The science of nebulised drug delivery - NCBI

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Drug delivery from nebulisers ... Nebulisers used in aerosol drug delivery pro- up by the Bernoulli effect (see ..... The speed of inhaled aerosol laden air.

Thorax 1997;52(Suppl 2):S31–S44

The science of nebulised drug delivery Christopher O’Callaghan, Peter W Barry

Effective nebuliser therapy requires a device that repeatedly and quickly delivers sufficient drug to the site of action, with minimal wastage, at a low cost. Clinicians are bombarded with competing claims about different nebuliser systems. In many cases, however, insufficient details are available to make the most appropriate choice. The rapid increase in the number of nebulisers marketed and significant differences in design may result in drug delivery to patients varying by a factor of two or more.1 Drug delivery from nebulisers Most of the prescribed medication for nebulisers never reaches the lungs.2 Of the dose placed in the nebuliser chamber, perhaps two thirds remains there at the end of nebulisation. Two thirds of the dose released from the nebuliser may be released during expiration and passes into the surrounding air.3 Some of the inhaled drug will be in particles too large to reach the lung, and some in particles so small that they do not deposit but are simply exhaled again. With many nebulisers only 10% of the prescribed dose may reach the lung.4 For bronchodilators, where a small dose may achieve an adequate result, this may not matter. It is more important for drugs with dose related effects (and side effects) such as steroids, and for expensive medications such as rhDNase.5 Nebuliser types: how they work6–8 Nebulisers used in aerosol drug delivery produce a polydisperse aerosol where most of the drug released is contained in particles 1–5 lm in diameter. Most nebulisers use compressed air for atomisation (fig 1), but some use ultrasonic energy (fig 2). A nebuliser may be



Correspondence to: Dr C O’Callaghan.

   In a jet nebuliser the driving gas passes through a very narrow hole, known as a Venturi, from a high pressure system (fig 1). At the Venturi the pressure falls and the gas velocity increases greatly producing a cone shaped front. This passes at high velocity over the end of a narrow liquid feed tube or concentric feeding system creating a negative pressure at this point. As a result of this fall in pressure, liquid is sucked up by the Bernoulli effect (see Appendix 1) and is drawn out into fine ligaments. The ligaments then collapse into droplets under the influence of surface tension. This primary generation (atomisation) typically produces droplets 15–500 lm in diameter.15 Coarse Expiration


Department of Child Health, University of Leicester, Leicester Royal Infirmary, PO Box 65, Leicester LE2 7LX, UK C O’Callaghan P W Barry

distinguished from a simple atomiser by the incorporation of baffles which selectively remove large droplets from the outgoing spray.9 Early models were essentially atomisers constructed of glass and operated manually by compressing a hand bulb attached to the air inlet tube.10 In 1946 pumps providing a continuous flow of air were advocated and the Collinson nebuliser,11 constructed of ebonite with a plate baffle to filter out particles larger than 5 lm, became the most popular nebuliser in this country. In 1958 Wright12 described a new nebuliser, considerably more compact than the Collinson, with a moulded perspex top. Now discontinued, it found widespread use in bronchial challenge testing.13 14 With the advent of portable, oil free compressors and injection moulding of plastics, a wide variety of disposable nebulisers has become available. Recent advances in their design have considerably altered the amount of drug patients receive.

Feeding tube


Air from compressor

Air from compressor

Figure 1 Conventional nebuliser design. Air from the compressor passes through a small hole (Venturi). Rapid expansion of air causes a negative pressure which sucks fluid up the feeding tube system where it is atomised. Larger particles impact on baffles and the walls of the chamber and are returned for re-nebulisation. Small aerosol particles are released continuously from the nebuliser chamber. On expiration the nebuliser continues to generate aerosol which is wasted.


O’Callaghan, Barry Air

Aerosol to patient Extra air pulled through open vent

Extra air pulled through open vent

Therapeutic mist

Piezo electric crystal Baffle

High frequency source

Baffle Venturi

Large particles returned to reservoir Feeding tube(s)

Figure 2 Schematic diagram of an ultrasonic nebuliser showing vibration of fluid with release of particles from the standing waves generated.

