sensors Article
The Real-Valued Sparse Direction of Arrival (DOA) Estimation Based on the Khatri-Rao Product Tao Chen, Huanxin Wu and Zhongkai Zhao * College of Information and Communication Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China;
[email protected] (T.C.);
[email protected] (H.W.) * Correspondence:
[email protected]; Tel.: +86-137-9667-0254; Fax: +86-451-8251-9804 Academic Editor: Vittorio M. N. Passaro Received: 22 December 2015; Accepted: 9 May 2016; Published: 14 May 2016
Abstract: There is a problem that complex operation which leads to a heavy calculation burden is required when the direction of arrival (DOA) of a sparse signal is estimated by using the array covariance matrix. The solution of the multiple measurement vectors (MMV) model is difficult. In this paper, a real-valued sparse DOA estimation algorithm based on the Khatri-Rao (KR) product called the L1 -RVSKR is proposed. The proposed algorithm is based on the sparse representation of the array covariance matrix. The array covariance matrix is transformed to a real-valued matrix via a unitary transformation so that a real-valued sparse model is achieved. The real-valued sparse model is vectorized for transforming to a single measurement vector (SMV) model, and a new virtual overcomplete dictionary is constructed according to the KR product’s property. Finally, the sparse DOA estimation is solved by utilizing the idea of a sparse representation of array covariance vectors (SRACV). The simulation results demonstrate the superior performance and the low computational complexity of the proposed algorithm. Keywords: sparse direction of arrival (DOA) estimation; multiple measurement vectors (MMV); Khatri-Rao (KR) product; unitary transformation; array covariance vectors
1. Introduction The direction of arrival (DOA) estimation is an important area of research in array signal processing. Currently, there are many DOA estimation algorithms with good performance, such as the multiple signal classification (MUSIC) algorithm, the estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariance techniques (ESPRIT) algorithm, etc. Most of these traditional DOA estimation algorithms require the source number as a priori information and a large number of snapshots to guarantee the estimation precision. In recent years, the DOA estimation that utilizes the idea of sparse representation has become many scholars’ research hotspot [1,2]. The target signals can be regarded to be sparse in a spatial domain, and their DOAs can be estimated according to the array received data and a redundant dictionary. The DOA estimation algorithm by utilizing the idea of sparse representation mainly divides into two kinds [3,4]. One is the sparse model based on the array received data, and the other one is the sparse model based on the array covariance matrix. The singular value decomposition (SVD) of the array received data is used to propose a L1 -SVD algorithm for DOA estimation [5]. Literature [6] introduces the idea of a sparse representation of array covariance vectors (SRACV) to propose a method called the L1 -SRACV algorithm for estimating sparse signals’ DOAs. Compared to L1 -SVD, the L1 -SRACV algorithm does not need to determine the regularization parameter and has a higher stability. However, the L1 -SRACV algorithm needs to estimate the noise power. In [7,8], L1 -SRACV is improved such that the noise power is unnecessary and the algorithm’s robustness is enhanced. However, the above algorithms are all the resolution problems of the multiple measurement vectors (MMV) model and refer to complex operations and thus a heavy calculation burden. In this paper, the Sensors 2016, 16, 693; doi:10.3390/s16050693
