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Nov 7, 2013 ... Children's Charity Quilts-Dean Stevens, 633-5936 ... or pay the price. ..... Cruise Control requires Pfaff Grand Quilter or Viking Mega Quilter ...
November 2013

THE QUILTERS QUILL Board Meeting November 7, 2013 Business Meeting November 14, 2013 Visit us at:

From the President OFFICERS FOR 2012

Hello Members, Welcome the new members of the board, Mary Beth Seidenfield President. Ann Jelnik Secretarry. Chris Gillespie will continue as Vice President, and Betty Williams as Treasurer. Congratuations to all.

President– Penny Finney - 637-2611 V/P-Programs - Chris Gillespie, (513) 910-4937Secretary-Cathy Cox, 876-5200 Treasurer–Betty Williams, (314) 604-4388 AQS Books-Helen Williams, 637-4974

Our Day of Sharing went very well and all the guests seemed to have a good time Special thanks to all members who spent their time organizing the event. It was really a special day. At the Business meeting we discussed the exhibit at the History Center, and after some discussion it was approved by all. Janet has designed a information sheet for each member with instructions for each quilt. If you have any question please see Janet or myself. Hope to see many of you at the Holiday luncheon. If you haven’t already signed up and want to attend contact Cathy Cox.

Coastal Women's Shelter –Jeanne Batten, 635-2999 Historian- Lynn Peck-Collins, 637-3788 Nursing Home Quilts- Gail Schiller, 637-9656 Children’s Charity Quilts-Dean Stevens, 633-5936 Military – Mary Beth Seidenfield, 672-5788 Sunshine- Laurene Gaskins, 637-5823 Block of the month -Ed Dzioba, 638-8769, Kay Amend, 633-2079 Librarian– Rosemary Trabucchi, 637-9473 Membership- Diana Rezab, 636-5919 Newsletter Editor & Newsletter Mailings Sandy Smith - 619-647-5515 [email protected] Fall Retreat –Chris Gillespie, 513-910-4937 Dorothy Najarian, 847-308-9678 Winter Retreat – Ruth Powers, 634-9470 Sue Kleeman, 634-9055 Spring Retreat – Rosemary Trabucchi, 637-9473 Hospitality –Diana Rezab, 636-5919


Website –Ruth Powers, 634-9470, [email protected] Day of Sharing 2015– Quilt Show 2014 -Lynn Peck-Collins

Reminder All members must wear their official TRQG nametags to every meeting and activity or pay the price...$0.50 to the kitty. It is for safety reasons required by the church. The church personnel do not recognize any other nametags!

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Raffle Quilt – Claudia Hughes, 617-0533

Vice President We had two great workshops in October with Vikki Pignatelli. They were lots of fun and everyone learned at least a couple of new techniques. I know I learned many ways to think out of the box and add excitement to a new project. If you missed these workshops you certainly missed a lot of fun. The sign-up for the next professional workshop with Gail Garber is in process. Her work is outstanding and I have heard only positive comments on her classes. It will be your loss if you miss these classes. If by chance you are not interested, please sign-up for her FREE lecture at our February business meeting. Please sign up for this lecture so we have enough seating. For those who participated in the Basic Sampler Workshops, please bring your pieced tops for display at the Christmas luncheon. They do not have to be quilted to be displayed. Everyone’s tops are so lovely and different that we want to show them off. Cathy Cox will be letting you know when so needs them to set up the room prior to the luncheon on Thursday, December 13. In November, the Program Team will start our planning for 2014 programs. If there are any special programs or techniques that you would like to have taught or displayed, please let me or any members of my team know. I will share our 2014 Plans at the January business meeting for your review. MEMBER WORKSHOPS November 21 …. Making a purse (Bow Tucks Tote)… lead by Claudia Hughes Claudia displayed this purse at the September business meeting and sign-up has started. Remember there is a $2 enrollment fee for guild member workshop, payable at sign-up and you will need to buy

