The Nation's Report Card: 2015 Science State Snapshot Report ...
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NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. Compare the Average Score in 2011 to Other States/Jurisdictions.
In 2011, the average score of eighth-grade students in Florida was. 278. This was lower than the average score of 283 fo NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. Compar
In 2011, the average score of eighth-grade students in Utah was. 161. This was higher than the average score of 151 for
In 2011, the average score of eighth-grade students in Utah was. 161. This was higher than the average score of 151 for NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. Compar
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INDOORS. 2015. The ParticipACTION Report Card on. Physical Activity for Children and Youth ... sources, including the be
data provider Hedge Fund. Research, was up just 3.33 percent in 2014, marking four years since the popular benchmark las
the country level and, through technical assistance, helps build national capacities. The Population ..... Barbados. Hon
arketin. Trends across. Insights from over 550 marketing leaders in the banking, capital ... of today's retail banking c
ST/ESA/SER.A/384. September 2016 ..... developing regions hosted 42 per cent of the world's total. ..... America was the
that provides low-income and uninsured individuals in the U.S. with access to ... informed public debate, the Population
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an interdisciplinary research institution that seeks solutions to pressing global problems ..... The launch of the UNU I
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The Nation's Report Card: 2015 Science State Snapshot Report ...
2015 Science State Snapshot Report. Georgia â¡. Grade 8 â¡. Public Schools. Overall Results. â¾. â¾. â¾. â¾. In 20
2015 Science State Snapshot Report Georgia
Overall Results
Grade 8
Public Schools
Achievement-Level Percentages and Average Score Results
◾ In 2015, the average score of eighth-grade students in Georgia was 152. This was not significantly different from the average score of 153 for public school students in the nation. ◾ The average score for students in Georgia in 2015 (152) was not significantly different from their average score in 2011 (151) and was higher than their average score in 2009 (147). ◾ The percentage of students in Georgia who performed at or above the NAEP Proficient level was 31 percent in 2015. This percentage was not significantly different from that in 2011 (30 percent) and was greater than that in 2009 (27 percent). ◾ The percentage of students in Georgia who performed at or above the NAEP Basic level was 65 percent in 2015. This percentage was not significantly different from that in 2011 (63 percent) and was greater than that in 2009 (58 percent).
Georgia 2009
Average Score 2 147*
Nation (public) 33
Percent below Basic Percent at Proficient or at Basic or Advanced Below Basic
* Significantly different (p < .05) from state's results in 2015. Significance tests were performed using unrounded numbers. NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
Compare the Average Score in 2015 to Other States/Jurisdictions
Average Scores for State/Jurisdiction and Nation (public) Score 300 190 180 170
140 0
149* 147*
'09 Nation (public)
In 2015, the average score in Georgia (152) was
* Significantly different (p < .05) from 2015. Significance tests were performed using unrounded numbers.
lower than those in 25 states/jurisdictions higher than those in 9 states/jurisdictions not significantly different from those in 12 states/jurisdictions 5 states/jurisdictions did not participate in 2015
DoDEA = Department of Defense Education Activity (overseas and domestic schools)
Results for Student Groups in 2015
Score Gaps for Student Groups
Percentage Percentage at Percentage ◾ In 2015, Black students had an average score that was 28 points of Avg. or above at lower than that for White students. This performance gap was not students score Basic Proficient Advanced
Reporting Groups Race/Ethnicity White Black Hispanic Asian American Indian/Alaska Native Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Two or more races Gender Male Female National School Lunch Program Eligible Not eligible
43 37 14 4 # # 3
165 137 148 170 ‡ ‡ 158
80 47 62 84 ‡ ‡ 74
47 13 25 52 ‡ ‡ 34
3◾ # 1 8 ‡◾ ‡ 1◾
50 50
153 151
65 65
33 29
2 1
60 33
143 169
55 84
19 52
1 4
# Rounds to zero. ‡ Reporting standards not met. NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding, and because the "Information not available" category for the National School Lunch Program, which provides free/reduced-price lunches, is not displayed. Black includes African American and Hispanic includes Latino. Race categories exclude Hispanic origin.
significantly different from that in 2009 (32 points). In 2015, Hispanic students had an average score that was 17 points lower than that for White students. This performance gap was not significantly different from that in 2009 (24 points). In 2015, male students in Georgia had an average score that was not significantly different from that for female students. In 2015, students who were eligible for free/reduced-price school lunch, an indicator of low family income, had an average score that was 26 points lower than that for students who were not eligible. This performance gap was not significantly different from that in 2009 (28 points).
NOTE: The NAEP science scale ranges from 0 to 300. Statistical comparisons are calculated on the basis of unrounded scale scores or percentages. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), various years, 2009-2015 Science Assessments.