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sparse model based on the array covariance matrix is transformed to a real-valued sparse model via a unitary transformation so that the amount of calculation is reduced by at least four times. Then, the real-valued sparse model is vectorized, and the MMV model is transformed to a single measurement vector (SMV) one whose calculation complexity is lower. Recently, the Khatri-Rao (KR) approach for DOA estimation increases rapidly. It can extend the array aperture effectively, increase the degree of freedom, and deal with the underdetermined DOA estimation in cases where the number of array elements is less than the source number in some conditions [9–11]. According to the property of the KR product and the real-valued overcomplete dictionary achieved by a unitary transformation, this paper constructs a new real-valued dictionary and uses the idea of a SRACV to estimate the target signals’ DOAs. The simulations demonstrate that the proposed algorithm has a good estimation performance and a low amount of calculation. In this paper, the italic letters, the bold italic capital letters, and the bold italic lower-case letters denote variables, matrices, and vectors, respectively. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. The sparse DOA estimation model based on the array covariance matrix is introduced in Section 2. The proposed algorithm and the detailed formula derivation of the proposed algorithm is given in Section 3. The simulation results and conclusions are given in Sections 4 and 5 respectively. 2. Signal Model for DOA Estimation 2.1. Input Signal Model Suppose a uniform linear array (ULA) which has M elements, and the element spacing is d. There are K uncorrelated far-field narrowband signals impinging on the array from directions θ “ rθ1 θ2 ¨ ¨ ¨ θK s. The array received signal is given by yptq “ Asptq ` nptq, where A “ rapθ1 q
t “ 1, 2, ¨ ¨ ¨ , L
apθ2 q
e jφpθk q , ¨ ¨ ¨
¨ ¨ ¨ apθK qs is the M ˆ K array manifold matrix whose steering vector is j p M ´ 1qφpθk q sT , φpθ q “ ´2π d sinpθ q, λ denotes the wavelength of the incident ,e k k λ
apθk q “ r1, signals, p¨ qT denotes the transpose, sptq is the Gaussian signal with mean zero, nptq is additive Gaussian white noise, and L is the number of snapshots. 2.2. Signal Model Based on Sparse Representation Suppose that the grid α “ rα1 , α2 , ¨ ¨ ¨ , α P sT (P " K) contains all the potential directions in the spatial domain. The sparse representation of the signal can be expressed as follows: Y “ AX ` N
where A “ rapα1 q apα2 q ¨ ¨ ¨ apα P qs is an overcomplete dictionary of size M ˆ P, X “ rx1 , x2 , ¨ ¨ ¨ , x P sT is a sparse signal of size P ˆ L in the spatial domain, and x p ptq is equal to sk ptq when the kth target locates at α p and is zero otherwise. The array covariance matrix is H
RY “ EtYY H u “ ARX A ` σ2 I M
( where p¨ qH denotes the conjugate transpose, RX “ E XX H is the covariance matrix of the sparse ( signal X where E t¨ u denotes the expectation, and RX “ diag σ12 , σ22 , ¨ ¨ ¨ , σP2 , σp2 is the pth spatial signal’s power, σ2 denotes the noise power, and I M denotes an identity matrix of size M ˆ M.
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3. The Real-Valued Sparse DOA Estimation Based on the KR Product 3.1. The Real-Valued Sparse Model for DOA Estimation In this section, a real-valued sparse DOA estimation algorithm based on the KR product called the L1 -RVSKR is proposed. As multiplication operation occupies the most proportion in the calculation and a complex multiplication requires four real number multiplications, the complex data of the array can be transformed to real data in order to reduce the computational complexity [12–15]. Define a unitary matrix as follows: « ff $ I J M M ’ ’ 2 2 ’ ?1 ’ ’ 2 jJ M ´jI M ’ ’ 2 2 & » I M´1 0 M´1 ˆ1 Q“ 2 2 ? ’ — ’ T ’ 2 0 M´1 ’ ?1 — ’ 2– ’ 2 ˆ1 ’ % jJ M´1 0 M´1 ˆ1 2
M ´1 2
J M´1 0TM´1 2
M 2
M 2
ffi ffi ˆ1 fl
if M is odd
´jI M´1
where I M , J M , and 0 M´1 ˆ1 denote the 2
if M is even
identity matrix, the
M 2
M 2
permutation matrix, and the
ˆ 1 null matrix, respectively.