droplets impact on baffles while smaller droplets may be inhaled or may land on internal walls returning to the reservoir for renebulisation. Baffle design has a critical effect on droplet size. Concentric liquid feeds minimise blockage by residual drug build up with repeated nebulisation. A flat pick up plate may allow some nebulisers to be tilted during treatment whilst maintaining liquid flow from the reservoir. Different jet nebulisers have different output characteristics determined by the design of the air jet and capillary tube orifices, their geometric relationship with each other and the internal baffles. For a given design the major determinant of output is the driving gas flow.       Conventional jet nebulisers are highly inefficient as much of the aerosol is wasted during exhalation. Between 93% and 99% of the primary droplets are caught on the internal baffles and structures, resulting in a low output.15 Recent designs have attempted to reduce these inefficiencies. Continuous entrainment of gas through the nebuliser (open vent nebulisers) Conventional jet nebulisers produce a fixed flow of gas containing aerosol. Some recent designs (for example, Sidestream; Medic-Aid, Pagham, UK) incorporate an extra open vent into the nebuliser in such a way that negative pressure generated by the expansion of compressed air at the Venturi sucks air into the chamber via the vent as well as fluid from the feeding tubes for atomisation (fig 3). This results in a continuously greater air flow through the chamber which pushes more small particles out to be inspired, in a given time, leading to shorter nebulisation times. The contribution of enhanced air flow through the nebuliser in reducing particle size, due to greater solvent evaporation, remains to be determined. Because lower compressed air flows are needed to generate the same respirable

Drug solution/ suspension in liquid reservoir

Air from compressor

Figure 3 Open vent nebuliser. The diagram illustrates the Sidestream nebuliser which incorporates an open vent on the top of the device. The negative pressure generated as compressed gas expands through the Venturi causes liquid to be sucked up liquid feeding tubes for atomisation. Air is also sucked down through the open vent, increasing the total flow of air leaving the nebuliser chamber via the mouthpiece. More aerosol is being pushed out in a given time.

output, cheaper lower specification compressors can be used. If the extra inlet channel (the vent) is blocked, preventing additional flow of air through the chamber, a similar amount of drug exits the nebuliser, but over a much longer time. Because of the high flow of aerosol from this device, young children with low inspiratory flow may receive less drug than anticipated. With continuously operated nebulisers at least 50% of the aerosol is wasted during exhalation. Intermittent nebulisation, during inspiration alone, reduces aerosol waste and contamination of the environment (fig 4). Manual interrupters, however, require coordination by the patient, but the increased efficiency results in longer treatment times. In order to combine the convenience of continuous operation and the efficiency of intermittent nebulisation, the Pari LC Plus (Pari, Germany) (fig 5) and the Ventstream (Medic-Aid, UK) have been developed. Entrainment of gas through the nebuliser on inspiration only (breath assisted, open vent nebulisers) The Pari LC Plus nebulises continuously, but during inspiration a valve situated on top of the device opens, allowing extra air to be drawn through the nebuliser. As with the open vent nebulisers, it is claimed that this air will draw a much greater number of particles into the

The science of nebulised drug delivery

S33 Inspiration Air sucked through vent on inspiration




Air from compressor

On/Off button controls air flow

Button 'On'

Air from compressor

Button 'Off'

Figure 4 A dosimetric nebuliser (e.g. Pari LL) produces aerosol only when the patient presses a button allowing compressed air to pass through the nebuliser.

Air sucked through vent on inspiration PATIENT

Vent closed on expiration PATIENT

Feeding tube


Air from compressor

Air from compressor

Figure 5 An example of a breath assisted, open vent nebuliser, the Pari LC Jet Plus. On inspiration the valve located at the top of the chamber opens, allowing extra air to be sucked through the vent on inspiration. The main effect of this is to pull more aerosol from the nebuliser on inspiration, increasing the dose to the patient. On expiration the vent closes and aerosol exits via a one-way valve near the mouthpiece. Aerosol lost from the nebuliser on expiration is thus proportionally less than that from a conventional nebuliser. Nebulisation times will be faster and the drug dose received by the patient will be significantly greater than with conventional nebulisers but not as fast as with the open vent nebuliser.

inspired air stream. During exhalation the inspiratory valve closes, decreasing the flow of air through the chamber to that from the compressor only. The result is that loss of aerosol during expiration is similar to that from a conventional jet nebuliser. The Ventstream nebuliser is similar in design to the Sidestream, but a valve on the side of the device opens only during inspiration, allowing air to be drawn through the nebuliser which increases drug output. On exhalation

this valve closes and exhaled air passes out of the device through a separate expiratory pathway. These “breath assisted, open vent” nebulisers increase the amount of inspired drug. Nebulisation time is shorter than conventional jet nebulisers but not as fast as the open vent design. The advantages of the “breath assisted, open vent devices” are (1) that the additional airflow through the nebuliser draws more of the small particles generated out to be inspired (increased


O’Callaghan, Barry

Inspiration 600

Conventional nebuliser

Breath assisted, Dosimetric open vent nebuliser nebuliser

Open vent + dosimetric nebuliser

Flow (ml/s)

400 200 0 –200

Smaller, less powerful compressors may not be suitable for all drugs, but there are distinct advantages in having a nebuliser that is small, lightweight and that can run on batteries. It is important to choose a nebuliser and compressor that work well together. For example, if a “breath assisted, open vent” type of nebuliser is run by a very high flow compressor this may defeat the object of minimising drug wastage on expiration.

