The occurrence of thrips species from the ...

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Schiiephake G., Klimt K. (1979)r Thysanoptera, Fransenflngler' Die Tieilelt Dtschl'. Jena. Veb Gustav Fischer Verl.,66:177 ! Ttdan S. {1001a): Thrits in Slovenia.
Agrovoc descriptors: thrips (genur, identification. classificarjon, moniioring. data collection, swe,vs- seogralhical disr.jburioD. ecoromic value

Asris catesory code: Hl0 UDlvercity of Ljlbljana Biotecnnical Faculty AgroDomy Deparlment Inslitule of Phltomedicine

COBISS Code 1 0l

The occurrence of thrips species from the Terenbrantia suborder on cultivated plants in Slovenia Stmislav


Received ALlgust 01. 2002: accepted Januaq, 14.2003. Delo je prjslelo 0 L avsusra 2002. sprejeto t 4. j muai a 2003


ABSTRACT The adi.le presenls 26 specles from the TerebEntia s!border, among them 2 species betofg to Aeoothrpinae famiy and 24 speces to Thripidae famrtv (21 speces lrom ThriDina; stbianr ly and 3 specles from Panchaetoih.pinae subiarn ty) whrch n Sovena are placed

ano-o "^o orLd/ pe.F ootilarcjr o.-da,o.s o. .r.r/rred pta.ts Bos-do-rv\o.ea.sro1iro..g.1000200:-dileoelaaoo-.9e.g.cp.i-ad6-bno-or Thtsanoptera species in S ove. a in p.evious decade the an c Key



ihe tst of the r most

ihnps Thysanopiera, Tereblanla S ovenia, economrc mpona.ce ZVLEEEK


V prCpevku le predsiavlje.ih 26 vrsi resarjev iz podreda lereb.6nia, med njimi sia 2 vrsU iz


z poddru:ne Pa.chaeiothripinae) k jih uvraEamo v Stovenji med boj at ma.t gospodarsko pomembie v6te {skodliilct. oprasevac p.ed6roi) na sojen h ras!nah V de! so ravedeni nalpomembnets gostitejiresarlev rezutar pa imalo podago ! dveletnem monitoringu (2OOO2001).vinlormacijahorazsirlenostiresartevvSovenilt zzaaetkadeveideseiih et



resarti,ThysanopieraTerebranta Sovenia gospodarskpomen

Teach.Assisl, Ph D. Jamnikarleva 1Ol, Sl 1111 Llubjana. e-mai stan s a! tdai@br un I s

58 Zb Bioieh.

Fak. Univ.


Kmet. 8i



mlj 2001--

INTRODUCTION So fnr, 107 thips specjes were reco.ded in Stovenia Janezii, 1991. 1992, 1993j Trdm, 2001a; Trdan,


Strassen. 1981- 1984:

fe* .i,rr";i",J . 1.u,I\drco pf . -re eeJrerDd o. ::.1^",lfitr*:: rq-{^wirl p d,s re\ou..e.ejcre. '/ cr-i se, anJ ,a,".,ic7 ,,ro _r,r, r oe L, :\:r:: Ml\ ol u.hcr,e.orori.)r .npor 11.e or .rrrj\red prdr -Lerertre, "oo ", reeded. : ,::,.]l]:l dqu-re Ir^nrotrJr h(.i'.r 10 ??rh. Apnl :000 Jl1d Scprember:0!1. " U""n,ipr..",r_ t.,"".. 2002b), but only

]!IATERIALS ANO I\IIETHODS Monitorng of th.ips siarted on Apri 06.2OOOand asted !.iilsepiember Og, 2OOj Mostor cor ected


jn+s pe,



oltdoors usrns uslai .o


rhripsoroai;"1;"i;;;;i"-ii;#::, :i o. de,.l o, , ;r. ;";;,."" oo," 1 i-i ,; t:."'#;;::,



