Quality-Access to Success Journal, Vol. 17, S3, July 2016
The Perception of Inhabitants upon the Economic Development of the Călimănești - Căciulata Resort (the Vâlcea County, Romania) through the Balneary Tourism Ana-Maria ROANGHEŞ-MUREANU University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, Bucharest, Romania e-mail:
[email protected] Elena BOGAN University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, Bucharest, Romania e-mail:
[email protected] Dana Maria (OPREA) CONSTANTIN University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, Bucharest, Romania e-mail:
[email protected] Gabriela DÎRLOMAN „N. Kretzulescu” Commercial High School, Bucharest, Romania e-mail:
[email protected] Abstract The impact of tourism on a specific area is given by the nature and variety of the tourism potential, the existence of a general infrastructure and the presence of the touristic structures (accommodation, food, recreation). These essential elements of the tourism cause several types of impact (political, social, economic, cultural etc.) upon the local communities and can take positive or negative forms of expression. The purpose of this study is to highlight both the main directions of tourism development in Călimănești, which is known as a touristic resort, and also the local perception of this development. Methodologically, there was selected a sample of respondents from the local community, wishing, by direct field research, to achieve their perception analysis upon the impact of the tourism development. The research results reflect the need for cooperation among inhabitants, organizations and the zonal entrepreneurs. Also, the main results are based on a study that was conducted in order to determine the importance of tourism in the region, and the population’s accessibility to the services offered through it. Keywords: local community, tourism, mineral waters, balneary treatment, economic accessibility, Călimănești – Căciulata J.E.L. Classification: O12, Q26, R10, Z32.
Quality-Access to Success Journal, Vol. 17, S3, July 2016
1. Introduction Tourism, as an economic activity, can cause considerable environmental damages, especially if its activities are not performed properly. On the other hand, tourism can also bring great benefits. The pressure of tourism is growing so fast that all the natural areas with tourism potential are becoming more and more accessible to the public, for dayly visits, sports and even long travels. If there is a sustainable planning and management, the tourism can be a very positive force, bringing benefits to both the local communities and natural spaces. Tourism can help justifying the establishment of the protected areas in the border regions and may lead to a revival of the local communities from economical point of view and of the traditional cultures. In the general context of globalization and as a EU member, Romania aims that its tourism activity and also the existing legislative, administrative and organizational measures to be correlated with the global and regional evolution of the tourism. Therefore, the European Union has the competence to carry out actions to support, coordinate or supplement the actions of the member states. Such actions represent them at European level: (a) protecting and improving human health; (b) industry; (c) culture; (d) tourism; (e) education, vocational training, youth and sports; (f) civil protection; (g) administrative cooperation (European Union, 2007). Romania is a country with an important natural potential and one of the key elements is represented by the balneary traditions. It is about a potential that allows treatments for many diseases known in the medical world. The action to exploit the rich and diverse natural potential (given by the mineral waters, the waters and mud of the salt lakes, the gas fumes, the mines and the medicinal plants) has allowed the natural components of this space to be used for different treatments (Cândea, Bogan și Simon, 2011). These types of specialized balneary treatment spaces are: Călimănești - Căciulata, Govora, Ocnele Mari, Olăneşti – in the Vâlcea Subcarpathians area; Sovata - Praid, Ocna Sibiu, Bazna, Ocna Mureș in the Carpathians etc. The balneary tourism was widely developed under the umbrella of the medical tourism concept, a tourism / niche product which includes medical services and also tourism products (Yu, Ko, 2012), its general trends being the basis of the balneary tourism. One can notice that in Romania, the revival of the balneary tourism has become a major target for the authorities involved in the organizing and promoting this type of tourism. The role of the balneary tourism is undeniable, its market development having an important influence for the support of finance, public health and administrative territorial units revenues, belonging to the balneary resorts and to the consumers, both the existing patients and potential ones (Kapczynski, Szromek, 2008). 93
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2. The balneary tourism and the opportunity to develop the CălimăneștiCăciulata resort at local level The medical use of balneary and climatic resources is increasing in all the European countries, because the increasing body stress (especially in the urban areas), associated with the increasing percent of the usual diseases (cardiovascular, metabolic, rheumatic, degenerative, respiratory diseases etc.), of the nutritional diseases and disorders caused by biological rhythms require natural remedies in order to prevent and combat them. In such circumstances, the special balneary and climatic treatments become, on one hand, remedies with a particular value in the development of the prophylactic, therapeutic and recovery effects and on the other hand, an alternative to the pharmacological drug treatment (which often, is at very high costs, with