easy to contact as he/she also answers question asap. Every tutor also has a table with all ... everyone would be the sa
The Share Game
Introduction The Share Game is a virtual Stock Market Simulation. Unlike other Stock Market Games, it has nothing to do with the real economy. It has its own market which is purely driven by the players actions. There is no central instance which regulates the market in any kind of way like for instance the ECB. The two main goals of this game are to create a sustainable community where people can talk about all kind of topics ranging from in game strategies to the real world. The other goal is to provide a playing ground where people can play a more arcade version of the stock market which will be more fun and less serious. Furthermore, this game is not just aimed at finance dudes but also at everyone else. As long as you bring interest in statistics with you, you are good to go. I also plan on making tutorials how to write simple Python scripts for getting data & analyzing it.
Market 2 ways to invest money: Bonds & Shares 2 ways of getting new money in the market(inflation): Bonds & Credits 2 ways money leaves the market(deflation): Credits-Interest rate & Newcomer (Central Bank)
Player rents money to the system and will be paid back Bond 0% the full amount + interest rates after a set time
System rent money to the player and player has to pay it Credits back with interest rate after a set time
You have to be able to pay the credit back plus the interest rates
Every player controls a single Shares Joint Stock Company which others can buy shares from
Shares can fall & rise
Bonds When issuing a bond, you will lend the system money for 1-5 days. After the time has passed the user will get his money back plus interest rates. Bonds have a 0% risk of failure and as such will always be paid back. The higher the value of the bond the less the interest rate will be. Interest rate is calculated by a mix of how many bonds have been issued and how much of the market money is in bonds.
Credits Credits are the opposite of Bonds. Here the system lends money to the user. The user then has to pay it back after a certain time. At the time of paying back he will be forced. Which means, if he does not have any cash in his bank account the account will be negative. If the users bank account is still negative after a couple of days he will get banned. Interest rates for credits are calculated similar to the interest rates of bonds
Shares Shares are the heart of the game. Every registered user has its own Joint Stock Company(=JSC). Players can buy other stocks and also sell them; the price of a stock is purely Demand & Supply based. For analyzing stocks, we have 4 key figures: Book value The book value is the sum of Bonds + Cash – Credits + Depot. Every share in the depot will be valued with their current share price.
TC The TC (=Turnover Capital) is a key figure which values the depot if the user would sell it instantly. It takes each position in the depot and simulates it down the order book of the position. LD The LD (=Liquidity Depot) is nothing more than Bonds + Cash – Credits of the user and all of its positions in the depot SB The SB (=Simulation Bonds) is a key figure which is a theoretical concept. It calculates how the book value would theoretically be if the user would have invested all of their money from the beginning in bonds.
Social Aspects
There are 4 places to socialize and interact with other players 1. Chat 2. Public Forum 3. Fond & fond intern Forum 4. Newspaper
Chat The chat is open to everyone. Here users can communicate with others, get help or create new relationships or trading partners. Admins oversee the chat and in case someone does not behave correctly the will give him/her a timeout in form of a chat ban. To make communication easier in the chat users can type # and the ID of the share. This will create automatically a link to the share with the matching ID, for instance: “Do you think the share price of #4 is too high?” “Yes, in my opinion #5 is cheaper but has the same key figures and an identical depot.” Public Forum In the public forum users can not only suggest ideas of what should be added to the game or give feedback but also discuss about everything which cannot be done in the chat or newspaper as the discussions are too complex and too long to follow. Fond You can either join an fond or create a new one. An fond can be understood as a group of players who want to help each other, create strategies together and create new strategies on how to get more money internally. An fond comes with an intern forum where people can discuss everything without being worried about an outsider following their conversation. Newspaper In the newspaper users can publish articles which can be read by every user. Most people tend to publish articles about the current market situation, new strategies, presenting them or trying to recruit new players for an fond. The newspaper is the best for marketing your own share and making yourself a name.
Admins & Tutors Admin An admin is one of the users in charge of enforcing the rules in the market and the community. You can contact him/her if you have any issues about the rules or other users. They can fine, compensate, disable users from trading, give out chat bans or ban people.
Tutors A tutor is another user who is known for helping the more unexperienced and new players, he/she himself/herself has gathered a lot of experience and will be quite easy to contact as he/she also answers question asap. Every tutor also has a table with all the players he is responsible for, which makes it easier for them to see who they should approach.
Newcomers When a new player enters the game and creates a new JSC the Central Bank will hold 100% of the shares at the beginning. It creates sell orders of this share which start at 100% over the book value and decrease over time. So, when someone buys the share over book value the Central Bank will get money but as it doesn’t invest it like players it is considered as a deflation. As newcomers are really valuable because it is the first time entering the game they are more than often very expensive and very rewarding as they posses massive growth rates but also come with a big risk of leaving the game or making expensive mistakes. In case a user leaves the game or is inactive for a long time a liquidation will start.
Liquidation & Bans A liquidation starts automatically when a share has not been active over span of 14 days. Creating Orders, taking a credit or issuing bonds are all considered as activity. When a liquidation starts the system automatically starts selling the whole depot with falling orders. Once a depot has been sold completely the JSC & User will be deleted. Players can only be banned by admins. The two only reasons for being banned are having a negative bank account (=cash) or not following the policies. In this case the player will be disabled from logging in. Furthermore, the system starts a liquidation for this share and once everything has been sold the Share & User will be deleted.
How should I start? The game approves a try & fail strategy and doesn’t come with the one strategy you should follow to succeed. Just like the world the game lives from different strategies and different inputs. If
everyone would be the same, wouldn’t live be boring? So be spontaneous, be brave and try stuff out. Having said this, it is common to start the game of with investing money in bonds and investing only small portions in shares. Your first goal is to find out how the market values the different key figures and the different stocks, so you can get an understanding of the market philosophy. I would love to write right here the market philosophy and how and when to take which key figure in consideration but the market changes from time to time. At the moment, I am writing this maybe the LD may be the go to key figure and couple of months later it will be the TTOC or the SB. One of the best ways to get to know more about the market is the chat where you can communicate with other players and exchange knowledge. Also, you can contact your tutor who will gladly help you guiding you through the game. A tutor will help you lifelong. It doesn’t matter how long you are in the game, a tutor will always provide help because it is their job.
How do I find shares for investments? Under Trading you can find a search form with all kinds of different fields. Here you can specify which share you want to invest in. For instance, if you want to buy shares which are in high demand you may want to look at the Order book value parameter. If you are interest in newcomers you may take a look at the ID parameter. Also, you may want to consider joining an Fond because a sum of 10 players has way more power over the market and over the share price of a single stock than a single person can ever have, unless you are the Warren Buffet of the Game.