The Relationship between Personality Types of Managers and ...

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1- Master Student of Sport Management, Sciences and researches, Kurdistan, Iran ... The results of the study show that there is a significant and positive.
International Journal of Sport Studies. Vol., 2 (10), 502-508, 2012 Available online at http: ISSN 2251-7502 ©2012 VictorQuest Publications

The Relationship between Personality Types of Managers and Effective communications in Sport and Youth Organizations of Wes Azarbaijan Province Behzad Gahramani1, Seyyed Mohammad Kashef2, Sardar Mohammadi3* 1- Master Student of Sport Management, Sciences and researches, Kurdistan, Iran 2- Associate Professor of Sport Management, Physical Education and Sport Science Faculty. Urmia University, Iran 3- Assistant professor of Sport Management, Physical Education and Sport Science Faculty, University of Kurdistan *Corresponding author, Email: [email protected] Abstract In this era of management and leadership, success of organizations and institutions largely depends on effective performance of managers. The aim of the present study is to recognize the relationship between personality types of managers and effective communications in sport and youth organization of West Azarbaijan province. This descriptive and correlation study has been conducted using field research. The statistical population of this study includes all managers and staffs of sport and youth organizations and the sample is equal to population (n=140). Two standard personality type questionnaires (reliability: 0.84) have been used for the purpose of data collection. For data analysis, descriptive and inferential statistical methods (Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Leven, Pearson Correlation Coefficient, Analysis of Variance and t-test) have been used. The results of the study show that there is a significant and positive relationship between Personality types (Egalitarian, Bold and Introvert) and effective communications of managers. Keywords: Personality Type, Effective communications, Managers, Staffs, Sport and Youth Organizations

Introduction This is the modern era of accelerating and unpredictable changes and the current status of managers in society suggests some sort of imbalance between increasing complexities of organizations and inability of organizations to predict and face such complexities and changes. In order to deal with environmental threats and benefit from possible chances, organizations have to recognize their internal capacities and capabilities so as to enhance their strength and restore weaknesses. One of the most important aspects of organizational behavior is the proper and effective transfer of message in the process of communication. Proper and effective relationship within the organization is one of the key factors of management success. Each manager spends a great deal of time transferring his ideas to others. Regarding the duties of the manger and specially his duties to control and organize the affairs, difficulties are always the way. Communication is a process in organizations with which different parameters of a system are linked (Ehsani, 2006). Their relationship and orientation toward organizational goals are important concerns of managers. These concerns are due to the fact that managers have found that effective communication with staffs and understanding their contact motivation is a vital factor to achieve organizational goals. Accordingly and based on studies, managers spend most of their time communicating with individuals (Robbins, 1998). Many have talked about the importance of communication.


