Aug 22, 2011 ... polymorphic HLA class I, vital immune system components subject to ..... 62,
1009 (2001). 8. P. Parham et al., Tissue Antigens 43, 302 (1994).
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The Shaping of Modern Human Immune Systems by Multiregional Admixture with Archaic Humans Laurent Abi-Rached Stanford University School of Medicine
Matthew J. Jobin Santa Clara University
Subhash Kulkarni Stanford University School of Medicine
Alasdair McWhinnie Royal Free Hospital, London
Klara Dalva Ankara University, Turkey See next page for additional authors
Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Public Health Commons Abi-Rached, Laurent; Jobin, Matthew J.; Kulkarni, Subhash; McWhinnie, Alasdair; Dalva, Klara; Gragert, Loren; Babrzadeh, Farbod; Gharizadeh, Baback; Luo, Ma; Plummer, Francis A.; Kimani, Joshua; Carrington, Mary; Middleton, Derek; Rajalingam, Raja; Beksac, Meral; Marsh, Steven G. E.; Maiers, Martin; Guethlein, Lisbeth A.; Tavoularis, Sofia; Little, Ann-Margaret; Green, Richard E.; Norman, Paul J.; and Parham, Peter, "The Shaping of Modern Human Immune Systems by Multiregional Admixture with Archaic Humans" (2011). Public Health Resources. Paper 123.
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Laurent Abi-Rached, Matthew J. Jobin, Subhash Kulkarni, Alasdair McWhinnie, Klara Dalva, Loren Gragert, Farbod Babrzadeh, Baback Gharizadeh, Ma Luo, Francis A. Plummer, Joshua Kimani, Mary Carrington, Derek Middleton, Raja Rajalingam, Meral Beksac, Steven G. E. Marsh, Martin Maiers, Lisbeth A. Guethlein, Sofia Tavoularis, Ann-Margaret Little, Richard E. Green, Paul J. Norman, and Peter Parham
This article is available at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln: publichealthresources/123
The Shaping of Modern Human Immune Systems by Multiregional Admixture with Archaic Humans Laurent Abi-Rached,1 Matthew J. Jobin,2,3 Subhash Kulkarni,1 Alasdair McWhinnie,4 Klara Dalva,5 Loren Gragert,6 Farbod Babrzadeh,7 Baback Gharizadeh,7 Ma Luo,8,9 Francis A. Plummer,8,9 Joshua Kimani,10 Mary Carrington,11,12 Derek Middleton,13 Raja Rajalingam,14 Meral Beksac,5 Steven G. E. Marsh,4,15 Martin Maiers,6 Lisbeth A Guethlein,1 Sofia Tavoularis,16 Ann-Margaret Little,4,15 Richard E. Green,17 Paul J. Norman,1 Peter Parham1* 1
Department of Structural Biology and Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. 2Department of Anthropology, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara 95050, USA. 3 Department of Anthropology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. 4Anthony Nolan Research Institute, Royal Free Hospital, London NW3 2QG, UK. 5Department of Hematology, Ankara University, 06520 Ankara, Turkey. 6National Marrow Donor Program, Minneapolis, MN 55413, USA. 7Stanford Genome Technology Center, Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA. 8Public Health Agency of Canada, National Microbiology Laboratory, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3E 3R2, Canada. 9Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3E 0J9, Canada. 10Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Nairobi, Nairobi 00202, Kenya. 11Cancer and Inflammation Program, Laboratory of Experimental Immunology, SAIC-Frederick, Inc., National Cancer Institute-Frederick, Frederick, MD 21702, USA. 12Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard, Boston, MA 02129, USA. 13Division of Immunology, School of Infection and Host Defense, University of Liverpool, Transplant Immunology, Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Liverpool L7 8XP, UK. 14UCLA Immunogenetics Center, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA. 15UCL Cancer Institute, University College London, Royal Free Campus, London WC1E 6BT, UK. 16Canadian Blood Services, Head Office, HLA Laboratory, Ottawa, Ontario KIG 4J5, Canada. 17Department of Biomolecular Engineering, University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA. *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
[email protected] Whole genome comparisons identified introgression from archaic to modern humans. Our analysis of highly polymorphic HLA class I, vital immune system components subject to strong balancing selection, shows how modern humans acquired the HLA-B*73 allele in west Asia through admixture with archaic humans called Denisovans, a likely sister group to the Neandertals. Virtual genotyping of Denisovan and Neandertal genomes identified archaic HLA haplotypes carrying functionally distinctive alleles that have introgressed into modern Eurasian and Oceanian populations. These alleles, of which several encode unique or strong ligands for natural killer cell receptors, now represent more than half the HLA alleles of modern Eurasians and also appear to have been later introduced into Africans. Thus, adaptive introgression of archaic alleles has significantly shaped modern human immune systems. Whether or not interbreeding occurred between archaic and modern humans has long been debated (1, 2). Recent estimates suggest that Neandertals contributed 1-4% to modern Eurasian genomes (3) and Denisovans, a likely sister group to the Neandertals, contributed 4-6% to modern Melanesian genomes (4). These studies, based upon statistical genome-wide comparisons, did not address if there was selected introgression of functionally advantageous genes (5).
We explored if the highly polymorphic HLA class I genes (HLA-A, -B and -C) (fig. S1) of the human Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) are sensitive probes for such admixture. Because of their vital functions in immune defense and reproduction, as ligands for T cell and natural killer (NK) cell receptors, maintaining a variety of HLA-A, B and C proteins is critical for long-term human survival (6). Thus, HLA-A, -B and -C are subject to strong multi-allelic balancing selection, which with recombination imbues human populations with diverse HLA alleles and haplotypes of distinctive structures and frequencies (7). An exceptionally divergent HLA-B allele is HLA-B*73:01 (8, 9). Comparison with the other >2,000 (10) HLA-B alleles and chimpanzee and gorilla alleles from the same locus (MHC-B) shows that HLA-B*73:01 is most closely related to subsets of chimpanzee and gorilla MHC-B alleles (11) (figs. S2 to S4). This relationship extends throughout a ~9kb region of the B*73:01 haplotype (Fig. 1A), defining a deeply divergent allelic lineage (MHC-BII), distinct from the MHCBI lineage to which other human HLA-B alleles belong. These two lineages diverged ~16 million years ago (Fig. 1B), well before the split between humans and gorillas, but while MHC-BI comprises numerous types and subtypes, MHC-BII is only represented in modern humans by B*73:01 (fig. S5). HLA-B*73:01 combines ancient sequence divergence with
/ / 25 August 2011 / Page 1 / 10.1126/science.1209202 This article is a U.S. government work, and is not subject to copyright in the United States.
modern sequence homogeneity, properties compatible with modern humans having recently acquired HLA-B*73:01 through introgression. In modern humans, HLA-B*73 is concentrated in west Asia, and is rare or absent in other regions (12) (Fig. 1C and fig. S6). This distribution is consistent with introgression of HLA-B*73 in west Asia, a site of admixture between modern and archaic humans (3). Also consistent with introgression is the linkage disequilibrium (LD) between B*73:01 and HLAC*15:05 (13), an allele having wider distribution than B*73, but concentrated in west and south-east Asia (Fig. 1D). Worldwide, ~98% of people carrying B*73 also carry C*15:05 (Fig. 1E and fig. S7). In Africans the LD reaches 100%, but in west Asians it is weaker (~90%). These data are all consistent with introgression in west Asia of an archaic B*73:01-C*15:05 haplotype which expanded in frequency there, before spreading to Africa and elsewhere. HLA-B*73 is absent from Khoisan-speaking and pygmy populations who likely diverged from other Africans before the Out-of-Africa migration (14); (fig. S8). That Khoisan and pygmies uniquely retain ancient mitochondrial and Y-chromosome lineages (14, 15), as well as MHC-BI diversity (fig. S8), suggest B*73 was probably not present in any African population at the time of the migration. These data argue for models in which modern humans acquired B*73 by archaic admixture in west Asia, and against models in which B*73 arose in Africa and was carried to other continents in the Out-of-Africa migration (Fig. 1F), as do the results of coalescence simulations that implement rejection-based approximate Bayesian inference (16) (α = 0.01-0.001) (figs. S9 to S11). By reanalyzing genomic sequence data (3, 4, 11), we characterized archaic HLA class I from a Denisovan and three Neandertals. The Denisovan’s two HLA-A and two HLA-C allotypes are identical to common modern allotypes, whereas one HLA-B allotype corresponds to a rare modern recombinant allotype and the other has never been seen in modern humans (Fig. 2B and fig. S12). The Denisovan’s HLA type is thus consistent with an archaic origin and the known propensity for HLA-B to evolve faster than HLA-A and HLAC (17, 18). Not knowing the haplotype phase, we examined all possible combinations of Denisovan HLA-A and HLA-C for their current distribution worldwide. All four combinations are present in Asia and Oceania, but absent from Sub-Saharan Africa, and uncommon in Europe (Fig. 2, C and D, and fig. S13). Genome-wide comparisons showed that modern and archaic non-African genomes share only ten long, deeply divergent haplotypes (3), which are all considerably shorter (100-160kb) than the ~1.3Mb HLA-A-C haplotype (Fig. 2A). Because modern HLA haplotypes diversify rapidly by recombination (17–19) it is improbable that the HLA-A-C haplotypes shared by modern humans and Denisovans were
preserved on both lines since modern and Denisovan ancestors separated >250kya (~10,000 generations (4)). More likely is that modern humans acquired these haplotypes by recent introgression from Denisovans (note II.6 (11)). Both alternative haplotype pairs are common in Melanesians, reaching 20% frequency in Papua New Guinea (PNG), consistent with genome-wide assessment of Denisovan admixture in Melanesians (4). The current distribution of the Denisovan haplotypes (Fig. 2, C and D, and fig. S13) shows, however, that Denisovan admixture widely influenced the HLA system of Asians and Amerindians. Of the two Denisovan HLA-A alleles (Fig. 2B), A*02 is widespread in modern humans, whereas A*11 is characteristically found in Asians (Fig. 2E), reaching 50-60% frequency in PNG and China, less common in Europe, and absent from Africa (fig. S14). This distribution coupled with the sharing of long HLA-A-C haplotypes between Denisovans and modern Asians, particularly Papuans (fig. S13), indicates that Denisovan admixture minimally contributed the A*11:01-C*12 or A*11:01-C*15 haplotype to modern Asians. A*11:01, which is carried by both these archaic haplotypes, is by far the most common A*11 allele (12). Because HLA alleles evolve subtype diversity rapidly (17, 18) it is highly improbable that A*11:01 was preserved independently in Denisovan and modern humans throughout >250k years (4), as would be required if the Out-of-Africa migration contributed any significant amount of A*11. The more parsimonious interpretation is that all modern A*11 is derived from Denisovan A*11, and that following introgression it increased in frequency to ~20%, becoming almost as common in Asia as A*02 at ~24% (11). Denisovan HLA-C*15 and HLA-C*12:02 are also characteristic alleles of modern Asian populations (Fig. 2, F and G, and fig. S14). At high frequency in PNG, their distribution in continental Asia extends further west than A*11 does, and in Africa their frequencies are low. C*12:02 and C*15 were formed before the Out-of-Africa migration (Fig. 2H and fig. S15) and exhibit much higher haplotype diversity in Asia than in Africa (fig. S16), contrasting with the usually higher African genetic diversity (20). These properties fit with C*12:02 and C*15 having been introduced to modern humans through admixture with Denisovans in west Asia, with later spreading to Africa (21, 22) (Fig. 1F and fig. S11 for C*15). Given our minimal sampling of the Denisovan population it is remarkable that C*15:05 and C*12:02 are the two modern HLA-C alleles in strongest LD with B*73 (Fig. 1E). Although B*73 was not carried by the Denisovan individual studied, the presence of these two associated HLA-C alleles provide strong circumstantial evidence that B*73 was passed from Denisovans to modern humans.
