Dec 15, 2015 - future health and welfare challenges and the innovation tool that brought them forth. .... ad agency HvÃ
The Nordic Independent Living Challenge: Solving big challenges through competitions STOCKHOLM, 15 DECEMBER 2015, 13.30 - 18.30
Nordic Innovation and the five Nordic capital cities are proud to present 25 innovative solutions for our common future health and welfare challenges and the innovation tool that brought them forth. We would like to invite you to join us in Stockholm 15 December 2015 to learn more about how the five Nordic capital municipalities together have worked with the Nordic Independent Living Challenge. This challenge prize competition is inspired by how Nesta and other UK organisations work to mobilise broadly to solve the challenges of today and tomorrow.
AGENDA 13.30: Welcome coffee and mingling 14.00: Welcome speech Clara Lindblom, vice mayor in the City of Stockholm 14.10: Putting people first: People-centred and socially inclusive design Rama Gheerawo, director of The Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design and the RCA Reader in Inclusive Design (UK)
In a Nordic context, the Nordic Independent Living Challenge represents a new and needs-driven way for municipalities to work with innovators. You will hear about the five municipalities’ experience so far, as well as international experience with user-centric and needs-driven innovation.
14.25: Driving innovating from challenges Tris Dyson, director at Nesta’s Centre for Challenge Prizes (UK) 14.40: Explaining the Nordic Independent Living Challenge Mona Truelsen, senior innovation adviser at Nordic Innovation and Juha Kronqvist, senior service designer at Hellon.
You will also hear the 25 teams that are currently in the competition pitch their exciting solutions for helping elderly and people with disabilities to live more independently in their own home.
14.55: Pitching session: the 25 solutions of the competition First batch of participant teams pitch
See you in Stockholm!
15.35: Coffee break
PLEASE CLICK HERE TO REGISTER! When: 15 December, 13.30 – 18.30 (optional standing buffet from 18.30 – 21.00) Where: Münchenbryggeriet, Torkel Knutssonsgatan 2, Stockholm (find on map)
16.00: Panel debate: The common Nordic health and welfare challenges • Karin Ekdahl Wästberg, head of department, Elderly services administration, City of Stockholm • Juha Jolkkonen, division director, Department of Social Services and Health Care, City of Helsinki • Heidi Dolven, special adviser, department of elderly, health and social services, City of Oslo • Stefán Eiríksson, director of Department of Welfare, City of Reykjavík • Gunhild Sander Garsdal, project manager, Væksthus Hovedstadsregionen Moderator: Zeynep Falay von Flittner, Hellon 16.30: Pitching session: the 25 solutions of the competition Second batch of participant teams pitch 17.10: Coffee break
Contact: For more information about the event or the competition, please contact Nordic Innovation’s communication adviser Magnus Buer (
[email protected] / +47 994 80 456) or visit:
17.30: Panel debate: The impact of challenge prizes as innovation tool • Rama Gheerawo, director of The Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design and the RCA Reader in Inclusive Design • Tris Dyson, director, Centre for Challenge Prizes, NESTA • Christian Gravesen, CEO, Welfare Tech • Kari Komulainen, director, Growth companies, Tekes Moderator: Bardur Örn Gunnarsson, Nordic Innovation 18.00: Pitching session: the 25 solutions of the competition Final batch of participant teams pitch 18.20: Closing remarks Bardur Örn Gunnarsson, Nordic Innovation Juha Jolkkonen, City of Helsinki 18.30: Optional standing buffet dinner
Speakers and panellists: RAMA GHEERAWO
Rama Gheerawo is Director of the Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design and the RCA Reader in Inclusive Design. With nearly two decades in the design industry, his interest is in people-centred and socially inclusive design. He leads the Centre’s Age & Ability research lab which creates design that improves the lives of people of all ages and abilities. Rama has published widely in both academic and trade press. He is in demand as a keynote speaker internationally and writes, curates exhibitions and runs workshops for audiences that range from students to business executives to civil servants. He is a Fellow of both the Royal College of Art and the Royal Society of Arts.
Tris Dyson is the Director of Nesta’s Centre for Challenge Prizes. His aim is to design and manage challenge prizes to deliver beneficial innovations and also to generate and share learning on the design and use of challenge prizes. Before joining Nesta, Tris co-founded and led Spice, a social enterprise that developed time credits as systematic low cost and sustainable methodology for engaging many more people in communities as active participants in ’co-producing’ public and community services. Spice became one of 20 Deloitte Social Pioneers and was named as one of Britain’s New Radicals by the Observer and Nesta.
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Heidi Dolven is special adviser for Oslo City Council and coordinator for the innovation programme executing the policy paper “Seniormeldingen” (future welfare for senior citizens), aiming to turn innovation policy into innovation practice. Heidi has 10 years’ experience in the use of design within the public sector and in particular the development of service design for the health sector. In her previous position at the Norwegian Centre for Design and Architecture she developed The State Design Competition, a tool to introduce design and design thinking to new areas within the public sector as well as motivate designers to broaden their field of work.
