May 24, 2009 ... New Windows • Doors • Siding • Glass Repairs. • Mirrors • Screens • Drywall. •
Cottage & Home .... replacing them with part time was tried before and we lost a
lot of ..... 1993 Acura Integra LS 5 spd,. 2 dr. coupe. Very good ...
May 14, 2009 • Issue 697
Serving St. Joseph Island since 1995
“Your Island Newspaper” Visit us online at email:
[email protected]
Tel: 705-246-1635 Fax: 705-246-7060
COMMUNITY QUILTING A Band of Incredible Women! ON TUESDAY MORNINGS, Norah McGuire gets up with perhaps an extra spring in her step. It’s a special day and she wants to get on with it. Among her many other talents and interests, Norah is one of those many people who proudly share that particular passion for “quilting”. And, although ‘quilting’ day can be any day, Tuesdays are very special quilting days! Quilters seem to be a very special type of person. They are practical – any piece of fabric, regardless of its size, colour, texture or material is useful. They are creative – it’s truly amazing how they can take an apparent jumble of unrelated material, cut big pieces into little pieces, and then put it all together to make something that’s warm, comfortable and practical, but also a true and beautiful work of art. They’re patient - the ‘work’ they do is meticulous, demanding care and precision, because every stitch is part of a new work of art. And they tend to be happier too. The satisfaction they derive from their
work is enormous, especially when they see their handiwork being put to use! So what makes Tuesdays so important? That’s the day that many of the Island’s Quilters of every level come together in one place, to help each other with their individual projects, and to focus their collective talents on doing good things for their community. They call it ‘Community Quilting’ and it’s catching!
The Real Estate Stop
See these wonderful quilts in colour at
Three Tuesdays a month, the first, second and fourth, Norah and her fellow quilting friends – and there are many! – meet at the Hilton Beach Community Hall. The 3rd Tuesday of each month, they meet at the Dr. Trefry Centre in Richards Landing. ‘Community Quilting’ is an activity, not a “club”. Anyone and everyone is welcome, even if just to visit and watch. It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner wanting to learn or an expert willing to help and teach, the only thing you need is an interest Continued on next page
David Nelson Sales Representative
“Your Island Realtor” 949-7867 • 246-2757
Community Quilting ... continued from page 1
+Tax & Lic.
$15,900 $8,900 $12,500 $8,900 $13,900 $14,500 $16,900 $21,500 $14,500 $2,900
It’s worth the drive!
842-2433 214 Main Street, Thessalon
in quilting. Being able to help do so much for others is a bonus. Although the actual “membership” varies up and down, any particular Tuesday will usually see 10 to 12 Quilters come out. “The time we spend is great fun, and the company is wonderful!” beams Norah. “In addition to what we’re each doing ourselves, we help each other and give each other ideas. We also ‘sandwich’ other peoples’ quilts for them. Today, we’re each working on our own quilts, and pitching in to help Norma with her ‘fractured nine patch’ project!”
The “products” they produce are truly wonderful and every single thing they make gets put to good use. They donate their quilt work to any worthy cause, where someone can benefit from it. Cathy Miller, a quilter and songwriter, coined the term a “Quilter’s Embrace” for the special gift given to someone in need.
On Saturday, May 23, from 8 pm to midnight, Legion Branch 374 will be hosting a full costume Tribute Show and Dance, featuring the wonderful song stylings of ‘Shania Twang’. Come out and enjoy her enjoyable and captivating repertoire of Shania Twain songs, and also featuring the music of Stevie Nicks and the Blues Brothers!
The group donates lap quilts to senior folks battling cancer, or recovering from illness or an operation. “All in all, we’ve probably made more than 200 quilts in the past 7 years. We’ve sent many of them to residents of Light Haven and Algoma Manor.” smiles Norah. “Many of the recipients have never had a quilt of their own. The look on their faces is more than a great reward to us!”