Theorem 1. For any M ˆ M Hermitian persymmetric matrix D, QDQH is real and symmetric. However, as the number of snapshots in practice is finite, the practical sampling covariance matrix is Hermitian but generally not persymmetric. Therefore, the persymmetrized estimator of the practical sampling covariance matrix is “ 12 pRY ` J M R˚Y J M q
H ˚
“ 12 pARX A ` J M pARX A q J M q ` σ2 I M H 1 2 pARX A
` pJ M A
˚ H qR˚X pJ M A q q ` σ2 I M
where p¨ q˚ denotes the complex conjugate. ˚ The array manifold matrix of the isometric uniform linear array satisfies that J M A “ AB and we have H H R “ 12 pARX A ` ABR˚X BH A q ` σ2 I M (6) H “ 12 ApRX ` BR˚X BH qA ` σ2 I M ! ) where the diagonal matrix B “ Φ1´ M , and the rotation matrix Φ “ diag e jφpα1 q ¨ ¨ ¨ e jφpαP q . The real-valued symmetrical matrix can be achieved via a unitary transformation “ QRQH
“ 12 QApRX ` BR˚X BH qA QH ` σ2 I M The equation B “ Φ1´ M is substituted into Equation (7) and we have Rr
“ 21 QApRX ` Φ1´ M R˚X Φ M´1 qA QH ` σ2 I M “ 21 QAΦ “ 12 QAΦ
1´M 2
M´1 2
“ 12 QApΦ “ 12 ΨpΦ
M´1 2
pRX ` Φ1´ M R˚X Φ M´1 qΦ
pRX ` Φ1´ M R˚X Φ M´1 qΦ
M´1 2
M´1 2
“ ΨRepΦ
M´1 2
1´M 2
1´M 2
` pΦ
` pΦ
1´M 2
M´1 2
M´1 2
qΨ T ` σ2 I M
1´M 2
1´M 2
1´M 2
1´M 2
M´1 2
A QH ` σ 2 I M
AH QH ` σ 2 I M ˚
q qAH QH ` σ2 I M
q qΨ H ` σ2 I M
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where Rep¨ q denotes the real part and A “ AΦ
1´M 2
“ rapα1 q apα2 q ¨ ¨ ¨ apα P qs $ T M´1 1 1 & re´ j M´1 2 φpα p q , ¨ ¨ ¨ , e ´ j 2 φpα p q , e j 2 φpα p q , ¨ ¨ ¨ , e j 2 φpα p q s apα p q “ T M´1 % re´ j M´1 2 φpα p q , ¨ ¨ ¨ , 1 , ¨ ¨ ¨ , e j 2 φpα p q s
(9) if M is even
if M is odd
and the real-valued overcomplete dictionary is Ψ “ QA “ rψpα1 q
ψpα2 q
ψpα P qs
If M is even, the real-valued steering vector is ? ψpα p q “
„ T M´1 1 1 M´1 2 cosp φpα p qq , ¨ ¨ ¨ , cosp φpα p qq , sinp φpα p qq , ¨ ¨ ¨ , sinp φpα p qq 2 2 2 2
and, if M is odd, the real-valued steering vector is ? ψpα p q “
M´1 M´1 2 cosp φpα p qq , ¨ ¨ ¨ , cospφpα p qq , 1, sinpφpα p qq , ¨ ¨ ¨ , sinp φpα p qq 2 2
T (13)
Then, an important property of the KR product is used with Equation (8). The property of the KR product can be expressed as follows [9]: vecpΥZΞH q “ pΞ˚ d Υqζ
where vecp¨ q is the vectorization operation that stacks each column of a matrix one by one, Υ “ rυ1 , υ2 , ¨ ¨ ¨ , υk s P Cmˆk , Ξ “ rξ 1 , ξ 2 , ¨ ¨ ¨ , ξ k s P Cnˆk , d denotes the KR product, Ξ˚ d Υ “ rξ 1˚ b υ1 , ξ 2˚ b υ2 , ¨ ¨ ¨ , ξ k˚ b υk s, b denotes Kronecker product, ζ “ rζ 1 , ζ 2 , ¨ ¨ ¨ , ζ k sT , and Z “ diagpζq is a diagonal matrix. According to the above property, Equation (14) is applied to Equation (8), and Equation (8) can be vectorized as rr “ vecpRr q M´1 1´M (15) “ pΨ d Ψq¨ diagtRepΦ 2 RX Φ 2 qu ` σ2 vecpI M q “ pΨ d Ψq¨ u ` σ2 vecpI M q ! ) M´1 1´M where rr “ vecpRr q is the vector form of Rr , and u “ diag RepΦ 2 RX Φ 2 q is a vector which is M´1
consist of the diagonal elements of the matrix RepΦ 2 RX Φ 2 q. Equation (15) can be considered a new observation model, in which the observation vector rr , the dictionary pΨ d Ψq, and the sparse vector u are all real-valued. Furthermore, the MMV model is transformed to a SMV model by using the KR product’s property. Therefore, the computational complexity can be effectively decreased. Moreover, the dictionary is constructed via the KR product so that a new virtual array is produced [16]. The dimension of the produced virtual array pΨ d Ψq is M2 , and the number of the distinct rows in pΨ d Ψq is 2M ´ 1, which is greater than the matrix Ψ’s dimension M. Therefore, the array aperture is extended, and the resolving power is effectively improved. 3.2. DOA Estimation Based on a SRACV According to Equations (5) and (7), Rr can also be formulated as Rr
“ 21 QpRY ` J M R˚Y J M qQH “ 21 QRY QH ` 21 QJ M R˚Y J M QH “ Rr1 ` Rr2
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where Rr1 “ 12 QRY QH and Rr2 “ 21 QJ M R˚Y J M QH . The vector form of Equation (16) can be expressed as rr “ vecpRr q “ vecpRr1 q ` vecpRr2 q where vecpRr1 q “