"i.._" "?i - - no o.oloS (a. derrt-r'o" o, or ,pE..e-5 1r,p ! .'or ed.1e .Botec.r(a. .acJn. O-oanrerr q"U,u_, -r.o lii"" ,i xr .rr,o^ca"e11ca.01 eg,oror, *""",p-;;;i,.".,;Ji,ii.^",i"..: ,;,oaoo,r", ol s-rEora--d-o-hr 1o-. .".,", es2 1.eyq.l%). rre!4)and "66!,;:. ;:s; rr.:E Mound and K bby





sampes were coltected more or ess randomty and noi wthin prevousiy stated unre


Aeolothripidie faprity

l.oltnhri\ i t.rmedit| Bagna is comrnont\ distribured in Slovenia. Litcraru.e Pr .,. n"''Jc.,rib" I'e.p..c... l ! . r.,.r r..,tur-, . rd.. LrnLc\.n. rrr\ e.' ot\ioof .go r. .t -. t {\e er r. n.D. ..n.. .n s.. \L.ri.. ..c.rci1d\cr fro-.. ,r,-.o,s nrre,,lo,er ,,.,."p;; ,.: .t r r er o r.r Brassicalme od Fabaeae ran ics. cukivared "t." cercets, _a ".,;;;;;,ii,J -;rr. Z;,, ,,t,i.i. f '.ic .' " o irc crrr o __ r1i,ru . /, c.{i-. , o.i\(,trl. ,.,".,i^..",, ,.' 1(,lo$-.o.o.J..r-ero{.n-orn.n-1,.,-i' . , ,..r.. .1p.1. .',...!r.or:,. 1,,1 ., . 1 . . rjd o., pi , . r o rp,,,, ;i,lll.l" r no^n_ .e DFd..oroil,.".iJ.6 (,r ntji;t ,.. . .tjt.. lealo ttp\ ]nekte"c s Haljday is jn Stolcni! not as numcrous as,.t. ,J/crr.rtur J Br ' d,d L.u.t) ;" . 1( c.:p-. . ,r,r,ol "..,, p,Jnr.-n.r onn"n p.J.o.,,. ,..,.-..., L..p".i( j ,cr i-"._-1. :,. o'.Jd- rh!\io.elij .., ri irr1.l-r rol yet been adeq uatelv .csea.ched. loieDtiat


suborderon cLrltivated" 59 Trdan S.:The occuirence ofthnps species from the Terenbranlia

Thripinae subfamily Ah,Dhat.4D ao- -utL. t.NJller o.c

:":';;-:., rrrerL


rr coa


nonr\ on


a'd dn r

'uIiv-'cJ ,- "r.;,.i , 'p,,,,,, ' o.b;s I 'o""' " irporar'e or 'he er, ord;lfe'enr cLlI \o'cr ' ena '



nrat -t . rlsl',lJ) uhtn 1 'eiCrbouril! rn' /enc/' 'o88i' cr rl sone par' .r',...",.'., '";','0 ororlleren gn e' ' en'-r paary.'\ 04. ma' . ud'lonr or i",;;,; ".,,'",.i' p"'on' /1 :,';';;;: d re' danxsP or re Dorerrtdl D rd(e: .-:i:. n" t".,, vr'ca'.1 i. I or 'ni r

t-h t ,.nr D'

cars oldifferent cullivated cc.eaLs'

or er been lnorn r' o'(ur ' ' tns,,.eri"D.,1""rr,"r.."J,r","boror'\,n- ob.ened ea,\ \eore. o,. Lo 'c "' " :,":;, . ,. ;,,.., cq:Lh ,;;:;,;;;; der(':our''l rc'1 ,".oae ,.l .le ,t .n;,rmn.r '\( -i direcr



rurting off or

tt'" leaver' Econonic imlonancei

i"-"e. ". r.,'".. b'' t n,.nr.D: at''.naL- \l'rerua rc'_n. reooeoirsl \e1ro rdr"00 r,. .'" :j, ;""1" ;;;'1. . ;r" i;koduciio" imo Euro'e (vierber'{'er' leerj)' thc its -\ner :;;;;;;;gili;s. r'Doni.'-' /j?"'I/ 'a ,;;,;-;.."; .,;,"" 'Prcldirs o\ci 'r'e !'ra1cr ' i" " r" -"*' ' direc! dmage on renves dxr