It will surely be a show to remember! Snacks of popcorn, pretzels and potato chips will also be available. Tickets are now on sale at $10. each at Ambeault’s Confectionary, Kent’s Corners and the Legion Branch 374. But don’t delay! We can only guarantee 150 seats, so get your tickets early! Royal Canadian Legion Branch 374 St. Joseph Island
In addition to creating beautiful lap quilts, the group regularly donates “Chemo Caps” for cancer patients being treated at the Sault Area Hospital, as well as right here at Matthews Memorial Hospital. ‘Community Quilting’ is also self-sustaining. They largely rely on donations of material for their work. “We’re so grateful to everyone for all the material that they donate to us. We welcome anything useful – especially cotton fabric, which is best for quilting! We’re also so grateful to the Village of Hilton Beach, for giving us the use of the Hall and the cupboard in which to store our material, and to the Dr. Trefry Centre.” Continued on next page Page 2
The group usually has a table at every Women’s Institute Quilt Show, where they can exhibit and sell their work, to raise money to buy backing and batting materials. So when and how was ‘Community Quilting’ created? In Norah’s words, “It just evolved! I started out by quilting with a few others for the company. One thing led to another, and suddenly we found ourselves teaching and The Group, the day the Clippings visited. doing workshops. Now we’re So, if you have an interALL hooked! It’s truly a labour of love” she smiles. est in quilting, sharing some terrific company, and doing great things for others, you should find out more about Getting help with mitering a ‘Community Quilting’! Or, if you know of some- corner on the binding. one who could benefit from one of their beautiful quilts, contact any Member. You can also call Norah McGuire at 246-1084, Janet Jerrard at 246-0847 or Diane at the Hilton Union Public Library (246-2557 or at home, 246-2815) to find out more. Maybe Carol Smith sums it up best: “Quilting really is a labour of love, and ‘Community Quilting’ is truly a Band of Incredible Women!” The 21st Annual Clover Valley and Richards Landing WI Quilt Show will be held on July 31, August 1 & 2, 2009 at the St. Joseph Island Central School in Richards Landing. This year’s show is expected to showcase more than 200 quilts and wall hangings. A tea room will also be available.
We specialize in glass, but ...
• New Windows • Doors • Siding • Glass Repairs • Mirrors • Screens • Drywall • Cottage & Home Maintenance, Repairs & Painting
Gift Certificates
Day, evening and weekend appointments available
Fax: 246-1429 Cell: 945-1999
BridgeLink Medical Centre Richards Landing Page 3
1611 P Line, St. Joe Island (at 10th)
Island Machine & Welding 1700 D Line R.R. #2 Richards Landing 246-0049
Proprietor: Dale Wenmann
Complete Machine Shop Service
Mrs. Mac’s 246-0123
Mon - Thurs 11 am - 8 pm Friday - 11 am - 9 pm Saturday - 11 am - 8 pm Sunday - 11 am - 7 pm
Tastes like Home But it’s Mrs. Mac’s
Debbie’s Hair Hut 1615 20th Side Road, St Joseph Island 246-0457
A full service family salon offering only the finest hair products. Debbie Campbell - owner
Landing Feet First Marcy Clark 246-0604
Registered Practical Nurse
In-home treatment of Basic, Advanced & Diabetic Foot conditions Official retailer of Biofreeze & Orthotics by Foot Levelers Inc. Manicures, Pedicures & Paraffin Wax treatments also available
Ask about our party specials!!
Island Insight In praise of MMH I am so grateful that we have Matthews Memorial Hospital in our community. Recently I have suffered from two kidney stones. At MMH I was treated quickly and made as comfortable as could be. This happened in early morning hours, 3 days in a row. If I’d had to travel to the Sault each time and had to wait in the ER it would have been unbearable. Ultimately I was flown to Timmins and treated by Dr. Hares. I would like to thank the nurses, the doctors, Verna and Maria at MMH. The ambulance crews & the Air Bravo Crews were wonderful. I don’t know what I would do without the Sabines, the Reads, Lisa, Joanne and my family, Thanks. Thanks for the cards, calls, flowers and prayers. Dawn Tweedle
Response to Mike Brown’s news release of May 2, 2009 published in the Clippings. As part of the group from the area that attended the NE LHIN meeting, I came away with a very different view than MPP Brown. Ron Gagnon showed he is capable of cutting anything to prevent the province from taking over operations. The guy has a gun to his head so what should we expect? Mr. Brown does not seem to realize that cuts will affect patient care. It makes no difference if you cut off a toe or a finger; we are still going to bleed.
Cutting full time nurse positions, and replacing them with part time was tried before and we lost a lot of talented people who moved to other areas. They are already under-staffed and stressed out. Why do you think they have a problem with overtime? Mr. Gagnon is going to have a turnover in staff worse than WalMart. Closing beds to save money is a ridiculous suggestion. Sault hospital is already over capacity, and has been for a long time. Maybe they should have just built the new hospital like the ESSAR center without rooms and they could just line up the beds in rows. How can this possibly not affect health care? Mr. Gagnon stated clearly that the status quo for Matthews was not an option. Anything less means no more 24-hour emergency service. I don’t share Mr. Brown’s optimism. I think we still have a huge fight on our hands. The Sault Area Hospital Board has no choice but to cut. The NE LHIN has no authority to increase funding. So the responsibility falls to MPPs Mike Brown, David Orizetti, Minister of Health David Caplin, and Premier Dalton McGuinty. I have written to these four and pledged to work against them in the next election if Matthews closes. This is not antiLiberal; it’s simply the only way we can put enough pressure on them to get the result we must have.
