The phantom slit effect James Q. Quach∗ and Maciej Lewenstein ICFO - Institut de Ci`encies Fot` oniques, The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, 08860 Castelldefels, Spain
arXiv:1709.09851v1 [quant-ph] 28 Sep 2017
We show that under the weak measurement scheme, the double-slit experiment can produce an interference pattern even when one of the slits is completely blocked. The initial and final states are corpuscular, whilst the intermediate states are wave-like, in that it exhibits an interference pattern. Remarkably, the interference pattern is measured to be vertically polarised, whilst simultaneously the individual photons are measured to be horizontally polarised. We call this the phantom slit effect. The phantom slit is the dual of the quantum Cheshire cat.
The conventional view of measurement in quantum mechanics is that it is a destructive process that irrevocably projects the system into an eigenstate of the observed variable. Weak measurements provides a formal non-destructive measurement scheme by weakly coupling the system to an ancilla, and performing a measurement (projection) on the ancilla in some appropriate basis [1]. Operationally, the ancilla is a measurement device with a pointer; the interaction of the system and the ancilla shifts the pointer state proportional to the magnitude of the observed variable. As the ancilla interacts only very weakly with the system, the state can evolve without appreciable disturbance. Weak values seek to represent observables of intermediate states, as the system evolves from an initial to a final or post-selection state. Judiciously choosing the postselection state onto which to project the ancilla (and system), have been shown to produce anomalous phenomena that have sparked debate over the interpretation of weak values [2–9]. Amongst the anomalous phenomena is the quantum Cheshire cat (QCC) effect [10], where the position of a photon exists in one arm of an interferometer, whilst its polarisation exists in the other arm; the whimsical name alludes to Lewis Carroll’s Cheshire cat, whose grin (polarisation) could exist without its body (photon). Backdropping the spirited debate are many experiments that have used weak values to measure several observables in different quantum systems [11–17]; this includes the famous Kocsis et. al experiment [18], which observed the individual trajectories of photons as they formed the interference pattern in the double-slit experiment. In this experiment, the photon momentum was weakly measured, and the post-selection was the photon position. Here we show an interesting new effect, where the second slit in a double-slit experiment can still affect an interference pattern even after its has been blocked or removed - we dub it the phantom slit. Weak values. Prior to measurement the initial system state |ψi i and pointer state |mi i are uncoupled. In the weak measurement scheme, the interaction Hamiltonian between the system and pointer is ˆ int = g(t)O ˆ Pˆ , H
FIG. 1. The phantom slit effect. Slit B is blocked, so that light emanates only from slit A. A weak value detector moves up and down in a line parallel to the slit plane. It measures a position dependent interference pattern given by hˆ σV iw = cos φ , revealing the wave-like nature of the intermediate states, between the initial and final states. Although the intermediate states are wave-like, the initial ψi (x) = hx|ψi i and final states ψf (x) = hx|ψf i are corpuscular. The interference pattern is vertically polarised, whilst the photons are horizontally polarised. d is inter-slit spacing, and θ is the angle from the normal of the slit plane. φ = kd sin θ, where k is the wavenumber of the light source.
ˆ to the pointer which couples the system’s observable O ˆ momentum P . The interaction with the pointer occurs for a short time, outside of which coupling constant g is zero, operator is R so that the evolutionary ˆ = exp(− i H ˆ Pˆ ). After the inˆ int dt) = exp(− i g O U ~ ~ teraction with the pointer, the system undergoes a projective measurement where only a subset of the measured states are chosen. Labelling this post-selected state |ψf i, the final pointer state is (~ = 1) ˆ Pˆ )|ψi i|mi i |mf i = hψf | exp(−ig O ˆ hf |O|ii Pˆ |mi i ≈ hψf |ψi i 1 − ig hψf |ψi i ˆ w Pˆ )|mi i ≈ hψf |ψi i exp(−ighOi
where ˆ w≡ hOi
ˆ ii hψf |O|ψ hψf |ψi i
ˆ is known as the weak value of O.