–400 –600






Figure 6 Schematic presentation of identical flow-time traces with nebuliser drug output adapted to a nebuliser/compressor flow of 6 l/min. The nebulised drug output is indicated by the shaded areas. The improvement in potential drug delivery from the new open vent nebulisers is clearly seen. Modified from Nikander104 with permission.

evaporation from droplets may occur so that smaller particles are produced); (2) there is an increase in the amount of aerosol delivered to the patient and less wastage of aerosol during exhalation (fig 6) so that the dose of drug inspired may be doubled;1 and (3) lower compressed air flows are needed to generate the same respirable output, allowing cheaper compressors of lower specification to be used. These systems do have some disadvantages, however. Firstly, they are dependent upon the patient’s inspiratory flow for optimum function and more information is needed before they can be recommended for young children. Viscous solutions (such as ceftazidime) may be nebulised slowly if a less powerful compressor is used.   Another way of reducing wastage of drug produced during exhalation is to use a holding chamber such as the Mizer aerosol conservation device (Medic-Aid Ltd, Pagham, UK; fig 7).16  Compressors used to drive gas through the nebuliser chamber vary greatly in power and some will generate a reasonably high free air flow. However, nebuliser chambers have a resistance to flow, and attaching a nebuliser chamber to a compressor will reduce the flow considerably. Different chambers vary greatly in their resistance. To make valid comparisons between compressors, flow should be estimated with the nebuliser attached and should be measured at the outlet of the nebuliser. This is the dynamic flow and is critical in determining the droplet size and nebulisation time. More powerful compressors can generate a higher flow through more resistant nebulisers. Unfortunately, some manufacturers often quote only the compressor’s maximum static pressure and maximum flow – that is, without the nebuliser chamber in line. This gives a false impression of the capability of the compressor as these values can be approximately twice the dynamic flow.

  The ultrasonic nebuliser uses a rapidly vibrating piezoelectric crystal to produce aerosol particles (fig 2). Ultrasonic vibrations from the crystal are transmitted to the surface of the drug solution where standing waves are formed. Droplets break free from the crests of these waves and are released as aerosol. The size of droplets produced is inversely proportional to two thirds of the power of the acoustic frequency (see Appendix 1 on page S42 for mathematical relationships). Like jet nebulisers, baffles within the nebuliser remove large droplets and much of the aerosol produced impacts on these, falling back into the drug reservoir. A more recent design of ultrasonic nebuliser (Omron U1, Omron Healthcare) uses the vibration of the piezoelectric crystal to generate Tee piece Expiratory valve

Patient Air entrainment valve open

Hemispherical deflector

Figure 7 The Mizer aerosol conservation device. Aerosol is continually generated by a conventional nebuliser and passes into the holding chamber. During inspiration a negative pressure is created inside the holding chamber, causing an air entrainment valve to open and air to be drawn in. The entrained air collects aerosol and exits through the Tee piece delivering stored aerosol to the patient. Expired air is diverted away from the chamber by a valve and the chamber fills up with aerosol again.

The science of nebulised drug delivery


an aerosol indirectly. Crystals vibrate around a feeding tube, turning it into a peristaltic pump, which forces liquid through a ceramic mesh (pore size 4.6 lm), creating an aerosol.

Description of particle size output from nebulisers Particle size in this article refers to aerodynamic particle size, meaning the size of a spherical, unit density particle that settles with the same velocity as the particle in question. A very dense particle will have a different aerodynamic behaviour (an increased aerodynamic size) to an equivalently sized but less dense particle. Aerosols produced by medical nebulisers are heterodisperse7 – that is, made up of particles of different sizes. Their particle size distribution may be described statistically (fig 8).21 Most therapeutic aerosols conform to an approximately log normal distribution which can be described by giving the mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD) and geometric standard deviation (GSD). Perhaps a more useful way of describing the aerosol cloud is to determine the total amount of drug contained in particles leaving the nebuliser and the amount of drug contained in particles less than a certain size. Although drug contained in particles less than 5 lm is described as the “respirable” dose, whether all such particles are truly respirable is not certain (table 1). Two pitfalls may arise in the description of aerosol particle size (fig 8). One is the use of MMAD and mass median diameter (MMD)

Table 1 Aerosols: some definitions Aerosol

A two phase system made up of a gaseous continuous phase (usually air) and a discontinuous phase of individual liquid or solid particles

Mass median diameter (MMD)

Diameter of a particle such that half the mass of the aerosol is contained in small diameter particles and half in larger

Mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD)

Diameter of a sphere of unit density that has the same aerodynamic properties as a particle of median mass from the aerosol

Geometric standard deviation (GSD)

Dimensionless number which gives an indication of the spread of sizes of particles that make up the aerosol. An aerosol with a GSD of 1 is made up of particles of the same size

Heterodisperse aerosol

Aerosol made up of particles of many different sizes (GSD >1.2)

Monodisperse aerosol

Aerosol particles all the same or very nearly the same (GSD