The possible relationship between patent foramen ovale and ...

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Jan 2, 1999 - (Dubourg et al, 1984; Stoddard et al, 1993) ...... Johnston, R.P., Broome, J.R., Hunt, P.D., & Benton, P.J. Patent foramen ovale and ... Fraysse, J.B., Thomas, D., & Grosgogeat, Y. [Prevalence of patent foramen ovale in young.



The possible relationship between patent foramen ovale and decompression sickness: A review of the literature

M.J. Saary G.W Gray

19990413 079 DEFENCE AND CIVIL INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE Technical Report DCIEM TR 1999-001 January 1999 National Defence

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DCIEM TR 1999-001

January 1999


M.J. Saary G.W. Gray

Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine 1133 Sheppard Avenue West, P.O. Box 2000 Toronto, Ontario Canada M3M 3B9

"© HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF CANADA (1999)as represented by the Minister of National Defence "© SA MAJESTE LA REINE EN DROIT DU CANADA (1999) D6fense Nationale Canada


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A patent foramen ovale (PFO) is a small opening between the right and left cardiac atria, a persisting remnant of a physiologic communication present in the fetal heart. This normally closes after birth, but remains patent through to adulthood in up to a third of normal adults. A patent PFO is a potential conduit for blood clot (resulting in a stroke), or venous gas bubbles during decompression, (resulting in type II neurologic decompression sickness). There has been considerable controversy about the significance of a PFO as a possible mechanism for type II decompression sickness. Despite the high prevalence of PFO in the general population, and the relatively common occurrence of venous gas bubbles in diving and altitude exposures, the incidence of type II DCS in diving or with altitude exposure is low. This paper reviews the literature with respect to the potential for rightto-left embolization through a PFO, relation of PFO to DCS, screening techniques for PFO, and treatment options. The literature supports a relationship between the presence and size of PFO and cryptogenic stroke (stroke, generally in younger individuals with no other identifiable risk factors). The weight of evidence also favours an increased relative risk of type II DCS with a PFO, although the absolute increase in risk accrued is small. The gold standard for PFO screening is a trans-esophageal echocardiographic (TEE) and colour flow study, but trans-cranial Doppler (TCD) with contrast is a promising technique with good accuracy compared with TEE.

ABSTRACT There continues to be a controversy about the possible significance of patent foramen ovale (PFO) in the pathophysiology of type II decompression sickness (DCS with neurologic symptoms). PFO's are a common finding in normal persons, being present in up to a third of the population. The potential for rightto-left shunting of venous gas emboli (VGE) which are known to occur in even no-decompression dives is a theoretical concern, yet the incidence of type II DCS is remarkably low given the prevalence of PFO. Altitude decompression is analagous to decompression from a saturation dive, and VGE are observed above 15,000 feet (4572m). The potential for PFO shunting of VGE is a particular concern for space extra-vehicular activity (EVA) where the pressure in the US EVA suit is 4.3 PSI, equivalent to 30,000 feet. This paper reviews the literature with respect to the potential for right-to-left embolization through a PFO, relation of PFO to DCS, screening techniques for PFO, and treatment options. The literature supports a relationship between the presence and size of PFO and cryptogenic stroke (stroke, generally in younger individuals with no other identifiable risk factors). The weight of evidence also favours an increased relative risk of type II DCS with a PFO, although the absolute increase in risk accrued is small. The gold standard for PFO screening is a trans-esophageal echocardiographic (TEE) and colour flow study, but trans-cranial Doppler (TCD) with contrast is a promising technique with good accuracy compared with TEE.



1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

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Executive Summary Abstract Table of Contents Embryology Prevalence of PFO Detection of PFO a. Echocardiography b. Valsalva/cough manoeuvers c. Transcranial Doppler Clinical Relevance of PFO PFO and Stroke Venous Gas and DCS Arterial Gas and DCS PFO and Diving Absolute Risk of DCS in Diving DCS and Altitude Decompression Screening for PFO in Divers Management of PFO Limitations of Review Conclusions References Additional information Acknowledgements

2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 15 16 17 19 19 20 26 29


Embryology The foramen ovale develops as part of the process of atrial septation. Initially in this process, a sagittal fold in the roof of the atrium develops into the septum primum, essentially separating the 2 atria. Interconnection between the atria persists via the foramen primum until the septum fuses with the atrio-ventricular (AV) endocardial cushions. In order to maintain interatrial right to left blood flow with a fused septum and closed foramen primum, a second foramen, the foramen secundum, forms just prior to septal fusion. Subsequently, a second septum, the septum secundum develops to the right of the septum primum. Like the septum primum, the septum secundum is also an incomplete barrier between the atria; the septum secundum's opening being called the fossa ovalis. Figure 1: The Patent Foramen Ovale (From O'Rahilly & Muller, 1992).