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Genome-wide analysis showing three Vindija Neandertals exhibited limited genetic diversity (3) is reflected in our HLA analysis: each individual has the same HLA class I alleles (fig. S17). Because these HLA identities could not be the consequence of modern human DNA contamination of Neandertal samples, which is 50% in Europe, >70% in Asia, and >95% in parts of PNG (Fig. 4, C and D). These estimates for HLA class I are much higher than the genome-wide estimates of introgression (1-
6%), showing how limited interbreeding with archaic humans has, in combination with natural selection, significantly shaped the HLA system in modern human populations outside of Africa. Our results demonstrate how highly polymorphic HLA genes can be sensitive probes of introgression, and we predict the same will apply to other polymorphic immunesystem genes, for example the killer-cell immunoglobulinlike receptors (KIR) of NK cells. Present in the Denisovan genome (11), a candidate KIR for introgression is KIR3DS1*013 (Fig. 4E), rare in sub-Saharan Africans, but the most common KIR3DL1/S1 allele outside Africa (24). On migrating Out-of-Africa modern humans encountered archaic humans, residents of Eurasia for more than 200ky and having immune systems better adapted to local pathogens (25). Such adaptations almost certainly involved changes in HLA class I, as exemplified by the modern human populations who first colonized the Americas (17, 18). For small migrating populations, admixture with archaic humans could restore HLA diversity following population bottleneck, and also provide a rapid way to acquire new, advantageous HLA variants already adapted to local pathogens. For example, HLA-A*11, an abundant archaic allotype in modern Asian populations, provides T cell-mediated protection against some strains of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) (26) and in combination with a peptide derived from EBV is one of only two HLA ligands for the KIR3DL2 NK cell receptor (27). HLA*A11 is also the strongest ligand for KIR2DS4 (28). Other prominent introgressed HLA class I are good KIR ligands. HLA-B*73 is one of only two HLA-B allotypes carrying the C1 epitope, the ligand for KIR2DL3 (29). Prominent in Amerindians, C*07:02 is a strong C1 ligand for KIR2DL2/3 and both B*51 and A*24 are strong Bw4 ligands for KIR3DL1 (30). Such properties suggest that adaptive introgression of these HLA alleles was driven by their role in controlling NK cells, lymphocytes essential for immune defense and reproduction (6). Conversely, adaptive introgression of HLA-A*26, -A*31, and -B*07, which are not KIR ligands, was likely driven by their role in T cell immunity. Adaptive introgression provides a mechanism for rapid evolution, a signature property of the extraordinarily plastic interactions between MHC class I ligands and lymphocyte receptors (6). References and Notes 1. A. Gibbons, Science 331, 392 (2011). 2. V. Yotova et al., Mol Biol Evol 28, 1957 (2011). 3. R. E. Green et al., Science 328, 710 (2010). 4. D. Reich et al., Nature 468, 1053 (2010). 5. V. Castric, J. Bechsgaard, M. H. Schierup, X. Vekemans, PLoS Genet 4, e1000168 (2008). 6. P. Parham, Nat. Rev. Immunol. 5, 201 (2005). 7. K. Cao et al., Hum Immunol 62, 1009 (2001). 8. P. Parham et al., Tissue Antigens 43, 302 (1994).
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( Funded by National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant AI031168, Yerkes Center base grant RR000165, National Science Foundation awards (CNS-0619926, TG-DBS100006), by federal funds from the National Cancer Institute, NIH (contract HHSN261200800001E), and by the Intramural Research Program of the NIH, National Cancer Institute, Center for Cancer Research. The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Sequence data have been deposited in GenBank under accession numbers JF974053-70. Supporting Online Material Materials and Methods Figs. S1 to S26 References (32–87) 1 June 2011; accepted 5 August 2011Published online 25 August 2011; 10.1126/science.1209202 Fig. 1. Modern humans acquired HLA-B*73 from archaic humans. (A) The B*73 haplotype contains segments most closely related to chimpanzee and gorilla MHC-B alleles (green) and flanking segments highly related to other HLA-B (blue) (brown segment is related to HLA-C) (fig. S4). (B) B*73’s divergent core has its roots in a gene duplication that occurred >16 million years ago (MYA). (left to right) MHC-B duplicated and diverged to form the MHC-BI and BII loci. One allele of BII recombined to the BI locus giving rise to the ancestor of B*73 and its gorilla and chimpanzee equivalents. B*73 is thus the only remnant in modern humans of a deeply divergent allelic lineage. §, mean and 95% credibility interval. (C to E) B*73:01 is predominantly found outside Africa (C) as is C*15:05 (D), which is strongly associated with B*73 in 3,676 individuals worldwide (E). Individuals with the B*73 haplotype were categorized on the basis of their geographic origin, and status of the most-commonly linked (C*15) and second-most commonly linked (C*12:02) HLA-C alleles (fig. S24). # includes Hispanic-Americans, ## includes African-Americans. (C and D) Scale bars give allele frequency (af) categories (top number, highest tick mark). (F) Archaic admixture (model ‘a’) or African origin (model ‘b’) could explain the distribution and association of B*73 with C*15:05; simulations favor the former (α = 0.01-0.001) (figs. S9 to S11) (11). The dotted box indicates the part of the models examined by simulation. Fig. 2. Effect of adaptive introgression of Denisovan HLA class I alleles on modern Asian and Oceanian populations.
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(A) Simplified map of the HLA class I region showing the positions of the HLA-A, -B and -C genes. (B) Five of the six Denisovan HLA-A, -B and -C alleles are identical to modern counterparts. Shown at the left for each allele is the number of sequence reads (4) specific to that allele and their coverage of the ~3.5kb HLA class I gene. Center columns give the modern-human allele (HLA type) that has the lowest number of SNP mismatches to the Denisovan allele. The next most similar modern allele and the number of SNP differences are shown in the columns on the right. ¶, a recombinant allele with 5’ segments originating from B*40. §, the coding sequence is identical to C*15:05:02. (C and D) Show the worldwide distributions of the two possible Denisovan HLAA-C haplotype combinations. Both are present in modern Asians and Oceanians but absent from Sub-Saharan Africans. (E to G) The distribution of three Denisovan alleles: HLAA*11 (E), C*15 (F), and C*12:02 (G), in modern human populations shows they are common in Asians but absent or rare in Sub-Saharan Africans. (H) Estimation of divergence times shows that A*11, C*15 and C*12:02 were formed before the Out-of-Africa migration. Shown on the left are the alleles they diverged from, on the right are the divergence time estimates: median, mean, and range.
(r2>0.2) are within 500kb of HLA-A (31)). The allele names are listed (rows 3-8) and colored green when observed in archaic humans (Figs. 2 and 3) or associated with archaicorigin haplotypes (fig. S25). HLA-B and -C are shown in fig. S23. --- absent in the population. (C) Predicted archaic ancestry at HLA-A (on the basis of the six alleles of panel (B)) for the four HapMap populations and six populations from PNG; for the latter mean and extreme values are given. (D and E) Worldwide distribution in modern human populations of putative archaic HLA-A alleles (D) and KIR3DS1*013, a putative archaic NK cell receptor (E).
Fig. 3. Effect of adaptive introgression of Neandertal HLA class I alleles on modern human populations. (A) All six Neandertal HLA-A, -B and -C alleles are identical to modern HLA class I alleles. Shown at the left for each allele is the number of allele-specific sequence reads (3) and their coverage of the ~3.5kb HLA gene. Center columns give the modern-human allele (HLA type) having the lowest number of SNP differences from the Neandertal allele. The next most similar modern allele and the number of SNP differences are shown in the columns on the right. §, includes additional rare alleles. (B and C) Show the worldwide distributions of the two possible Neandertal HLA-A-C haplotype combinations. Both are present in modern Eurasians, but absent from SubSaharan Africans. (D to G) Distribution of four Neandertal alleles: HLA-B*07:02/03/06 (D), B*51:01/08 (E), C*07:02 (F), and C*16:02 (G), in modern human populations. Fig. 4. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) decay patterns of modern HLA haplotypes identify putative archaic HLA alleles. (A) HLA class I recombination rates in Eurasia exceed those observed in Africa. We focused on the three intergenic regions between HLA-A, -B , and -C (leftmost column) in the four HapMap populations (center column) (20). Recombination rates were corrected for effective population size (11). (B) Enhanced HLA class I LD decay significantly correlates with archaic ancestry (α = 0.0042; (11)). Shown for each HapMap population are (top row) the number of distinct HLA-A alleles present and (second row) the number exhibiting enhanced LD decay (all allele-defining SNPs / / 25 August 2011 / Page 5 / 10.1126/science.1209202
Supporting Material for The Shaping of Modern Human Immune Systems by Multiregional Admixture with Archaic Humans Laurent Abi-Rached, Matthew J. Jobin, Subhash Kulkarni, Alasdair McWhinnie, Klara Dalva, Loren Gragert, Farbod Babrzadeh, Baback Gharizadeh, Ma Luo, Francis A. Plummer, Joshua Kimani, Mary Carrington, Derek Middleton, Raja Rajalingam, Meral Beksac, Steven G. E. Marsh, Martin Maiers, Lisbeth A Guethlein, Sofia Tavoularis, Ann-Margaret Little, Richard E. Green, Paul J. Norman, Peter Parham* *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
[email protected] Published 22 August 2011 on Science Express DOI: 10.1126/science.1209202
This PDF file includes Materials and Methods Figs. S1 to S26 References
This article is a U.S. government work, and is not subject to copyright in the United States.
