The research-based learning development model as

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Jan 18, 2013 - of 1) identifying research journals; 2) track the development of research ... Diponegoro ... It is written in accordance with article 46 in Law No.
The research-based learning development model as a foundation in generating research ideas Poppy Puspitasari, Johan Wayan Dika, and Avita Ayu Permanasari

Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 1887, 020035 (2017); doi: 10.1063/1.5003518 View online: View Table of Contents: Published by the American Institute of Physics

The Research-Based Learning Development Model as a Foundation in Generating Research Ideas Poppy Puspitasari1, 2, a) Johan Wayan Dika3, b) Avita Ayu Permanasari1, c) 1

Mechanical Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Universitas Negeri Malang, Semarang St. No. 5 Malang, East Java, Indonesia Indonesia 2 Center of Advanced Materials, Universitas Negeri Malang, Semarang St. No. 5 Malang, East Java, Indonesia Indonesia 3 Master’s Program, Vocational Education Department, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Malang, Semarang St. No. 5 Malang, East Java, Indonesia a)


[email protected] [email protected] c) [email protected]

Abstract. Research Based Learning is learning that requires students to have exploration skills related to their field. By doing so, students are encouraged to create skills in managing the higherorder of abstraction in order to resolve any problems encountered. The study was done to make the schemes and sequences of learning needed by the students in order to help them to explore first ideas for their upcoming thesis . The scheme development resulted in five stages consisting of 1) identifying research journals; 2) track the development of research topics; 3) reviewing research journals; 4) discussing the results of the reviews; and 5) formulating the research topic . Furthermore, the application of 5 the stage receives percentage agreement of students was 85.9%. Therefore, it can be noted that the application of the scheme is definitely a help for students to find research ideas.

INTRODUCTION Basically, universities have a goal to produce qualified graduates. To achieve these targets then required a system in supporting higher education. Judging from the system of higher education then there are 4 main stages that must be implemented that is 1) input; 2) process; 3) output; and outcome. [1] On the international level, university is divided into two big categories. The first category is a university with learning as its main focus or better known as teachinguniversity. The second category is a university with research as its main focus or known as research-university.[2] The existence of learning and research lies at the stage of the process [1]. In terms of its category, a so-called research-university has an excellent potential in improving the achievement, whether it is the achievement of the student s, lecturers, or the university itself. It is indicated by the decree launched by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 492.a / M / Kp / VIII / 2015 on Classification and Universities Ratings in Indonesia which stated that ratings are determined based on four criteria. The four criteria are: the quality of human resources, quality of management, quality of students’ activities as well as the quality of research and scientific publications. [3] Here are the result data classification and the rank of universities in Indonesia or in a national level.

Green Construction and Engineering Education for Sustainable Future AIP Conf. Proc. 1887, 020035-1–020035-7; doi: 10.1063/1.5003518 Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1570-6/$30.00


Rank No.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


TABLE 1. Classification and Rank of Universities in Indonesia [3] Location Quality of Quality of Quality of Human Management Student’s Resources Activity

ITB UGM IPB UI ITS UB Univ. Padjajaran UNAIR Univ. Sebelas Maret Univ. Diponegoro Univ. Hasanudin Univ. Andalas UM UNY Univ. Kristen Petra

Bandung Yogyakarta Bogor Jakarta Surabaya Malang Bandung Surabaya Surakarta Semarang Makasar Padang Malang Yogyakarta Surabaya

3.93 3.99 4.00 3.86 3.76 3.68 3.58 3.74 3.63 3.59 3.59 3.61 3.89 3.74 3.22

3.9 4.0 3.9 3.9 4.0 3.8 3.8 3.7 3.9 3.8 3.8 3.6 3.8 3.5 3.9

1.9 4.0 1.8 1.6 2.3 2.0 0.3 1.4 0.2 0.4 0 0.2 0.3 0.6 0

Quality of Research and Scientific Publication

4.0 3.0 3.1 3.0 2.5 2.5 2.7 2.3 2.6 2.4 2.6 1.9 1.4 1.7 1.7

The table above only shows the top 15 ranks, and the State University of Malang is in the 13th rank out of 3320 universities in Indonesia. Furthermore, on the international level, the real challenge of universities is to achieve a label of” World Class University”, or known as WCU. [2] The label obtained might indicate that those universities are globally competitive . It is written in accordance with article 46 in Law No. 12 of 2012 on Higher Education which states that the research results are useful for: a) science and technology enrichment and improving society welfare and the nation’s competitiveness; b) improvement of universities quality and the advancement of civilization; c) an increase of independency, progress, and the nation's competitiveness; d) the fulfillment of strategic national development, and changes in Indonesian society into a knowledge-based society. [4] In order to get the WCU, the universities have to compete in developing research. Scimago Journal (2015) mentions that, at the international level, Indonesia was in 49th rank with 6280 documents. The universities in Indonesia included in Scimago Journal are mentioned as follows: TABLE 2. Rank of International Journal Publication of Universities in Indonesia [5] No. Rank No. (SJ) University

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

631 634 636 648 669 673 678

Univ. Hasanudin UI ITB UGM Univ. Padjajaran IPB UB

According to the table shown above, only 7 universities in Indonesia are mentioned on the list, while the State University of Malang is not featured. Based on the ministerial regulation of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education number 20 2017 Article 4, in order to improve the quality and quantity of scientific publications in Indonesia, all lecturers who have an academic position as an Associate Professor must provide at least three scientific papers published in national accredited journals or at least one scientific paper published in international journals, patent, or monumental art works or monumental design within a period of 3 years. The claim is also valid as a condition for an attribution of honor. [6]


