The Potential of Collaborative Augmented Reality in Education - ICVL

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existing projects that address various fields and teaching/training levels. ... completely computer assisted and modelled, Augmented Reality (AR) ... can be used in order to create augmented laboratories for teaching different fields of science.
The Potential of Collaborative Augmented Reality in Education Marin Vlada1, Grigore Albeanu2 (1) University of Bucharest, Romania E-mail: [email protected] (2) Spiru Haret University, Bucharest, Romania E-mail: [email protected] Abstract The role of augmented reality (AR) in education was already proved by the large collection of existing projects that address various fields and teaching/training levels. The recent developments in IT&C make possible collaborative activities and the usage of collaborative augmented reality systems/services in education and research. After presenting the state of the art in augmented reality for education and proposing a taxonomy of educational AR based systems, this paper describes the collaborative paradigm and its impact on using AR for increasing the presence of new technologies in education. Keywords: Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Education

Introduction Part of the Mixed Reality Continuum of the (Milgram & Kishino, 1994), Augmented Reality is such a technology involving the overlay of computer graphics on the real world. According to (Azuma et al, 1997), a system based on augmented reality hardware and software “supplements the real world with virtual (computer generated) objects that appear to coexist in the same space as the real world”. Five terms are considered by Milgram & Kishino (1994): Real Environment (RE) containing real objects and is not based on computer assistance, Virtual Environment (VE) being completely computer assisted and modelled, Augmented Reality (AR) referring to some real environment augmented with virtual information, Augmented Virtuality (AV) referring to a virtual environment augmented with real objects, and Mixed Reality (MR), a mixture of real and virtual information to form the environment. More specific, Azuma (1997) consider that AR combines real and virtual, refers to spatial registration and an AR system in interactive in real time. The Milgram’s continuum was extended with a “mediality axis” by S. Mann (2002) in order to obtain Mediated Reality and Mediated Virtuality, and any combination of them. Benford et al. (1998) define the shared spaces in a two-dimensional plane of transportation, artificiality, and spatiality. The T-Transportation concept corresponds to the Virtual Reality immersion concept: “transportation allows the possibility of introducing remote participants and objects into the local environment that then becomes augmented rather than excluded.” The A-Artificiality refers to the extension of the physical world to a synthetic word (computer generated). Four basic words are used to describe better the two-dimensional plan TA: local (remain in the physical world), physical (generated from the real world), synthetic (generated by computer), and remote. These make possible the following particular spaces: Physical Reality (local, physical), Tele-presence (remote, physical), Augmented Reality (local, synthetic), and Virtual Reality (remote, synthetic). Viewing the term AR on the Milgram’s continuum, as mediated reality or a particular space, the following characteristics remain important: 1) Any AR system is a 3D registered combination of real and synthetic parts (objects, attributes) interacting with users or other environments in real

