the minimal model program for varieties of log general type

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Mar 27, 2013 ... Calculus of non Kawamata log terminal centers. 17. 2.3. ...... Mathématique de France, Paris, 1992, Papers from the Second Summer Sem-.

Contents 1. Preliminaries 1.1. Resolution of singularities 1.2. Divisors 1.3. Ample divisors 1.4. Positivity of divisors 2. The Singularities of the Minimal Model Program 2.1. Vanishing theorems 2.2. Calculus of non Kawamata log terminal centers 2.3. Rational Singularities 3. Multiplier ideal sheaves 3.1. First geometric applications of multiplier ideals 3.2. Further properties of multiplier ideal sheaves 3.3. The theorem of Anhern and Siu 3.4. Asymptotic multiplier ideal sheaves 3.5. Adjoint ideal sheaves 3.6. Asymptotic multiplier ideal sheaves II 4. Extension Theorems and applications 4.1. Deformation invariance of plurigenera. 5. Pl-flips 5.1. pl-flips and the restricted algebra 5.2. Zariski decomposition and pl-flips 6. The cone theorem 6.1. Generalizations 7. The minimal model program 7.1. Types of models 7.2. The minimal model program (traditional) 7.3. The minimal model with scaling 7.4. Minimal models for varieties of general type 7.5. The main induction 8. Special termination with scaling Date: March 27, 2013. 1

2 2 2 5 9 11 15 17 19 22 25 26 29 31 35 38 41 44 45 45 48 51 61 61 61 63 65 66 67 70

8.1. lemmas 9. Log terminal models 9.1. lemmas 10. Finiteness of models, the big case 10.1. Lemmas 11. Non-vanishing 11.1. Lemmas 12. Finiteness of models, the general case 13. The Sarkisov Program 13.1. Introduction 13.2. Notation and conventions 13.3. Preliminaries 13.4. The main result 14. Further results 14.1. Fujita’s Approximation Theorem 14.2. The Pseudo-effective Cone 15. Rationally Connected Fibrations 15.1. singular varieties References

73 76 79 83 88 90 95 96 97 97 100 100 102 109 109 111 112 114 115

1. Preliminaries 1.1. Resolution of singularities. We will need the following result of Hironaka on the resolution of singularities. Theorem 1.1. Let X be an irreducible complex projective variety and D be an effective Cartier divisor on X. Then there is a birational morphism µ : X 0 → X from a smooth variety X 0 given by a finite sequence of blow ups along smooth centers supported over the singularities of D and X such that µ∗ D + Exc(µ) is a divisor with simple normal crossings support. The above statement is taken from [11, §4]. For a particularly clear exposition of the proof of this result as well as references to the literature, we refer to [7]. 1.2. Divisors. Let X be a normal complex variety. Definition 1.2. A prime divisor is an irreducible and reduced codimension 1 subvariety of X. The group of Weil divisors P WDiv(X) is the set of all finite formal linear combinations D = di Di where 2

di ∈ Z and Di are prime divisors with addition defined component by component X X X (di + d0i )Di . di Di + d0i Di = A P divisor D ∈ WDiv(X) is effective (denoted by D ≥ 0) if D = di Di , with di ≥ 0 and Di prime divisors. Definition 1.3. For any divisor D ∈ WDiv(X), one may define the divisorial sheaf OX (D) by setting Γ(U, OX (D)) = {f ∈ C(X)|((f ) + D)|U ≥ 0}. Remark 1.4. Note that OX (D) is a reflexive sheaf of rank one so that OX (D)∨∨ ∼ = OX (D). Conversly, for any torsion free reflexive sheaf of rank one F there is a Weil divisor D such that F ∼ = OX (D). Notice moreover that if U = X − Xsing and i : U → X is the inclusion, then i∗ OU (D|U ) = OX (D). Definition 1.5. For any rational function 0 6= f ∈ C(X), we let (f ) ∈ Div(X) be the principal divisor corresponding to the zeroes and poles of f . We say that two divisors D, D0 ∈ Div(X) are linearly equivalent if D − D0 = (f ) where f ∈ C(X). The complete linear series corresponding to a divisor D ∈ Div(X) is given by |D| = {D0 ≥ 0|D0 ∼ D}. Definition 1.6. For any divisor D ∈ Div(X), the base locus of D is given by Bs(D) = ∩D0 ∈|D| Supp(D). (Here Supp(D) is the support of D i.e. the subset of X given by the points of D.) Definition 1.7. If |D| 6= ∅, then |D| ∼ = Pk ∼ = PH 0 (OX (D)) for some k > 0. We let k be the dimension of |D| and φ|D| : X 99K Pk be the corresponding rational map. Note that if U = X − Bs(D), then (φ|D| )|U is a morphism. More explicitely, if {s0 , . . . , sk } is a basis of H 0 (OX (D)), then (φ|D| )|U (x) = [s0 (x) : . . . : sk (x)]. Definition 1.8. A k-cycle on X is a Z-linear combination of irreducible subvarieties of dimension k. The set of all k-cycles on X is denoted by Zk (X) and it is an abelian group with respect to addition. Note that Zdim(X)−1 (X) = WDiv(X). 3

Definition 1.9. A Cartier divisor is a Weil divisor D which is locally defined by the zeroes and poles of a rational function f ∈ C(X). The group of Cartier divisors Div(X) is a subgroup of WDiv(X) and it ∗ may be identified with Γ(X, C(X)∗ /OX ) (here C(X) denotes the sheaf of rational functions). Note that a Weil divisor D is Cartier if and only if the sheaf OX (D) is invertible. If K ∈ {Q, R, . . .}, then we let WDivK (X) = WDiv(X) ⊗Z K and DivK (X) = Div(X) ⊗Z K. If D, D0 ∈ WDiv(X), then D ∼K D0 if and P only if D − D0 = di (fi ) with fi ∈ C(X) and di ∈ K. Definition 1.10. If D is a Cartier divisor on X and f : Y → X is a dominant morphism, then we define the pullback f ∗ D of D as follows: Let Ui be an open covering of X and gi ∈ C(X)∗ such that D ∩ Ui = (gi ) ∩ Ui , then f ∗ D is defined by gi ◦ f on f −1 (Ui ). Definition 1.11. If D is Cartier divisor on a proper normal variety X and C ⊂ X is a curve contained in X, then the intersection of D and C is given by D · C = deg(i∗ D) where i : C 0 → X is the induced map from the normalization of C to X. Two Cartier divisors D and D0 (or more generally two elements D, D0 ∈ WDiv(X) such that D − D0 ∈ DivR (X)) are numerically equivalent (denoted by D ≡ D0 ) if (D − D0 ) · C = 0 for any curve C ⊂ X. Numerical equivalence generates an equivalence relation in Div(X) and in Z1 (X). We let N 1 (X) = DivR (X)/ ≡

N1 (X) = (Z1 (X) ⊗Z R)/ ≡ .


Note that N 1 (X) and N1 (X) are dual vector spaces over R. Their dimension ρ(X) is the Picard number of X. Definition 1.12. The cone of effective 1-cycles is the cone N E(X) ⊂ N1 (X) generated by {


ni Ci s. t. ni ≥ 0}.

Given a proper morphism of normal varieties f : X → Y and an irreducible curve C ⊂ X, we let f∗ (C) = df (C) where d = deg(C → f (C)). If f (C) is a point, then we set f∗ C = 0. One sees that f ∗ D · C = D · f∗ C

∀D ∈ Div(Y ).

Extending by linearity, we get an injective homomorphism f ∗ : N 1 (Y ) → N 1 (X) and surjective homomorphisms f∗ : N1 (X) → N1 (Y ),

N E(X) → N E(Y ). 4

P Definition 1.13. If D = di Di ∈ WDivR (X), where Di are distinct prime divisors, then we define the round down, the round up and the fractional part of D by the formulas X X X pDq = pdi qDi , xDy = xdi yDi , {D} = {di }Di where xdi y is the biggest integer ≤ di , pdi q is the smallest integer ≥ di and {di } = di − xdi y. Remark 1.14. Note that if D ∼Q D0 it is not the case that pDq = pD0 q. If D ∈ DivQ (X), and Y ⊂ X is a subvariety, it is also not the case that xD|Y y = xDy|Y . We have p−Dq = −xDy. Definition 1.15. If D ∈ WDiv(X) and |D| 6= ∅, we let Fix(D) = P fi Fi where fi is the minimum of the multiplicities of any divisor D0 ∈ |D| along the prime divisor Fi . We let Mob(D) = D − Fix(D). Note that Bs(Mob(D)) has codimension at least 2. 1.3. Ample divisors. Definition 1.16. A Cartier divisor D ∈ Div(X) is very ample if it is base point free and φ|D| : X → PN is an embedding. A Q-Cartier divisor D ∈ DivQ (X) is ample if mD is very ample for some m > 0. Recall the following: Definition 1.17. A coherent sheaf F on a variety X is globally generated if the homomorphism H 0 (X, F) ⊗ OX → F is surjective. Theorem 1.18 (Serre). Let D ∈ Div(X) be an ample divisor on a projective scheme and F a coherent sheaf on X. Then there is an integer n0 > 0 such that for all n ≥ n0 , F ⊗ OX (nD) is globally generated. Proof. [5] II §5. The idea is that we may assume that X = PN . Since F is coherent, it is locally generated by finitely many sections of OX . Each local section is the restriction of some global section of OPN (n) for n  0. By compactness, we only need finitely many such sections.  Theorem 1.19. [Serre Vanishing] Let X be a projective scheme and D ∈ Div(X) be a very ample line bundle and F a coherent sheaf. Then there is an integer n0 > 0 such that for all n ≥ n0 and all i > 0, H i (X, F ⊗ OX (nD)) = 0. 5

Proof. (cf. [5] III.5.2) We may assume that X = PN (replace F by φD∗ F ). The Theorem is clear if F is a finite direct sum of sheaves of the form OPN (q). We can find a short exact sequence of coherent sheaves 0 −→ K −→ ⊕OPN (qi ) −→ F −→ 0 (eg. use (1.18)). We now consider the exact sequence · · · ⊕ H i (OPN (qi + n)) → H i (F ⊗ OPN (n)) → H i+1 (K ⊗ OPN (n)) · · · and proceed by descending induction on i so that we may assume that hi+1 (K ⊗ OPN (n)) = 0 for n  0 and i ≥ 0. Since hi (OPN (qi + n)) = 0 for n  0 and i ≥ 0, we have hi (F ⊗ OPN (n)) = 0 as required for n  0 and i ≥ 0.  Recall that we also have the following Proposition 1.20. Let X be a projective scheme and D ∈ Div(X). The following are equivalent (1) D is ample; (2) mD is ample for some m > 0; (3) mD is very ample for some m > 0; (4) there exists an integer m1 > 0 such that mD is very ample for all m ≥ m1 ; (5) for any coherent sheaf F, there exists an integer m2 = m2 (F) > 0 such that F ⊗ OX (mD) is globally generated for all m ≥ m2 ; (6) for any coherent sheaf F, there exists an integer m3 = m3 (F) > 0 such that H i (X, F ⊗ OX (mD)) = 0

f or all i > 0, m ≥ m3 (F).

Proof. Exercise. (See [5] II §7).

Proposition 1.21. Let f : X → Y be a finite map of projective varieties, L an ample line bundle on Y , then f ∗ L is ample on X. Proof. For any coherent sheaf F on X, one has that Ri f∗ F = 0 for all i > 0, and so by the projection formula H i (Y, F ⊗ f ∗ Lm ) = H i (X, f∗ F ⊗ Lm ) = 0 for all i > 0 (as L is ample on Y ). The proposition now follows from (1.20).  For a very ample divisor D on a projective variety X, and a subvariety V ⊂ X of dimension i, we let Di · V 6

be the degree of V viewed as a subvariety of PH 0 (OX (D)). More generally, given D ∈ Div(X), we may pick H ∈ Div(X) such H and D + H are very ample. For all j > 0, we view H · W and (D + H) · W as subvarieties of X of dimension i − 1 so that proceeding by induction on the dimension of W , we may assume that Di−1 · H · W and Di−1 · (D + H) · W are defined. We then let Di · W = Di−1 · (D + H) · W − Di−1 · H · W. By linearity, we may define Di · W for any D ∈ DivR (X) and W ∈ Zi (X) ⊗Z R. We have the following important result: Theorem 1.22. [Nakai-Moishezon criterion] Let D ∈ Div(X) be a Cartier divisor on a proper scheme X, then D is ample if and only if for any 0 ≤ i ≤ n − 1 and any subvariety W of dimension i, one has Di · W > 0. Proof. (cf. [10] 1.37) We will assume that X is projective. We may also assume that X is irreducible. Clearly, if D is ample, then Di · W > 0. For the converse implication, we proceed by induction on n = dim X. When dim X = 1, the Theorem is obvious. So we may assume that D|Z is ample for all for all proper closed sub-schemes Z ( X. Claim 1. h0 (X, OX (kD)) > 0 for some k > 0 (actually κ(D) = n). We choose a very ample divisor B ∈ Div(X) such that D + B is very ample. Let A ∈ |D + B| be a general member. Consider the short exact sequence 0 → OX (kD − B) → OX (kD) → OB (kD) → 0. Since OB (kD) is ample, for all k  0 we have that hi (B, OB (kD)) = 0 for all i > 0, and so hi (OX (kD − B)) = hi (OX (kD))

f or i ≥ 2 and k  0.

The same argument applied to the short exact sequence 0 → OX (kD − B) → OX ((k + 1)D) → OA ((k + 1)D) → 0 shows that hi (OX (kD − B)) = hi (OX ((k + 1)D))

f or i ≥ 2 and k  0.

Putting this together, we see that for i ≥ 2 and k  0, one has hi (OX (kD)) = hi (OX ((k + 1)D)) and so the number hi (OX (kD)) is constant. But then for k  0 h0 (X, OX (kD)) ≥ h0 (X, OX (kD)) − h1 (X, OX (kD)) = χ(X, OX (kD)) + (constant) = Dn /n! · k n + O(k − 1). 7

Claim 2. OX (kD) is generated by global sections for some k > 0. Fix a non-zero section s ∈ H 0 (X, OX (mD)). Let S be the divisor defined by s. Consider the short exact sequence 0 → OX ((k − 1)mD) → OX (kmD) → OS (kmD) → 0. By induction OS (kmD) is generated by global sections and so it suffices to show that for k  0, the homomorphism H 0 (X, OX (kmD)) → H 0 (S, OS (kmD)) is surjective. Arguing as in Claim 1, one sees that h1 (X, OX (kmD)) is a decreasing sequence and is hence eventually constant as required. Conclusion of the proof. φkD : X → PN is a finite morphism for k  0. If in fact C is a curve contracted by φkD , then kD · C = OPN (1) · φkD (C) = 0 which contradicts C · D > 0. The Theorem now follows as kD = φ∗kD OPN (1) is ample (as it is the pull-back of an ample line bundle via a finite map).  Exercise 1.23. Let X be a projective variety, H an ample divisor on X. A divisor D on X is ample if and only if there exists an  > 0 such that D·C ≥ H ·C for all irreducible curves C ⊂ X. Theorem 1.24. [Nakai’s Criterion] Let D be a divisor on a projective scheme X. D is ample if and only if D · Z > 0 for any Z ∈ N E(X) − {0}. Proof. Exercise.

Theorem 1.25. [Seshadri’s Criterion] Let D be a divisor on a projective scheme X. D is ample if and only if there exists an  > 0 such that C · D ≥  multx (C) for all x ∈ C ⊂ X. Proof. Assume that D is ample, then there exists an integer n > 0 such that nD is very ample, but then nD · C ≥ multx (C) for all x ∈ C ⊂ X. For the reverse implication, we proceed by induction. Therefore, we may assume that for any irreducible subvariety Z ( X, the divisor D|Z is ample and so Ddim Z · Z > 0. By (1.22), it is enough to show that Dn > 0. Let µ : X0 → X 8

be the blow up of X at a smooth point. Then µ∗ D − E is nef. In fact, for any curve C 0 ⊂ X 0 we either have C = µ(C 0 ) is a curve and then (µ∗ D − E) · C 0 = D · C −  multx C ≥ 0, or µ(C 0 ) = x and then since C 0 ⊂ E ∼ = Pn−1 and OE (E) = OPn−1 (−1) (µ∗ D − E) · C 0 =  deg C 0 > 0. But then, by (1.35) (µ∗ D − E)n = Dn − n ≥ 0 and this completes the proof.

1.4. Positivity of divisors. Given a divisor on a variety X there are several notions of positivity that will be essential in what follows. We begin with the following: Definition 1.26. If D ∈ DivR (X) is a R-Cartier divisor on a proper variety X, then D is nef if D · C ≥ 0 for any C ∈ Z1 (X). The terminology nef was introduced by M. Reid. It stands for numerically eventually free. The point is that if D is eventually free (i.e. if it is semiample see (1.28)) then it is easy to see that D is nef. Exercise 1.27. Let X be a projective variety, H an ample divisor on X. A divisor D on X is nef if and only if D + H is ample for all rational numbers  > 0. Definition 1.28. A divisor D ∈ Div(X) (or more precisely the complete linear series |D|) is base point free if for any point x ∈ X there is a divisor D0 ∼ D such that x 6∈ Supp(D0 ). This is equivalent to requiring that the sheaf OX (D) is generated by global sections. A divisor D ∈ DivQ (X) is semiample if there is an integer m > 0 such that |mD| is base point free. P A divisor D ∈ DivR (X) is semiample if we may write D = ki=1 ri Di where ri ∈ R and Di ∈ DivQ (X) are semiample. Note that if D ∈ Div(X) is base point free, then there is a morphism φ|D| : X → PH 0 (OX (D)). Definition 1.29. For any divisor D (or line bundle L), one can define the Kodaira dimension κ(D) := max{dim φmD (X)} m>0

here we set dim φmD (X) = −∞ if h0 (OX (mD)) = 0. 9

Remark 1.30. Frequently, one lets dim φmD (X) = −1 if h0 (OX (mD)) = 0. If we adopt this convention, then κ(D) = tr. deg.C R(D) − 1. We have that κ(D) < 0 if and only if h0 (OX (mD)) = 0 for all m > 0. If κ(D) = 0 then there exists an integer m0 such that h0 (OX (mD)) = 1 if and only if m > 0 is divisible by m0 . (It is an instructive excercise to prove this.) It is known (cf. [11, §2]) that if κ(D) > 0, then there exist constants A, B > 0 such that for all m sufficiently divisible, we have Amκ(X) ≤ h0 (OX (mD)) ≤ Bmκ(X) , so that κ(D) = κ if and only if lim sup h0 (OX (mD))/mκ 6= 0. Definition 1.31. A divisor D ∈ WDivQ (X) is big if κ(D) = dim(X). Remark 1.32. If D is big, then we define the volume of D by h0 (OX (mD)) vol(D) = lim sup mn /n! where n = dim(X). It is known that in this case lim sup h0 (OX (mD))/mn = lim h0 (OX (mD))/mn (cf. [11]) and that D ∼Q A + B where A is an ample Q-divisor and B is effective cf. [11, §2]. Notice moreover that if D ≡ D0 then D is big if and only if D0 is big cf. [11, §2]. Remark 1.33. If 0 < κ = κ(D) < dim(X), then it is not known if lim h0 (OX (mD))/mκ always exists. Definition 1.34. A divisor D ∈ WDivQ (X) is pseudo-effective if and only if for any ample divisor A and any rational number  > 0, the divisor D + A is big. (Equivalently D is pseudo-effective if and only if D is in the closure of the big cone. This property is also determined by the numerical equivalence class of D.) Theorem 1.35. [Kleiman’s Theorem] Let X be a proper variety, D a nef divisor. Then Ddim Z · Z ≥ 0 for all irreducible subvarieties Z ⊂ X. Proof. (cf. [11] 1.4.9) We assume that X is projective (Chow’s Lemma) and irreducible. When dim X = 1, the Theorem is clear. By induction on n = dim X, we may assume that Ddim Z · Z ≥ 0

∀Z ⊂ X irreducible of dim Z < n, 10

and we must show that Dn ≥ 0. Fix H an ample divisor and consider the polynomial P (t) := (D + tH)n ∈ Q[t]. We must show that P (0) ≥ 0. For 1 ≤ k ≤ n, the coefficient of tk is Dn−k H k ≥ 0. Assume that P (0) < 0, then one sees that P (t) has a unique real root t0 > 0. For any rational number t > t0 , one sees that (D + tH)dim Z · Z > 0

∀Z ⊂ X irreducible of dim Z ≤ n,

and so by (1.22), D + tH is ample. We write P (t) = Q(t) + R(t) = D · (D + tH)n−1 + tH · (D + tH)n−1 . As D+tH is ample for t > t0 , one has that (D+tH)n−1 is an effective 1cycle, so Q(t) ≥ 0 for all rational numbers t > t0 and so Q(t0 ) ≥ 0. One sees that all the coefficients of R(t) are non-negative and the coefficient of tn is H n > 0. It follows that R(t0 ) > 0 and so P (t0 ) > 0 which is the required contradiction.  2. The Singularities of the Minimal Model Program Definition 2.1. If X is a normal variety and i : U → X is the inclusion of the nonsingular locus. Then U is a big open subset and we let ωU be the canonical line bundle of U . ωU is an invertible sheaf whose sections may be locally written as f · dz1 ∧ . . . ∧ dzn where z1 , . . . , zn are local coordinates and f is a regular function. We define the canonical sheaf as the divisorial sheaf ωX = i∗ ωU . A canonical divisor on X is a divisor KX such that OX (KX ) ∼ = ωX . Note that, despite the fact that it is usaually referred to as “the canonical divisor”, KX is not uniquely defined and may be non-effective. Definition 2.2. A log pair (X, D) consits of a normal variety X and a divisor D ∈ WDivR (X) such that KX + D ∈ DivR (X). Definition 2.3. A log resolution of a pair (X, D) is a proper birational morphism f : Y → X from a smooth variety such that Exc(f ) is a divisor and f −1 (D) ∪ Exc(f ) has simple normal crossings support (i.e. each component is a smooth divisor and all components meet transversely). Exercise 2.4. Compute a log resolution for 3 lines meeting at a point and for the cusp y 2 = x3 . 11

Definition 2.5. Given a log pair (X, D) and a log resolution f : Y → X, we write KY = f ∗ (KX + D) + AY (X, D) where f∗ KY = KX and f∗ AY (X, D) = −D. The divisor AY (X, D) is the P discrepancy divisor of (X, D). We will also write AY (X, D) = aP (X, D)P where P are prime divisors on Y . The numbers aP (X, D) are the discrepancies of (X, D) along P . We will also write AY (X, D) = EY (X, D) − ΓY (X, D) where EY (X, D) and ΓY (X, D) are effective with no common components. The total discrepancy of (X, D) is given by total discrepancy(X, D) = inf{aP (X, D)|P is a prime divisor over X}, and the discrepancy of (X, D) is given by discrepancy(X, D) = inf{aP (X, D)|P is an exceptional prime divisor over X}. Remark 2.6. Note that AY (X, D) is uniquely defined. To prove this, use the Negativity Lemma given below. Lemma 2.7 (Negativity Lemma). Let f : Y → X be a proper birational morphism of normal varieties. If −B ∈ DivQ (Y ) is f -nef, then B is effective if and only if f∗ B is effective. Moreover, if B is effective, then for any x ∈ X, either f −1 (x) ⊂ Supp(B) or f −1 (x)∩Supp(B) = ∅. Proof. See [10, Lemma 3.39].

Exercise 2.8. Let f : Y → X be a proper birational morphism and set DY = −AY (X, D). Show that total discrepancy(X, D) = total discrepancy(Y, DY ) and give an example where discrepancy(X, D) = discrepancy(Y, DY ). Exercise 2.9. If (X, D) and (X, D0 ) are two log pairs such that D ≤ D0 , then show that for any log resolution f : Y → X of (X, D) and (X, D0 ), we have AY (X, D) ≥ AY (X, D0 ). P Exercise 2.10. Let X be a smooth variety D = ai Di a sum of distinct prime divisors, Z ⊂ X a smooth subvariety of codimension k. Let p : BZ (X) → X be the blow up of X along Z and E be P the exceptional divisor dominating Z. Show that aE (X, D) = k − 1 − ai · multZ Di . The numbers aP (X, D) will allow us to define several important classes of singularities that are essential for the Minimal Model Program. The idea is that the bigger the discrepancy or total discrepancy of (X, D) is, then the less singular the pair (X, D) is. It is important to notice the following: 12

Lemma 2.11. If the total discrepancy of (X, D) is < −1, then the total discrepancy of (X, D) is −∞. Proof. Exercise.

Definition 2.12. A pair (X, D) is log canonical (respectively kawamata log terminal) if aP (X, D) ≥ −1 (resp. aP (X, D) > −1) for all prime divisors P over X. A pair (X, D) is canonical (respectively terminal) if aP (X, D) ≥ 0 (resp. aP (X, D) > 0) for all prime divisors P exceptional over X. Remark 2.13. The condition that (X, D) is log canonical or kawamata log terminal can be checked on any log resolution of (X, D). It is known that kawamata log terminal singularities are rational (i.e. for any resolution f : Y → X, we have Ri f∗ OY = 0 for i > 0) and Cohen-Macaulay cf. [10, §5]. Remark 2.14. If dim X = 2 and (X, D) is a terminal pair, then X is smooth. If dim X = 2 and (X, D) is a canonical pair, then X has at most rational double point singularities which are not contained in Supp(D). Remark 2.15. If dim X = 2 then (X, 0) is a terminal (resp. canonical, kawamata log terminal, log canonical) pair if and only if X is smooth (resp. C2 /finite subgroup of SL(2, C), C2 /finite subgroup of GL(2, C)), simple elliptic, cusp, smooth, or a quotient of these by a finite group). Exercise 2.16. If X is the cone over a curve of genus g, and E is the exceptional divisor corresponding to the blow up of the vertex. Show that aE (X, 0) = −1 (resp. −1 + 2/n, < −1) iff g = 1 (resp. g = 0 is a rational curve of degree n > 0, g ≥ 2). Remark 2.17. As observed above, if x ∈ X is a rational double point, then (X, 0) is canonical but not terminal. If x ∈ X is the vertex of a cone over a rational curve, then (X, 0) is Kawamata log terminal, but not canonical. If x ∈ X is the vertex of a cone over an elliptic curve, then (X, 0) is log canonical but not Kawamata log terminal. Exercise 2.18. Given a log pair (X, D) and two log resolutions f : Y → X and f 0 : Y 0 → X such that f 0 = f ◦ ν for some morphism ν : X 0 → X, show that ν∗ AY 0 (X, D) = AY (X, D). Definition 2.19. We say that a pair (X, D) is purely log terminal if the discrepancy of any exceptional divisor is greater than −1. Remark 2.20. The notion of a purely log terminal pair (X, D) is particularly useful when S = xDy is irreducible. In this case S is normal 13

and the pair (S, Θ) defined by adjunction (KX + D)|S = KS + Θ is Kawamata log terminal. Definition 2.21. We say that a pair (X, D) is divisorially log terminal if there is a log resolution f : Y → X such that all f -exceptional divisors E ⊂ Y have discrepancy greater than −1. Remark 2.22. If X = P2 and D is a curve with a node, then (X, D) is log canonical but not divisorially log terminal. If X = C2 and D is the union of the x and y axis, then (X, D) is divisorially log terminal but not purely log terminal. Proposition 2.23. Given a divisorially log terminal pair (X, D), there is a resolution f : Y → X which is an isomorphism at the general point of each component of the strata of xDy. Proof. [14]

Remark 2.24. Using the above proposition, one can show that a pair (X, D) is divisorially log terminal if and only if there is a closed subset Z ⊂ X such that (X − Z, D|X−Z ) is log smooth (cf. 2.29) and if E is a divisor over X with center contained in Z, then aE (X, D) > −1. Exercise 2.25. A divisorially log terminal pair (X, D) is Kawamata log terminal if and only if xDy = 0. Definition 2.26. Given a log pair (X, D), a place of non Kawamata log terminal singularities of (X, D) is a divisor E over X such that aE (X, D) ≤ −1. A center of non Kawamata log terminal singularities of (X, D) is the image of a place of non Kawamata log terminal singularities of (X, D). We let the non Kawamata log terminal locus of (X, D) denoted by Nklt(X, D) be the subset of X defined by the union of all centers of non Kawamata log terminal singularities of (X, D). Remark 2.27. Traditionally non Kawamata log terminal places or centers are called log canonical places or centers. This is meaningful for log canonical pairs, but otherwise confusing. Remark 2.28. One can similarly define places and centers of non log canonical, non canonical and non terminal singularities. In the case of non canonical and non terminal singularities, one should only consider divisors E exceptional over X. Definition 2.29. A pair (X, D) is log smooth if X is smooth and D has simple normal crossings. 14

Remark 2.30. If (X, D) is log smooth, then Nklt(X, D) = Supp(xDy). Each component of the strata of xDy is a non Kawamata log terminal center of (X, D). If X is smooth and P is a prime divisor on X and Z ⊂ P is a subvariety of codimension c ≤ multP (D) in X, then Z is a non Kawamata log terminal centers of (X, D). Exercise 2.31. If (X, D) is a Kawamata log terminal pair, then there is a log resolution f : Y → X such that ΓY (X, D) is smooth. Exercise 2.32. If (X, D) is a Kawamata log terminal pair, then (X, D) has finitely many places of discrepancy aE (X, D) > 0. Definition 2.33. If (X, D) is a log canonical pair, Z ⊂ X is a closed subscheme and G ∈ DivR (X) is an effective R-divisor. Then the log canonical threshold of G along Z with respect to (X, D) is given by cZ (X, D; G) := sup{c > 0|(X, D + cG) is LC near Z}. Note that in order to compute cZ (X, D; G) it suffices to pick a log resolution f : Y → X of (X, D + G), then cZ (X, D; G) is given by the supremum of c ∈ R such that multE (−AY (X, D) + f ∗ G) ≤ 1 for all divisors E on Y whose image intersects Z. Equivalently c = 1+aE (X,D) min{ mult } for all divisors E on Y whose image intersects Z. If ∗ E (f G) Z = X we let cZ (X, D; G) =: c(X, D; G). Exercise 2.34. Let X = C2 and G be the cusp defined by y 2 = x3 . Show that c(X, 0; G) = 5/6. Exercise 2.35. Let X be the cone over a rational curve of degree n and G be a line through the vertex v ∈ X. Show that c(X, 0; G) = 1 and (X, G) is PLT. 2.1. Vanishing theorems. Theorem 2.36. [Kodaira Vanishing Theorem] Let X be a smooth projective variety and D ∈ Div(X) an ample divisor, then H i (X, OX (KX + D)) = 0

for all i > 0.

Remark 2.37. By Serre duality, this is equivalent to the condition that H i (X, OX (−D)) = 0 for all i < dim X. In applications, it is usually necessary to have a more flexible version of (2.36). The following theorem is often sufficient. Theorem 2.38. [Kawamata-Viehweg Vanishing] Let X be a smooth projective variety and D ∈ Div(X). If D ≡ M +F where M ∈ DivQ (X) is nef and big and F ∈ DivQ (X) has simple normal crossings and xF y = 0. Then H i (X, OX (KX + D)) = 0 for all i > 0. 15

Exercise 2.39. Use (2.38) to deduce that if X is a smooth projective variety, f : X → Y is a projective morphism and D ∈ Div(X), D ≡ M + F where M ∈ DivQ (X) is relatively nef and big and F ∈ DivQ (X) has simple normal crossings and xF y = 0, then Ri f∗ (X, OX (KX + D)) = 0 for all i > 0. The above theorem generalizes to the following: Theorem 2.40. [General Kawamata-Viehweg Vanishing] Let (X, ∆) be a Kawamata log terminal pair and D ∈ WDiv(X). If D ≡ ∆ + M where M ∈ DivQ (X) is nef and big. Then H i (X, OX (KX + D)) = 0 for all i > 0. Proof. Assume for simplicity that D ∈ Div(X). Let f : Y → X be a log resolution. Then since −EY + pEY q = −EY − x−EY y = {−EY }, we have f ∗ (KX + D) + pEY q ≡ KY + ΓY + {−EY } + f ∗ M where f ∗ M is nef and big. It follows that Ri f∗ OY (f ∗ (KX + D) + pEY q) = 0 for i > 0 and that H i (OY (f ∗ (KX + D) + pEY q)) = 0 for i > 0 (cf. the log smooth case of (2.39)). But then, as f∗ OY (f ∗ (KX + D) + pEY q) = OX (KX + D), we have H i (OX (KX + D)) ∼ = H i (OY (f ∗ (KX + D) + pEY q)) and the theorem follows.

