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There's JUST ONE REASON you might fail on the Paleo Diet and it has ... Because you're finally getting all the vitamins,

ATTENTION: If you want all the amazing health benefits of the Paleo Diet - including a flatter stomach, strong lean muscles, younger looking skin, better digestion, more brain clarity, and a reduced risk of cancer, heart disease & Alzheimers, and you want to do it with delicious mouth-watering foods, READ THIS NOW! "Give Me Just 15 Minutes And I Will Show You How to Make Over 200 Juicy, Mouth-Watering Paleo Recipes You've NEVER Seen or Tasted Before!"

WARNING! There’s JUST ONE REASON you might fail on the Paleo Diet and it has everything to do with your ability to make delicious food, FAST. But now, with this stunningly simple cookbook I’ll show you how to cook savory, mouth-watering meals in minutes for some of the busiest Paleo eaters in the world...

Fellow Paleo Friend, Let's get serious for a second...

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You're here because you already know that the Paleo Diet is a great thing. We both know that there’s no other diet on earth that delivers so many across the board health benefits WITHOUT calorie counting, hype, gimmicks or anything like that.

In Fact, Paleo Is Not Really a "Diet" At All! It’s really a return to the type of eating your body naturally craves and was designed for. And that’s why it works. It’s based on how we humans evolved for literally millions of years. And takes us back to our origins. A time when nobody got fat. When we were all strong, lean and had boundless energy. And when there were no degenerative diseases.

Virtually Every Health Benefit Under the Sun Can Now Be Yours! As I'm sure you've heard, countless individuals around the world have turned to the Paleo Diet and way of living in order to regain their health, energy, vitality and power. Just a few of the benefits user report are:

Leaner, Stronger Muscles

Stronger Immune System

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Increased Energy

Enhanced Libido

Significantly More Stamina

Greater Mental Clarity

Clearer, Smoother Skin

No More Hunger/Cravings

Weight Loss Results

Thicker, Fuller Hair

Better Performance and Recovery

Clear Eyes And So Much More!

In fact, when you toss all the false nutritional info out there aside and finally get back to your roots, there's really no part of your health and body that DOESN'T get better in some way. And that's why the Paleo Diet is by far the fastest growing eating trend on planet earth. Because the results speak for themselves.

Maximum Nutrition, Minimum Interference! The Paleo Diet and similarly, the Paleo Recipes you're about to discover work by two fundamental principles: 1. Put maximum nutrition INTO your body... and... 2. Reduce or eliminate toxins and "interference". The first one is obvious. Natural foods from the plant and animal world especially when organic and untouched by the horrors of modern food production and manufacturing are loaded with essential nutrition.

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The second principle is just as fundamental, but less apparent. It means that when we avoid toxins hidden packaged/processed food... and the many hidden toxins in commercial meat, fruits and vegetables... Our bodies begin to clean out and detoxify. This allows our cells to expend less energy in actually fighting off foreign substances and more on rebuilding, growth and rejuvenation. The result? We look better, feel better, and perform better.

Imagine seeing and feeling more positive changes in your body and health than most people see in years of other "diets"? It happens all the time... Because you're finally getting all the vitamins, minerals, protein, fats and low GI carbohydrates that maintain the health of every organ in our body.

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There's only one little problem...

Why Most People Fail to STAY On the Paleo Diet Now, given the amazing results and all the buzz about eating this way, you'd think it would be a breeze to stay on it, right? Well, for some it is. But not all. Because unfortunately, most of the advice out there like "eat like a caveman"... or just "meat and vegetables" gives you no real instructions for how to do this diet properly. So what happens? You get bored eating the same thing everyday... frustration goes... and then you quit. But it doesn't have to be that way! PaleoHacks already provides the very best community for supporting and encouraging each other with cutting-edge info and truths about the Paleo Diet. And now, for the first time ever...

I’ve Partnered With The World’s Biggest, Most Active Community of Paleo Enthusiasts To Bring You All Its Most Delicious, Most Savory Recipes!