1 1 vecpQRY QH q “ pQ˚ b QqvecpRY q “ G1 vecpRY q 2 2 1 G1 “ pQ˚ b Qq 2
vecpRr2 q
“ “ “ “
and G2 “
1 ˚ H 2 vecpQJ M RY J M Q q 1 ˚ ˚ 2 pQ b QqvecpJ M RY J M q 1 ˚ ˚ 2 pQ b QqpJ M b J M qvecpRY q
(18) (19)
G2 vecpR˚Y q
1 ˚ pQ b QqpJ M b J M q 2
As the number of snapshots is finite in practice, the practical sampling covariance matrix is given by L 1ÿ Rˆ Y “ YY H “ RY ` ∆R (22) L t“1
where ∆R “ Rˆ Y ´ RY is the estimate error. The vector ∆r “ vecp∆Rq “ vecp Rˆ Y ´ RY q satisfies an asymptotic normal distribution [17,18] ∆r „ AsNp0 M2 ˆ1 ,
1 T R b RY q L Y
where AsNpµ, σ2 q denotes an asymptotic normal distribution whose expectation is µ and whose variance is σ2 . According to the literature [17–19], it can be known that 1 vecp∆Rr1 q „ AsNp0 M2 ˆ1 , G1 p RTY b RY qG1H q L
1 vecp∆Rr2 q „ AsNp0 M2 ˆ1 , G2 p RY b R˚Y qG2H q L
1 1 vecp∆Rr1 q “ vecp Q Rˆ Y QH ´ QRY QH q “ G1 ∆r 2 2
1 1 vecp∆Rr2 q “ vecp QJ M Rˆ ˚Y J M QH ´ QJ M R˚Y J M QH q “ G2 ∆r˚ 2 2
In order to obtain the covariance of ∆r and ∆r˚ , firstly we have Etˆri pˆr˚j qH u “ “ “ “ “
1 L2
L ř
1 L2
L ř
L L ř ř t1 “1 t2 “1
Etypt1 qy˚i pt1 qpypt2 qy˚j pt2 qqT u
Etypt1 qy˚i pt1 quEtpypt2 qy˚j pt2 qqT u `
t1 “1 t2 “1,t2 ‰t1 L2 ´ L ri rTj ` L1 pri rTj ` r j riT q L2 p1 ´ L1 qri rTj ` L1 pri rTj ` r j riT q ri rTj ` L1 r j riT
1 L2
L ř t1 “1
Etypt1 qy˚i pt1 qy˚j pt1 qyT pt1 qu
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where rˆi , ri , yi ptq denote the ith column of Rˆ Y , the ith column of RY and the ith element of yptq, respectively. Then, the covariance matrix of ∆r and ∆r˚ is given by C
“» covp∆r, ∆r˚ q fi Etpˆr ´ rqpˆr˚ ´ r˚ qH ufi“ Etˆrpˆr˚ qH u ´ rrT 1 1 T T ¨ ¨ ¨ L1 r M r1T L r1 r1 L r2 r1 ffi — 1 T 1 T ¨ ¨ ¨ L1 r M r2T ffi — L r1 r2 L r2 r2 — “— . .. .. ffi ffi – .. . . fl 1 1 1 T T T L r1 r M L r2 r M ¨ ¨ ¨ L rMrM
where covpx, yq denotes the covariance matrix of x and y, and we have covpvecp∆Rr1 q, vecp∆Rr2 qq “ covpG1 ∆r, G2 ∆r˚ q “ G1 covp∆r, ∆r˚ qG2H “ G1 CG2H
From Equation (30), it can be known that vecp∆Rr1 q and vecp∆Rr2 q are dependent. Obviously, the sum of vecp∆Rr1 q and vecp∆Rr2 q still satisfies an asymptotic normal distribution 1 1 vecp∆Rr q „ AsNp0 M2 ˆ1 , G1 p RTY b RY qG1H ` G2 p RY b R˚Y qG2H ` 2G1 CG2H q L L
Define W “ G1 p L1 RTY b RY qG1H ` G2 p L1 RY b R˚Y qG2H ` 2G1 CG2H , and we have 1
W ´ 2 vecp∆Rr q „ AsNp0 M2 ˆ1 , I M2 q
” ı 2 1 ||W ´ 2 rˆr ´ pΨ d Ψq¨ u ´ σ2 vecpI M q || „ Asχ2 pM2 q
where rˆr “ vecp Rˆ r q “ vecp 12 Qp Rˆ Y ` J M Rˆ ˚Y J M qQH q, Asχ2 pM2 q denotes an asymptotic chi-square with M2 degrees of freedoms. Then, the following formula can hold with a high probability q ı 2 ” 1 ||W ´ 2 rˆr ´ pΨ d Ψq¨ u ´ σ2 vecpI M q || ď η
where η “ χ2 pM2 q, which can be obtained through the function chi2invpq, M2 q in Matlab. Further, the formula for sparse DOA estimation is given by min||u||1
” ı 1 ? ||W ´ 2 rˆr ´ pΨ d Ψq¨ u ´ σ2 vecpI M q || ď η 2
It is obvious that only the matrix W is complex in Equation (35). Therefore, the operations before W are all real number operations for a low calculation complexity. The computational complexity of the operations before W is reduced by at least four times. In fact, solving Equation (35) through a second-order cone programming (SOCP) framework occupies most of the computational complexity in the proposed algorithm. Solving Equation (35) requires OpP3 q in the proposed algorithm, while it requires OpM3 P3 q in the L1 -SRACV algorithm and OpK3 P3 q in the L1 -SVD algorithm [5,6,20]. It is obvious that the computational complexity of the proposed algorithm is much lower than those of the other two algorithms. The proposed L1 -RVSKR method can be considered as the unitary L1 -SRACV algorithm. The array covariance matrix is transformed to a real one and vectorized. By this way, a real-valued SMV model is obtained, and the calculation complexity is decreased. Moreover, the KR product is used to construct a new virtual dictionary that increases the degree of freedom.
