The energy of activation, calculated from the Arrhenius equation for a series of temperature intervals, has been shown to be a function of temperaturl: well ...
The other | Knopf, 1971 | 1971 | 9780394436081 | Thomas Tryon Neurotransmitter-related enzymes and indices of hypoxia in senile dementia and other abiotrophies, degeneration (Drachman and Leavitt, 1974). Cholinergic neurons may be abnormal in the other abiotrophies examined (Huntington's chorea, motor neuron disease and mixed vascular and senile dementia). gamma-GTP and neuronin. The influence of improvement in one mental function upon the efficiency of other functions.(I, investigated the effect of improvement of one mental function upon other functions allied to it. Six Ss were tested on a particular function and then trained to enhance another function, after which the first mental function was reevaluated, and its effect in the improvement. Celebrating the other: A dialogic account of human nature, abstract [In this book, Edward E. Sampson launches an attack] on Western culture's centuries-long preoccupation with a contained, individualistic, monologic Self and its fearful suppression of all that is Other--all that is experienced as different from the implicit, self. Positive affect and the other side of coping, although research on coping over the past 30 years has produced convergent evidence about the functions of coping and the factors that influence it, psychologists still have a great deal to learn about how coping mechanisms affect diverse outcomes. One of the reasons. Aggregation of blood platelets by adenosine diphosphate and its reversal, on the other hand, in spite of much new knowledge about the role of prostaglandins and other endogenous agents in platelet aggregation, much evidence supports the original proposition that ADP formed from ATP in other cells, including red cells,1 initiates platelet. Controlling other people: The impact of power on stereotyping, presents a theory of the mutually reinforcing interaction between power and stereotyping, mediated by attention. The powerless attend to the powerful who control their outcomes, in an effort to enhance prediction and control, so forming complex, potentially nonstereotypic. Homi Bhabha the Other Question, to concern oneself with the founding concepts of the entire history of philoso-phy, to deconstitute them, is not to undertake the work of the philologist or of the classic historian of philosophy. Despite appearanc. es, it is probably the most daring way of making. Uses of the other: the East in European identity formation, the field of international relations has recently witnessed a tremendous growth of interest in the theme of identity and its formation, construction, and deconstruction. In Uses of the Other, Iver B. Neumann demonstrates how thinking about identity in terms of the self and other. HDL cholesterol and other lipids in coronary heart disease. The cooperative lipoprotein phenotyping study, the relation between coronary heart disease (CHD) prevalence and fasting lipid levels was assessed by a case-control study in five populations with a total of 6859 men and women of black, Japanese and white ancestry drawn from subjects aged 40 years and older from. The other tongue: English across cultures, eleven years after the seminal conference on cross-cultural communication, held at the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, and eight years after the publication of this book's first edition, it has become clear that the topic as a whole and this collection. The achievement motive, we have proceeded the other way. By concentrating on one problem, on one motive, we have found in the course of our study that we have learned not only a lot about the achievement motive but other areas of personality as well. The other path, page 1. Informality in the Process of Development and Growth Norman V. Loayza Macroeconomics and Growth Team talks Page 2. About 30 years ago: The Other Path by Hernando de Soto (and 20 years ago. Time and the other: How anthropology makes its object, time and the Other is a classic work that upended the relationship between anthropologists and their subjects and reoriented the approach literary critics, philosophers, and historians took to the study of humankind. Johannes Fabian challenges the assumption that. The question concerning technology, and other essays, to read Heidegger is to set out on an adventure. The essays in this volume--intriguing, challenging, and often baffling to the reader--call him And the philippines and stored up in these chains of furnishing means end schema. The rise of development furnishing means. The other side of the brain: II. An appositional mind, discusses imperception, verbal-performance differential, disorders of spatial thought, uncertainties in the evidence for right hemisphere specialization, music and right hemisphere, the hypothesis of an appositional mode of thought, otogenetic lateralization. Molecular structure of nucleic acids, they are joined together in pairs, a single base from one chain being hydrogen-bonded to a single base from the other chain, so that the two lie side by side with identical z -co-ordinates. One of the pair must be a purine and the other a pyrimidine for bonding to occur. The standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud, the standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud. Citation. Freud, S. (1964). The standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud (J. Strachey, Ed.). Oxford, England: Macmillan. Abstract. 24 vols. On a test of whether one of two random variables is stochastically larger than the other, let x and y be two random variables with continuous cumulative distribution functions f and g. A statistic U depending on the relative ranks of the x's and y's is proposed for testing the hypothesis f= g. Wilcoxon proposed an equivalent test in the Biometrics Bulletin, December. The structure and entropy of ice and of other crystals with some randomness of atomic arrangement, 3. The energy of activation, calculated from the Arrhenius equation for a series of temperature intervals, has been shown to be a function of temperaturl: well outside the limits of error. E,,, increases consistently from a value of 15,850 cal. at 5 to 17,250 at 32.5. The other side of the brain: I. Dysgraphia and dyscopia following cerebral commissurotomy, investigated the role of the right hemisphere of the cerebrum considering the phenomenon of dysgraphia in the left hand and dysgraphia in the right hand following cerebral commissurotomy. It has been established that the cerebrum is double, 1 hemisphere being.