Intl. j. Sport Std. Vol., 2 (10), 502- 508, 2012

Scott & Michael have proposed four goals for interpersonal communication: 1) Influencing others 2) Expressing feelings 3) Receiving and exchanging information 4) Reinforcing formal structure of organization, like using administrative channels In other words, interpersonal communication allows staffs of all levels of organization to cooperate with each other, achieve their goals, be supported and benefit from formal structure of organization. These goals are at the service of individuals and the grater goal is to improve career life and effectiveness of organization (Willis, Layan, 1989). The goal of a manager is to establish an effective communication in its most efficient way. An efficient communication requires less time and resources. Communication allows staffs of all levels of organization to cooperate with each other, achieve their goals, be supported and benefit from formal structure of organization (Bloisi et al., 2003). At the organizational level especially sport organizations, communication results in cohesion and link among various parameters of the organization, achieving intended goals and improving organizational performance. The emphasis on effective communication is due to the fact that the traces of communication can be easily seen in all activities of a manager (Mirkamali, 2007). Optimized performance, because of its benefits and effectiveness in organization, has always been attended by managers and experts, in a way that it is now an independent field of organizational studies. Performance of an organization indicates its survival situation in the environment and the emphasis of manager on improving performance makes its importance apparent and it can be done through infrastructure investment in human resource section. Investments are made through influencing scope and domain of work. Having these circumstances, we can expect to have an organization with high performance, because organizations in order to survive and advance in competitive word have to spend major part of their effort for processes and functions that play a key role in their success. According to necessity of organizational communications in management literature of the world and regarding the critical role of performance and importance of achieving its highest level for managers and organizations. Communication can play a key role in process of organizational performance (Gheisari et al., 2011). Communication in organizations has such an overriding importance that the first and the most critical task of a manager is to develop organizational communications. Therefore, communications is an important skill and necessary basis of efficient management for managers. Organizational communications help mangers to establish and keep a proper interpersonal relationship in organization, so that staffs could do their daily tasks in an appropriate way (Glenny, 2009). Managers have a determining role in effectiveness of organizations (especially sport organizations), since the effectiveness of an organizations can be measured through the ability of the manager to maximize the interaction between structure and process (Puèëtaitë et al., 2010). Now we should observe that whether personality internal factors like emotions, feelings, thinking, learning or external factors such as judgment manner and perception can establish effective communication and influence success of managers or not? The aim of researchers is to find out if there is a relationship between personality type of manager and establishing effective communication or not? Moreover, what personality types of managers can be considered as a criterion for selecting managers? This research has been conducted on managers of sport and youth organizations in West Azarbaijan province in order to introduce and recognize related factors in process of fit selection of sport management positions. Materials and Methods The present study is of descriptive correlation type. The statistical population includes 140 individuals selected from managers and staffs of sport and youth organizations. Using sampling, all population (n=140) have been selected as statistical sample. Research tools to measure variables include standard questionnaire of personality type by Afrazeh (2003) and researcher questionnaire of effective communications. To evaluate the reliability of questionnaires and to resolve possible ambiguities, the pilot study was conducted on 30 staffs of sport and youth organizations of West Azarbaijan province and by the help of experts’ opinions, formal and content validity was determined. Exploratory and conformity factor analysis were also used for the purpose of construct validity. To determine reliability, Cronbach`s Alpha was used with the result of (a=0.84) for personality type and (a=0.81) for effective communications. In personality type questionnaire, Alpha coefficient is (a=0.84) for fair personality type, (a=0.81) for bold personality type, (a=0.83) for egalitarian personality type and (a=0.84) for introverts. In effective communication questionnaire, Alpha coefficient was calculated


as (a=0.80) for communication, feedback (a=0.81) and communication channel (a=0.81). Descriptive statistics was used In order to organize and summarize data, and in inferential statistics part, exploratory and conformity factor analysis have been used to analyze validity of construct. In order to analyze the relationship between personality type of managers and their effective communications in sport and youth organizations of west Azarbaijan province, multiple correlation tests has been used. Multiple regressions has also been used to determine variables share of (fair, bold, egalitarian and introvert) in predicting variable criterion of managers` effective communications. For the purpose of data analysis, one way analysis of variance with emphasis on (LISREL) software version 8.52and (SPSS) version 20 was used. Results

Table 1: Descriptive statistics of individual characteristics of respondents in sport and youth organizations of West Azarbaijan province sex degree Age Servi Organizational post Organization M± SD) ces statistic recor post N Perce sample ds nt age SD) ( M± Departments sex numb perce degree number perce man 38 29.2 of sports and er nt nt ager youth ± 3.5 ±4.2 fem 19 14.6 diploma 57 43.8 65.33 5.3 ale A.A 23 17.7 emp 92 70.8 loye male 111 85.4 B.A 41 31.5 e M.A & 9 6.9 higher The obtained results show that there is a positive and significant relationship between managers` personality type with their effective communications in sport and youth organizations of West Azarbaijan province. There is also a significant relationship between parameters of personality types of (Bold, egalitarian, introvert) sport and youth organizations of with their effective communications. (Table 2). Table 2: Mean, Standard Deviation and Correlation Matrix related to personality types and its parameters with effective communications in Sport and Youth Organizations Mean and Effective R p Variable standard Communication (Mean and deviation Standard Deviation)) Personality Types 45.21± 49.3 0.630 *000.0 Fair 39.52 ±67.4 6.13 ± 86.82 -0.100 550.0 Bold 81.15±55.2 0.596 *000.0 Introvert 29.18±83.3 0.585 *000.0 *p≤ 0.05 Obtained results of regression test were shown step by step. At the first step personality type 2 subscale with r=0.696 entered the regression equation and r =0.183 explains 18.3 percent shared variance between personality types and effective communications. At the second step, introvert type subscale with r=0.761 entered regression equation and r2=0.211 shows that 21.1 percent shared variance between personality type and effective communication is expressed by bold and introvert personality type. Therefore, bold type subscale is the most appropriate predictor of effective communications of personality types in sport and youth organizations of West Azarbaijan province (Table 3).