The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010


time, according to Azuma; 2) AR interfaces have to “allow users to see the real world at the same time as virtual imagery attached to real locations and objects” as Billinghurst (2002) said; 3) AR supplements the reality with synthetic entities (graphics, sound, feel and smell, etc.) Recently, Ford and Höllerer (2008) identified the usage of the AR systems in workspaces, and proved that AR is also a Knowledge Management Tool following the AOD model: acquires knowledge, organizes the collected information in an organizational memory, and make available to users the information by a distribution mechanism. Moreover, AR can be used to create modern Online Communication Tools (OCT) based on specific displays (HMD – head mounted display, HHD – handheld display, SD – spatial display), trackers (digital cameras, optical sensors, wireless sensors, GPS etc.), input devices (pointing devices, gloves, etc.), small-sized computers (wearable computing devices), and appropriate software for realistic graphical and sound generators, etc. In the following the presentation considers education as an important field where AR systems can be used in order to create augmented laboratories for teaching different fields of science. The second section deals with positive experience in usage Augmented Reality systems for education, and the third section describes the collaborative paradigm applied for e-Learning systems based on Augment Reality technology. Concluding remarks are provided in the end. Classes of Augmented Reality Systems for Education As mentioned by Mann (2002), the term “virtual reality” was coined by Jaron Lanier (1989) to bring a wide variety of virtual projects under a single rubric. Also the term “augmented reality” belongs to Tom Caudell (1990), introduced at Boeing while working together with David Mizell, and researching ways to superimpose diagrams and markings to guide workers on a factory floor. It is important also to mention the project Sensorama (1957-1962) – a simulator providing visual, sound, vibration and smell. However, the superposition of computer graphics onto a view of the real world was initially proposed and explored at Harvard University when Ivan Sutherland invented the head-mounted display (1966). These devices, and the algorithms developed for graphical primitive generation, prove that the exploration of the reality-virtuality continuum, of the two-dimensional plane of virtuality-mediality, or of the shared space defined by transportation, artificiality and spatiality was started by the creator of computer graphic, Ivan Sutherland in a University by a professor and his students, and now the actual systems (hardware, software, knowledge data management methodologies) are useful entities in modern education using computer based teaching/training/learning. As described by Albeanu et al. (2010), the modern virtual learning systems have to interoperate and the portability has to be an important issue. Due to the specific interfaces to be used this objective is difficult to be obtained. The technologies integrated in AR systems are represented by a heterogeneous group including: displays, client-server architectures, wireless communication, image recognition, video compression and 3D modelling and positioning related to a reference system. Various AR systems depend on specific displays (technology still in development) or tracking devices. The most used AR displays are: Optical See-Through HMD, Virtual Retinal Systems – VRD, Video See-Through HMD, Monitor based, and Projector based. An Optical See-Through HMD shows the virtual environment directly over the real world using a transparent HMD, placing optical instruments (combiners) in front of the user’s eyes. The real world can be seen unchanged through optical instruments. The system has also a head tracker and a scene generator module (Vallino (2002): Figure 7). For educational purposes, small prototypes have to be attached to conventional eyeglasses. Video See-Through HMD uses an opaque HMD to present merged video of the virtual environment and the view from cameras on the HMD. The system is composed by head tracker,


University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

scene generator, and video compositor (Vallino (2002): Figure 6). The video camera captures information from the physical world. Based on the user’s location and orientation (established by the head tracker or any positioning system) and using the captured image then a combined scene is generated. The Virtual Retinal Displays is a visual display that scans modulated laser light onto retina of the viewer's eye producing a rasterized image. The image is on retina but the user has the illusion of seeing the image on a screen. The VRD consists of five basic elements: a light source, a modulation mechanism, horizontal and vertical scanners, delivery optics and controlling electronics. The monitor based AR systems use merged video streams displayed on a conventional monitor or hand held display. The system configuration (Vallino (2002): Figure 5) includes the graphical system, the video merging module (combining video of real scene and virtual objects generated by the graphical system), display able to process the augmented video. The projection display uses real world objects as the projection surface for the virtual environment. AR systems can be based on mobile devices, like PDAs which present a set of functionalities like any portable or ultra-portable computer. Important applications of AR systems can be found in military training (Brown et al., 2004), robotics and telerobotics (Jara et al., 2009; Albeanu et al., 2010) engineering design, manufacturing, maintenance and repair (Henderson and Feiner, 2007), entertainment (Vallino, 2002; Cheok et al., 2009), medicine (Vallino, 2002), different workplaces (Ford and Hollerer, 2009), education (ICVL: 2006-2009; Billinghurst, 2002; Haller , 2004, Kaufmann et al.: 2003, 2006, 2008), learning (Hedegaard et al., 2006; ICVL: 2006-2009; Krauss et al., 2009) and training (Brown et al., 2004; Christian, 2006). Some authors consider AR learning environments when refer to pedagogical and psychological aspects. The AR educational system has to be simple and robust providing clear and concise information, support an easy and efficient interaction between the teacher/instructor, students and teaching resources (educational software). AR based systems are suitable as OCT systems for training, education, design and display at different workspaces as Ford and Höllerer (2008) have proved. The KARMA project was related to training for printer maintenance and repair. Other projects are: ARVIKA, SAR, the Augmented Reality Kitchen, Magic Meeting, cAR/PE!, ARTHUR, etc. A large collection of projects using basic level of augmentation is represented by the ISE (the Romanian Information Educational System) educational software base (described by some ICVL papers). Some projects with increased level of augmentation are described by (Kaufmann and Meyer, 2008) and (Hedegaard et al., 2007) without making a complete inventory, but only to show that there are some levels of augmentation. We can identify descriptive educational software (AR is not embedded), small AR-based, medium AR-based and strong AR-based educational software. By small AR-based educational software we identify that material which includes the simulation of the phenomena under study including those based on Web3D (Liarokapis et al. 2004), by medium AR-based educational software we refer to material based on VR interfaces, and by strong AR-based educational software we refer to collaborative educational software based on VR interfaces and supporting remote access and control. Even there is interactive web-based educational software, without VR interfaces this class belongs to small AR-based educational software. Existing educational software belongs to this class in large measure. In the next section we consider the collaborative AR systems for education.

