The Relationship Between Depression and Leisure

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The Sample consisted of 136 high school female students in Sanandaj city and was a ... Keywords:depression, leisure, female high school students; .... Gary S. Goldfield, Katherine Henderson, Annick Buchholz, Nicole Obeid, Hien Nguyen, ...
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Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 84 (2013) 256 – 258

3rd World Conference on Psychology, Counselling and Guidance (WCPCG-2012)

The Relationship Between Depression and Leisure Time Activity in Female High School Students Samira Aliabadi a*, Majed Zobairy b, Layla Zobairy c a

, PhD student of Physical Education and Sport science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran , post code:1477893855, Iran. b, Ghorveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, post code:66619-83435 , Ghorveh, Iran. c ,Guilan University, P.O.Box:1841, Rasht, Iran.

Abstract Anxiety and depression are two main psychological disorders that often can be seen among the adolescents. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between depression and spending leisure in female high school students with emphasis on physical activity. The Sample consisted of 136 high school female students in Sanandaj city and was a random selection. Two self-report questionnaires were selected for the present study. First questionnaires include spending leisure and second GHQ-28 was used to assess depression. K-S test, in dependent t-test and correlation were used to Statistical analysis. Result shows students depression in samples were moderate, and the findings indicated that the level of depression in the group who doing physical activity in their leisure time comparing with group who doing sedentary activity instead, had significant differences. Therefore doing physical activity in leisure time can help students to reduce depression. © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of Prof. Dr.peer Huseyin Uzunboylu Dr.responsibility Mukaddes Demirok, East University, Cyprus © 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and review under & the of Dr.Near Melehat Halat Keywords:depression, leisure, female high school students;

Introduction Atkinson and Hilgard (1997) explain depression and anxiety as a result of cognitive mistakes and illogical beliefs. Individuals who are susceptible to depression attitudinize themselves negatively and critically. Depression and anxiety are mental conditions and states including characteristics such as apprehension, fear, and chaos, lack of life expectancy, future phobia, inferiority, asthenia, and lack of interest to life. Acute state of them leads to dangerous mental disease (translated by Baraheni). The adolescences are in a critical period of life being mostly susceptible to disorders and mental damages. Iran is one of young nations. Mental and physical health is prominent to develop society materially and spiritually. Lack of mental and physical health in adolescences not only does not provide development of economics, science, and culture, but also destroys society in the future (Mohammadi, 2005).Mental-conduct disorders are made by lack of consideration to mental-physical requirements, imbalance in economic and social factors, and increasing process of broken home problems especially in adolescences. Depression is one of such disorders defined as states of

*Corresponding author name. Tel.: + 44 E-mail address: samiraaliabadi [email protected]

1877-0428 © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of Prof. Dr. Huseyin Uzunboylu & Dr. Mukaddes Demirok, Near East University, Cyprus doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.06.546


Samira Aliabadi et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 84 (2013) 256 – 258

incompetence, despair, activity or reflection decrement, pessimism, and sadness (Atkinson & Hilgard, 1997; translated by Baraheni). Depression has several rating and kinds resulting from different reasons such as natural constitution, heredity, disorder of chemical activity and hormones, disorder of chemical anabolism in Encephalon transmitters, parent's death (especially mother) in the beginning of life, lack of parental interest, lack of self-respect and lack of selfconfidence (Mehryar, 1994). Emotional problems such as depression are observed in the physical and mental development of adolescences. Task concentration, conflict, frustration, and disillusionment cause pessimism of adolescences to themselves, society and universe. It underlies depression especially inferior-oriented depression. This kind of depression is a set of inferior feelings in the territory of school or physical problems associated with social development and problems. It should be noted that general depression of adolescences is not clinical but mild depression or depression syndrome (Peterson et al., cited in Lotfabadi, 1998). Half time outside the school is considered as leisure time for adolescences. Leisure time is a set of activities done eagerly after releasing from job work, homework, and commitments of family and society. The purpose is to rest, entertain, and develop abilities and latent talents. Leisure time is composed of activities without formal purpose called as without requisite(Haywood, 2001;translated by Ehsani).Students spend leisure time differently like watching TV, playing digital games, and physical activity. Increasing problems of mental health, physical activity is a tool to access appropriate mental and physical condition (Mehdipoor, 1997). Yousefi (1981) compared depression among high school athletic and non-athletic students. There was difference in different aspects of depression such as with drawl, body image, irritability, worry of health, and feeling of tiredness. Athletes benefit better conditions. Ebrahimi (2001) also found that athletes were less depressed than nonathletes. Moreover, females were more depressed especially non-athletes. Studies have shown that exercise training may reduce depressive symptoms in nonclinical and clinical populations (Goldfield et al, 2011; Hallal et al, 2006; Penedo & Dahn, 2005;) and in patients with major depression (Dunn et al, 2005; Singh et al, 2005; Singh et al, 2001; Dimeo et al, 2001). In addition to met analytic results, selected studies on different aspects of exercise treatment of major depression are presented. Methodology It was descriptive study. Data collection was done through field study. Population composed of 220 female students studying in 1st grade high school in 2010-2011 academic years. There were 136 subjects as sample selected randomly. The instrument was a questionnaire. GHQ is used to measure general health. Participants responded to shorten form of 28items devoted to component of depression. This questionnaire is used in 75 countries as the most Questionnaire was also used which developed by author. Validity was confirmed by academic professors. Results shows the relationship between According to the results, students had an average age leisure time and depression. Table 1. The relationship between leisure time and depression Independent t-test