• Repairs • Tune-up • Virus removal • Set-up • Training • Wired and Wireless Networks
Laurence McKay, Richards Landing
KENT’S COR 246-1234 N Monday to Thursday 6 am to 8 pm E Fridays 6 am to 9 pm Saturday 8 am to 8 pm R Sunday 8 am to 7 pm S VISA/MC/Debit/ATM
Published weekly by Heather & Brian Fox HOW TO REACH US: By email:
[email protected] By phone: 246-1635 • By fax: 246-7060 By mail: The Island Clippings, 5285 5th Side Road, R. R. 1, Hilton Beach, Ontario P0R 1G0. Or simply use one of the Island Clippings boxes conveniently located at Ambeault’s, Kent’s Corners or the Hilton Beach Post Office. Off-Island Subscription Rates: $60.00 per year plus tax
Page 4
The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damage arising from errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the ad in which the error occured. There shall be no liability for non-insertion of any ad. Cost for ads may be adjusted from time to time due to price increases of postage, paper and ink. Ads cannot be copied. The editor reserves the right to edit, revise, classify or reject an ad. Articles submitted do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editor.
Maureen Smith’s Cheezie Cauliflower Bake
Don’t Miss the Legion Garage Sale!
1 head of cauliflower 3/4 C. shredded medium cheddar cheese
Saturday, May 16th!
3 to 4 tbsp. Miracle Whip
9 am to 2 pm, Rain or shine, at the Legion Hall.
1/4 tsp. French’s mustard 1/2 tsp. seasoning salt Mix all ingredients in small bowl. Set aside. Place cauliflower whole in pot and boil until partially cooked (about 7 minutes) Strain and place in casserole dish. Cover with cheese mixture. Broil until golden. Thanks Maureen! If you have a recipe you would like to share please send it to
[email protected] or mail it or leave it in the pick up boxes conveniently located at Ambeaults, Kent’s Corners and the Hilton Beach Post Office
No early birds please!
Something for everyone, at bargain prices.
All proceeds will be used to fund Legion activities.
There’s still time to donate items for this worthy cause. All donations of sellable items – no clothing please – will be gratefully accepted. Just call Jim Jackson at 246-2494 or 246-1120 to arrange for pickup. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 374 St. Joseph Island
Check out our supply for all your gardening needs! Pick up your soils and gardening supplies now! Top Soil
Sheep Manure
Per 25 L bag
Per 18 kg bag
Phone: 246-2475
3003 Base Line Hilton Beach
Hours: 9 - 5 Monday thru Saturday Page 5
MacKay’s Island Pharmacy (9:30 am to 5 pm Mon-Fri) Convenient Drop-off at Hospital for after hour and/or Weekend Pickup
We can provide ALL your pharmacy needs With fuel prices soaring, give us a try; You won’t be disappointed BridgeLink Medical Centre, Richards Landing Messaging Service for Ordering & Call Back
Bring in or show us this ad and receive 10% off sunglasses and certified products
246-0650 “We go the extra mile for you”
~ By ~ Offer available until July 15th 2009 Only valid with the purchase of a new Husqvarna lawn and garden tractor.
[email protected] Home Improvements
246-2110 24 x 24 shell labour & materials
plus taxes
prices available for all sizes
Attention Drivers
New Stop Signs Two new stops signs are being installed at the intersection of P-Line and 10th Side Road in Jocelyn Township. This will now be a FOUR WAY STOP. Please keep this in mind as you travel this section of roadway.
KENTVALE The Helpful Place
(705) 246-2002
Page 6
(705) 246-2002
Sales & Service 712 K Line Line Road Road 712 K Richards Landing Richards
K R A P T IS R U O T H C A E HILTON B Fishing Tackle, Bait Fishing Rods, Cisco Rods (Black Widow) Minnow Traps
Ice Cream Cones Ice , Pop, Chips Sault Stars Propane
Hoodies, Sweatshirts, T’s & Caps RV Parts & Accessories Hunting & Fishing Licence
4 Assortment Of Avon From Representative ( Dana Stevens )
Pure Maple Syrup By “Farrr End Maple Creations” (Kris Desjardin)
Drop By And See Us!!! Lori & Tom Desjardin
This Spring, Residents of St. Joseph Island are Walking for Dog Guides Help continue to provide Dog Guides at no cost. By Melissa Eckersley, 1-800-768-3030 Ext. 231,
[email protected]
Wessell Firewood
Processed Hardwood Firewood
Delivery Available Any Questions Regarding Services Please Call Kevin or Katie
KENTVALE The Helpful Place
Sales&&Service Service Sales 712 K Line 712 K Line Road Road Richards Landing You must see this 120 year old General Store
(705) 246-2002
Fresh Bread Baked Daily Special Order Cakes Dessert Trays Pasteries Hot Lunches Light Meal Menu Pizza & Wings Soups & Sandwiches
OPEN 7 AM TO 8 PM DAILY 7 DAYS A WEEK • 246-0282
David R. Porter, CMA
Management Accounting & Consulting Services Waterfront Centre, Hilton Beach, Ontario P0R 1G0
for all your accounting needs Personal • Business • Farm & Corporations Bookeeping • Financial Statements • Business Plans Income Taxes (E-file) • Computer Sales IRS Refunds for US Casino Winners
Phone/Fax (705) 246-3153
Res. (705) 246-3460
Reflexology Dinah Horner - Certified Foot Reflexologist Call 246-3860 or 246-1433 Island Touch Therapeutic Massage BridgeLink Medical Centre
THIS SPRING RESIDENTS of St. Joseph Island are making a difference in the lives of Canadians with disabilities by participating in the Purina Walk for Dog Guides. St. Joseph Island is just one of the many locations set to host a Walk on Saturday, May 30th at Kent’s Corners. There is no registration fee and people of all fitness levels, ages and abilities are invited to participate.