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Essentially what has taken place is somewhat analogous to drawing a Venn diagram, with the development of two apposed incomplete septa with partially overlapping fossae. The foramen ovale represents the opening that remains patent between the septae, with the septum primum

acting as a valve allowing only R

-> L passage

of blood.

Post-natally, circulatory changes including the transfer of gas exchange from the placenta to the lungs, with resultant decrease in pulmonary vascular resistance and increased pulmonary blood flow lead to increased L atrial pressure that presses the interseptal valve against the septum secundum. Usually within the first 2 years of life the septae permanently fuse due to the development of fibrous adhesions. (O'Rahilly & Muller, 1992).

Prevalence of PFO In some however, the foramen ovale fails to fuse. In 1984, Hagen, Scholz, & Edwards studied the prevalence of patent foramina in 965 normal hearts. Their autopsy study revealed an overall prevalence of 27.3% (see Table 1). Some have suggested that when functional imaging such as trans-esophageal echocardiography (TEE) is used in the live patient, the prevalence of patent foramen ovale (PFO) is decreased (Moon et al, 1989). In fact, in Hagen's study the prevalence of PFO was found to decline with increasing age (34.3% in first 3 decades to 25.4% in the 4"' to 8 'hdecades), so sample age distribution could lead to varying estimates of prevalence among studies. Hagen et al cite several articles in which high prevalence rates of approximately 31% were found among older patients. They attribute this lack of age-related decline to the fact that many previous studies were based on results from abnormal hearts; the implication being that altered hemodynamics of heart disease among older patients may hinder late PFO closure. Finally, among hearts with patent foramina, Hagen et al found the average foramen size to be 4.9 mm, with size increasing as age increased. Table 1. Incidence of Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO) in Various Studies (From Hagen et al, 1984)



1897 1900 1918 1931 1934 1948 1972 1979 1984

Parsons and Keith 24 Fawcett and Blachford 25 Scammon and Norris 26 Patten Seib 2 Wright et a, 28 Schroeckenstein et al 4 Sweeney and Rosenquist 29 Hagen et al


Number of Hearts

Incidence of PFO (%)

Age (yr) of Patients

399 306 1,809* 4,083* 500 492 144 64 965

26 31.7 29 24.6 17 22.9 35.4 31 27.3

All ages >10 >1 Mostly adults 20 Mostly adults >20 >10 >1

Combined review of literature

Clinical Detection of PFO a. ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY The most definitive studies on the prevalence of PFO have been autopsy studies. To determine the clinical relevance of PFO, one must have a detection method that is useful in living subjects. Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) has been considered the gold standard in this regard, although many other detection methods have been assessed. Indeed, many studies support the view that the most accurate method for detecting PFO is TEE, but some disagree that it is the most practical.


In their study of 150 consecutive patients, Siostrzonek et al (1991) compared the detection rates of PFO in bubble contrast trans-thoracic echocardiography (TTE) and TEE (see Table 2). Detection was significantly better with contrast TEE imaging than with TTE (30/150 vs 9/150, p20 bubbles) in 13 cases. The prevalence of multiple brain lesions was significantly higher among divers with PFO than those without. Among those with PFOs, the prevalence of multiple brain lesions on MRI was highest among those with hemodynamically relevant PFOs. Considering that none of these divers had a history of DCS the authors suggest that such lesions are a consequence of subclinical cerebral gas embolism. When this work was presented at the American Academy of Neurology annual meeting in 1998, Ries (co-author with Knauth) advocated that the $325 cost of one-time screening is reasonable when compared to the cost of diving equipment (Jeffrey, 1998). Murrison et al (1995) compared the EEGs of divers with type II DCS to non-diver controls and found them to be indistinguishable, which raises the question of the functional significance of the earlier described brain lesions. Cross et al (1990, Dec) argue that in most cases a contrast study is not performed in isolation of a non-contrast echo study, such that the latter would not be performed if an obvious shunt was detected earlier. They also note that at the time of screening, tissues are not nitrogen loaded, so


