The Mouse Grimace Scale: A Clinically Useful Tool? Amy L. Miller*, Matthew C. Leach School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom *
[email protected]
OPEN ACCESS Citation: Miller AL, Leach MC (2015) The Mouse Grimace Scale: A Clinically Useful Tool? PLoS ONE 10(9): e0136000. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0136000 Editor: Siba K Samal, University of Maryland, UNITED STATES Received: April 22, 2015 Accepted: July 28, 2015 Published: September 25, 2015 Copyright: © 2015 Miller, Leach. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Data Availability Statement: Due to the sensitive nature of the data, i.e. the use of animals, in the past data has only been made available by direct request to the senior author. We can however, make the data available and upload the raw data to yourselves should the manuscript be accepted for publication. Funding: Funded by the UK National centre for the 3Rs (NC3Rs), grant number G1100563/1 (Website: The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
Medical research has a heavy and continuing demand for rodent models across a range of disciplines. Behavioural assessment of pain in such models is highly time consuming, thus limiting the number of models and analgesics that can be studied. Facial expressions are widely used to assess pain in human infants. Recently the mouse grimace scale (MGS) has been developed and shown to be accurate and reliable, requiring only a short amount of training for the observer. This system therefore has the potential to become a highly useful tool both in pain research and clinical assessment of mouse pain. To date, the MGS has only been used as a research tool, however there is increasing interest in its use in cageside clinical assessment. It is often wrongly assumed that MGS scores of animals not in pain (i.e. at baseline) are zero. Here, we aimed to assess the variability in baseline MGS scores between cohorts, sexes and strains of mice. Establishing the presence of a consistent baseline MGS score could lead to a valuable clinical pain assessment tool for mice when baseline information from the individual mouse may not be available as a comparator. Results demonstrated a significant difference in baseline MGS scores between both sexes (males > females) and strains of mice. The method used to score the facial action units (Live vs. retrospectively from still images) demonstrated significant differences in scores with live scores being significantly lower than retrospective scoring from images. The level of variation shown demonstrates the need for further research to be undertaken with regard to establishing baseline MGS scores for specific strains and sexes of mice, taking into account the method of scoring, prior to considering clinical implementation of this method in pain assessment.
Introduction Mice are the most commonly used animals in regulated research, with 3.06 million being used in Great Britain during 2012 [1]. This is an increase in numbers from previous years and is largely linked with an increase in breeding of genetically modified (GM) mice. Many of these mice will at some point undergo a potentially painful procedure. Such procedures can range from routine husbandry practices e.g. ear notching [2] through to invasive surgical procedures [3] or can be a potential consequence of their genetic modification [4].
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The MGS: A Clinically Useful Tool?
Pain research has a high and continuing demand for rodent models. Although, behaviouralbased assessments in such models may offer an effective means of assessing pain, in particular in mice, they can be highly time consuming to develop [3,5] thus limiting the number of models and analgesics that have been studied. Other research techniques that have been used in animal pain research include conditioned place preference [6], self administration [7] and MRI studies [8], however are also time consuming to develop and implement thus again limiting the number of strains and models and subsequently analgesics that can be assessed for effectiveness. In terms of clinical assessment, cage side scoring of behaviour is an effective means of pain assessment in rodents [5,9] but requires trained staff that are familiar with the procedure carried out as well as the species. Well-documented strain variation in the responses of mice to painful stimuli [10] adds an additional layer of complexity to the problem of both pain research and clinical assessment of pain in these animals. Validated facial expressions are widely used to assess pain in human infants. More recently, the mouse grimace scale (MGS) has been developed [11] and used in the assessment of pain and efficacy of analgesics, in mice following various standard nociceptive and surgical procedures [12,13,14] in research scenarios, i.e. where individual baseline data are available. The MGS consists of 5 facial action units (FAUs) that are independently scored. These are; orbital tightening, cheek bulge, nose bulge, ear position and whisker position. Each is scored on a 3-point scale, and then the sum of all 5 FAUs can be analysed. In these studies, the MGS has been shown to be a highly accurate, repeatable and reliable means of assessing pain requiring only a short period of training for the observer [11,13]. There is increasing interest in the use of the MGS in clinical assessment of pain in mice. However, to date the majority of research studies using the MGS have employed a within-subjects design (i.e. within mouse) where a baseline MGS value (prior to painful stimulus) is available as a comparator. This enables the MGS score observed following a painful stimulus to be compared with a baseline value within each individual and so controls for variation between individuals. Although, this offers an effective means of experimentally validating the MGS for assessing pain, it can inadvertently hide any underlying variation in MGS scores between individuals. Underlying variation, within or between strains, sexes or cohorts of mice may ultimately dictate the value of the MGS for assessing pain in many clinical scenarios, where baseline (prior to pain) MGS values are unlikely to be available. Therefore, we need to establish whether there is a consistent baseline or ‘normal’ level of the MGS scores exhibited by nonpainful mice and what level of variation is seen in this baseline score both within (between individuals and sexes) and between common strains of laboratory mice. This is particularly critical for the MGS as to date only a limited number of strains have been assessed using it and baseline MGS scores in these studies are shown to be consistently greater than zero. Only if we can demonstrate a consistent baseline score, which could be applied across scenarios, could this technique be used with confidence as a clinical pain score. So far, the studies that have used the MGS for pain assessment in research settings, have used images taken (either from video or still photographs) that are assessed at a later time date (i.e. not direct observation). While this is essential in terms of developing and validating this method as a research tool, it does not accurately reflect the potentially changing nature of the face of the mouse in real time or the method that would be applied in clinical scenarios (i.e. direct observation). Therefore, prior to using this method in a clinical scenario, live scoring needs to be deemed consistent and accurate in the same manner as the rodent cage side behaviour scoring documented by Roughan and Flecknell [5,9]. The primary objective of this study was to establish if baseline MGS scores are consistent between cohorts and sexes of mice both within and between strains. Additionally, we aimed to
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Table 1. Details of mice used in this study. Strain
C3H/He CD-1 BALB/c
Age (weeks)
Number of mice
Breeding area
CBC: Comparative Biology Centre, Newcastle University, UK; CR: Charles River UK, Kent doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0136000.t001
determine if live scoring of facial expressions using the MGS produced the same results as those scored retrospectively from still images.