Our national sponsors for this year include: Nestlé Purina PetCare, Air Canada Kids’ Horizons, OMNI, Via Rail Canada, Urban Advertising and Design, Paul Boddum, Jim Craigmyle and Dogs in Canada. Thanks to our sponsors one hundred percent of the proceeds from the Walk go directly toward Lions Foundation of Canada and its Dog Guide programs.
The Purina Walk for Dog Guides is the Lions Foundation of Canada’s largest fundraising event. This event helps the Foundation match deserving Canadians with Dog Guides. “We look forward to the Walk every year,” says Lion Robert Kerr, organizer of the St. Joseph Island Walk. “With the support of people in and around our community we can all help Canadians with disabilities achieve or maintain a safe and independent lifestyle.”
Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides is a national charity whose mission is to provide service to Canadians with disabilities in the areas of mobility, safety and independence. Lions Foundation of Canada has provided specially trained Dog Guides to more than 1,300 men, women and children since 1983.
Since 1985, Walks in communities across Canada have collectively raised close to 6 million dollars in support of Dog Guide training programs. Each Dog Guide costs approximately $20,000 to raise and train yet they are provided to each eligible candidate at no cost. Join other Canadians along with your furry friend this spring and participate in the Purina Walk for Dog Guides. Help continue to provide Dog Guides to other deserving Canadians.
nnie Rockin’ Ro! LIVE at your place! Call 246-3652 to book YOUR event and let the good times roll! Page 8
The Lions Foundation of Canada trains four types of Dog Guides - Canine Vision Dog Guides, providing assistance to people who are blind or visually impaired; Hearing Ear Dog Guides, for people who are deaf or hard of hearing; Special Skills Dog Guides, providing assistance to Canadians with physical disabilities; and Seizure Response Dog Guides, helping Canadians with epilepsy. For more information, call Robert Kerr at 246-1963 or visit
Ronnie Hawdon can add some ZIP to your Anniversary, Birthday, Barbeque, Family Get-together or ANY kind of party or social.
OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR BUSINESS! They keep our local economy healthy and make publishing the Island Clippings possible!
3rd Annual St. Joseph Island
TEE TALK Seniors League May 11, 2009
Lions Club Bridge Walk
Closest to Pin - Judy Connell, Mitch Gajda Closest to 150 marker - Judy Connell, Bob Wismer Winning Team - Ken Ward, Mavis Crawford, Chuck Meeks
(Purina Walk For Dog Guides)
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Family Owned & Operated
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Registration at Kent’s Corners begins at 9:00 am Walk starts at 10:00 am Bus available for trip over and/or back Incentive prizes issued for pledge amounts Pledger’s names entered into special draws All Proceeds to Lions Foundation of Canada Guide Dogs Help train & supply guide dogs to those with sight, hearing and physical disabilities You may walk or pledge with or without a four legged friend All walkers welcome Refreshments available on route Entry/Pledge Forms Available At: Ambeault’s Confectionary Kent’s Corners Hwy. 17 Trading Post Dry Dock Restaurant Tilt’n Hilton Hotel
Sat. May 16th 8 am - 12 (no early birds please)
On the grounds of “The Green Oak Gallery” Presented by
Entries and Pledges may be made on-line at
The St. Joseph Island Horticultural Society
For more info contact Sheila 246-3078
Make A Day Of It Join Us for the Walk
Come To Richards Landing Marina for
Marina Mania Activities Dedication of the “New Lighthouse” Food & Refreshments Page 9
PC Doctor Carl Thomas Broker of Record
by George Skardis
QUESTION: We just purchased a new printer and my hus-
[email protected]
band threw out the installation CDs by mistake. We can plug the printer in and our computer recognizes the printer but the printer refuses to print. Help!
YOU BE THE BOSS! Modern service centre on busy TransCanada Hwy at Bruce Mines on Lake Huron's north shore. Self serve Esso gas bar, variety store with lotto terminal and home-cooking-style restaurant drawing local trade and travellers. Two large apartments for owner staff or extra rentals. Fantastic opportunity as the Seller needs to sell and is offering to assist financing to qualified buyers.