the pattern. The pattern can be obtained at ALL About Quilting in Jacksonville or at the Fabric Center in New Bern. Please see attachment from Claudia regarding the requirements. This will make a GREAT Christmas gift for you or a special person in your family. December…. No Workshops…. PROFESSIONAL WORKSHOPS February 12-14 – Gail Garber has been locked into our calendar for workshops and lectures… For those who have not checked out her website (, you should. She has some awesome classes and is a lot of fun as a teacher. Sign-up has started at the October Business Meeting. Remember to bring your $20 enrollment fee. February 12 - Scrumptious Star Stitchery (9:00am to 4:30pm) February 13 Business Meeting Lecture… Flying Fun With Free-form Shapes (Be early and get a good seat at the business meeting starting at 10:00am) Intermediate Skill Level 2 Day Class; (9 hours) Feb 13 (1pm-4:30pm) Feb 14 (9am4:30pm) This is Gail’s most popular class, by far! It introduces the student to original design in free-form shapes. Learn the drafting and piecing techniques for flying geese in the round, loose curves, or swirls. It is sew easy to do; students are often surprised at the simplicity of the technique, taught with no scary math words! These designs can be simply designed and easily stitched using freezer paper piecing techniques. $7 workbook fee. 2015 ….. I have sent the contract off to Sharon Schamber for February 26-27, 2015. We will have a class in raw edge Page 2 of 12

applique (Purple Daises) and her technique call piec-lique (Shining Sunflower). Both will be fun techniques for ALL levels of quilters. MARK your calendars now and plan on attending. Classes will be limited to 20. UPDATES ON OTHER ACTIVITIES……. 2014 Quilt Show Challenge Quilt…. We have found additional fabric for the challenge quilt. If someone would like additional pieces or a kit, please contact Dorothy Najarian or myself. Keep Planning or Working on the Challenge… If you have decided not to do the challenge, please return the fabric and we will see if there are others that would like to participate.. If you are still in the planning stages, perhaps you could get ideas from our in-house workshops, from Vikki Pignatelli, from Gail Garber or from our great library… Our Challenge Quilts are always fun and it is amazing to see what ideas our members come up with. Do not miss out on this activity. Community Quilts… I would like to thank our members who have donated so much wonderful fabric and batting. Large cuts of cotton fabric are always needed for backings. We have gotten a lot of fabric and we have moved it to an outside location for sorting and cutting. We are planning a community quilt making session for Air Vac Quilts in January, dates and more info to come. We have many quilt kits available in the storage cupboard at the church and they will be put out for the business meetings. They are easy and fun to make and they all go to a good place. Let’s see how many we can make in 2014…. If you would like a kit, please contact Francis Conner who is managing the sign-out activity.

If you sign-out a quilt kit, we expect that they will be returned in a reasonable time. You can sign-out a kit to complete all steps or just a portion of the steps – piecing, quilting or binding. When you return a quilt, please make sure you update the sign-out list. We also have started making Fidget Quilt Kits… Please check with Francis on obtaining these. There is a need for these for our special seniors. Appreciate everyone’s help as we use up our donated fabric and batting. We certainly STILL want you to continue making and donating community quilts of any size on a monthly basis to our Community Quilt Leaders for children, military, and seniors as you have done in the past. This is just another way to add more interest and energy to helping our community, while having fun with each other. 2013-14 Mystery Quilt…. Part 3 of the Mystery Quilt is on the TRQG Website. Just click and you will get access to the new Part 3 for large and small quilts. If you have not started, start now and do not miss the fun of finding out what the mystery looks like. There will be 4 Parts to this Mystery. Each part will be added to a Mystery Quilt section on our website. We will plan a show-tell at the May Business Meeting to show off the Quilt-tops (they do not have to be quilted). This is a free mystery quilt pattern that has no copyright issues associated with it. If you have any questions, please give me a call or send an email… 513-910-4937 or [email protected].

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AQS Just a reminder if you want books I can order at 30 % off. Helen Williams –

COASTAL WOMEN’S SHELTER (CWS) Thank you to those who filled in for me at the business meeting. The CWS gave me a family of a mother and 5 year old son for our Christmas shopping, planned for this week. CWS requested paper supplies and cleaning supplies for January. Also, keep in mind that the shelter still has 12 children at this time. I'm always available to pick up any donations, just call me.