limited efficacy and side effects) (Bogan et all, 2014). By its nature, tourism is seen as an economic activity which is situated at the limit with other branches, this causing a number of difficulties in its perception. The Călimăneşti-Căciulata town is important due to the presence of the hydro-mineral sources, useful for the treatment of diseases, making it be remarked as a balneary resort, of national interest. The settlement is recognized both nationally and internationally, having the largest climate-based treatment in Romania. For a number of tourist attractions, it is also noticed that this tourism encourages and developes other types of tourism (mountain, religious, ethnographic, business, sports, transit tourism etc.). However, the basic function of Călimănești – Căciulata is the balneary tourism, an activity that is the main occupation of the locals. Of the 8929 inhabitants, in 2014, more than 15% are occupied with tourism activities. 2.1. The types of hydro-mineral resources and the therapeutic indications specific to the resort The multitude of mineral resources, existing in the studied region, favored the appearance and development of the Călimănești-Căciulata resort. The mild climate and its position in the Vâlcea Subcarpathians have also contributed to these. Concerning the mineral waters from the current region of the Vâlcea Subcarpathians, there has been known 'that some ancient manuscripts have been found, according to which these waters were known and considered healing diseases (Călimăneşti being also mentioned among the settlements). The period of attestation of this settlement is Daco-Roman, when the Roman soldiers came here to deal with the local population and when the first resorts also appeared in the area. The epigraphic material found at Călimăneşti talks about the building of the camp at Poiana Bivolari, although the researchers have reasons to say that, on the both sides of the Olt river, the Romans had special facilities for the use of the 94
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mineral waters. The entire development and balneary improvements at Cozia and Olăneşti are related to the early 19th century, namely 1887 (in case of Călimăneşti) and 1830 (in case of the inhabitants in Olăneşti, who used waters to cure diseases such as scabies), while in 1833, the first records related to the Ocnele Mari mines appeared, mentioning the benefits of the salt lakes (RoangheșMureanu, 2014). The most significant hydric resources are in the meadow structure, then, in the largest river terrace deposits. Between the permanent rivers and the aquifer layers, one can observe a marked balance by lowering the water levels in the wells of the meadow and those on the near slopes, during the drought periods, when the rivers also record a minimum. With the increasing flow of the rivers, there is also an increase in the water levels of these wells (Figure 1).
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The main supply source for the groundwaters is the pluvio-nival regime. This affects the levels of groundwaters which vary from one period of a year to another, depending on the volume of the precipitations. Thus, in autumn and spring, with heavy rains, the flow and level increase, also occuring a large number of temporary springs on the highest slopes of the valleys, which, during the droughts, get dry. The specific of the waters is given by the high or low salt content, by the water hardness and the therapeutic value of the waters in treating various diseases. Thus, there are simple chlorine waters that appeared through salt wash of the massifs (Ocnele Mari), sulfurous waters, which cross the Paleocene sandstone deposits (Călimănești, Govora, Săcelu), iodine and bromine waters encountered in the Miocene Subcarpatians formations (Olăneşti). The sulphurous waters of the Olt Valley, from Băile Olănești and Călimănești-Căciulata have a distinctive character. The waters are accompanied by free gases, consisting of methane and its higher homologues (approx. 70 - 97%), having the characteristics of the oil gases which are entailed to the surface. Furthermore, the various degrees of dilution and also the hydrochemical diversification are caused by the mixture with other components from the infiltrated waters. At Călimăneşti – Căciulata, there are exploited a large number of natural sources for the balneary treatments. The Călimăneşti spring is situated at an altitude of 300 m and its mineral water is a chlorinated type, a low bicarbonate, sodium, calcium and magnesian water. The great diversity of rocks influenced the different mineralization degrees of the groundwaters. According to the mineral waters analysis in the Vâlcea Subcarpathians, the mineralization varies in each resort. In terms of the amount of dry residue, according to the Romanian legislation (GD 1020/2005, amended and supplemented by GD 532/2010) and the European directives, there can be distinguished four types of mineral waters (Table 1). Table 1. The mineralization degree at the level of Călimăneşti – Căciulata resort Mineralization Very low Low Medium High (in mineral salts)
Rs < 50
The balneary resort in the Vâlcea Subcarpathians -
50 < Rs < 500
Călimăneşti – Căciulata
500 < Rs 1.500
Călimăneşti – Căciulata
Spring 7, Spring 14
Dry residue at 1800C (mg/l)
The mineral source (spring) in the Vâlcea Subcarpathians Spring 1, Spring 2, Spring 4, Spring 5, Spring 8,
Source: The data are taken at Feru A., 2012: 6, while the clasification for each source has been made according to the samples taken directly from the spring, in the terrain