BUILDING SUPPLY AND HARDWARE! Large modern retail and office area, 3 warehouses, workshop on 4 acre site. Associated with National Buying Group for bulk discounts and advertising. Good highway exposure and large trading area on St. Joseph Island and the north shore. Ideal business for anyone interested in raising a family and owning a business in a rural setting.
BAKERY AND TEA ROOM! Located on high visibility corner as you enter St. Joseph Island from the bridge. Turn key operation that includes land, building, all fixtures and equipment and has established clientele. No other bakery on the island. Large retail and baking areas and ideal for promoting maple products that the island is famous for.
Butkovich & Associates Office: 705-942-6000
ANSWER: Contact the retailer where you purchased this printer. Surely, a sales representative there should be able to replace the missing installation CDs. Or, if you have highspeed Internet, visit the manufacturer’s web site, and you will find the latest printer drivers available for downloading. My preference is a quick visit to the manufacturer’s web site. To find the support area, Google the following keywords: “HP support” for Hewlett Packard, “Canon support” for Canon, “Epson support” for Epson, and so forth. Computer peripherals are abundant, so be very specific. From the selection lists, choose printer category, not scanner or camera. Within the printer category, select the model number. Manufacturers provide trouble-shooting tips, manuals, and up-to-date drivers within a support area. Depending on how the buttons are labeled, select drivers, driver downloads, or simply downloads. Your computer’s most important component is the Operating System, the big kahuna. To confirm your computer’s OS, go to Control Panel, System, General. If the Operating System is 64-bit, this will be identified here as well. Choose carefully from the mixture of Windows, Macintosh, and Linux drivers. For example, if your computer runs Windows XP Home Edition or Professional without 64-bit enhancement, choose the download for WinXP. Save the driver installation file to the Desktop. Once the download has completed, click on the saved file to begin the actual installation. It’s important to make sure that the printer is NOT connected to your computer. The printer installation program will advise you at the appropriate time to turn on the printer and plug into the computer. Unplug and wait for the prompt. Follow through the complete installation, and then click Finish. Go to the Control Panel, Printers to view the entire printer group. Delete any older printers and virtual printers leaving only the newly installed printer as the default printer. In the Printer window, right click on the new printer, left click Properties, and click on Print Test Page button. At any time, go to Control Panel, Printers to diagnose printer problems. Printer status should be “ready” with zero print jobs in the printing queue. Windows is well known for inadvertently changing your normal default printer. Remember that your standard printer must display a check mark designating that printer as the one to process print requests. Congratulations! You have successfully installed your printer.
Helping buyers and sellers for over 25 years with practical experience in farm properties, commercial, residential, rural and waterfront.
What does a fish say when it swims into a wall? Dam! Page 10
Township of St. Joseph Municipal Budget Take Notice that the Council of the Township of St. Joseph will consider the 2009 Municipal Budget at their meeting on Wednesday, May 20, 2009 at the Township’s Administration Building, 1669 Arthur Street, Richards Landing, Ont. beginning at 7:00 p.m. Council intends to adopt or amend and adopt the 2009 budget at that time. Written submissions on the budget may be submitted to the attention of the CAO/Clerk-Treasurer at that address until 4:00 p.m. on the day of that meeting.
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Sales Sales&&Service Service
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(705) 246-2002
Page 11
(705) 246-2002
Spring Retr Retreats eats at All T Tribes ribes Camp!
Don’tt miss the retreats happening THIS MONTH at All Tribes!! Don’ Tribes!! Superb food, great fellowship, and life-changing Bible teaching.
Night G ames
May 15-17
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s Price
is Right
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Outdoors Time in the Snacks
Great Worsh ip
enge Men Teen Chall
es Lawn Gam
All are welcome to join us for any chapel session during these weekends!
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d Lots of Foo
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ood Amazing F
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How do you keep your husband from reading your e-mail? Rename it ‘Instruction Manual’
CHICK DAYS Chicks – variety of laying hens, pheasants, ducks and turkeys.
Brain cells come and go but fat cells live forever. Did you hear about the new "Divorce Barbie"? It comes with all of Ken's stuff. If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?
Ordered to your specifications!
Notice to Jocelyn Township Residents Tipping fees will be waived at the Township of Jocelyn Landfill for non-household refuse (brush, metal, etc.) for ratepayers within the Township for the following dates: May 13, May 17, May 18 and May 20. Maximum load is 1/2 ton truck or small trailer, not exceeding 2 cubic yards. Commercial refuse will be subject to the regular fees. Jocelyn Landfill extended hours start May 1 – October 31, from 12 – 8 p.m. Wednesday, Sunday and any Holiday Monday.
See brochure in store!