;:";;;;ff ;;;,il;;ii"-ce io lesser degree



rco'"mr" ir"pot^nce:


ihtunsa (Trvbon' belon-ss Atuors lh\sanopiera specics in Slolenia l;rdtlktinieLla round rn great numbers on be rr cnn no'L rr"q'renrLv

il."i'il;ilil";'":;,ri. rion Fabacele r'amih :ffiil;'";;i1r.;;; ",i,r"*"a ptu*', eslecial-! onp those t t rrer o\(r "' " ;:,,"" "- .'",."".:"'-,..,*", 'r, 'r. ro ..". \. ..' ,.;,-.. ,,r",r, ,,, t. )." t:.o (' rno ''e 'e' r i ol l. .(o \ rs foo- J"o o' 'J ' ''cJ . , .. ,"-" "" - ,,"""-''.;'d': ;'.,."o.cer'o''"'r:ro'ner' 'o"'

nt,,,. Pr.'. 'md.t,aD)."

-",.' , 11.o d r'e "Lrop!rr _,'r,r."" '' jr'



JUi'* I ''rr 'o'

I l':'1 " _ '""A'"'"'d 'tt' L L' br 'Krer 'l'o lP re"

'i_I1''I '

:'.' ..';1'.' '-'''d'ro I m'r' '(r rr" ','Tl "lJ ,"."., "l"r rfat o'li'r^r' I'r' 'Jr '-F('l.r'r ' .',r. C" '.."'-.. tiuils udYo\rng seeds on flo*crs. I


t:tau*linit||d occdenkltis \.Pe$ande) is I'roM



osr halrnluL lhdps specics in

beeruine of e0's (rdezi'' rees) rhe srcies !i*,*;.';;i;,;'il.irioi in rtret'''-nrlo": reLecn'or'e ,.,."",o."..i-.i .'' L',".'un' : .,0,i $..,"-l 'osernD. rL', " . ,"-: ,-;". ,."i .Li Jerc r -e L or rr(n ''l :1.

l" .. , r:';.p""r""" bL i' J' 1 r oll 'Jl r;,;..','.. d:,.c. -1rd-e. (.\.'' ".]."':,:. r' ::,:"1.

ui "'1r'|'




r \'Jo'



Zb. Bioteh. Fak. tr,riv. Ljublj. Knet. 8l


l. mal2001-

FtunktinielLa tehulcornis luzel) occurs on oultivated cereals, especiailv on common aat l,,1,renl1 sdtiw L.). conmon baie\ lqorcleun tullare L ) Md common \lheat popuiations' lTrilicum detti' tu L.), Nhere it foms an importmt part of mixcd thrips Economic imponance:potentiai drmage on eds.



raro*/Dr tobust6 urel causes dmage an pea (Pisth satir n L) ile numbers of lhat species seems to decline during Las! ferv

(Janeiia. 1991), but years. Economic


direct damage onlods

comis Halida-v sampLings in Slovenia prove that the slecies occu$ on .,,llivrted cereals- such as colnmon oat- common barlev. common wheat a rye' From the period ol streading untiL maturing the insect belon8s among fie mosl Thysanopt"." tpecles o! lhe menlioned hosts. Lnwthti$ cercaliun llnlidtv "n-,ru. has dre same specrnm of the hosts, but usuallv occurs less numerous Economic






ears (1sse]s).

ttictucephil.)thtips obdo irah (Crailford) was fi6t recorded in Slovenia not carlier dran in the sxmer 2001 (Irdan, 2002a). According to its present geographical distritution $e can assume. that it $'as introduced in Sloaenia sonic tin1e earlier' ll's

especially nuncrous on the tlowers of Asteraceac. Economic ir1]pofimce: indirect damage (\,ec!o. olrobacco slreak lirus). Od.)ht.nhrips .a rt&sPiesner liequentl) deleiops on the flowers ofFabaceae llanls and is the most numerous on alfalf!. Economlc imponance: potentiaL causer of direct damagc otr lhe seed ofFabaceae planrs inLa equehr Grzel) belongs among the most numsNs lhrips on mnurn let on rhi ttowen ol bird chenl', plunN. nectaines, peacles (L' rs direc!