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The chemical composition is another criteria important for the classification of the mineral waters, this resulting from the specific content in dissolved salts. The chemical composition of a mineral water comes from the specific content of dissolved salts and represents one of its main characteristics and confers its health benefits. Regarding the concentration of ions in water, the water in the most sources (springs) is sulfated, sulfur and iodine type, these explaining the development of the Călimăneşti – Căciulata resort (Table 2). A careful analysis of the chemical composition of the mineral waters can help establishing its utility for the effective treatment, showing also its importance for humans. Table 2. The concentration of ions in the waters of the Călimăneşti – Căciulata resort Characteristics
Hidrogen-carbonatate or bicarbonate
XCO3- > 600 mg/l SO4- > 200 mg/l Cl- > 200 mg/l Ca 2+ > 150 mg/l Mg 2+ > 150 mg/l
Sulfatate Clorurate Calcic Magnezian Iron
Fe 2+ > 1 mg/l
The balneary resort in the Vâlcea Subcarpathians Călimăneşti – Căciulata
The mineral source (spring) in the Vâlcea Subcarpathians Spring 6, Spring8
Călimăneşti – Căciulata
Spring 1, Spring 2, Spring 4, Spring 5, Spring 8, Spring 6
Călimăneşti – Căciulata
Spring7, Spring14
Călimăneşti – Căciulata
Spring 8
Călimăneşti – Căciulata
Spring5, Spring6, Spring7, Spring8
Călimăneşti – Căciulata
Source: The data are registered at Feru A., 2012: 6, while the clasification for each source has been made according to the samples taken directly from the spring, in the terrain
2.2. Systems and procedures applied in the treatment centers The balneary treatment was developed and diversified in the recent years, this being carried out under the direction and guidance of professional persons. The healthy centers operate either in the accommodation structures (generally, treatment facilities belonging to the large hotels) or separately (at the Central Pavilion - Călimănești), in private buildings, and offer a wide range of processes, such as internal cures, external cures, cures through aerosol inhalation, mineral water injections, vaginal irrigation with mineral water etc. Furthermore, the existing treatment facilities at Călimănești - Căciulata use complex methods of treatment and are equipped with facilities for warm mineral water baths, gym halls, facilities for electrotherapy, hydrotherapy, climatic therapy, outdoor and indoor pools.
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Regarding the pools, they were arranged at the Cozia Hotel - 2 indoor pools located in the treatment area of Călimănești - Căciulata; at the Olt hotel - 2 indoor pools and 1 outdoor pool which communicate and are situated in the treatment area of the Călimănești - Căciulata resort and at the Central Hotel - one indoor pool located in the hotel. Regarding the procedures used in these treatment centers, they are divided into several sections (Table 3). Tabel 3. The range of diseases and procedures used in the treatment centers Diseases Digestive disorders: hypoacid gastroduodenitis, enterocolitis, cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, metabolic diseases: diabetes, kidney diseases, non-tubercular chronic infections and kidney stones, allergic and respiratory diseases; Digestive disorders: hypoacid gastroduodenitis, enterocolitis, cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, metabolic diseases: diabetes, kidney diseases, non-tubercular chronic infections and kidney stones, allergic and respiratory diseases; Hyperacid gastroduodenitis, chronic acute constipation, hypothyroidism, chronic acute blepharo-conjunctivitis; Digestive disorders: gastric and duodenal ulcers, hyperacid gastritis, enterocolitis, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, stabilized chronic hepatitis, kidney diseases, infections and kidney stones, metabolic diseases, diabetes and gout; Chronic hepato-cholestite, hypoacid gastro-intestinal colitis, skin eczema; Rheumatic diseases, post trauma of the upper and lower limbs, peripheral vascular disorders (arthritis), skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, hives, etc.); Chronic gastro hyperacidity and peptic ulcers, biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis, urinary stones; hyperacid gastritis, enterocolitis; Kidney diseases, oxalate and uric acid or phosphatomagnesium renal lithiasis, antiallergic activity in gastric dyspepsia and chronic gastritis, in chronic hepatitis and coleciste, in diuresis cure, in simple albumin nephritis in lithiasis urine form (acidic or alkaline), in skin and chronic pyelonephritis, in simple urinary glucose of diabetis, in food allergies; Chronic duodenal ulcers, chronic gastroduodenitis, hyperacid gastroduodenitis, kidney gravel accompanied by moderate prostate hypertrophy; Rheumatic diseases, post trauma of the upper and lower limbs, peripheral vascular disorders (arthritis), skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, hive etc.);
The spring used
Spring 4 Călimănești
Internal Cure
Spring 5 Călimănești
Internal Cure
Spring 6 Călimănești
Internal and external cure
Spring 7 Călimănești
Internal Cure
Spring 8 Călimănești
Internal and external cure
Spring 9, 10, 11, 12 Călimănești
External Cure
Spring 14 Calimănești
Internal Cure
Spring1 Căciulata
Internal Cure
Spring 2 Căciulata
Internal Cure
Spring 3 Căciulata
External Cure
Quality-Access to Success Journal, Vol. 17, S3, July 2016 Hyperacid chronic gastritis, chronic cholecystitis, pharyngo, blefaroconj assets, rhinitis; Gastro-intestinal disorders, chronic gastritis, chronic post viral hepatitis, especially in biliary dyskinesia with vezicular inertia, chronic occupational poisoning, gynecological diseases, food allergy; Hyperacid chronic gastritis and peptic ulcers, biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis, urinary stones; hyperacid gastritis, enterocolitis; Chronic stomach dyspepsia, chronic posthepatitis, in urinary disorders, singular nephritis; Renal calculus; Rheumatic diseases, post trauma of the upper and lower limbs, peripheral vascular circulation disorders, dermatitis.