Thanks, Jeanne Batten 252-617-7811

HISTORIAN: Twin Rivers Quilters Guild is now on Facebook! Visit and Like us. Admin for our Facebook page is currently Lynn Peck-Collins. Email information and photos of events to [email protected] or text me 410-302-2929 and it will be posted! Lynn Peck-Collins, 2013 Historian


overwhelmed with the number of quilts for the Nursing Homes. Thanks to Bobby Gould for taking them for me. There was a total of 16 quilts: The following made quilts: Gail Schiller 2: Adah Walker and Ruth Powers 2 fidget quilts. Ruth Powers 1 fidget quilt; Carolyn Hansen 1 quilt: Rolayne Schwendy 2 fidgit quilts: Becky Barnes 2 quilts: Cass Sadler 2 granny square crochet robes: Karen Dodd 1; Cass Sadler 1: Janet Hershey 1 fidget; Dean Stevens 1 fidget quilt. Janet has 3 fidget quilts for the February Display at the History Center. You ladies should be proud of yourselves. They will be distributed to Seasons at the Oaks: Bern Village and Good Shephard. I am sure this will make their lives much happier. Again, thanks loads. Gail Schiller

CHILDREN’S CHARITY QUILTS We had nine quilts made and donated this month they were from : Dean Stevens 2, Janet Mc Lean, 3 for RMD, and 1 for CWS. Cass Sadler, Lydia Moorse, and Ruth H, one each. One of Janet's will be on Display at the History center Feb. 21- March 22. Thank you ladies for all you do. Dean Stevens

SUNSHINE REPORT Cards were sent to Lynn Peck Collins on the loss of her Dad, and Thinking of You cards to Celia Von Oeson, Charlene Gover and Linda Tom. Please let me know if your hear of any of our members needing a card. Laurene Gaskins, [email protected] 637-5823.

When I came back from the retreat, I was Page 4 of 12


Joyce Snader. Thanks Joyce for being so proactive on getting the coffee going and moving. Thanks a bunch ladies, the kitchen could not have run as smoothly as it did without your help. Diana

Please wish the following members a very happy day, week, and year.


Diana Rezab, Ann Albee, Susan Philbert, Lydia Moorse, Sandy Sutton, Linda Tobacco, Sally Hamilton, Lynn Strausbauch, Shawn Haley,Gail Lehman, and Barbara Scavuzzo-Barbarajean


DAY OF SHARING A big thanks to all our volunteers, members and spouses, for a very successful Day of Sharing. And a special thank you to Helen Williams for stepping in as our speaker. Our planned speaker got ill and cancelled at 9 AM the day of our DOS. Our numbers topped 180. Quilters coming from as far as Greensboro, Roanoke Rapids, and Virginia. Thank you all, Jeanne Batten I would like to thank everyone for bring all the food and drinks to help make the guild’s DOS such a success. The church serves a food kitchen on Mondays so the soups and drinks we had leftover we happily shared with the church. I would like to thank the ladies who helped in the kitchen, Pat Mayo, Janice Nichols, Ruth Powers, Linda Bory, Sue Royster, Jan Penner and especially

Stretcher Quilts for Afganistan. REMEMBER THESE QUILTS SHOULD BE 40" X 60" to fit the stretchers without falling into the stretcher below on the plane. This month quilts were donated by: Lily Lucier, Mary Beth Seidenfield, and Ceil Von Oesen. Quilts for the veterans home in Kinston. These can be any size. We received quilts from: Mary Beth and Cass Sadler. We now have 8 lap quilts to take to the Veterans Home, so I am planning to take them up sometime next month. If any of you would like to accompany me, please call me at 288-4615. We will be happy to take books up for the unit libraries as well. So, if you have hardbacks or paperbacks in need of a new home, please consider donating them to the the Veterans Home. Please come to our cutting party in January 16 for Stretcher Quilt kits. We need help pressing, cutting and making up kits. If you have a pattern you would like to use, bring it along and you can make up your own kit. You should bring your cutters, mats, etc. NOW, FOR THE PARTY. Bring a dish to share and you own drink and we will have lunch together. Thank you for you contributions. Roberta (Bobbie) Gould and Mary Beth Seidenfield

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WINTER RETREAT: We now have a full list for Winter Retreat, Jan. 20-24, 2014. If you find you cannot come, please notify Ruth or Sue as soon as you can so someone on the waiting list can make their plans and come.

