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The Ranking of Football Teams - - University of Utah

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University of Utah. Mathematical Biology the. Imagine ..... Florida. 5-3. 21. 22. 16. 11. 25. 25. Boise State. 6-1. 39.
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Mathematical Biology University of Utah

The Mathematics of Ranking Schemes or Should Utah Be Ranked in the Top 25? J. P. Keener Mathematics Department University of Utah

The Mathematics of Ranking SchemesorShould Utah Be Ranked in the Top 25? – p.1/19

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Mathematical Biology University of Utah

Problem: How to rank sports teams? The Challenge:

The Mathematics of Ranking SchemesorShould Utah Be Ranked in the Top 25? – p.2/19

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Mathematical Biology University of Utah

Problem: How to rank sports teams? The Challenge: • Uneven paired competition (not all teams play each other)

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Mathematical Biology University of Utah

Problem: How to rank sports teams? The Challenge: • Uneven paired competition (not all teams play each other) • The data are sparse. (Each team plays 10 games and there

are over 100 teams)

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Mathematical Biology University of Utah

Problem: How to rank sports teams? The Challenge: • Uneven paired competition (not all teams play each other) • The data are sparse. (Each team plays 10 games and there

are over 100 teams) • There is no well-ordering (Team A beats Team B who beats

Team C who beats team A).

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Simple Idea

Mathematical Biology University of Utah

• Suppose team i has Wi wins and Li losses, let

Wi Wi ri = = . Wi + L i Ni Call r = (ri ) the ranking vector.

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Simple Idea

Mathematical Biology University of Utah

• Suppose team i has Wi wins and Li losses, let

Wi Wi ri = = . Wi + L i Ni Call r = (ri ) the ranking vector. • Alternate representation: Set A = (aij ) where aij =

1 Ni


team i beat team j, aij = 0 otherwise. Then

r = Ar0 ,

r0 = 1.

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Basic Idea

Mathematical Biology University of Utah

• First modification: To get an indication of strength of

schedule, let

r = A(Ar0 ) = A2 r0 .

The Mathematics of Ranking SchemesorShould Utah Be Ranked in the Top 25? – p.4/19

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Basic Idea

Mathematical Biology University of Utah

• First modification: To get an indication of strength of

schedule, let

r = A(Ar0 ) = A2 r0 . • Obvious generalization:

An r 0 r= n 0 |A r |

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Basic Idea

Mathematical Biology University of Utah

• First modification: To get an indication of strength of

schedule, let

r = A(Ar0 ) = A2 r0 . • Obvious generalization:

An r 0 r= n 0 |A r | • Question: What if we let n → ∞? • Answer: Define r to be eigenvector of A

Ar = λr The Mathematics of Ranking SchemesorShould Utah Be Ranked in the Top 25? – p.4/19

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Mathematical Biology

Method 1:The Eigenvector Method

University of Utah

Suppose that team i has rank ri , and aij is a measure of the result of the game between team i and team j where • 0 ≤ aij ≤ 1, aij = 0 if teams i and j have not played, • aij + aji = 1 if teams i and j have played each other.

Assign a score si to team i

1 X aij rj si = Ni j and then define r so that

λri = si


Ar = λr

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Mathematical Biology University of Utah

Method 1:Existence Question Do solutions of this eigenvalue problem exist? The Perron Frobenius Theorem:

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Mathematical Biology University of Utah

Method 1:Existence Question Do solutions of this eigenvalue problem exist? The Perron Frobenius Theorem: • If A has nonnegative entries, then there exists nonnegative

solution of Ar = λr.

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Mathematical Biology University of Utah

Method 1:Existence Question Do solutions of this eigenvalue problem exist? The Perron Frobenius Theorem: • If A has nonnegative entries, then there exists nonnegative

solution of Ar = λr. • If A is irreducible, then r is strictly positive and unique, and λ

is simple and maximal.

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Mathematical Biology University of Utah

Method 1:Existence Question Do solutions of this eigenvalue problem exist? The Perron Frobenius Theorem: • If A has nonnegative entries, then there exists nonnegative

solution of Ar = λr. • If A is irreducible, then r is strictly positive and unique, and λ

is simple and maximal. • r can be calculated using the power method:

An r 0 r = lim , n 0 n→∞ |A r |

r0 = 1

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Choosing aij

Mathematical Biology University of Utah

Ways to specify aij : • aij = 1 if team i beat team j. (W-L record)

The Mathematics of Ranking SchemesorShould Utah Be Ranked in the Top 25? – p.7/19

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Choosing aij

Mathematical Biology University of Utah

Ways to specify aij : • aij = 1 if team i beat team j. (W-L record) • aij =

Sij Sij +Sji ,

with Sij = points earned by team i vs team j.

