The role of competing anions on the uptake and biotransformation of two contaminants, As(V) and Se(VI). Joshua Baker. Nautilus Environmental. Burnaby, BC ...
The role of competing anions on the uptake and biotransformation of two contaminants, As(V) and Se(VI) Joshua Baker Nautilus Environmental Burnaby, BC
Contaminants of Concern - Arsenic Speciation Inorganic forms: Arsenate and arsenite Organic Forms: Methylarsenicals Seasonal/Algal Blooms
Toxicity Inorganic forms more toxic than
organic counterparts.
Algae and Arsenic 1. 2.
Uptake -How much gets in to the algae? Biotransformation - How is it converted?
○ Do the sulfate dynamics control the uptake of selenium by a
freshwater algae and consequently the amount of selenium bioaccumulation
Laboratory Setup
○ Freshwater alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata grown for 7
days with 10 to 100 µg/L Se(VI) ○ Exponential phase, 16:8 light schedule, 25°C and aerated ○ Multiple initial S:Se ratios and algal Se concentration determined at termination
Increase in exposure Se concentration did not lead to increase in algal Se concentration if sulfate:selenate ratio was maintained
S04 (mg⁄L) -Se (µg⁄L)
Algae and Selenium – Conclusions The concentrations of selenium in algae were an order of magnitude higher in background sulfate concentrations (5 mg/L) in comparison to higher sulfate concentrations (>100 mg/L)
The concentrations of selenium in algae had insignificant differences when the ratio of sulfate:selenate was maintained, regardless of increasing selenate concentrations 1.000 Combined Data
The concentrations of selenium in algae increased with increasing ambient selenate concentrations, when the sulfate concentration was unchanged Future work