Please make a note of the changes/additions below and add it to your 2013 Directory, either using the last two pages titled Notes or marking on the guild members name. (Please remember if your email change is not forwarded to me then you will miss out on any workshop activities, class info, updates, etc. through guild emails) Name Tag Reminder It is the church’s requirement as a matter of security for their day school program that we wear our name tag. This includes wearing it to not only our business meetings but also the weekly Stitch n Chat and any workshops. New Members: Alice Krysiak, 1134 Gurten St., NB 28562, 904-557-3101, [email protected], B’date August 8th. Alice has been quilting for 25 years and has done a lot of charity quilts. She enjoys sewing pillowcases and other items for her home. Membership Chair Diana Rezab, [email protected]

LIBRARY Many of you may have noticed that the Library shelves are overflowing. If we purchase books from the Teachers we have already scheduled, we have no place to put them. Any books that have not been borrowed for ten years or more, and books that are infrequently borrowed duplicates, will be removed. These books will be made available at the next two Business meetings for members who may want to give them a new home. Rosemary Trabucchi

Remember, you must call the Clamdigger Inn (252-247-4155) and make your own reservation with a credit card, or you can do it online—as another member told me you could. If you have a roommate, that person must give their credit card, too, for other expenses such as the restaurant. Tell them you are with the Twin Rivers Quilters. If you want to arrive on Sunday, the 19th, do remember to add that date to your reservation. Many times the Bogue Room has been opened for the quilters on Sunday afternoon, but that is NOT a sure thing. This is the 20th anniversary of the Winter Retreat, and we must thank Beverly Nicholson, Adah Walker, and Carla Cherry (now living in OK) for starting something we all love to do. We will have something special that week to celebrate! Any questions, contact Ruth Powers or Sue Kleeman.

HOLIDAY LUNCH HO, HO, HO! Holiday Luncheon sign up deadline is December 4th. Please join us for this special event on Thursday December 12th @ 11:00 A.M. at The Flame. Cost is $23 (all inclusive). You are invited to take part in a voluntary Holiday Block exchange (12" finished) and/or voluntary gift exchange. This year instead of sewing notions we are making homemade goodies or handmade items for the gifts. Page 6 of 12

Don’t forget the Coastel Womens Shelter .. if you would like to bring an unwrapped gift such as socks, PJ’s, gloves, scarves, sweats it would be greatly appreciated. Jeannie Batten will have a special table set up for these gifts.

Ok it’s your turn….turn in some hints or tricks for our next newsletter..  LOOKIN 4” I have a 3” Creative Curves Ruler by Virginia Walton with no directions—lost them. Can someone make a copy for me of their directions for use of this ruler. Thank you. Ruth Powers

Please exhibit your tops or quilts made during our sampler class or any new holiday items Got any “GETTIN RID OF or LOOKIN 4”? Send you have made. Cathy will collect these at Tabernacle Baptist on Dec. 11th at 10:00 A.M. or me an e-mail and I’ll post it in newsletter [email protected] with all the by special arrangement with her. Please feel information. Be sure to put in the title TRQG or I free to call her at (252) 876-5200. will not open it if I don’t recognize your e-mail address. In addition, as a member you may also advertise for FREE once a year, anything you would like to SELL. After that, the fee is $25.00. Just a reminder:


Got any “TIPS OR TRICKS” to save time or moneyBusiness Meeting Etiquette In the interest of expediting our meetings, or make the job easier when quilting? keep the flow going, and showing respect to Send me an e-mail [email protected] each other, the following will be and we will share with all. Don’t forget to put implemented. TRQG in title box. Our bylaws state that we conduct meetings following Roberts Rules of order, therefore if I suggest people try out I you would like to speak to the membership, was looking here, there, and everywhere for a raise your hand, be recognized, give your fabric I bought a year ago. Somehow I stumbled name and state your business. across this website. I took a picture with my In order to try to make the meeting phone of the fabric and sent the name of the shortened, please try to arrive 30 minutes fabric and any information you have on the early (9:30am) to do your sign in, get Block fabricplus how many yards I was looking for. of the month, take care your procedural You are not required to send a photo. In less items before the meeting is called to order than 24 hours I had two responses from stores at 10:00am. That we can have your fullthat had the fabric for sale. Great website and undivided attention for the meeting, suggest you give it a try if you can't find a fabric you need more of. Chris Babich eliminate confusion, and make the meeting shorter. Thank you, Penny Finney, President