?rcrri.a (4.) Barsch)


on wilil gro$ing

Rosaceae. Economic imponaDcer

Iirpr.r/a.rrs I-{aliday in Slovenia is snnilar like of 7t'-iPr r''rDltr (N{orison) (gladiolus. ptr*s, rosesl, howeler r,h/rpr arlafur Halidav do troi occur in is a fiequetrt sLLch large qLranlties ai flr,ps.!r,ple, (lvlo son). 7)?/rpr drd'rr Halida) species on plnks and aLso o; the flowers ofsome fabaceae plrnts (phdcelia lPna'eli' ranacery';lu L.l, pe,rl. whicir is not the hosls oI Ilrrzr JimPlcr (\fo'ison) Econonic imponuce:dlrect dxmage on the floweB

The hosts of

as occesional pest on rhe floBers of pinls bodl in gremhouss and orrdooLs (Jxnezil. 1991) bul its econonic signilicoce decrexs'd duriDg last feN ycars Economic imtonuce:dircct datnagc onthe flolve6

Thtips ndtus Schaok is hown

Thtips Ju\.iennis Ilalida,Y belongs.lrnong the most num'rous


rlysonnpt"." slecies in Slovenia. The iDsect occurs in grea! numbcrs on pea ord commoo buck\ahcal (,EdSo pytutn esc lenlun Maenchl. in mediun ntrmbers on some ofier labaceae ptants t"Louers l|ilfaliun sppl. or lhe hosts l;om Rosaccde td (rye' Solanace.le families (lotaio [so/.I"d tuben L.])' on cuhivaled cercals flowers' in Lhe conrmon barlcy), on gladioLus etc lt occuB the mosl iiequently

Trdan S.:The occurrence

ofth psspeciesfromtheTerenbrantiasuborderoncutiivated...6l

Economic importance: pollinator, potential causer of danage on rhe flowers. seeds ard young ftuits.


Slovenia Zn.i"r uh,rlJrm?rs Linnaeus is a well spread species ir rhe flowers of cultivated plants ftom Rosaceae family, where is knom as importan! pan of mixed thrips populations on bird chenf, mahaleb cherry (Pr nus ndhaleb L.), pltjJlts, .ommon apple (Malus domerri.a Borkh.) dd common pear. It can be also foud on wild-growing pla s like European bird chery and black tha]I]. mrips minutissihts Limaeus occurs less numerous in the flowers of Brassicaceae planrs. Economic imponancer pollinator. its direct damage has no! been tully.esearched yet.

Thtipt physapus Linnaeus is ieguiarly obse ed in the flowers of planrs fion Asteraceae family gowing outdoors. It is a part ofmixed thrips populalions on asters. dahlias and daisies (Belrs spp ), while on comon sxnll owet (Hetia hus ahnu s L.) ii forms more or less one-species populations. Sloyeia Thtips pb,sapus Lirtr1ael]s occus less numemus in the flowers ofpinks, siadiolus, roses and hibiscus (,Y/b,srrr


spp.), as well as in the flowers ofsome members ofFabaceae fanily (alfalfa. clove, and muy other plants. Economic importancer pollinator. its direct dmage has nor been fully researched yet.

(Moisod js placed mons the species rhal commonLy represents a of nixed thnls populations on gtadiolus md pinks, while it is less lart numerous in the flower of s&den dahlias, roses and on cultivated aspamgus. Thtips sinptex


Economic importance: direct damage on the floweB.

Tr.Dr r.rraci Lindeman is placed among ihe most inlportanl pest from Thysooptera order in SLovenia, although its direct damage is less importan! than those caused by FruhHinieLla occidenralis (Persude). Onion tlrips occurs frequenlly on cultivated plants ffom Alliaceae family rhat are ouidoor golltl fot food lleek lA iun pot tu L.). onjat lAllium cepa L.), bDching onion [,, /1,rm rr t"lasud L.], cabbale lBrasica oleracea L. .olnJat. capitdta (L-) Alef. \t. capitdtd L.l and cucu,nbers [C,c,mlr sdrD,s L.l) (Trdq 2002d). The insect ce be also found in rhe flowers of differenr omamenials s.oving outdoors ar indoors (camas tcdnnd s!!.1, chrysanrhemums lchrysan*em n spp.), seftni,r s lPetarso ium spp.l, sladiolus ed !inks). ft/rpr /4ra., Lindeman develops in various nurbers on some other Fabaceae pldls (pea, French bem), on culrivated cercals od on some other hosrs. Economic imporancel direci d.mage (flowers and leave, and indnect dmase (vector



phytolathogenic viruses).