The above theorem is a special case of the following Theorem 2.41. [Relative Kawamata-Viehweg Vanishing] Let (X, ∆) be a Kawamata log terminal pair and D ∈ WDiv(X). If f : X → Y is a projective morphism and D ≡ ∆ + M where M ∈ DivQ (X) is nef and big over Y (i.e. M · C ≥ 0 for any curve C ⊂ X contracted by f and M |Xη is big where Xη is the general fiber of f ). Then Ri f∗ OX (KX + D) = 0 for all i > 0. Proof. Let H be a sufficiently ample divisor on Y , then M + f ∗ H is nef and big, Ri f∗ OX (KX + D) ⊗ OY (H) is generated by global sections and H j (X, Ri f∗ OX (KX + D) ⊗ OY (H)) = 0 for all j > 0. By the projection formula and a spectral sequence argument we have that H i (X, OX (KX + D + f ∗ H)) ∼ = H 0 (Y, Ri f∗ OX (KX + D) ⊗ OY (H)). By (2.40) the group on the left vanishes and since Ri f∗ OX (KX + D) ⊗ OY (H) is generated by global sections, then Ri f∗ OX (KX + D) ⊗ OY (H) = 0. Since OY (H) = 0 is locally free, the claim follows.  16

Exercise 2.42. Let M and H be as above. Show that M + f ∗ H is nef and big. We will need a slightly more general version that applies to divisorially log terminal pairs. Theorem 2.43. Let (X, D) be a log smooth log canonical pair and f : X → Z be a projective morphism. Let N ∈ Div(X) be a divisor such that N − D is nef over Z and big over Z and the restriction of N to any non-Kawamata log terminal center of (X, D) is big over Z. Then Ri f∗ OX (KX + N ) = 0, for i > 0. Proof. We proceed by induction on the dimension of X. If dim X = 1, then deg(N ) > 0 and the claim follows by (2.41). If dim X ≥ 2, then we proceed by induction on the number of components of xDy. If xDy = 0, the claim follows by (2.41). Otherwise, let S ∈ xDy be any prime divisor and consider the short exact sequence 0 → OX (KX + N − S) → OX (KX + N ) → OS (KS + (N − S)|S ) → 0. By induction on the number of components of xDy, we have that Ri f∗ OX (KX + N − S) = 0 for all i > 0 and by induction on the dimension, we obtain that Ri f∗ (KS + (N − S)|S ) = 0. The assertion now follows immediately.  2.2. Calculus of non Kawamata log terminal centers. Theorem 2.44. [The connectedness lemma of Koll´ar and Shokurov] Let f : X → Z be a proper morphism of normal varieties with connected fibers and D ∈ WDivQ (X) such that −(KX + D) ∈ DivQ (X) is f -nef and f -big. Write D = D+ −D− where D+ and D− are effective with no common components. If D− is f -exceptional (i.e. all of its components have image of codimension at least 2), then Nklt(X, D) ∩ f −1 (z) is connected for any z ∈ Z. Proof. Let µ : Y → X be a log resolution of (X, D) and DY = −AY (X, D). Then Nklt(X, D) = µ(Nklt(Y, DY )). Replacing X by Y , we may assume that X is smooth and D has simple normal crossings support. We write D = D≥1 + D 0 and since X is Cohen-Macaulay 20

H j (X, f∗ OY (−rA)) = 0 for j < n and r  0. By an easy spectral sequence argument, H 0 (X, Ri f∗ OY ⊗ OX (−rA)) = H i (Y, OY (−rf ∗ A)) = 0 for any r > 0 and 0 ≤ i ≤ n − 2. Thus Ri f∗ OY = 0 for 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 2. Also there is a short exat sequence 0 → H 0 (Rn−1 f∗ OY (−rA)) → H n (OX (−rA)) → H n (OY (−rf ∗ A)) → 0. We claim that the last map is an isomorphism and hence Rn−1 f∗ OY = 0. To see the claim note that as f∗ ωY = ωX , then H 0 (Y, ωY (rf ∗ A)) ∼ = H 0 (X, f∗ ωY (rA)) ∼ = H 0 (X, ωX (rA)) and the claim follows by Serre duality.

Theorem 2.55. If (X, D) is a divisorially log terminal pair, then X has rational singularities. Proof. We will assume that X is projective, the pair (X, D) is Kawamata log terminal. Consider a log resolution f : Y → X. We may write pEY (X, D)q ≡ KY − f ∗ (KX + D) + ΓY (X, D) + {−EY (X, D)}. As ΓY (X, D)+{−EY (X, D)} has simple normal crossings and xΓY (X, D)+ {−EY (X, D)}y = 0, then Rj f∗ OY (pEY (X, D)q) = 0

∀i > 0.

Note that we also have f∗ OY (pEY (X, D)q) = OX . Let A ∈ Div(X) be ample. We have a diagramm =

H i (OX (−rA)) −−−→  β y

H i (OX (−rA))  α y

H i (OY (−rf ∗ A)) −−−→ H i (OY (pEY (X, D)q − rf ∗ A)). The existence of the vertical map β follows since there is a map of complexes OX (−rA) = f∗ OY (−rf ∗ A) → R· f∗ OY (−rf ∗ A) and hence of cohomology groups H i (X, OX (−rA)) → Hi (X, R· f∗ OY (−rf ∗ A)) = H i (Y, OY (−rf ∗ A)). From the Leray Spectral sequence, we also get that α is an isomorphism. But as hi (OY (−rf ∗ A)) = hn−i (ωY (rf ∗ A)) = 0 for i < n, we have that H i (OX (−rA)) = 0 for i < n and r > 0. It is easy to see that 21

the diagram commutes. Therefore X is CM. When i = n, we get an injection H n (OX (−rA)) → H n (OY (−rf ∗ A)) i.e. a surjection H 0 (ωY (rf ∗ A)) = H 0 (f∗ ωY ⊗ OX (rA)) → H 0 (ωX ⊗ OX (rA)) so that f∗ ωY → ωX is surjective.

3. Multiplier ideal sheaves Definition 3.1. Let D ≥ 0 be a R-divisor on a smooth variety X and f : Y → X be a log resolution of (X, D). Then the multiplier ideal sheaf of (X, D) is defined as J (X, D) = J (D) = JD := f∗ OY (KY /X − xf ∗ Dy). Notice that J (X, D) ⊂ f∗ OY = OX . In order to show that multiplier ideal sheaves are well defined, one needs the following. Proposition 3.2. The definition in (3.1) does not depend on the log resolution. Proof. Let f : Y → X and f 0 : Y 0 → X be two log resolutions of (X, D). We may assume that f 0 = f ◦g for some morphism g : Y 0 → Y . We have f∗0 OY 0 (KY 0 /X − x(f 0 )∗ Dy) = f∗ (OY (KY /X ) ⊗ g∗ OY 0 (KY 0 /Y − xg ∗ f ∗ Dy)) and so it suffices to prove that g∗ OY 0 (KY 0 /Y −xg ∗ f ∗ Dy) = OY 0 (−xf ∗ Dy). This follows from Lemma (3.3) below (cf. [12, Lemma 9.2.19]).  Lemma 3.3. Let X be a smooth variety and D be a divisor with simple normal crossings support and f : Y → X be a log resolution of (X, D), then f∗ OY (KY /X − xf ∗ Dy) = OX (−xDy). Proof. Using the projection formula, it is easy to see that we may assume that D = {D}. We must then show that KY /X − xf ∗ Dy ≥ 0. This can be done by a local computation. Let E be any divisor in Y with center Z on X. We P may work locally around a general point of Z and assume that D = di Di where Z ⊂ SuppD. Let xi be local coordinates on X with Di = {xi = 0} and yi be local coordinates on Y with {y1 = 0}. We let ci = multE (f ∗ Di ) so that multE (f ∗ D) = P E =P d i ci < ci . We have xi = y1ci · bi for some regular functions bi on Y . It follows that dxi = y1ci −1 ci bi dy1 + y1ci dbi and hence dx1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxn = y1γ−1 gdy1 ∧ . . . ∧ dyn 22

P for some regular function g on Y and γ = ci . Therefore X multE (KY /X ) ≥ ci − 1 > multE (f ∗ D) − 1.  Remark 3.4. One could also define the multiplier ideal sheaf of a pair (X, ∆) with respect to a divisor D ∈ DivR (X) by J ((X, ∆); D) = f∗ OY (KY − xf ∗ (KX + ∆ + D)y) where f : Y → X is a log resolution of (X, ∆ + D). Note that J ((X, ∆); D) = J ((X, ∆+D); 0) and if X is smooth, then J ((X, ∆); D) = J (X, ∆ + D). One should view the multiplier ideal sheaf J (X, D) as a measure of the singularities of (X, D). Notice for example that a pair (X, ∆) is kawamata log terminal if and only if J ((X, ∆); 0) = OX . We have the following basic properties: Proposition 3.5. Let D ≥ 0 be an R-divisor on a smooth n-dimensional variety X. (1) If G ∈ Div(X), then J (D + G) = J (D) ⊗ OX (−G). (2) If D has simple normal crossings support, then J (D) = OX (−xDy). (3) If D1 ≤ D2 with 0 ≤ Di ∈ DivR (X), then J (D2 ) ⊂ J (D1 ). (4) If f : Y → X is a proper birational morphism of smooth varieties, then J (X, D) = f∗ (J (Y, f ∗ D) ⊗ ωY /X ). (5) If multx D ≥ n, then J (D) ⊂ Ix where x ∈ X is any point and Ix is the corresponding maximal ideal. (6) If multx D < 1 then J (D)x = Ox,X . Proof. Properties (1-4) are easy excercises. To see property (5), let µ : X 0 → X be the blow up of X at x and E be the exceptional divisor. By (4) and (1), we have J (D) = µ∗ (J (µ∗ D) ⊗ ωX 0 /X ) = µ∗ (J (µ∗ D − nE) ⊗ ωX 0 /X (−nE)) ⊂ µ∗ (ωX 0 /X (−nE)) = µ∗ OX 0 (−E) ⊂ Ix . Property (6) is (3.20).

Remark 3.6. The same proof shows that if Z is an irreducible subvariety of dimension k and multZ D ≥ n − k + p − 1, then J (D) ⊂ IZ

where IZ

is the p-th symbolic power of IZ i.e. the ideal of regular functions vanishing along a general point of Z to order at least p. 23

Theorem 3.7. [Nadel Vanishing] Let X be a smooth variety, 0 ≤ D ∈ DivR (X) and f : X → Z be a projective morphism. If N ∈ Div(X) is such that N − D is f -nef and f -big, then Ri f∗ (OX (KX + N ) ⊗ J (D)) = 0

∀i > 0.

Proof. Let g : Y → X be a log resolution of (X, D), then g ∗ (N − D) is h-nef and h-big where h = f ◦ g. As g ∗ (N − D) is also g-nef and g-big and it has simple normal crossings support, by (2.41), we have Rj g∗ OY (KY + pf ∗ (N − D)q) = 0

∀j > 0.

Similarly, we have Ri h∗ (OY (KY + pf ∗ (N − D)q)) = 0

∀i > 0.

Since g∗ OY (KY + pf ∗ (N − D)q) = OX (KX + N ) ⊗ g∗ OY (KY /X − xf ∗ (D)y) = OX (KX + N ) ⊗ J (D), we have that Ri f∗ (OX (KX +N )⊗J (D)) ∼ = Ri h∗ OY (KY +pf ∗ (N −D)q) = 0

∀i > 0. 

Corollary 3.8. Let X be a smooth projective variety, 0 ≤ D ∈ DivR (X), N, B ∈ Div(X) are such that N − D is nef and big and |B| is very ample, then OX (KX + nB + N ) ⊗ J (D) is generated by global sections for all n ≥ dim X. Proof. Let Xi = B1 ∩ . . . ∩ Bi be the intersection of i general elements Bi ∈ |B| that contain x. Consider the short exact sequences 0 → OXi (KX + jB + N ) ⊗ J (D) → OXi (KX + (j + 1)B + N ) ⊗ J (D) → OXi+1 (KX + (j + 1)B + N ) ⊗ J (D) → 0. By induction on i, one shows that H k (OXi (KX + jB + N )) = 0 for all k > 0 and j ≥ i. It follows that if n ≥ dim X, then OX (KX + nB + N ) ⊗ J (D) → OXdim X (KX + nB + N ) ⊗ J (D) is surjective and hence OX (KX + nB + N ) ⊗ J (D) is generated at x.  Remark 3.9. More generally, if F is a coherent sheaf on a projective variety of dimension n and B is very ample such that H p (F ⊗ OX (jB)) = 0 for any p > 0 and j ≥ 0, then F ⊗ OX (nB) is generated by global sections. To see this, consider the short exact sequence 0 → F 00 → F → F 0 → 0 24

where dim Supp(F 00 ) = 0 and F 0 contains no subsheaves supported at points. Then F 00 is generated by global sections and we may apply the argument of (3.8) to F 0 . Definition 3.10. Let X be a smooth variety and V a nonempty linear series on X (resp. 0 6= a ⊂ OX an ideal). Pick f : Y → X a log resolution of (X, V ) (resp. of (X, a)) i.e. a proper birational morphism f : Y → X such that Y is smooth, f ∗ V = V 0 + F where V 0 is a free linear series and F = Fix(f ∗ V ), and F + Exc(f ) has simple normal crossings support (resp. a · OY = OY (−F ) and F + Exc(f ) has simple normal crossings support). For any 0 < c ∈ R, we define the corresponding multiplier ideal sheaf J (c·V ) = f∗ OY (KY /X −xcF y)

(resp. J (c·a) = f∗ OY (KY /X −xcF y).

Proposition 3.11. Let X be a smooth variety and V1 ⊂ V2 be nonempty linear series on X, 0 6= a1 ⊂ a2 ⊂ OX ideals, then J (V1 ) ⊂ J (V2 )


J (a1 ) ⊂ J (a2 ).

If b is the base ideal of a nonempty linear series V and D ∈ V is a general member and 0 < c < 1 is a real number, then J (c · V ) = J (c · b) = J (c · D). Proof. Exercise.

3.1. First geometric applications of multiplier ideals. In this section we will discuss two geometric applications of multiplier ideals. Theorem 3.12. Let S be a finite set of points on Pn and D ⊂ Pn be an hypersurface of degree d such that multx D ≥ k for all x ∈ S. Then there is a hypersurface of degree ≤ x dn y containing S. k Proof. Set G = nk A so that multx G ≥ n for all x ∈ S. Therefore J (G) ⊂ IS . Since OPn (KPn ) = OPn (−n − 1), we have that dn H i (ωPn ⊗ OPn (l) ⊗ J (G)) = 0 ∀i > 0, l > . k Therefore, for l ≥ x dn y + 1, we have k H 0 (ωPn ⊗ OPn (l) ⊗ J (G)) = χ(ωPn ⊗ OPn (l) ⊗ J (G)) = P (l) is a polynomial of degree n. So P (l) has at most n zeroes and hence H 0 (ωPn ⊗ OPn (l) ⊗ J (G)) 6= 0 for some l ≤ x dn y + n + 1.  k Remark 3.13. Conjecturally, one should be able to produce a hypery − n vanishing along S. It is hard to find surface of degree ≤ x dn k interesting examples for a hypersurface D as above. It is maybe more 25

interesting to think of the above theorem as giving necessary conditions for such a hypersurface to exist. The next application is due to J. Koll´ar. Theorem 3.14. Let (A, Θ) be a principally polarized abelian variety (in particular A is a complex torus, Θ ∈ Div(X) is ample and h0 (OA (Θ)) = 1). Then (A, Θ) is log canonical (i.e. J ((1 − )Θ) = OA for any 0 <   1). In particular multx Θ ≤ dim A for any point x ∈ A. Proof. Consider the short exact sequence 0 → OA (Θ) ⊗ J ((1 − )Θ) → OA (Θ) → OZ (Θ) → 0 where Z = Z(J ((1 − )Θ)). By (3.7), we have H 1 (OA (Θ) ⊗ J ((1 − )Θ)) = 0 so that H 0 (OA (Θ)) → H 0 (OZ (Θ)) is surjective. By (3) and (1) of (3.5), we have IZ = J ((1 − )Θ) ⊂ J (Θ) = IΘ . It then follows that H 0 (OZ (Θ)) = 0. By semicontinuity, for general x ∈ A, we have H 0 (OZ (t∗x Θ)) = 0 where tx denotes translation by x ∈ A. But then a general translate of Θ vanishes along Z so that Z = ∅.  Remark 3.15. The same proof shows that if D ∈ |mΘ|, then (A, m1 D) is log canonical and hence multZ (D) ≤ m(n − k) where Z ⊂ X is a subvariety of dimension k. It is also known that equality holds if and only if (A, Θ) ∼ = (A0 , Θ0 ) × (A00 , Θ00 ) where (A0 , Θ0 ) is the product of n − k principally polarized elliptic curves. 3.2. Further properties of multiplier ideal sheaves. Theorem 3.16. Let X be a smooth quasi-projective variety and 0 ≤ D ∈ DivR (X). If H is a smooth irreducible divisor on X not contained in the support of D, then J (H, D|H ) ⊂ J (X, D) · OH where J (X, D) · OH := Im(J (X, D) ,→ OX → OH ) ⊂ OH . Moreover, if 0 < s < 1, then for all 0 < t  1 we have J (X, D + (1 − t)H) · OH ⊂ J (H, (1 − s)D|H ). Proof. Let f P : Y → X be a log resolution of (X, D + H) and write f ∗ H = H 0 + aj Ej where H 0 = (f −1 )∗ H, aj ≥ 0 and Ej are exceptional. We may assume that g = f |H 0 : H 0 → H is a log resolution of (H, D|H ). By adjunction KH 0 = (KY + H 0 )|H 0 and KH = (KX + H)|H , 26

so that KH 0 /H = (KY /X − quence


aj Ej )|H 0 . Consider the short exact se-

0 → OY (KY /X − xf ∗ Dy − f ∗ H) → OY (KY /X − xf ∗ Dy −


aj Ej )

→ OH 0 (KH 0 /H + xf ∗ D|H y) → 0. Since −xf ∗ Dy − f ∗ H ∼Q,f {f ∗ D}, we have that R1 f∗ OY (KY /X − xf ∗ Dy − f ∗ H) = 0 cf. (2.41). Therefore there is a surjection X f∗ OY (KY /X −xf ∗ Dy− aj Ej ) → g∗ OH 0 (KH 0 /H +xf ∗ D|H 0 y) = J (H, D|H ). The first assertion now follows as J (X, D) = f∗ OY (KY /X − xf ∗ Dy) ⊃ f∗ OY (KY /X − xf ∗ Dy −


aj Ej ).

To see the second assertion, note that J (X, D + (1 − t)H) = f∗ OY (KY /X − xf ∗ ((1 − t)H + D)y) and J (H, (1 − s)D|H ) = g∗ OH 0 (KH 0 /H − xg ∗ ((1 − s)D|H )y). Therefore, if E ⊂ Y is any divisor on Y with multE∩H 0 (KH 0 /H −f ∗ ((1− s)D|H )) ≤ −1, then we must show that multE (KY /X −xf ∗ ((1−t)H+D)y) ≤ multE∩H 0 (KH 0 /H −xf ∗ ((1−s)D|H )y). Let k = multE (KY /X ), a = multE (f ∗ H) and d = multE (f ∗ D), then we must show that k − x(1 − t)a + dy ≤ k − a − x(1 − s)dy. But for 0 < t ≤

sd , a

the equation is easily seen to hold.

Corollary 3.17. [Inversion of adjunction] If J (H, D|H ) = OH near a point x ∈ H, then J (X, D) = OX near x ∈ X. In other words (H, D|H ) is kawamata log terminal near x then (X, D) is kawamata log terminal near x. Corollary 3.18. [Inversion of adjunction II] If J (H, (1−s)D|H ) ⊂ mx for a point x ∈ H and any number 0 < s < 1, then J (X, D + (1 − t)H) ⊂ mx for any 0 < t  1. In other words, if (H, (1 − s)D|H ) is not kawamata log terminal near x then (X, D + (1 − t)H) is not kawamata log terminal near x. Remark 3.19. A more general version of inversion of adjunction is the following. Let (X, S + B) be a pair such that S is a prime divisor not contained in the support of B, let ν : S 0 → S be the normalization of S and (S 0 , B 0 ) be the log pair defined by the adjunction formula ν ∗ (KX + S + B) = KS 0 + B 0 . Then 27

(1) (X, S + B) is purely log terminal if and only if (S 0 , B 0 ) is kawamata log terminal, and (2) (X, S +B) is log canonical if and only if (S 0 , B 0 ) is log canonical. The implications (X, S + B) is purely log terminal (resp. log canonical) implies that (S 0 , B 0 ) is kawamata log terminal (resp. log canonical) is easy to see. The implication (S 0 , B 0 ) is kawamata log terminal implies (X, S + B) is purely log terminal follows from the Connectedness Lemma. The implication (S 0 , B 0 ) is log canonical implies (X, S + B) is log canonical is a deep result due to Kawakita. Corollary 3.20. If X is a smooth quasi-projective variety, 0 ≤ D ∈ DivQ (X) and multx (D) < 1, then J (X, D)x = Ox,X . Proof. We proceed by induction on n = dim X. The case n = 1 is clear. Assume n > 1 and fix x ∈ H ⊂ X a smooth divisor not contained in the support of D. For a general choice of H, we have multx (D|H ) = multx (D) < 1. Therefore, J (H, D|H )x = Ox,H and by (3.17), it follows that J (X, D)x = Ox,X .  Proposition 3.21. Let X be a smooth variety, 0 ≤ D ∈ DivR (X) and Z ⊂ X an irreducible subvariety of dimension d such that (X, D) is log canonical at the general point z of Z and Z is a non Kawamata log terminal center for (X, D). If B is an effective divisor whose support does not contain Z and such that multz (B|Z ) > d, then for any 0 <   1, we have J (X, (1 − )D + B) ⊂ mz . Proof. Let f : Y → X be a log resolution of (X, D), then there is a divisor E ⊂ Y with center Z such that aE (X, D) = −1. We let k = multE (KY /X ) so that multE (f ∗ D) = k + 1. Since z ∈ Z is general, we may assume that f |E is smooth over z and we let Ez be the fiber over z. We have J (X, (1 − )D + B) = f∗ J (Y, f ∗ ((1 − )D + B) − KY /X ). Since multE (B|Z ) > d, it follows that multEz (f ∗ ((1 − )D + B) − KY /X ) ≥ d + 1 = codimY Ez . By (3.5), we have J (Y, f ∗ ((1 − )D + B) − KY /X ) ⊂ IEz and the proposition follows easily.  28

Theorem 3.22. [Subadditivity for multiplier ideal sheaves] Let X be a smooth variety, 0 ≤ Di ∈ DivR (X). Then J (D1 + D2 ) ⊂ J (D1 ) · J (D2 ). Proof. See [12, 9.5.20].

Theorem 3.23. Let π : X → T be a surjective morphism of smooth varieties. Then (1) for general t ∈ T we have J (Xt , D|Xt ) = J (X, D) · OXt , and (2) if dim T = 1, X0 is a divisor contained in the fiber over 0 ∈ T and there is a section g : T → X such that g(0) ∈ X0 and J (Xt , D|Xt ) ⊂ mg (t)

for t ∈ T − 0

then J (X0 , D|X0 ) ⊂ mg(0) . Proof. Since the assertion is local, we may assume that X is affine. Let f : Y → X be a log resolution of (X, D), then π ◦ f is smooth over an open subset U of T and the simple normal crossings divisor given by the support of f ∗ D and the exceptional locus of f , meets each fiber Yt transversely for any t ∈ U . Then (f ∗ D)|Yt = (f |Yt )∗ (D|Xt )


KY /X |Yt = KYt /Xt .

Consider now the short exact sequence 0 → OY (KY /X −xf ∗ Dy)⊗IYt → OY (KY /X −xf ∗ Dy) → OYt (KY /X −xf ∗ Dy) → 0. Since Yt is obtained by intersecting the pull-backs of dim T general hypersurfaces of T containing t, one can show that R1 f∗ (OY (KY /X − xf ∗ Dy) ⊗ IYt ) = 0 and hence the homomorphism J (X, D) → J (Xt , D|Xt ) is surjective and (1) follows. For (2), notice that by (1), there is an open subset U of T such that over U we have an inclusion J (X, D) ⊂ Ig(T ) . Since the zero set of J (X, D) is closed, the above inclusion holds over T . By (3.16), we have J (X0 , D|X0 ) ⊂ J (X, D) · OX0 ⊂ Ig(0) as required.

3.3. The theorem of Anhern and Siu. Recall the following. Conjecture 3.24 (Fujita’s conjecture). Let X be a smooth projective variety of dimension n and A be an ample line bundle, then KX + (n + 1)A is generated. 29

Remark 3.25. By a result of Kawamata, the conjecture is true in dimension ≤ 4. It is also conjectured that that KX + (n + 2)A is very ample and that if A2 ≥ 2, then KX + nA is generated. While this appears to be a very bold conjecture, there is the following important result that works in all dimensions. Theorem 3.26. Let x ∈ X be a point on a smooth projective variety of dimension n and A be an ample line bundle such that for any subvariety x ∈ Z ⊂ X, we have Adim Z · Z > (

n2 + n dim Z ) . 2

Then KX + A is generated at x. Proof. It suffices to show that there is a divisor D ∼Q cA such that c < 1 and x is an isolated component of Z(J (D)). By (3.7), it then follows that the map H 0 (OX (KX + A)) → H 0 (OX (KX + A)/OX (KX + A) ⊗ J (D)) is surjective. The theorem then follows as H 0 (OX (KX + A)/OX (KX + A) ⊗ J (D)) surjects on to H 0 (OX (KX + A)/OX (KX + A) ⊗ mx ). In order to construct such a divisor, we will need several intermediate results. Lemma 3.27. [Constructing singular divisors] Let x ∈ V be a smooth point on an irreducible projective variety of dimension d, 0 < a ∈ Q and A an ample Cartier divisor on V such that Ad > ad . Then, for any k  0, there exists a divisor Ak ∈ |kA| such that multx (A) > ka. Proof. This follows easily as by (1.19), for k  0 we have k d Ad + O(k d−1 ) d! and the number of conditions required to vanish to order ≥ m at the smooth point x ∈ V is   d+m−1 md = + O(md−1 ). d d!  h0 (OV (kA)) =

Therefore, we may find a divisor D1 ∼Q c1 A with multx (D1 ) ≥ n 2 n where M = n 2+n . Therefore (X, D1 ) is not kawamata log and c1 < M terminal at x i.e. J (X, D1 )x 6= Ox,X . Replacing D1 by λD1 (where λ = cx (X, 0; D1 ) is the log canonical threshold) we may assume that (X, D1 ) is log canonical but not kawamata log terminal at x. Perturbing D1 30

by a general element of A, we may assume that (X, D1 ) has a unique center of non kawamata log terminal singularities Z1 at x. We now proceed to show by induction on dim Z that for any k > 0 there exists a Q-divisor Dk ∼Q ck A such that (1) (X, Dk ) is log canonical but not kawamata log terminal at x, (2) (X, Dk ) has a unique center of non kawamata log terminal singularities k 6= ∅ at x with dim Zk ≤ n − k, and PZ k (3) ck < M1 i=1 (n − i + 1). The case k = 1 has already been established. Assume now that we have constructed Dk as above. Let g : T → Zk be the normalization of a general curve containing x. For general t ∈ T , the point z = g(t) ∈ Zk is a general point. By (3.27), there is a divisor Gt ∼Q gA|Zk such that multg(t) Gt > dim Zk and g < Mk . As A is ample, by (1.19) H 1 (OX (mA) ⊗ IZk ) = 0 for all m  0 so that H 0 (OX (mA)) → H 0 (OZk (mA)) is surjective. Therefore, there is a divisor G0t ∼Q gA such that G0t |Zk = Gt . We may assume that there exists 0 < m ∈ Z such that mG0t ∼ mA. After replacing T by a finite cover, we may assume that there is a divisor mG0 ∼ p∗X mA ∈ Div(X × T ) such that G0t = G0 |X×t for any t ∈ T − 0 and a section γ : T → X × T such that γ(0) = (x, 0), for general t ∈ T , pX (γ(t)) is a general point of Zk and multpX (γ(t)) (G0t |Zk ) > dim Zk . By (3.22) J (X, (1 − )Dk + G0t ) ⊂ mpX (γ(t)) for 0 <   1 and general t ∈ T . By (3.23), we have that J (X, (1 − )Dk + G00 ) ⊂ mx . Since OX (mA) ⊗ IZk is generated, we may assume that the zeroes of J (X, Dk + G00 ) are contained in Zk . It follows that J ((1 − )Dk + G00 ) ⊂ mx and that the zeroes of J ((1 − )Dk + G00 ) are strictly contained in Zk . After peturbing (1 − )Dk + G00 by a general ample divisor and multiplying it by the log canonical threshold, we obtain a divisor Dk+1 with the required properties.  3.4. Asymptotic multiplier ideal sheaves. Definition 3.28. Let X be a smooth projective variety, D ∈ Div(X) be a divisor such that κ(D) ≥ 0. Then there exists an integers e = e(D) > 0 and m0 = m0 (D) such that if m ≥ m0 , then H 0 (OX (mD)) 6= 0

if and only if 31

e divides m.