4.1. The Spatial Spectra Comparison In this simulation, the spatial spectra of the L1-RVSKR algorithm is compared with L1-SRACV, L1-SVD, and MUSIC. Consider four uncorrelated far-field narrowband signals arriving at the array Sensors 2016, 16, 693 7 of 13 from directions [35, 10,15, 40] . The number of sensors is 5, and the number of snapshots is 500. Figure 1 shows the spatial spectra of different methods with SNR = 0 dB. It can be seen from Figure 4. Simulation Experiments 1 that the spatial resolution of the L1-RVSKR algorithm is better than those of the other algorithms, and In it has pseudo-peaks in such a simulation condition. In FigureR2014a 2, we consider uncorrelated thisno section, several simulations are performed with MATLAB and CVXtwo toolbox to verify far-field narrowband signals arriving at the array from directions and . The number of 8 17 the performance of the proposed L1 -RVSKR algorithm. Firstly, the spatial spectra of the L -RVSKR 1 sensors isiscompared 8, and thewith number of snapshots 300.MUSIC. Figure Then, 2 shows that experiments the L1-RVSKR method L1 -SRACV, L1 -SVD,isand several arealgorithm performedcan to distinguish each signal in different SNRs. Several pseudo-peaks appear with the L 1-RVSKR and L1compare the estimation performance of different algorithms versus the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the SRACV algorithms when SNRofissnapshots. high, but the pseudo-peaks are lower than that of theofreal angle interval, and the number Finally, the low computational complexity the estimated proposed DOA. With the decrease of the SNR, there is only one pseudo-peak of the L 1-RVSKR algorithm left, algorithm is verified and analyzed by comparing the running time with the other two algorithms. We which isaless than that the L1-SRACV algorithm. Moreover, thethe L1-SVD and consider ULA with λ{2ofspacing in the following simulations, and number of MUSIC sensors algorithms is 8 except cannot distinguish the signals with low SNR, although they have no pseudo-peaks. that shown in Figure 1 and the last simulation. The grid is divided in the range of ´90˝ to 90˝ spacing According to the above simulation the Lthe 1-RVSKR and L1-SRACV algorithms are easy to 1˝ . The probability is set to be q “ 0.999results, to achieve parameter η, and the average value of the produce pseudo-peaks because they are realized by 1-norm minimization. The problem can be 2 M ´ K smallest eigenvalues of Rˆ Y is used as σ in the L1L-RVSKR and L1 -SRACV algorithms. solved by the idea of a weighted L1-norm constraint [21,22]. 0 L1-RVSKR L1-SRACV L1-SVD MUSIC
Spatial spectra
-10 10 DOA(o)
Figure 1.1. The The spatial spatial spectra spectra for for four four signals signals with with the the number number of of sensors sensors MM“ 5 the number number of of Figure 5,, the 500and snapshotsL L“500 and SNR 0 dB. snapshots SNR = 0= dB. 0 4.1. The Spatial Spectra Comparison
Spatial spectra
L1-SRACV In this simulation, the -20 spatial spectra of the L1 -RVSKR algorithm is compared with L1 -SRACV, L1-SVD L1 -SVD, and MUSIC. Consider four uncorrelated far-field narrowbandMUSIC signals arriving at the array -40˝ ˝ ˝ ˝ from directions r´35 , ´10 , 15 , 40 s. The number of sensors is 5, and the number of snapshots is 500. Figure 1 shows the spatial spectra of different methods with SNR = 0 dB. It can be seen from Figure 1 -60 that the spatial resolution of the L1 -RVSKR algorithm is better than those of the other algorithms, and it has no pseudo-peaks in such -80 a simulation condition. In Figure 2, we consider two uncorrelated far-field narrowband signals arriving at the array from directions 8˝ and 17˝ . The number of sensors is 8, and -100 the number of snapshots is 300. Figure 2 shows that the L1 -RVSKR algorithm can distinguish each signal in different SNRs.-120 Several pseudo-peaks appear with the L1 -RVSKR and L1 -SRACV algorithms when SNR is high, but the pseudo-peaks are lower than that of the real estimated DOA. With the decrease of the SNR, there -140is only one pseudo-peak of the L1 -RVSKR algorithm left, which is less than -90 -70 -50 -30 -10 10 30 50 70 90 that of the L1 -SRACV algorithm. Moreover, the L1 -SVD MUSIC algorithms cannot distinguish the DOA(oand ) signals with low SNR, although they have no pseudo-peaks. (a) According to the above simulation results, the L1 -RVSKR and L1 -SRACV algorithms are easy to Figure produce pseudo-peaks because they are realized by 2. L1Cont. -norm minimization. The problem can be solved by the idea of a weighted L1 -norm constraint [21,22].