The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010


Collaborative Augmented Reality Systems/Services in Education and Research The classroom environment can be implemented in many ways: the Virtual Round Table model providing collaborative augmented multi-user interaction (Broll et al., 2000), mixed reality learning spaces (Müller et al., 2007), AR classroom (Núñez et al., 2008), distributed AR set-up (Krauss et al., 2009), collaborative remote laboratories (Albeanu et al., 2010). Traditional classroom is based on face-to-face settings allowing pedagogic communication. The AR based systems enhances the users’ perception and improves the intuitive interaction with the real world according to (Azuma, 1977). While in VR immersion the user cannot see the physical world, in the case of AR approach the user can see the real world with virtual objects. Medium AR educational items are represented by the MagicBook, the Augmented Reality Volcano Kiosk, the S.O.L.A.R system, as Haller (2004) describes. As proved by Müller et al (2007) the collaborative task solving between remote sites is possible. Working collaboratively with real and virtual systems, some parts being remotely distributed was implemented using Web service paradigm. A Mixed Reality server is responsible to processes HTTP requests and manages the sessions of all remote users as described by the collaborative mechatronic laboratories project discussed by Albeanu et al. (2010). In this way VR/AR Remote Laboratories “offer a great number of advantages such as remote practices and learning in a free and flexible way”, as Jara et al. (2009) remarked. Introducing the collaborative requirement the cost and complexity of VR/AR Remote Laboratories used in modern consortium based education will be managed accordingly, the resource sharing being the most important value obtained. The Construct3D, detailed by Kaufmann and Schmalstieg (2006), is a collaborative system that permits to teacher and student to work together. Construct3D is completely different from CAD systems supporting two collaborating users wearing stereoscopic see-through HMDs providing a shared virtual space. The Virtual Round Table (VRT) is an interesting location independent model providing individually adapted stereo view of the virtual world artefacts for each user, efficient as a collaborative group environment. See-through projection glasses are used in order to superimpose 3D stereo visualization of a synthetic scene with the physical world. Mainly, VRT is based on augmentation of the current environment, support collaboration between multiple users and provides intuitive interaction with 3D objects. Many educational projects are based on games. As shown by Kirner et al. (2006), developing games using augmented reality is possible, hence AR based educational systems exploiting learning through games will be feasible in an agile component-based development methodology. Learning through role playing is another approach. The projects described by Klopfer et al. (2005), also exploiting games metaphors, are based on handheld computers. All AR systems described support collaboration within groups, but only the new games taking into account time dependence, cascading events and distinct player roles are able to support collaboration between groups. The technological advances supporting wireless remote communication and mobile computing provide new ways to growth the class of AR based computer-supported collaborative learning systems by distributed collaboration with augmented reality. The ARiSE system described and evaluated by Krauss et al. (2009) consists of a stereo-capable video projector that extends the conventional desktop environment. A light pen was developed to support remote AR collaboration. The application content can be local or distributed, and group collaboration is possible. Combining Web3D, service oriented architectures, virtual reality interface, augment reality methodologies and software tools, the researchers are able to design strong AR educational systems with impact in many fields of industry, business, and science.


University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

The future AR collaborative laboratories will be the next generation of remote laboratories supporting distance education on subjects in engineering fields. To implement such systems new protocols and services will be necessary to be designed, but the dream will come true in near future. Concluding Remarks Educational systems based on ICT including VR interfaces and methodologies represent a new wave in educational area. The paper described a classification of the existing AR educational systems based on the augmentation level and pointed out that collaborative AR educational systems represent the best choice when consider the pedagogical and psychological aspects. Educational systems based on full VR interfaces and methodology represent an interesting approach with increased psychological impact, but those based on AR permit the presence of physical world (objects, actors) in such a way that people “feel the ground” when learn and/or experiment.

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