Christian Graversen joined Welfare Tech as CEO in March 2015 to strengthen business development and innovation within healthcare and homecare. He joined WelfareTech with six years experience as senior sdvisor in DI – Confederation of Danish Industry representing 10.000 member companies. His primary focus was on business development within the healthcare and the ICT and electronics industry. Before joining DI – Confederation of Danish Industry, he worked in partner, sales and marketing positions in the ICT industry since 2001.
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Kari Komulainen leads Tekes funding schemes through which some €40M annually is invested in innovation projects of small and medium-sized enterprises. He has championed numerous strategic planning activities within Tekes and with its partners. Prior to that, he coordinated one of Tekes’ strategic focus areas called “Business in Global Value Networks”. He designed core processes for FinNode innovation centers (USA, Russia, China, Japan, India). In April 2015, Kari was invited to the Ministry of Employment and the Economy to steer Team Finland network. Kari will return to Tekes in January 2016.
Clara Lindblom is vice mayor in the Elderly and HR Division in the City of Stockholm. Clara is also chairperson of the municipal human resources and gender equality committee, Micasa AB and Stiftelsen Stockholms läns Äldrecentrum. She is former deputy and member of the development committee in the City of Stockholm from 2009 to 2014, as well as federal director of the Swedish Tenants’ Association from 2011 to 2014 and for the Young Left party from 2005 to 2011.
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GUNHILD SANDER GARSDAL Gunhild is head of Væksthuset’s projects on public-private partnerships and innovation, and is the driving force in developing the market for health and welfare solutions. Gunhild is responsible for funding, contact with partners, public bodies and companies. She is one of Væksthuset’s experts on B2G, and has deep knowledge of the public market, actors and needs. She has extensive experience in running public-private innovation projects in the health and welfare sector, and has contributed to several publications on innovation and B2G.
STEFÁN EIRÍKSSON Stefán Eiríksson started his career as a journalist before joining the Ministry of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs as legal advisor. He then served as counsellor in Judicial and Internal Affairs at Iceland’s Permanent Mission to the European Union in Brussels from 1999 to 2001. In 2001 he was appointed Director of Police and Judicial Affairs in the Ministry of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs and Deputy Permanent Secretary in the same ministry in 2002. In 2002 he also took the position of Chairman of the Board of Neyðarlínan (the emergency telephone service). He was appointed Metropolitan Police Commissioner in 2006. In 2014 he was appointed Director of the Departement of Welfare of the City of Reykjavík. LinkedIn profile
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JUHA JOLKKONEN Juha Jolkkonen is the chairman of the steering group of Nordic Independent Living Challenge competition. He is a medical doctor specialised in geriatrics. He has done his EMBA at Aalto University in Helsinki. He is currently a division director at the Helsinki City Department of Social Services and Health Care. He is responsible for the hospital, rehabilitation and care services. Previously he has been working in several social and health care positions in Helsinki metropolitan region, both as a clinical doctor and as a manager and leader. His main areas of interest have been services for the elderly, memory disorders and frailty, and how to support the activities of daily living in elderly population. He has also been a member of the steering group of the National Memory Program for Finland.
MONA TRUELSEN Mona Truelsen joined Nordic Innovation in March 2012 to work with new innovation tools to drive needsdriven innovation and innovation procurement in the Nordic health and welfare sector. Currently she is project manager for the Nordic Independent Living Challenge competition, which is a competition run and organised in close collaboration with the five Nordic capital cities. Before joining Nordic Innovation, Mona was project manager at the Danish Business Authority working with different fields of innovation within the public and private sector. In recent years, she has mainly concentrated on putting innovation on the agenda in both the private and public sector. LinkedIn profile
JUHA KRONQVIST Juha is an expert in creating innovative service concepts through deep customer understanding. He has been working with service design for the past ten years and has been awarded for his work in Finland and internationally. His belief is that human-centric design can be used to create better services that respond to real needs. By interviewing, observing and co-designing with them we are able to discover insights that inspire useful, usable and desirable services. In short, service design places people in the centre of the innovation process.
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ZEYNEP FALAY VON FLITTNER Zeynep has 15 years of international design experience developing digital services for large companies and helping them to transform their service development processes into more user centric direction. She is an experienced consultant with strong digital expertise and strategic business design. She began her career in Nokia before contributing her skills and expertise for digital service design agency Fjord, where she helped building Fjord office in Istanbul and worked as the design director there. She has experience in teaching service design and consulting start ups in design and innovation. LinkedIn profile
BARDUR ÖRN GUNNARSSON Bardur is the director of communication at Nordic Innovation where he connects people across borders and sectors to create Nordic added value. Before joining Nordic Innovation in 2012, Bardur was director of creative media communications at the Icelanding ad agency Hvíta húsið and marketing manager at VIS, Iceland’s biggest insurance company. He is the former COO at Bifrost University, and has done part-time lecturing at Reykjavik University and Bifröst University, as well as mentoring at Copenhagen Business School. Bardur also has an entrepreneurial experience, being founder and CEO of the Icelandic digital media planning agency Ratsjá. LinkedIn profile