Spring 6 Căciulata
Internal and external cure
Spring 8 Căciulata
Internal and external cure
Spring 14 Căciulata
Internal Cure
Spring 1 Păușa
Internal Cure
Spring 2 Păușa
Internal Cure
Sample 1009 Călimănești
External Cure
Source: The Balneoclimateric Institute, processed data from samples collected from the terrain
The development, in resorts, of some activities related to the prophylactic cure and the possibilities offered by the modern tools of investigation, analysis and fast diagnostics (enrolling a large number of people) become a sine qua non condition for a preventive, attractive and competitive tourism. The high quality contributes to the increased profitability and competitiveness (Yoo and Park, 2007) and the clients are important in providing the quality services as well (Crick and Spencer, 2010). 3. The touristic traffic at the level of the Călimănești - Căciulata resort The Călimănești – Căciulata resort experienced a positive development, being stronger in the recent years, due to the desire of attracting a larger number of tourists, both Romanian and foreigners. This is achieved through the modernization of the basement and facilities, but also by creating attractive touristic programs. The distribution of the mineral waters along the town, also favored the appearance of new accommodations, catering and treatment units (Figure 2).
Quality-Access to Success Journal, Vol. 17, S3, July 2016
Settlement area
Balneary resort
Guest house
Main locality
Secondary locality
Main river
Secondary river
Modern road
Thermal spa
Figure 2. The distribution of the mineral sources (springs) and the accomodation basement in the Călimănești – Căciulata resort
Analyzing the number of tourists in the resort, one can notice values which have changed significantly in the recent years, the number of tourists growing continuously. Between 1990 - 2002, the internal traffic registered a sharp decrease 100
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because of the deterioration of living conditions, of the basement conditions and of the lower and lower quality of the travel services. It should be noticed that, since 2003, there is a tourist attraction to hostel accommodation units and tourist villas, which increased the number of accommodations (Figure 3). accommodation units 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Figure 3. The evolution of the accomodation units in the Călimănești-Căciulata resort (1990-2014)
These units, along with the hotels, have facilitated the creation of tour packages suitable for a wide range of tourists (packages that include both favorable periods and especially, very profitable prices and services), determining an increase in the number of tourists (Figure 4). no. tourists 120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Figure 4. The evolution of the no. of tourists in the accomodation structures of the Călimănești-Căciulata (2001-2014)
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These elements of tourist traffic emphasize the importance of the tourist activity in the analyzed area, the advantages of developing this sector being wide, from the economic ones (the balneary tourism facilitating the appearance of new jobs and it may determine a growth in the region) to the curative ones (there are many tourists who wish to take a treatment, while others wish to combine the job with the treatment - by organizing various events inside the resorts). 4. Research methods Tourism is a core activity for the analyzed area, therefore, it is necessary to conduct a study on the perceptions of the local community upon this economic development. Tourism is a complex activity that uses a range of qualitative and quantitative methods which help to highlight the potential elements existing in the region. The technique of investigation is chosen according to the objectives, representativeness, validity, reliability and the researched population. Taking into account the extent of the territory and the number of operators (the local community), the indirect investigation was chosen to be carried out in the town of Călimănești. The main purpose of this survey is the research on the community’s perceptions upon the tourism and sustainable development. The target was the community from the Vâlcea county, consisting of the population from the following localities: Călimăneşti, Căciulata, Paușa, Jiblea Veche, Jiblea Nouă and Seaca, parts of the Călimăneşti – Căciulata town. The research is based both on the information gathered in the terrain and on the answers to two types of questionnaires in the studied area. The survey unit was represented by the local people, in the period January 1st, 2013 - August 2014. The survey unit consisted of a sample of 300 people from all the localities in the Vâlcea county. The surveyed people offered their own views about the socio-economic advantages and disadvantages of this area and the importance that tourism has for them. The objectives of this research were: 1. Outlining a picture of a balneary resort recognized at national and international level; 2. Identification of the main trends and difficulties in developing tourism in this area; 3. The involvement of the local community in terms of economic and financial aspect; 4. The impact of the implementation of EU funded projects on the community; 5. Prospects of development of the Călimănești – Căciulata resort. The results of the research were divided into two categories: 1. quantitative assessments on the socio-economic and tourism environment in the area; 2. qualitative assessments, resulting from the interpretation of the questionnaires. The first part of the questionnaire consisted of 14 questions that highlight the age groups, gender, education, occupation, criteria which are relevant in assessing the overall perception and in differentiating the groups of people living in this resort, 102
