The Risk of Bladder Cancer in Korean Diabetic ... - KoreaMed Synapse

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Schernthaner G, Schmitz O, Skrha J, Smith U, Taton J; PROac- tive investigators. Secondary prevention of macrovascular events in patients with type 2 diabetes ...
Original Article Complications Diabetes Metab J 2012;36:371-378 pISSN 2233-6079 · eISSN 2233-6087


The Risk of Bladder Cancer in Korean Diabetic Subjects Treated with Pioglitazone Sun Ok Song*, Kwang Joon Kim*, Byung-Wan Lee, Eun Seok Kang, Bong Soo Cha, Hyun Chul Lee Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine, Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Background:  There is growing concern regarding the increased incidence of bladder cancer in diabetic patients using pioglitazone. This study aimed to investigate the association between bladder cancer and the use of pioglitazone in Korean diabetics. Methods:  This retrospective, matched case-control study included a case group (n=329) of diabetic patients with bladder cancer who presented at the Severance Hospital from November 2005 to June 2011. The control group consisted of patients without bladder cancer (1:2 ratio matching for sex and age, n=658) who were listed on the Severance Hospital diabetes registry. Results:  The percentage of subjects who had ever used pioglitazone was significantly lower in the case group than in the control group (6.4% vs. 15.0%, P