-10 10 DOA(o)
Figure 1. The spatial spectra for four signals with the number of sensors M 5 , the number of 8 of 13 snapshots L 500 and SNR = 0 dB.
Sensors 2016, 16, 693
Spatial spectra
-40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140
Sensors 2016, 16, 693
-10 10 DOA(o)
9 of 13
Figure 2. Cont. -20
Spatial spectra
-10 10 DOA(o)
-60 -80 -100 -120 -140
-10 10 DOA(o)
(c) 0
Figure 2. Cont. -20
Spatial spectra
Spatial spectra
-100 -120 -140
Sensors 2016, 16, 693
-10 10 DOA(o)
9 of 13
Spatial spectra
Sensors 2016, 16, 693
-10 10 DOA(o)
10 of 13
Figure 2. Cont.
Spatial spectra
-10 10 DOA(o)
(e) Figure 2. 2. The number of of sensors thethe number of Figure The spatial spatialspectra spectrafor fortwo twosignals signalswith withthe the number sensorsMM 8 “ and 8 and number snapshots : (a) SNR = = −8´8 dB;dB; (b)(b)SNR = ´2 −2 dB; dB; of snapshotsL L 300 “ 300 : (a) SNR SNR= =−6´6dB; dB;(c) (c)SNR SNR == −4 ´4dB; dB; (d) (d) SNR SNR = (e) SNR = 0 dB. DOA: direction of arrival; RVSKR: real-valued sparse DOA estimation algorithm (e) SNR = 0 dB. DOA: direction of arrival; RVSKR: real-valued sparse DOA estimation algorithm based based KR product; SRACV: representation ofcovariance array covariance vectors; SVD: singular on the on KRthe product; SRACV: sparse sparse representation of array vectors; SVD: singular value value decomposition; MUSIC: multiple signal classification; SNR: signal-to-noise ratio. decomposition; MUSIC: multiple signal classification; SNR: signal-to-noise ratio.