The integer e(D) is the exponent of D and the integer m0 (D) is the Iitaka threshold of D. Exercise 3.29. If D is big, then e(D) = 1. Lemma 3.30. Let X be a smooth projective variety, D ∈ Div(X) be a divisor such that h0 (OX (mD)) ≥ 0 for an integer m > 0. Then for any numbers 0 < c ∈ R and 0 < k ∈ Z, we have c c J ( · |mD|) ⊂ J ( · |mkD|). m mk Proof. This is an easy excercise that follows from the inclusion of linear series k|mD| ⊂ |kmD|.  Definition 3.31. Let D ∈ Div(X) be a divisor such that κ(D) ≥ 0 and 0 < c ∈ R, then we define the asymptotic multiplier ideal sheaf of D by c J (c · ||D||) = ∪m∈I J ( · |mD|) m where I = {m ≥ m0 (D)|e(D) divides m}. Notice that as X is Noetherian, we have J (c · ||D||) = J ( mc · |mD|) for any m > 0 sufficiently divisible. One of the reasons for introducing asymptotic multiplier ideal sheaves is that they satisfy many useful formal properties. Proposition 3.32. Let L ∈ Div(X) be a divisor such that κ(L) ≥ 0, 0 < m, l ∈ Z and 0 < c ∈ R, then (1) J (c · ||mL||) = J (cm · ||L||), (2) J (c · ||(m + 1)L||) ⊂ J (c · ||mL||), (3) bl · J (||mL||) ⊂ J (||(m + l)L||), (4) H 0 (OX (mL) ⊗ J (||mL||)) ∼ = H 0 (OX (mL)), and c (5) J (c · ||mL||) = J ( mp · |D|) where D ∈ |mpL| is general. Proof. We may pick p > 0 such that J (c · ||mL||) = J ( cp · |mpL|) and p cmp J (cm · ||L||) = J ( pm · |pmL|). (1) follows immediately. By (1) and (3.5), we have that J (c · ||mL||) = J (cm · ||L||) ⊃ J (c(m + 1) · ||L||) = J (c · ||(m + 1)L||). Hence (2). To see (3), consider f : Y → X a log resolution of (X, |tL|) for t ∈ {l, pm, pl, p(m + l)}. We write f ∗ |tL| = Vt + Ft where Vt is free and Ft = Fix(f ∗ |tL|). If p > 0 is sufficiently divisible, we have pFl + Fmp ≥ Fpl + Fmp ≥ Fp(m+l) , 32

so that

1 1 −Fl − xFmp y ≤ −x Fp(m+l) y. p p

It follows that 1 bl · J (||mL||) ⊂ f∗ OY (KY /X − Fl − xFmp y) p 1 ⊂ f∗ OY (KY /X − x Fp(m+l) y) = J (||(m + l)L||). p (4) follows as by (3), we have bm ⊂ J (||mL||). To see (5), consider a log resolution f : Y → X of (X, |mpL|) for any p > 0 sufficiently divisible. Then f ∗ |mpL| = Vmp + Fmp where Fmp = Fix(f ∗ |mpL|). But then f ∗ D = D0 + Fmp where D0 is a smooth 1 1 divisor, and so x mp (D0 + Fmp )y = x mp Fmp y and the assertion follows easily.  Theorem 3.33 (Subadditivity for asymptotic multiplier ideal sheaves.). Let L ∈ Div(X) be a divisor such that κ(L) ≥ 0, 0 < m, l ∈ Z and 0 < c ∈ R, then J (c · ||(m + l)L||) ⊂ J (c · ||mL||) · J (c · ||lL||). In particular J (c · ||mL||) ⊂ J (c · ||L||)m . Proof. Let p > 0 be sufficiently divisible and D ∈ |ml(m + l)pL| be general. Then c c(m + l) J (c · ||(m + l)L||) = J ( D) = J ( D) ⊂ mpl mlp(m + l) cl cm D) · J ( D) = J (c · ||mL||) · J (c · ||lL||). J( mlp(m + l) mlp(m + l)  Remark 3.34. Note that we have used (3.22) which states that if 0 ≤ Di ∈ Div(X), then J (D1 + D2 ) ⊂ J (D1 ) · J (D2 ). However, it is not the case that J (|D1 + D2 |) ⊂ J (|D1 |) · J (|D2 |) (eg. let Di be general points on an elliptic curve E, then J (|Di |) = J (Di ) = OE (−Di ) but |D1 + D2 | is free so that J (|D1 + D2 |) = OE ). The following result is due to Wilson. Proposition 3.35. Let D ∈ Div(X) be nef and big divisor on a smooth projective variety. Then there exists an integer m0 > 0 and a divisor N ∈ Div(X) such that |mD − N | is free for all m ≥ m0 . In particular if x ∈ X and G ∈ |mD| is general, then multx G is bounded (by multx (N )). 33

Proof. Let H ∈ Div(X) be sufficiently ample. Since D is big, there is an integer m0 > 0 such that (n + 1)H + N ∼ m0 D for some 0 ≤ N ∈ Div(X). For any m0 ≤ m ∈ Z, we have mD − N = (m − m0 )D + (n + 1)H. By (3.8), mD − N is free.

Proposition 3.36. Let D ∈ Div(X) be a big divisor on a smooth projective variety. Then D is nef if and only if J (||mD||) = OX for all m ≥ 1. Proof. Assume that D is nef. Fix any m ≥ 1. We have 1 1 J (||mD||) = J ( · |mkD|) = J ( Dk ) k k where k > 0 is sufficiently divisible and Dk is general in |mkD|. By (3.35), we may assume that multx ( k1 Dk ) < 1 for all x ∈ X so that J ( k1 Dk ) = OX . Assume now that J (||mD||) = OX for all m ≥ 1. Fix B a very ample divisor. By (3.8) OX (KX + (n + 1)B + mD) ⊗ J (||mD||) = OX (KX + (n + 1)B + mD) is generated by global sections. If C ⊂ X is any curve, then D · C ≥ − m1 (KX + (n + 1)B) · C. As 1 (KX + (n + 1)B) · C = 0, m it follows that D · C ≥ 0 and so D is nef. lim −


The next application concerns the diminished stable base locus of a pseudo-effective divisor D ∈ Div(X) which is defined by B− (D) = ∪0 0 is sufficiently divisible. Since p is sufficiently divisible, then p1 multZ Dp < 1 and so IZ 6⊂ J (||mD||).  3.5. Adjoint ideal sheaves. Definition 3.40. Let (X, D) be a log smooth pair where D is a reduced divisor, 0 < c ∈ R and let V be a linear system whose base locus contains no log canonical centers of (X, D). For any log resolution f : Y → X of (X, D+|V |), we write f ∗ D = M +F where F = Fix(f ∗ V ) and M is free. We define the multiplier ideal sheaf JD,c·V := f∗ OY (EY (X, D) − xcF y). If B = cG where 0 < G ∈ Div(X), then we define JD,B := JD,c·V where V = {G}. Lemma 3.41. The above definition is independent of the log resolution f : Y → X. Proof. Given two log resolutions of (X, D + |V |), f : Y → X and f 0 : Y 0 → X we may assume that f 0 = f ◦ ν where ν : Y 0 → Y . Then ν ∗ M is free and ν ∗ F = Fix(ν ∗ f ∗ V ). We let EY 0 = EY 0 (X, D) and similarly for Y and Γ. We have ∗

= EY 0 − cν ∗ F = KY 0 + ΓY 0 − f 0 (KX + D) − cν ∗ F = KY 0 + ΓY 0 − ν ∗ (KY + ΓY − EY + cF ) = ν ∗ (E − xcF y) + KY 0 + ΓY 0 − ν ∗ (KY + ΓY + {cF }) One sees that (Y, ΓY + {cF }) is log canonical and its log canonical places coincide with those of (Y, ΓY ) and hence with those of (X, D). It follows that the divisor G = pKY 0 + ΓY 0 − ν ∗ (KY + ΓY + {cF })q is effective and ν exceptional. Therefore f∗0 OY 0 (pEY 0 − cν ∗ F q) = f∗ (ν∗ OY 0 (pEY 0 − cν ∗ F q) = f∗ (ν∗ OY 0 (ν ∗ (pEY − cF q) + G) = f∗ (OY (pEY − cF q)).  Lemma 3.42. Let (X, D) be a log smooth pair where D is a reduced divisor, 0 < c ∈ R and let V (resp. 0 ≤ G, H ∈ DivR (X)) be a linear system whose base locus (resp. a divisors whose support) contains no log canonical centers of (X, D). Then 35

(1) JD,G = OX if and only if (X, D + G) is divisorially log terminal and xD + Gy = xDy. (2) If 0 ≤ D0 ≤ D and D0 is a reduced divisor, then JD,c·V ⊂ JD0 ,c·V . (3) If 0 ≤ Σ ∈ Div(X), H ≤ G + Σ and JD,G = OX then IΣ ⊂ JD,H . Proof. (1) and (2) follow easily from the definitions. To see (3), let f : Y → X be a log resolution of (X, D + G + H + Σ). As Σ ∈ Div(X), we have xf ∗ Hy ≤ xf ∗ Gy + f ∗ Σ. As JD,G = OX , it follows that EY (X, D) − xf ∗ Gy ≥ 0. Therefore, we have that −f ∗ Σ ≤ xf ∗ Gy−xf ∗ Hy = (xf ∗ Gy−EY )+(EY −xf ∗ Hy) ≤ EY −xf ∗ Hy. Therefore IΣ = f∗ OY (−f ∗ Σ) ⊂ f∗ OY (EY − bf ∗ Hc) = JD,H .  Theorem 3.43. [Nadel Vanishing for adjoint ideals] Let π : X → Z be a projective morphism to a normal affine variety. Assume that (X, D) is a log smooth pair where D is reduced and 0 ≤ G ∈ DivR (X) is a divisor whose support contains no centers of NKLT(X, D). If N ∈ Div(X) and N − G is ample, then Ri π∗ JD,G (KX + D + N ) = 0

∀ i > 0.

Proof. Let f : Y → X be a log resolution of (X, D + G). By [14] we may assume that f is an isomorphism at a general point of each log canonical center of (X, D). We have f ∗ (KX + D + N ) + E − xf ∗ Gy = KY + Γ + {f ∗ G} + f ∗ (N − G) where E = EY (X, D) and Γ = ΓY (X, D). By (2.43), we have that Ri f∗ OY (KY + Γ + {f ∗ G} + f ∗ (N − G)) = 0 for i > 0 and Ri (π ◦ f )∗ OY (KY + Γ + {f ∗ G} + f ∗ (N − G)) = 0 for i > 0. Since f∗ OY (KY + Γ + {f ∗ G} + f ∗ (N − G)) = JD,G (KX + D + N ), the claim follows from an easy spectral sequence argument.  Lemma 3.44. Let π : X → Z be a projective morphism to a normal affine variety. Assume that (X, D) is a log smooth pair where D is reduced, S is a component of D and G ∈ DivR (X) is effective and its 36

support contains no centers of NKLT(X, D). Then there is a short exact sequence 0 → JD−S,G+S → JD,G → J(D−S)|S ,G|S → 0. If moreover, N ∈ Div(X) and N − G − (KX + D) is ample, then the homomorphism π∗ JD,G (N ) → π∗ J(D−S)|S ,G|S (N ) is surjective. Proof. Let f : Y → X be a log resolution of (X, D + G). By [14] we may assume that f is an isomorphism at a general point of each log canonical center of (X, D). Let T = (f −1 )∗ S and consider the short exact sequence 0 → OY (E − xf ∗ Gy − T ) → OY (E − xf ∗ Gy) → OT (E − xf ∗ Gy) → 0 where E = EY (X, D). Let Γ = ΓY (X, D). Since E − f ∗ G − T = (KY + Γ − T ) − f ∗ (KX + D − S + (G + S)), we have E − f ∗ G − T = EY (X, D − S) − f ∗ (G + S) and (E − f ∗ G)|T = KT + (Γ − T )|T − f ∗ (KS + (D − S + G)|S ) = ET (S, (D − S)|S ) − f ∗ (G|S ). Since pE − f ∗ G − T q ∼f KY + Γ − T + {f ∗ G}, by (2.43) R1 f∗ OY (pE − f ∗ G − T q) = 0. Therefore, pushing forward the above exact sequence via f , we obtain the required short exact sequence. The surjection π∗ JD,G → π∗ J(D−S)|S ,G|S follows by (2.43) as f ∗ N + pE − f ∗ G − T q ∼ (KY + Γ − T ) + f ∗ (N − KX − D − G) + {f ∗ G}.  Exercise 3.45. Use (3.44) to reprove (3.41). The next result is sometimes referred to as the process of “squeezing out the extra positivity”. Roughly speaking it says that under appropriate hypothesis, if N is the multiple of an adjoint bundle, S ⊂ X is a divisor and H is an ample line bundle, such that sections of (mN +H)|S extend for m  0, then sections of N |S also extend. 37

Theorem 3.46. Let π : X → Z be a projective morphism to a normal affine variety. Assume that (X, D = S + A + B) is a log pair where xDy = S, X and S are smooth and 0 ≤ A, B ∈ DivQ (X). Let 0 < k ∈ Z, C = k1 A and 0 ≤ Φ ≤ Ω = (D − S)|S be a Q-divisor such that k(KS + Φ) and k(KX + D) are integral. If there is an integer m > 1 divisible by k and a divisor 0 ≤ P ∈ Div(X) such that C − k−1 P is ample, mC ∈ Div(X), the pair (X, D + m k−1 P ) is purely log terminal and m m |k(KS + Φ)| + m(Ω − Φ + C|S ) + P |S ⊂ |m(KX + D + C) + P |S , k then |k(KS + Φ)| + k(Ω − Φ) ⊂ |k(KX + D)|S . Proof. Pick any divisor Σ ∈ |k(KS + Φ)|, then there exists a divisor m G ∈ |m(KX +D+C)+P | with G|S = Σ+m(Ω−Φ+C|S )+P |S . k We define k−1 Λ= G+B and N = k(KX + D) − KX − S. m Since Λ ≥ 0, S 6⊂ Supp(Λ) and N − Λ ∼Q C − (3.7), the homomorphism

k−1 P m

is ample, then by

H 0 (X, OX (k(KX + D))) → H 0 (S, OS (k(KS + Ω)) ⊗ JΛ|S ) is surjective. It suffices then to check that Σ + k(Ω + Φ) vanishes along the ideal JΛ|S . This follows by (3.42) since (S, Ω + k−1 P |S ) is klt (as m k−1 (X, D + m P ) is purely log terminal) and Λ|S − (Σ + k(Ω − Φ)) =

k−1 m ( Σ + m(Ω − Φ + C|S ) + P |S ) + B|S − (Σ + k(Ω − Φ)) m k k−1 ≤Ω+ P |S . m 

3.6. Asymptotic multiplier ideal sheaves II. Definition 3.47. Let X be a normal variety and D ∈ Div(X). An additive sequence of linear systems associated to D is a sequence of sublinear series Vi ⊂ |iD| such that Vi + Vj ⊂ Vi+j . 38

Definition 3.48. Suppose that (X, D) is a log smooth pair and D is reduced. If V• is an additive sequence of linear systems (associated to a divisor G) such that for some 0 < m ∈ Z no non kawamata log terminal center of (X, D) is contained in Bs(Vm ) then we define the asymtotic multiplier ideal sheaf of c · V• with respect to (X, D) by JD,c·V• = ∪p>0 JD, pc ·Vp . If Vm = |mG|, we let JD,c·||G|| = JD,c·V• and if S is a component of D and Wm = |mD|S we let J(D−S)|S ,c·||G||S = J(D−S)|S ,c·W• . Exercise 3.49. Show that if q divides p and m divides q, then JD, pc ·Vp ⊃ JD, qc ·Vq and therefore, JD,c·V• = JD, pc ·Vp for any p > 0 sufficiently divisible. Exercise 3.50. Show that J(D−S)|S ,c·||G||S ⊂ J(D−S)|S ,c·||G|S || . We will need the following preliminary results. Lemma 3.51. Let π : X → Z be a projective morphism to a normal affine variety and G ∈ DivQ (X). If (X, D) is a log smooth pair, D is reduced and SBs(G) does not contain any non kawamata log terminal center of (X, D), then (1) for any 0 < c1 ≤ c2 ∈ R, we have JD,c2 ·||G|| ⊂ JD,c1 ·||G|| (2) if G ∈ Div(X) and S is a component of D, then Im (π∗ OX (G) → OS (G)) ⊂ π∗ J(D−S)|S ,||G||S (G). Proof. (1) follows easily from the definitions. To see (2), let 0 < p ∈ Z such that J(D−S)|S , 1 ·|pG|S = J(D−S)|S ,||G||S p

and consider f : Y → X a log resolution of |G| + D and of |pG| + D. Let T = (f −1 )∗ S. We let Fi = Fix(f ∗ |iG|). Then by definition of F1 , we have (π ◦ f )∗ OY (f ∗ G − F1 ) = π∗ OX (G) = (π ◦ f )∗ OY (EY (X, D) + f ∗ G). 39

We also have inequalities 1 1 f ∗ G − F1 ≤ f ∗ G − x Fp y ≤ EY + f ∗ G − x Fp y ≤ EY + f ∗ G. p p Pushing forward, one sees that 1 π∗ OX (G) = (π ◦ f )∗ OY (EY + f ∗ G − x Fp y) p and so the image of π∗ OX (G) is contained in 1 (π ◦ f )∗ OT (EY + f ∗ G − x Fp y) = π∗ J(D−S)|S ,||G||S (G). p  Lemma 3.52. Let π : X → Z be a projective morphism to a normal affine variety and G ∈ DivQ (X). If (X, D) is a log smooth pair, D is reduced, S is a component of D and B+ (G)1 contains no centers of NKLT(X, D), then for any p ∈ N sufficiently divisible and B ∈ |pG| general, we have Ri π∗ JD−S, 1 B+S (KX + D + G) = 0 p

for i > 0, and

π∗ J(D−S)|S ,||G||S (KS + (D − S)|S + G|S ) ⊂ Im (π∗ OX (KX + D + G) → π∗ OS (KS + (D − S)|S + G|S )) . Proof. If 0 < p ∈ Z is sufficiently divisible and B ∈ |pG| is general, then JD,||G|| = JD, 1 |pG| = JD, 1 B and p


J(D−S)|S ,||G||S = J(D−S)|S , 1 |pG|S = J(D−S)|S , 1 B|S . p


By (3.44), we have a short exact sequence 0 → JD−S, 1 B+S → JD, 1 B → J(D−S)|S , 1 B|S → 0. p



Let f : Y → X be a log resolution of (X, D + |pG|) which is an isomorphism at a general point of each center of NKLT(X, D), then (as in the proof of (3.44)) 1 JD−S, 1 B+S = f∗ OY (EY (X, D) − T − x f ∗ By). p p Notice that if M = f ∗ |pG| − Fix(f ∗ |pG|), then { p1 f ∗ B} ≥ p1 M and p1 M is nef and its restriction to any center in NKLT(Y, ΓY ) is big (we may 1Recall

that B+ (G) = ∩>0 SBs(G − A) = SBs(G − 0 A) for any 0 < 0  1. 40

in fact assume that M ∼Q f ∗ A + E where A ∈ DivQ (X) is ample and E ≥ 0 contains no centers of (Y, ΓY (X, D))). Since 1 EY (X, D) − T − x f ∗ By + f ∗ (KX + D + G) p 1 1 ∼Q KY + ΓY (X, D) − T + f ∗ (G − B) + { f ∗ B}, p p by (2.43), we have that for any i > 0 Ri π∗ JD−S, 1 B+S (KX + D + G) = p

1 Ri (f ◦ π)∗ OY (EY (X, D) − T − x f ∗ By + f ∗ (KX + D + G)) = 0. p  4. Extension Theorems and applications Theorem 4.1. Let π : X → Z be a projective morphism to a normal affine variety. Let (X, D = S + B) be a log smooth log canonical pair of dimension n, 0 < k ∈ Z such that k(KX + D) ∈ Div(X) and S an irreducible component of xDy. If the stable base locus of KX + D contains no centers in NKLT(X, pDq) and A is any sufficiently ample divisor on X then ]m

J||mk(KX +D)|S || ⊂ J(dDe−S)|S ,||mk(KX +D)+A||S

holds for all m ∈ N, and π∗ J||mk(KX +D)|S || (mk(KX + D) + A) is contained in the image of the homomorphism π∗ OX (mk(KX + D) + A) → π∗ OS (mk(KX + D) + A). Proof. We begin by proving the first statement by induction on m ≥ 0. The case P m = 0 is clear. We will show that ]m implies ]m+1 . Write D = di Di and for 1 ≤ s ≤ k let S ≤ D1 ≤ D2 ≤ . . . ≤ Dk = pDq be the (uniquely defined) reduced divisors such that kD =

k X

Ds .


Let Ns ∈ Div(X) be the divisors defined by N0 = 0 and Ns+1 = KX + Ds+1 + Ns

for 0 ≤ s ≤ k − 1.

In particular Nk = k(KX + D). We will show that there are inclusions ?s

J||mk(KX +D)|S || ⊂ J(Ds+1 −S)|S ,||mk(KX +D)+Ns +A||S 41

for 0 ≤ s ≤ k.

]m+1 then follows since by (3.32), we have J||(m+1)k(KX +D)|S || ⊂ J||mk(KX +D)|S || . ?0 follows since by ]m and by (3.42), we have J||mk(KX +D)|S || ⊂ J(pDq−S)|S ,||mk(KX +D)+A||S ⊂ J(D1 −S)|S ,||mk(KX +D)+A||S . Suppose now that ?t−1 holds. We have π∗ J||mk(KX +D)|S || (mk(KX + D) + Nt + A) ⊂ π∗ J(Dt −S)|S ,||mk(KX +D)+Nt−1 +A||S (mk(KX + D) + Nt + A) ⊂ Im (π∗ OX (mk(KX + D) + Nt + A) → π∗ OS (mk(KX + D) + Nt + A)) ⊂ π∗ J(Dt+1 −S)|S ,||mk(KX +D)+Nt +A||S (mk(KX + D) + Nt + A). The first inclusion follows by ?t−1 , the second inclusion follows from (3.52) and the third one from (3.51). By (3.8), J||mk(KX +D)|S || (mk(KX + D) + Nt + A) is generated by global sections and so J||mk(KX +D)|S || ⊂ J(Dt+1 −S)|S ,||mk(KX +D)+Nt +A||S . This completes the proof.

Theorem 4.2. Let π : X → Z be a projective morphism to a normal affine variety. Let (X, D = S + A + B) be a purely log terminal pair of dimension n where X and S are smooth, D ∈ DivQ (X), xDy = S, A is a general ample Q-divisor, (S, Ω = (D − S)|S ) is canonical and the stable base locus of KX + D does not contain S. For any sufficiently divisible m > 0, let Fm = Fix(|m(KX + D)|S )/m and F = lim Fm! . If 0 <  ∈ Q is such that (KX + D) + A is ample, Φ ∈ DivQ (S) and 0 < k ∈ Z such that (1) kD ∈ Div(X) and kΦ ∈ Div(S), and (2) Ω ∧ λF ≤ Φ ≤ Ω where λ = 1 − /k, then |k(KS + Ω − Φ)| + kΦ ⊂ |k(KX + D)|S . Proof. Pick a general ample divisor C ∼Q A/k so that (X, D+(k−1)C) is purely log terminal and (S, Ω + C|S ) is canonical. Pick /k < η ∈ Q so that η(KX + D) + C is ample. If 0 < l ∈ Z is sufficiently divisible so that O = l(η(KX + D) + C) is very ample, then Fix(|l(KX + D + C)|S )/l = Fix(|l(1 − η)(KX + D) + O|S )/l ≤ Fix(|l(1 − η)(KX + D)|S )/l = (1 − η)F(1−η)l . 42

Therefore lim Fix(|l!(KX + D + C)|S )/l! ≤ (1 − η)F. By (3.39), if P is a prime divisor on S that is not contained in the Supp(F ), then for l sufficiently divisible, P is not contained in Bs(l(KX + D + C)). It follows that we may pick 0 < l ∈ Z sufficiently divisible such that Fix(|l(KX + D + C)|S )/l ≤ λF. Let f : Y → X be a log resolution of (X, |l(KX +D+C)|+Supp(D+C)) and write KY + Γ = f ∗ (KX + D + C) + E where Γ = ΓY (X, D + C) and E = EY (X, D + C). We have that Fix(l(KY + Γ))/l = Fix(lf ∗ (KX + D + C))/l + E. If Ξ = Γ − Γ ∧ Fix(l(KY + Γ))/l, then l(KY + Ξ) ∈ Div(Y )


Fix(l(KY + Ξ)) ∧ Ξ = 0.

Since Mov((KY + Ξ)) is free and Fix(l(KY + Ξ)) + Ξ has simple normal crossings support, it follows that SBs(KY + Ξ) contains no centers of NKLT(Y, pΞq). Let H ∈ Div(Y ) be an ample divisor and pick 0 < m, l, q ∈ Z such that l divides m and Q = qH is sufficiently ample. We let T = (f −1 )∗ S, ΓT = (Γ − T )|T and ΞT = (Ξ − T )|T . For any section τ ∈ H 0 (OT (m(KT + ΞT ))) = H 0 (J||m(KT +ΞT )|| (m(KT + ΞT ))), and any section σ ∈ H 0 (OT (Q)), we have that σ · τ ∈ H 0 (J||m(KT +ΞT )|| (m(KT + ΞT ) + Q)). By (4.1), σ · τ is in the image of H 0 (OY (m(KY + Ξ) + Q)) → H 0 (OT (m(KT + ΞT ) + Q)). Therefore, we have that |m(KT + ΞT )| + m(ΓT − ΞT ) + |Q|T | ⊂ |m(KY + Γ) + Q|T . Notice that if g = f |T , then g∗ ΓT = Ω + C|S . Since g∗ ΞT ≤ Ω, we have that (S, g∗ ΞT ) is canonical and it follows that |m(KS + g∗ ΞT )| = g∗ |m(KT + ΞT )|. Pushing forward the above inclusion via f , one sees that |m(KS + g∗ ΞT )| + m(Ω + C|S − g∗ ΞT ) + P |S ⊂ |m(KX + D + C) + P |S where P = f∗ Q. For any prime divisor R on S we have multR Fix(|l(KX + D + C)|S ) = multR0 Fix(|l(KY + Γ)|T ) 43

where R0 = (g −1 )∗ R. Therefore g∗ ΞT − C|S = Ω − Ω ∧ Fix(|l(KX + D + C)|S )/l ≥ Ω − Ω ∧ λF ≥ Ω − Φ, and so |m(KS + Ω − Φ)| + mΦ + (mC + P )|S ⊂ |m(KX + D) + mC + P |S . The result now follows from (3.46).

4.1. Deformation invariance of plurigenera. Let f : X → Z be a smooth projective morphism from a smooth variety to an affine smmoth curve. Y.-T. Siu has shown that the plurigenera Pm (Xz ) = h0 (Xz , OXz (mKXz )) are deformation invariant (do not depend on z ∈ Z). We will now give a proof of this beautiful result for the case of fibers of general type. Theorem 4.3. Let A be a sufficiently ample divisor on X. If κ(KXz ) ≥ 0 for general z ∈ Z, then h0 (Xz , OXz (mKXz + A|Xz )) does not depend on z ∈ Z. Proof. The function h0 (Xz , OXz (mKXz + A|Xz )) is upper semicontinuous (cf. [5, III.12.8]). Fix z0 ∈ Z, we must show that h0 (Xz , OXz (mKXz + A|Xz )) = h0 (Xz0 , OXz (mKXz +A|Xz0 )) this is equivalent to proving that f∗ OX (mKX +A) is locally free (on a neighborhood of z0 ∈ Z) or equivalently that f∗ OX (mKX +A) → H 0 (Xz , OXz (mKXz +A|Xz )) = f∗ OXz (mKXz +A|Xz ) is surjective (cf. [5, III.12.9]). Since Z is affine, this is equivalent to showing that H 0 (X, OX (mKX + A) → H 0 (Xz , OXz (mKXz + A|Xz )) is surjective. We now apply (4.1) with S = Xz0 , B = 0, k = 1. We must check that the stable base locus of KX + S does not contain S. Note that S ∼ 0 and hence it suffices to show that H 0 (X, (lKX )) 6= 0 for some l > 0. Since Z is affine, it is easy to see that this is equivalent to showing that f∗ (lKX ) 6= 0 i.e. that h0 (Xz , OXz (lKXz )) 6= 0 for general z ∈ Z. But this is clear from the assumption that κ(KXz ) ≥ 0.  Theorem 4.4. If Xz is of general type for general z ∈ Z, then h0 (Xz , OXz (mKXz )) does not depend on z ∈ Z for any m ≥ 0. Proof. The proof follows from (4.2), however we will give an elementary proof (using the techniques introduced above). We may assume that m ≥ 2 (the case m = 0 is trivial and m = 1 is well known and follows from Hodge Theory: h0 (Xz , CXz ) is constant and given by 44


n−i i hi (Xz , Ωn−i Xz ) where n = dim Xz . Since each h (Xz , ΩXz ) is upper semicontinuous, it must in fact be constant.) Fix σ ∈ H 0 (Xz , OXz (mKXz )) with zero divisor Σ. We must show that σ extends to X. By (4.3), there is an ample line bundle A such that H 0 (X, OX (lKX + A) → H 0 (Xz , OXz (lKXz + A|Xz )) is surjective for all l > 0. For any l = km, pick Dl ∈ |lKX + A| so that Dl |Xz = kΣ + A|Xz . Since Xz is of general type and Z is affine, it follows that KX is of general type and hence we may write KX ∼Q E + A where  > 0, and E ≥ 0. Define Θ = m−1−δ Dkm + δE for 0 < δ  1, then km i=0

(m − 1)KX − (Xz + Θ) ∼Q (δ −

m−1−δ )A km

is ample (for k  0) and so by (3.43), H 0 (Xz , OXz (mKXz )⊗J (Xz , Θ|Xz )) is contained in the image of the restriction map H 0 (X, OX (mKX )) → H 0 (Xz , OXz (mKXz )). Thus it suffices to check that σ ∈ H 0 (Xz , OXz (mKXz ) ⊗ J (Xz , Θ|Xz )) i.e. that σ vanishes along (the scheme defined by) J (Xz , Θ|Xz )). Since Θ|Xz − Σ ≤

m−1−δ A|Xz + δE|Xz km

and (Xz , m−1−δ A|Xz + δE|Xz ) is klt, the claim follows from (3) of km (3.42).  Exercise 4.5. Show that if Xz is of general type and Z is affine, then X is of general type. 5. Pl-flips In this section we will prove the existence of pl-flips. 5.1. pl-flips and the restricted algebra. Definition 5.1. Let (X, D) be a purely log terminal pair and f : X → Z be a projective morphism of normal varieties, then f is a pl-flipping contraction if (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

X is Q-factorial, D ∈ DivQ (X), f is small (i.e. dim Ex(f ) ≤ dim X − 2) and ρ(X/Z) = 1, −(KX + D) is f -ample, and S = xDy is irreducible and −S is f -ample. 45

The flip of a pl-flipping contraction if it exists is defined by M f + : X + = ProjZ R → Z where R= f∗ OX (m(KX + D)). m∈N

Remark 5.2. Note the following: (1) The flip exists if and only if it exists locally over Z. We may therefore assume that Z = SpecA. (2) Assuming that Z = SpecA then the flip exists if and only if M R(KX + D) = H 0 (OX (m(KX + D))) m∈N

is a finitely generated A-algebra. (3) It immediately follows that f + : X + → Z is also a small birational morphism with ρ(X + /Z) = 1, X + is Q-factorial and KX + + D+ is f + -ample where D+ = φ∗ D and φ = (f + )−1 ◦ f : X 99K X + . φ restricts to an isomorphism over Z − f (Ex(f )). (4) It is easy to see that if in the above definition D ∈ DivR (X) instead of D ∈ DivQ (X), then one can choose D0 ∈ DivQ (X) sufficiently close to D such that f : X → Z is a pl-flipping contraction with respect to (X, D). Similarly if xDy = S1 + . . . + Sr with r > 1, then there exists S = Si such that −S is f -ample. Replacing D by D − (xDy − S) we may assume that xDy is irreducible. Shokurov noticed that in order to prove the existence of flips, it suffices to prove the existence of pl-flips. Definition 5.3. If f : X → Z is a pl-flipping contraction and Z is affine, then we define the restricted algebra RS (KX + D) = Im(R(X, KX + D) → R(S, KS + Ω)) where Ω ∈ DivQ (S) is defined by (KX + D)|S = KS + Ω. Its m-th graded piece corresponds to the image of the homomorphism H 0 (OX (m(KX + D))) → H 0 (OS (m(KS + Ω))). In order to prove that R(X, KX + D) is finitely generated, Shokurov observed that it suffices to show that the restricted algebra RS (KX +D) is finitely generated. We start by recalling the following well known result. Lemma 5.4. Let R be a graded algebra which is an integral domain and let 0 < d ∈ Z. Then R is a finitely generated algebra if and only if the algebra M R(d) = Rmd m∈N


is a finitely generated algebra. Proof. If R is finitely generated, then finite generation of R(d) follows since R(d) is the ring of invariants of R with respect to the obvious Zd action on R and since by a theorem of E. Noether, the ring of invariants of a finitely generated ring under the action of a finite group is finitely generated. Assume now that R(d) is finitely generated. Notice that if f ∈ Ri , then f is a root of the monic polynomial xd − f d ∈ R(d) [x] and hence R is integral over R(d) . Finite generation of R now follows by E. Noether’s theorem on the finiteness of integral closures.  Proposition 5.5. If S is a normal prime divisor and B ∈ WDiv(X) is integral Weil and Q-Cartier and its support does not contain S, then (1) If R(X, B) is finitely generated, then so is RS (X, B) := Im(φ : R(X, B) → R(S, B|S )). (2) If S ∼ B and RS (X, B) is finitely generated then so is R(X, B). Proof. (1) is clear. Assume now that RS (X, B) is finitely generated and S ∼ B so that S − B = (g1 ) for some rational function g1 on X. We may identify R(X, B)m with the set of rational functions g on X such that (g) + mB ≥ 0. Now if g ∈ ker(φ), then (g) + mB = S + S 0 where S 0 ≥ 0. Then (g/g1 ) + (m − 1)B = S 0 so that g/g1 ∈ R(X, B)m−1 . In other words the kernel of φ is generated by g1 and the result follows.  Theorem 5.6. Let f : X → Z be a pl-flipping contraction with respect to (X, D) and 0 < k ∈ Z such that k(KX + D) ∈ Div(X). If Z = Spec(A), then the flip f + : X + → Z exists if and only if the restricted algebra RS (KX + D) is finitely generated. Proof. By (5.2), the flip f + : X + → Z exists if and only if R(KX + D) is finitely generated. Since there are positive integers a and b such that a(KX + D) ∼ bS (cf. (6.11)), by (5.4), R(X, KX + D) is finitely generated if and only if R(X, S) is finitely generated. Let S 0 ∼ S be a divisor in WDiv(X) whose support does not contain S (this exists as X → Z is small and Z is affine). By (5.5) R(X, S 0 ) is finitely generated if and only if RS (X, S 0 ) is finitely generated. By (5.4), RS (X, S 0 ) is finitely generated if and only if RS (k(KX +D)) is finitely generated.  47

