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Roald Dahl's Big Friendly Giant (1998), and cultivating snozzcumbers? . Might CAI therefore be a factor that would lean society toward retaining nuclear.
Chapter 26

The Societal Implications of a Comet/Asteroid Impact on Earth: a Perspective from International Development Studies Ben Wisner


A Mighty Heuristic: Scale, Space and Time It is important not to let the potential magnitude of the impact from a comet or asteroid impact (CAI) skew discussion. Without doubt the energy released, hence consequences, from an ocean or terrestrial impact would be very large (McGuire 1999, pp 231–235; McGuire et al. 2002, pp 133–158). An impact in the world ocean (approximately 71% of our planet’s surface), could affect much of humanity living in large coastal cities and other coastal settlements. Recent trends in urbanization and migration to coastal areas have placed many hundreds of millions of people in harm’s way (Wisner et al. 2004, Chap. 2 and 7). A terrestrial impact on a heavily populated area is highly unlikely since humanity’s cities cover such a very small percentage of the Earth’s surface (only about 2–3%). Yet their “ecological footprint” is many times greater – 15 times as great in the case of greater Vancouver (Canada), 13 times in the case of the whole of the densely populated Netherlands (Wackernagel and Rees 1996). So in both the case of destruction of coastal cities by large tsunami and an impact on a major urban area, there arises the question of providing for survivors and displaced evacuees (if current or future tsunami warning systems can provide sufficient warning). The challenge of immediate relief (provision of water, food, shelter, sanitation, and medical assistance to survivors) following a tsunami produced by a CAI can be imagined by multiplying the logistical efforts required by the Asian tsunami (December 2005) or the impact of hurricane Katrina on New Orleans and the Gulf Coast (August 2005) by an order of magnitude. Any terrestrial impact will introduce huge quantities of dust into the atmosphere that could have the effect predicted in the 1980s when “nuclear winter” was modeled (Ambio 1982). The eruption of the Tambora volcano in 1815 did, in fact, cause very cold summers and crop failures, provoking what Post (1977) described as the last great subsistence crisis of Europe. How does one think beyond questions of search and rescue, immediate shelter and care for the survivors (Wisner and Adams 2003; Wisner et al. 2005), and even beyond the difficult years of food insecurity and disrupted economic activity? What are the civilizational implications of such an event? Thinking about a large comet or asteroid impact invites us, in fact forces us to think back in time, searching for comparable challenges and the lessons to be learned from human adaptability and resilience. We are also forced to think forward in time to a world as it likely to be when such CAI takes place. That world will probably have


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a relatively stable population of about 8 billion human beings. It will be one, at best, with significantly reduced in situ biodiversity and diminished fossil fuel reserves. Humanity will likely be concentrated even more than it is today in large urban regions, and these regions will be connected by evermore sophisticated and complex networks of trade, information exchange, and financial transaction. What I have just described in the best case scenario. A worse one is to imagine humankind still engaged in the kind of warfare that afflicts us at this time. War and other kinds of large-scale violence considerably complicate any disaster management picture (Wisner 2002; Wisner 2003a). CAI provides an awesome heuristic, a challenge to our imagination. In scale, have we ever seen anything like this? Humanity did, in fact, survive the last Ice Age, the Black Death, the influenza pandemic that swept the globe during World War I. The food shortages produced in Europe by the cold growing seasons that followed the 1815 eruption of the Tambora stressed the ability of nation state to provide a dietary safety net, but did not break these systems (Post 1977). What lessons can we learn about adaptation and resilience? In the face of CAI, what kind of resources should the world invest in preparing? 26.1.1 Assumptions Throughout these reflections I have made certain assumptions.  I have assumed that CAI will be without long forewarning. At present only limited

resources are directed toward monitoring potentially threatening comets and asteroids. I am assuming considerably increased resources are not forthcoming, and that there is not early warning (months or years) of impending impact. Another paper would be required to map out the likely plans, actions, and institutional arrangements necessary to evacuate (or permanently re-locate) coastal populations given sufficient warning time.  I have thought most about a Pacific Ocean impact, given the relative size of the world’s various oceans. Tsunami would not affect all exposed coasts in all scenarios, of course.  Another assumption is that CAI occurs within the next 100–150 years, beyond which the outlines of the world’s energy system and related urban/industrial geography are very hard to predict.  Finally, I have taken for granted that within this time scale, international order has not decayed as a result of nuclear war or the continued proliferation of many smaller and larger wars. If CAI occurs when humanity is living, as Thomas Hobbes once put it, in warfare of “all against all”, then life will already be “nasty, brutish, and short,” and CAI would amount only to an additional threat. 26.2

Do CAI-Scale Events have any Precedents? Such region-wide impacts and challenges of various kinds are not unprecedented in the history of our species. First, we should not forget that for most of our history since