4.2. The The Estimation Estimation Performance Performance versus versus SNR SNR 4.2. In this this section, section, the the estimation estimation performance performance of of different different methods methods versus versus the the SNR SNR is is compared compared by by In an experiment. Firstly, we define the root mean square error (RMSE) as follows: an experiment. Firstly, we define the root mean square error (RMSE) as follows: g N K (ˆ )2 k N (36) RMSE f ÿ ÿ K pθkn f ˆkn ´ θk q2 KN e n 1 k 1 RMSE “ (36) KN n “1 k “1 where N denotes the number of independent Monte Carlo simulations, and ˆkn is the estimated
th simulation. k in the value of where N denotes thennumber of independent Monte Carlo simulations, and θˆkn is the estimated value we consider two uncorrelated far-field narrowband signals from directions 8 and of θk Similarly, in the nth simulation. The number snapshots 300. The SNR varies narrowband from −10 dB signals to 10 dBfrom withdirections 2 dB steps. 17 . Similarly, we of consider twoisuncorrelated far-field 8˝ For andeach 17˝ . SNR, 50 Monte Carlo simulations areSNR performed to verify theto performance the proposed method. The number of snapshots is 300. The varies from ´10 dB 10 dB with 2ofdB steps. For each SNR, TheMonte simulation result is shown in Figure 3. It is shown that the RMSEs the three algorithms 50 Carlo simulations are performed to verify the performance of the of proposed method. The decrease with theisincrease of Figure the SNR. RMSE that of L1the -RVSKR is of less those of the other two simulation result shown in 3. ItThe is shown RMSEs thethan three algorithms decrease methods when the SNRSNR. is less −6 dB. is declared that thethose proposed 1-RVSKR algorithm can with the increase of the Thethan RMSE of L1It-RVSKR is less than of the L other two methods when achieve better performance than the other two methods with low SNR. 35 30 25
value of k in the nth simulation. Similarly, we consider two uncorrelated far-field narrowband signals from directions 8 and 17 . The number of snapshots is 300. The SNR varies from −10 dB to 10 dB with 2 dB steps. For each SNR, 50 Monte Carlo simulations are performed to verify the performance of the proposed method. Sensors 2016, 16, 693 10 of 13 The simulation result is shown in Figure 3. It is shown that the RMSEs of the three algorithms decrease with the increase of the SNR. The RMSE of L1-RVSKR is less than those of the other two methods the SNR is less −6 dB. It is declared thatL the proposed L1-RVSKR algorithm can the SNR iswhen less than ´6 dB. It isthan declared that the proposed 1 -RVSKR algorithm can achieve better achieve better performance thanmethods the otherwith twolow methods performance than the other two SNR. with low SNR. 35 L1-RVSKR L1-SRACV L1-SVD
25 20 15 10 5 0 -10
0 2 SNR(dB)
Sensors 2016, 16, 693
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Figure Figure 3. 3. Root Root mean mean square square error error(RMSE) (RMSE)of ofDOA DOAestimation estimationversus versusSNR. SNR.
4.3. The Angle Resolution Capability 4.3. The Angle Resolution Capability In this section, the angle resolution capabilities of different algorithms are compared. We In this section, resolution capabilities of different algorithms compared. suppose suppose that there the are angle two uncorrelated signals whose directions are 8areand . The angle 8 We ˝ . The angle interval ∆θ that thereare two uncorrelated whose directions andangle ∆θ ` 8interval, interval from 2 tosignals a step of 2 . are For8˝each 50 Monte Carlo varies 18 with varies from are 2˝ to 18˝ with to a compare step of 2˝the . For each angle interval, 50 of Monte Carlo simulations are simulations performed angle resolution capability the proposed method with performed to compare angle resolution capability of the method with MUSIC, MUSIC, L1-SVD, and Lthe 1-SRACV. The SNR is set to 0 dB, andproposed the number of snapshots is 300.LFigure 1 -SVD, L1 -SRACV. The SNR setangular to 0 dB, and the number of snapshots 300.beFigure 4 shows the 4and shows the comparison ofisthe resolution of different methods. Itiscan seen from Figure 4 comparison of the angular resolution of different methods. It can be seen from Figure 4 that the RMSEs that the RMSEs of the four methods decrease with the increase of the angle interval. The RMSE of L1of the four methodssignificantly decrease with the increase the angle The RMSE of Lthe decreases RVSKR decreases when the angleofinterval is interval. smaller than performance of 4 , and 1 -RVSKR significantly the angle interval smaller than andangle the performance L1 -RVSKR superior L 1-RVSKR iswhen superior to the other ismethods when4˝ ,the interval is of smaller than is6 . This to the otherillustrates methods when theresolving angle interval smaller than 6˝ . method This simulation illustrates simulation that the abilityisof the proposed is superior to thosethat of the resolving of the proposed method is superior to those of the other three methods. other threeability methods. 30 L1-RVSKR L1-SRACV L1-SVD MUSIC
20 15 10 5 0
8 10 12 Angle interval(o)
RMSE of DOA estimation versus the angle interval. Figure 4. RMSE
4.4. The Estimation Performance versus the Number of Snapshots
In this section, we analyze the relationship of the RMSE of the DOA estimation and the number 0dB.. Consider Consider two two uncorrelated uncorrelated far-field narrowband signals SNR“ 0dB of snapshots in the the case case of of SNR ˝ . The on the thearray arrayfrom fromdirections directions 8 8˝ and impinging on and17 . Thenumber numberof ofsnapshots snapshotsvaries varies from from 100 to 350 17 with a step of 50. For each number of snapshots, 50 Monte Carlo simulations are performed to verify performance of the proposed method. method. ItIt can can be be seen seen from from Figure Figure 55 that that the RMSEs RMSEs of the three the performance methods decrease as the increase of the number of snapshots. It is illustrated in this simulation that the RMSE of the L1-RVSKR algorithm is smaller than the other two methods, and the L1-RVSKR algorithm has a better performance with a small number of snapshots. 15 L1-RVSKR
4.4. The Estimation Performance versus the Number of Snapshots In this section, we analyze the relationship of the RMSE of the DOA estimation and the number of snapshots in the case of SNR 0dB . Consider two uncorrelated far-field narrowband signals Sensors 2016, 16, 13 impinging on 693 the array from directions 8 and 17 . The number of snapshots varies from 100 11 toof 350 with a step of 50. For each number of snapshots, 50 Monte Carlo simulations are performed to verify the performance It can seen from 5 thatinthe of the three methods decreaseof asthe the proposed increase ofmethod. the number of be snapshots. It isFigure illustrated thisRMSEs simulation that the methods decrease as the increase of the number of snapshots. It is illustrated in this simulation that RMSE of the L1 -RVSKR algorithm is smaller than the other two methods, and the L1 -RVSKR algorithm the the L1-RVSKR is smaller than the other two methods, and the L1-RVSKR has aRMSE betterofperformance withalgorithm a small number of snapshots. algorithm has a better performance with a small number of snapshots. 15 L1-RVSKR L1-SRACV L1-SVD o
0 100
200 250 Number of snapshots
Figure 5. RMSE versus the number of snapshots.