arterialized bubbles would not be expected to expand. Finally, they compare the morbidity rate of contrast echo (.07%) to that of a well-accepted screening test, exercise stress testing, which has a complication rate of .09% The implications of Bove's conclusions are that divers need not be screened prior to initiation of diving, and that those who already know (for some other reason) that they have a PFO can still go ahead and dive. But what about the situation in which DCS has already occurred. Should one then consider evaluation for a shunt? Wilmshurst (1998, pers comm) recommends three ways to reduce the risk of recurrent DCS in a diver with known PFO; stop diving, 1. 2. modify diving to either stay above 15m depth or, for depths greater than 15m use nitrox or decompress with DCIEM tables, or close the PFO preferably by transcutaneous transvenous methods which do not 3. risk lung injury as open methods would. In Britain the HSE have required applicants for professional diving with PFO to have transcatheter closure (Wilmshurst, 1998 pers comm). Likewise in the Allied Guide to Diving Medical Disorders published by NATO (1997) states that "significant right-to-left shunts are incompatible with diving unless surgically corrected". Management of PFO In the stroke literature, several methods of prevention of recurrent stroke have been used for patients with PFOs, these being antiplatelet medications, anticoagulants, transcatheter closure, and surgery. Mas (1996) argues that closure is the best option in cases of known paradoxical embolism, which are rare and require visualization of thrombus straddling the PFO. In presumed cases however, the best treatment is arguably controversial and requires further risk/benefit analysis to prevent exposure to unnecessary treatment complications. Nendaz et al (1998) considered risk of recurrence of neurological events, complications, qualityadjusted life years, and death after 5 years in their decision analysis model assessing PFO closure methods. They determined that if the risk of recurrence was .8 to 7% per year, defect closure was the best management strategy. At risk levels of .8% and 1.4% per year, anticoagulation and antithrombotic therapies were better than therapeutic abstention. If however, the risk of recurrence was low (i.e. less than .8% per year) then the best management option was no treatment. They found that the key considerations influencing choice of therapy aside from estimated recurrence risk included bleeding rates, age, and surgery-related case fatality rates. Several studies have assessed open surgery as a method of closure. Giroud et al (1998) studied 8 stroke patients and found no surgical complications, no recurrence of neurological events, and no residual shunting after PFO closure without post-op anticoagulation. Ruchat et al (1997) also found no post-op complication among 32 patients, although residual shunts were present in 2/32 cases. Homma et al (1997) followed 28 patients with a history of cryptogenic stroke and who underwent surgical PFO closure and found recurrence rate for neurological events of 19.5% overall. This rate was variable when age was considered and proportional hazard regression


analysis revealed an increase in relative risk of recurrence of 2.76 per 10 years of age. They concluded that although surgical closure is easy to perform, it does not guarantee prevention of recurrence. Non-operative closure of atrial septal defects have been reported since 1976 (Formigari et al, 1998; King et al, 1976). Closure by transcatheter methods remains impossible for some defects especially those greater than 25 mm in size. In addition there are relative contraindications for closure, particularly morphological constraints. Wilmshurst et al (1996) write about 2 cases of PFO in divers with neurological DCS who were successfully treated with an inverted adjustable button device, one with no residual and the other with a tiny residual shunt. Both divers returned to diving. There is no mention of whether either diver experienced repeated DCS post-procedure. Johnston et al (1996) believe that wider application of invasive shunt closure methods should not occur before the relation between PFO and DCS is further delineated, noting that one must consider the shunt size and not just patency in DCS risk evaluation. Ende et al (1996) report on their experience with 10 adults who had ASDs or PFOs closed with button devices. Aspirin (5-10mg/kg/day) or Coumadin was administered for 6-12 weeks postprocedure, or until the shunt was completely closed. Closure was complete in 78% of cases at 6 months and 100% of cases by 1 year. There were complications in 3 cases. In one case the device slipped repeatedly across the septum into the left atrium necessitating standard surgical repair. In a second case, the patient experienced palpitations and orthostatic lightheadedness, thought to be due to mechanical irritation and required B-blockade. A third case developed what was presumed to be a left atrial thrombus after 23 months of follow-up and had to be recoumadinized. There were no subsequent neurological events at an average of 32 months follow-up. The later intermediate-term, phase 1 FDA trials for buttoned devices concluded that after 5.5 years of follow-up, 98% of cases had effective ASD closure. Residual shunting remained in 27% of cases after -60 months. Residual defects were significant enough to require further intervention in 4% of cases. Justo et al (1996) reviewed the effectiveness of ASD closure in 45 children using the Clamshell double umbrella device. Device placement was optimal in 43 (96%) patients. Closure was complete in only 23+/-14 % of cases by 6 months, and complete in -64% by 4 years. Complications necessitating the surgical closure of the ASD in two cases were due to device embolization to the right pulmonary artery in one case, and malposition in the septum with significant residual shunting in the second. Other complications included pulmonary edema in one case, and transient loss of femoral pulse (resolved with heparin) in another. The most concerning drawback however, was the prevalence of device arm fracture of 71% (+/- 21%) at 4 years which led to withdrawal of the device from clinical trials. The device has subsequently been redesigned. The redesigned version (CardioSEAL) was evaluated by Kaulitz et al (1998) in the context of 7 cases of morphologically variant ASDs. The only complication was in one patient who experienced non-sustained SVT; otherwise there were no cases of device embolization, device fractures, thromboembolism, or pericardial effusion. Residual shunting was trivial in 3 cases and mild in 1 case.


