exposure to the visual arts. MARILYN K. GLICK SCHOOL OF ART. 820 E. 67TH STREET INDIANAPOLIS IN 46220. 317.255.2464 www.
M A R I LY N K . G L I C K S C H O O L O F A R T
820 E. 67TH STREET INDIANAPOLIS IN 46220 Located in the Broad Ripple Village Cultural District
The mission of the Indianapolis Art Center is to • Engage, • Enlighten and • Inspire our community by providing • interactive art education, • outreach to underserved audiences, • support of artists and • exposure to the visual arts
The Indianapolis Art Center is calling for entries from faculty, staff and students to participate in a showcasing of artwork for our Winter Exhibition mish-mash in the Ruth Lilly Library. This show will run in conjunction with our other exhibition series Piecemeal, curated by Kyle Herrington, Director of Exhibitions. The Indianapolis Art Center is looking for any works that fall under the category of collage, assemblage & or photomontage. All mediums are welcome, and could include anything from digital art to painting or sculpture. This show accepts one entry from each faculty, staff or student. The show is non-competitive and work will be displayed on a first come first serve basis.
Artist’s Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Instructor/Staff: What do you teach? or What is your title? _________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________________________ ARTWORK INFORMATION Title of Work: ______________________________________________________________________
SHOW DATES February 7 - April 7, 2018 Opening Reception • February 9, 2018 • 6-9 pm
Materials/Medium: _________________________________________________________________ Sale Price (Or NFS): ________________________________________________________________ If Student; Instructor’s Name: ________________________________________________________
INSURANCE: The Art Center will insure all work while on display. The artist provide on this form the insurance value for the work on display. The insurance value cannot exceed the sale price unless specified as NFS. This information will be collected approximately 3 weeks prior to the exhibition opening. The Art Center will exercise the highest standard of care for work while on display but should damage or theft occur the artist should note that insurance claims are between the artist and insurer and will require proof of previous sale or other formal valuation to receive payment.
Complete the attached application form. Cut on dotted lines, attach Artwork Tag to the front of Artwork and turn both the work and the form in to Guest Services on or before the entry deadline.
Entry Deadline: January 22, 2017
SALE OF WORK: The Art Center will make a price list available to visitors if work is for sale. All sales carry a 35% sales commission. Sales will be made payable to the Art Center, who will forward the sale price less the 35% sales commission to the Artist. Gallery Sales are processed after the Exhibition has closed in the first week of the month.
ELIGIBILITY •A rtwork should fall under the category or categories of Collage, Assemblage & or Photomontage.
Any work from the exhibition sold during the three months following the close of the exhibition to a buyer who indicates that the work was originally seen at the Art Center’s location is subject to the same sales commission, which must
• Must be either a past or a current student within the past two years, or a current faculty or staff member at the Indianapolis Art Center.
Insurance Value: ______________________ I have read and by signing below I agree to abide by the above insurance agreement.
• Works must be delivered and ready to display on or before the due date.
___________________________ Signature of Artist Date
• Works must remain on display during the full run of the exhibition.
•W ork will be accepted on a first come, first served basis until we have reached approximately 40 artworks.
•W orks cannot have been previously displayed at the Indianapolis Art Center with exception to being displayed in the Student Gallery Hallway.
• Works shown are still eligible for the Annual Student Show.
Artist’s Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________________________
•W hen sales are made of student work currently hanging in the gallery at the Indianapolis Art Center, there will be a 35% commission taken. All sales are handled through Guest Services (Front Desk).
Materials/Medium: _________________________________________________________________ Sale Price (Or NFS): _________________________________________________________________
Questions? Contact TJ Samuels, Exhibitions Associate, at
[email protected] or (317) 255-2464 x 2490.
Title of Artwork: ___________________________________________________________________
Instructor’s Name: _________________________________________________________________ Please cut and attach this portion of the completed form to the FRONT of your artwork and turn in to Guest Services.