Intl. j. Sport Std. Vol., 2 (10), 502- 508, 2012

Table 3: Regression coefficients related to (effective communication) based on Parameters of (personality type) sport and youth organizations of the province model Constant


Bold Constant 2 Bold Introvert

B 138.61 431.1 197.48 194.1 874.0

Beta 596.0

T 369.12 457.4

p 000.0 000.0

498.0 483.0

556.9 440.4 309.4

000.0 000.0 000.0

T-test results showed that t level is significant in fair personality type, that is, there is a significant difference in terms of gender, between managers` fair personality types in sport and youth organizations of West Azarbaijan province, but no significant difference in other personality types found (table 4).

Table 4: Studding gender differences in personality types of managers Gender


Male Fair Female Male Bold Female Male Egalitarian Female Male introvert Female

64.38 42.43 48.15 85.13 35.12 42.11 03.19 42.18

Standard Deviation 34.4 89.4 44.2 79.2 61.2 86.3 28.3 07.3


t- test result

31 7 31 7 31 7 31 7

t= -572.2 p= .014 t=549.1 p= .130 t= .773 p= .444 t= .421 p= .676

Results obtained from analysis of variance showed that there is no significant difference in terms of age between personality types of managers in sport and youth organizations of West Azarbaijan province and this research hypothesis was rejected (table 5).

Table 5: Studying different personality types of managers in terms of age Parameter Between group Within group Total Between group Within group Total Between group Within group Total Between group Within group Total



Egalitaria n Introvert

Total sum of Square .101 373.841 474.841 944.7 767.233 711.241

Degrees of Freedom 2 35 37 2 35 37

Mean Square .050 039.24





972.3 679.6



538.2 173.297 711.299

2 35 37

269.1 491.8



272.31 491.393 763.424

2 35 37

636.15 243.11



T-test results showed that t level is not significance in all four subscales, that is, no significant difference found in terms of employment status between personality types of managers in sport and youth organizations of West Azarbaijan (table 6).


Table 6: Studying different personality types and employment status Employment Status Test Fair Hired Test Bold Hired Test Egalitarian Hired Test Introvert Hired



t-test result

80.39 42.39

Standard Deviation 13.4 04.5

10 28 10 28

00.16 89.14

49.1 80.2

t=182.1 p= .245

10 28

40.11 46.12

67.2 89.2

t= -015.1 p= .317


10.20 50.18

44.3 32.3

t= 293.1 p= .204

t= .209 p= .836

T-test results showed that t level is different, in introvert personality type of managers in terms of experience in current position in sport and youth organizations of West Azarbaijan province. But no significant difference found in other personality types of managers (table 7). Table 7: Studying different personality types of managers in terms of experience Gender Frequency Mean Standard t-test result Deviation Below 5 years 26 42.40 23.5 t= 753.1 58.38 87.3 p= .088 Fair 12 6-10 years t= .028 Below 5 year 26 19.15 93.2 p= .978 Bold 16.15 52.1 12 6-10 years Below 5 years 26 65.11 81.2 t= -736.1 Egalitarian 33.13 67.2 p= .091 6-10 years 12 Below 5 years 26 73.19 16.3 t=2 .289 Introvert 16.17 29.3 p= .028 6-10 years 12

Discussion and Conclusion The results obtained from statistical analysis of the first hypothesis showed that among personality types and their parameters, there is a positive and significant relationship between Bold personality type (r=0.596 and p=0.000), introvert personality type (r=0.585 and p=0.000), egalitarian personality type(r=-0.437 and p=0.006) and effective communications of managers in sport and youth organizations of West Azarbaijan province, moreover no significant relationship between fair personality type and effective communication of managers found. Regarding the fact that there is no historical background totally related to this research, the results of this study mismatch to some extent to that of (Gheisari et al., 2010). In the present research the relationship between human-oriented and task-oriented leadership style and personal characteristics including introversion, extroversion, stability, instability, age, educational degree, management experience and field of study of physical education managers in dependent and non-dependent institutions and center to ministry of culture and higher education were analyzed and the following results obtained: There is no significant relationship between human-oriented leadership style and stability and instability of physical education managers. The results obtained from statistical analysis of the second hypothesis showed that there is a significant relationship between bold personality type and managers` effective communications, meaning that, the more managers shows boldness among staffs, the more enthusiastic he. She would be to have an effective communications. Such persons need more control over the environment,