Formigari et al (1998) report on the techniques and results of 28 ASD closures (in children) using three different percutaneous devices, these being the Sideris "Buttoned Device", the Das "Angel Wings", and the "Amplatzer". For all groups, fluoroscopy times were similar, but procedure time was shortest for the Amplatzer and longest for the buttoned device. Definitive closure occurred in all cases except 1 buttoned device. Follow-up times were longest for buttoned devices at 40+/- 2 months, compared with 27+/- 2 mo. for the Angel Wings, and 5+13 mo for the Amplatzer. In terms of complications, there were 2 cases of transient myocardial ischemia secondary to coronary air embolism in the buttoned devices, and 1 case of pericardial tamponade with the Angel Wings. Others have reported failures with this device also requiring emergency surgical intervention (Agarwal et al, 1996). There had been no complications with the Amplatzer device. Cost, according to these authours was least expensive for the buttoned devices. Overall they concluded that the Amplatzer device is preferable. Wilmshurst has subsequently stated (1998, pers comm) that PFOs in most individuals are approximately 1-2 mm in size compared to PFOs of 10 mm or greater among those who get DCS. He has moved from a buttoned device to using the Amplatz septal occluder, which he considers to be the best device currently available. He prescribes low dose ASA for 6 months post-procedure until endothelialization occurs. The most recent results of the World Study on closure with the Amplatzer indicate that a total of 936 ASDs have been closed as well as 86 PFOs. Closure rates for PFOs are good, with 100% being closed at 24 hours, compared with 100% at 1 year for the ASD cases (98.9% at 1 month). There were 24 complications among -1000 patients, the majority of which included device embolization (9/24), TIAlembolization (4/24), and arrhythmia (3/24). Limitations There are several factors that limit the generalizability and hence the conclusions that can be drawn from the studies performed to date. These include variation in study groups used (i.e. sport, commercial, or military divers), variation in control groups used (ie. matched vs. unmatched, diver vs. non-diver), differing techniques for PFO detection (ie. TTE vs. TEE), and variability in definition of DCS or severity of cases selected to be members of the study group.

CONCLUSIONS Nonetheless, several conclusions can be tentatively drawn on the basis of available research: 1.

For detection of PFO, TCD is probably adequate, but contrast TEE is the gold standard and remains more commonly used.


There seems to be a relationship between crypogenic stroke and the presence of PFO, as well as the size of the PFO.



Animal studies show increased arterial bubbles at lower venous bubble loads in pigs with without. PFO than in those


The weight of evidence favours an association between diving DCS and PFO. This association remains less clear in the case of altitude DCS, with fewer studies available on this topic. PFO increases the relative risk for type II DCS but the absolute risk remains low.


With altitude, high bubbles loads may favour pulmonary overload as a mechanism for embolization.


The issues of screening remains controversial, although the absolute increase in risk of DCS as a result of PFO seems small.


Should closure be chosen for management, the transvenous Amplatzer appears to be the best available option at this time.

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Additional info and quotes, not included but possibly relevant. * Risk of venous bubbling seems to be reduced in aerobically trained runners compared to sedentary subjects in some studies, but others have shown no relation to fitness and DCS (Broome et al, 1995). * Knowing the incidence of PFO in the general population, one can assume that the incidence of PFO in divers would be similar since there is no selection bias in a person's choice to take up diving based on the presence of an "unknown" PFO. * Is there any info on whether known PFO cases choose NOT to dive more frequently than unknown cases later discovered? * PFO rates in divers and controls, not in stroke patients Moon (1989) 37% diver Cross (1990) 31.6% diver Wilmshurst (1989b) 25/61 diver, 24% control Germonpre (1998) 36.1 % control Lynch (1984) in Glen et al (1995) TTE 5-20% From Kerut: Zhu et al (1991) - 38% From Kerut : Job et al (1994) - 43%