TABLE OF CONTENTS (1) Materials and Methods Part I. HLA-B*73 p4 I.1 Characterization of the HLA-B*73:01 haplotype and of a chimpanzee allele of the B*73 lineage I.2 Characterization of extended MHC-B gene sequences in hominoids I.3 Sequencing and accession numbers I.4 Sequence analysis of the HLA-B*73:01 haplotype I.5 MHC-BI-BII divergence time analysis I.6 Distribution of B*73 and C*15:05 I.7 Estimation of the extent of linkage between B*73:01 and C*15:05 I.8 Haplotype data for population simulations I.9 Population simulations I.10 Parameters for population simulation I.11 Note: explanation of HLA nomenclature I.12 Note: study approval Part II. Analysis of the HLA class I content of the Denisova and Neandertal genomes II.1 Isolation and re-mapping of the Neandertal and Denisovan HLA class I sequence reads II.2 Characterization of the Denisovan and Neandertal HLA-A/-B/-C content II.3 Distribution and diversity of Denisovan/Neandertal alleles and haplotypes II.4 Divergence time analyses for HLA-A*11, C*12:02 and C*15 II.5 Frequency of HLA-A*02, A*11 and A*24 in Asia II.6 Note: long and ancient haplotypes shared between archaic and modern non-Africans are the products of archaic admixture
Part III. HLA class I recombination rates and LD decay in four reference populations III.1 Estimation of HLA class I recombination rates III.2 Characterization of haplotypes with rapid LD decay III.3 Correlation between haplotypes with rapid LD decay and archaic alleles
Part IV. KIR3DL1/S1 in the Denisova genome
All References
TABLE OF CONTENTS (2) Supplementary Figures Fig. S1. Simplified map of the HLA class I region. Fig. S2. Characterization of extended MHC-B gene sequences in hominoids. Fig. S3. Phylogenetic analysis of the segments forming the HLA-B*73:01 haplotype. Fig. S4. HLA-B*73 is the only remnant in modern humans of a deeply divergent allelic lineage. Fig. S5. Diversity of the HLA-B allele groups. Fig. S6. Models for the distribution of HLA-B*73. Fig. S7. HLA-C characteristics of individuals with HLA-B*73. Fig. S8. HLA-B allelic groups in the African populations that diverged before the Out-of-Africa migration. Fig. S9. HLA-B*73 and HLA-C*15:05 frequencies used for simulations. Fig. S10. Haplotype data used for the B*73 population simulations. Fig. S11. Results of HLA-B*73 population simulations. Fig. S12. Characterization of the two Denisovan HLA-B alleles. Fig. S13. Putative Denisovan HLA-A-C haplotype frequencies in modern populations. Fig. S14. Distribution of the Denisovan HLA class I alleles. Fig. S15. Emergence of A*11, C*15 and C*12:02. Fig. S16. Haplotype diversity of A*11, C*15 and C*12:02. Fig. S17. HLA-A, B, and C alleles of three Neandertals. Fig. S18. Modern populations with two high-frequency HLA-C alleles. Fig. S19. Putative Neandertal HLA-A-C haplotype frequencies in modern populations. Fig. S20. Allele frequency distributions for HLA-A*02 and A*26/*66. Fig. S21. Distribution of Neandertal HLA class I alleles. Fig. S22. Haplotype diversity of B*07:02/03/06, B*51:01/08, C*07:02, and C*16:02. Fig. S23. Enhanced HLA class I LD decay significantly correlates with archaic ancestry. Fig. S24. HLA-C alleles linked to B*73 when C*15 is absent. Fig. S25. Alleles associated with Denisovan/Neandertal-like haplotypes. Fig. S26. Population recombination rates for the HLA class I region.
Supporting Online Material Materials and Methods Part I. HLA-B*73 I.1 Characterization of the HLA-B*73:01 haplotype and of a chimpanzee allele of the B*73 lineage. An Epstein-Barr virus-transformed B-cell line derived from a HLAB*73:01 donor was used as source of genomic DNA for the construction of a cosmid library, using the SuperCos 1 Cosmid Vector Kit (Stratagene, Santa Clara, CA) per manufacturer’s instructions. The library was screened with a 32P-labeled B*73:01 cDNA probe, and hybridizing clones analyzed by end-sequencing and targeted amplification of B*73:01 using primers B*73-Forward (5’-AACCGTCCTCCTGCTGCTC-3’) and B*73Reverse (5’-GCGACCACAGCTACGGTGA-3’). One cosmid of ~38kb, which contained the complete B*73:01 gene, flanked by ~27kb of DNA at the 5’ end and ~8kb at the 3’ end, was selected for shotgun sequencing (TOPO Shotgun Subcloning Kit, Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA). Genomic DNA from a panel of 95 chimpanzees was typed by PCR specific for alleles of the B*73 lineage (MHC-BII lineage). PCR primers were TypeF (5’GCTTAGATGAACATGAAAAGATAG-3’) and TypeR (5’TAGTTGATTGACATGTGGATTA-3’). I.2 Characterization of extended MHC-B gene sequences in hominoids. To compare the region of the HLA-B*73:01 haplotype that is directly derived from the second lineage of MHC-B alleles (MHC-BII), a region of ~8.5kb around the MHC-B gene was characterized in several common chimpanzees and gorillas, and one bonobo. Primers 8.5F (5’-GTCAGGACAAGAGGAACAGAGAAAC-3’) and 8.5R (5’GTTCAGCACCAAGATCACTAGAACC-3’) were used in chimpanzees and 8.5GorF (5’-GTCAGGAWAAGAGGAACAGAGAAAC-3’) and 8.5R in gorillas. PCR products were isolated by gel electrophoresis, cloned into the pcr2.1-TOPO vector (Invitrogen) and clones from three independent amplifications were sequenced directly with specific overlapping primers. In addition to these sequences, we used BAC clones to characterize a ~38kb gorilla haplotype carrying Gogo-B*06:01, an ~8.5kb orangutan region carrying Popy-B*03:02, and the Popy-C*02:02 gene. BAC clones carrying these genes were obtained by screening the NCBI trace archive database ( for MHC-B gene-containing BAC clones. Clones 498J12 and 308J7 were isolated from the CHORI-277 gorilla library, together with clones 253H24 and 97B06 from the CHORI276 orangutan library. Clones were shotgun-sequenced using a Genome Sequencer FLX (Roche/ 454 Life Sciences); samples were prepared and sequenced using the GS Titanium reagents per manufacturer's instructions. The ~6,900 reads we generated were assembled using MIRA (32) and the assembly edited with the GAP4 program of the STADEN package (33). The assembly was then supplemented by 63 sequence reads generated at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute as part of the gorilla reference genome
sequencing project. These data can be obtained from the NCBI Trace Archive ( The assembly was further supplemented by three sequence reads generated by Washington University School of Medicine; these data were produced by the Genome Institute at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and can be obtained from the NCBI Trace Archive ( These 66 reads were obtained by BLAST search (34), using as probes the genomic segments with low coverage in our assembly. Those sequence reads that displayed a well-supported mismatch (i.e. a difference at a position with good quality in both directions) with sequence reads in our assembly, likely represented the other MHC-B haplotype and were not used. Finishing was performed by PCR amplifications on the two BAC clones and Sanger sequencing of the PCR products. The same approach was used for the orangutan analysis, but sequence reads were from the Washington University Genome Sequencing Center and Baylor College of Medicine (orangutan genome project (35)). The names of the animals used for the characterization of these sequences are given in figure S2. I.3 Sequencing and accession numbers. Sequencing of the B*73 cosmid clone, the 8.5kb extended chimpanzee and gorilla MHC-B genes, as well as finishing for the gorilla and orangutan genomic segments characterized from BAC clones, used an ABI377 DNA sequencer (Applied Biosystems, Carlsbad, CA), a CEQ2000XL (Beckman), and McLab (South San Francisco, CA). Sequences were assembled with the STADEN package (33), and finished to high-quality standard: each base pair of the final assembly was minimally covered by three sequences representing two different templates and had a quality score >40-80 (error rate 100bp and unique to one sequence, to MHC-C or to macaque MHC-B sequences were excluded. The pattern of historical recombination in the region was investigated with the program RDP (37) and confirmed by Neighbor-Joining (NJ) analyses with MEGA4 (38) and alignment inspection. Following this analysis, the alignment was divided into 14 segments, which were each analyzed by three phylogenetic methods: maximumlikelihood (ML), NJ and parsimony. NJ analysis was performed with MEGA4 (38) using the Tamura-Nei method with 500 replicates. PAUP*4.0b10 (39) and the tree bisectionreconnection branch swapping algorithm were used for parsimony analyses with 500 replicates and heuristic search. ML analyses were performed with RAXML7 (40) under the GTR+CAT model with 500 replicates (rapid bootstrapping). I.5 MHC-BI-BII divergence time analysis. Mean and 95% credibility interval values for the divergence time between the MHC-BI and MHC-BII lineages were estimated using a Bayesian approach with the program MCMCTREE (v4.4c) from the PAML package (41). Analysis was conducted with an independent-rates molecular clock, the HKY85+Γ model of nucleotide substitution, on a ~4.4kb segment located 5’ of the MHC-B gene 5
(segment #5 of figure S3), and used a ML tree topology (fig. S3). Several fossil calibration points were used for the following speciation events: human-chimpanzee, 6.510 million years ago (MYA) (42); gorilla-orangutan, >10MYA (43, 44); human-gorilla, >10MYA (45); human-Old World monkey 23-33.9MYA (42). Priors for the transition/transversion rate ratio () and the shape parameter for gamma rates () were set as follows: means were estimated using the BASEML program of the PAML package (41) and SD were set so that prior SD would be about two times the posterior SD. Priors for the overall rate parameter (μ) and for the parameter 2, which specifies how variable the rates are across branches, were set as follows: prior means were set according to the posterior means and prior SD were set to be about four times the posterior SD. Step lengths used in the MCMC algorithm were set so that acceptance proportions were all in the interval 0.2-0.4. Three independent runs were conducted and in each case produced similar results. I.6 Distribution of B*73 and C*15:05. Allele frequencies for B*73 and C*15:05 were obtained from the Allele Frequency Net Database (12). Distribution maps were generated using the GMT software package (46) and a previously developed script (47). Only studies of more than 40 individuals were included: either anthropology studies or studies documenting the donors as unrelated. Data from bone marrow registries were excluded (unless frequencies were established on a group of randomly-selected donors), as well as data from admixed populations (for example African-Americans) or recent migrant populations for which the geographical origin was not well defined (for example ‘USA Asian’). I.7 Estimation of the extent of linkage between B*73:01 and C*15:05. HLA-C*15:05 was discovered as a novel HLA-C allele on a haplotype with HLA-B*73:01 (13). To determine how frequently C*15:05 and B*73 are on the same haplotype, we obtained data from anthropology studies and bone marrow registries (fig. S7). The former were directly obtained from the authors, while the latter were obtained with permission from the Bone Marrow Donors Worldwide (BMDW) and the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) organizations. HLA-B and -C genotyping was performed to confirm the B*73 type of an African American B*73 donor using LABType® SSO reagents (One Lambda Inc, Canoga Park, CA) and detection by a Luminex 100 instrument (Luminex corp, Austin TX). Highresolution HLA-C typing was performed for five B*73 donors from the Anthony Nolan Trust using LABType® reagents. Eight unrelated B*73 donors from Ankara (Turkey) were genotyped for HLA-B and -C using Lifecodes typing kits (Tepnel Lifecodes, Stamford, CT). Six donors from Kenya and Tanzania were sequence-based genotyped for HLA-B and -C, as previously described (48). A further 120 B*73 donors from the Canadian OneMatch Stem Cell and Marrow Network were retyped at high resolution for HLA-B and -C using the AlleleSEQR HLA sequence-based typing (SBT) method (Atria Genetics, South San Francisco, CA), with additional tests using LABType® SSO reagents.