Intl. j. Sport Std. Vol., 2 (10), 502- 508, 2012

showing that most of managers are sociable, bold, active, energetic and confident. Such managers tend to be more social and can get along with different people better. While working, they have generally more positive feeling and satisfaction toward their surrounding environment and organization. Results of this research match to similar research by (Danandeh and Hosseini) and put emphasis on the importance of bold personality in implementation of organization`s goals. They claim that there is a high correlation between bold personality and managers` ability to make decision. Findings show that there is a high correlation between bold personality and effective communications in sport and youth organizations and the bolder a manager is the more effective communication they can have. Results obtainer form statistical analysis of the third hypothesis showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between egalitarian personality type and effective communications of physical education managers, that is, most managers tend to be similar to others and are adaptive. Individuals leading organizations and teams are usually adaptive and egalitarian persons suitable for social activities. As such persons are after conformity and dealing with people, so they usually avoid controversial issues and cause the youth and sport organization to grow. The research findings match that of (Moghimi, 2008). In their research they claimed that there is a significant relationship between certain kinds of personality styles and effectiveness of management. Findings show that in sport and youth organizations in order to facilitate communication, managers with egalitarian personality type have more interaction and communication with staffs toward achieving organization goals. Results obtained from statistical analysis of the fourth hypothesis showed that there is a significant relationship between introvert personality type and effective communication of sport and youth organization managers, that is most of the managers pay attention to their inner world. They content with spending time lonely. Introverts want to know the world before experiencing it and have a great obsession. Introverts like social relationships at a limited level. Finally they prefer to have relationships with one or a few limited persons and obtained results mismatch (Ershad researches 1998) and from reasons of discrepancy we can refer to social factors. In addition, Moghimi in a research done (2008) concluded that operational managers have introvert personality. Results obtained from statistical analysis show that subscales (introvert and bold type) predict level of effective communications of managers in sport and youth organizations of West Azarbaijan province. Interaction between organization technologies, skills and individuals can directly affect effective communications. For example, according to organizational structure form decreases controls and interaction between skills and individuals. In other words, horizontal structure of organization and reinforcing open-doors policy expedite effective communications among sections and individuals. Research findings show that parameters of bold and introvert personality types predict the level of effective communication in staffs of sport and youth organizations to a large extent. Results show that among personality types, only fair personality type has a significant difference in terms of gender in sport and youth organizations of West Azarbaijan province. And these two personality types act differently in terms of gender. Regarding similar studies done in this field, we can say that it mismatches the results of research done by Bahpajooh (2010) and Mirsepasi (2008). From the discrepancy reasons we can refer to social factors, educational environments matching research results done by Glenny (2009). Moreover, Olivier (2010) concluded that female mangers use individual decisions more than male managers. According to results, we can say that there is no significant relationship in terms of gender between personality types in sport and youth organizations, and only in fair personality type difference observed in terms of gender. So to succeed in organizations and offices we can hire skilled and creative employee without any gender orientation. As said earlier, human has always been in need of proper decision making, effective communications, and new opportunities and has attempted to survive and promote quality of life, so effective communications could exist in all personality type. Results obtained from statistical analysis show that no significant deference observed between personality types of managers in terms of demographic characteristics (age and employment status) and effective communications of managers. Managers do not make any significant difference with different age and employment status in all four personality types in establishing effective communications and demographic characteristics are affectless and the obtained results match Abbaspour (2010) results. Research findings show that in order to establish effective communications by managers in sport and youth organizations, age requirements and employment status do not have any significant contribution. Results obtained from the present study express the relationship between personality types of (bold, egalitarian and introvert) managers and their effective communications in sport and youth organizations, in such a way that the more suitable a manager personality type is, the more their


effective communication would be. The overall results can be expressed more exactly as follows: Appointing efficient managers in organizations, results in increased effective communication. In addition, fair personality type operates differently in effective communication in organizations in terms of gender. It is recommended to study personality types of staffs in sport organization and then comparing the results with findings of the present study. We hope that the findings of the present study make sport organizations aware of the importance of managers’ leadership so that they could move toward a better communication with the staffs through careful and strategic planning.

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