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but also their financial opportunities. Regarding the touristic aspects, the typology of the resort was the main aim to define, but also the importance of tourism development in this area and the impact on the local inhabitants. The second part of the questionnaire highlighted issues related to the main positive effects of the tourism development, but also the negative ones, the existence of a development strategy at local and regional level and the involvement of the local people in developing the tourism activities and the financial impact upon them. The conclusions of these surveys are an important source in terms of quality of tourism services and also an opportunity to find out how much the local communities are involved in various forms, in this evolution. 5. The results of the research The objective of this study was to describe the aspects about the tourism development in the Călimănești – Căciulata town. The current research approach aims to identify the socio-economic changes that have occurred in this area, both as a result of the official documents analysis (statistical data) and especially, as a result of the inhabitants and authorities’ perceptions in this area. The interpretations of these surveys are an important source in terms of establishing the local community involvement in the tourism development, but especially the need to achieve this. The sample involved a total of 300 people, of which 53.5% men and 46.5% women, with the following age categories: under 18 years old (5.81%), 2030 years old (19.76%), 30-40 years old (13.95%), 40-50 years old (24.42%), 5060 years old (11.63%), 60-70 years old (13.95%) and 70 years old (10 , 47%). Despite the study includes the socio-demographic characteristics of respondents, the perceptions upon tourism as a major economic activity for the local people remain the important issues. The detailed analysis of the responses to questions, highlights the dominant trend on the tourism of the locality. The perceptions upon the importance of these mineral waters are conclusive, over 90% of the respondents considering that without these sources no one could talk about the balneary tourism in the Călimănești – Căciulata resort (Figure 5).
Yes No I don't know
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Figure 5. The perception of the inhabitants upon the importance of the mineral waters in the development of the town
The perceptions of the types of elements that positively affect the development of the tourism in the area, are also variable: 40% of respondents lean towards the advantage of the facilities existing for practicing the balneo-medical tourism, while only 8% agree that, nowadays, the recreation facilities influence the tourism activities, but they don’ t deny the importance of this activity (Figure 6). Regarding the negative elements, it can be noticed that the pollution and the damage of the specific traditions are highlighted, but also the lack of an adequate infrastructure, typical for an international well-known resort, the percentages of these elements exceeding 95% among the respondents (Figure 7).
pollution lack of touristic basement lack of infrastructure recreation facilities deterioration of the specific traditions accomodation and food facilities impossibility of access, individually and organized, to some tourisitic atractions
Figure 6. The perception of the inhabitants upon the elements that positively affect the tourism in the Călimănești – Căciulata resort
pollution lack of touristic basement lack of infrastructure facilities for recreation deterioration of the specific traditions accomodation and food facilities impossibility of access, individually and organized, to some tourisitic atractions
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Figure 7. The perception of the inhabitants upon the elements that negatively affect the tourism development in the Călimănești – Căciulata resort
In terms of a balneary resort, it is normal that tourism to be the main occupation for locals and despite 38% of respondents specify that at least one member of their family or acquaintances are working in this domain, the number of those who were unsatisfied about this, is much higher (ie over 85%). Although Călimănești – Căciulata is a resort in which the permanent tourism is the main form, an important aspect is the fact that many of the employees in tourism, do not work all year round because of the low flow of tourists (the highest flow being from May to October, when the number of tourists is much higher). Economically, the percentage of the perceptions regarding the need of involving a larger number of inhabitants in the tourism activity is over 75%, this being due to the fact that the resort - as a settlement, has more localities in its administration, many people being without job. The insatisfaction results from the perceptions concerning the involvement of the local people in achieving a development strategy of the resort. 38% of respondents state that the City Council is the main authority responsible for accessing the projects and European funds in tourism, while 67% of respondents do not even know about the existence of such a strategy. Thus, the local community’s suggestions are interesting and aim: r providing the possibility for locals to attend professional retraining courses in order to increase the level of knowledge on tourism activities, and even to find a legal way of food space planning in their households, where only the traditional products will be used; r supporting the trade with the local products, both food and handicrafts (it must be specified that there is such a space, but its surface is restricted); r encouraging the organizing of the local faires in order to promote the local traditions and culture, attracting a greater number of tourists; r involving the local people in developing some tourism programs which aim to initiate tourists in specific activities (animal husbandry, horticulture, handicrafts etc.). Conclusions Based on the data analysis, one can admit the main objectives of the study (the quality of the balneary treatment, the inhabitant – tourist networking) and especially the clear need of the local community involvement in the tourism development. There are required decisions, both locally and regionally, through which to access funds for the local businesses and to support the economic investment in 105