Methods Animals Four strains of mice (C57BL/6, C3H/He, CD-1 and BALB/c) aged 7–13 weeks, bred in house or obtained from Charles River UK were used in this study (see Table 1 for full details). Mice were housed in groups of 3–6 with other members of their designated cohort in individually ventilated cages (IVCs) (Arrowmight, Hereford, UK) with sawdust bedding (DBM Ltd, Edinburgh, UK) and nesting material (Sizzle nest, Datesand, UK). Mice were provided with a chew block and cardboard tube (Datesand, UK) for enrichment and a 7-day acclimatisation period prior to the start of the study. The animal room was maintained at 21°C ± 1°C, 48% humidity and on a 12/12 hour light dark cycle (lights on at 07:00). Food (CRM(P), SDS Ltd., Essex UK) and tap water were provided ad libitum. All mice photographed for this study were part of other unrelated research projects so no animals were used solely for this project. No licensed procedures were carried out to collect this data, as it was purely observational. This study was carried out with the approval of Newcastle University Animal Welfare and Ethics Board.
Sample size A sample size calculation was carried out using G Power (V.3.1.) using data from Leach et al [13] and assumed power of 80%. Calculations indicated a minimum sample size n = 6.
Image collection Mice were transferred to a quite room for photographing. Mice were placed individually in custom made photography cubes (80 x 80 x 80 mm) which consisted of two clear acrylic sides and two matt, either black or white, acrylic sides which were in contrast to the colour of the individual mouse’s fur. Photographs of the face of the mice were taken across a 10-minute period using a high definition camera (Casio EX-ZR100, Casio Computer Co. Ltd., Japan). Mice were
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The MGS: A Clinically Useful Tool?
Table 2. Example of order of photography for a cohort of 10 mice. Each cohort is divided into 3 groups (G1, G2 and G3), with the mice being randomly allocated to these groups. Number in brackets refers to the number of individuals in that group. Session
Time Point
Mice photographed
G1 (3)
G1 (3)
G1 (3)
G1 (0)
G1 (0)
G2 (0)
G2 (3)
G2 (3)
G2 (3)
G2 (0)
G3 (0)
G3 (0)
G3 (4)
G3 (4)
G3 (4)
photographed on every occasion they directly faced the camera, apart from when grooming in accordance with the method set out by Langford et al [11]. This process was repeated at three time points for each mouse which represented the most common times of day that mice are checked and assessed by animal care staff; at 9am (AM) representing first thing in the morning, at 12:30pm (Noon) representing lunchtime checks and at 4pm (PM) representing the last checks of the working day. Mice in each cohort were randomly allocated to one of three sequences based upon the time of day (see Table 2). This was done to determine if any change in MGS score for a given cohort was related to the time of day or habituation to the photography boxes.
Image Selection and processing For each mouse at each time point, 3 photographs were randomly selected from all the clear photographs. Each selected photograph was cropped and only the head of the mouse remained to prevent any bias in scoring of the images due to posture. The selected cropped photographs of each mouse were added to pre-designed excel MGS scoring files in a random order, and were assessed by 3 MGS-trained observers, blinded to all details of the project. For each picture, 5 facial action units (FAUs), orbit tightening, cheek bulge, nose bulge, ear position and whisker position were scored based on the MGS method developed by Langford et al. [11]. Each facial unit is scored on a 3-point scale separately (0 = not present, 1 = moderate, 2 = severe), and the sum of all 5 FAUs were analysed.
Live Scoring In addition to photographing the mice, on three separate occasions during the 10-minute recording period an independent female scorer provided a MGS score for each mouse. To generate the score, the observer looked at the mouse for 5 seconds and then awarded a score of 0, 1 or 2 for each Facial Action Unit (FAU) as per the MGS score manual [11]. If the mouse was grooming, the score was recoded following cessation of this behaviour. The mean composite score (i.e. sum) of the five FAUs was used in the further analysis.
Statistical analysis Data were analysed using SPSS software (version 21 SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL, USA). The data were analysed non-parametrically. Kruskall-Wallis tests were used to compare multiple cohorts or strains. A Freidman’s test was used to compare groups over time. Mann-Whitney U tests were used to compare the two sexes. Results were considered statistically significant when p < 0.05. An adjusted Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons was applied where appropriate.
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Results Live Scoring Comparison of cohorts. There was no significant difference in MGS score between the four cohorts of male or female C57BL/6 mice at any time of day. Time of day and order effect. There was no significant difference in MGS score between the three time points for C57BL/6, CD-1 or C3H/He mice. BALB/c mice showed a greater MGS score at Noon compared to the AM time point (p