Thript rulgatissim s Hal;day can be found ln lhe flowers of cultirated pldts fiom co inental p.rr of Slovenia rhe species represents a part of mixed

Rosacere family. In

thrils populaiions with minor to mediur imponance on pLuns and blackthom, common apple and common pear. Ho\aever, in Sloveniu sedide its importdce Lncreases ed rhe tkips is rhere especialt), numerous on peaches and necrarines, where ri causes surface scMing on fruits. Econonic importance:direct danage on fi-oits.


Zb. Bioreh. Fak- Univ. Ljubl.i. Kner. 8i -


maj 2003

Panchnetothripinae subfnmity

Heliathtips haehothoidalis (Bouch6) is reeularly observed species at the Slo\,enian seaside. Its mosr importmt host is vibmum (l/rb,/,,u s!p.), where the trips causes sillenns of the leaves (JaneZia, 1991). Economic iDllortmce: direct dmase on rhe

is the last among the potenlialiy econonically imponani rhrips species that was recorded in Slovenia (Tda,i, 2001ci Trdan, 2002c). It belongs among lhe species wiih the preference to the lvanner envlronmen! so in our neighbour;ng countries rhe thrips ias so far the most commorly found in ihe

Hetcinathtips lemolalis (Reurer)

othlbrrren,rdlr (Reuter) belongs ldge polyphagous and in Europe it occurs as the pest of ornmentals.

greenliouses (Tusnadi in Nenstathy, 1992)- Herci


Economic importDce: direct dmage on dre leaves.

Pdtthehathtips dtucaehae (Heeger) is relalively new species for Slovcnia. It {as first recorded on the leaves of ommenral ftom D/a.aed order in 1998. dd latter also on the leales ofticus (Fr.,s spp.). ft can be assuned, tha! in &e tulure it may sometimes deteriorate the aesthelic alpearance of omamental plants growing indoors. EcoDoni.

imporroce: dirccr dmage on thc leavcs.

ACKNO\YLEDGEMENT Author \aould lite to thank Belt Vierbergen (Plani Protection Serrice, Depanmenr of Diagnostics. wagcningen, Nelherlands) lbr confimration al ,Victocephahnrips a/rd,nrralis (CrawIord) aDd Echinathrips dbdotuihdl', Morsan identilicarions, 10 dr. Richerd zur Srrassen (Forschungsinstiixt Senckenbers, franlIurl, Germany) for confimation of ,ry€l.i,ol,&tips fenorolis (Reuier) identificadon. to lrof d.. Gnbor Jerser lPlad Protection Inslitule. Budapesr. Hung.q) for his lielp Fith ideDlilicatio.s ard ofier usetul inlonnarions resddnrs Thysanopiera species ar lo proi dr. Lca \,lilevoj. the Head of the lnsriturc o{ Phyrcmedicine, lbr linnancial sulton drat

in Nriting Doctorll Dissertatlon, which aiso cortain th,rsdoptcra species on diffcrcDt cultivaled planis.


the list of


lanczia. F. (1991): Prispe!ek


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J (cd.) LinbL.'



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D,: \ reo 1o.e '( -(n. '\c 'd./.^ :\ .rr oopt . I goslodarsko lomenbnlh lBt resaie! (Th)sanoptera) v SLovenli Dr' dis '

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Irdan. S. (2002d): Thc elficienca ol stickl boards ol light blue colour to reduce rhe nurbcr olonion ttuips (Il,/is rdbd.; Lnldemm) tu onion crops' 2"'" ConI Int. moyens altcm. lutte coite org. nuisibles !cg: Ann' Commun' At_{ich6es' I-i11e,.1,i 6 er 7 mars 2002. Palais du Nou!ean Siecle 169-17:l' Trdan. S., Vierbersen, G. (2001c)r Nellmost vnosa nekaierih gospodarsko ikodllivih vrst resalcv (Thysatropteral ! SLovemjo. Zb pred' rcl i' sLov' posveto'anla va6. rasli.. artez ob Savi. Ivlarch 06-08 2001. Maiek J. (ed')' Ljuhl. Drus vars. rastl. Slo\.: 103--1 I I


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