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accommodations - by arranging accommodation spaces, in the household itself, for tourist activity only. This accommodation spaces can be arranged in several ways: furnished rooms for the strictly reception of tourists, of different categories, in private homes or in special arranged buildings. In the context described above, the tourism development in this resort must be mainly correlated with the views and interests of the local community and with the involvement of the local people, as much as possible, in the economic evolution of the area. References Badea L. et al., (2008), Unităţile de relief ale Românie, vol.III – Dealurile pericarpatice, Dealurile Crişanei şi Banatului, Subcarpaţii, Editura Ars Docendi Bucureşti. Bogan E., Roangheş-Mureanu A.M., Teodorescu C., Vărvăruc D., (2014), The Quality of Tourism Services Provided to Spa Consumers. Case Study: the Vâlcea Sub-Carpathians, Quality – access to success Journal, vol. 15, S2, Romanian Society for Quality Assurance, București, pp. 38-51. Crick A.P., Spencer A., (2010), Hospitality quality-New directions and new challenges. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. Cândea M., Bogan E., Simon T., (2011), Așezările umane și organizarea spațiului geografic, Editura Universitară, București. Feru A., (2012), Ghidul apelor minerale dizolvate, lucrarea editata sub auspiciile Patronatului APEMIN, Bucuresti. Kapczynski A., Szromek A.R. , (2008), Hypotesis concerning the development of Polish spas in the years 1949-2006, Tourism Management, 29, pp. 1035-1037. Pricăjan A., (1999), Din trecutul balnear al României, Edit. Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti. Roangheș-Mureanu A.M., (2012), Turismul balnear şi climateric. Subcarpaţii Vâlcii, București, Editura Universității. Roanghes-Mureanu A.M., (2014), The evolution accommodation and treatment facilities in Vâlcea Subcarpathians’ spas in anticipation of the EU's single market, Analele Universității București: Geografie, Bucureşti, pp. 37-52. Yoo D.K., Park J.A., (2007), Analyzing relationships among employees, customers, and financial performance. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 24 (9), pp. 908-926. Yu Y.J., Ko T.G., (2012), A cross-cultural study of perceptions of medical tourism among Chinese, Japenese and Korean tourists in Korea, Tourism Management, 33, pp. 80-88. Direcţia Judeţeană de Statistică Vâlcea. European Union (2007) Treaty of Lisbon. C 306. Official Journal of the European Union.
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European Union Competences in Tourism Promotion in Member States Daniela Iuliana RADU “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Faculty of Finance, Banking and Accounting, Bucharest, Romania e-mail:
[email protected] Andrei-Eduard VASILE Bucharest University, Faculty of Law, Bucharest, Romania e-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract Tourism is a very important sector for the EU. It is estimated that it generates over 10% of EU GDP and provides over 12% of the total labor force, hence tourism has a significant impact on growth and employment in the European Union. Given the importance of tourism Member States by the Treaty of Lisbon grants powers to the European Union to support, coordinate and supplement actions of EU countries in this area. To support the efforts of Member States, namely to develop tourism area, the European Union Member States make available to the Structural Funds and the Cohesion Policy Investment 2014-2020. With these funds the Member States will be able to develop tourism more effectively and in a much shorter time than acting without Union support. Keywords: Tourism, European Union, structural funds, investment, operational program
1. European Union competences in tourism EU competences in the field of tourism are regulated by art. 6 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. Article provides: "The Union shall have competence to carry out actions to support, coordinate or supplement the actions of Member States. At European level, these actions have the following areas: ........ - tourism .......". European Union action to support, coordinate and complement the actions of Member States is defined by art. 2 para. (5) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and it states: "In certain areas and under conditions laid down in the Treaties, the Union shall have competence to carry out actions to support, coordinate or supplement the actions of Member States, without thereby superseding their competence in these areas. Binding 107
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Union acts legally adopted on the basis of the Treaties relating to these areas shall not entail harmonization of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States ". In this case, the competence of Member States and it remains unaffected for the European Union. Thus, Article 2 para. (5) expressly provides that the Member States is not replaced. However, one cannot say that the Union's action in these areas of competence areas "exclusive" states, as and Union competence in these areas is significant. Basically, it is an "overlap" perfectly compatible with the Union's competences competences. Union action is achieved through soft law instruments combined with binding legal acts which provide essentially encouraging and supporting measures, provided that these acts do not involve harmonization measures. (Gâlea, 2012) According to art. 2 (5) TFEU, the European Union may adopt incentive measures or other specific measures and recommendations but can not adopt measures to harmonize the laws of the Member States. The real value of Article 2 para. (5) TFEU is that, depending on the area which it is addressed, the European Union is competent to adopt measures, including binding measures to achieve specific objectives that area. European Union the possibility to adopt binding measures depends on the relevant article of the Treaty. For example, in tourism, art. 195 para. (2) TFEU provides that the European Union may use the ordinary legislative procedure to determine various specific measures needed to achieve the objectives of promoting the competitiveness of firms in this