The 2015 growth objective is 7 per cent. Government has. resolved to continue with investment in infrastructure and. has
What the robot moway? The robot Moway is a small robot of monitoring at home. It is ale detect intruders with a camera. It monitors by means of moving in the residence. This little robot has many possibilities, for example you can connect a wireless communication module or an onboard camera that faciletera the detection. The robot Moway programmable robot, using the software Moway Gui.
The different sensors are : It’s comosed of several sensors, wich will enable it to cope with an environnement the different sensors are : -
Line Sensor : Sensors line the two sensors mounted infrared bottom front of the robot. They use the reflection of infrared light to detect the tone of the ground at the location of the robot
Obstacle sensor : As the line sensor, the sensors obstacle sensors also use infrared light to detect objects located in front of Moway. The sensor consists of an infrared light source and four receivers located on the two end portions of the robot before.
Light sensor : This sensor enables to know Moway light intensity that enters through the opening in the shape of a half moon located in front of the robot. Thanks to this position, it can locate the light source and act accordingly
Temperature sensors : Tempreture sensor: mOway has a thermistor sensor which will allow us to know the current temperature and whether it has increased or decreased
When the battery level is low, it’s able to automatically reload. Its small size, light weight and flexibility make the battery power source perfect for Moway. The average duration of the battery is 1 hour to 30 minutes, and depends largely on the number of active sensors and engine operating time.This robot can move with agility and elegance to avoid getting stuck in a corner.
The inconvegants and solutions : But he still has some inconvergnant that can improve for exemple : -
The Angle of the camera is too low The angle is fixed The baterry dicharges it self too quickly Create a magnetic field