Because bone marrow registry data include low-resolution HLA-C typing, for the LD analysis (fig. S7) the C*15 alleles with no defined subtype were allocated to the C*15:05 or C*15:not05 groups based on the C*15:05/C*15:not05 ratio, on a region-by-region basis. This approach allowed us to have an ‘Estimated C*15:05’ category for each geographical region. HLA-C-B haplotype structures were determined for 46 B*73+ individuals lacking C*15 using an implementation of the Expectation Maximization algorithm that accepts allelic ambiguities as inputs (49). Due to the small sample size, only C-B haplotypes containing B*73:01 with count >2 are provided. I.8 Haplotype data for population simulations. The frequencies of B*73 and C*15:05 used in simulations were obtained as indicated above (section I.6), except that data for a few additional African populations were obtained from dbMHC (50) (lacking B*73 and C*15:05, these populations were not included in the distribution maps); data are summarized in figure S9. Because anthropology studies commonly investigate a single locus (e.g. HLA-B or HLA-C), allele frequencies for both B*73 and C*15:05 are not always available from the same set of individuals. Thus, to prepare haplotype data for population simulation we used three steps to set the linkage between the B and C alleles according to the linkage data estimated from anthropology studies that investigated both loci and data from bone marrow donors (fig. S7). First, the total number of haplotypes and the number of B*73 haplotypes in the simulation were set to match the data observed in populations with HLA-B genotyping in west Asia or in Africa (fig. S9A). Second, the number of C*15:05 haplotypes in these HLA-B genotyped populations was calculated using the frequencies observed in HLA-C genotyped populations (fig. S9B), on a regionby-region basis. Finally, the extent of linkage between B*73 and C*15:05 was set according to linkage data summarized in figure S7 (on a region-by-region basis), but because of the heterogeneity in typing data and the possibility that some bone marrow donors represent related donors, we investigated nine models of linkage between B*73 and C*15:05 (fig. S10). I.9 Population simulations. We compared two alternative models to explain how the B*73-C*15:05 haplotypes were formed and propagated in western Asia and in Africa: a model of archaic admixture (Model ‘a’) and a model of African ancestry (Model ‘b’) (Fig. 1). Comparison of the models was conducted with the rejection-based approximate Bayesian inference and hypothesis testing software REJECTOR (16). In a first phase, simulated data were generated for each model using a coalescent simulation (51) based on the population demographic events, parameters (see Fig. 1 and section I.10) and haplotype data (fig. S10) supplied for each model. In a second phase, the simulated data were compared to the observed data and either ‘accepted’ or ‘rejected’; this process was repeated several million times. To compare simulated and observed data, two summary statistics were used: ‘Derived Fraction’, which is the proportion of derived alleles present in the extant populations, and ‘LD’, the linkage disequilibrium measured as r2 (52). For each statistic, when the simulated values matched the observed values (with some tolerance) in both western Asia 7
and Africa, the iteration was considered a ‘single accept’; if an iteration produced ‘single accepts’ for both summary statistics, it was treated as a ‘double accept’. Because of the generally low frequencies of B*73 and C*15:05, the tolerance for the ‘Derived Fraction’ statistic was set at 99% (i.e. a range of 0.01-1.99% is tolerated for an observed allele frequency of 1%) and at 50% for the ‘LD’ statistic. A test was also conducted with these two tolerance values halved (fig. S11B). One model was considered to be significantly favored by the simulations when it gained >19 times the number of double accepts achieved by the alternative model (>95:5 ratio, 5% significance level). I.10 Parameters for population simulation. For both models a and b, population sizes were considered under exponential growth with effective population sizes and growth rates derived from Pilkington et al. (53); recombination was set a 0.44cM/Mb (31). The Out-of-Africa migration was set at 3,375 generations ago (~67.5kya), without affecting the size of the African population, and a back-migration into Africa was set so that 10% of African ancestry traced back to western Asia, 500 generations ago (~10kya) (21). In both models, C*15:05 was formed in western Asia 3,250 generations ago (~65kya), so that the two models would only differ regarding where and when B*73 emerged: in western Asia 2,500 generations ago (~50kya) for model ‘a’ and in Africa 5,250 generations ago (~105kya) for model ‘b’. I.11 Note: explanation of HLA nomenclature. HLA alleles are distinguished by a rational nomenclature (54) in which the name of the gene is followed by up to four sets of digits separated by colons. The digits before the first colon distinguish groups of alleles that roughly correspond to the serological types first used to define HLA class I polymorphisms. The next set of digits distinguishes subtypes that differ in their aminoacid sequences. Subsequent sets of digits distinguish alleles that differ by synonymous (third set) or intronic (fourth set) differences. I.12 Note: study approval. This study was approved by the Stanford University administrative panels on human subjects in medical research and laboratory animal care.