5.2. Zariski decomposition and pl-flips. In order to prove the existence of pl-flips in dimension n, we will need to assume that we have constructed log terminal models in dimension n − 1. Recall the following. Definition 5.7. Let (X, D) be a log canonical pair, Z be an affine variety and f : X 99K Y be a birational map over Z that extracts no divisor, then f : X 99K Y is a log terminal model of (X, D) if (1) f : X 99K Y extracts no divisor (i.e. f −1 contracts no divisors), (2) Y is Q-factorial, (3) (Y, f∗ D) is divisorially log terminal, (4) for any prime divisor E on X contracted by f , we have aE (X, D) < aE (Y, f∗ D), and (5) KY + f∗ D is nef over Z. Remark 5.8. If f consists of a sequence of flips and divisorial contractions, then (1) and (4) follow. If moreover, X is Q-factorial and (X, D) is divisorially log terminal, then (2) and (3) also follow. Theorem 5.9. Let π : X −→ Z be a projective morphism to a normal affine variety, (X, D = A + B) be a kawamata log terminal pair of dimension n, where A ≥ 0 is an ample Q-divisor and B ≥ 0. Then (1) The pair (X, D) has a log terminal model µ : X 99K Y . In particular if KX + D is Q-Cartier then the log canonical ring M H 0 (X, OX (xm(KX + D)y)), R(X, KX + D) = m∈N

is finitely generated. (2) Let V ⊂ DivR (X) be the vector space spanned by the components of D. Then there is a constant δ > 0 such that if G is a prime divisor contained in the stable base locus of KX + D and Ξ ∈ V such that kΞ − Dk < δ, then G is contained in the stable base locus of KX + Ξ. (3) Let W ⊂ V be the smallest rational affine space containing D. Then there is a constant η > 0 and a positive integer r > 0 such that if Ξ ∈ W is any divisor and k is any positive integer such that kΞ − Dk < η and k(KX + Ξ)/r is Cartier, then every component of Fix(k(KX + Ξ)) is a component of the diminished stable base locus of KX + D. In this section we will prove Theorem 5.10. (5.9)n−1 implies that pl-flips exist in dimension n. We begin by proving the following: 48

Theorem 5.11. Assume (5.9) in dimension n − 1. Let π : X → Z be a projective morphism to a normal affine variety. Let (X, D = S + A + B) be a purely log terminal pair of dimension n where X and S are smooth, D ∈ DivQ (X), xDy = S, A is a general ample divisor, (S, Ω = (D − S)|S ) is canonical and the stable base locus of KX + D does not contain S. For any sufficiently divisible 0 < m ∈ Z, let Fm = Fix(|m(KX + D)|S )/m and F = lim Fm! . Then Θ = Ω − Ω ∧ F is rational. In particular if kD ∈ Div(X) and kΘ ∈ Div(S), then |k(KS + Θ)| + k(Ω − Θ) = |k(KX + D)|S , and

RS (X, k(KX + D)) ∼ = R(S, k(KS + Θ)).

Proof. Suppose that Θ 6∈ DivQ (S). Let V ⊂ DivR (S) be the vector space spanned by the components of Θ. There is a constant δ > 0 such that if Φ ∈ V and ||Φ − Θ|| < δ, then (1) Φ ≥ 0, (2) Supp(Φ) = Supp(Θ) and (3) any prime divisor contained in the stable base locus of KS + Θ is also contained in the stable base locus of KS + Φ. Notice that if l(KX + ∆) is Cartier and Θl = Ω − Ω ∧ Fl , then |l(KX + ∆)|S ⊂ |l(KS + Θl )| + l(Ω ∧ Fl ). It follows that Fix(l(KS + Θl )) does not contain any component of Θl . Therefore SBs(KS + Θl ) ∧ Supp(Θl ) = 0. But for any δ > 0 we may choose l > 0 sufficiently divisible so that Θl ∈ V and ||Θl − Θ|| < δ. Therefore SBs(KS + Θ) ∧ Supp(Θ) = 0. We now consider W ⊂ V the smallest rational affine vector space containing Θ. By assumption dim W > 0. By (3) of (5.9), there are a positive integer r > 0 and a constant 0 < η ∈ R such that for any Φ ∈ W with kΦ/r ∈ Div(S) and ||Φ − Θ|| < η then Fix(k(KS + Φ)) ⊂ SBs(KS + Θ). We now pick 0 <  ∈ Q such that (KX + D) + A is ample. By Diophantine approximation, we may find a positive integer k, Φ ∈ DivQ (S) and a component G of Supp(Θ) (whose coefficient in Θ is irrational) such that 49

(1) 0 ≤ Φ ∈ W , (2) kΦ/r ∈ Div(S) and kD/r ∈ Div(X), (3) ||Φ − Θ|| < min{δ, η, f /k} where f is the smallest non-zero coefficient of F , and (4) multG Φ > multG Θ. One sees that since ||Φ − Θ|| < f /k, then we have Ω ∧ λF ≤ Ω − Φ ≤ Ω where λ = 1 − /k. By (2) and (4.2) we have that |k(KS + Φ)| + k(Ω − Φ) ⊂ |k(KX + ∆)|S . But by (4) G is a component of Fix(k(KS +Φ)). Since ||Φ−Θ|| < η, (2) implies that G is a component of SBs(KS + Θ). This is a contradiction. It follows that Θ is rational. The remaining assertions follow from (4.2).  We are now ready to prove the main theorem of this section which easily implies (5.10). Theorem 5.12. Assume that (5.9) holds in dimension n − 1. Let f : X −→ Z be a projective morphism to a normal affine variety Z. Suppose that (X, D = S + A + B) is a purely log terminal pair of dimension n, S = xDy is irreducible and not contained in the stable base locus of KX + D, A ≥ 0 is a general ample Q-divisor and B ≥ 0 is a Q-divisor. Then there is a birational morphism g : T −→ S, a positive integer l and a kawamata log terminal pair (T, Θ) such that RS (X, l(KX + D)) ∼ = R(T, l(KT + Θ)). Proof. Let µ : Y −→ X be a log resolution of (X, D) then we may write KY + ΓY (X, D) = µ∗ (KX + D) + EY (X, D). If T is the strict transform of S then we may choose µ so that (T, Ψ = (ΓY (X, D) − T )|T ) is terminal. Note that T is not contained in the stable base locus of KY + ΓY (X, D) as S is not contained in the stable base locus of KX + D. Pick a Q-divisor F such that µ∗ A−F is ample and (Y, ΓY (X, D)+F ) is purely log terminal. Pick m > 1 so that m(µ∗ A − F ) is very ample and pick mC ∈ |m(µ∗ A − F )| very general. Then (Y, Γ0 = ΓY (X, D) − µ∗ A + F + C ∼Q ΓY (X, D)), is purely log terminal and (T, Ψ = (Γ0 − T )|T ) is terminal. 50

On the other hand R(X, k(KX + D)) ∼ = R(Y, k(KY + ΓY (X, D))) RS (X, k(KX + D)) ∼ = RT (Y, k(KY + Γ0 )),


for any k sufficiently divisible. Now apply (4.2) to (Y, Γ0 ).

Proof of (5.10). We may assume that Z is affine and by (5.6), it suffices to prove that the restricted algebra is finitely generated. As Z is affine, S is mobile and as f is birational, the divisor D − S is big. But then D − S ∼Q A + B, where A is a general ample Q-divisor and B ≥ 0. As S is mobile, we may assume that the support of B does not contain S. Now KX + D0 = KX + S + (1 − )(D − S) + A + B ∼Q KX + D, is purely log terminal, where  is any sufficiently small positive rational number. By (5.4), we may replace D by D0 . We may therefore assume that D = S + A + B, where A is a general ample Q-divisor and B ≥ 0. Since we are assuming (5.9) in dimension n − 1, (5.12) implies that the restricted algebra is finitely generated.  6. The cone theorem The following results (toghether with the existance and termination of flips) constitute the heart of the minimal model program. These results are due to the contribuitions of many mathematicians in the 80’s. In particular to Kawamata, Reid and Shokurov. Theorem 6.1 (Non-vanishing Theorem). Let X be a projective variety, D a nef Cartier divisor and ∆ a Q-divisor such that (X, ∆) is sub kawamata log terminal (i.e. ∆ is possibly not effective). Suppose that aD − KX − ∆ is Q-Cartier, nef and big for some a > 0. Then, for all m  0, we have H 0 (X, OX (mD − x∆y)) 6= 0. Theorem 6.2 (Basepoint-free Theorem). Let (X, ∆) be a projective kawamata log terminal pair and D be a nef Cartier divisor such that aD −KX −∆ is nef and big for some a > 0. Then |bD| is basepoint-free for all b  0. Theorem 6.3 (Rationality Theorem). Let (X, ∆) be a projective kawamata log terminal pair such that KX + ∆ is not nef. Let a = a(X, ∆) > 0 be an integer such that a(KX + ∆) is Cartier. Let H be a nef and big Cartier divisor, and define r = r(H) = max{t ∈ R : H + t(KX + ∆) is nef }. 51

Then r is a rational number and it may be written as r = u/v where u, v are integers and 0 < v < a(dim X + 1). Theorem 6.4 (Cone Theorem). Let (X, ∆) be a projective kawamata log terminal pair. Then (1) There are countably many rational curves Cj ⊂ X such that 0 < −(KX + ∆) · Cj ≤ 2 dim X, and X N E(X) = N E(X)(KX +∆)≥0 + R≥0 [Cj ]. (2) For any  > 0, there are only finitely many rays [Cj ] ∈ N E(X)(KX +∆+H) 0 such that F ⊂ (KX + ∆ + H) ∩N E(X) = F and so X WF := N E(X)(KX +∆+H)≥0 + FL dim FL =1, FL 6⊂F

is a closed cone with N E(X) = WF + F, and

WF ∩ < F >= {0}.

Thus there is a hyperplane H containing F and not intersecting WF \ {0}. Equivalently H ∈ V and H>0 ⊃ WF \ {0}. We may then find a 0 ⊃ WF \ {0} and thus H 0 is rational hyperplane H 0 ∈ V such that H>0 a Q-Cartier divisor with FH 0 = F . To see (3) and (4), let F ⊂ N E(X) be a KX + ∆ negative extremal face F = FD for some Q-Cartier divisor D. For any m  0, the ]QCartier divisor mD − (KX + ∆) is strictly positive on N E(X) − {0}. Thus mD − (KX + ∆) is ample and mD is nef and by (6.2) mD is base point free (for any m  0). Let gF = gF,m : X → Z = Zm be the Stein factorization of X → |mD| so that Zm is normal and gF ∗ OX = OZ . Let MZ,m be the pull back of the hyperplane bundle to Zm so that ∗ MZ,m . It is easy to see that a curve C is contracted by mD = gF,m gF if and only if C · D = 0, thus gF,m = gF : X → Z is independent of m  0 (as it is determined by the curves it contracts). Hence D = (m + 1)D − mD ∼ gF∗ MZ,m+1 − gF∗ MZ,m . Similarly if L · C = 0 for all [C] ∈ F , then L + mD also supports F for m  0 and so it defines gF : X → Z. By what we have seen above L + mD ∼ gF∗ NZ for some Cartier divisor NZ on Z, so that L = gF∗ (NZ − MZ,m ).  Corollary 6.5. If F is a negative extremal ray, inducing a morphism gF : X → Z, then there is a short exact sequence 0 → Pic(Z) → Pic(Z) → Z where the first map is defined by L → gF∗ L and the second one by M → M · C where C is any (fixed) contracted curve. In particular ρ(X) = ρ(Z) + 1. 54

Proof. Exercise (cf. [10, §3]).

Corollary 6.6. If X is Q-factorial, F is a negative extremal ray, and gF : X → Z is of divisorial or Fano type, then Z is Q-factorial. Proof. Suppose that gF is divisorial (i.e. that the codimension of the exceptional locus is 1), and let E be an exceptional divisor such that E · C 6= 0 for some exceptional curve C.Note that F = R[C] For any divisor B on Z, pick s = −(gF−1 )∗ B · C/E · C so that ((gF−1 )∗ B + sE) · C = 0. Pick m ∈ N so that m(gF−1 )∗ B + sE) is Cartier. By (6.4), we have m(gF−1 )∗ B + sE) ∼ gF∗ MZ for some Cartier divisor MZ on Z. Since mB = gF ∗ (m(gF−1 )∗ B + sE)) ∼ MZ it follows that B is Q-Cartier. Suppose that gF is Fano (i.e. that dim X > dim Z. Let B be a divisor on Z and let G be the closure of the pull back of B 0 the restriction of B to the smooth locus of Z (note that B 0 is a Cartier divisor on the smooth locus of Z and hence it’s pull-back makes sense). Let C ⊂ Xz be a curve on a general fiber Xz so that F = R[C]. Clearly G · C = 0. Pick m ∈ N so that mG is Cartier. By (6.4), we have mG ∼ gF∗ MZ for some Cartier divisor MZ on Z. Since mB = gF ∗ mG ∼ MZ , it follows that B is Q-Cartier.  Proof of the Non-vanishing Theorem. This proof is based on an argument of Shokurov cf. [10, §3.5] Step 0. We may assume that X is smooth, projective, (X, ∆) is sub kawamata log terminal and aD − KX − ∆ is ample for some a > 0. To see this, consider f : X 0 → X a birational map from a smooth projective variety. We write KX 0 + ∆0 = f ∗ (KX + ∆) so that (X 0 , ∆0 ) is sub kawamata log terminal (∆0 is possibly not effective), and af ∗ D − KX 0 − ∆0 = f ∗ (aD − KX − ∆) is nef and big. So we may choose an effective divisor F ∈ DivQ (X 0 ) and an ample divisor A ∈ DivQ (X 0 ) such that f ∗ (aD − KX − ∆) ∼Q A + F . It follows that for any rational number 0 <   1, we have that f ∗ (aD − KX − ∆) − F ∼Q (1 − )f ∗ (aD − KX − ∆) + A is ample. We then have that af ∗ D − KX 0 − ∆0 − F is ample and (X 0 , ∆0 + F ) is sub-kawamata log terminal. Let ∆00 := ∆0 + F , then f∗ ∆00 ≥ ∆ and one sees that h0 (X 0 , OX (mf ∗ D + p−∆00 q)) ≤ h0 (X, OX (mD + p−∆q)). 55

Step 1. We may assume that D is not numerically equivalent to 0. If in fact D ≡ 0 (i.e. D is numerically trivial), for any a, t ∈ Z we have that kD + p−∆q ≡ KX + {∆} + tD − (KX + ∆). Since for t ≥ a, tD − (KX + ∆) is ample, by Kawamata Viehweg vanishing we compute h0 (X, OX (mD + p−∆q)) = χ(X, OX (mD + p−∆q)) = χ(X, OX (p−∆q)) = h0 (X, OX (p−∆q)) 6= 0. Step 2. For any point x ∈ (X/ Supp(∆)) there exists an integer q0 such that for all integers q ≥ q0 , there is a Q-divisor M (q) ≡ (qD − KX − ∆) with multx M (q) > 2 dim X. To see this, let d = dim X. D is nef so that De · Ad−e ≥ 0 for any ample divisor A, and so (qD−KX −∆)d = ((q−a)D+aD−KX −∆)d ≥ d(q−a)D·(aD−KX −∆)d−1 . Since D 6≡ 0, there is a curve C ⊂ X such that D · C > 0 and since D is big, there is an integer p  0 such that (p(aD − KX − ∆))d−1 may be represented by an effective cycle containing C. Therefore, D · (aD + G − KX )d−1 > 0. Therefore, the right hand side in the above equation goes to ∞ as q goes to ∞. So, by Serre-Vanishing and Riemann-Roch, we have ed (2d)d + O(ed−1 ). d! Vanishing along x with multiplicity > 2de imposes at most h0 (OX (e(qD − KX − ∆))) ≥

(2de)d + O(ed−1 ) d! conditions. So we can find a divisor M (q, e) ∈ |e(qD − KX − ∆)|


multx M (q, e) > 2de.

We set M (q) = M (q, e)/e. Step 3. We pick a log resolution f : Y → X which dominates Blx (X). We set P (1) KY ≡ f ∗ (KX + ∆) + bP j Fj , where bj > −1, (2) (1/2)f ∗ (aDP − KX − ∆) − pj Fj is ample for some 0 < pj  1, (3) f ∗ M (q) = rj Fj with F0 corresponding to the strict transform of the exceptional divisor of Blx (X) → X. 56

Step 4. We define N (b, c) := bf ∗ D +


(−crj + bj − pj )Fj − KY .

We would like to arrange that N (b, c) is ample. To this end we write X N (b, c) = bf ∗ D + (−crj + bj − pj )Fj − KY X ≡ bf ∗ D − cf ∗ (qD − KX − ∆) − pj Fj − f ∗ (KX + ∆) X = (b − a − c(q − a))f ∗ D + (1 − c)f ∗ (aD − KX − ∆) − pj F j X 1 1 = (b−a−c(q−a))f ∗ D+( −c)f ∗ (aD−KX −∆)+[ f ∗ (aD−KX −∆)− pj Fj ]. 2 2 The first term is nef if b − a − c(q − a) ≥ 0, the second term is nef if c ≤ 1/2 and the remaining terms give an ample divisor. Thus, if these conditions are satisfied by b and c, then N (b, c) is ample. Step 5. We set c = min{(1 + bj − pj )/rj |rj > 0}. Then c > 0 and we may assume that the pj have been chosen so that the above minimum is achieved for exactly one value j 0 of j. We let F = Fj 0 . Now x ∈ / Supp ∆ and so b0 = d − 1 and r0 > 2d so that c < (1 + (d − 1) − p0 )/2d < 1/2. Therefore, c < 1/2 and so N (b, c) is ample for any b ≥ a + c(q − a). Step 6. We write N (b, c) = bf ∗ D + A − F − KY P and f ∗ ∆ = − gj Fj . For any non-exceptional component Fj we have bj = gj . The coefficient of Fj in A is (−crj + bj − pj ) < bj and so pAq ≤ f ∗ p−∆q + E where E is f -exceptional and so H 0 (Y, OY (bf ∗ D+pAq)) ⊂ H 0 (Y, OY (bf ∗ D+f ∗ p−∆q)) = H 0 (X, OX (bD+p−∆q)). Now N (b, c) is ample so that H 1 (Y, OY (bf ∗ D + pAq − F )) = H 1 (Y, OY (bf ∗ D + pA − F q)) = 0. Therefore since H 0 (F, OF ((bf ∗ D + pAq)|F )) 6= 0 (by induction on the dimension!), then H 0 (X, OX (bD + p−∆q)) 6= 0 as required  Proof of the Base Point Free Theorem. See [10, §3.2]. To prove the Rationality Theorem, we will need the following. 57

Lemma 6.7. Let 0 6= P (x, y) ∈ Z[x, y] with deg P (x, y) ≤ n. Assume that there is a real number r ∈ R, an integer a and a real number  > 0 such that P (x, y) = 0 for all sufficiently large integers x, y with 0 < ay − rx < . Then r ∈ Q and if r = p/q with (p, q) = 1, then q ≤ a(n + 1)/. Proof. (See [10, 3.19]) Suppose r 6∈ Q, then there is a pair of sufficiently big integers (¯ x, y¯) with 0 < a¯ y − r¯ x < /(n + 2). Therefore (¯ x, y¯), (2¯ x, 2¯ y ), . . . , ((n + 1)¯ x, (n + 1)¯ y) are solutions of P (x, y). It follows that y¯x − x¯y divides P (x, y). We may repeat this argument, choosing smaller  so that we get a new pair of sufficiently big integers (¯ x, y¯). It follows that P (x, y) is divisible by infinitely many linear polynomials. This is the required contradiction. Therefore r = p/q ∈ Q and we may assume (p, q) = 1. For any j > 0, there are integers (xj , yj ) such that ayj − rxj = aj/q. We have that a(yj + kp) − r(xj + akp) = aj/p for any k ∈ Z. Therefore if aj/p < , one sees (as above) that (ay − rx) − aj/p divides P (x, y). Since there are at most n such values, we have that a(n + 1)/p ≥ .  Lemma 6.8. Let X be a smooth projective variety, Di ∈ Div(X), A ∈ Div has simple normal crossings and pAq ≥ 0. Q (X) such that Supp(A) P P If ui Di is nef and ui Di + A − KX is ample for some ui ∈ Z, then X P (x1 , . . . , xk ) = χ( xi Di + pAq) 6= 0. P Proof. For any integer m  0, mui Di + A − KY is ample so that X X χ( mui Di + pAq) = H 0 (OX ( mui Di + pAq)). The Lemma now follows from (6.1).

Proof of the Rationality Theorem. We follow [10, §3.4]. Step 1. We may assume that H is base point free. Assume that a(KX + ∆) is Cartier, then by (6.2), H 0 := m(cH + da(KX + ∆)) is base point free for any m  c  d > 0. Note that t0 + mda 1 (KX + ∆) = (H 0 + t0 (KX + ∆)). H+ mc mc Therefore r(H) ∈ Q if and only if r(H 0 ) ∈ Q. Note that if r(H 0 ) divides q, then r(H) has denominator dividing mcv, but as m  c  0, r(H) has denominator dividing v. 58

Step 2. Fix  > 0. For any sufficiently large integers (p, q) with 0 < aq − rp <  let L(p, q) = Bs|pH + qa(KX + ∆)|. (Here, L(p, q) = X if |pH + qa(KX + ∆)| = ∅.) Then L(p, q) is independent of (p, q) and non-empty. We let L0 denote this set. To see this, note that if p0 , q 0  p, q, then we may write (p0 , q 0 ) = (kp + kq) + (p00 + q 00 ) where p00 H + q 00 a(KX + ∆) is ample. Therefore L(p0 , q 0 ) ⊂ L(p, q) and by Noetherian induction, the sets L(p, q) are independent of (p, q). Since pH + qa(KX + ∆) is not nef, it is not base point free and so L0 6= ∅. Step 3. Pick a log resolution f : Y → X, let D1 = f ∗ H, D2 = ∗ f (a(KX + ∆)) and write KY = f ∗ (KX + ∆) + A. We have that pAq ≥ 0 is exceptional. Therefore H 0 (Y, OY (pD1 + qD2 + pAq)) = H 0 (X, OX (pH + qa(KX + ∆))). Define P (x, y) = χ(xD1 + yD2 + pAq). Since D1 is nef and big, P (x, y) 6= 0. Step 4. If r 6∈ Q, then L0 6= X. For any 0 < ay − rx < 1, we have that xD1 + yD2 + A − KY ≡ f ∗ (xH + (ay − 1)(KX + ∆)) is nef and big. Therefore, by (2.38) H i (Y, OY (xD1 + yD2 + pAq)) = 0

∀ i > 0.

By (6.7) there are sufficiently large integers p, q such that 0 < aq −rp < 1 and P (p, q) = h0 (Y, OY (pD1 + qD2 + pAq)) > 0. Therefore |pH + qa(KX + ∆)| = 6 ∅. Step 5. Let I ⊂ Z × Z such that 0 < ay − rx < 1 and Bs(xH + ya(KX +∆)) = L0 . For any (p, q) ∈ I let f : Y → X be a log resolution and write: P (1) KY = f ∗ (KX +∆)+ aj Fj where aj > 1 as (X, ∆) is kawamata log terminal, P (2) f ∗ (pH + (qa − 1)(KX + ∆)) − pj Fj is ample for some 0 < pj  1 (this may be achieved as pH + (qa − 1)(KX + ∆) is nef and big), and P P (3) f ∗ |pH + qa(KX + ∆)| = |L| + rj Fj where rj ≥ 0, rj Fj = ∗ Fix f |pH + qa(KX + ∆)| and |L| is base point free. 59

We may choose c > 0 and 0 < pj  1 so that X (−crj + aj − pj )Fj = A0 − F where pA0 q ≥ 0 and A0 ∧ F = 0. Notice that f (F ) ⊂ Bs(pH + qa(KX + ∆)). Step 6. If p0 , q 0  0 and 0 < aq 0 − rp0 < aq − rp, then the divisor N (p0 , q 0 ) = f ∗ (p0 H + q 0 a(KX + ∆)) + A0 − F − KY is ample. We have N (p0 , q 0 ) ≡ f ∗ (p0 − (1 + c)p)H + q 0 − (1 + c)q)a(KX + ∆))+ X f ∗ ((1 + c)pH + (1 + c)qa(KX + ∆)) + (−crj + aj − pj )Fj − KY ≡ cL + f ∗ (p0 − (1 + c)p)H + q 0 − (1 + c)q)a(KX + ∆)) X +f ∗ (pH + (qa − 1)(KX + ∆)) − p j Fj . But L is base point free and hence nef, (p0 − (1 + c)p)H + (q 0 − (1 + c)q)a(KX + ∆) is nef (as (q 0 − (1 + c)q)a < r(p0 − (1 + c)p)) and P f ∗ (pH + (qa − 1)(KX + ∆)) − pj Fj is ample. Step 7. F is not a component of Bs|f ∗ (p0 H + q 0 a(KX + ∆)) + pA0 q|. By Step 6, the homomorphism H 0 (Y, OY (f ∗ (p0 H + q 0 a(KX + ∆)) + pA0 q)) → H 0 (F, OF (f ∗ (p0 H + q 0 a(KX + ∆)) + pA0 q)) is surjective. By (6.8), the polynomial χ(F, OF (f ∗ (p0 H + q 0 a(KX + ∆)) + pA0 q)) is not identically zero and for 0 < aq 0 − rp0 < aq − rp, we have that (f ∗ (p0 H + q 0 a(KX + ∆)) + pA0 q)|F − KF = N (q 0 , p0 )|F is ample so that χ(F, OF (f ∗ (p0 H+q 0 a(KX +∆))+pA0 q)) = h0 (F, OF (f ∗ (p0 H+q 0 a(KX +∆))+pA0 q)). By (6.7) (with  = aq−rp), there are p0 , q 0  0 such that 0 < aq 0 −rp0 < aq − rp and h0 (F, OF (f ∗ (p0 H + q 0 a(KX + ∆)) + pA0 q)) 6= 0. The claim now follows. It follows that f (F ) is not contained in L0 . This is a contradiction and so r ∈ Q. 60

Step 8. We must now show that if r = u/v where u, v are coprime integers, then 0 < v < a(dim X + 1). See [10, §3.4].  6.1. Generalizations. In what follows we will also need straightforward generalizations of the above results to the relative case with real divisors. Theorem 6.9 (Basepoint-free Theorem). Let (X, ∆) be a Q-factorial kawamata log terminal pair a π : X → U a projective morphism (dominant with connected fibers) to a normal variety and D be a π-nef RCartier divisor such that aD − KX − ∆ is π-nef and π-big for some a > 0. Then D is semiample over U (i.e. there is a morphism f : X → Z over U and a divisor H ∈ DivR (Z) ample over U such that D = f ∗ H. Proof. As the property that D is semiample over U is local, we may assume that U is affine. This case is (7.1) of [4] (for example).  Corollary 6.10. Let (X, ∆) be a Q-factorial kawamata log terminal pair, where ∆ is an R-divisor. Let f : X −→ U be a projective morphism of normal quasi-projective varieties such that KX +∆ is nef over U and ∆ is big over U . Then KX + ∆ is semiample over U . Proof. We may assume that U is affine. By (8.6) we may find KX + ∆0 = KX + A + B ∼R KX + ∆, where A ≥ 0 is a general ample Q-divisor and B ≥ 0. As (KX + ∆) − (KX + B) ∼R,U A, is ample and KX + B is kawamata log terminal, (6.2) implies that KX + ∆ is semiample.  Exercise 6.11. Use (6.2) to show that if f : X −→ U is a projective morphism of normal quasi-projective varieties such that KX + ∆ is dlt and −(KX + ∆) is ample over U , then if B, C ∈ DivQ (X) are numerically equivalent, they are Q-linearly equivalent. (Hint. Reduce to the klt case and let D = B − C.) 7. The minimal model program 7.1. Types of models. Definition 7.1. Let φ : X 99K Y be a birational map that extracts no divisors (i.e. φ−1 contracts no divisors), D ∈ DivR (X) such that 61

D0 = φ∗ D ∈ DivR (Y ). Then φ is D-non-positive (resp. D-negative) if for some common resolution p : W → X and q : W → Y , we have p∗ D = q ∗ D 0 + E where E ≥ 0 is effective and q-exceptional (respectively E ≥ 0 is qexceptional and its support contains all φ-exceptional divisors). Lemma 7.2. Let φ : X 99K Y be a birational map that extracts no divisors (i.e. φ−1 contracts no divisors), D ∈ DivR (X) such that D0 = φ∗ D ∈ DivR (Y ) is nef. Then φ is D-non-positive (resp. D-negative) if for some common resolution p : W → X and q : W → Y , we have p∗ D = q ∗ D 0 + E where p∗ E ≥ 0 (respectively p∗ E ≥ 0 and its support contains all φexceptional divisors). If D = KX + ∆ and D0 = KY + φ∗ ∆ then this condition is equivalent to aF (X, ∆) ≤ aF (Y, φ∗ ∆)

(resp. aF (X, ∆) < aF (Y, φ∗ ∆))

for all φ-exceptional divisors F ⊂ X. Proof. By (2.7).

