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The Second International Health Specialties Conference April 2015 James Ware Department of Medical Education and Postgraduate Studies, The Saudi Commission for Health Specialties, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
The Second International Health Specialties Conference has just drawn to its close. By any measure participants considered it a success, and so what were the highlights? The invited international speakers were out of the top draw of medical education with two Karolinska prize winners for lifetime achievements in medical education, the leading exponent of CanMEDS, two editors-in-chief of major health science journals and two leaders of the new era of medical education in simulation and E-learning technologies. It was, therefore, appropriate that the theme for the conference was “A New Era of Medical Education.” Saturday started with thirteen workshops given at the main conference venue and the simulation Centre at King Fahad Medical City. Over 2,200 applications were received for these workshops and in the end only 700 could be accepted, one workshop being oversubscribed 6-fold. It was estimated that over 1,500 participants registered for the two main conference days, which were full of stimulating presentations. It would be difficult to single out the outstanding keynote, but many present at the debate seemed to enjoy this novel form of interaction between the discussants and the floor of the auditorium. The motion proposed was that E-learning was better that not to E-learn, and at the end resulted in tied result, seemingly proving right one Access this article online Quick Response Code:
Website: www.thejhs.org DOI: 10.4103/1658-600X.156102
Address for correspondence: Prof. James Ware, Editor-in-Chief, Director of Medical Education and Postgraduate Studies, Department of Medical Education and Postgraduate Studies, The Saudi Commission for Health Specialties, P. O. Box 94656, Riyadh 11614, Saudi Arabia. E-mail:
[email protected]
Journal of Health Specialties / April 2015 / Vol 3 | Issue 2
of the speakers from the floor, Professor Mike Parker, President of the Royal Surgeons, England. Many participants have asked for the PowerPoint presentations used by the international speakers and these will be made available on the conference website www.scfhs.org.sa/en/education/conference/Pages/ Default.aspx. Another highlight this time were the booths generously provided by the Saudi Commission, providing an opportunity for 25 resident program providers to talk about their offerings. There were no less than 10 overseas’ institutions including five royal colleges. It is hoped that this will become a regular feature of the Commission’s Health Specialty conferences. In the same hall were the posters presented by 146 residents, fellows, interns and medical students. The quality was high and once again this part of the conference was considered very worthwhile. The intention always was to provide an opportunity for younger colleagues to present their research, surveys and case studies. It was notable that the only poster addressing an important educational issue among the prize winners was a medical student, Ms. Jumana Usama Sarraj. At the end of this editorial is a list of the prize winners both for the poster presentations and oral presentation, which also proved a very high standard fully justifying their selection by the abstract referees. It shall be stressed that many people contributed to the success of the conference, and the abstract reviewers are just one example among many very important contributions, without which the conference would not have been what it was. The six local speakers and two simulation groups shall also be recognized for their outstanding contributions. Last on the program, but certainly not least, were two Town Hall Forums. The international speakers made up the panels with several local experts to provide advice and answer questions for medical students and interns to help make career choices, while the other allowed residents to bring up issues that they felt important about their
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training. Both meetings were a success, and it is hoped again they will continue as a tradition for the Commission’s conferences, whose focus is on postgraduate education. At the end of this issue of the journal are the abstracts for both oral and poster presentations that were accepted, and meanwhile, below are our prize winners.
ORAL PRESENTATION WINNER Ahmed Hesham Ibrahim (Resident) - Management of Pediatric gastrointestinal foreign bodies in Saudi children: “A Tertiary Care Center Experience.”
POSTER WINNERS Dentistry Salma Sami Al Shehab (Fellow) - Developing a course that prepares dental students in Saudi Arabia to deliver treatment to individuals with disabilities. Emergency medicine Abdalmohsen Abdulelah Ababtain (Resident) Ultrasonography for the diagnosis and management of patients with clinically suspected skin and soft tissue infections: Systematic review of the literature. Family medicine Afrah Ibrahim Babli (Resident) - General practitioners knowledge, attitude and practice regarding Vitamin D
supplementation to infants in Dammam, Saudi Arabia: Does educational intervention improve the situation? Internal medicine Motib Hamad Al Abdulwahhab (Resident) - Prospective trial in Saudi Arabia comparing the 14-day standard triple therapy with the 10-day sequential therapy for treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection. Pathology Nahlah Salem Al Ghasham (Faculty) - Exon 12 - 15 comprehensive analysis using sanger sequencing to detect JAK2 mutation. Pediatrics Eman Ateyatallah Al Johani (Resident) - Diagnostic yield of colonoscopy in Saudi children with rectal bleeding: Experience from tertiary care center. General surgery Yazeed Othman Al Ofisan (Resident) - Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy as a solo procedure for management of morbid obesity: Case series with 6-year follow-up. Other specialties Jumana Usama Sarraj (Medical student) - Undergraduate medical research courses adapting to the demands of 21st Century. How to cite this article: AWare J. The Second International Health Specialties Conference April 2015. J Health Spec 2015;3:51-2.
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Journal of Health Specialties / April 2015 / Vol 3 | Issue 2