Part II. Analysis of the HLA class I content of the Denisova and Neandertal genomes II.1 Isolation and re-mapping of the Neandertal and Denisovan HLA class I sequence reads. To investigate Denisovan (4) and Neandertal (3) HLA class I content, we downloaded from the UCSC Genome Browser website ( all sequence reads previously assembled to the human (hg18) and chimpanzee (panTro2) genomes. Using SAMTOOLS 0.1.12a (55), we extracted all reads within the coordinates chr6:28,810,000-33,500,000 of hg18 (127,562 reads) and chr6:30,978,159-34,115,302 of panTro2 (185,092 reads), corresponding to an interval including TRIM27, KIFC1 and all classical HLA/MHC loci. Re-mapping was conducted using a set of HLA-A,-B,-C,-E,-F,-G reference sequences (one sequence for each subtype), as well as sequences for the pseudogenes HLA-H,-J,-K,8
L,-P,-S,-T,-U,-V,-W,-X,-Y (10). Assembly of HLA class I from the Denisovan genome and the three Neandertal genomes was performed using MIRA (32). The contigs were investigated and edited using GAP4 of the STADEN package (33); only a single copy of the reads mapped both in the hg18 and panTro2 MHC regions was kept. The Neandertal sequences presented a special problem for alignment because of errors characteristic of ancient DNA (3, 56), namely a high rate of C to T transitions at the 5’ end of reads and an equally high rate of G to A transitions at the 3’ end. Identifying relevant reads by sequence similarity searching was hampered by these ancient DNA associated base misincorporations. The Denisova sequence data suffered much less from this problem, because an enzymatic pre-treatment of the DNA (57) largely corrected the errors. To generate a more comprehensive list of relevant Neandertal reads, we remapped all the primary Neandertal data against the reference panel of HLA class I sequences using a custom mapper, mia, (available from the authors upon request) with the following command-line parameters: -k 12 –N 500 –S 100. This program incorporates the special position-specific error profile of these data into its scoring scheme for identifying and aligning sequences. Because it performs a full SmithWaterman alignment this program is not hampered by insertion-deletion differences that can erode the sensitivity of heuristic aligners. With this approach 164 additional Neandertal sequences were identified from the original mapping to human and chimpanzee genomes. II.2 Characterization of the Denisovan and Neandertal HLA-A/-B/-C content. Locusspecific screen: following re-mapping, we screened the assemblies to ensure all reads associated with HLA-A,-B, or -C were specific to that locus: each sequence read was compared to the reference HLA class I dataset (10) and any read shared with another locus was discarded. For reads having substitutions absent from the reference dataset, comparison to a larger dataset including all coding sequences (10) was conducted. If this approach failed to identify a sequence with the same SNP, BLAST was used (34) to examine MHC class I in other species. SNPs not represented in the known human and non-human primate MHC class I sequences (more than 6,800 sequences (10, 58)) were attributed to misincorporation errors made during PCR amplification of ancient DNA and ignored. Allele-specific screen: HLA-A,-B, and -C allele content was determined for each archaic individual by comparing all locus-specific sequences to the reference panel of HLA class I sequences. For Neandertal HLA-A/B/C and Denisovan HLA-A/C, this analysis allowed the sequences to be split in three groups: sequences from the first allele, sequences from the second allele, and sequences that could come from either allele (which were discarded). For Denisovan HLA-B, at least one allele was novel, and to associate several reads to one allele or the other we used a parsimony approach to minimize differences with modern sequences (fig. S12). The allele-specific sequences obtained for each gene and archaic human genome were compared to genomic and cDNA sequences from the corresponding gene of modern humans through pairwise comparisons, using MEGA4 (38). This analysis allowed a first assessment of Neandertal and Denisovan HLA-A/B/C content. This information was used 9
to design a second and more specific re-mapping to ensure capture of all the relevant sequence reads. For this reanalysis the initial set of reference HLA-A/B/C genomic sequences, which included one sequence for each of the allele groups, was increased to include all the available genomic sequences for the allele groups that we had determined were present in the Denisovan/Neandertal genomes. Following this remapping we used the same locus and allele-specific determination to refine the allele string. II.3 Distribution and diversity of Denisovan/Neandertal alleles and haplotypes. Allele frequency data and distribution were investigated as described above (Section I.6). For the study of haplotype distributions, data were also obtained from dbMHC (50), and from Melanesian populations (59). HLA genotype phasing for the Melanesian populations was performed using PHASE 2.1 (60, 61). Analysis of the diversity of HLA haplotypes carrying alleles of Denisovan/Neandertal origin was conducted using the same data sources as described above (12, 50). Because low-frequency haplotypes are not always reported in these databases, to investigate haplotype structures in Africa (where haplotypes carrying Denisovan HLA-C alleles are rare) we used data from a panel of ~2,400 African-American donors, for whom the haplotypes are well defined (62). II.4 Divergence time analyses for HLA-A*11, C*12:02 and C*15. Estimation of the emergence times of A*11, C*12:02 and C*15 was performed as described for the B*73 lineage (section I.5); specifics such as the datasets used or differences with the analysis described in section I.5 are given below for each allele. The phylogenetic tree topologies used for the divergence time analyses and presented in figure S15 were obtained using the methods described in section I.4. For HLA-A*11, a dataset of ~2.2kb representing the genomic segment between intron 3 and the 3’UTR of HLA-A was used, because this segment has not been a target for recombination (63). Divergence time analysis was conducted as indicated in section I.5, except that prior SD for the overall rate parameter (μ) and for the parameter 2 were set to be about two times the posterior SD. For C*15, we used a dataset of ~3kb representing the complete HLA-C gene, except for two recombinant segments in exon 3 (64). For C*12:02, we used a dataset of ~2.6kb representing a partial HLA-C gene sequence, with exon 2 and part of exon 3 excluded due to the presence of two gene conversion events. To avoid recombinants, a minimum number of sequences was used in these analyses. Divergence time analyses were conducted as described in section I.5, except that prior SD for the overall rate parameter (μ) was set to be about twice the posterior SD. The mean and SD priors for the parameter 2 were also set to one divided by the root age (65), and the SD for the shape parameter for gamma rates () was set to the mean value. In both analyses, the root of the tree corresponds to the separation between humans and orangutans; in addition to a minimum bound of 10MYA (43, 44), a maximum bound of 18MYA was used to reflect the probable separation of orangutans from human/African apes after the African continent became combined with Eurasia (66).
II.5 Frequency of HLA-A*02, A*11 and A*24 in Asia. To assess the overall frequencies of HLA-A*02, A*11 and A*24 in Asia, we obtained HLA frequency data for 93 populations from 20 Asian countries representing >91% of the population of Asia. Frequencies in each country were defined as the median value for all considered populations. Using these median frequencies and the population size of each country (obtained from the Population Reference Bureau website, http://www.prb.or), we estimated the number of A*02, A*11 and A*24 alleles in each country and, by integrating over all Asia, obtained the average frequency. HLA frequencies were obtained as indicated in section I.6, with one exception to avoid sampling bias. For Taiwan, data from aborigine populations was not included, as they represent only ~2% of the population of the country but have been extensively sampled and studied. II.6 Note: Long and ancient haplotypes shared between archaic and modern nonAfricans are the products of archaic admixture. Over time recombination breaks haplotypic associations, so that the longer two populations have been separated the shorter their shared haplotypes become. Consistent with this thesis, Green et al. (3) found in a genome-wide scan across 50kb windows only 13 regions for which there is a much deeper coalescence time separating non-African haplotypes than African haplotypes. The presence of these 13 long haplotypes could be explained by archaic admixture in nonAfricans. For 10 of these regions, Neandertal sequences matched the deep clade unique to non-Africans, suggesting that when this haplotype configuration is observed, it is often the result of Neandertal admixture (3). Thus, in the genomes of non-Africans, deeply divergent haplotypes of more than >50kb deriving from African ancestry (as opposed to admixture) are seen to be very uncommon (3). The Denisovan and Neandertal HLA haplotypes we characterized in this study follow the same pattern but have more dramatic features. For example, the haplotype formed by A*11 and either C*12:02 or C*15 is shared by Denisovans and modern Asian and Oceanian populations. This haplotype is more than eight times the size of the longest shared haplotype observed by Green et al in the genome-wide study (~1.3Mb vs ~160kb, respectively) (3). This A*11-C*12:02 or A*11-C*15 haplotype does not exist in Africa but carries allele groups whose formation predates the separation between archaic and modern humans. Similarly and more specifically, studies of isolated Amerindian populations show that HLA class I alleles are rapidly diversified by recombination (17, 18) so that long-term (>250ky) conservation of allele sequences or haplotype structures is not an expected feature of HLA class I evolution, despite strong balancing selection (67).
Part III. HLA class I recombination rates and LD decay in four reference populations III.1 Estimation of HLA class I recombination rates. Recombination rates were estimated in four populations (YRI, Yoruba (Nigeria); CEU, Europeans from Utah; CHB, Han Chinese; JPT, Japanese) using high-resolution phased SNP data (31). Three genomic intervals were analyzed for each population, HLA-A-B, A-C and C-B. For the HLA-C-B interval all SNP between the two loci were used (89-101 SNP; ~1SNP/kb), while for the HLA-A-C and A-B intervals, one of every five SNP was used (299-321 SNPS; ~1SNP/4.5kb). For each run of PHASE 2.1 (68, 69), we used the general model for recombination rate (-MR0), and sampling was performed for 500 iterations (thinning interval of 1) after a burn-in phase of 500 iterations; three independent runs were conducted for each population and interval. The run producing the best goodness-of-fit measure was retained (fig. S26). The population recombination rate () for each interval was then converted to cM/Mb using an effective population size of 7,500 for the African population and 3,100 for the non-African populations (70). III.2 Characterization of haplotypes with rapid LD decay. High-resolution genotyping has identified SNP markers that correlate with individual HLA alleles (31). We defined haplotypes with rapid LD decay as those where all the HLA-identifying SNPs (r2>0.2) occurred within 500kb of that HLA locus. This analysis was performed separately for each locus and population. III.3 Correlation between haplotypes with rapid LD decay and archaic alleles. The correlation between archaic alleles and alleles defining haplotypes with rapid LD decay was studied using a binomial distribution: considering =(0,1,2,…,n), k, p=(X=k)= k n–k nCk * p * q . This indicates for example that under a random distribution it is unlikely to have more than 28 of the 100 archaic alleles defining haplotypes with rapid LD decay, as the latter only represents 49 of the 231 haplotypes (=0.05); so the fact that 33 of the 100 archaic alleles define haplotypes with rapid LD decay indicates a biased distribution ( =0.0042).
Part IV. KIR3DL1/S1 in the Denisova genome To investigate the KIR3DL1/S1 content of the Denisova genome (4), we used the approach detailed in section II.1 for the HLA class I genes: all reads that had been mapped to the KIR locus of human (chr19:59,920,000-60,075,000) and chimpanzee (chr19:60,452,452-60,582,180) reference genomes were extracted and remapped to the variant KIR genomic sequences (71). KIR3DL1 and KIR3DS1 are alleles of the KIR3DL1/S1 gene (24, 58). There were 405 reads that mapped exclusively to 3DL1/S1, 66 of these reads identified 3DS1 (3DS1*013 closest known allele) and 76 identified 3DL1 (3DL1*005 closest known allele). Demonstrating two alleles were present, 41 nucleotide positions were heterozygous for 3DL1 and 3DS1 and these occurred throughout the 15kb genomic sequence of 3DL1/S1. Allele frequencies of 3DS1*013 were obtained from 117 populations (12). Distribution maps were generated using the GMT software package (46), as indicated in section I.6.
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Supporting Figures Figure S1 Simplified map of the HLA class I region HLA-A
Telomere ~1.4Mb
HLA-B Chr:6p21.3 85kb
Fig. S1. Simplified map of the HLA class I region. Schematic representation of the location and distances between the HLA-A, HLA-B and HLA-C loci. HLA or human leukocyte antigen is the name given to the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) in humans. HLA alleles are distinguished by a rational nomenclature (54) in which the name of the gene is followed by up to four sets of digits separated by colons. The digits before the first colon distinguish groups of alleles that roughly correspond to the serological types first used to define HLA class I polymorphisms. The next set of digits distinguishes subtypes that differ in their amino-acid sequences. Subsequent sets of digits distinguish alleles that differ by synonymous (third set) or intronic (fourth set) differences.