sector. However, under no circumstances is unable Union harmonization, partial or total, of the rules of the Member States. Obviously, any dispute relating to harmonization measures among Member States and the European Union, will be solved by the Court of Justice of the European Union. Article 195 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union indicates that the European Union is competence in the field of tourism and the actions it is authorized to undertake in achieving this goal. Union action includes "fostering the creation of a favorable environment for enterprises in the sector; promote cooperation between Member States ". The legislative procedure in the European Union adopt the necessary measures referred to in Art. 195 para. (2): "The European Parliament and the Council, acting in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure, shall establish specific measures to complement actions by Member States to achieve the objectives set out in this Article, excluding any harmonization of the laws regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States ". 2. Tourism policy According to analyzes conducted by the EU institutions shows that Europe is global tourist destination. For the European Union to maintain this leadership, 108
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the Commission encourages a new framework for coordination of actions in the European Union, to increase competitiveness and capacity for sustainable development of European tourism. Commission adopted a Communication to achieve these goals the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee, called "Europe, global tourist destination - a new political framework for tourism in Europe". Commission in this Communication highlights the difficulties faced by the tourism sector, among them volcano Evjafjoll spawned a difficult economic situation Since we temporarily interrupted air traffic during April and May 2010 due to volcanic ash clouds creating the potentially huge damage to companies airlines, travel agencies and tour operators as well as tourists. In addition, European tourism has faced and still faces economic and financial crisis, which has affected all economies since 2008, taking effect on demand for tourist services. All these difficult situations highlights a number of challenges that the tourism sector must face. To meet these challenges, it is vital that all operators in the sector to join efforts and work within a consolidated political framework that takes account of new European priorities of the union expressed in its strategy "Europe 2020". According to the economic strategy "Europe 2020", the tourism actions at EU level can be built around the following four priorities: 1) Promoting competitiveness of the European tourism sector by: a. Developing innovation in tourism - eg adaptation of the tourism sector to the evolution of technology, b. Improving professional skills in the sector by promoting the opportunities offered by various EU programs such as Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, c. E-skills for innovation, d. Trying to overcome seasonality of demand, e. Promoting the diversification of the tourism offer. 2) Promote the development of sustainable, responsible and high quality 3) Enhance the image and visibility of Europe as a collection of sustainable and quality tourism destinations by: - Support the creation of a "European brand" to enable European destinations to distinguish themselves from other international tourist destinations, - Promotion of Europe as a tourist destination through sustainable and quality, www.visiteeurope.com . 4) Raising the maximum potential financial policies and instruments of the European Union to develop tourism.
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Tourism, according to statistics made by the EU institutions, generating over 10% of EU GDP and provides 12% of the total labor force. Tourism is an important sector for European citizens and for the EU economy. It is therefore important for the EU to pay particular attention to this sector, one of the sectors that can lead to economic growth and a high rate of employment for jobs in a very short time. 3. Funds allocated The European Union supports the tourism sector through the Structural Funds and Investment existing Union for 2014-2020. Supporting the tourism sector is performed using European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). According to Regulation (EU) No. 1301/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 on the European Regional Development Fund, which provides art. 2 missions fund, namely: "ERDF contributes to the financing of support which aims to reinforce economic, social and territorial cohesion by redressing the main regional imbalances in the Union through sustainable development and structural adjustment of regional economies, including the conversion of industrial regions in decline and regions whose development is delayed." Although tourism is not included as thematic objective under Regulation (EU) No. 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 laying down common provisions for Structural Funds and Investment, however there are many investment opportunities in tourism. Tourism is undoubtedly closely linked to the use and development of the natural, historical and cultural and attractiveness of cities and regions as areas suitable for living, business activities and leisure visits. However, it is closely connected with the development, innovation and diversification of products and services to visitors. Thematic objectives of the European Regional Development Fund are: 1. Research and Innovation, 2. Information and Communication Technologies 3. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs), 4. Promoting a low carbon economy. Although tourism is not provided among the thematic objectives, as long as natural / legal persons active in the tourism sector are following thematic objectives of the European Regional Development Fund when the tourism sector will benefit indirectly from funding from the European Union. The total budget allocated to the European Regional Development Fund is in the amount of 196 billion euros.
