The Multi-Dimensional Stock Inventory and Sales ...

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multi-dimensional physical spaces and interactive software to observe the changes of ... Keywords: Accounting Modeling, Economic and Business Teaching and ...
The Multi-Dimensional Stock Inventory and Sales Control Graphical Modeling Mario Arturo Ruiz Estrada Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA Email: [email protected] Website: Tel: +006012-6850293

Abstract This paper proposes the application of a new Multi-Dimensional graphical modeling to observe the changes between the stock inventory and sales level of different branches from the same firm into the same graphical space. We suggest for the construction of this graphical modeling the uses of multi-dimensional physical spaces and interactive software to observe the changes of stock inventory and sales level on real time movement. Keywords: Accounting Modeling, Economic and Business Teaching and Multi-Dimensional Physical Spaces JEL: E60

Introduction We suggest the application of the Diamond Physical Space (D-Physical Space) (See Ruiz Estrada, 2007) to observe the changes of the stock inventory and sales level in the same graphical space. The D-Physical Space design is used the traditional 3-D Cartesian Space. The D-Physical Space has two levels of analysis. Each level of analysis is represented by L j = ([Xji], Yj); “j” represent the level of analysis (in our case can be level one “L1” or level two “L2”) and “i” represent the allocation of each “xi”. Here is important to mention that the first level has five axes represented by L1 = ([X11, X12, X13, X14], Y1), four independent variables “X11”, ”X12”, “X13” and “X14” and one dependent variable “Y1” respectively. The second level of analysis is represented by L2 = ([X21, X22, X23, X24], Y2). We assume that between level one “L1” of analysis and level two “L2” of analysis non-exist inter-dependency, the common issue between these two levels of analysis is that both levels are used the same axes in “Xi” in the D-Physical Space. However, level one “L1” of analysis cannot affect the level two “L2” of analysis. And level two “L2” of analysis also cannot affect the level one “L1” of analysis. If we draw both different level of analysis in the D-Physical Space then we can compare two different scenarios in the same D-Physical Space to visualize two different scenarios at the same time. Something important to mention is that the fifth and sixth axis (Y1 and Y2) is positioned in the center of the D-Physical Space (among the other four “X i”). We assume that Both “y” or (Y1, Y2) use only positive values (See Figure 1). The final result, if we join

the two levels of analysis, then we can observe a figure represented by a diamond. The Functions to be applied in the D-Physical Space, there are: Y1 = ƒ(X11 , X12, X13, X14) & Y2 = ƒ(X21 , X22, X23, X24). Figure 1 Diamond Physical Space (D-Physical Space) Coordinate System and Prototype

The Multi-Dimensional Stock Inventory and Sales Control Graphical Modeling under Simulate data We have a firm “X” that day to day they are checking stock and sales at the same time. This firm has four shops in different places. The initial stock is equal to 100 units and sales level is equal to 0 units. Hence, each shop has 25 units in stock and 0 units in sales. All shops open at 8:00 a.m. (See Figure 2: Picture 1). At 10:00 a.m. the four shops show different levels of stock and sales levels. The shop-1 stock is 20 units and a level of sales equal to 5 units. The shop-2 shows 24 units in stock and they sold only 1 unit. In the case of the shop-3 stock is located on 20 units and 5 units in the sales level and finally the shop-4 had 16 units in stock and 9 units in the sales level (See Figure 2: Picture 2). The total level of stock at 10:00 a.m. is equal to 80 units and sales level of 20 units into a period of 2 hours. At 12:00 p.m. all the shops (1, 2, 3 and 4) report stock levels of 10 units, 20 units, 10 units and 10 units respectively. But in the case of the sales level of each shop (1, 2, 3 and 4) is follow by 15 units, 15 units, 5 units and 20 units respectively. The total level of stocks and sales level at 12:00 p.m. is equal to 50 units and 50 units (See Figure 2: Picture 3). At 3:00 p.m. the four shops are running low stock in its stores according to the shop-1 the stock show 5 units, shop-2 is 5 units, shop-3 is 8 units and the shop-4 is equal to 2 units. In this case we can call to our plant(s) or suppliers to send extra units of product to our four shops. The sales level according to each shop (1, 2, 3 and 4) is equal to 20 units, 20 units, 17 units and 23 units respectively. The total stock and sales level at 3:00 p.m. is equal to 20 and 80 units (See Figure 2: Picture 4). Finally, if we assume that in the end of the day all shops (1, 2, 3 and 4) sold all its stock then it is possible to observe that the total level of sales are equal to 100 units and 0 units in the stock level in the firm “X” (See Figure 2: Picture 5).

Figure 2: The Multi-Dimensional Stock Inventory and Sales Control Graphical Modeling under Simulate data Picture 1 Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 5

Picture 4

Comments We can observe through the multi-dimensional stock inventory and sales control graphical modeling under simulate data is possible to observe the changes simultaneously between the stock level and sales levels into the same graphical space and time.

References Ruiz Estrada, M.A. (2007). “Econographicology”. International Journal of Economic Research (IJER). Vol. 4-1 pp. 93-104.