in Class – Peace Mobil. • Scholastic Kids are Authors: Two Honorable Mentions (
possible 20) for two books. • Winning teams and excellent sportsmanship for ...
The Montessori Middle School Awards & Honors 2008-2009 •
City Hall-Declaration of Human Rights: 1st place holiday ornament
CT State Science Fair: 1st place for excellence-Plant Science; 2nd place-All State –7th Life Science; Gagon Award-for excellence in life sciences, and $100; $500 awarded for Life Science/Environmental Science; Two Honorable Mentions
Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth: Eleven 7th grade students eligible to take SAT’s based on their standardized test scores; Four students scored over 1400; One student scored 1600
Model United Nations - Represented Italy: Peace Building Commission; International Atomic Energy Association; Human Rights Council ;Security Council
New England Math League Contest: 8th grade class-placed 3rd in Fairfield County; 7th grade classplaced 4th in Fairfield County
MIT Rube Goldberg Machine Competition: Overall 1st Place Winners - First school to earn two years’ consecutive victory
Doodle 4 Google: CT State Finalists (two selected)
French National Exam:
Spanish National Exam: 6th year student received Gold Medal; 8th year student received Silver
1st in state of CT – 6th Year Student; 2nd in State of CT - 7th year student
Medal; 7th year student received Bronze Medal ; 8th and 7th year students received Certificates of Excellence •
Solar Power Race Cars :1st in Class – Peace Mobil
Scholastic Kids are Authors: Two Honorable Mentions (possible 20) for two books
Winning teams and excellent sportsmanship for intramural sports teams: Labyrinth Soccer, Basketball (undefeated season in our Fairchester League) and Running Club
Admission to highest caliber Independent Day and Boarding schools by Montessori School graduates (of 44 applications made to schools, 37 acceptances six wait lists and one rejection). Our graduates will attend the following schools in September, 2009: Greens Farms Academy; Hopkins School; The Dunn School; Sidwell Friends School; The Darrow School; Wilton High School; The Stonybrook School; Academy of Information Technology; Center for Global Studies; The Ross School; New Canaan High School
Continued Administrative comment and commendation from area private schools attended by Montessori graduates, and graduates themselves, on the high level of academic excellence, leadership and awards in their new school communities