Call for ordering information today! KENTVALE
712 K Line Road Sales & Service Richards Landing 712 K Line Richards Landing The Helpful Place
(705) 246-2002 (705) 246-2002
Ambeault’s Confectionary “Bake Sale”
Marsha Betournay’s Famous Baking Cakes, Cookies, Tarts, etc. Saturday, May 16th, 9 am ‘til ?
Don’t forget the Legion’s Giant Indoor Garage Sale
2 4 5 ALL her proceeds are going to
On Saturday, May 16th At the Legion
Relay for Life, in memory of Peggy Betournay, dear Mom & Grandma.
Proceeds to your Legion Renovations
Please come out and support these great causes. See you there! Page 13
Jay & Cheryl
1992 4wd Suzuki 300, 2000lb winch $2500.00 obo. 2005 Yamaha 125 Trail Motorcycle $2300.00 obo. 246-2105.
Corporation of the Township of St. Joseph
Truck Cap will fit Ford ʻ97 or later. Call 246-0000
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of St. Joseph proposes to enact a by-law to stop-up, close and sell those portions of the original allowance for road set out and described as follows:
5HP Sears (Ted Williams) outboard. Needs some TLC. $79.00 obo 246-2105
2 Pioneer chainsaws: P-40, newer 18” bar & chain$75.00, P-41, 16” bar needs new chain - $50.00. Both in great running condition. Call 246-2699
Those parts of the original shore road allowance lying in front of Lot 10, Concession V, in the Township of St. Joseph, also being in front of Lots 4 and 5, Registered Plan No. M-194 and more particularly described as Parts 1 and 2 on Plan 1R-11691
Box Trailer - single axle 6ʼ w x 8ʼ L with 4ʼ sides and rear gate. Asking $450.00. Call 246-2699
The said by-law will come before Council for consideration at its regular meeting at 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 20th, 2009 at the Township’s Administration Building at 1669 Arthur Street in Richards Landing. At that time Council will hear in person or by solicitor or agent, any person who claims that their land will be prejudicially affected and who applies to be heard. Date: May 5, 2009
FREE refrigerator: upper frost free freezer. Almond-works great. U pick up Call 246-2699 Childrenʼs wooden bunk beds. Great for camp. Good condition. Asking $60. or best offer. Call Karen at 254-6733
A. M. Jagger, CAO/Clerk Township of St. Joseph
Have you seen the changes at Kentvale?
Large above ground pool, 4ʼ x 16ʼ. Comes with all the chemicals, pump etc. Cover included - $100. Call 246-2699 Bedroom suite, includes dresser with mirror, highboy table and 2 night side tables for $25. Call 946-2050 or 246-2789. Located on Old Moffat Bay Road.
19 foot Prowler travel trailer, 3 way fridge, tub with shower, hot water heater, forced air propane heater, 2 propane bottles one revalved in 2008. Can be seen in Hilton Beach. Asking $3000. 246-3961 1993 Acura Integra LS 5 spd, 2 dr. coupe. Very good condition inside and out. Never winter driven in Ontario salt. $500. Call 246-2177.
HD utility / landscape trailer 5ʼ W X 8ʼ L in excellent cond. Less than 3 yrs old. C/W rear 4ʼ ramp and front tailgate, 2” X 6” floor, tongue jack, 2” ball, lights, 7 pin plug. $1000. Call 246-3518.
To WIN our prize basket ...
Answer the questions to the right & drop off the ballot by the Grand Opening Day
1. How many windows (not including Marg’s receiving room) are in the new addition?
Saturday June 20th 2009
2. What colour are the new washroom doors?
Ballots also available in store One ballot per visit to Kentvale
712 K Line Road Sales & Service Richards Landing 712 K Line Road Richards Landing The Helpful Place
(705) 246-2002 (705) 246-2002
3. What’s found in the new section’s furthest back left corner? clear tablecloth by the foot paint water pumps Name: Phone #:
Page 14
19 foot Campion Boat, runabout, with cuddy cabin. V-6 merc I/O power with outdrive overhauled 50 hours ago. All in good working order and very presentable condition. Top with side curtains and cockpit cover. Tandem Shorelander trailer included. $4950. 246-3672
32ʼ JAYCO Trailer with 16ʼ slideout. LOADED with all the extras and luxuries! Immaculate condition. All furnishings, dinnerware, tv, etc included. $11,000. MUST be seen! Presently located on Purgatory Road at Fredʼs Trailer Park. Call 949-8930 to arrange viewing. 1988 Chevrolet 1/2 ton. V6 motor runs good. $800 firm. Call 246-7047
1980 Skidoo Citation 4500, 377 cc Engine. Good running condition. $300. Call 246-7047
Do you have a used, working refrigerator that you no longer need? Matthews Memorial Hospital Auxiliary will give it a good home in their Nachos Booth at Richards Landing Community Night. If you can help please call Valerie at 246-1068.