FIGURE 1. Chart of Research Learning Implementation Stages. [2]

In accordance with the scheme above, Wardoyo (2013) confirms that the research-based learning is a learning that requires students to be able to discover, explore and develop knowledge for solving the problems encountered, and verify the new knowledge acquired. [7] Through that scheme, university in general and the State University of Malang in particular can pay great attention to research, resulting in the whole university community cultivating high-quality research. Furthermore, the one of the main problems faced by third-level students is the process of exploring ideas that later will produce a thesis topic. Based on the results of observations and interviews with students conducted on October 10, 2016, it was found that the majority of topics submitted to the coordinator of the study program are being rejected, meaning an obligation to re-start the process. . The reviewed title might then be rejected again (up to three times) . The main reason for the refusal is due to the lack of references in the submitted proposal. In addition, the level of research specification is still too broad. The demands of lecturers with regards to a thesis proposal must incorporate reputable and up-to-date journals as a foundation as well as a degree of novelty in the study.. The focus of this research is to develop a research based learning process which aims at developing students’ ability for abstract thinking in order to propose a thesis topic.


FIGURE 2. Pedagogy Wheel. [8]

The figure above is a useful diagram to assist students in generating a thesis proposal. There are 5 main components presented in a sequence,consisting of: remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, and create.

METHODOLOGY The development of this research method has been based from Borg and Gall. The following is the scheme of Developmental Research Methodology of the Research Based Learning Model as the foundation of the research idea establishment.


Research and information collecting


Develop preliminary form of product

Preliminary field testing

Operational field testing

Operational product revision

Main field testing

Main product revision

Final product revision

Dissemination and implementation

FIGURE 3. Borg & Gall Developmental Research Methodology Scheme [9]

The activities carried out at each stage [9], based on the scheme, are stated as follows: 1. Research and information collecting, observe the real condition and analyze the students’ needs. 2. Planning, determine the skills that must be acquired and mastered by the college students 3. Develop preliminary form of the product, based on the results of the first and second stages, the next step is developing the preliminary form of the product by the scheme along with its elaboration 4. Preliminary field testing, initial product testing on a limited scale, observation and questionnaires 5. Main product revision, revision activity based on the result of preliminary testing or in the limited scale 6. Main field testing, main testing activity conducted in the controlled and experiment groups 7. Operational product revision, revision based on the results of main field testing 8. Operational field testing, final product testing or on a wider scale, which the result is done through observation and questionnaire filling 9. Final product revision 10. Dissemination and implementation, disseminate the developed product to the public, especially in educational fields

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The main purpose of research-based learning implementation in this research is to assist students in finding research ideas that will generate a thesis proposal. Based on method in conducting research and development, the Research Based Learning product or scheme is obtained as follows: 1. Identifying Research Journals

2. Tracking the Research Topic Progress

3. Reviewing Research Journals

Thesis Title

5. Formulating the Topic of Research Problem

4. Discussing the Result of Review

FIGURE 4. Research Based Learning Scheme in digging out the research idea

The diagram systematically presents five important steps that will guide the students to explore the problems that occur. This is in accordance with the pedagogy wheel with the following integrations: 1) identifying research journals is the integration of remember and understand; 2) tracking the research topic progress is the integration of apply; 3)


reviewing research journals is the integration of analyze; 4) discussing the result of interview is the integration of Evaluate; and 5) formulating the topic of research problem is the integration of create. 1. Identifying Research Journals At this stage, students are required to know reputable and up-to-date research journals.. Students are expected to know and understand the characteristics of research journals guided by lecturers. 2. Tracking the Research Topic Progress At this stage, students are required to have the ability to track the progress of research topics to be studied. Students are expected to apply journal-related searches to determine the level of novelty on their research topics 3. Reviewing Research Journals At this stage, students are required to analyze the main purpose, research methods, data analysis, and the results and discussion on research journals, and doing mini research as a form of real experience 4. Discussing the Result of Review At this stage, students are required to present the results of the review in front of their classmates and lecturers; students as presenters are expected to master the main research topics as well as receive suggestions and critics to build on and explore further research ideas. 5. Formulating the Research TopicResearch At this stage, students are required to formulate the research topic. . This formulation is based on the results of the research journals review as well as comments and suggestions from the discussion. To determine the efficiency of the scheme, at the end of the final testing applied on a larger scale observations by means of a questionnaire is conducted and the reliability is analyzed by using the Percentage Agreement [10]





Percentage Agreement

200 100 0 1





11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29


FIGURE 5. Graph of the Result of Percentage Agreement Analysis on the Research-Based Learning Scheme Implementation

The graph above shows the positive and negative responses from students whose classes implement ResearchBased Learning. From the data obtained, the average student who disagrees is at 9.137, while the average student who agrees is at 55 862. Furthermore, from the mean of disagreement and mean of agreement, the percentage agreement obtained is 85.94164. Based on the value of percentage agreement, it can be seen that, with the implementation of research-based learning as the basis for the establishment of a research idea, is beneficial for students to find ideas that later generated thesis proposals.

CONCLUSION The implementation of research-based learning consisting of 5 stages: 1) identifying research journals; 2) track the progress of research topics; 3) reviewing research journals; 4) discussion of the results of the reviews; and 5) the formulation of the research topic is feasible and efficient to encourage students in order to create skills in developing abstract thinking


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research was supported by the Islamic Development Bank


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