Figure S2 Characterization of extended MHC-B gene sequences in hominoids A Individual
Miss Eve Phineas Common chimpanzee Renee Extended Tank gene Cheeta sequence (8.5kb) Bonobo Matata Machi Beta Gorilla Oko Shamba # Orangutan Susie
MHC-B allele *05:01 *09:01 *18:01 *24:01 *36:01 *38:01 *03:01 *17:01 *04:02 *07:01 *04:01 *07:01 *02:01 *03:01 *03:02
Haplotype sequence Gorilla
B Chimpanzee Cheeta Leslie Lindsey Fiona Ericka
Allele of the B*73 lineage Patr-B*17:01 Patr-B*17:01 Patr-B*17:01 Patr-B*17:01 Patr-B*17:01
Source Sequencing Sequencing Filiation Filiation Sequencing
Fig. S2. Characterization of extended MHC-B gene sequences in hominoids. (A) Chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans from whom MHC-B extended gene or haplotype sequences were characterized. These sequences were named according to the MHC-B allele sequences they contain (IPD-MHC Database (58)). #, sequence determined from BAC DNA. (B) Patr-B*17:01 is a chimpanzee allele of the B*73 lineage (MHC-BII). Five chimpanzees from a panel of 95 tested were positive for B*73 lineage-specific PCR amplification. Sequencing or pedigree typing analysis showed all five individuals carried Patr-B*17:01. Patr-B*17:01 from Cheeta and Leslie was sequenced in this study. Lindsey and Fiona inherited Patr-B*17:01 from their mother, Leslie, and the sequence of Patr-B*17:01 from Ericka was determined previously (72).
Figure S3 Phylogenetic analysis of the segments forming the HLA-B*73:01 haplotype A
56 80 85 59 56 67 90 * 69
55 55 66
[1] 12.4kb B*15:01 B*18:01 B*57:01 B*08:01 B*73:01 B*44:03 B*50:01 B*14:02 B*38:01 B*07:02 Gogo-B*06:01 Patr-B*01:01 Patr-B*05:01 Gogo-B*05:01 Popy-B*0202 Mamu-B*053:02 Mamu-B*030:01 Mamu-B*072:02
[4] 1.3kb B*14:02 B*38:01 B*07:02 B*08:01 B*73:01 B*44:03 B*50:01 B*57:01 76 B*15:01 58 83 B*18:01 Gogo-B*06:01 Patr-B*01:01 Patr-B*05:01 Gogo-B*05:01 Popy-B*02:02
E 56 * 55
MHC-C: H,C,G,O (9) Mamu-B*030:01 Mamu-B*053:02 Mamu-B*072:02 Mamu-B4 Mamu-B8 Mamu-B11L01:11 Mamu-B9
[5] 4.4kb
68 * 66
60 * 66
[3] 1.7kb B*44:03 B*50:01 B*73:01 B*07:02 B*08:01 B*14:02 B*38:01 B*15:01 B*57:01 B*18:01 Gogo-B*06:01 Patr-B*01:01 Patr-B*05:01 Popy-B*0202 Gogo-B*05:01 Mamu-B*053:02 Mamu-B*030:01 Mamu-B*072:02
[6, reduced] 1.2kb
MHC-B: H (9)
MHC-B: H,C,G (20)
Gogo-B*05:01 Gogo-B*03:01 Gogo-B*04:01 Gogo-B*06:01 Gogo-B*02:01 MHC-B: C (10) B*73:01 Patr-B*17:01 Gogo-B*07:01 Popy-B*03:02 Popy-B*02:02 Mamu-B*030:01 Mamu-B*053:02 Mamu-B*072:02 Mamu-B4 Mamu-B8 Mamu-B11L01:11 Mamu-B9 MHC-C: H,C,G,O (9)
Patr-B*17:01 B*73:01 B*07:02 B*08:01 B*14:02 B*38:01 Gogo-B*07:01 Popy-B*03:02 Popy-B*02:02 MHC-C: H,C,G,O (9) Mamu-B*053:02 Mamu-B*030:01 Mamu-B*072:02 Mamu-B4 Mamu-B8 Mamu-B11L01:11 Mamu-B9
* 67 78
[6, full] 1.2kb
[2] 8.1kb B*57:01 B*18:01 B*15:01 B*08:01 B*73:01 B*44:03 B*50:01 B*07:02 B*14:02 B*38:01 Patr-B*01:01 Patr-B*05:01 Gogo-B*06:01 Gogo-B*05:01 Popy-B*0202 Mamu-B*030:01 Mamu-B*053:02 Mamu-B*072:02
[7] 1.3kb
[8] 0.6kb
MHC-B: H,C,G (34)
Patr-B*17:01 B*73:01 77 B*48:08 * 99 * 95 B*39:13 99 B*42:01 B*07:02 B*08:01 56 B*14:02 53 55 B*38:01 B*67:02 Gogo-B*07:01 Popy-B*02:02 Popy-B*03:02 MHC-C: H,C,G,O (20) Mamu-B4 Mamu-B8 Mamu-B*030:01 Mamu-B*053:02 Mamu-B*072:02 Mamu-B11L01:11 Mamu-B9
MHC-B: H,C,G (35)
72 58 98 65 * 55
55 66 65
B*73:01 Patr-B*17:01 Mamu-B11L01:11 Mamu-B9 Mamu-B4 Mamu-B8 Mamu-B*030:01 Mamu-B*053:02 Mamu-B*072:02 Popy-B*03:02 Gogo-B*07:01 Popy-B*02:02 MHC-C: H,C,G (19)
56 * 53
MHC-B: H,C,G (43)
Popy-B*02:02 Popy-B*03:02 B*73:01 Patr-B*17:01 Gogo-B*06:01 Gogo-B*07:01 MHC-C: H,C,G,O (20) Mamu-B4 Mamu-B8 Mamu-B*030:01 Mamu-B*053:02 Mamu-B*072:02 Mamu-B11L01:11 Mamu-B9
95 52 * 76 78 *
7 3
11 12 13
E6 E7
Figure S3 Phylogenetic analysis of the segments forming the HLA-B*73:01 haplotype K
[9] 0.12kb
[10] 0.8kb
98 * 98
(46 hominid sequences)
(20 sequences)
Patr-C*17:01 C*04:01 C*18:01 C*03:02 C*15:02 C*16:01 C*02:02 C*14:02 C*03:04 C*01:02 Mamu-B*053:02 B*73:01 C*17:01 Popy-C Gogo-C*02:04 C*07:01 C*07:02 Mamu-B*030:01 Mamu-B*072:02 C*05:01 C*12:02 C*08:01 C*12:03 C*06:02 Popy-B*02:02 Gogo-B*06:01 Mamu-B11L01:11 61 Mamu-B9 54 63 Mamu-B4 70 * 70 Mamu-B8
70 66 56
58 * 60
Patr-B*04:02 Patr-B*05:01 Patr-B*36:01 Patr-B*17:01 Patr-B*24:01 Patr-B*38:01 Papa-B*07:01 B*73:01 Gogo-B*04:01 52 * Gogo-B*02:01 62 Gogo-B*03:01 Patr-B*01:01 Patr-B*18:01 Patr-B*03:01 Patr-B*09:01 Gogo-B*05:01 Popy-B*02:02 Popy-B*03:02 Gogo-B*07:01 Mamu-B*030:01 Mamu-B*053:02 Mamu-B*072:02 Gogo-B*06:01 MHC-C:
57 73 70
H,C,G,O (20)
Mamu-B4 Mamu-B8 Mamu-B11L01:11 Mamu-B9
MHC-C: H,C,G (8) Mamu-B11L01:11 Mamu-B9 Mamu-B4 Mamu-B8
0.01 0.01
[12] 0.7kb B*07:02 B*14:02 B*18:01 B*73:01 B*38:01 B*08:01 76 Patr-B*05:01 63 55 B*15:01 Patr-B*01:01 Gogo-B*05:01 Gogo-B*06:01 86 B*44:03 57 74 B*50:01 B*57:01 C*07:02 Gogo-C*02:04 Popy-C Patr-C*17:01 C*03:04 C*16:01 87 C*07:01 * 54 C*12:03 C*06:02 Popy-B*0202 Mamu-B*072:02 Mamu-B*053:02 Mamu-B*030:01 Mamu-B11L01:11 Mamu-B9 Mamu-B4 0.01 Mamu-B8
58 50 *
65 * 62
[13] 1.3kb
58 54 62
B*14:02 B*18:01 B*15:01 Patr-B*05:01 Patr-B*01:01 B*44:03 B*38:01 B*50:01 B*57:01 Gogo-B*05:01 Gogo-B*06:01 B*08:01 B*07:02 B*73:01 Mamu-B*072:02 Mamu-B*053:02 Mamu-B*030:01 Mamu-B11L01:11 Mamu-B9 C*07:02 Gogo-C*02:04 Patr-C*17:01 C*03:04 C*16:01 C*07:01 C*12:03 C*06:02
55 56 64
Q 6
B*50:01 B*57:01 B*38:01 B*44:03 B*07:02 B*73:01 B*15:01 B*14:02 B*18:01 Patr-B*05:01 B*08:01 Patr-B*01:01 Gogo-B*05:01 Gogo-B*06:01 Mamu-B*072:02 Mamu-B*053:02 Mamu-B*030:01 C*07:02 Gogo-C*02:04 Patr-C*17:01 C*03:04 C*16:01 C*07:01 C*12:03 C*06:02
[14] 4.3kb
70 * 60
[11] 1.7kb Patr-B*03:01 Patr-B*09:01 Patr-B*18:01 Patr-B*01:01 Patr-B*04:02 Patr-B*05:01 Patr-B*36:01 Gogo-B*05:01 Gogo-B*02:01 Gogo-B*04:01 Gogo-B*03:01 B*73:01 B*18:01 B*44:03 B*14:02 B*38:01 B*57:01 B*15:01 B*50:01 B*07:02 B*08:01 Patr-B*38:01 Patr-B*24:01 Papa-B*07:01 Patr-B*17:01 Gogo-B*06:01 Gogo-B*07:01 Popy-B*02:02 Popy-B*03:02 Mamu-B*053:02 Mamu-B*030:01 Mamu-B*072:02
11 12 13
E6 E7
Fig. S3. Phylogenetic analysis of the segments forming the HLA-B*73:01 haplotype. (A-Q) Shown are phylogenetic reconstructions performed on each of 14 genomic segments (A-I, K-P). In blue at the top of each panel is shown the segment number (corresponds to the segments shown in panels (J, Q)) and its size. Analysis was performed using Maximum-Likelihood (ML), Neighbor-Joining (NJ) and parsimony with NJ tree topologies used for the display (midpoint rooting). Circles at nodes indicate strong (black) or moderate (grey) phylogenetic support, where bootstrap proportions from the three methods are ≥80% or ≥60%, respectively. Otherwise, bootstrap values are indicated when at least two methods gave ≥50% support (from top to bottom: NJ, parsimony, ML). To simplify the display some groups of MHC-B sequences were collapsed as indicated by black triangles: the number of sequences is given in parentheses together with the species composing the group (H, human; C, chimpanzees; G, gorilla; O, orangutan). Patr, Pan troglodytes; Papa, Pan paniscus; Gogo, Gorilla gorilla; Popy, Pongo pygmaeus; Mamu, Macaca mulatta.