Leisure Time




Std. Deviation



TV, Digital Game






Physical activity










Notes. Dependent variable: depression As shown in table 1, according to independent t-test, there was significant difference between kind of leisure time was more than physical activity (M = 2.51). There were 85 students spending leisure time with watching TV and


Samira Aliabadi et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 84 (2013) 256 – 258

playing digital game and 51 students doing physical activity. Moreover, according to correlation, there was a significant direct relationship . 001). This means that as the watching TV and playing digital game scores increase, so do depression scores. There was significantly reverse relationship between physical activity and depression (r= the physical activity scores increase, depression scores decrease. Discussion Although development of industrial societies has provided material welfare, mental and physical disorders are increasing as much as technology and industry. Adolescence is greatly sensitive period due to rapid physical development, sexual maturity, identity formation, and personal independency. Lack of consideration of parents, teachers and persons in responsibility of education to mental and physical requirements damages adolescences and society irreparably (Mohammadi, 2005). The purpose of the study was t difference between kind of leisure time and depression. The mean value of watching TV and playing digital game was more than physical activity. Moreover, there was a significant direct relationship between watching TV and playing digital game and depression. There was significantly reverse relationship between physical activity and depression. It was inconsistent with the results of previous studies (Ebrahimi, 2001; Paluska and Schwenk, 2000; The USA fitness Center, 2002; Yousefi, 1981). Paluska and Schwenk (2000) reported the effect of physical activity on decrease of depression and anxiety in different age groups. Leisure time improves mental health and decreases depression (Ebrahimi, 2001; The USA fitness Center, 2002; Yousefi, 1981). It is suggested that facilities and sport spaces are made inside school and outside school until students especially female students can develop physical health, fitness and mental quiescence. References Atkinson, R. L. & Hilgard, E.R. (1997).Introduction to psychology (vol. II).Translated by Mohammad TaqiBaraheni et al. Tehran: Roshd Press, Iran. Dimeo F, Bauer M, Vahram I, Proest G, Halter U (2001) Benefits from aerobic exercise in patients with major depression: a pil ot study. Br J Sports Med ,35:114 117. Dunn AL, Madhukar H, Trivedi MD et al (2005) Exercise treatment for depression Efficacy and dose response. Am J Prev Med ,28(1):1 8 Ebrahimi,M. (2001).Comparing depression among male and female high school athletic and non-athletic students in Sanandaj in 2000-2001 academic year (M.A. thesis). Raziuniversity, Kermanshah, Iran. Gary S. Goldfield, Katherine Henderson, Annick Buchholz, Nicole Obeid, Hien Nguyen, and Martine F. Flament. (2011). Physical Activi ty and Psychological Adjustment in Adolescents. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 2011, 8, 157 -163. Hallal, P. C., Victoria, C. G., Azevedo, M. R., & Wells, J. C. K. (2006). Adolescent physical activity and health. Sports Medicine, 36, 1019-1030. Haywood, L. (2001). Leisure Time (1st ed.).Translated by Mohammad Ehsani. Tehran: Omid Press, Iran. Lotfabadi, H. (1998). Developmental psychology (vol. II). Tehran: Samt Press, Iran. Mehdipoor, A. M. (1997). The effect of group and individual activities (football, basketball, swim, taekwondo) on decreasing depression in male high school students in Dezfool. Assembly of general department of physical education in Khoozestan, Iran. Mehryar, A. H. (1994). Depression (impressions and therapeutics) (1sted.).Tehran: Roshd Press, Iran. Mohammadi, H. (2005). The Relationship between Physical Fitness with Anxiety & Depression in Urban and Rural Male Students at Guidance School of Kamyarn. (M.A. thesis).Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran. Penedo, F. J., & Dahn, J. R. (2005). Exercise and well-being: a review of mental and physical health benefits associated with physical activity. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 18, 189-193. Singh NA, Clements KM, Singh MA (2001). The efficacy of exercise as a long-term antidepressant in elderly subjects: a randomized, controlled trial. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci ,56:M497 M504 Singh N.A, Stavrinos T.M, Scarbek Y, Galambos G, Liber C, Fiatarone Singh M.A (2005). A randomized controlled trial of high versus l ow intensity weight training versus general practitioner care for clinical depression in older adults. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci ,60:768 776. Yousefi, B. (1981). Comparing depression among high school athletic and non-athletic students (M.A. thesis).Tehran university, Tehran, Iran.