2 The pointer momentum Pˆ is conjugate to the pointer ˆ Let us now write the initial pointer state position Q. R in the position basis, |mi i = dq|qiϕ(q), where ϕ(q) ≡ hq|mi i. The final pointer state in the position basis then is Z ˆ w Pˆ ) dq|qiϕ(q) |mf i ≈ hψf |ψi i exp(−ighOi Z (4) ˆ = hψf |ψi i dq|qiϕ(q − ghOiw ) where we have used the fact that Pˆ acts as a translation operator that shifts the pointer state in the conjugate ˆ w. q-basis by ghOi What this means is that if the pointer states were the positions of a needle on a measuring device, the interaction of the measurement device with the system will shift the position of the needle by a distance proportional to ˆ w , thereby giving us a measurement of observable O. ˆ hOi Double-slit experiment. The interference pattern in the double-slit experiment is due to the phase differences φ of the paths emanating from the slits. Let |Ai and |Bi form an orthonormal basis representing the state of particles that went through slit A and B. For a point on the screen identified by √ the angle θ in Fig. 1, the state is |ψi = (|Ai + eiφ |Bi)/ 2 (we work in the regime were higher-order paths which pass through both slits are negligible [19]). φ = kd sin θ, where k is the wavenumber of the light source and d is the slit spacing. We will as usual assume that the double-slit experiment is in a steady-state. The polarisation of the photon is described by a linear combination of the horizontal |Hi and vertical |V i basis states. We also√define right-circular polarisation |Ri ≡ (i|Hi + |V i)/ 2, √and left-circular polarisation states |Li ≡ (i|Hi − |V i)/ 2. For coherent interference, the particles from slit A and B must have the same polarisation. Without loss of generality we assume right-circular polarisation, √ |ψo i = (|Ai + eiφ |Bi)|Ri/ 2 . (5) Projecting onto a position basis (for clarity, we distinguished the pointer position basis |qi from the system position basis |xi), the probability of detection of the particle at the detection screen is P (x) = hx|ψo ihψo |xi 1 = (|ψA (x)|2 + |ψB (x)|2 + 2|ψA (x)||ψB (x)| cos φ) . 2 (6) This produces the well known interference pattern of Young’s double-slit experiment. The cos φ term encapsulates the interference component of the pattern: destructive interference occurs when the √ paths are out of phase [φ = (2n+1)π], |−i ≡ (|Ai−|Bi)/ 2; constructive interference occurs wihen √ the paths are in phase (φ = 2nπ), |+i ≡ (|Ai + |Bi)/ 2, where n is an integer.
One can non-destructively reveal these phase differences by performing a weak measurement between the slits and the detection screen. We measure the interference with the following detector for vertical polarisation: σ ˆV = (|+ih+| − |−ih−|)|V ihV |
The detector for horizontal polarisation σ ˆH , is similarly defined. The non-trivial eigenvalues of the detector are -1 for destructive interference and 1 for constructive interference. The effect of σ ˆV on the state is to switch the |Ai and |Bi states of the vertical-polarisation component (similarly for σ ˆH ), σ ˆV (cA |Ai + cB |Bi)|V i = (cA |Bi + cB |Ai)|V i,
where ci are complex co-efficients. The expectation value of σ ˆV reveals the interference component of the double slit experiment: hψo |ˆ σV |ψo i = cos φ .
Operationally, if σ ˆV was a localised measuring device, as it moved up and down a plane parallel to the slit plane, it would measure interference as shifts in its pointer between and including 1 and -1, depending on its position as determined by angle φ. Note that σ ˆH will measure the same values, hψo |ˆ σH |ψo i = cos φ. Phantom slit. Now we close slit B so that the initial state is (|Ai|Ri ≡ |A, Ri) |ψi i = |A, Ri .
Let us choose the post-selection state √ |ψf i = (|A, Hi − ieiφ |B, V i)/ 2 .
From Eq. (3), the weak value of σ ˆV and σ ˆH for this system is hˆ σV iw = cos φ ,
hˆ σH iw = 0 .
We have taken only the real component of the weak values, as this is the value that is represented by the shift in the pointer; the imaginary component represents the momentum of the pointer [1]. Another (more operational) interpretation of the imaginary component is given in Ref. [20]. Eq. (12) shows that even though slit B does not physically exists, under the weak measurement scheme, we can detect an interference pattern as if it does exists and is vertically polarised. In other words, if σ ˆV were a localised measure device, as it as it moved up and down a plane parallel to the slit plane, it would successively measure constructive and destructive interference, in exactly the same pattern as in the double-slit experiment [Eq. (9)]. The key difference here however, is that only measurements which correspond to the postselection state |ψf i are selected. σ ˆH in contrast would register no interference, and therefore the interference
3 ˆ ≡ |HihH|): polarisation of the photons (Vˆ ≡ |V ihV |, H hVˆ iw = 0 , (a)
(b) BS PBS
B P2
|ψi〉 (c) σV V
σH φ=0
FIG. 2. (a) An interferometer setup of the double-slit experiment. A beam splitter (BS) splits the light into two paths, representing the paths from two slits. A phase shifter (PS) introduces a phase difference eiφ between the two arms. A final BS combines the two paths to coherently interfere, as detected by the (CCD) camera. (b) An interferometer setup of the phantom slit effect. Polarisers at P1 implement σ ˆV ˆ A half-way and σ ˆH ; polarisers at P2 implement Vˆ and H. plate (HWP), PS, BS, and polarising beam-splitter (PBS) ensure that states orthogonal to |ψf i are not selected. The measurements are weak, so that the original source beam is undisturbed (dotted line) by the polarisers. (c) depicts the spot size at a given level of intensity as detected by a camera ˆ were apin (b), if all four weak measurements (ˆ σV , σ ˆH , Vˆ , H) plied simultaneously for different values of φ. The elements constituting σ ˆV (ˆ σH ) slightly deflects the beam up (down), ˆ slightly deflects the beam left (right). hˆ and Vˆ (H) σV iw is at a maximum at φ = 0, 2π (constructive interference) and disappears at φ = π (destructive interference). Whilst the interference pattern is vertically polarised, the photons are ˆ w = 1. Note hˆ horizontally polarised, hHi σH iw = hVˆ iw = 0