Figure S4 HLA-B*73 is the only remnant in modern humans of a deeply divergent allelic lineage E1
E3 HLA-B*73
E6-7 10
11 12 13
B Sequences
HLA-B*73:01 Patr-B*17:01 Gogo-B*06:01 HLA-B*07:02 HLA-B*08:01 # # HLA-B*14 /*38 /*39/*42/*48 HLA-B*67 HLA-B*44:03/*50:01 Patr-B*01#/*03/*09/*18, Gogo-B*02/*03/*04 Patr-B*04 Other MHC-B sequences Gogo-B*07 HLA-C*17:01
Domains 6/7 7 M(-21) I(-21) M(-21) M(-21) M(-21) M(-21) M(-21) T(-21) T(-21) T(-21) T(-21) M(-21) M(-21)
10 13 14
C1 C1 C1
C1 C1
C1 M(-21)
Gene duplication §
16.3MYA [13.8-19.9MYA]
C1 M(-21)
Inter-locus recombination
Gene loss
Gorilla Gogo-B*06 Chimpanzee Patr-B*17
MHC-BI Human HLA-B*73
Formation of two lineages
No C1 No M(-21)
Preservation of two lineages at the same locus
Fig. S4. HLA-B*73 is the only remnant in modern humans of a deeply divergent allelic lineage. (A) Phylogenetic analyses (fig. S3) show the B*73 haplotype contains segments most closely related to chimpanzee and gorilla MHC-B alleles (green) and flanking segments highly related to other HLA-B (blue) (brown segment is related to HLA-C). (B) Sequences with segments equivalent to those of B*73:01. Some human alleles acquired B*73:01 segments by recombination. 'M(-21)' and 'C1' are functional characteristics in the leader peptide and a1 domain, respectively. Presence of methionine at position -21 ensures the HLA-B leader peptide is processed and bound to HLA-E, a ligand for CD94:NKG2 natural killer (NK) cell receptors (73). M(-21) is associated with MHC-BII but not with the main lineage of MHCB sequences (MHC-BI). Additionally, MHC-BII molecules have the C1 epitope (formed by valine 76 and asparagine 80 in the a1 domain) which engages the KIR2DL2/3 NK cell receptors (74); in contrast a minority of MHC-BI molecules have C1 (75). ---, no sequence. #, complete sequence. (C) Model to explain how the sequence and functional divergence of B*73 emerged and was maintained, despite the high level of recombination at MHC-B. B*73's divergent core was formed >16 million years ago (MYA), suggesting this divergence is linked to the MHC-B gene duplications that occurred in early hominoids (76, 77). Accordingly, following duplication and divergence of MHC-BI and BII, one allele of BII recombined to the BI locus giving rise to the ancestor of B*73 and its gorilla and chimpanzee equivalents. Sequence divergence likely reduced intra-locus recombination of BI-BII lineages (red arrow) comparing to the high levels of BI-BI recombination (blue arrow), thus contributing to the long-term structural conservation of the MHC-BII allele at the MHC-BI locus. §, mean and 95% credibility interval.
Figure S5 Diversity of the HLA-B allele groups HLA-B Number of allele specific HLA group allotypes B*07 B*08 B*13 B*14 B*15 B*18 B*27 B*35 B*37 B*38 B*39 B*40 B*41 B*42 B*44 B*45 B*46 B*47 B*48 B*49 B*50 B*51 B*52 B*53 B*54 B*55 B*56 B*57 B*58 B*59 B*67 B*73 B*78 B*81 B*82 B*83
124 69 46 21 221 59 79 160 28 27 63 162 18 16 127 13 27 8 25 16 13 109 23 24 24 49 31 43 33 5 3 2 7 5 3 1
Second allotype: single observation
Uncommon recombinant
Fig. S5. Diversity of the HLA-B allele groups. The number of specific allotypes is given for each of the 36 HLA-B allele groups (from the IMGT-HLA Database, release 3.3.0 (10)). B*73:02 was identified in one person and is possibly resulting from mutation in that individual.
Figure S6 Models for the distribution of HLA-B*73 B
1.8 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.0
HLA-B*73:01 (Model 1) C
4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0
HLA-B*73:01 (Model 2) D
4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0
HLA-B*73:01 (Model 3)
Population Freq (%) Parsi 4.90 Israel Jews 2.30 United Arab Emirates 2.00 Cameroon Beti 1.10 Georgia Tibilisi 0.90 Bulgaria 0.90 Morocco Casablanca 0.90 Burkina Faso Mossi 0.90 Russia Tuva 0.80 Oman 0.80 Albania 0.60 Cameroon Bamileke 0.60 Mongolia Khalkha 0.50 Pakistan Pathan 0.50 Iran Baloch 0.50 Tanzania Dodoma Kongwa 0.50 Israel Arab Druze 0.50 Algeria 0.50 Saudi Arabia 0.40 Turkey 0.40 Bangladesh Dhaka Bangalee 0.30 Jordan Amman 0.30 Uganda Kampala 0.30 Kenya Nandi 0.20 Kenya Luo 0.20 Zimbabwe Harare Shona 0.20 Rwanda 0.20 Greece 0.20 Macedonia 0.20
n 91 146 373 174 109 55 100 53 169 118 160 77 200 100 100 212 101 106 383 142 141 146 175 240 265 230 280 246 216
Fig. S6. Models for the distribution of HLA-B*73. (A-D) Shown is the distribution of B*73 (A-C) and the B*73:01 allele frequency of all populations with B*73 (D). Because of uncertainty in the ancient geographical location of Parsis, the population with the highest B*73 frequency (12, 78) (D), we considered three models for the distribution of B*73 (A-C). While some Parsis now live in Pakistan, they represent a 'recent' migrant population from Persia (79) and are not included in model 1. Models 2 and 3 are based on two alternative hypotheses of Parsi origin. Model 2 uses the historical Greater Khorasan region as the point of origin of their migration (city of Nishapur, 58.8E 36.2N), as this region became a refuge for Zoroastrians following the fall of the Sasanian empire, and subsequent migration to India originated from this region (79). The Khorasan region was only a refuge for Zoroastrians who used to live in other regions of Persia however, so in Model 3 the Sasanian capital Ctesiphon (present-day Iraq, 44.62E 33.15N) is the point of origin of the migration.
Figure S7 HLA-C characteristics of individuals with HLA-B*73 Origin of the data (individuals with HLA-B*73)
HLA-C characteristics of individuals with B*73 C*15 subtype Not Allele string n
Europe 2,158 Western Asia 64 Western Asia** 6 N/S/E Asia 39 USA-NMDP Africa 15 Africa* 49 Hispanic 228 Other/unknown 470 Europe 98 N/S/E Asia 7 Western Asia 1 Canada Hispanic 1 Africa* 1 Other/unknown 12 Europe 32 N/S/E Asia 4 UK -Anthony Nolan Africa 5 Western Asia 7 Other/unknown 16 Italy (Europe) 90 (Europe) 86 Bone UK-BBMR USA-Gift of Life (Europe) 65 Marrow France (Europe) 49 Registries Cyprus BMDR (Europe) 21 Poland-DKMS (Europe) 19 UK-Wales (Europe) 17 Belgium (Europe) 7 Australia (Europe) 7 USA -UCLA (Europe) 6 Norway (Europe) 5 Spain (Europe) 3 Portugal (Europe) 3 Austria (Europe) 2 Switzerland (Europe) 2 Czechia-Central BMDR (Europe) 2 Poland-POLTransplant (Europe) 2 Ireland Europe 1 Lithuania (Europe) 1 Sweden (Europe) 1 Israel-Hadassah (Western Asia) 3 Israel-Ezer Mizion (Western Asia) 21 Turkey# (Western Asia) 8 Singapore N/S/E Asia 1 Western Asia 6 Africa 3 dbMHC N/S/E Asia 2 Hispanic 1 Uganda -ref. 1 Africa 1 Kenya/Tanzania -ref. 2 Africa 6 Published Sudan -ref. 3 Africa 3 Africa* 1 studies African American -ref. 2 Rwanda -ref. 4 Africa 1 Cameroon Bamileke -ref. 5 Africa 1 Cameroon Beti -ref. 5 Africa 4 Parsi -ref. 6 Western Asia 9 Iran Baloch -ref. 7 Western Asia 1 Oman -ref. 8 Western Asia 2
includes :05
1,271 28 1 12 7 12 73 198 95 6 1 1 1 11 2 1 1 5 19 20 6 19 9 2 1 2 1 1
excludes :05
853 35 5 27 8 36 154 268
not :05
C*15 24 1
1 1 4 3 1
1 30 4 4 6 15 82 80 44 29 14 6 6 5 5 4 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 1
1 3 5
1 2 1
2 1 1
1 4 8
2 15
1 1
1 1 3 1 1 1 6 3 1
1 1 4 9 1 2
Fig. S7. HLA-C characteristics of individuals with HLA-B*73. To investigate how frequently the B*73 haplotypes also carry the HLA-C*15:05 allele, we summarized data available in the literature and obtained genotype data from a large number of bone marrow donors with B*73. Parentheses in the 'Ethnicity' column indicate that no ethnicity data were available: the region where the bone marrow registry is located was used instead. 'Allele string', lower resolution HLA-typing data. * African-American(s). ** West Asia or north African coast. # C*15:05 and C*15:22 could not be distinguished. References: dbMHC (50), ref. 1 (80), ref.2 (this study), ref. 3 (12), ref. 4 (81) , ref. 5 (82), ref. 6 (78), ref. 7 (83), ref. 8 (84).
