Decorate your tree or mantle with the "Our Link to God" paper chain. Take a picture of your family holding their paper c
DAY 7 The Savior; Our Link to God
“Savior”, a name and title of Jesus Christ as the redeemer of sin and saver of souls. h
John 13:34
c at
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Create an ‘Our Link to God’ paper chain.
Read the scripture on the ‘Day 7’ tag and hang it on your line. John 13:34, A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. Watch the video “A Savior is Born”. Discuss the different names of Jesus Christ and how they help us understand his many roles.
As a family make a “Our Link to God” paper chain. Print the ‘names of Christ’ pages and cut into strips. On the other strips, have your family each write their own name to symbolize that Jesus is their link to God. Show the picture of Christ pointing to Heaven. Share that one of the most special names for Jesus is “Savior” as He is the redeemer of sin and the saver of our souls. Decorate your tree or mantle with the "Our Link to God" paper chain. Take a picture of your family holding their paper chain and post it to your favorite social media sites.
Don’t forget to tag it! #ASaviorIsBorn
DAY 7 Photo Idea Board
DAY 7 Printable Page 1 of 3
DAY 7 Printable Page 2 of 3
DAY 7 Printable Page 3 of 3 write a family member’s name here
write a family member’s name here
write a family member’s name here
write a family member’s name here
write a family member’s name here
write a family member’s name here
DAY 7 Advent Add-on
SAVIOR Advocate Almighty Almighty God Alpha and Omega Anointed One Author of Eternal Salvation Beginning Begotten Beloved Beloved Son of God Bread of Life Bridegroom Captain of Our Salvation Chosen Chosen of God Christ Christ the Lamb Comforter Cornerstone Counsellor Creator Creator of All Things Deliverer Divine Son Emmanuel Endless Eternal Eternal Judge Example Finisher First and the Last Firstborn Firstfruits God God of Abraham God of Isaac God of Jacob God's Anointed Good Shepherd Healer Holy One
I AM Immanuel Jehovah Jesus Jesus Christ Jesus of Nazareth Judge King of Israel King of the Jews Lamb Lamb of God Light of the World Living Water Lord Lord of All Lord of the Sabbath Lord Omnipotent Man of Holiness Master Mediator Messiah Only Begotten of the Father Physician Man of Holiness Prince of Peace Prophet Rabbi Redeemer Redeemer of Israel The Rock Savior of the World Shepherd Son Son of God Son of Man Son of Righteousness Son of the Most High God The Truth The Way Wonderful