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4.5. The Algorithm Complexity Analysis In this wewe perform 50 Monte Carlo Carlo simulations to verifytotheverify low computational complexity thissection, section, perform 50 Monte simulations the low computational of the proposed L1proposed -RVSKR algorithm. average running time running of the three with different complexity of the L1-RVSKRThe algorithm. The average timealgorithms of the three algorithms numbers of sensors is shown in Table 1 and Figure 6. It is shown that the running time of L -RVSKR is with different numbers of sensors is shown in Table 1 and Figure 6. It is shown that the running time 1 the among three among algorithms. The proposed L1 -RVSKR algorithm runs much faster than of Lshortest 1-RVSKR is the the shortest the three algorithms. The proposed L1-RVSKR algorithm runs the other twothan algorithms and hasalgorithms a higher computational efficiency. Therefore,efficiency. L1 -RVSKRTherefore, outperforms much faster the other two and has a higher computational L1the otheroutperforms two algorithms with two low algorithms computational according to the above analysis RVSKR the other withcomplexity low computational complexity according toand the simulation results. above analysis and simulation results. Table 1. Table 1. The The running running time time versus versus the the number number of of sensors. sensors.
Number Numberof of Sensors Sensors 66 88 10 10
3.2773 3.2773 s s 3.4291 3.4291 s s 5.8132 s 5.8132 s
36.9106 36.9106 s s 89.6315 89.6315 s s 183.1054 s 183.1054 s
12.9263 12.9263 s s 12.2859 12.2859 s s 12.3405 s 12.3405 s
Average running time(s)
500 400 300 200 100 0
10 Number of sensors
Figure 6. 6. The The average average running running time time versus versus the the number Figure number of of sensors. sensors.
5. Conclusions In this paper, we propose a real-valued sparse DOA estimation algorithm by using the KR product. The sparse model of the array covariance matrix is transformed to a real-valued one via a unitary transformation. Therefore, the calculated amount is reduced. Moreover, the vectorization is made to transform the real-valued MMV model to a SMV one. The array aperture is extended, and the estimation accuracy is improved by using the KR product. Finally, the idea of a SRACV is utilized for DOA estimation. The simulation results show that the proposed method can achieve better
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5. Conclusions In this paper, we propose a real-valued sparse DOA estimation algorithm by using the KR product. The sparse model of the array covariance matrix is transformed to a real-valued one via a unitary transformation. Therefore, the calculated amount is reduced. Moreover, the vectorization is made to transform the real-valued MMV model to a SMV one. The array aperture is extended, and the estimation accuracy is improved by using the KR product. Finally, the idea of a SRACV is utilized for DOA estimation. The simulation results show that the proposed method can achieve better performance than L1 -SVD and L1 -SRACV with a low SNR, a small angle interval, and a small number of snapshots. The proposed method also improves the computational efficiency. However, the algorithm cannot deal with an underdetermined DOA estimation because the sparse model used is a model of SMV. We will work on this aspect in the future. Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61571146 and 61301200) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (HEUCF1508). Author Contributions: The idea of this work was proposed by Tao Chen and Huanxin Wu. Tao Chen and Huanxin Wu performed the experiments and analyzed the simulation results. Zhongkai Zhao wrote the paper. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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