Figure S8 HLA-B allelic groups in the African populations that diverged before the Out-of-Africa migration Populations Hadza
n=10 Ref. 3
Ref. 1
Ref. 2
B*07 B*08 B*13 B*14 B*15 B*18 B*27 B*35 B*37 B*38 B*39 B*40 B*41 B*42 B*44 B*45 B*46 HLA-B B*47 alleles B*48 represented B*49 B*50 B*51 B*52 B*53 B*54 B*55 B*56 B*57 B*58 B*59 B*67 B*73 B*78 B*81 B*82 B*83
Fig. S8. HLA-B allelic groups in the African populations that diverged before the Out-ofAfrica migration. HLA-B content is summarized for two Khoisan-speaking (Hadza and Khoisan) and three pygmy (Mbenzele, Bakolas and Baka) populations: separations between these populations and others represent the earliest splits between modern human populations (14, 85). Alleles groups colored green are present in more than one population, while those colored blue are present in only one of the five populations. References are: ref. 1 (86), ref. 2 (87) and ref. 3 (82).
Figure S9 HLA-B*73 and HLA-C*15:05 frequencies used for simulations A Frequency Data Region Population
Summary Database
B*73 n
(individuals) (alleles)
West Asia
Israel Ashkenazi and Non Ashkenazi Jews Israel Arab Druse Jordan Amman Oman Saudi Arabia pop 2 United Arab Emirates Algeria pop 2 Burkina Faso Fulani Burkina Faso Mossi Burkina Faso Rimaibe Cameroon Bamileke Cameroon Beti Cameroon Sawa Kenya Luo Kenya Nairobi Sex workers Kenya Nairobi Kenya Nandi Mali Bandiagara Morocco Casablanca Morocco Nador Metalsa Morocco Settat Rwanda Senegal South African Zulu Sudanese Tunisia Uganda Kampala Uganda Kampala pop 2 Zambia Lusaka Zimbabwe Harare Shona
109 100 146 121 383 373 106 49 53 47 77 174 13 265 1481 143 240 138 100 68 68 280 94 201 200 100 161 175 44 226
5 1 1 2 3 15 1 0 1 0 1 4 0 1 8 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 1
B*73 n
(individuals) (alleles)
Both Both AFN Both AFN AFN AFN AFN AFN AFN AFN AFN AFN Both This study dbMHC Both Both AFN Both dbMHC AFN dbMHC dbMHC AFN AFN Both AFN Both Both
B*73 AF
B Frequency Data Region Population
West Asia
Israel Ashkenazi and Non Ashkenazi Jews Israel Arab Druse Lebanon Saudi Arabia Guraiat and Hail Cameroon Bamileke Cameroon Beti Cameroon Sawa Kenya Kenya Luo Kenya Nandi Mali Bandiagara Morocco Nador Metalsa South African Zulu Senegal Niokholo Mandenka Sudanese Tunisia Uganda Kampala Uganda Kampala pop 2 Zambia Lusaka Zimbabwe Harare Shona
C*15:05 n
94 100 97 213 77 174 13 113 265 240 129 73 96 165 200 100 163 175 45 226
5 10 1 13 1 8 0 1 3 4 0 2 0 0 11 3 1 4 0 1
Summary Database
n (individuals)
Both Both AFN AFN AFN AFN AFN Both Both Both Both AFN dbMHC AFN AFN AFN Both AFN Both Both
C*15:05 n C*15:05 (alleles) AF
Fig. S9. HLA-B*73 and HLA-C*15:05 frequencies used for simulations. (A-B) HLAB*73 (A) and C*15:05 (B) frequency data in African and west Asian populations were obtained from the Allele Frequency Net (AFN) website (12) or from dbMHC (50).
Figure S10 Haplotype data used for the B*73 population simulations Haplotypes Region
W Asia
Type B*73-C*15:05 B*73-No C*15:05 No B*73-C*15:05 No B*73-No C*15:05 B*73-C*15:05 B*73-No C*15:05 No B*73-C*15:05 No B*73-No C*15:05
Model 4: Model 5: Model 6: Model 7: Model 8: Model 9: Model 1: Model 2: Model 3: LD 95% / LD 100% LD 90% / LD 90% / LD 100% LD 95% / LD 100% LD 95% LD 90% 90% / 90% 95% 100% / 95% 100% 27 0 44 2,393 25 0 53 8,928
26 1 45 2,392 24 1 54 8,927
24 3 47 2,390 23 3 55 8,926
26 1 45 2,392 25 0 53 8,928
27 0 44 2,393 24 1 54 8,927
24 3 47 2,390 25 0 53 8,928
24 3 47 2,390 24 1 54 8,927
27 0 44 2,393 23 3 55 8,926
26 1 45 2,392 23 3 55 8,926
Fig. S10. Haplotype data used for the B*73 population simulations. Haplotype data for the population simulations were generated for nine different models of linkage disequilibrium (LD) using the B*73 and C*15:05 allele frequencies of figure S9. For models 1-3, LD is set at the same percentage for both regions (Africa and west Asia), while for models 4-9, a different value is used for each region (west Asia/Africa).
Figure S11 Results of HLA-B*73 population simulations A Models Name
LD (%) W.Asia/Africa
Ma1 Mb1 Ma2 Mb2 Ma3 Mb3 Ma4 Mb4 Ma5 Mb5 Ma6 Mb6 Ma7 Mb7 Ma8 Mb8 Ma9 Mb9
Derived Fraction (DF) statistic (99% tolerance) Linkage Disequilibrium (LD) statistic (50% tolerance)
Observed parameters (*100)
Double Accepts
LD2 Number Ratio (/10 ) (%)
100 / 100
1.10 0.28 37.34 31.86
95 / 95
1.06 0.27 34.55 29.34
90 / 90
0.97 0.26 29.29 25.87
95 / 100
1.06 0.28 34.55 31.86
100 / 95
1.10 0.27 37.34 29.34
90 / 100
0.97 0.28 29.29 31.86
90 / 95
0.97 0.27 29.29 29.34
100 / 90
1.10 0.26 37.34 25.87
95 / 90
1.06 0.26 34.55 25.87
14,823 85 7,132 44 6,104 44 15,008 75 7,301 35 7,247 42 6,985 58 6,404 41 6,409 37
174 162 139 200 209 173 120 156 173
10 10 5 5 5 5 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Range tolerated (*100)
0.57 0.01- 2.18 0.003- 0.55 18.67-53.27 15.93-47.79 0.61 0.01-2.10 0.003- 0.53 17.27-49.22 14.67- 44.01 0.72 0.01-1.94 0.003-0.51 14.64-42.22 12.94-38.81 0.50 0.01-2.10 0.003-0.55 17.27- 50.48 15.93- 47.79 0.48 0.01-2.18 0.003-0.53 18.67-52.01 14.67-44.01 0.58 0.01-1.94 0.003-0.55 14.64-45.22 15.93-47.79 0.82 0.01-1.94 0.003- 0.53 14.64-43.96 14.67-44.01 0.64 0.01-2.18 0.003-0.51 18.67-50.28 12.94-38.81 0.57 0.01-2.10 0.003- 0.51 17.27-47.49 12.94-38.81
B Models Name
LD (%) W.Asia/Africa
Ma4 Mb4
95 / 100
Derived Fraction (DF) statistic (50% tolerance) Linkage Disequilibrium (LD) statistic (25% tolerance)
Observed parameters (*100)
Double Accepts
LD2 Number Ratio (/106) (%) 1,103 > 3,309
1.06 0.28 34.55 31.86
10 30
Range Tolerated (*100)
a DF1
0.2) are within 500kb of HLA-A (31)). The allele names are listed (rows 3-14) and colored green when observed in archaic humans (Figs 2-3) or associated with archaic-origin haplotypes (fig. S25). HLA-A is shown in Fig. 4. ---, absent in the population.
Figure S24 HLA-C alleles linked to B*73 when C*15 is absent HLA-C-B haplotype
Frequency: all haplotypes Frequency: B*73 haplotypes + SE (%) + SE (%) (n=92)
C*12:02 - B*73:01
C*02:02 - B*73:01
C*06:02 - B*73:01
C*16:01 - B*73:01
C*04:01 - B*73:01
C*07:01 - B*73:01
Fig. S24. HLA-C alleles linked to B*73 when C*15 is absent. HLA-C-B haplotype structures were determined for 46 B*73+ individuals lacking C*15 (fig. S7), and B*73 haplotypes observed at least twice are listed with their estimated frequency (n=92, all haplotypes; n=47, B*73 haplotypes only). SE, standard error.
Figure S25 Alleles associated with Denisovan/Neandertal-like haplotypes Main haplotype
Archaic human-like haplotypes
2-locus haplotype Denisovan HLA-A-C Neandertal HLA-A-B Neandertal HLA-A-C Third locus
Alleles of the third locus present on modern human haplotypes
HLA-B *07:02 *15:01/06/07/25 *27:04 *39:01 *40:01/02/06/08 *44:02 *51:01/04 *52:01 *56:01
HLA-C *01:02 *02:02 *04:01 *07:01/02 *14:02 *15:02/03/05 *16:01/02
HLA-B *07:02/05 *08:01 *15:01/03/25 *18:01 *35:01 *38:01/02 *39:01/03/05/06 *40:01/06 *48:01 *51:01 *52:01 *56:01 *67:01
Fig. S25. Alleles associated with Denisovan/Neandertal-like haplotypes. Shown is each category of two-locus archaic haplotypes we inferred, together with the allele at the third locus that is present on the equivalent modern-human haplotype. Every HLA-B allele that is found in modern humans on at least one of the four Denisovan-like HLA-A-C haplotypes is shown in column 3. The third and fourth columns give the HLA-C and HLA-B alleles found on the Neandertal-like HLA-A-B and HLA-A-C haplotypes, respectively.
Figure S26 Population recombination rates for the HLA class I region 4
r (*10 ) Genomic Population region Mean SD African 1.00 0.06 HLA-A-B European 0.70 0.06 (~1.4Mb) Japanese 1.21 0.13 Chinese 1.33 0.13 African 0.96 0.08 HLA-A-C European 0.70 0.07 (~1.3Mb) Japanese 1.14 0.11 Chinese 1.18 0.12 African 1.54 0.31 HLA-C-B European 2.13 0.48 (~85kb) Japanese 3.12 0.64 Chinese 4.88 1.00
Fig. S26. Population recombination rates for the HLA class I region. Population recombination rates (r) for four populations and three HLA class I intervals.