pattern comes from the vertical polarisation component only. In phantom slit effect, although the intermediate states exhibit interference, the initial and final states remarkably contain no interference terms: Pi (x) = |ψA (xi )|2 , Pf (xf ) = 21 (|ψA (xf )|2 + |ψB (xf )|2 ). Fig. 1 schematically shows the corpuscular nature of the initial and final states, whilst the intermediate states are wave-like. Another important feature arises when we measure the
ˆ w=1. hHi
Eq. (13) shows that the photons of the intermediate states are horizontally polarised. Weak measurements are a non-destructive process, and therefore all measurements commute and can be made simultaneously. Therefore, whilst the interference pattern of the intermediate state is vertically polarised, the photons themselves are simultaneously measured to be horizontally polarised. Interferometer. The double-slit experiment may be implemented as an interferometer. A beam splitter (BS) splits the light into two paths, representing the paths from two slits. The phase differential can be controlled with a phase shifter (PS) which introduces a phase difference eiφ between the two arms [Fig. 2(a)]. Viewing the phantom slit effect in an interferometer helps remove the mysteries of the effect, and weak values in general. To implement the phantom slit effect one needs to be able to post-select the state |ψf i. |ψf i is in fact the QCC post-selection state generalised with a phase differential. One may consider the phantom slit effect as the dual of the QCC effect, with the roles of polarisation and position reversed. The corresponding schematic of an interferometric setup for post-selection is given in Fig. 2(b). The post-selection state is selected with a halfway plate (HWP), PS, BS, and polarising beam splitter (PBS). The HWP switches polarisation |Hi ↔ |V i. The PS shifts the phase by ie−iφ . The PBS transmits horizontal polarisation and reflects vertical polarisation. With path A (B) in Fig. 2(b) corresponding to state |Ai (|Bi), one sees that under these transformations, the cameras in Fig. 2(b) detects |ψf i with 100% probability. In an interferometric setup, σ ˆV (ˆ σH ) can be implemented as a polariser that reflects vertical (horizontal) polarisation, placed at location P1 in Fig. 2(b). The vertical (horizontal) polariser is slightly tilted up (down) to produce a small vertical displacement of the beam. Similarly, a polariser that reflects vertical (horizontal) ˆ placed at location polarisation would implement Vˆ (H), P2 in Fig. 2(b). However here the vertical (horizontal) polariser is slightly tilted left (right) to produce a small horizontal displacement of the beam. Placed at these locations, these polarises have the desired effect on the initial state, i.e. √ √ σ ˆH |ψi i = |BHi/ 2 , (14) σ ˆV |ψi i = |BV i/ 2 , √ √ ˆ i i = |AHi/ 2 , H|ψ Vˆ |ψi i = |AV i/ 2 , (15) For weak measurements, the polarisers should only interact weakly, letting most of the light through [dotted line in Fig 2(b)]. Furthermore, the deflection brought about by these polarisers should be less than the characteristic cross-section width of the beam, so that it is uncertain whether an individual photon has been deflected
4 of not. The detection screen could be charge-coupled device cameras, as for example used in the Koscsis et. al double-slit interferometer experiment; the relative intensity at the detection screen acts as the pointer. The tilt of the polarisers are chosen so that the deflected beam is incident on a location of the source beam spot that is of approximately the same order of intensity. Therefore after recombination with the source beam, the normalised intensity detected by the cameras above the background intensity is given by Eq. (12) and Eq. (13) for the corresponding detectors. Fig. 2(c) depicts the spot sizes at a given level of intensity above the background, if all four weak measurements were applied simultaneously for different values of φ. The interpretation of weak values remains an intensely debated topic. The phantom slit effect should open up further discussion in the context of the double-slit experiment, which serves as a golden-standard of foundational quantum interpretation. In the Kocsis et al. double-slit experiment, weak measurements were used to map the individual paths of photons, as they moved from the slits to the detection screen. In further theoretical and experimental work, it would be interesting to map the weak value trajectories of individual photons of the phantom slit effect, along the lines of the Kocsis et al. experiment. Acknowledgements. The authors thank M. Bera, A. Riera, and S. Quach for discussions and checking the manuscript. This work was financially supported by the European Commission’s Marie Curie Actions for Cofunding of Regional, National and International Programmes (COFUND), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), Fundacio Privada Cellex, Spanish Ministerio de Econom´ıa y Competitividad grants (Severo Ochoa SEV-2015-0522 and FOQUS FIS2013-46768-P), and Generalitat de Catalunya (2014 SGR 874).
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