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4. Sustainable development of tourism in Romania with European regional development fund Romania supports the development of tourism by accessing the amounts made available to Member States of the European Union. To access the Structural Funds and Investment amounts, namely the European Regional Development Fund, Romania has developed the Partnership Agreement with the European Union adopting the commissioning of new operational programs for the 2014-2020 period issued. Operational Programmes are documents that identify, for each strategic goal set by the European Union, priorities and measures of intervention in each Member State providing details on funding by national, public and/ or private or co-funding from the European Union. Each operational program is divided into several priority axes and each priority has one or more areas of intervention. For the period 2014-2020, Romania has drafted eight operational programs that are accessing the funds made available by the European Union. But tourism development is contained in a single operational program, namely the Regional Operational Programme (ROP). ROP is mainly aimed at developing regions of Romania. It is managed by Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration and has a total budget amounting to 8.25 billion euros. Budget consists of maximum 80% contribution of the EU and 20% national contribution. Specific priority axis ROP are number 12, but a single priority axis aims to develop tourism in Romania, namely "Priority Axis 7: Diversify local economies through sustainable tourism development ". Priority Axis 7 ROP receive a total amount worth 118.9 million euros. This priority covers the following activities: - spa potential economic exploitation, - economic exploitation of tourism potential with local, - public leisure tourist infrastructure. The beneficiaries of this priority are: local authorities and partnerships made between central government and local authorities in different regions. Conclusions Tourism is a very important sector for the EU, having a significant impact on growth and employment. Given the growing importance of tourism, Member States saw the need for the EU to have certain skills in this area. For this reason, the Treaty of Lisbon, the European Union acquired competence to carry out actions to support, coordinate or supplement the actions of Member States. 111
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Although Member States have agreed to an allocation of Union competences in the field of tourism, with which can set different specific measures needed to achieve the objectives in this sector, however, under no circumstance Union can not harmonize all or part of Member States' rules. Through the new Cohesion policy 2014-2020, the European Union stresses support to Member States in their action to develop the tourism sector. Correcting regional imbalances and conversion of declining industrial regions in the tourism sector, is achieved by the European Regional Development Fund. European Regional Development Fund is the one who will give a major boost to tourism development in Member States of the European Union, momentum necessary given the crises suffered by the entire Union in this decade. References Gâlea, I, (2012) Tratatele Uniunii Europene. Comentarii și explicații. ed. C.H.Beck Kaczorowska, A, European Union Law, ed. Routledge, pag. 177. http://eur-lex.europa.eu/homepage.html . http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/RO/TXT/?uri=URISERV%3Aet0004, accesat data de 16.03.2016. http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/ro/policy/themes/tourism/ . http://www.fonduri-ue.ro/ .
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Governmental and Non-Governmental Strategies for Protecting the Environment in Coral Reefs Areas, with Impact on Tourist Packages. Case Study: Australia versus the Philippines Gabriela Cecilia STĂNCIULESCU The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania e-mail:
[email protected] Aurora Costina LINCĂ The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania e-mail:
[email protected] Adrian Cătălin VOINILĂ The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania e-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract Either natural or man made, resources are the main reason of attracting tourists. From economic point of view, tourism is influenced both by tourists income levels, expressed as the amount of money that they are willing to spend on travel, and by tourism companies’ ability to grow, to make investments. The same as the global economic crisis affected all businesses (more on ones, less on others), global warming affects everything around us (plants, animals, air, water, land). The tourism across the world is directly affected by these two factors. Thus, trying to survive, the large corporations are considering developing economically healthy businesses and which do not impact the natural environment. They financially support international projects of research and coral reefs areas protection and are subject to current legislation. The current article outlines how both state institutions and companies operating in coral reefs regions lay the foundations of sustainable tourism, using the know-how provided by NGOs. Keywords: sustainable tourism, natural resources, sustainable business, pollution, economic crisis J.E.L. classification: L32, M14, M38, O13, Q57, R53