Definition 7.3. Let π : X → U be a projective morphism of normal quasi-projective varieties. If KX + ∆ is log canonical and φ : X 99K Y is a birational map over U that extracts no divisors, then we say that (1) Y is a weak log canonical model for KX +∆ over U (WLCM(X, ∆/U )) is φ if KX + ∆-non-positive and KY + Φ∗ ∆ is nef over U . (2) Y is a log canonical model for KX +∆ over U (LCM(X, ∆/U )) if φ is KX + ∆-non-positive and KY + Φ∗ ∆ is ample over U . (3) Y is a log terminal model for KX +∆ over U (LTM(X, ∆/U )) is φ if KX + ∆-negative and KY + Φ∗ ∆ is divisorially log terminal nef over U and Y is Q-factorial. If ψ : X 99K Z is a rational map over U , then Z is an ample model for KX + ∆ over U if there is a log terminal model φ : X 99K Y for KX + ∆ over U , a morphism f : Y → Z over U and a ample divisor H ∈ DivR (Z) such that KY + Φ∗ ∆ = f ∗ H. Lemma 7.4. Let π : X → U be a projective morphism of normal quasiprojective varieties. If KX + ∆ ≡U KX + ∆0 are log canonical (resp. divisorially log terminal) and φ : X 99K Y is a birational map over U that extracts no divisors, Y is normal and Q-factorial, then Y is a weak log canonical model (resp. a log terminal model) for KX + ∆ over 62

U if and only if it is a weak log canonical model (resp. a log terminal model) for KX + ∆0 over U . Proof. Let p : W → X and q : W → Y be a common resolution and write p∗ (KX +∆) = q ∗ (KY +φ∗ ∆)+E


p∗ (KX +∆0 ) = q ∗ (KY +φ∗ ∆0 )+E 0 .

Since E − E 0 ≡Y 0 is q-exceptional, by (2.7), we have E = E 0 and the lemma follows.  7.2. The minimal model program (traditional). Recall the following. Definition 7.5. Let π : X → U be a projective morphism of normal quasi-projective varieties, (X, ∆) a log canonical pair and f : X → Z be a morphism of normal varieties (surjective with connected fibers) over U . Then f is a flipping contraction over U if f is a small (i.e. dim Ex(f ) < dim X − 1) birational morphism of relative Picard number ρ(X/Z) = 1, X is Q-factorial and −(KX +∆) is f -ample. The flip f + : X + → Z (if it exists) is given by X + = LCM (X, ∆/Z). In particular f + is a small birational morphism of relative Picard number ρ(X + /Z) = 1, X + is Q-factorial cf. (7.7) and (KX + +∆+ ) is f + -ample where ∆+ = ((f + )−1 ◦ f )∗ ∆. Lemma 7.6. Let (X, ∆) be a log canonical pair, f : X → Z be a flipping contraction and f + : X + → Z its flip. Then aE (X, ∆) ≤ aE (X + , ∆+ ) for any divisor E over X and aE (X, ∆) < aE (X + , ∆+ ) if the center of E is contained in the flipping or flipped locus. In particular (X + , ∆+ ) is log canonical. Proof. Let p : W → X and q : W → X + be a common log resolution and write p∗ (KX + ∆) = q ∗ (KX + + ∆+ ) + F. Since KX + ∆ is nef over Z (and hence is nef over X + ) and since F is q-exceptional, then by (2.7), F ≥ 0. Suppose that E has center V contained in the flipping locus. If E is not contained in the support of F , then by (2.7), Wv ∩ F = ∅ where v ∈ V is a general point and Wv is the fiber over v. Let C be a curve in Wv such that either p∗ C 6= 0 or q∗ C 6= 0. Then as C ·F = 0, we have p∗ C ·(KX +∆) = q∗ C ·(KX + +∆+ ) which is impossible.  Lemma 7.7. Let (X, ∆) be a dlt Q-factorial pair, f : X → Z be a flipping contraction and f + : X + → Z its flip. Then X + is Q-factorial and KZ + f∗ ∆ 6∈ DivR (Z). 63

Proof. Replacing δ by (1 − )∆ for 0 <   1, we may assume that (X, ∆) is klt. Let D+ ∈ WDiv(X + ) and D ∈ WDiv(X) be its strict transform. As X is Q-factorial, D ∈ DivQ (X). Pick a divisor H = h(KX + ∆) ∈ DivQ (X) such that (D + H) · C = 0 for any f -exceptional curve Then D + H = f ∗ G for some G ∈ DivQ (Z) cf. (6.4). We have that D+ + φ∗ H = (f + )∗ G and φ∗ H = h(KX + + ∆+ ) ∈ DivQ (X + ). Suppose now that KZ +f∗ ∆ ∈ DivR (Z), then KX +∆ = f ∗ (KZ +f∗ ∆) contradicting the fact that −(KX + ∆) is f -ample.  Definition 7.8. Let π : X → U be a projective morphism of normal quasi-projective varieties, (X, ∆) a Q-factorial log canonical pair and f : X → Z be a morphism of normal varieties (surjective with connected fibers) over U . Then f is a divisorial contraction over U if f is a birational morphism of relative Picard number ρ(X/Z) = 1, dim Ex(f ) = dim X − 1 and −(KX + ∆) is f -ample. Lemma 7.9. Let (X, ∆) be a dlt (resp. klt) Q-factorial pair, f : X → Z be a divisorial contraction, then Z is Q-factorial and aEx(f ) (X, ∆) < aEx(f ) (Z, f∗ ∆). In particular (Z, f∗ ∆) is dlt (resp. klt). In particular (Z, f∗ ∆) is log canonical. Proof. Let E = Ex(f ), then E · C 6= 0 were R = R≥0 [C] is the contracted negative extremal ray. Let D ∈ WDiv(Z) and D0 ∈ WDiv(X) be its strict transform. As X is Q-factorial, D0 ∈ DivQ (X). Pick h 6= 0 such that (D + hE) · C = 0 for any f -exceptional curve. Then D + hE = f ∗ G for some G ∈ DivQ (Z) cf. (6.4). But then D = G and we are done. We may now write KX +∆ = f ∗ (KZ +f∗ ∆)+aE. By (2.7), a > 0.  Definition 7.10. Let π : X → U be a projective morphism of normal quasi-projective varieties, (X, ∆) a log canonical pair and f : X → Z be a morphism of normal varieties (surjective with connected fibers) over U . Then f is a Mori fiber space if ρ(X/Z) = 1 and −(KX + ∆) is ample over Z. Let π : X → U be a projective morphism of normal quasi-projective varieties. Assume that (X, ∆) is a divisorially log terminal Q-factorial pair. We would like to find a finite sequence of well understood geometric operations (flips and divisorial contractions) whose output is a log terminal model for KX + ∆ over U or a Mori fiber space. Step 1. If KX + ∆ is nef over U stop (this is a minimal model over U ). Otherwise, pick a KX + ∆ negative extremal ray R and consider the corresponding contraction morphism f = contR : X → Z over U . Note that ρ(X/Z) = 1 and −(KX + ∆) is ample over Z. Step 2. If dim X > dim Z stop (this is a Mori fiber space). 64

If dim X = dim Z and dim Ex(f ) = dim X − 1, we say that f is a divisorial contraction. In this case Z is Q-factorial, (Z, f∗ ∆) is divisorially log terminal cf. (7.9). Replace (X, ∆) by (Z, f∗ ∆) and go back to Step 1. If dim X = dim Z and dim Ex(f ) > dim X − 1, we have a small contraction. In this case Z is not Q-factorial (cf. (??)) so we may not replace (X, ∆) by (Z, f∗ ∆). Instead we replace (X, ∆) by the flip (X + , ∆+ ) of f : X → Z and go back to Step 1. Step 3. For this procedure to be succesful, we must show that flips exist and that it terminates after finitely many steps. Notice that if f : X → Z is divisorial, then ρ(Z) = ρ(X) − 1 and if X 99K X + is a flip, then ρ(X) = ρ(X + ). Since ρ(X) is a positive integer, there are finitely many divisorial contractions. We must therefore show that there are no infinite sequences of flips. Conjecture 7.11. Let (X, ∆) be a log canonical pair. (1) If f : X → Z is a flipping contraction, then the flip of f exists. (2) There are no infinite sequences of flips φi : Xi 99K Xi+1 for (Xi , ∆i ) where ∆i+1 = (φi )∗ ∆i and (X, ∆) = (X0 , ∆0 ) is log canonical. Remark 7.12. We will show that kawamata log terminal flips exist in all dimensions. Termination of flips is known in dimension 3 and there are partial results in dimension 4. We will show that sequences of flips for the minimal model program with scaling terminate when (X, ∆) is kawamata log terminal and ∆ is big. Remark 7.13. If dim(X) = 2, then there are no flips. Starting from a smooth surface X (and ∆ = 0), one proceeds by contracting the extremal rays corresponding to −1 curves i.e. rational curves C ∼ = P1C with C 2 = KP1C · C = −1. Each time, one obtains a morphism Xi → Xi+1 were Xi+1 is a smooth surface and ρ(Xi+1 ) = ρ(Xi ) − 1 is a positive integer. After contracting finitely many −1 curve, we therefore obtain a minimal surface i.e. a surface Xmin birational to X that contains no −1 curves. We then have that either KXmin is nef (this happens when κ(X) ≥ 0) or that there is a negative extremal ray R. Contracting this ray we obtain a Mori fiber space Xmin → Z and so X is covered by rational curves. If dim Z = 0, then Xmin = P2C , and if dim Z = 1 then Xmin → Z is a ruled surface. 7.3. The minimal model with scaling. In this version of the minimal model program, we start with a Q-factorial kawamata log terminal pairs (X, ∆) and (X, ∆ + C) where KX + ∆ + C is nef and ∆ is big. 65

We pick λ = sup{t|KX + ∆ + tC is nef}. If λ = 0, then KX + ∆ is nef and we stop. Assume λ > 0. Since ∆ is big, there is a KX + ∆ negative extremal ray R = R≥0 [Σ] such that (KX + ∆ + λC) · Σ = 0 cf. (6.4). Let f : X → Z be the corresponding contraction. If dim Z < dim X we have a Mori fiber space and we stop. Otherwise, we replace (X, ∆) by the corresponding flip or divisorial contraction. Notice that f is KX + ∆ + λC-trivial so that KX + ∆ + λC is nef even after peforming the flip or divisorial contraction. We may therefore repeat the above procedure. In this way we obtain a sequence of weak log canonical models for (X, ∆ + tC) for t ∈ [0, 1]. If we can show that there are only finitely many such models, then we can show that the minimal model program with scaling terminates. 7.4. Minimal models for varieties of general type. Theorem 7.14. Let (X, ∆) be a projective Q-factorial kawamata log terminal pair. If ∆ is big then any minimal model program with scaling for KX + ∆ terminates. That is, if KX + ∆ is pseudo-effective then KX + ∆ has a log terminal model and if KX + ∆ is not pseudo-effective then KX + ∆ has a Mori fiber space. We have the following immediate consequence. Corollary 7.15. Let (X, ∆) be a projective kawamata log terminal pair. If KX + ∆ is big, then KX + ∆ has a log terminal model and a log canonical model. Proof. Since KX + ∆ is big, there is an effective divisor D ∈ DivR (X) such that KX + ∆ ∼R D ≥ 0. Let 0 <   1, then KX + ∆ + D ∼R (1 + )(KX + ∆) is kawamata log terminal and ∆ + D is big. It follows that KX + ∆ + D has a log terminal model which is also a log terminal model for KX + ∆. Since ∆ + D is big, by (6.2), KX + ∆ + D is semiample so that there is a projective morphism g : X → Z such that KX + ∆ + D = g ∗ A and A ∈ DivR (Z) is ample. It follows that g : X → Z is the log canonical model of KX + ∆.  Remark 7.16. The above results also hold in the relative case. Corollary 7.17. Let f : X → Z be a flipping contraction, then the flip of f exists. 66

Corollary 7.18. Let (X, ∆) be a klt pair and E be a set of exceptional divisors over X such that if E ∈ E, then aE (X, ∆) ≤ 0. Then there exists a birational morphism ν : X 0 → X such that X is Q-factorial and Ex(ν) = E. If E = ∅, then ν is small and we say that X 0 → X is a Q-factorialization of (X, ∆) and if E contains all exceptional divisors such that aE (X, ∆) ≤ 0, then KX 0 + ∆0 = ν ∗ (KX + ∆) is terminal and we say that X 0 → X is a terminalization of (X, ∆). Proof. Let f : Y → X be a log resolution of (X, ∆) and write KY +Γ = f ∗ (KX + ∆) + E where Γ = Γ(X, ∆) and E = E(X, ∆). Let F be the reduced divisor consisting of all exceptional divisors not contained in E and 0 <   1. Then (Y, Γ+F ) is klt and so there is φ : Y 99K X 0 a log terminal model for (Y, Γ + F ) over X. In particular X 0 is Q-factorial. Then KX 0 + φ∗ (Γ + F ) is nef over X and hence so is φ∗ (E + F ) (since KX 0 +φ∗ (Γ−E) ≡X 0). By the negativity lemma E +F ≤ 0 and hence E + F = 0 so that the divisors in E are contracted by Y 99K X 0 . It is also easy to see that if P is a prime divisor contracted by Y 99K X 0 , then aP (Y, Γ−E) = aP (X, ∆) = aP (X 0 , φ∗ (Γ−E)) = aP (X 0 , φ∗ (Γ+F )) > aP (Y, Γ+F ) and hence that P is contained in Supp(E + F ) = E.

7.5. The main induction. We begin with the following. Definition 7.19. Let π : X −→ U be a projective morphism of normal quasi-projective varieties, and let V be a finite dimensional affine subspace of the real vector space of Weil divisors on X. Define L = { ∆ ∈ V | KX + ∆ is log canonical }, Nπ = { ∆ ∈ L | KX + ∆ is nef over U }. Moreover, fixing an R-divisor A ≥ 0, define VA = { ∆ | ∆ = A + B, B ∈ V }, LA = { ∆ = A + B ∈ VA | KX + ∆ is log canonical and B ≥ 0 }, EA,π = { ∆ ∈ LA | KX + ∆ is pseudo-effective over U }, NA,π = { ∆ ∈ LA | KX + ∆ is nef over U }. Given a birational map φ : X 99K Y over U , whose inverse does not contract any divisors, define WY,π = { ∆ ∈ EA,π | (Y, Γ = φ∗ ∆) is a weak log canonical model for (X, ∆) over U }, and given a rational map ψ : X 99K Z over U , define AZ = { ∆ ∈ EA,π | Z is an ample model for (X, ∆) over U }, . 67

Almost invariably, the support of A will have no components in commnon with V . In this case the condition that B ≥ 0 is vacuous. In nearly all applications, A will be an ample Q-divisor over U . In this case, we often assume that A is general in the sense that we fix a positive integer such that kA is very ample, and we assume that A = k1 A0 , where A0 ∈ |kA| is very general. With this choice of A, we have NA,π ⊂ EA,π ⊂ LA = L + A ⊂ VA = V + A, and the condition that the support of A has no common components with any element of V is then automatic. The proof of (7.14) is by induction on the dimension. We brake it down in to several statements of independent interest. Theorem 7.20 (Existence of pl-flips). Let f : X −→ Z be a pl-flipping contraction for an n-dimensional purely log terminal pair (X, ∆). Then the flip f + : X + −→ Z of f exists. Theorem 7.21 (Existence of log terminal models). Let π : X −→ U be a projective morphism of normal quasi-projective varieties, where X has dimension n. Suppose that KX + ∆ is kawamata log terminal, where ∆ is big over U . If there exists an R-divisor D such that KX + ∆ ∼R,U D ≥ 0, then KX + ∆ has a log terminal model over U . Theorem 7.22 (Finiteness of models (big case)). Let π : X −→ U be a projective morphism of normal quasi-projective varieties, where X has dimension n. Fix A, a general ample Q-divisor over U . Suppose that KX + ∆0 is kawamata log terminal, for some ∆0 . Let C ⊂ LA be a rational polytope such that KX + ∆ is π-big, for every ∆ ∈ C. Then the set of isomorphism classes { Y | Y is a log terminal model over U of a pair (X, ∆), where ∆ ∈ C }, is finite. Theorem 7.23 (Non-vanishing theorem). Let π : X −→ U be a projective morphism of normal quasi-projective varieties, where X has dimension n. Suppose that KX + ∆ is kawamata log terminal, where ∆ is big over U . If KX + ∆ is π-pseudo-effective, then there exists an R-divisor D such that KX + ∆ ∼R,U D ≥ 0. Theorem 7.24 (Finiteness of models). Let π : X −→ U be a projective morphism of normal quasi-projective varieties, where X has dimension 68

n. Fix A, a general ample Q-divisor over U . Suppose that KX + ∆0 is kawamata log terminal, for some ∆0 . Then the set of isomorphism classes { Y | Y is the weak log canonical model over U of a pair (X, ∆), where ∆ ∈ LA }, is finite. Theorem 7.25 (Effective Zariski decomposition). Let π : X −→ Z be a projective morphism to a normal affine variety. Let (X, ∆ = A + B) be a kawamata log terminal pair of dimension n, where A ≥ 0 is an ample Q-divisor and B ≥ 0. If KX + ∆ is pseudo-effective, then (1) The pair (X, ∆) has a log terminal model µ : X 99K Y . In particular if KX + ∆ is Q-Cartier then the log canonical ring M R(X, KX + ∆) = H 0 (X, OX (xm(KX + ∆)y)), m∈N

is finitely generated. (2) Let V ⊂ DivR (X) be the vector space spanned by the components of ∆. Then there is a constant δ > 0 such that if G is a prime divisor contained in the stable base locus of KX + ∆ and Ξ ∈ V such that kΞ − ∆k < δ, then G is contained in the stable base locus of KX + Ξ. (3) Let W ⊂ V be the smallest rational affine space containing ∆. Then there is a constant η > 0 and a positive integer r > 0 such that if Ξ ∈ W is any divisor and k is any positive integer such that kΞ − ∆k < η and k(KX + Ξ)/r is Cartier, then every component of Fix(k(KX + Ξ)) is a component of the stable base locus of KX + ∆. The proof of Theorem 7.20, Theorem 7.21, Theorem 7.22, Theorem 7.23, Theorem 7.24 and Theorem 5.9 proceeds by induction: • Theorem 5.9n−1 implies Theorem 7.20n , see (5.12). • Theorem 7.21n−1 , Theorem 7.24n−1 and Theorem 7.20n imply Theorem 7.21n , cf. (9.4). • Theorem 7.21n implies Theorem 7.22n , cf. (10.4). • Theorem 7.23n−1 , Theorem 7.24n−1 , Theorem 7.21n and Theorem 7.22n imply Theorem 7.23n , cf. (11.4). • Theorem 7.21n and Theorem 7.23n imply Theorem 7.24n , cf. (10.4). • Theorem 7.21n , Theorem 7.23n and Theorem 7.24n imply Theorem 5.9n , cf. (??). 69

8. Special termination with scaling In this section we show that we have special termination of the MMP with scaling. Lemma 8.1. Assume Theorem 5.12n and Theorem 7.24n . Let πi : Xi −→ U be a sequence of projective morphisms of normal quasi-projective varieties, where Xi and Xj are isomorphic in codimension one. Suppose that there exist R-divisors ∆i such that KXi + ∆i is R-Cartier and nef over U . Suppose that there are fixed R-divisors A1 ≥ 0 and B1 ≥ 0 on X = X1 , with transforms Ai and Bi on Xi , such that Ai ≤ ∆i ≤ Bi , where A1 is big over U and KX1 + B1 is kawamata log terminal. Let n be the dimension of X. Then the set of isomorphism classes of birational maps { X 99K Xi | i ∈ N }, is finite. Here, two birational maps φ : X 99K Xi and ψ : X 99K Xj are isomorphic if there exists an isomorphism η : Xi −→ Xj such that ψ = η ◦ φ. Proof. As we are assuming Theorem 5.12n , replacing X by a log terminal model we may assume that X is Q-factorial (cf. (7.18). Let ∆0i be the strict transform of ∆i on X. By (8.6) we may assume that A1 is an ample Q-divisor over U and B1 is an effective Q-divisor. As (Xi , ∆i ) is a weak log canonical model of (X, ∆0i ), the result follows as we are assuming Theorem 7.24n .  Lemma 8.2. Assume Theorem 5.12n−1 and Theorem 7.24n−1 . Let π : X −→ U be a projective morphism of normal quasi-projective varieties, where X is a Q-factorial variety of dimension n. Suppose that KX + ∆ + C = KX + S + A + B + C, is divisorially log terminal and nef over U , where S = x∆y, B+ (A/U ) does not contain any log canonical centres of (X, ∆+C) and B, C ≥ 0. Then every (KX + ∆)-MMP over U with scaling of C is eventually disjoint from S. Proof. Suppose not. Let Xi 99K Xi+1 be an infinite sequence of flips and divisorial contractions over U , starting with X1 := X, for the (KX + ∆)-MMP with scaling of C, which meets S infinitely often. We may write A ∼R,U A0 + B 0 where A0 is ample over U and the support of B 0 contains no log canonical centre of (X, ∆ + C). Replacing A by A0 70

and B by B +(1−)A+B 0 where 0 <   1, we may therefore assume that A is ample over U . Let T be a component of S that intersects the flipping locus infinitely many times. Pick a rational number  > 0 such that A0 = A + (S − T ) is ample over U . Replacing A0 by an R-linearly equivalent over U divisor, we may assume that KX + S − (S − T ) + A0 + B ∼R,U KX + S + A + B, is purely log terminal. Note that every step of the (KX + S + A + B)MMP over U is a step of the (KX + S − (S − T ) + A0 + B)-MMP over U , and xS − (S − T ) + A0 + By = T . Thus, replacing KX + ∆ by KX + S − (S − T ) + A0 + B we may assume that S is irreducible and KX + ∆ is purely log terminal. Let Si be the strict transform of S in Xi and let Si 99K Si+1 be the induced birational map. Since there are at most finitely many divisorial contractions, we may assume that there is an integer k > 0 such that for any i ≥ k the rational map Xi 99K Xi+1 is a flip. By (4.2.14) of [3], we may also assume that for any i ≥ k, the rational map Si 99K Si+1 does not extract any divisors. By (1.6) of [1], we may therefore assume that for any i ≥ k, the rational map Si 99K Si+1 is an isomorphism at the generic point of every divisor on Si and Si+1 . In particular we may assume that Si 99K Si+1 is an isomorphism in codimension one. Let ∆i and Ci be the strict transforms of ∆ and C on Xi . Since Si is the unique log canonical centre of (Xi , ∆i ), Si is normal. By adjunction we may write (KXi + ∆i )|Si = KSi + Θi . Then, for any i ≥ k, Θi is the strict transform of Θk . By definition of the MMP with scaling there is a ti ≥ 0 such that KXi + ∆i + ti Ci is nef and log canonical. It follows that KSi + Θi + ti Ci |Si is also nef and log canonical. Let t∞ = lim ti , then Xi 99K Xi+1 is KXk + ∆k + t∞ Ck non positive for all i ≥ 0. Proceeding as above, one sees that KX + ∆ + t∞ C ∼R,U KX + S + A0 + B 0 where KX + S + A0 + B 0 is purely log terminal and A0 is ample over U . By (8.8), we have that KXk + ∆k + t∞ Ck ∼R,U KXk + Sk + A00 + B 00 , where KXk + Sk + A00 + B 00 is purely log terminal and A00 is ample over U . In particular KSk + Θk + t∞ Ck |Sk ∼R,U (KXk + Sk + A00 + B 00 )|Sk = KSk + A00 |Sk + Ξk , where KSk + A00 |Sk + Ξk is kawamata log terminal. It then follows that KSk + A00 |Sk + Ξk + (ti − t∞ )Ck is kawamata log terminal for any i  0. 71

Thus the hypotheses of (8.1) are satisfied, and the set of isomorphism classes { S 99K Si | i ∈ N }, is finite, so that the set of pairs { (Si , Θi ) | i ∈ N }, is also finite. On the other hand, let Xi −→ Zi be the flipping contraction and let Ti be the normalisation of the image of Si in Zi , so that there are birational morphisms pi : Si −→ Ti and qi : Si+1 −→ Ti . Note that −(KSi + Θi ) is pi -ample whilst (KSi+1 + Θi+1 ) is qi -ample. By assumption infinitely often the flipping locus intersects Si . If pi is an isomorphism and the flipping locus intersects Si , then Si · Σi > 0, where Σi is a flipping curve. But then Si+1 must intersect any flipped curve negatively, so that all flipped curves lie in Si+1 and qi is not an isomorphism. In particular infinitely often one of the birational morphisms pi or qi is not an isomorphism. Thus we may assume that pk or qk is not an isomorphism, where the isomorphism class of Sk is repeated infinitely often. Pick any valuation ν whose centre is contained in the locus where Sk 99K Sk+1 is not an isomorphism. By (2.28) of [9] a(ν, Sk , Θk ) < a(ν, Sk+1 , Θk+1 )


a(ν, Si , Θi ) ≤ a(ν, Si+1 , Θi+1 ),

for all i ≥ k + 1, a contradiction.

We use (8.2) to run a special MMP: Lemma 8.3. Assume Theorem 5.12n−1 , Theorem 7.24n−1 and Theorem 7.20n . Let π : X −→ U be a projective morphism of normal quasi-projective varieties, where X is Q-factorial of dimension n. Suppose that (X, ∆+ C = S + A + B + C) is a divisorially log terminal pair, such that x∆ + Cy = S, B+ (A/U ) does not contain any log canonical centres of (X, ∆ + C), and B ≥ 0, C ≥ 0. Suppose that there is an R-divisor D ≥ 0 whose support is contained in S and a real number α ≥ 0, such that (∗)

KX + ∆ ∼R,U D + αC.

If KX +∆+C is nef over U then there is a log terminal model φ : X 99K Y for KX + ∆ over U , where B+ (φ∗ A/U ) does not contain any log canonical centres of (Y, Γ = φ∗ ∆). 72

Proof. By (8.7) and (8.9) we may run the (KX + ∆)-MMP with scaling of C over U , and this will preserve the condition that B+ (A/U ) does not contain any log canonical centre of (X, ∆). Pick t ∈ [0, 1] minimal such that KX + ∆ + tC is nef over U . If t = 0 we are done. Otherwise we may find a (KX + ∆)-negative extremal ray R over U , such that (KX + ∆ + tC) · R = 0. Let f : X −→ Z be the associated contraction over U . As t > 0, C · R > 0 and so D · R < 0. In particular f is always birational. If f is divisorial, then we can replace X, S, A, B, C and D by their images in Z. Note that (∗) continues to hold. Otherwise f is small. As D · R < 0, R is spanned by a curve Σ which is contained in a component T of S, where T · Σ < 0. Note that KX + S + A + B − (S − T ) is purely log terminal for any positive   1, and so f is a pl-flip. As we are assuming Theorem 7.20n , the flip f 0 : X 0 −→ Z of f : X −→ Z exists. Again, if we replace X, S, A, B, C and D by their images in X 0 , then (∗) continues to hold. On the other hand this flip is certainly not an isomorphism in a neighbourhood of S and so the MMP terminates by (8.2).  8.1. lemmas. Lemma 8.4. Let π : X −→ U be a projective morphism of normal quasi-projective varieties. Let V be a finite dimensional affine linear subspace of the space of Weil divisors on X and let A be a big Q-divisor over U . Let C ⊂ LA (V ) be a polytope. If B+ (A/U ) does not contain any log canonical centres of (X, ∆), for every ∆ ∈ C, then we may find a general ample Q-divisor A0 over U and a translation L : A1R (X) −→ A1R (X), by a divisor Q-linearly equivalent to zero over U such that L(C) ⊂ LA0 (V 0 ), where V 0 = L(V ). Proof. Let ∆1 , ∆2 , . . . , ∆l be the vertices of the polytope C, and let Z the union of the non kawamata log terminal locus of each (X, ∆i ). Then Z contains the non kawamata log terminal locus of (X, ∆), for any ∆ ∈ C. By assumption, we may write A ∼R,U C +D, where C is an ample Rdivisor over U and D ≥ 0 does not contain any component of Z. Then we may find rational functions f1 , f2 , . . . , fk , real numbers r1 , r2 , . . . , rk and an R-Cartier divisor E on U such that X A=C +D+ ri (fi ) + π ∗ E. 73

P Replacing C by C + ri (fi )+π ∗ E we may assume that A ∼Q,U C +D. Replacing C by C 0 ≤ C sufficiently close to C and D by D + (C − C 0 ) we may assume that C is Q-Cartier. Replacing C by a Q-linearly equivalent divisor over U , we may assume that C is a general ample Q-divisor over U . Given any rational number δ > 0, let L : A1R (X) −→ A1R (X)

given by

L(∆) = ∆ + δ(C + D − A),

be translation by the divisor δ(C + D − A) ∼Q,U 0. As C + D does not contain Z, if δ is sufficiently small then KX + L(∆i ) = KX + ∆i + δ(C + D − A) = KX + δC + (∆i − δA + δD), is log canonical for every 1 ≤ i ≤ l. But then L(C) ⊂ LA0 (V 0 ), where A0 = δC and V 0 = L(V ).  Lemma 8.5. Let π : X −→ U be a projective morphism of normal quasi-projective varieties. Let V be a finite dimensional rational affine subspace of the space of Weil divisors on X and let A be a general ample Q-divisor over U . Let G ≥ 0 be a Q-Cartier divisor whose support does not contain any log canonical centre of (X, ∆), for any ∆ ∈ LA (V ). If there is a kawamata log terminal pair (X, ∆0 ) then we may find a general ample Q-divisor A0 over U , a rational affine space V 0 and an injective rational affine linear map L : VA −→ VA0 0 , which preserves Q-linear equivalence over U such that L(LA (V )) is contained in the interior of LA0 (V 0 ) and there is a divisor ∆00 ∈ LA0 (V 0 ), whose support contains the support of G such that KX +∆00 is kawamata log terminal. Proof. Let W be the vector space spanned by the components of ∆0 . Since ∆0 ∈ L(W ) is a non-empty rational polytope, possibly replacing ∆0 , we may assume that KX + ∆0 is Q-Cartier. As LA (V ) is a rational polytope, possibly replacing V by the span of LA (V ) we may assume that KX + ∆ is R-Cartier for ever ∆ ∈ LA (V ). By compactness, we may pick Q-divisors ∆1 , ∆2 , . . . , ∆l such that LA (V ) is contained in the simplex spanned by ∆1 , ∆2 , . . . , ∆l (we do not assume that ∆i ≥ 0). As ∆i − ∆0 = (KX + ∆) − (KX + ∆0 ), is Q-Cartier, we may pick a positive rational number  > 0 such that (∆i − ∆0 ) + (1 − )A, is an ample Q-divisor over U , for 1 ≤ i ≤ l. Pick A0i ∼Q,U (∆i − ∆0 ) + (1 − )A, 74

general ample Q-divisors over U . Let V 0 be the space spanned by V , A and A0 , the Q-divisors A01 , A02 , . . . , A0l and the components of ∆0 and G. If we define L : VA −→ VA0 0 by L(∆i ) = (1 − )∆i + A0i + ∆0 + A0 − A, and extend to the whole of VA by linearity then L is an injective rational linear map, which preserves Q-linear equivalence over U . If we set ∆00 = ∆0 + A0 , then KX + ∆00 is kawamata log terminal and ∆00 ∈ LA0 (V 0 ). Note that L is the composition of L1 : VA −→ VA0 0


L2 : VA0 0 −→ VA0 0 ,

given by L1 (∆i ) = ∆i + A0i /(1 − ) + A0 − A and L2 (∆) = (1 − )∆ + ∆00 . As L1 (LA (V )) ⊂ LA0 (V 0 ), it follows that if ∆ ∈ LA (V ) then KX + L(∆) is kawamata log terminal. Pick a Q-Cartier divisor H ≥ 0 which contains every component of every element of V 0 . Let V 00 be the span of V and the components of H. Let δ > 0 by any rational number and let T : VA0 −→ VA00 , be tranlsation by δH. If δ > 0 is sufficiently small then T (L(LA (V ))) is contained in the interior of LA0 (V 0 ) and T (∆00 ) contains the support of G. Replacing L by T ◦ L and V 0 by V 00 we are done.  Lemma 8.6. Let π : X −→ U be a projective morphism of normal quasi-projective varieties. Let (X, ∆ = A + B) is a log canonical pair, where A ≥ 0 and B ≥ 0. If B+ (A/U ) does not contain any log canonical centres of (X, ∆) and there is a kawamata log terminal pair (X, ∆0 ) then we may find a kawamata log terminal pair (X, ∆0 = A0 + B 0 ), where A0 ≥ 0 is an ample Q-divisor, general over U , B 0 ≥ 0 and KX + ∆ ∼Q,U KX + ∆0 . Proof. By (8.4) we may assume that A is a general ample Q-divisor over U . Let V be the vector space spanned by the components of ∆. As ∆ ∈ LA (V ) the result follows by (8.5).  Lemma 8.7. Let π : X −→ U be a projective morphism of normal quasi-projective varieties. Suppose the pair (X, ∆ = A + B) has kawamata log terminal singularities, where A is big over U , B ≥ 0, and C is an R-Cartier divisor such that KX + ∆ is not nef over U , but KX + ∆ + C is nef over U . Then there is a (KX + ∆)-negative extremal ray R and a real number 0 < λ ≤ 1 such that KX + ∆ + λC is nef over U but trivial on R. 75

Lemma 8.8. Let π : X → U be a projective morphism of normal varieties and φ : X 99K Y be a rational map over U of Q-factorial varieties such that φ−1 contracts no divisors. Assume that (X, ∆ = T + A + B) is a purely log terminal pair such that T = x∆y, A ≥ 0 is ample over U and B ≥ 0. Assume moreover that T 0 = φ∗ T 6= 0 and φ is KX + ∆ non-positive. Then, (Y, φ∗ ∆) is purely log terminal and we have that φ∗ (∆) ∼R,U T 0 + A0 + B 0 where (Y, T 0 + A0 + B 0 ) is purely log terminal, A0 ≥ 0 is a general ample Q-divisor over U and B 0 ≥ 0. Proof. As (X, ∆) is purely log terminal, φ is KX + ∆-non-positive and xφ∗ ∆y = φ∗ T = T 0 , it follows immediately that (Y, φ∗ ∆) is purely log terminal. 0 Let A0 ≥ 0 be a general ample Q-divisor over U such that A − φ−1 ∗ A 0 is ample over U . Pick a A1 ∼Q,U A − φ−1 ∗ A a general ample Q-divisor −1 0 over U . As the support of φ∗ A does not contain T , we have that 0 KX + T + (1 − )A + (φ−1 ∗ A + A1 ) + B

is purely log terminal for any 0 <   1. By what we have allready proved, it follows that KY + T 0 + A0 + (1 − )φ∗ A + φ∗ (A1 + B) is also purely log terminal. Replacing A0 by A0 and (1 − )φ∗ A + φ∗ (A1 + B) by B 0 the lemma follows.  Lemma 8.9. Let π : X −→ U be a projective morphism of normal quasi-projective varieties. Suppose that KX + ∆ is divisorially log terminal, X is Q-factorial and φ : X 99K Y is a (KX +∆) flip or divisorial contraction. If Γ = φ∗ ∆ then (1) φ is an isomorphism at the generic point of every log canonical centre of KY +Γ. In particular (Y, Γ) is divisorially log terminal. (2) If ∆ = S + A + B, where S = x∆y, A is big over U and B+ (A/U ) does not contain any log canonical centres of KX +∆, then φ∗ S = xΓy, φ∗ A is big over U and B+ (φ∗ A/U ) does not contain any log canonical centres of KY + Γ. In particular Γ ∼R,U Γ0 where (Y, Γ0 ) is kawamata log terminal and Γ0 is big. 9. Log terminal models Definition 9.1. Let π : X −→ U be a projective morphism of normal varieties. Let (X, ∆ = A + B) be a Q-factorial divisorially log terminal pair and let D be an R-divisor, where A ≥ 0, B ≥ 0 and D ≥ 0. A nice model over U for (X, ∆), with respect to A and D, is any birational map f : X 99K Y over U , such that 76

• • • • •

f −1 does not contract any divisors, the only divisors contracted by f are components of D, Y is Q-factorial, KY + f∗ ∆ is divisorially log terminal and nef over U , and B+ (f∗ A/U ) does not contain any log canonical centres of (Y, Γ = f∗ ∆).