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Choosing aij

Mathematical Biology University of Utah

Ways to specify aij : • aij = 1 if team i beat team j. (W-L record) • aij =

Sij Sij +Sji ,

• aij =

Sij +1 Sij +Sji +2 .

with Sij = points earned by team i vs team j.

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Choosing aij

Mathematical Biology University of Utah

Ways to specify aij : • aij = 1 if team i beat team j. (W-L record) • aij =

Sij Sij +Sji ,

• aij =

Sij +1 Sij +Sji +2 . Sij +1 Sij +Sji +2

. 1




0.6 h(x)

• aij = h

with Sij = points earned by team i vs team j.












0.5 x






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Method 2:The Nonlinear Fixed Point Method

Mathematical Biology University of Utah

Suppose f (x) is positive, increasing, concave for 0 ≤ x < ∞. Define r as solution of

1 X ri = Fi (r) = f (aij rj ) Ni j where

.05x + x2 f (x) = 2 + .05x + x2 1

















2.5 x






The Mathematics of Ranking SchemesorShould Utah Be Ranked in the Top 25? – p.8/19

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Mathematical Biology

Method 2:Finding r

University of Utah

Suppose F (x) : Rn → Rn is continuous,

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Method 2:Finding r

Mathematical Biology University of Utah

Suppose F (x) : Rn → Rn is continuous, • positive: F (p) > 0 for all p > 0,

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Method 2:Finding r

Mathematical Biology University of Utah

Suppose F (x) : Rn → Rn is continuous, • positive: F (p) > 0 for all p > 0, • increasing: F (p) > F (q) whenever p > q,

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Method 2:Finding r

Mathematical Biology University of Utah

Suppose F (x) : Rn → Rn is continuous, • positive: F (p) > 0 for all p > 0, • increasing: F (p) > F (q) whenever p > q, • concave: F (tp) > tF (p) for 0 < t < 1, p > 0

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Method 2:Finding r

Mathematical Biology University of Utah

Suppose F (x) : Rn → Rn is continuous, • positive: F (p) > 0 for all p > 0, • increasing: F (p) > F (q) whenever p > q, • concave: F (tp) > tF (p) for 0 < t < 1, p > 0

then the sequence of vectors rk = F (rk−1 ), with r0 = 1 is a monotone decreasing sequence with limn→∞ rn = r where

r = F (r) Remark: This is a generalization of the Perron Frobenius Theorem. The Mathematics of Ranking SchemesorShould Utah Be Ranked in the Top 25? – p.9/19

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Method 3:The Probability Method

Mathematical Biology University of Utah

Suppose the probability that team i beats team j is

Sij ri ≈ . πij = ri + rj Sij + Sji Then

Sij rj ≈ Sji ri . Thus, let r minimize

X (Sji ri − Sij rj )2 i,j

subject to


ri2 = 1

The Mathematics of Ranking SchemesorShould Utah Be Ranked in the Top 25? – p.10/19

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Method 3:Finding r

Mathematical Biology University of Utah

Use Lagrange multipliers and minimize

X X (Sji ri − Sij rj )2 − µ( ri2 − 1) i,j


equivalently, find r where

Br = µr where

B = (bij ),

bii =


2 , Sik

bij = −Sij Sji for i 6= j


The Mathematics of Ranking SchemesorShould Utah Be Ranked in the Top 25? – p.11/19

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Method 3:Finding r

Mathematical Biology University of Utah

Pick λ0 so that B + λ0 I is diagonally dominant. Then, (B + λ0 I)−1 is a positive matrix. From the Perron Frobenius theorem,

(B + λ0 I)−n r0 =r lim n→∞ |(B + λ0 I)−n r 0 |

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"Linear Models"

Mathematical Biology University of Utah

Remark: This model is one of a class of models called linear models for which

πij = h(ri − rj ) For example, h could be a Gaussian (bell-shaped) or an exponential function. The choice πij =

ri ri +rj

is exponential, since with r = ev

evi −vj evi = . πij = vi v v −v j i j e +e 1+e This is the model (purportedly) used for national tennis, squash, etc. rankings. The Mathematics of Ranking SchemesorShould Utah Be Ranked in the Top 25? – p.13/19

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Method 4:Maximum Likelihood

Mathematical Biology University of Utah

Suppose the outcome of a game is a Bernoulli trail with πij the probability that team i beats team j. If aij represents the outcome of games, then the probability of observing that outcome is

P = Πi