If there's any mistake, you conect it in your performance, okay? Happy ... she's
dan-cing with a - no-ther man. 26 a. --+- ... Coz a good shong wo - man like you to
walk out. )ta) my life,. Now I ... Cause my heart breaks a lit - tle when I hear. )
Brasileirinho. Music by Joao Pernambuco. Moderate h = 84. :44 c. 1. $. B. # h =
84. BD ! B. ) B. (. B. (. B. &. B. ) B. (. B ! B ! B. (. B. (. B ! B ! B. (. B. 24. %. BD. #. B.
Page 1. Page 2. Page 3. Page 4. Page 5.
1. Piano Ballads 16. Imagine. TempoJ = 81 .1 c F >5 C. 1. I- ma-gine there's no
hear. I- ma-glne there's no courr l- ma-gine no pos- ses-. It's ea- sy if you try.
Page 1. MISSING. Wntierl by Ben Meody. Amy Lee and David Hodges. $01116 -.
Mm - he. Page 2. Page 3. Page 4. Page 5. Page 6. Page 7. you love.
al I used Rod Stewart's recording of. Words & Music by Gavin Sutherland Gavin
Sutherland's folkish ballad 'Sailing.' ' The year was I 975, the season, Autumn.
Page 1. Page 2.
(Relief). Apocalyptica. Reflections. Words & Music by Eicca Toppinen. Violin Solo
. Mandolin or Violin Tuning n= E o= A p= D q= G. Cello Solo. Cello Tuning n= A.
Page 1. 290. THE PRAYER. Italian Lyric by Words and Music by ... Let this be our
prayer, when sha-dows fill our guide us; with your grace. Lead us to a place,.