Lemma 9.2. Assume Theorem 5.12n−1 , Theorem 7.24n−1 and Theorem 7.20n . Let π : X −→ U be a morphism of normal projective varieties, where X has dimension n. Let (X, ∆ = A + B) be a divisorially log terminal log pair and let D be an R-divisor, where A ≥ 0, B ≥ 0 and D ≥ 0. If (i) KX + ∆ ∼R,U D ≥ 0, (ii) (X, G) is log smooth, where G is the support of ∆ + D, and (iii) B+ (A/U ) does not contain any log canonical centres of (X, G) then (X, ∆) has a nice model over U , with respect to A and D. Proof. We may write KX + ∆ ∼R,U D1 + D2 , where every component of D1 is a component of x∆y and no component of D2 is a component of x∆y. We proceed by induction on the number of components of D2 . If D2 = 0 then pick any divisor H such that KX + ∆ + H is divisorially log terminal and ample over U (for example take for H any sufficiently ample, general ample Q-divisor over U ). As the support of D is contained in x∆y, (8.3) implies that (X, ∆) has a nice model f : X 99K Y over U , with respect to A and D. Now suppose that D2 6= 0. Let λ = sup{ t ∈ [0, 1] | (X, ∆ + tD2 ) is log canonical }, be the log canonical threshold of D2 . Then λ > 0 and (X, Θ = ∆+λD2 ) is divisorially log terminal and log smooth, KX + Θ ∼R,U D + λD2 and the number of components of D + λD2 that are not components of xΘy is smaller than the number of components of D1 + D2 that are not components of x∆y. By induction there is a nice model f : X 99K Y over U for (X, Θ), with respect to A and D. Since B+ (f∗ A/U ) does not contain any log canonical centres of (Y, f∗ Θ), KY + f∗ ∆ ∼R,U f∗ D1 + f∗ D2 , KY + f∗ Θ = KY + f∗ ∆ + λf∗ D2 , where KY + f∗ Θ is divisorially log terminal and nef over U , and the support of f∗ D1 is contained in xf∗ ∆y, (8.3) implies that (Y, f∗ ∆) has a nice model g : Y 99K Z over U , with respect to f∗ A and f∗ D. The 77

composition g ◦ f : X 99K Z is then a nice model over U for (X, ∆), with respect to A and D.  Lemma 9.3. Let π : X −→ U be a morphism of normal projective varieties. Let (X, ∆ = A + B) be a divisorially log terminal log pair and let D be an R-divisor, where A ≥ 0, B ≥ 0 and D ≥ 0. If every component of D is either semiample or a component of B((KX + ∆)/U ) and f : X 99K Y is a nice model over U for (X, ∆), with respect to A and D, then f is a log terminal model for (X, ∆) over U. Proof. By hypothesis the only divisors contracted by f are components of B((KX + ∆)/U ). Since the question is local over U , we may assume that U is affine. Since B+ (f∗ A/U ) does not contain any log canonical centres of (Y, Γ = f∗ ∆), we may find KY + Γ0 ∼R,U KY + Γ where KY + Γ0 is kawamata log terminal and Γ0 is big over U . (6.10) implies that KY + Γ is semiample. If p : W −→ X and q : W −→ Y resolve the indeterminacy of f then we may write p∗ (KX + ∆) + E = q ∗ (KY + Γ) + F, where E ≥ 0 and F ≥ 0 have no common components, and both E and F are exceptional for q. As KY +Γ is semiample, B((q ∗ (KY +Γ)+F )/U ) and F have the same support. On the other hand, every component of E is a component of B((p∗ (KX + ∆) + E)/U ). Thus E = 0 and any divisor contracted by f is contained in the support of F . Therefore f is a log terminal model of (X, ∆).  Lemma 9.4. Theorem 5.12n−1 , Theorem 7.24n−1 and Theorem 7.20n imply Theorem 5.12n . Proof. Pick any ample R-Cartier divisors Hi on U such that KX + ∆ + π ∗ H1 ∼R D + π ∗ H2 ≥ 0. Replacing ∆ by ∆ + π ∗ H1 and D by D + π ∗ H2 , we may assume that KX + ∆ ∼R D ≥ 0. By (8.6) we may assume that ∆ = A + B, where A is a general ample Q-divisor over U and B ≥ 0. By (9.6) we may assume that D = M + F , where every component of F is a component of the stable fixed divisor and if L is a component of M then mL is mobile. Pick a log resolution f : Y −→ X of the support of D and ∆, which resolves the base locus of each linear system |mL|, for every component L of M . Let Γ be the divisor defined in (9.10). By definition of Γ, every component of the exceptional locus belongs 78

to B((KY + Γ)/U ). Replacing Γ by an R-linearly equivalent divisor, we may assume that Γ contains an ample divisor over U . In particular, replacing mπ ∗ L by a general element of the linear system |mπ ∗ L|, we may assume that KY + Γ ∼R,U N + G, where every component of N is semiample, every component of G is a component of B((KY + Γ)/U ), and (Y, Γ + N + G) is log smooth. By (9.10), we may replace X by Y and the result follows by (9.2) and (9.3).  9.1. lemmas. Lemma 9.5. Let D be an integral Weil divisor on a normal variety X. Then the stable base locus coincides with the usual definition of the stable base locus. Proof. Let |D|Q = { C ≥ 0 | C ∼Q D }. Let R be the intersection of the elements of |D|R and let Q be the intersection of the elements of |D|Q . It suffices to prove that Q = R. As |D|Q ⊂ |D|R , it is clear that R ⊂ Q. Suppose that x ∈ / R. We want to show that x ∈ / Q. Replacing X by the blow up of X at x, we may assume that there is a divisor C which is not a component of R and it suffices to prove that C is not a component of Q. We may find D0 ∈ |D|R such that C is not a component of D0 . But then X D = D0 + ri (fi ), where fi are rational functions on X and ri are real numbers. Let V be the real subspace of the vector space of all Weil divisors on X spanned by the components of D, D0 and (fi ) and let W be the span of the (fi ). Then W ⊂ V are defined over the rationals. Set P = { D00 ∈ V | D00 ≥ 0, multC (D00 ) = 0, D00 − D ∈ W } ⊂ |D|R . Then P is a rational polyhedron. As D0 ∈ P, P is non-empty, and so it must contain a rational point D00 . We may write X D00 = D + si (fi ), where si are real numbers. Since D00 and D have rational coefficients, it follows that we may find si which are rational. But then D00 ∈ |D|Q , and so C is not a component of D00 , nor therefore of Q.  Proposition 9.6. Let π : X −→ U be projective morphism of normal varieties and let D ≥ 0 be an R-divisor. Then we may find R-divisors M and F such that 79

(1) (2) (3) (4)

M ≥ 0 and F ≥ 0, D ∼R,U M + F , every component of F is a component of B(D/U ), and if B is a component of M then some multiple of B is mobile.

We need two basic results: Lemma 9.7. Let X be a normal variety and let D and D0 be two R-divisors such that D ∼R D0 . Then we may rational functions f1 , f2 , . . . , fk and real numbers r1 , r2 , . . . , rk which are independent over the rationals such that X D = D0 + ri (fi ). i

In particular every component of (fi ) is either a component of D or of D0 . Proof. By assumption we may find f1 , f2 , . . . , fk and real numbers r1 , r2 , . . . , rk such that k X 0 D=D + ri (fi ). i=1

Pick k minimal with this property. Suppose that the real numbers ri are not independent over Q. Then we can find rational numbers di , not all zero, such that X di ri = 0. i

Possibly re-ordering we may assume that dk 6= 0. Multiplying through by an integer we may assume that di ∈ Z. Possibly replacing fi by fi−1 , we may assume that di ≥ 0. Let d be the least common multiple d/d of the non-zero di . If di 6= 0, we replace fi by fi i (and hence ri by di ri /d) so that we may assume that either di = 0 or 1. For 1 ≤ i < k, set ( fi /fk if di = 1 gi = fi if di = 0. Then 0

D=D +

k−1 X

ri (gi ),


which contradicts our choice of k. Now suppose that B is a component of (fi ). Then X multB (D) = multB (D0 ) + rj nj , 80

where nj = multB (fj ) is an integer and ni 6= 0. But then one of multB (D)−multB (D0 ) 6= 0, so that one of multB (D) and multB (D0 ) 6= 0 must be non zero.  Lemma 9.8. Let π : X −→ U be a projective morphism of normal varieties and let 0 ≤ D0 ∼R,U D ≥ 0 be two R-divisors on a normal variety X with no common components. Then we may find D00 ∈ |D/U |R such that a multiple of every component of D00 is mobile. Proof. Pick ample R-divisors on U , H and H 0 such that D + π ∗ H ∼R D0 + π ∗ H 0 and D + π ∗ H and D0 + π ∗ H 0 have no common components. Replacing D by D + π ∗ H and D0 by D0 + π ∗ H 0 , we may assume that D0 ∼R D. We may write X D0 = D + ri (fi ) = D + R, where ri ∈ R and fi are rational functions on X. By (9.7) we may assume that every component of R is a component of D + D0 . We proceed by induction on the number of components of D + D0 . If q1 , q2 , . . . , qk are any positive rational numbers then we may always write X C0 = C + Q = C + qi (fi ), where C ≥ 0 and C 0 ≥ 0 have no common components. But now if we suppose that qi is sufficiently close to ri then C is supported on D and C 0 is supported on D0 . We have that mC ∼ mC 0 for some integer m > 0. By Bertini we may find C 00 ∼Q C such that every component of C 00 has a multiple which is mobile. Pick λ > 0 maximal such that D1 = D − λC ≥ 0 and D10 = D0 − λC 0 ≥ 0. Note that 0 ≤ D1 ∼R D10 ≥ 0 are two R-divisors on X with no common components, and that D1 +D10 has fewer components than D + D0 . By induction we may then find D100 ∈ |D1 |R , such that a multiple of every component of D100 is mobile. But then D00 = λC 00 + D100 ∈ |D|R , and every component of D00 has a multiple which is mobile.

Proof of (9.6). We may write D = M + F , where every component of F is contained in B(D/U ) and no component of M is contained in B(D/U ). We proceed by induction on the number of components B of M such that no multiple of B is mobile. 81

Fix one such component B. It suffices to find D0 ∈ |D/U |R such that B is not a component of D0 and with the property that if B 0 is a component of D0 such that no multiple of B 0 is mobile, then B 0 is also a component of D. Now we may find D1 ∈ |D/U |R such that B is not a component of D1 . Cancelling common components of D1 and D, by (9.8), one sees that D ∼R,U D0 = D00 + E where every component of D00 has a multiple which is mobile and Supp E ⊂ Supp D ∩ Supp D1 .  Lemma 9.9. Let π : X −→ U be a proper morphism of normal quasiprojective varieties. Let D be a R-Cartier divisor on X and let D0 be its restriction to the generic fibre of π. If D0 ∼R B 0 ≥ 0 for some R-divisor B 0 on the generic fibre of π, then there is a divisor B on X such that D ∼R,U B ≥ 0. Proof. Taking the closure of the generic points of B 0 , we may assume that there is an R-divisor B1 ≥ 0 on X such that the restriction of B1 to the generic fibre is B 0 . As D0 − B 0 ∼R 0, it follows that there is an open subset U1 of U , such that (D − B1 )|V1 ∼R 0, where V1 is the inverse image of U1 . But then there is a divisor G on X such that D − B1 ∼R G, where Z = π(Supp G) is a proper closed subset. As U is quasiprojective, there is an ample divisor H on U which contains Z. Possibly rescaling, we may assume that F = π ∗ H ≥ −G. But then D ∼R (B1 + F + G) − F, so that D ∼R,U (B1 + F + G) ≥ 0.

Lemma 9.10. Let π : X −→ U be a proper morphism of normal quasiprojective varieties. Let (X, ∆) be a kawamata log terminal pair. Let f : Z −→ X be any log resolution of (X, ∆) and suppose that we write KZ + Φ0 = f ∗ (KX + ∆) + E, where Φ0 ≥ 0 and E ≥ 0 have no common components, f∗ Φ0 = ∆ and E is exceptional. Let F ≥ 0 be any divisor whose support is equal to the exceptional locus of f . Then we may find η > 0 such that if Φ = Φ0 + ηF then • f∗ Φ = ∆, • KZ + Φ is kawamata log terminal, 82

• if ∆ is big over U then so is Φ, and • the log terminal models (respectively weak log canonical models) over U of KX + ∆ and the log terminal models (respectively weak log canonical models) over U of KZ + Φ are the same. Proof. Everything is clear, apart from the fact that if φ : Z 99K W is a log terminal model (respectively weak log canonical model) over U of KZ + Φ then it is a log terminal model (respectively weak log canonical model) over U of KX + ∆. Let ψ : X 99K W be the induced birational map and set Ψ = φ∗ Φ. By what we have already observed, possibly blowing up more, we may assume that φ is a morphism. By assumption if we write KZ + Φ = φ∗ (KW + Ψ) + G, then G > 0 and the support of G is the full φ-exceptional locus (respectively G is exceptional). Thus f ∗ (KX + ∆) + E + ηF = φ∗ (KW + Ψ) + G. By negativity of contraction (cf. (2.7)) G − E − ηF ≥ 0, so that in particular φ must contract every f -exceptional divisor and ψ −1 does not contract any divisors. But then, ψ is a log terminal model (respectively weak log canonical model) over U by (??).  10. Finiteness of models, the big case Lemma 10.1. Assume Theorem 5.12n . Let π : X −→ U be a projective morphism of normal quasi-projective varieties, where X has dimension n. Suppose that there is a kawamata log terminal pair (X, ∆00 ). Let V be a finite dimensional rational affine subspace of the space of Weil divisors on X. Fix a general ample Qdivisor A over U . Let C ⊂ LA (V ) be a rational polytope. Suppose that either (1) if ∆ ∈ C then KX + ∆ is π-big, or (2) Theorem 7.23n holds. Then there are finitely many rational maps φi : X 99K Yi over U , 1 ≤ i ≤ k, with the property that if ∆ ∈ C ∩ EA,π (V ) then there is an index 1 ≤ i ≤ k such that φi is a log terminal model of KX + ∆ over U. Proof. As LA (V ) is a rational polytope, we may assume that C spans VA . We proceed by induction on the dimension of V . First suppose that dim V > 0 and that there is a divisor ∆0 ∈ C such that KX + ∆0 ∼R,U 0. Pick Θ ∈ C, Θ 6= ∆0 . Then there is a divisor ∆ 83

on the boundary of C such that Θ − ∆0 = λ(∆ − ∆0 ), for some 0 < λ ≤ 1. Now KX + Θ =λ(KX + ∆) + (1 − λ)(KX + ∆0 ) ∼R,U λ(KX + ∆). In particular ∆ ∈ EA,π (V ) if and only if Θ ∈ EA,π (V ) and (11.7) implies that KX + ∆ and KX + Θ have the same log terminal models. On the other hand the boundary of C is contained in finitely many affine hyperplanes defined over the rationals, and we are done by induction on the dimension of V in this case. We now prove the general case. By (8.5), we may assume that KX +∆ is kawamata log terminal for all ∆ ∈ C and that if dim V > 0 then C is contained in the interior of LA (V ). Since LA (V ) is compact and C ∩ EA,π (V ) is closed, it suffices to prove this result locally about any divisor ∆0 ∈ C ∩ EA,π (V ). By assumption there is a divisor D0 ≥ 0 such that KX + ∆ ∼R,U D0 and so, as we are assuming Theorem 5.12n , there is a log terminal model φ : X 99K Y over U for KX + ∆0 . In particular we may assume that dim V > 0. As φ is (KX + ∆0 )-negative there is a neighbourhood C0 of ∆0 in LA (V ), which we may assume to a be rational polytope, such that for any ∆ ∈ C0 and any φ-exceptional divisor E contained in X, we have a(E, X, ∆) < a(E, Y, φ∗ ∆). If KX +∆0 is π-big then, possibly shrinking C0 , we may assume that KX +∆ is π-big for all ∆ ∈ C0 . Since KY +φ∗ ∆0 is kawamata log terminal and Y is Q-factorial, possibly shrinking C0 , we may assume that KY +φ∗ ∆ is kawamata log terminal for all ∆ ∈ C0 . In particular, replacing C by C0 , we may assume that the rational polytope C 0 = φ∗ (C) is contained in Lφ∗ A (W ), where W = φ∗ V . By (8.4), there is a rational affine linear map L : W −→ V 0 and a general ample Qdivisor A0 over U such that L(C 0 ) ⊂ LA0 (V 0 ). Replacing VA0 0 by the span of L(C 0 ), we may assume that dim V 0 ≤ dim V . By (??) and (10.7), any log terminal model of (Y, φ∗ ∆) over U is a log terminal model of (X, ∆) over U , for any ∆ ∈ C. Replacing X by Y we may therefore assume that KX + ∆0 is π-nef. By (6.10) KX + ∆0 has an ample model ψ : X −→ Z over U . In particular KX + ∆0 ∼R,Z 0. By what we have already proved there are finitely many birational maps φi : X 99K Yi over Z, 1 ≤ i ≤ k, such that for any ∆ ∈ C ∩ EA,ψ , there is an index i such that φi is a log terminal model of KX + ∆ over Z. But then, since there are only finitely many models Yi , possibly shrinking C, (10.8) implies that if 84

∆ ∈ C then there is an index 1 ≤ i ≤ k such that φi is a log terminal model for KX + ∆ over U .  Lemma 10.2. Assume Theorem 5.12n . Let π : X −→ U be a projective morphism of normal quasi-projective varieties, where X has dimension n. Suppose that there is a kawamata log terminal pair (X, ∆0 ). Let V be a finite dimensional rational affine subspace of the space of Weil divisors on X. Fix a general ample Qdivisor A over U . Let C ⊂ LA (V ) be a rational polytope. Suppose that either (1) if ∆ ∈ C then KX + ∆ is π-big, or (2) Theorem 7.23n holds. Then we can find finitely many rational maps φi : X 99K Yi over U , 1 ≤ i ≤ k, such that if φ : X 99K Y is a log terminal model of KX + ∆, where ∆ ∈ C, then there is an index 1 ≤ i ≤ k and an isomorphism η : Yi −→ Y such that φ = η ◦ φi . Proof. Pick Q-Cartier divisors B1 , B2 , . . . , Bl ≥ 0 which generate the group of Weil divisors modulo relative numerical equivalence. By (8.5) we may assume that there is a rational number  > 0 such P that C ≤ ∆ and KX +∆+C is kawamata log terminal, where C = Bj . Further, in case (1), possibly replacing  by a smaller number, we may assume that if ∆ ∈ C then KX + ∆ − C is π-big. Let W be the rational affine space spanned by V and the divisors B1 , B2 , . . . , Bl . If we set X C0 = { ∆ + bi Bi | ∆ ∈ C and |bi | ≤  }, then C 0 ⊂ LA (W ) is a rational polytope and if ∆0 ∈ C 0 then KX + ∆0 is kawamata log terminal and π-big in case (1). By (10.1) there are rational maps φi : X 99K Yi over U , 1 ≤ i ≤ k, such that given any Θ ∈ C 0 ∩ EA,π (W ), we may find an index 1 ≤ i ≤ k such that φi is a log terminal model of KX + Θ over U . Pick ∆ ∈ C and let φ : X 99K Y be a log terminal model of KX + ∆ over U . Let Gi = φ∗ Bi and Γ = φ∗ ∆. Then the divisors G1 , G2 , . . . , Gl span the group of Weil divisors of Y modulo relative numerical equivalence. Since Y isP Q-factorial, we may find rational numbers P b1 , b2 , . . . , bl such that G = bi Gi is ample over U . If we set B = bi Bi then, possibly replacing G by a small multiple, we may assume that |bi | ≤  and φ is (KX + ∆ + B)-negative. But then ∆ + B ∈ C 0 ∩ EA,π (W ) and φ is a log terminal model for KX + ∆ + B over U . As KY + Γ + G is ample over U , (10.9) implies that there is an index 1 ≤ i ≤ k and an isomorphism η : Yi −→ Y such that φ = η ◦ φi .  Lemma 10.3. Assume Theorem 5.12n . 85

Let π : X −→ U be a projective morphism of normal quasi-projective varieties, where X has dimension n. Suppose that there is a kawamata log terminal pair (X, ∆0 ). Let V be a finite dimensional rational affine subspace of the space of Weil divisors on X. Fix a general ample Qdivisor A over U . Let C ⊂ LA (V ) be a rational polytope. Suppose that either (1) if ∆ ∈ C then KX + ∆ is π-big, or (2) Theorem 7.23n holds. Then we can find finitely many rational maps φi : X 99K Yi over U , 1 ≤ i ≤ k, such that if φ : X 99K Y is a Q-factorial weak log canonical model of KX + ∆, where ∆ ∈ C, then there is an index 1 ≤ i ≤ k and an isomorphism η : Yi −→ Y such that φ = η ◦ φi . Proof. By (8.5) we may assume that if ∆ ∈ C then KX +∆ is kawamata log terminal. Possibly enlarging V , we may assume that V is the vector space spanned by a finite set of prime divisors I. Let J be the set of prime divisors contracted by any log terminal model of KX + ∆ over U , for any divisor ∆ ∈ LA (V ). By (10.2) we may find finitely many birational maps φi : X 99K Yi , 1 ≤ i ≤ k, over U such that if φ : X 99K Y is a log terminal model of KX + ∆ over U , for some ∆ ∈ LA (V ), then there is an index 1 ≤ i ≤ k and an isomorphism η : Yi −→ Y such that φ = η ◦ φi . In particular the set J is finite. Let W be the vector space spanned by I ∪ J. Note that the set of prime divisors contracted by any log terminal model of KX + ∆ over U , for any ∆ ∈ LA (W ), is also equal to J. Thus replacing V by W we may assume that J ⊂ I. Pick ∆ ∈ LA (V ) and let φ : X 99K Y be any Q-factorial weak log canonical model of KX + ∆ over U . Pick F ≥ 0, with support equal to the exceptional locus of φ such that KX + ∆ + F is kawamata log terminal. In particular ∆ + F ∈ LA (V ). On the other hand φ is negative with respect to KX + ∆ + F and KY + Γ = φ∗ (KX + ∆) = φ∗ (KX + ∆ + F ), is nef over U . Thus φ is a log terminal model of KX + ∆ + F over U and so there is an index 1 ≤ i ≤ k and an isomorphism η : Yi −→ Y such that φ = η ◦ φi .  Lemma 10.4. Theorem 5.12n implies Theorem 7.22n . Proof. This is (1) of (10.3).

In terms of induction, we will need a version of Theorem 7.24n locally around the locus where KX + ∆ is not kawamata log terminal. To this end we need a version of (8.2) for a convex set of divisors: 86

Proposition 10.5. Assume Theorem 5.12n and Theorem 7.22n . Let (X, ∆0 = S + A + B0 ∈ EA ) be a log smooth projective purely log terminal pair of dimension n, where x∆0 y = S, A is ample and B ≥ 0. Let V0 be the vector space of Weil divisors on X generated by the components of B0 . Fix a general ample divisor H such that KX + ∆0 + H is ample, and let V be the translate by S + A, of the vector space spanned by V0 and H. Given any polytope F in V , the cone C(F ) over F (with vertex ∆0 ) is the polytope spanned by F and ∆0 . Pick a constant α > 0 such that F = { ∆0 + E + H ∈ V | kEk ≤ α, E ∈ V0 } ⊆ NA and let C0 = C(F ). If KX + ∆0 does not have a log terminal model then there is a countable collection of polytopes Pi and birational maps φi : X 99K Yi such that (1) Pi◦ ∩ Pj◦ = ∅ for any i 6= j such that Pi and Pj are of maximal dimension, (2) Pi ⊂ WYi , (3) for any ∆ = ∆0 + E + H ∈ F , a (KX + ∆0 )-MMP with scaling of E + H is given by X 99K Yi1 99K Yi2 99K Yi3 · · · , for appropriate indices ij , (4) for all  > 0, the set { i ∈ I | ∃∆ = ∆0 + t(E + H) ∈ Pi , t >  }, is finite, and (5) if Ci denotes the cone over Pi , then [ Ci − {∆0 } = { Pj | Pj ⊂ Ci }. Proof. By assumption the set P0 = C0 ∩ NA , does not contain ∆0 . By (??), P0 is a polytope. Let φ0 : X 99K Y0 = X be the identity map. Note that C0 is indeed the cone over P0 . Suppose that we have defined P1 , P2 , . . . , Pk , satisfying (1), (2) and a modified version of (3), where we stop the MMP in (3) when ∆ lies on the boundary of ∪Pi . Let Fi,j be the faces of Pi , whose associated cones are of maximal dimension. For any such face, let F = Fi,j and let Ck+1 be the corresponding cone. If Pi is of maximal dimension, we discard F whenever Ck+1 = Ci , for some i < k. Let R be a (KX + ∆0 )-extremal 87

ray of Yi , which cuts out F . Let Yi 99K Yk+1 be the corresponding step of the (KX + ∆0 )-MMP. Let Pk+1 be the nef cone of Yk+1 intersected with Ck+1 . As before Pk+1 is a polytope that, by assumption, does not contain ∆0 . Thus, by induction, we may assume that we have constructed a countable set of polytopes Pi and rational maps φi : X 99K Yi satisfying (1), (2) and the modified version of (3) described above. Note that property (4) follows from Theorem 7.22n , and (3) and (5) follow from (4), since each Ci contains infinitely many Pj .  Lemma 10.6. Assume Theorem 7.24n−1 , Theorem 5.12n and Theorem 7.22n . Let (X, ∆0 = S + A + B0 ) be a purely log terminal pair, where X is projective of dimension n, A is ample, x∆0 y = S and B0 ≥ 0. Suppose that KX + ∆0 is pseudo-effective and S is not a component of Nσ (KX + ∆0 ). Let V0 be the span of the components of B0 . Then we may find an ample divisor H, a positive constant α, and a log pair (W, R) with the following properties. Let V be the translate by S + A of the vector space of Weil divisors on X generated by H and the components of B0 . Then for every B ∈ V0 such that kB − B0 k < αt, for any t ∈ (0, 1], we may find a log terminal model φ : X 99K Y of (X, ∆ = S + A + B + tH) which does not contract S and such that the pairs (W, R) and (Y, T = φ∗ S) have isomorphic neighbourhoods of R and T . Proof. Suppose not. Passing to a log resolution, we may assume that (X, ∆0 ) is log smooth cf. (9.10). Using the notation established in (10.5) and possibly relabelling, by assumption there is no Ck such that for any two elements ∆1 and ∆2 in Ck , the corresponding models have isomorphic neighbourhoods of T . Hence we may find a sequence of polytopes Pi , such that the corresponding cones are nested Ci ⊂ Ci−1 , and moreover the corresponding Yi are not eventually isomorphic in a neighbourhood of T . By compactness of F , we may find ∆ ∈ F such that (∆0 , ∆] ∩ Ci 6= ∅ for every i. By (3) of (10.5), the corresponding (KX + ∆0 )-MMP with scaling of E + H = ∆ − ∆0 is not eventually an isomorphism in a neighbourhood of S and this contradicts (8.2).  10.1. Lemmas. Lemma 10.7. Let π : X −→ U be a projective morphism of normal quasi-projective varieties. Suppose that KX + ∆ is divisorially log terminal and let φ : X 99K Y be a birational map over U such that φ−1 88

does not contract any divisors, KY + φ∗ ∆ is divisorially log terminal and a(F, X, ∆) < a(F, Y, φ∗ ∆) for all φ-exceptional divisors F ⊂ X. If ϕ : Y 99K Z is a log terminal model of (Y, φ∗ ∆) over U , then η = ϕ ◦ φ : X 99K Z is a log terminal model of (X, ∆) over U . Proof. Clearly η −1 contracts no divisors and Z is Q-factorial and KZ + η∗ ∆ is nef. By (??), it suffices to show that a(F, X, ∆) < a(F, Z, η∗ ∆) for all η-exceptional divisors F ⊂ X. Let p : W −→ X, q : W −→ Y and r : W −→ Z be a common resolution. As ϕ is a log terminal model of (Y, φ∗ ∆) we have that q ∗ (KY + φ∗ ∆) − r∗ (KZ + η∗ ∆) = E ≥ 0 and its support contains the exceptional divisors of ϕ. Since p∗ (KX + ∆) − r∗ (KZ + η∗ ∆) = p∗ (KX + ∆) − q ∗ (KY + φ∗ ∆) + E the assertion follows easily.

