertise (see 4). One can either assume that the repair knowledge of propose & revise is always strong enough to nd an optimal solution (i.e., one assumes (4)). Or one can make a weaker 30

assumption about this knowledge by reducing the goal to nd an acceptable solution, i.e., an approximation as proposed by (3).

7 Conclusion Our paper tries to answer three questions: What are problem-solving methods? Why are they necessary? How can we get them? In a nutshell, we provided the following answers:

What is a problem-solving method? A PSM is a mincer which translates a declara-

tive goal descriptions into a set of assumptions about domain knowledge required to achieve the goal in an ecient manner. Why do we need problem-solving methods? The dichotomy of a declarative goal description and an ecient implementation must be bridged by a level where one rationalizes an ecient problem solver, that is, a problem solver with limited resources. A part of expertise is knowledge about achieving goals under bounded rationality. An operational description of a problem-solving method de nes the appropriate level to elicit, acquire, interpret, and model this kind of knowledge. How do we get problem-solving methods? The development process of a problemsolving method is not a re nement of its conceptual structure. Actually it is a re nement process of its assumptions. Assumptions over domain knowledge are introduced, strengthened, or modi ed in order to achieve eciency. The conceptual structure of a PSM (its operational description) describes only the relation between the assumptions, the cost and the goal of the method. It is the reason for the assumptions and therefore has no value by its own. The point of view on problem-solving methods as presented in our paper de nes a number of research topics. First, an adequate framework for describing problem-solving methods has to be established:  A formal notation for the functionality of a method is required. A proposal for such a notation for diagnostic methods can be found in [tTvH94] and is generalised to arbitrary problem solving methods in [tTvH95]  A logic over states is needed to express the operational speci cation of a method. This language must be able to express control over functional speci ed basic building blocks (i.e., inferences).  A formal notation for the assumptions is needed. A variant of meta-logic could be used to specify the assumptions of the method.  Finally, a feasible calculus must be provided to specify the computational behavior of a method. Second, based on these formal notations a proof calculus is necessary which enables to prove relationships between the di erent parts of the speci cation of a method (see section 5). A rst step into this direction is achieved by [FG95] where proof rules are de ned 31

for languages like KARL and (ML)2. Based on these proof rules, automated support by theorem provers is necessary in order to shift proofs from a thing which is possible in principle to realistic enterprise. As the description formalisms includes logic over states like dynamic logic we will investigate the possibility to use theorem provers like KIV [MHS90] developed for program veri cation based on dynamic logic. Third, methods and tool are necessary which support the cyclic development of appropriate problem-solving methods. This includes a library with problem-solving methods schema indexed by their functionality, assumptions and cost and operations which work on assumptions and derive problem-solving method instantiations. [dV94] de nes three components of a modeling library: Modeling components which are structures that are useful for the construction of complete models. Generic models that are frames representing a class of complete models. Modeling operators transform a model into another one. Substantiating these ideas seems to be a promising research direction.

Acknowledgements We would like to thank Ameen Abu-Hanna, Joost Breuker, Guus Schreiber, Annette ten Teije, Peter Terpstra and Bob Wielinga for helpful discussions which enabled this paper. We would also like to thank Jurgen Angele for comments on early drafts of the paper.

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