* Difference in contrast media: Jauss (1994): Galactose particle suspension is stable for about 60 sec after intravenous injection, which may lead to higher sensitivity in PFO detection than with other contrast media such as air or gelatine. This however necessitates determining a time limit to prevent false positives due to lung passage. Definition of presence of PFO based on number of bubbles passed per cardiac cycle etc. * From an epidemiological perspective, the characteristics of a useful population based screening measure are: (From Chan Shah's book on Public Health) 1) Conditions for which screening is used should be important health problems i.e. The incidence should be sufficiently high that the cost of screening is not prohibitive. 2) Facilities for diagnosis and treatment should be available 3) Effective, non-controversial treatment for patients with confirmed condition should be available 4) Tests should have high sensitivity and specificity; screening must be safe, rapidly applied, and acceptable to the population being screened 5) The natural history of the condition should be understood, such that if detection and treatment do not alter the natural history, screening should not be implemented 6) Policy must stipulate what action will be taken in borderline cases to avoid overdiagnosis 7) Maximum benefit for minimum cost must be achieved by comparing the costs and efficiency of various screening methods


8) Control and screened groups should be compared at regular intervals to determine whether the screening procedure and subsequent investigations have an effect on the control group that is greater than just regular observation (placebo effect) 9) Compliance with screening recommendations 10) Screening programs should be a continuous process



Number of Patients

Hausmann el al"l Jaffe et al'" Guggiari et al," Black et a0" 7 O Siostrzonek et al"

In Vivo Resting Conditions (%)

Augmentation Maneuvers (%)

25 44 10 27 15 5 18 8 22 10 8 6 8 5 12

38 63 22



Chen et at" Konstadt et all',-5 Porembka el al"'• Stollberger el al""1 Lechat et al'l


50 30 264" 100 60 198


30 189 101 51 150 160

10 24

Unchanged 10 Unchanged 6 20

'Suspected embolic events.

From Porembka, 1996 Table 1: Frequency of DCS in Sport, Military, and Commercial Air Diving Populations Source Reference

Military (13)

Sport (11,12)

Commercial (14)


Total dives' Total DCS4 Type 1l DCS" Incidents DCSb Incidents DCS ]i

648,488 172 86 2.65 1.33

2,577,680 878 649 3.41 2.52

43,063 152 9 35.3 2.09

3.269,231 1,202 744 3.68 2.28

"Values are number of events;

bincidents per 10,000 dives, DCS II - DCS type 1I.

From Bove, 1998 Accuracy of Different Echocardiographic Criteria for Identifying an Autopsy-Proven Patent Foramen Ovale SensitivitySpecificityPos PredictiveNeg PredictivePrevalence PFO (%) Value (%) Value (%) (%) (%) Definition Contrast TEE Bubbles LA/heart cycles 23 96 100 100 89 >1/3 17 90 100 100 67 >2/3 14 87 100 100 55 >5/3 11 84 100 100 44 >2/immediately 9 81 100 100 33 Multiple/ 1-2 Color Doppler TEE Shunt direction Right-to-left and/or left-to-right Right-to-left, not left-to-right 89

100 100

100 100

From Schneider et al, 1996


100 96

100 23


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Dr. Joan Saary is a second year resident in Occupational Medicine at the University of Toronto. She completed this thorough review during an elective in Diving Medicine at the Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine in November and December 1998. Dr. Saary gratefully acknowledges the contribution of Dr. David Sawatzky and Mr. Ron Nishi to this review. Dr. Sawatzky provided a thorough tutorship in diving medicine during the elective. Both Dr. Sawatzky and Ron Nishi were kind enough to provide a careful review of this paper.



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A patent foramen ovale (PFO) is a small opening between the right and left cardiac atria, a persisting remnant of a physiologic communication present in the fetal heart. This normally closes after birth, but remains patent through to adulthood in up to a third of normal adults. A patent PFO is a potential conduit for blood clot (resulting in a stroke), or venous gas bubbles during decompression, (resulting in type II neurologic decompression sickness). There has been considerable controversy about the significance of a PFO as a possible mechanism for type II decompression sickness. Despite the high prevalence of PFO in the general population, and the relatively coimuon occurrence of venous gas bubbles in diving and altitude exposures, the incidence of type II DCS in diving or with altitude exposure is low. This paper reviews the literature with respect to the potential for right-to-left embolization through a PFO, relation of PFO to DCS, screening techniques for PFO, and treatment options. The literature supports a relationship between the presence and size of PFO and cryptogenic stroke (stroke, generally in younger individuals with no other identifiable risk factors). The weight of evidence also favours an increased relative risk of type HI DCS with a PFO, although the absolute increase in risk accrued is small. The gold standard for PFO screening is a trans-esophageal echocardiographic (TEE) and colour flow study, but trans-cranial Doppler (TCD) with contrast is a promising technique with good accuracy compared with TEE.

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Decompression Sickness, Altitude, Diving, Foramen Ovale