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Sure, cookbooks from a top chef are nice. But what if you had one from a respected chef (yours truly!) AND hundreds of living, active, healthy paleo experts? Well, that’s exactly what you get with the PaleoHacks Cookbook. It’s a beautiful, xxxpage, full-color cookbook you can use on your computer, tablet or print and take with you anywhere. It is the ultimate guide for making the Paleo Diet amazingly good-tasting, fun and full of the variety that not only makes you healthier but also satisfies your taste buds and cravings. It’s every you could ever want in a guide for how to eat properly the Paleo way without compromising taste or convenience.

As you might guess, each and every recipe contains NO:

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It’s all real food you’ll find on the outer edges of the supermarket including a variety of meat, vegetables and the occasional addition of nuts and seeds. That’s it and yet you won’t believe the types of recipes that are possible...

Eat Rich, Juicy, Mouth-Watering Meals that Make Your Friends Jealous... Just imagine, while all your friends are counting calories - suffering through yet another miserable diet... or worse, they're ignorant and eating random/processed food that's aging them at warp speed... ... YOU will be dining on some of the tastiest dishes you've EVER had. Like these.

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You'll also get some bonus meals from our Special Recipe Categories

Recipes for the 21st Century




Paleo Eating




for Modern







Yes, it's hard to believe these are actually on any "diet" - but again, Paleo is not really a diet at all. And if eating foods like this on a daily basis wasn't enough, you'll be getting slimmer... more energized... have better muscle definition... sick less often... your mood will be better... your skin brighter... and so much more! Still wondering if this is for you?

The PaleoHacks Cookbook Is for ANYONE Serious About THRIVING on the Paleo Diet - For Life! Yes, the recipes in this book are universally healthy and whether you’re a stay-at-

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home Mom, an elite athlete or a busy exectutive. Remember: when you consume foods we as humans have evolved to eat and you cut out the “modern” foods that don’t mix with our genes and DNA... You trigger a wave of rejuvenation throughout your body one that’s visible on your midsection, your muscle tone, skin, hair, face and much more. This is just one reason why so many people from all walks of life are turning to the Paleo diet because it produces results without the oppressive, tasteless foods and portion or calorie control you find on most diets.

The only trick the secret to truly making the Paleo diet work is being able to make a variety of meals that taste good to you... so that you never get bored and always feel great about what you’re eating.

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That’s what’s possible when you incorporate my exclusive tips and recipes combined with the PaleoHacks principles covered throughout this pages of this book.

It's How the "Rich Get Richer"... With Food For proof, just look at the side of this page and read from the countless people enjoying our tried-and-true paleo recipes... there is nothing else like this, quite simply, because there's no other community quite like PaleoHacks! And when you get your copy of our PaleoHacks Cookbook - TODAY - you will be eating healthy meals that do not result in you eating bland, boring or tasteless foods... You will be quickly cooking with fresh ingredients that provide the ultimate range of delicious flavors that will have anyone rushing to the kitchen to eat your next meal. And that's true whether you're a pro, or a total novice in the kitchen!

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It doesn't matter. The food prep secrets we teach you are fast and simple, designed by many in the community who have been doing this diet for years and know how to make amazingly good meals without taking forever or breaking the bank. This is the single best way to eat "rich" foods, and yet get so many benefits and therefore richer in terms of your health. You’ll even learn how to cook “paleo desserts” that aren’t overloaded with sugar, cream or flour...

Proven Recipe Categories That Ensure You Never Have to Eat a Boring Meal - Ever, Again! The PaleoHacks recipe book covers all categories, with well over a hundred step-bystep recipes (nearly 200 when you include the bonuses!) And every single recipe within the following categories will excite your taste-buds and have you cooking an easy three course meal:




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including fish and chicken




Plus, there are a variety of "special" categories that help you indulge in sandwiches... chocolate... pasta... traditional "breakfasts" and so much more all 100% in accordance with Paleo principles! As you can see, I've gone to great length so that you have EVERY possible dish, and EVERY possible way to make this diet delicious, with plenty of variety each day.

The PaleoHacks Cookbook Is So Simple, Even a 6th Grader Could Use It! From the outset, I make everything as easy as possible and assume no prior cooking experience or talent. Nothing is left to chance. I actually walk you through each and every recipe, point by point, until your dish tastes amazing and looks fantastic on the plate. You'll get:

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Simple, Easy, Amazingly-Yummy Paleo Recipes With a wide variety of easy-to-make Paleo-friendly meals that will get rave reviews from friends and family every time!