Washing machine, heavy duty also refrigerator in good condition. Call 246-2052
LEGION GARAGE SALE Saturday, May 16th! 9 am to 2 pm, Rain or shine, at the Legion Hall. No early birds please! Something for everyone, at bargain prices. All proceeds will be used to fund Legion activities.
Cooperʼs Corner A&K Line. Saturday May 16. 8:30 am 1:30 pm. Household items, antique pump organ, antique clock, childrenʼs chairs, toddlerʼs Dora bed, single bed and much more. SALE WILL BEGIN AT 8:30.
HUGE GARAGE SALE. Saturday May 16 and Sunday May 17, 8 am to 1 pm, at 5302 Wierzbicki Drive. Furniture, glassware, collectibles, Xmas decorations and misc. items.
Richards Landing Community Night Committee has a great deal for a not-for-profit organization. Rent a booth at Community Night. Fund raise for your group and help support Matthews Hospital! For more info contact Valerie at 246-1068 British Family of 4 seeks cottage to rent for 3 weeks July/August on the island. Waterfront preferred. Please reply to: Emma Shelton, Centre Manager, Contact Associates Ltd. Victoria House, Victoria St. Taunton, Somerset TA1 3DB T. 01823 338942 or email
[email protected] North Shore Luxury Office Space, 1 or 2 office suites, professional setting with shared amenities. Priced from $300 monthly. Contact Peter (705) 248-2696. Estimator Needed. Recent college grad. Drafting skills a plus. Hardworking, self-motivating, Team player. Contact Peter (705) 248-2696.
FOR RENT By the Week. 2 Bedroom Home on Gawas Bay Road. Call 246-2400. Please leave message.
CAR WASH Proceeds to Jocelyn Fire & Rescue First Response Unit. Saturday, May 16, 9 am to 1 pm at Kentʼs Corners.
On May 23, 2009, RCL Branch 374 presents Shania Twang, Stevie Nix and the Blues Brothers. A full costume tribute show and dance. Doors open at 8:00 pm. Tickets will be available at Ambeault's, Kents Corner and the Legion. Tickets will also be available at the door if not sold out. Come on out and enjoy the music and dancing. For information call the Legion at 246-2494.
The May meeting of the St. Joseph Island Cancer Society is Tues the 19th at 1:30 p.m.Harmony - St. Marks Fellowship Hall. All welcome! St. Joseph Twp. Public Library will now be open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 9 - 12, & 1 - 4. Closed Tuesdays along with the regular hours on the back of the Island Clippings
Lightforce kids, we will be having a family BBQ at All Tribes Christian Camp to wrap this year. It will be held Wed. May 20th at 5 -7 pm. Contact 246-3093 if more info is needed. All Tribes Christian Camp will be having their annual Yard & Bake Sale on Saturday June 6 and Saturday June 13. If you would like to donate items for the sale or if you have items that need to be picked up, please call Marney at 246-1700 or Donna at 2462011.
STUDENTS NEEDED! Looking for volunteer hours? We are doing our annual cleanup of the Anglican St. John's Cemetery in Hilton Beach on Saturday May 23rd and need help with the raking. Please come out at 9 am and bring gloves and a rake. Light refreshments will be provided after the work is done. For information, call Gloria at 246-2416. North Channel Minor Hockey Association. Register by June 1 for the 2009/2010 Season. Early Registration Saves $50.00! Call Marcy Clark at 246-0604 or download our Registration Form:
LIGHTHOUSE MEMORIAL Anyone who has lost an ancestor or relative by drowning in the waters around St. Joseph Island is invited to have a commemorative plaque placed on the Lighthouse (free). Please contact Ray Stortini at 2462661 before May 30, 2009. BIRTHDAY CALENDARS This is a reminder that the Community Spirit (Birthday Calendars) are available to be picked up at Ambeault's, Kents Corner, or Hilton Store. Please pick yours up as soon as possible.
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Annual Cemetery Cleanup The Anglican Parish would like to invite interested folks to help with the annual cleanup at the two Anglican cemeteries on St. Joseph Island. If you have family members buried at one of these locations this is your chance to visit the site and help ensure that it is well maintained. Bring a rake, a pair of gloves and a wheelbarrow if you like. Some light refreshments will be provided after the work is done. We hope to see you there. May 23rd 9 am at St. John's Church, Hilton Beach St. Joseph Township Spring Clean-up. Tipping fees will be waived at the Township of St. Joseph. Landfill for nonhousehold refuse (brush, metal, etc.) from residences within the Township during regular dump hours from Sunday, May 10th to Saturday, May 16th, 2009. Maximum load size is 2 cu. yds. (1/2 ton truck or small trailer). No Dump Trucks No Commercial Refuse.
