compilation, see Spear, 1993). In Sila Grande ...... D. Harry and A. Dini for their editorial work. We ..... Spear, F.S., 1993, Metamorphic phase equilibria and pres-.
Neoproterozoic arc magmatism in the southern Madurai Block, India: Subduction, relamination, continental outbuilding, and the growth of Gondwana.
to element mobility during high-grade metamorphism and subsequent trondhjemite ... chemistry is best explained in terms of source region heterogeneity and ... from the main group of amphibolites and are probably of calc-alkaline parentage.
Tu, K., Flower, M.F.J., Carlson, R.W., Xie, G., Chen, C-Y. and Zhang, M., 1992. ..... 854. 140. 285. 427. 600. 504 n,d. 5.10. 3.30. 10.64. 8,19. 16.91. 17.29. 32. 321.
Mar 20, 2015 - Turkey (Adamia et al., 1981; 2011; Stampfli, 2000; Sosson et al., 2010;. Mederer et ...... lavas, with the exception of a single Lower Pleistocene sample from .... shallow upper mantle at less than ~75 km (Robinson and Wood,.
Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia [email protected] ... In the Archean Kursk block of the Voronezh Crystalline Massif, Paleoproterozoic rocks.
R.A. Duncan College of Oceanography, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon ... which were separated for 40Ar/39Ar dating at Oregon State University.
2 Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand ... has many volcanic geosites including the last historically erupted volcanoes in the Arabian Peninsula.
New York State Museum and Geological Survey, 3140 Cultural Education Center,. Albany ...... Enter village of Sharon Springs, and old spa resort town based.
narrow riebeckite-bearing dikes next to Ouricuri, Pernam- buco, crosscuting Cachoeirinha metasediments. Other peraikalic bodies have been recognized in thisĀ ...