Corollary 10.8. Let π : X −→ U be a projective morphism of normal quasi-projective varieties. Let V be a finite dimensional affine subspace of the real vector space of Weil divisors on X, which is defined over the rationals. Fix a general ample Q-divisor A over U . Let (X, ∆0 ) be a kawamata log terminal pair, let f : X −→ Z a morphism over U such that ∆0 ∈ VA and KX + ∆0 = f ∗ H, for some ample divisor H. Let φ : X 99K Y be a birational map over Z. Then there is a neighbourhood P0 of ∆0 in LA (V ) such that for all ∆ ∈ P0 • φ : X 99K Y is a log terminal model of KX + ∆ over Z if and only if φ is a log terminal model of KX + ∆ over U . Lemma 10.9. Let π : X −→ U be a projective morphism of normal quasi-projective varieties. If KX +∆ is kawamata log terminal then the ample model of KX +∆ over U is unique, if it exists at all. Proof. Let Z1 and Z2 be ample models for KX +∆ over U . By definition we may find log terminal models φi : X 99K Yi for KX + ∆ over U and morphisms fi : Yi −→ Zi over U such that, KYi + Γi ∼R fi∗ Hi , where Hi is an ample divisor over U and Γi = φi ∗ ∆, for i = 1 and 2. Suppose that g : W −→ X resolves the indeterminacy of φi , for i = 1 and 2. Let Ψ ≥ 0 be the divisor on W whose existence is guaranteed by (9.10). Then (Yi , Γi ) is also a log terminal model for KW + Ψ, for i = 1 and 2. Thus replacing (X, ∆) by (W, Ψ) we may assume that φi is a morphism over U . In particular, there are divisors Ei ≥ 0, exceptional for 89

φi , such that KX + ∆ = φ∗i (KYi + Γi ) + Ei , for i = 1 and 2. As KYi + Γi is nef, for i = 1 and 2, negativity of contraction implies that E1 = E2 . In particular g1∗ H1 ∼R g2∗ H2 , where gi = fi ◦ φi and so Z1 ' Z2 .  11. Non-vanishing We follow the general lines of the proof of the non-vanishing theorem, see for example Chapter 3, §5 of [10]. In particular there are two cases: Lemma 11.1. Assume Theorem 5.12n . Let (X, ∆) be a projective, log smooth, kawamata log terminal pair of dimension n, such that KX + ∆ is pseudo-effective and ∆ − A ≥ 0 for an ample Q-divisor A. Suppose that for every positive integer k such that kA is integral, h0 (X, OX (xmk(KX + ∆)y + kA)), is a bounded function of m. Then there is an R-divisor D such that KX + ∆ ∼R D ≥ 0. Proof. By (11.6) it follows that KX + ∆ is numerically equivalent to Nσ (KX + ∆). Since Nσ (KX + ∆) − (KX + ∆) is numerically trivial and ampleness is a numerical condition, it follows that A00 = A + Nσ (KX + ∆) − (KX + ∆), is ample and numerically equivalent to A. Thus if A0 ∼R A00 is general KX + ∆0 = KX + A0 + (∆ − A), is kawamata log terminal and numerically equivalent to KX + ∆, and KX + ∆0 ∼R Nσ (KX + ∆) ≥ 0. Thus by Theorem 5.12n , KX +∆0 has a log terminal model φ : X 99K Y , which, by (11.7), is also a log terminal model for KX + ∆. Replacing (X, ∆) by (Y, Γ) we may therefore assume that KX + ∆ is nef and the result follows by the base point free theorem, cf. (??).  Lemma 11.2. Let (X, ∆) be a projective, log smooth, kawamata log terminal pair such that ∆ = A + B, where A is a general ample Qdivisor and B ≥ 0. Suppose that there is a positive integer k such that kA is integral and h0 (X, OX (xmk(KX + ∆)y + kA)), is an unbounded function of m. Then we may find a projective, log smooth, purely log terminal pair (Y, Γ) and a general ample Q-divisor C on Y , where 90

• Y is birational to X, • Γ − C ≥ 0, • T = xΓy is an irreducible divisor, and • Γ and Nσ (KY + Γ) have no common components. Moreover the pair (Y, Γ) has the property that KX + ∆ ∼R D ≥ 0 for some R-divisor D if and only if KY + Γ ∼R G ≥ 0 for some R-divisor G. Proof. Pick m large enough so that   kn + n h (X, OX (xmk(KX + ∆)y + kA)) > . n 0

By standard arguments, given any point x ∈ X, we may find an effective divisor which is R-linearly equivalent to xmk(KX + ∆)y + kA, of multiplicity greater than kn at x. In particular, we may find an R-divisor 0 ≤ H ∼R m(KX + ∆) + A, of multiplicity greater than n at x. Given t ∈ [0, m], consider m−t 1 (t + 1)(KX + ∆) = KX + A + B + t(KX + ∆ + A) m m m−t t ∼R KX + A+B+ H m m = KX + ∆ t . Fix 0 <   1, let A0 = (/m)A and u = m − . We have: (1) KX + ∆0 is kawamata log terminal, (2) ∆t ≥ A0 , for any t ∈ [0, u] and (3) the locus of log canonical singularities of (X, ∆u ) contains a very general point x of X. Let π : Y −→ X be a common log resolution of (X, ∆t ). We may write KY + Ψt = π ∗ (KX + ∆t ) + Et , where Et ≥ 0 and Ψt ≥ 0 have no common components, π∗ Ψt = ∆t and Et is exceptional. Pick an exceptional divisor F ≥ 0 and a positive integer l such that l(π ∗ A0 −F ) is very ample and let lC be a very general element of the linear system |l(π ∗ A0 − F )|. For any t ∈ [0, u], let Φt = Ψt − π ∗ A0 + C + F ∼R Ψt


Then properties (1-3) above become (1) KY + Γ0 is kawamata log terminal, 91

Γt = Φt − Φt ∧ Nσ (KY + Φt ).

(2) Γt ≥ C, for any t ∈ [0, u], and (3) (Y, Γu ) is not kawamata log terminal. Moreover (4) (Y, Γt ) is log smooth, for any t ∈ [0, u], and (5) Γt and Nσ (KY + Γt ) do not have any common components. Let s = sup{ t ∈ [0, u] | KY + Γt is log canonical }. Note that Nσ (KY + Φt ) = Nσ (KY + Ψt ) = Nσ (π ∗ (KX + ∆t )) + Et = Nσ ((t + 1)π ∗ (KX + ∆)) + Et = (t + 1)Nσ (π ∗ (KX + ∆)) + Et . Thus KY + Γt is a continuous, piecewise linear function of t. Setting Γ = Γs , we may write Γ = T + C + B0, where xΓy = T , C is ample and B 0 ≥ 0. Possibly perturbing Γ, we may assume that T is irreducible, so that KY + Γ is purely log terminal.  We will need the following consequence of Kawamata-Viehweg vanishing: Lemma 11.3. Let (X, ∆ = S + A + B) be a Q-factorial projective purely log terminal pair and let m > 1 be an integer. Suppose that (1) S = x∆y is irreducible, (2) m(KX + ∆) is integral, (3) m(KX + ∆) is Cartier in a neighbourhood of S, (4) h0 (S, OS (m(KX + ∆))) > 0, (5) KX + G + B is kawamata log terminal, where G ≥ 0, (6) A ∼Q (m − 1)tH + G for some t, (7) KX + ∆ + tH is big and nef. Then h0 (X, OX (m(KX + ∆))) > 0. Proof. Considering the long exact sequence associated to the restriction exact sequence, 0 −→ OX (m(KX +∆)−S) −→ OX (m(KX +∆)) −→ OS (m(KX +∆)) −→ 0, it suffices to observe that H 1 (X, OX (m(KX + ∆) − S)) = 0, 92

by Kawamata-Viehweg vanishing, since m(KX + ∆) − S = (m − 1)(KX + ∆) + KX + A + B ∼Q KX + G + B + (m − 1)(KX + ∆ + tH) and KX + ∆ + tH is big and nef.

Lemma 11.4. Theorem 7.23n−1 , Theorem 7.24n−1 , Theorem 5.12n and Theorem 7.22n , imply Theorem 7.23n . Proof. By (9.9), it suffices to prove this result for the generic fibre of U . Thus we may assume that U is a point, so that X is a projective variety. By (9.10) we may assume that (X, ∆) is log smooth. By (8.6) we may assume that ∆ = A + B, where A ≥ 0 is a general ample Qdivisor and B ≥ 0. By (11.1) and (11.2), we may therefore assume that ∆ = S + A + B, where (X, ∆) is a log smooth purely log terminal pair, A is a general ample Q-divisor, B ≥ 0 and x∆y = S is irreducible and not a component of Nσ (KX + ∆). Let H be the ample divisor on X and α > 0 be the constant whose existence is guaranteed by (10.6). Possibly replacing A by an R-linearly equivalent divisor, we may assume that there is a positive constant  such that A − H ≥ 0. Let V0 be the vector space of Weil divisors spanned by the components of B and let V be the translate by S + A of the span of V0 and H. Given t > 0 and any B 0 ∈ V0 , kB 0 − Bk < αt, let Ψ = S + A + B 0 + tH. Let φ : X 99K Y be the log terminal model of KX + Ψ, whose existence is guaranteed by (10.6). Let T be the strict transform of S, let Γ = φ∗ Ψ and define Θ by adjunction (KY + Γ)|T = KT + Θ. By linearity we may formally extend the assignment Ψ −→ Θ to a rational affine linear map L : V −→ W, to the whole of V , where W is an appropriate finite dimensional rational affine space of Weil divisors on T . In particular, L(∆) is big and by (10.6) it follows that KT + L(∆) is nef. Now by taking A0 = φ∗ A|T , there is a rational polytope CT ⊂ NA0 containing L(∆) such that KT + Θ is kawamata log terminal for any Θ ∈ CT , by (8.5) and (??). Moreover, we can find a rational polytope C ⊂ LA containing ∆ such that L(C) = CT . 93

We may find a positive integer k such that if r(KY + Γ) is integral then rk(KY + Γ) is Cartier in a neighbourhood of T . By Koll´ar’s effective base point free theorem, [8], we may find a positive integer M 0 such that if D is a nef Cartier divisor on T such that D − (KT + Ω) is nef and big, where KT + Ω is kawamata log terminal, then M 0 D is base point free, where M 0 does not depend on either D or on Ω. Set M = kM 0 . Suppose that Θ ∈ CT . Then Θ ≥ A0 , so that we may write KT + Θ ∼R KT + G + Θ 0 , where G is ample and KT + G + Θ0 is kawamata log terminal. Now if rk(KY + Γ)|T = rk(KT + Θ), then rk(KT + Θ) − (KT + Θ0 ) ∼R (rk − 1)(KT + Θ) + G. Thus, if r(KY + Γ) is integral, then M r(KT + Θ) isPbase point free. By (??), there are real numbers ri > 0 with ri = 1, positive integers pi > 0 and Q-divisors ∆i ∈ C such that pi (KX + ∆i ), is integral, KX + ∆ =


ri (KX + ∆i ),

and k∆ − ∆i k ≤

α , mi

where mi = M pi . Let Θi = L(∆i ). By our choice of k, pi k(KT + Θi ) is Cartier. So, mi (KT + Θi ) is base point free and so h0 (T, OT (mi (KT + Θi ))) > 0. (11.3) implies that h0 (Y, OY (mi (KY + Γi ))) > 0, where Γi = φ∗ ∆i . Notice that the pair (Y, Γi = T +φ∗ A+φ∗ B) clearly satisfies conditions (1-4) of (11.3). We then let t = /mi so that φ∗ A ≥ (mi − 1)tφ∗ H and condition (6) of (11.3) holds. Conditions (5) and (7) of (11.3) are now easy to check. As φ is (KX + ∆i + tH)-negative, it is certainly (KX + ∆i )-negative. But then h0 (X, OX (mi (KX + ∆i ))) = h0 (Y, OY (mi (KY + Γi ))) > 0. In particular there is an R-divisor D such that X KX + ∆ = ri (KX + ∆i ) ∼R D ≥ 0. 94

11.1. Lemmas. We will need some definitions and results from [13]. Definition-Lemma 11.5. Let X be a smooth projective variety, B be a big R-divisor and let C be a prime divisor. Let σC (B) = inf{ multC (B 0 ) | B 0 ∼Q B, B 0 ≥ 0 }. Then σC is a continuous function on the cone of big divisors. Now let D be any pseudo-effective R-divisor and let A be any ample Q-divisor. Let σC (D) = lim σC (D + A). →0

Then σC (D) exists and is independent of the choice of A. There are only finitely many P prime divisors C such that σC (D) > 0 and the R-divisor Nσ (D) = C σC (D)C is determined by the numerical equivalence class of D. Proof. See §III.1 of [13].

Proposition 11.6. Let X be a smooth projective variety and let D be a pseudo-effective R-divisor. Let B be any big R-divisor. If D is not numerically equivalent to Nσ (D), then there is a positive integer k and a positive rational number β such that h0 (X, OX (xmDy + xkBy)) > βm,

for all

m  0.

Proof. Let A be any integral divisor. Then we may find a positive integer k such that h0 (X, OX (xkBy − A)) ≥ 0. Thus it suffices to exhibit an ample divisor A and a positive rational number β such that h0 (X, OX (xmDy + A)) > βm

for all

m  0.

Replacing D by D − Nσ (D), we may assume that Nσ (D) = 0. Now apply (V.1.12) of [13].  Lemma 11.7. Let π : X −→ U be a projective morphism of normal quasi-projective varieties. Let φ : X 99K Y be a birational map over U such that φ−1 does not contract any divisors. Suppose that KX + ∆0 ∼R,U µ(KX + ∆) for some µ > 0, where both KX + ∆ and KX + ∆0 are log canonical (resp. Y is Q-factorial, KX + ∆ ≡U KX + ∆0 and both KX + ∆ and KX + ∆0 are divisorially log terminal). Set Γ = φ∗ ∆ and Γ0 = φ∗ ∆0 . Then Y is a weak log canonical model (respectively a log terminal model) for KX + ∆ over U if and only if it is a weak log canonical model (resp. a log terminal model) for KX + ∆0 over U . 95

Proof. Note first that either KY +Γ0 ∼R,U µ(KY +Γ) or Y is Q-factorial. In particular KY + Γ is R-Cartier if and only if KY + Γ0 is R-Cartier. If p : W −→ X and q : W −→ Y resolve the indeterminancy of φ = q◦p−1 , then we may write p∗ (KX + ∆) = q ∗ (KY + Γ) + E

and p∗ (KX + ∆0 ) = q ∗ (KY + Γ0 ) + E 0 .

Since µE − E 0 ≡Y 0 is q-exceptional, µE = E 0 by (2.7). Therefore, φ is (KX + ∆)-non-positive (respectively (KX + ∆)-negative) if and only if φ is (KX + ∆0 )-non-positive (respectively (KX + ∆0 )-negative). Finally, one sees that since KX + ∆0 ≡U µ(KX + ∆) it follows that KY + Γ0 ≡U µ(KY + Γ), so that KY + Γ is nef over U if and only if KY + Γ0 is nef over U .  12. Finiteness of models, the general case Lemma 12.1. Theorem 5.12n and Theorem 7.23n imply Theorem 7.24n . Proof. By (10.3), we can find finitely many rational maps φi : X 99K Yi over U , 1 ≤ i ≤ k, such that if φ : X 99K Y is a Q-factorial weak log canonical model of KX + ∆, where ∆ ∈ C then there is an index 1 ≤ i ≤ k and an isomorphism η : Yi −→ Y such that φ = η ◦ φi . By (??) for each index 1 ≤ i ≤ k there are finitely many contraction morphisms fij : Yi −→ Zij over U such that if ∆ ∈ WA,π (V ) and there is a contraction morphism f : Y −→ Z over U , with KY + Γ = KY + φ∗ ∆ = f ∗ D, for some divisor D on Z, then there is an isomorphism ξ : Zij −→ Z such that f = ξ ◦ fij . Pick ∆ ∈ LA (V ) and let ψ : X 99K W be any weak log canonical model of KX + ∆ over U . By (8.6) we may find a kawamata log terminal pair (X, ∆0 ) such that KX + ∆0 ∼R,U KX + ∆. But then KW + Ψ = KW + ψ∗ ∆0 ∼R,U KW + ψ∗ ∆, and KW + Ψ is kawamata log terminal. As we are assuming Theorem 5.12n and Theorem 7.23n , there is a log terminal model g : W 99K Y of KW + Ψ. But then KY + Γ = KY + g∗ Ψ is divisorially log terminal terminal, Y is Q-factorial and the inverse of f does not contract any divisors. But the inverse f of g is the structure map. Thus f : Y −→ W is a small morphism and KY + Γ = f ∗ (KW + Φ), is nef over U . If φ : X 99K Y is the induced rational map then φ is a Q-factorial weak log canonical model of KX + ∆0 over U . But then (11.7) implies that φ is also a Q-factorial weak log canonical model of 96

KX + ∆ over U . Thus there is an index 1 ≤ i ≤ k and an isomorphism η : Yi −→ Y such that φ = η ◦ φi . Via the isomorphism η, and an isomorphism ξ, the contraction f corresponds to one of the finitely many contractions fij .  13. The Sarkisov Program 13.1. Introduction. Recall the following. Conjecture 13.1. Let (X, B) be a kawamata log terminal pair. Then we may run a KX + B minimal model program, p : X 99K X 0 such that either (1) (X 0 , B 0 = p∗ B) is a minimal model (that is KX 0 + B 0 is nef ), or (2) there is a Mori fiber space φ : X 0 → S (that is ρ(X 0 /S) = 1 and −(KX 0 + B 0 ) is φ-ample). A KX + B minimal model program is a finite sequence of well understood birational maps Xi 99K Xi+1 (known as KX + B flips and divisorial contractions) inducing a rational map p : X = X0 99K X 0 = XN . If KX + B is pseudo-effective (resp. not pseudo-effective), then (X 0 , p∗ B) is a minimal model (resp. there is a Mori fiber space X 0 → S). By [?], the only case in which (13.1) is not known to hold is when KX + B is pseudo-effective and neither B nor KX + B are big. It is not the case that a given pair (X, B) has a unique minimal model (resp. a unique Mori fiber space), however the minimal model program predicts that any two minimal models (resp. Mori fiber spaces) should be related in a very precise manner (the terminalizations of two minimal models are related by a sequence of flops, resp. two Mori fiber spaces are related by a sequence of Sarkisov links cf. (13.11)). Recently Kawamata [6] has proved: Theorem 13.2. Let (X, B) be a Q-factorial terminal log-pair. Suppose that (X 0 , B 0 ) and (X 00 , B 00 ) are two minimal models of (X, B). Then the birational map X 0 99K X 00 may be factored as a sequence of KX + B-flops. Note that if neither B nor KX + B are big, then the existence and finiteness of minimal models for (X, B) is still conjectural. The Sarkisov program predicts that a result similar to (13.2) should also hold in the case when KX +B is not pseudo-effective. The purpose of this paper is to show that this is indeed the case. Theorem 13.3. Let (X, B) be a Q-factorial kawamata log terminal pair such that KX + B is not pseudo-effective. 97

Then any two corresponding Mori fiber spaces are related by a sequence of Sarkisov links. We say that two pairs (X 0 , B 0 ) and (X 00 , B 00 ) are birational if there exists a birational map g : X 0 99K X 00 such that g∗ B 0 = B 00 and (g −1 )∗ B 00 = B 0 . Note that if (X 0 , B 0 ) and (X 00 , B 00 ) are birational Q-factorial terminal pairs, then it is easy to see that (X 0 , B 0 ) and (X 00 , B 00 ) are the output of running a minimal model program for an appropriate log pair (X, B). Consider in fact X a resolution of the indeterminacies of φ so that X is smooth and we have morphisms p : X → X 0 and q : X → X 00 with φ = q ◦ p−1 . Then, we may write KX +(p−1 )∗ B 0 = p∗ (KX 0 +B 0 )+E 0 where E 0 is effective and its support equals Ex(p). Since X 0 → X is birational, we may run the (X, B) minimal model program over X 0 . It is easy to see that the output of this minimal model program is X 0 . Since (p−1 )∗ B 0 = (q −1 )∗ B 00 , a similar statement holds for (X 00 , B 00 ). We therefore have the following: Corollary 13.4. Let φ0 : (X 0 , B 0 ) → S 0 and φ00 : (X 00 , B 00 ) → S 00 be two Mori fiber spaces of Q-factorial terminal pairs. Then (X 0 , B 0 ) and (X 00 , B 00 ) are birational if and only if they are related by a finite sequence of Sarkisov links. In fact, the most interesting case of (13.3) is when B 0 = B 00 = 0 and X 0 and X 00 have terminal singularities. We now recall the definition of Sarkisov links: Links of type (I) Z

99K X1

. X ↓ ↓ S ← S1 where Z 99K X1 is a sequence of flips, Z → X is a extremal divisorial contraction, X1 → S1 is a Mori fiber space and ρ(S1 /S) = 1. Links of type (II) Z 99K Z 0 . & X X1 ↓ ↓ ∼ S ← S1 where Z 99K Z 0 is a sequence of flips, Z → X and Z 0 → X1 are extremal divisorial contractions and X1 → S1 is a Mori fiber space. 98

Links of type (III) X 99K Z 0 & ↓

X1 ↓ S1


where X 99K Z 0 is a sequence of flips, Z 0 → X1 is an extremal divisorial contraction, X1 → S1 is a Mori fiber space and ρ(S/S1 ) = 1. Links of type (IV) X ↓ S

X1 ↓ S1

99K &

. T

where X 99K X 0 is a sequence of flips, X1 → S1 is a Mori fiber space and ρ(S/T ) = ρ(S1 /T ) = 1. In order to explain the origins of this program let us recall the well known case of rational surfaces. In this case the minimal surfaces are P2 , P1 × P1 and Fn for n ≥ 2. A link of type I (resp. type III) relates the Mori fiber spaces P2 → SpecC and F1 → P1 by blowing up a point on P2 (resp. blowing down the −1 curve on F1 ). A link of type II relates the Mori fiber spaces Fn → P1 and Fn±1 → P1 by an elementary transformation i.e. by blowing up a point on a fiber and then blowing down the strict transform of this fiber. A link of type IV is the identity on P1 × P1 and interchanges the two Mori fiber space structures. The content of (13.3) is not only that P2 , P1 × P1 and Fn are all related by links as above, but also that any birational map p : P2 99K P2 may be obtained by a sequence of such links. This last statement is equivalent to the N¨oether-Castelnuovo Theorem which says that the group of birational transformations of P2 is generated by isomorphisms of P2 and a single Cremona transformation. The proof of (13.3) is based on the original ideas of the Sarkisov program (as explained by Corti and Reid [2]). The main twist is that we are unable to show termination of an arbitrary sequence of flips, nor the acc property for log canonical thresholds. Instead our argument is based of the principle of finiteness of minimal models for kawamata log terminal pairs (Y, Γ) such that Γ varies in a compact subset of the big cone (cf. (13.6)). 99

Acknowledgments. The first author was partially supported by NSF grant 0456363 and by an AMS centennial scholarship. The second author was partially supported by NSF grant... 13.2. Notation and conventions. We work over the field of complex numbers C. An R-Cartier divisor D on a normal variety X is nef if D · C ≥ 0 for any curve C ⊂ X. We say that twoP R-divisors D1 , D2 are R-linearly equivalent (D1 ∼R D2 ) if D1 − D2 = ri (fi ) where ri ∈ R and fi are rational functions on X. We say that a R-Weil divisor D is big if we may find an ample R-divisor A and an effective R-divisor B, such that D ∼R A + B. A divisor D is pseudo-effective, if for any ample divisor A and any rational number  > 0, the divisor D + A is big. If A is a Q-divisor, we say that A is a general ample divisor if A is ample and there is a sufficiently divisible integer M > 0 such that M A is very ample and M A ∈ |M A| is very general. IfPA is a R-divisor, we say that A is a general ample R-divisor if A = ri Ai where ri ∈ R and Ai are general ample Q-divisors. A log pair (X, ∆) is a normal variety X and an effective R-Weil divisor ∆ such that KX + ∆ is R-Cartier. We say that a log pair (X, ∆) is log smooth, if X is smooth and the support of ∆ is a divisor with global normal crossings. A projective morphism g : Y → X is a log resolution of the pair (X, ∆) if Y is smooth and g −1 (∆)∪{ exceptional set of g } is ∗ a divisor with P normal crossings support. We write g (KX +∆) = KY +Γ and Γ = bi Γi where Γi are distinct reduced irreducible divisors and g∗ Γ = ∆. The discrepancy of Γi is a(Γi , X, ∆) = −bi . A pair (X, ∆) is kawamata log terminal (klt) if bi < 1 for all i. We say that the pair (X, ∆) is log canonical if bi ≤ 1 for all i. We say that the pair (X, ∆) is terminal if the discrepancy of any exceptional divisor is greater than zero. Let (X, B) and (X 0 , B 0 ) be kawamata log terminal pairs, then (X 0 , B 0 ) is a minimal model of (X, B) if there is a birational map p : X 99K X 0 that extracts no divisors such that B 0 = p∗ B and KX 0 + B 0 is nef. If p : X 99K X 0 is a rational map of normal varieties over a normal variety S and H is a R-Cartier divisor on X which is the pull back of a R-Cartier divisor on S, then we say that p is an H-trivial rational map. 13.3. Preliminaries. We begin by recalling several results from [?] that we will need in what follows. Theorem 13.5. Let (X, B) be a klt pair such that either one of the following three conditions hold: i) B is big, or ii) KX + B is big, or iii) KX + B is not pseudo-effective. 100

Then, any minimal model program with scaling for KX + B exists and terminates after finitely many steps. Proof. See [?].

Given a klt pair (X, B), we will say that a projective morphism of normal varieties f : Y → Z is a nef model of (X, B) if φ : X 99K Y is a minimal model of (X, B) and f is surjective with connected fibers and KY + φ∗ B = f ∗ H for some nef R-divisor H on Z. Theorem 13.6. Let X be a normal projective variety and V a finite dimensional subspace of DivR (X). Let B0 be a big Q-divisor on X and B be a compact subset of V such that for any B ∈ B, one has that (X, B) is klt and B ≥ B0 . Then the set {f : Y → Z|f is a nef model of (X, B), B ∈ B} is finite. Proof. See [?].

Corollary 13.7. Let (X, B) be a klt pair and E be any set of exceptional divisors such that E contains only exceptional divisors E of discrepancy a(E, X, B) ≤ 0. Then there exists a birational morphism µ : X 0 → X and a Q-divisor 0 B on X 0 such that: (1) (X 0 , B 0 ) is a Q-factorial klt pair, (2) E is an P exceptional divisor for µ if and only if E ∈ E, (3) B 0 = E⊂X −a(E; X, B)E so that µ∗ B 0 = B and KX 0 + B 0 = µ∗ (KX + B). Proof. See [?].

If E = {E|a(E, X, B) ≤ 0}, we say that X 0 is a terminalization of X. If E contains a unique divisor say E, then we say that µ : X 0 → X is a divisorial extraction of E. Lemma 13.8. Let (W, BW ) be a terminal pair, (X, BX ) a log pair and f : W 99K X a birational map that extracts no divisors. If KX + BX is nef and a(E, X, BX ) ≥ a(E, W, BW ) for all divisors E ⊂ W then a(E, X, BX ) ≥ a(E, W, BW ) for all divisors E over W . In particular (1) (X, BX ) is kawamata log terminal, (2) if X 0 → X is a divisorial extraction of a divisor E 0 , with a(E 0 , X, BX ) ≤ 0 then E 0 is a divisor contained in W , and (3) if X 0 → X is a terminalization of (X, BX ), then f 0 : W 99K X 0 extracts no divisors. 101

Proof. Let Z be a common log resolution and p : Z → X and q : Z → W be the induced morphisms. Then we may write q ∗ (KW + BW ) = p∗ (KX + BX ) + F where q∗ F =


(a(E, X, BX ) − a(E, W, BW ))E ≥ 0.