St. Joseph Island United Church Pastoral Charge (Grace & Harmony - St. Mark's) will join the neigbouring United Churches for the Pentecost Celebration at Bruce Mines United Church in Bruce Mines on May 31, 2009 at 11am followed by cold potluck luncheon. THERE WILL NOT BE A WORSHIP SERVICE AT GRACE AND HARMONY - ST. MARK'S on May 31. Car pool available. Call church office 246-2578. The 8th annual Mountain Maple Run/Walk Sunday, May 24, 2009 at 10:00 am, at the Mountain View Centennial Grounds. Come enjoy a 5km walk on our beautiful trails or you can choose the 5km or 10km run, followed by great cookies and prizes. There is a reduced fee until May 22 or you can register on the 24th at the Jocelyn Township office. Registration forms can be picked up at Jocelyn or St. Joseph Township offices, the Village of Hilton Beach office, Kentvale, Ambeaultʼs and Kentʼs Corners, or go to For more information call the Jocelyn Township office at 246-2025, or email
[email protected].
Mountain View Trail, Jocelyn Recreation invites you to take a walk, run or bicycle on our trails, which are open to anyone at any time. Maps are available at the Twp. Office with trails of varying difficulty. Take part in our new Quest, a form of treasure hunt highlighting our natural, historical and cultural resources, which begins at the SS2 School where you obtain your map and instructions. Please remember to wear comfortable clothing and footwear. Come out and make a day of it!
The spring interment of Florence Bookman will take place on Sat., May 16th in the Mountain Cemetery at 3 pm.
We, the family of the late Frank Nelson, would like to convey our sincere appreciation for the support, kindness and generosity we have received at the passing of a great friend, husband, father, brother, uncle and grandfather. A special thank you to the Rev. Hugh Hamilton, R.C. Legion Branch 374 and the Legion Womenʼs Auxiliary. Once again, the people of St. Joseph Island have shown us how kind and caring our community truly is. Frank was a proud Islander – it is easy to see why.
Deadline for all material is noon Tuesday.
BRUCE MINES INSURANCE 73 Taylor St., Box 189, Bruce Mines, ON P0R 1C0
BROKERS Ltd. Meeting your Home, Auto and Commercial Insurance Needs Bus (705) 785-3436
Saturday 16
Sunday 17
Monday 18
Tuesday 19
Wednesday 20
Thursday 21
Hens & Stitches, Dr. Trefry Centre - 10 am to 12 pm Island Cast-a-Weighs, Calorie Watchers, Hilton Community Hall (rear door, basmt) - 8:30 am Friday Foods Menu available at the Legion - 5 pm to 9 pm AA Meeting, United Church (new addition, side door) - 8 pm
Nordic Walking Group, meet at Tranter Park - 10 am Childrens Library - 10 am to 3 pm Hilton Union Public Library - 1 pm to 5 pm St. Joseph Twp. Public Library - 1 pm to 5 pm Free pool all day in the Legion lounge
Bridge, Dr. Trefry Centre - 1 pm to 5 pm (Open to all seniors) 60+ Exercise Program, Dr. Trefry Centre - 10:30 am Euchre, Legion Hall - 8 pm ($3.00 per person) Carpet Bowling for Seniors, Legion - 1 pm Childrenʼs Library - 6 pm to 9 pm St. Joseph Twp, Public Library - 6 pm to 9 pm
Womenʼs Physical Activities, Public School Gym - 6:30 pm to 8 pm Cribbage (singles), Legion Hall - 7:30 pm ($3.00 per person)
Pool, Legion - 7:30 pm St. Joseph Twp. Public Library - 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Food Bank, United Church, Richards Landing (side door) - 1 pm to 3 pm Childrenʼs Library - 9 am to 12 pm Story time - 10:30 am Dr. Trefry Centreʼs Day Out Program - 9 am to 4 pm Hilton Union Public Library - 1 pm to 5 pm Bingo, Legion - Doors open 6:30 pm
St. Joseph Twp. Public Library - 1 pm to 5 pm and 7 pm to 9 pm Dr. Trefry Centreʼs Day Out Program - 9 am to 4 pm Childrenʼs Library - 9 am to 12 pm Story time - 10:30 am 3 pm to 5 pm Darts at the Legion (Starting as Open; may change) - 7:30 pm
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A big thank you goes out to Island syrup producers – the Crowders, the Gilbertsons the Irwins, the Kents, Ches Wallace and Wes Stevens for their donations of syrup to the hospitals and nursing homes. Rockin’ Ronnie So proud to be here!
Fax (705) 785-3747
Changes Hair Salon For Appointments Please Call 941-0802 Julie Stevens
Top Quality Hardwood Cut, split & delivered $70. /cord* Call Angie at 941-0215
* For Local delivery
Calico Hen
Telephone: (705) 246-0875 Antiques - Art - Used Books Jewellery - Photos - Knitting Supplies Dawn Tweedle - owner/artisan 1188 Richards St., Richards Landing, ON P0R 1J0
Your Island Print Shop
[email protected]