The Perception of Leisure by The Perception of

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tender, care-oriented. - housekeeping, cooking, baking grandfather, formal education. 2. Playfull grandfather. - involved in formal education. - caring for smaller ...
The Perception of Leisure by  The Perception of Leisure by Grandparents in the Era of Active  p Ageing: Conflicting or  Complementary Roles? l l Lucie Galčanová, Marcela Petrová Kafková, Lucie Vidovićová Office for Population Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

Research team Research team

Lucie Vidovićová

M ti K idl Martin Kreidl

Barbora  Hubatková Marcela Petrová Kafková

Research project Research project Role overload: grandparents in the era of active  ageing (Czech  Grant Agency 2013 ‐ 2015) Qualitative research: 21 interviews with 23 participants aged from 57 to 21 interviews with 23 participants aged from 57 to  82 (ø 63) from various  ci es  Quantitative research: Quantitative research: secondary analysis of statistical data (e.g. SHARE),  representative survey on the Czech population in representative survey on the Czech population in  2014

Leisure time Leisure time ‐ relative fuzziness of the concept in the context of  retirement ‐ it helps to set up temporal and spatial boundaries  of various activities and roles  ‐ balancing work and non/work activities and care (g a dc d e ) (grandchildren) ‐ differentiates experience of parenting from  grandparenting related to diff responsibilities (fear grandparenting related to diff. responsibilities (fear  of unsufficient development x fear of insufficient  care injuries etc ) care, injuries etc.) 

Temporalities of grandparenting Rhytmicity – daycare, y weekends, seasonal care ((summer, winter) Performative void – grandparenting as a latent role due to e.g. eg physical distance, as a temporary experince, age dependent (grown up grandchildren)

Gendered grandparenting Grandmothers 1. Ideal image of „traditional grandmother“ d th “ - tender, care-oriented - housekeeping, cooking, baking - involved in formal education - caring for smaller children 2 Memory image 2. - urban grandmother (cultivation, good manners, formal education, arts) - rural grandmother (hardworking, lack of care, informal education, learning by doing doing, freedom)

Grandfathers 1. Rational, emotionally detached df th fformall education d ti grandfather, 2.

Playfull grandfather - informal education - craftmenship, skillfulness - sports and „active active“ leisure time - playing with older kids

Otto (66) 'traditional Otto (66) ‐ traditional grandpa grandpa' Grandparenting is mostly connected  d l d with informal education and : ‐ he is happy to incorporate  ppy p children into his DIY activities – crafts, gardening  ‐ care connected with leisure  care connected with leisure time – defined as everything,  what he is not obliged to do, but  d i do it voluntarily l il

„Leisure L i time, it i i is i almost l everything, there hi h are  some duties, such as take care of the garden, well, to keep everything in order, at home as well, of , f course, but , more or less even my part‐time job for the municipality, I  take it as my free time.“ „She can go crazy about kids, about the grandchildren. So, what is she doing, she is knitting, I don´t know, she is looking forward to visiting them, that to visiting them that she will be doing everything there, well, cooking for them,  going for walks. When they are here, it is the same.“

Alžběta (59) ‐ (59) 'atypical atypical grandma grandma' ‐  health problems, flexible working time lh bl fl ibl ki i ‐  oriented on self‐development and leisure activities  connected with creativity and art (mandala painting  or writing) or writing) ‐  online computer games (The Farm) as potential  conflict within the family between players and non‐ players, illegitimate free‐time activity p y g y Temporal and spatial management  of grandmothering: ‐ formal education – remedial lessons via Skype ‐ creativity, incorporation of grandchildren into artistic activities ‐  care practicies delegated to her mother →  actively negotiates the boundaries and actively prevent the role‐overload

‚I am not a typical l grandma“ „There was also a perion of  time, when the family was  devided to farmers and non devided to farmers and non  farmers. In the family  gatherings, the farmers have  b been discussing together and  di i h d the other half were gossiping  about how awfull this  activity is and how to stop  us.“

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