Clear Directions Anyone Can Follow There's no guesswork, we walk you through each recipe with 100% crystal-clear detail, making SURE you're able to prepare the dish

Absolutely Everything You Need follow the healthiest diet in the world and to start achieving the health, energy, vitality and weight loss results you want!

To Further Speed Your Success and Results with the PaleoHacks Cookbook, We're Also Giving You Bonus Gifts Worth $135 Absolutely FREE! As a special one-time offer for anyone who buys on this page now, we're also going to throw in free of charge five powerful Paleo manuals that take your results to the next level. These manuals help combat two biggest reasons why people don't get the start they need to stay on the diet... 1. They don't have the initial momentum needed to keep them on the plan until the amazing results become apparent... and 2. Social gatherings and eating at restaurants either become a downer, or they

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"cheat" which leads to guilt and frustration and ultimately to giving up...

Well, not anymore! With these guides, you'll explode right out of the gate and become absolutely confident and savvy at all things needed to thrive on the Paleo diet including...

The PaleoHacks 30-Day Jumpstart Don't want to wait? Want to get started getting the health results you want immediately? Then this Jump Start guide is for you.


This jump start guide will get you started on your Paleo Diet journey, and make sure that you are able to actually make a permanent, positive change in your health. With this guide, the struggle to reach your health goals will end. When you pick the right foods and approach your health properly, your quality of life - from your energy levels, happiness, sex drive, and more, will improve. So if you want to dive right in and get going as fast as possible, make sure to read this bonus.

The Paleo Foods and Paleo Fails One of the biggest complaints people have about the Paleo Diet is that there is a lack of food choices. Well

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let me tell you - with this program you will NEVER have a lack of choices. Just from expanding vegetables alone, you add hundreds of delicious meal combination opportunities.


With this food guide, you'll have a complete list of foods to choose from, and open up new delicious meals for you to eat! This guide will give you: The complete list of healthy, delicious paleo foods A list of foods and their seasonality (so you know which foods are fresh any time of the year) Your Paleo Shopping List - so you know exactly what to get at the store This guide is worth the price of the cookbook alone but it's yours FREE with your copy of the Paleohacks Cookbook.

You'll also get our favorite

Eating Paleo at Restaurants As you go through your Paleo journey, inevitably you're going to go out to eat. Instead of struggling to pick the best paleo meals on the menu, we've created this guide to show you how to eat at restaurants without any issues.

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This guide will show you:


How to eat at restaurants and stay Paleo Sample meals you can order at restaurants (delicious AND available almost anywhere) How to avoid foods that secretly have gluten or dairy in them (And how to ask your waiter to make sure they don't mess up!) By the end of this manual, instead of potentially dreading going to restaurants and staying Paleo, you'll look forward to it.

And that's only the beginning, you'll also get

The Paleo 4x Cookbook If you hate spending time in the kitchen, and just want to get in and out with a delicious, paleo friendly meal, this cookbook is filled with recipes that use JUST 4 INGREDIENTS. These recipes include some from the most experienced eaters in our Paleohacks community.


This book will give you: 65 easy, quick paleo recipes that you can cook anytime

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Your freedom back - you'll save hours and hours in the kitchen. The end to struggling for ideas to create quick healthy meals - you'll never be at a loss for what to make in the kitchen.

Last but not least, you'll also get instant access to our

One-Month Paleo Meal Plan In this final free guide, we'll give you our entire meal plan with 125 delicious recipes from the Paleohacks Cookbook. Whether you're just getting started or a seasoned veteran, this guide will show you exactly what to eat and how much to eat. You just choose when you want to eat it!


With this guide - you won't have to think at all when it comes to the Paleo Diet - everything will be laid out in front of you in easy, simple to follow steps.

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To Sum It All Up

You Get

The PaleoHacks Cookbook

The PaleoHacks 30Day Jumpstart

The Eating Paleo at Restaurants Guide

Over 125 Mouth-Watering Recipes

To help you get going immediately!

So you can still eat out and have fun!

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