By the Negativity Lemma, it follows that F ≥ 0 and hence that a(E, X, BX ) ≥ a(E, W, BW ) for all divisors E over W . As a(E, W, BW ) > −1 for all divisors E over W , it follows immediately that (X, BX ) is kawamata log terminal. To see the second assertion, it suffices to notice that as (W, BW ) is terminal and a(E 0 , W, BW ) ≤ a(E 0 , X, BX ) ≤ 0, then E 0 is not exceptional over W . Similarly, a terminalization only extracts divisors Ei0 of discrepancy a(Ei0 , X, BX ) ≤ 0.  Definition 13.9. Let (X, BX ) and (W, BW ) two Q-factorial log pairs and f : W 99K X a birational map. We will write (W, BW ) ≥ (X, BX ) if: (1) f extracts no divisors, (2) a(E, W, BW ) ≤ a(E, X, BX ) for all divisors E ⊂ W . Definition 13.10. Let (X, BX ) and (X 0 , BX 0 ) be kawamata log terminal pairs. Then (X, BX ) and (X 0 , BX 0 ) are Sarkisov related if there exists a kawamata log terminal pair (W, BW ) such that (X, BX ) and (X 0 , BX 0 ) are the output of a (W, BW )-MMP. Notice that if (X, BX ) and (X 0 , BX 0 ) are Sarkisov related, then we may find a log smooth terminal pair (W 0 , BW 0 ) and morphisms p : W 0 → X and q : W 0 → X 0 such that (X, BX ) and (X 0 , BX 0 ) are the output of a (W 0 , BW 0 )-MMP. 13.4. The main result. Theorem 13.11. Let Φ

X 99KX 0    φ0 φy y S S0 be a birational map of Sarkisov related kawamata log terminal pairs (X, BX ) and (X 0 , BX 0 ) where φ is a KX + BX -Mori fiber space and φ0 is a KX 0 + BX 0 -Mori fiber space. Then Φ is given by a finite sequence of links of type I, II, III or IV. 102

Proof. Let H 0 ∼R −(KX 0 + BX 0 ) + (φ0 )∗ A0 , where A0 is an ample Rdivisor on S 0 which is very general in NSR (S 0 ) and H 0 is a general ample R-divisor. Therefore, KX 0 + BX 0 + H 0 ∼R (φ0 )∗ A0 is nef and (X 0 , BX 0 + H 0 ) is kawamata log terminal. Similarly, let C be a general ample R-divisor on X such that (X, BX + C) is kawamata log terminal and KX + BX + C ∼R φ∗ A where A is an ample R-divisor on S which is very general in NSR (S). We may assume that (W, BW ) is log smooth, p : W → X and q : W → X 0 are morphisms and BW + p∗ C + q ∗ H 0 + Ex(p) + Ex(q) has simple normal crossings. We let CW = (p−1 )∗ C = p∗ C and HW = (q −1 )∗ H = q ∗ H 0 , then we may assume that (W, BW + cCW + hHW ) is terminal for any 0 ≤ c, h ≤ 2. Claim 13.12. There exists an integer N > 0 and a finite sequence of links of type I, II, III and IV X = X0 99K X1 99K . . . 99K XN such that if φi : Xi → Si are the corresponding contraction morphisms, pi : W 99K Xi the corresponding rational maps and Ci = (pi )∗ CW , Hi = (pi )∗ HW and BXi = (pi )∗ BW , then (1) there exist positive rational numbers 1 = c0 ≥ c1 ≥ c2 ≥ . . . ≥ cN = 0 and 0 = h0 ≤ h1 ≤ h2 ≤ . . . ≤ hN ≤ 1 such that KXi + BXi + ci Ci + hi Hi is nef, (2) (Xi , BXi +ci Ci +hi Hi ) ≤ (W, BW +ci CW +hi HW ) (in particular pi : W 99K Xi extracts no divisors cf. (13.9)), and (3) each link is given by a sequence of KXi + BXi + ci Ci + hi Hi trivial rational maps (in particular KXi + BXi + ci Ci + hi Hi is φi -numerically trivial). Remark 13.13. We have that: (1) By (13.8), (Xi , BXi + ci Ci + hi Hi ) is kawamata log terminal. (2) Let Σi be a very general φi -vertical curve. By our choices of H and C, we have that Hi · Σi > 0 and Ci · Σi > 0 for all i ≥ 0. Proof of 13.12. We let Σi be a very general φi -vertical curve and we set ri = Hi · Σi /Ci · Σi . Let si+1 be the supremum of all numbers 0 ≤ σ ≤ ci /ri such that: (1) KXi + BXi + ci Ci + hi Hi + σ(Hi − ri Ci ) is nef, and (2) (Xi , BXi + ci Ci + hi Hi + σ(Hi − ri Ci )) ≤ (W, BW + ci CW + hi HW + σ(HW − ri CW )). 103

We will define Xj by induction on i. Assume that Xi has already been defined for some i ≥ 0. If si+1 = ci /ri , then we let N = i + 1 so that cN = ci − ri si+1 = 0 and we are done. If si+1 < ci /ri , we let ci+1 = ci − ri si+1 > 0 and hi+1 = hi + si+1 ≥ hi . Notice that KXi + BXi + ci+1 Ci + hi+1 Hi is nef and kawamata log terminal. Let F be the extremal face defined by KXi + BXi + ci+1 Ci + hi+1 Hi . Clearly Ri ⊂ F where Ri is the ray spanned by Σi . Suppose that there is an X-exceptional divisor E ⊂ W such that a(E, Xi , BXi + c0i+1 Ci + h0i+1 Hi ) < a(E, W, BW + c0i+1 CW + h0i+1 HW ) for c0i+1 = ci+1 − ri , h0i+1 = hi+1 +  and 0 <   1. It follows that a(E, Xi , BXi + ci+1 Ci + hi+1 Hi ) = a(E, W, BW + ci+1 CW + hi+1 HW ) ≤ 0 and so by (13.7), there exists a divisorial extraction µ : Z → Xi which extracts E. By (13.8), ϕ : W 99K Z extracts no divisors. We let KZ + BZ + ci+1 CZ + hi+1 HZ = µ∗ (KXi + BXi + ci+1 Ci + hi+1 Hi ). Notice that BZ = ϕ∗ BW . We now run a minimal model program with scaling over Si for KZ + ∆Z = µ∗ (KXi + BXi + (c0i+1 − δ)Ci + h0i+1 Hi ) for some 0 < δ    1. Note that KZ +∆Z is a kawamata log terminal pair numerically trivial over Xi and KXi + BXi + (c0i+1 − δ)Ci + h0i+1 Hi is negative on Σi . Each step of this minimal model program is over Si , so it is µ∗ (KXi + Bi + c0i+1 Ci + h0i+1 Hi ) numerically trivial and hence Ci -positive. In particular this is a minimal model program for µ∗ (KXi + BXi + (c0i+1 − δ 0 )Ci + h0i+1 Hi ) for any 0 < δ 0 ≤ δ. Since Z is covered by KZ + ∆Z -negative curves (over Si ), it follows that KZ + ∆Z is not pseudo-effective (over Si ). Therefore, after finitely many flips, we either have a KZ + ∆Z Mori fiber space or a KZ + ∆Z divisorial contraction. Case 1. In the first case, we have a sequence of flips η : Z 99K Xi+1 followed by a Mori fiber space φi+1 : Xi+1 → Si+1 . This is a link of type I. Case 2. In the second case, we have a sequence of flips η : Z 99K Z 0 followed by a divisorial contraction ν : Z 0 → Xi+1 . Since ρ(Xi+1 /Si ) = 1, one sees that there is an induced contraction morphism φi+1 : Xi+1 → Si+1 := Si which is a KZ + ∆Z Mori fiber space (as KZ + ∆Z is not pseudo-effective over Si ). We have obtained a link of type II. Suppose on the other hand that a(E, Xi , BXi + c0i+1 Ci + h0i+1 Hi ) ≥ a(E, W, BW + c0i+1 CW + h0i+1 HW ) 104

for any X-exceptional divisor E ⊂ W and for any 0 <   1. In this case F 6= Ri , and we may find an extremal ray P ⊂ F such that P and Ri span a two dimensional face of F . Let Xi → T be the corresponding contraction which factors through Si . We now run a minimal model program over T for KXi + BXi + c0i+1 Ci + h0i+1 Hi where as above c0i+1 = ci+1 − ri and h0i+1 = hi+1 +  for some 0 <   1. Notice that Ri is KXi + BXi + c0i+1 Ci + h0i+1 Hi -trivial and P is KXi + BXi + c0i+1 Ci + h0i+1 Hi -negative. After finitely many flips, we either have a KXi + BXi + c0i+1 Ci + h0i+1 Hi minimal model, divisorial contraction or Mori fiber space (over T ). Case 3. In the first case, we let Xi 99K Xi+1 be the corresponding sequence of flips. We have that KXi+1 +BXi+1 +c0i+1 Ci+1 +h0i+1 Hi+1 is nef over T and there is a unique KXi+1 + BXi+1 + c0i+1 Ci+1 + h0i+1 Hi+1 trivial extremal ray which is spanned by Σi+1 the pushforward of Σi . Let φi+1 : Xi+1 → Si+1 be the corresponding fibration. We have obtained a link of type IV. Case 4. In the second case, we let Xi 99K Z 0 be the corresponding sequence of flips and let Z 0 → Xi+1 be the corresponding divisorial contraction. Since ρ(Xi+1 /T ) = 1, one sees that there is an induced contraction morphism φi+1 : Xi+1 → Si+1 := T . We have obtained a link of type III. Case 5. In the third case we let Xi 99K Xi+1 be the corresponding sequence of flips and φi+1 : Xi+1 → Si+1 be the corresponding Mori fiber space over T . We have obtained a link of type IV. Lemma 13.14. We have that (Xi+1 , BXi+1 + ci+1 Ci+1 + hi+1 Hi+1 ) ≤ (W, BW + ci+1 CW + hi+1 HW ). Proof. The rational map Xi+1 99K Xi extracts a divisor E in Cases 1 and 2. Since E ⊂ W , one sees that W 99K Xi+1 extracts no divisors. By definition of ci+1 and hi+1 , we have that (Xi , BXi + ci+1 Ci + hi+1 Hi ) ≤ (W, BW + ci+1 CW + hi+1 HW ). Since in Cases 1 and 2 (resp. Cases 3, 4 and 5) the rational map Xi 99K Xi+1 is over Si (resp. over T ) and KXi +BXi +ci+1 Ci +hi+1 Hi is numerically trivial over Si (resp. over T ), it follows that a(E, Xi , BXi + ci+1 Ci + hi+1 Hi ) = a(E, Xi+1 , BXi+1 + ci+1 Ci+1 + hi+1 Hi+1 ) for any divisor E and so the inequality a(E, Xi+1 , BXi+1 +ci+1 Ci+1 +hi+1 Hi+1 ) ≥ a(E, W, BW +ci+1 CW +hi+1 HW ) for all divisors E ⊂ W also holds.

Lemma 13.15. We have that hi ≤ 1 for all i and if hi = 1, then ci = 0 and Xi 99K X 0 induces a rational map Si 99K S 0 . 105

Proof. We will proceed by induction. Since h0 = 0, it suffices to prove that if hi ≤ 1 then hi+1 ≤ 1. Let ν : W 0 → W be a proper birational morphism such that p0i = pi ◦ ν and q 0 = q ◦ ν are appropriate log resolutions. We may write KW 0 + BW 0 = ν ∗ (KW + BW ) + EW where EW ≥ 0 is exceptional and BW 0 = (ν −1 )∗ BW . We let CW 0 = (ν −1 )∗ CW and HW 0 = (ν −1 )∗ HW Assume that hi ≤ 1 and hi+1 > 1. Then there is a number 1 < h < min{hi+1 , 2} and we let c = ci − ri (h − hi ) > ci+1 . We have KW 0 + BW 0 + cCW 0 + hHW 0 = (p0i )∗ (KXi + BXi + cCi + hHi ) + E, KW 0 + BW 0 + hHW 0 = (q 0 )∗ (KX 0 + BX 0 + hH 0 ) + E 0 . Note that since (W 0 , BW 0 +cCW 0 +hHW 0 ) ≥ (W, BW +cCW +hHW ) ≥ (Xi , BXi +cCi +hHi ), by (13.8), E is effective. Since H 0 is very general, E 0 is also effective. Since Σi is a general φi -trivial curve, we may identify Σi with its inverse image in W 0 . We let q∗0 Σi be its image in X 0 . We have 0 = (KXi + BXi + cCi + hHi ) · Σi = (KW 0 + BW 0 + cCW 0 + hHW 0 ) · Σi ≥ (KX 0 + BX 0 + hH 0 ) · q∗0 Σi > 0. This is a contradiction and so we may assume that hi+1 ≤ 1. If we have hi+1 = 1, then one sees that ci+1 = 0 and q∗0 Σi is φ0 vertical so that Xi 99K X 0 induces a rational map Si 99K S 0 .  Note that KXi + BXi + ci+1 Ci + hi+1 Hi is pulled back from Si in cases 1 and 2 and is pulled back from T in cases 3, 4 and 5. By (13.14) and (13.15), we have that the link given by Xi 99K Xi+1 , satisfies all of the conditions of (13.12). To prove Claim 13.12, it suffices to show that there exists an integer N > 0 such that cN = 0. To this end we prove the following lemmas which will allow us to show that there is no infinite sequence of links. Lemma 13.16. For links of type III and IV, we have that the inequality a(E, Xi+1 , BXi+1 +c0i+1 Ci+1 +h0i+1 Hi+1 ) ≥ a(E, W, BW +c0i+1 CW +h0i+1 HW ) for all divisors E ⊂ W for any 0 <   1 also holds. Proof. This follows from the fact that in cases 3, 4 and 5 we have the inequality a(E, Xi , BXi + c0i+1 Ci + h0i+1 Hi ) ≥ a(E, W, BW + c0i+1 CW + h0i+1 HW ) and the fact that we are running a KXi +BXi +c0i+1 Ci +h0i+1 Hi minimal model program (over T ).  106

Lemma 13.17. We have that ri+1 ≥ ri . Moreover, in Case 5, we have that ri+1 > ri . Proof. In Cases 3, 4 and 5, we let µ : Z → Xi be the identity and E = 0. Since Z 99K Xi+1 is an isomorphism over a big open set of Xi+1 , we may identify Σi+1 and its preimage Σi+1 in Z. We claim that Σi+1 · µ∗ (KXi + BXi + c0i+1 Ci + h0i+1 Hi ) ≤ 0 and the above inequality is strict in Case 5. In Cases 1 and 2, this follows as Z 99K Xi+1 is an isomorphism in a neighborhood of Σi+1 and Σi+1 · µ∗ (KXi + BXi + (c0i+1 − δ)Ci + h0i+1 Hi )0 Σi+1 · (Ki+1 + BXi+1 + (c0i+1 − δ)Ci+1 + h0i+1 Hi+1 ) < 0 for 0  δ    1. In Cases 3 and 4, this is clear as −(KXi + BXi + c0i+1 Ci + h0i+1 Hi ) is nef over Si and Xi 99K Xi+1 is an isomorphism in a neighborhood of Σi+1 . In Case 5, we moreover obtain a strict inequality as −(KXi+1 + BXi+1 + c0i+1 Ci+1 + h0i+1 Hi+1 ) is ample over Si+1 Since Σi+1 · µ∗ (KXi + BXi + ci+1 Ci + hi+1 Hi ) = 0, we have that Σi+1 ·µ∗ (Hi −ri Ci ) ≤ 0. Since µ∗ (Hi −ri Ci ) = (µ−1 )∗ (Hi − ri Ci ) + eE for some e ≥ 0, we have that Σi+1 ·(Hi+1 −ri Ci+1 ) = Σi+1 ·(µ−1 )∗ (Hi −ri Ci ) = Σi+1 ·(µ∗ (Hi −ri Ci )−eE) ≤ 0, or equivalently that Σi+1 · Hi+1 ≤ ri . Σi+1 · Ci+1 Moreover, in Case 5, the above inequality is strict. ri+1 =

Lemma 13.18. There are only finitely many possibilities for φi : X → Si . Proof. Notice that the pairs (Xi , BXi +ci Ci +hi Hi ) are minimal models for (W, BW + ci CW + hi HW ) where 0 ≤ ci , hi ≤ 1. Suppose that hi = 0 for all i, then si = hi+1 − hi = 0 for all i and so ci = c0 > 0 for all i and by (13.6), the claim follows. If hi > 0 for some i, then hj ≥ hi for all j ≥ i and again by (13.6) the claim follows.  Lemma 13.19. The sequence of links Xi 99K Xi+1 is finite. Proof. Assume that the given sequence of links is infinite. By (13.18), we may assume that φi : Xi → Si is isomorphic to φk : Xk → Sk for some i < k. It then follows from the definitions of cj and hj , that ck+1 = ci+1 and hk+1 = hi+1 and as these sequences are monotone, 107

then cj = ci and hj = hi for all j ≥ i. By (13.17), we have that ri = rj for all j ≥ i. Assume that we have a link of type III or IV, then for all divisors E ⊂ W we have a(E, Xi , BXi + c0i+1 Ci + h0i+1 Hi ) ≥ a(E, W, BW + c0i+1 CW + h0i+1 HW ). By (13.16), this property continues to hold on Xi+1 . Since ci+1 = ci and ri+1 = ri it then follows that for all j ≥ i, all links Xj 99K Xj+1 are of type III or IV. Since links of type III (resp. IV) decrease (do not change) ρ(Xi ), there are only links of type IV (corresponding to Cases 3 and 5). The links of Cases 3 and 5 increase the discrepancies with respect to KXi + BXi + c0i+1 Ci + h0i+1 Hi and in Case 3 strictly increase at least one discrepancy (as in this case it is easy to see that Xi and Xi+1 are not isomorphic). Therefore, we may assume that there are no links as in Case 3. For any link of Case 5, by (13.17), we have that ri+1 < ri and hence a contradiction. Therefore, we may assume that we only have links of type I and II. Since ρ(Xi+1 ) > ρ(Xi ) (resp. ρ(Xi+1 ) = ρ(Xi )) for links of type I (resp. of type II), it follows that there are no links of type I. But links of type II increase the discrepancies with respect to KXi +BXi +(c0i+1 − δ)Ci + h0i+1 Hi (for 0 < δ    1) and strictly increase at least some discrepancy. This is the required contradiction.  Since the sequence of links Xi 99K Xi+1 is finite, it follows that cN = 0 for some N > 0 and hence (13.12) is proven.  We may therefore assume that (XN , BXN + hN HN ) ≤ (W, BW + hN HW ) and that KXN +BXN +hN HN is nef and φN numerically trivial. Claim 13.20. h := hN = 1 and XN 99K X 0 is an isomorphism inducing an isomorphism SN → S 0 . Proof. Let ν : W 0 → W be a proper birational morphism such that p0 = pN ◦ ν and q 0 = q ◦ ν are appropriate log resolutions. We may write KW 0 + BW 0 = ν ∗ (KW + BW ) + EW where EW ≥ 0 is exceptional and BW 0 = (ν −1 )∗ BW . We have KW 0 + BW 0 + hHW 0 = (p0 )∗ (KXN + BXN + hHN ) + E, KW 0 + BW 0 + hHW 0 = (q 0 )∗ (KX 0 + BX 0 + hH 0 ) + E 0 where E is p0 exceptional and E 0 is q 0 -exceptional. Note that since (W, BW + hHW ) ≥ (X, BXN + hHXN ), by (13.8), E is effective. By (13.15), we have that h ≤ 1 and if h = 1, then X 99K X 0 induces a rational map SN 99K S 0 . Now let Σ0 be a general curve contracted by 108

φ0 . We may identify this curve with its inverse image in W 0 and we let p0∗ Σ0 be its image in XN . If h < 1, we then have 0 > (KX 0 + BX 0 + hH 0 ) · Σ0 = (KW 0 + BW 0 + hHW 0 ) · Σ0 = (KXN + BXN + hHN ) · q∗0 Σ0 + E · Σ0 . Since E · Σ0 ≥ 0, we have (KXN + BXN + hHN ) · q∗0 Σ0 < 0 contradicting the fact that KXN + BXN + hHN is nef. Therefore h = 1. Now, let D be an ample divisor on XN and D0 be its strict transform on X 0 . Note that D0 is relatively ample. Then KXN + BXN + HN + δD and KX 0 + BX 0 + H 0 + δD0 are ample and kawamata log terminal for any 0 < δ  1 and hence XN and X 0 are isomorphic (by uniqueness of log canonical models). It then follows that the rational map SN 99K S 0 = Proj(R(KX 0 + BX 0 + H 0 )) is a morphism and in fact an isomorphism as ρ(Xi /Si ) = ρ(X 0 /S 0 ) = 1.   14. Further results 14.1. Fujita’s Approximation Theorem. Theorem 14.1. Let L ∈ DivQ (X) be a big divisor on a normal irreducible projective variety of dimension n. Then, for any  > 0, there exist a projective birational morphism f : Y → X and effective Qdivisors A and B such that A is ample, f ∗ L = A + B and vol(A) ≥ vol(L) − . Proof. We follow [12]. After resolving the singularities of X, we may assume that X is smooth. It is enough to show that there is a nef Q divisor A with the above properties (recall that if A is nef and big, then A ∼Q H + F where H is ample and F is effective, but then A − δF = (1 − δ)A + δH is ample for any 0 < δ < 1). Let B ∈ Div(X) be very ample such that KX +(n+1)B is very ample. For any p ≥ 0, let Mp = pL − (KX + (n + 1)B) and Jp = J (||Mp ||). One sees that Mp ⊗ Jp is generated by global sections cf. (3.8) and that ∀ l > 0. H 0 (OX (lMp )) ⊂ H 0 (OX (lpL ⊗ Jpl )) To see the last assertion note that clearly H 0 (OX (lMp ) ⊗ J (||Mp ||)l ) ⊂ H 0 (OX (lpL) ⊗ J (||Mp ||)l ) and that since by (3.22) J (||lMp ||) ⊂ J (||Mp ||)l , then by (3.32), we have H 0 (OX (lMp )) = H 0 (OX (lMp ) ⊗ J (||Mp ||)l ). 109

Let f : Y → X be a log resolution of Jp so that Jp · OY = OY (−Ep ) where Ep ≥ 0. Then f ∗ (pL) − Ep is generated by global sections and hence nef. Notice that H 0 (OY (l(f ∗ (pL) − Ep ))) ⊃ H 0 (OX (plL) ⊗ Jpl ) ⊃ H 0 (OX (lMp )). Therefore, (f ∗ (pL) − Ep )n = vol(f ∗ (pL) − Ep ) ≥ vol(Mp ) ≥ pn (vol(L) − ) and the result follows letting A = (1/p)(f ∗ (pL)−Ep ) and B = (1/p)Ep .  Definition 14.2. Let L ∈ DivQ (X) be a big divisor on a normal projective variety. For any m  0 sufficiently divisible, φ|mL| is birational. The moving self-intersection number (mL)[n] of |mL| is given by (mL)[n] = ](D1 ∩ . . . ∩ Dn ∩ (X − Bs(|mL|))) where Di ∈ |mL| are general. Theorem 14.3. Let L ∈ DivQ (X) be a big divisor on a normal projective variety. Then (mL)[n] . mn ∗ |mL| = Proof. Let fm : Ym → X be a log resolution of |mL| so that fm |Pm | + Fm where |Pm | is base point free and Bs(|mL|) = (fm )∗ (Fm ). It is easy to see that that since |Pm | is base point free, we have vol(L) = lim sup

(mL)[n] = ](M1 ∩ . . . ∩ Mn ) = Pmn where Mi ∈ |Pm | are general. It then follows that vol(L) = vol(mL)/mn ≥ vol(Pm )/mn ≥ Pmn = (mL)[n] /mn . To see the reverse implication, consider , f : Y → X and A, B as in (14.1). Pick k > 0 such that kA is very ample. Replacing Y by a common resolution of Y and Yk , we can write f ∗ (kL) ∼Q Ak + Ek where Ak ∼Q kA is generated by global sections and Ek ≥ 0 and Ank ≥ k n (vol(L) − ). As |Ak | is base point free, we have Ek ≥ Fk and so Ank ≤ Pkn = (kL)[n] . Therefore (kL)[n] /k n ≥ vol(L) −  and the Theorem follows by taking the limit. 110

14.2. The Pseudo-effective Cone. We now recall a result of BoucksomDemailly-Paun-Peternell. Theorem 14.4. Let L ∈ DivQ (X) be a big divisor on a normal irreducible projective variety of dimension n. Let f : Y → X be a projective birational morphism, A and B effective Q-divisors such that A is ample and f ∗ L = A + B. Let H ∈ DivQ (X), H ± L be ample, then there is a constant C so that (An−1 · B)2 ≤ C · H n · (vol(L) − vol(A)). Proof. See [12, §11].

Theorem 14.5. Let X be a normal irreducible projective variety of dimension n. Then the cones Mov(X) and Eff(X) are dual. Recall that Eff(X) is the closure of the big cone i.e. the cone of pseudo-effective divisors. Mov(X) ⊂ N1 (X)R is the cone of movable (or mobile) curves i.e. the closed convex cone spanned by all curves of the form f∗ (A1 · . . . · An−1 ) where f : Y → X is a projective birational morphism and Ai are ample divisors in DivR (Y ). Notive that if D ∈ Div(X) is effective and γ ∈ Mov(X), then D · γ ≥ 0. It follows that Mov(X) ⊂ Eff(X)∨ . Corollary 14.6. Let X be a smooth projective variety, the X is uniruled if and only if KX is not pseudo-effective. Proof. By (14.5), there is a γ ∈ Mov(X) such that KX · γ < 0. This implies that there is a covering family of curves Ct with KX · Ct < 0. But by a result of Miyaoka and Mori, this is equivalent to X being uniruled.  Remark 14.7. Note that (14.6) also follows from the fact that as KX is not pseudo-effective, then there is an MMP X 99K X 0 that ends with a Mori-fiber space g : X 0 → S. The fibers of g are known to be uniruled (and in fact rationally connected). Proof of (14.5). (See [12, §11].) Since Mov(X) ⊂ Eff(X)∨ , it suffices to prove the reverse inclusion i.e. that Mov(X)∨ ⊂ Eff(X). Suppose by way of contradiction that there is a class ξ on the boundary of Eff(X) but in the interior of Mov(X)∨ . In particular vol(ξ) = 0. Let 111

h be an ample class such that h + ξ and h − ξ are ample. Note that ξ − h ∈ Mov(X)∨ for 0 <   1 and so ξ·γ ≥ h·γ for any mobile class γ. Notice that ξ + δh is big for any 1  δ > 0 and by (14.1), we may find fδ∗ (ξ + δh) = Aδ + Bδ

fδ : Yδ → X, where Aδ is ample, Bδ ≥ 0,

1 δn n (?) vol(Aδ ) ≥ vol(ξ + δh) − δ ≥ vol(ξ + δh) ≥ ·h . 2 2 The class γδ = (fδ )∗ (An−1 ) is movable and we have δ 2n


h · γδ = fδ∗ h · An−1 ≥ (hn )1/n · (Anδ )(n−1)/n δ

by the generalized Hodge inequalities. One sees that ξ · γδ ≤ (ξ + δh) · γδ = fδ∗ (ξ + δh) · An−1 = Anδ + Bδ · Aδn−1 . δ By (14.4) and the first inequality in (?), we have that Bδ · An−1 ≤ (C1 · hn · vol(ξ + δh) − vol(Aδ ))1/2 ≤ C2 · δ n δ where Ci are constants independent of δ. The above inequality, (?) and (]) toghether imply that Anδ + C2 · δ n ξ · γδ ≤ C3 · (Anδ )1/n + C4 · δ ≤ n 1/n ([) h · γδ (h ) · (Anδ )(n−1)/n where Ci are constants independent of δ. Now vol(ξ) = 0 so that for δ → 0, we have lim Anδ = lim vol(Anδ ) = lim vol(ξ + δh) = 0. By ([) we then have ξ · γδ =0 h · γδ which is the required contradiction. lim

15. Rationally Connected Fibrations Recall the following. Definition 15.1. d-long Let X be a smooth complex projective variety, then (1) X is rational if it is birational to PnC i.e. C(X) ∼ = C(x1 , . . . , xn ). (2) X is unirational if there is a dominant rational map PCm 99K X i.e. if there are inclusions C ⊂ C(X) ⊂ C(x1 , . . . , xm ). 112

(3) X is rationally connected if for any two general points p and q there is a rational curve C passing through p and q. (4) X is uni-rationally if for any general point p ∈ X there is a rational curve C passing through p (i.e. if KX is not pseudoeffective cf. (14.5)). Remark 15.2. Clearly rational implies unirational which implies rationally connected which implies unirational. Note that if X is unirational, then κ(X) < 0 and if X is rationally connected, then h0 (Ω1X ) = 0. Theorem 15.3. If dim X ≤ 2, then X is rational if and only if it is unirational or rationally connected. Proof. By (15.2), it suffices to show that if X is rationally connected ⊗2 then it is rational. In this case, we have P2 (X) = h0 (ωX ) = 0 and 0 1 h (ΩX ) = 0. If dim X = 1 this means that the genus of X is 0 and so X is P1C . If dim X = 2, then by a theorem of Castelnuovo, X is rational.  Remark 15.4. In dim ≥ 3 there are uniruled varieties that are not rational. It is not known if rationally connected are allways unirational. Note that by a Theorem of Campana and Koll´ar-Mori-Myiaoka, any Fano manifold (−KX is ample) is rationally connected. Eg. a general hypersurface in Pn+1 of degree n + 1 with n  0 and a 2 − 1 cover of Pn branched along a general divisor of degree 2n with n  0. We don’t know if these varieties are unirational. Theorem 15.5. If dim X = 2, then X is uniruled if and only if κ(X) < 0. Corollary 15.6 (L¨ uroth’s problem). Let C ⊂ L ⊂ C(x, y) be any field. Then L ∼ = C or L ∼ = C(t) or L ∼ = C(s, t). Remark 15.7. It is known that X is rationally connected if and only if there is a morphism f : P1C → X such that f ∗ TX is ample (if n ≥ 3 this is equivalent to the existence of a smooth rational curve with ample normal bundle). Lemma 15.8. Given any two points p, q on a smooth rationally connected variety X, there is a chain of rational curves containing p and q. It is conjectured that Conjecture 15.9. Let X be a smooth complex projective variety, then (1) X is rationally connected if and only if h0 (X, (Ω1X )⊗m ) = 0 for all m > 0. 113

⊗m (2) X is uniruled if and only if h0 (ωX ) = 0 for all m > 0.

Note that the second part is known in dimension ≤ 3 by the MMP. The second part is known to imply the first part cf. (15.12) Definition 15.10. Let X be a smooth complex projective variety. The maximally rationally connected fibration (MRC fibration) is a morphism π : X 0 → Z such that X 0 is birational to X, the general fiber of π is rationally connected and for any z ∈ Z very general, then any rational curve on X 0 which meets the fiber Xz0 is contained in Xz . The existence of MRC fibrations is guaranteed by a result of Campana and Koll´ar-Mori-Myiaoka. It is unique up to birational equivalence. Recall the following fundamental result of Graber-Harris-Starr: Theorem 15.11. Let π : X → B be a proper morphism of smooth complex varieties where dim B = 1. If the general fiber of π is rationally connected then there is a section of π. Corollary 15.12. The image Z of the MRC fibration π : X 0 → Z is not uniruled. 15.1. singular varieties. The situation is more complicated for singular varities. The following definitions are useful. Definition 15.13. Let X be a reduced separated scheme of finite type over C, then X is is rationally chain connected if for any 2 general points p, q ∈ X, there is a connected chain of rational curves C = ∪Ci containing p and q. If V ⊂ X is a closed subset, then X is is rationally chain connected modulo V if for any 2 general points p, q ∈ X, there is a connected chain of curves C = ∪Ci containing p and q such that if Ci is not rational then Ci ⊂ V . Remark 15.14. Note that if X is a smooth variety, then X is rationally chain connected if and only if it is rationally connected. This fails for singular varieties. Eg. let X be a cone over an elliptic curve, then X is rationally chain connected but it is not rationally connected. We have the following result of Hacon and Mc Kernan. Theorem 15.15. Let (X, B) be a log pair and f : X → S be a projective morphism such that −KX is relatively big and OX (−m(KX + B)) is relatively generated for some m > 0. Let g : Y → X be any birational morphism and π = f ◦ g. Then, every fiber of π is rationally chain connected modulo g −1 NKLT(X, B). 114

Corollary 15.16. If (X, B) is a kawamata log terminal pair and f : X → S is a projective morphism such that −(KX + B) is relatively nef and −KX is relatively big. Then every fiber of f is rationally chain connected (and in fact rationally connected). Corollary 15.17. If (X, B) is a kawamata log terminal pair and g : Y → X is any proper birational morphism, then the fibers of g are rationally chain connected. Corollary 15.18. If (X, B) is a kawamata log terminal pair, then (X, B) is rationally connected if and only if it is rationally chain connected Corollary 15.19. If (X, B) is a kawamata log terminal pair and f : X 99K Y is a rational map of normal projective varieties, then for any x ∈ X, the indeterminacy locus of x (given by q(p−1 (x)) where Γ is the graph and p : Γ → X and q : Γ → Y ) is covered by rational curves. Corollary 15.20. If (X, B) is a kawamata log terminal pair and f : X 99K S is a projective morphism with connected fibers such that −(KX + B) is relatively nef and −KX is relatively big. Then for any birational morphism g : Y → X, f ◦ g has a section over any curve. Corollary 15.21. If (X, B) is a kawamata log terminal pair and −(KX + B) is big and nef. Then X is rationally connected and in fact simply connected. References [1] V. Alexeev, C. Hacon, and Y. Kawamata, Termination of (many) 4dimensional log flips, arXiv:math.AG/0605137. [2] A. Corti, Factoring birational maps of threefolds after Sarkisov, J. Algebraic Geom. 4 (1995), no. 2, 223–254. [3] O. Fujino, Special termination and reduction to pl flips, Flips for 3-folds and 4-folds (Alessio Corti, ed.), Oxford University Press, 2005, pp. 55–65. [4] C. Hacon and J. Mc Kernan, On the existence of flips, math.AG/0507597. [5] R. Hartshorne, Algebraic geometry, Springer-Verlag, 1977. [6] Y. Kawamata, Flops connect minimal models, arXiv:alg-geom/07041013. [7] J. Koll´ ar, Resolution of Singularities – Seattle Lecture, arXiv:math.AG/0508332. [8] , Effective base point freeness, Math. Ann. 296 (1993), no. 4, 595–605. [9] J. Koll´ ar et al., Flips and abundance for algebraic threefolds, Soci´et´e Math´ematique de France, Paris, 1992, Papers from the Second Summer Seminar on Algebraic Geometry held at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, August 1991, Ast´erisque No. 211 (1992). [10] J. Koll´ ar and S. Mori, Birational geometry of algebraic varieties, Cambridge tracts in mathematics, vol. 134, Cambridge University Press, 1998. 115

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