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TRQG 2013/2014 CALENDAR Nov 21

8:30 am


“Make a Purse “Bow Tucks Tote” By Claudia Hughes

Nov 28

9:30 am


Happy Thanksgiving

Dec 5

9:30 am

Board Meeting

Dec 12

10:00 am

Dec 19

9:30 am


Dec 26

9:30 am


Jan 2, 2014

9:30 am

Board Meeting

Jan 9

10:00 am

Business Meeting

Jan 20-24


Winter Retreat

Clam Digger Inn Cutting Party and Stretcher Quilt kits workshop Bring a dish to share luncheon

Jan 16

9:30 am

Charity Workshop

Jan 23

9:30 am


Jan 30

9:30 am


Feb 6

9:30 am

Board Meeting

Feb 12

9:00 am

Feb 13

10:00 am

Feb 14

9:00 am

Professional Workshop “Scrumptious Star Stitchery” by Gail Garber Lecture by Gail Garber “Flying Fun with Free-form Business Meeting Plus Shapes”(1:00-4:30pm) “Goose Is Loose-Designing With Free Form Professional Workshop Shapes” by Gail Garber

Feb 20

9:30 am

Charity Workshop

Feb 27

9:30 am


Mar 6

9:30 am

Board Meeting

Mar 10-14

Spring Retreat

Mar 13

10:00 am

Business Meeting

Mar 20

9:30 am

Charity Workshop

Mar 27

9:30 am


Apr 3

9:30 am

Board Meeting

Clam Digger Inn

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Apr 10

10:00 am

Business Meeting

Apr 17

9:30 am

Charity Workshop

Apr 24

9:30 am


May 1

9:30 am

Board Meeting

May 8

10:00 am

Business Meeting

QUILT SHOWS, FESTIVALS AND EVENTS : Dec 7 – Greenville Quilters Guild Holiday Brunch “[email protected]” Jan 17-19 2014 Quilts of Valor Region 8 Weekend Retreat, [email protected] for more info Mar 14 – 16 2014 Vintage View Quilt Show, Kerrr Scott Bldg NC State Fairgrounds, Raleigh, NC or May 9 – 10 2014 A Fiesta of Quilts, Greensboro, NC May 29 - June 1 2014 North Carolina Quilt Symposium, University of NC at Wilmington, NC sponsored by Quilters by the Sea and NCQSI and theme is: Stitchin' in the Waves “” for list of teachers. Oct 18 2014 Day of Sharing in the Pineapple Patch, First Baptist Church, Morehead City, NC Oct 31 – Nov 1 2014 Bee By The River Quilt Show hosted by Twin Rivers Quilters Guild, New Bern, NC May 15 – 16 2015 Crystal Coast Quilters Guild Show (which will now alternate with New Bern so that there will be a show in the east every year) ====================================================================================

MEMBERSHIP DUES Membership fee for 2014 has gone up to $30.00 and is due December 31, 2013. Fill out the form and make check payable to Twin Rivers Quilters Guild (TROG) and mail to: Diana Rezab, Membership Chair, 5509 Gondolier, NB, NC 28562. Do not mail to the guild’s P.O. Box address. There will also be a box at the annual Christmas luncheon for you to drop your check in. Any questions, please contact Diana Rezab at 636-5919 or [email protected]. ************************************************************************************************ Name:__________________________________________ Check #_______________ __________________________________________________________________ Page 9 of 12

(Please note any changes in your address, phone #, email) *********************************************************************************************** Diana Rezab Membership Chair, [email protected]

FOR SALE Back support with vibrating cushion. It was $10. It can be yours for $5. Karen Dodd 252-229-2033 [email protected]

Moving Sale - 2006 Grace Company Next Generation Quilting frame with carriage, Quilter's cruise control, laser pin light and 24 pantogragh patterns. Frame is 60 to 120 inches Cruise Control requires Pfaff Grand Quilter or Viking Mega Quilter Asking $500.00 Gloria Cooper 252-670-8150


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Fall retreat


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