Chapter 26 · The Societal Implications of a Comet/Asteroid Impact on Earth

the invention of agriculture and a settled way of life, in Ponting’s words (1991, p 88), “[a]bout 95 per cent of the people in the world were peasants; directly dependent on the land and living a life characterized by high infant mortality, low life expectancy, chronic under-nourishment and with the ever present threat of famine and the outbreak of virulent epidemics.” The human population reached its first billion in 1825. It had taken about two million years to get to this point. The second billion was reached in 1925, after only one hundred more years. The three billion mark came in 1960; four billion in 1975, five billion in the late 1980s, and around 2001 humanity welcomed its six billionth member (Ponting 1991, p 240). Despite this seemingly triumphant colonization of the planet, our species experienced many challenges and setbacks. Whole civilizations have, in fact, disappeared such as the Maya and the irrigators of Sumer and other early cities in the Near East. Famine stalked humanity until well into the 19th century (Davis 2001), and, for many in Africa still today, regional food security can easily be undermined by desert locust infestation and drought, especially when populations are displaced or weakened by war. The Mogol invasions of China killed 35 million, and the epidemics in China during 1586–89 and 1639–44 caused a fifth of the population perish on each occasion (Ponting 1999, p 95). The Black Death in the 14th century killed a quarter of Europe’s population. Millions also died in Europe during the “Little Ice Age” (1430–1850). The history of famine shows that until the 20th century, food insecurity was, in fact, the rule for most of humanity (Ponting 1991, pp 103–110). Even in the 20th century, a massive famine in China in the years of intensive industrialization (1958–61) may have killed as many as 30 million people (Wisner et al. 2004, Chap. 4; Yang 1996). Epidemic disease has also taken very large numbers of lives, and perhaps is a better model for the kind of stress that CAI would produce (Wisner et al. 2004, Chap. 5). This is because of the large regional and even world-wide scope of pandemics of plague, cholera, and influenza. At the end of World War I the great influenza pandemic that swept the globe may have taken as many as 50 million lives (Kolata 1999). 26.2.1 Adaptation and Resilience How has humanity responded to these large mortality events and regional stresses? On the whole, the historical record shows that population numbers rebound quickly (Clarke et al. 1989). There has often been violent conflict at these times, as people move into new territories and struggle for control of resources. Social and economic changes often occur. Institutions (secular and faith-based) are challenged, but generally adapt. So, perhaps, we needn’t worry that much about CAI? The problem, however, is that the ecological context of all previous challenges and responses was different. Recall the likely state of humanity and planet Earth when CAI will occur. In situ biodiversity will be eroded. Fresh water resources will have been diverted from irrigated agriculture to meet growing urban industrial needs. Fossil fuels used to synthesize artificial fertilizers and other agricultural chemicals will be much more expensive and scarce – in competition with end uses for generation of energy and mobility. And there will be 8 billion of us. In short, humanity will not have the luxury of “starting over” with the



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domestication of plants and animals and creation of agriculture. British economist Malcolm Caldwell wrote a book, entitled The Wealth of Some Nations in which he demonstrated that the petroleum and other fossil fuel resources of this planet are not sufficient for a second great agricultural and industrial revolution as we saw in Europe in the past few centuries. At that time, Europe had benefited since the 1500s from import of wealth (gold, silver) and later massive amounts of organic matter (guano) and energy. Such “primitive accumulation” cannot be repeated, Caldwell argued. A more optimistic view might suggest that the CAI might occur once the post-petroleum transition has been successfully accomplished, and there is less conflict over scarce mineral and energy resources, or – to take optimism to near Panglosian limits – even struggles over water or arable land. However, a post-petroleum spatial organization of humanity might require coastal cities to be even larger and more densely population to minimize the sprawl now supported by petroleum intensive transport. In addition, whatever the major energy sources at that point in our future, complex coordination and communication will be required, and those links will doubtless be severed by the CAI. 26.3

The perspective of International Development Studies Current thinking recognizes a large overlap between sustainable human development policy and disaster risk reduction policy (UNDP 2004; Wisner et al. 2004). The “big” idea that has emerged by this cross-fertilization is that sustainable human development itself is the single best way to prepare for disaster. This idea underlies the draft Program of Action of the World Conference on Disaster Reduction, held in Kobe, Japan in January 2005 (UNISDR 2004a) and its final outcome – the Hyogo Framework of Action (UNISDR 2005). Increased polarization between rich and poor, marginalization and displacement of the poor and rapid urbanization combine to place vulnerable people in the way of hazard events. Over the past few decades the numbers killed by such events have continued to rise. Between 1993–2002, there were more than 600 000 people killed and more than 1.5 billion affected by natural events that cost $ 700 million (UNISDR 2004b, p 3). The model used by most natural hazard researchers is that risk is a function not only of the hazard event (its intensity, duration, location, frequency) but also of the potential for loss, that is “vulnerability” (Hewitt 1997, pp 21–39; Alexander 2000, pp 7–22; Wisner et al. 2004, Chap. 1 and 2; Wisner 2004). In short hand form this is: R=H×V The conclusion of a number of studies have converged on the need to do a series of ambitious but necessary actions to bring disaster vulnerability (V) under control, since efforts to control H (hazard) along (through hydro engineering works, etc.) have not been sufficient. These measures include (UNDP 2004; Wisner 2003b; Wisner et al. 2004, Chap. 9):

Chapter 26 · The Societal Implications of a Comet/Asteroid Impact on Earth  Reduction of violent conflicts that displace persons (making them more vulner-


able) and get in the way of other effort to build the base for sustainable economic activity and land use (cf. Wisner 2002, 2003a). Encouragement of accountable and competent governance at all levels from nation to locality. Expansion and strengthening of the public health network and infrastructure (Wisner et al. 2005). Controlling unplanned urban growth and sprawl and expansion of efforts to upgrade squatter settlements. Expansion of efforts to protect wild biodiversity, hedging our bets on the future utility of this DNA. Control of global warming – a major likely factor increasing H in the future. Expansion of livelihood opportunities for the rural and urban poor, a key to reducing V (Wisner et al. 2004, Chap. 3).

These measures are generally agreed to be necessary pre-requisites for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, that is, sustainable human development and also disaster risk reduction. 26.3.1 Would “Sustainable Development” be Enough? Achieving significant progress in the seven measures mentioned above would have stunning impact on the ability of humanity to respond to a CAI and to adapt to conditions afterwards. For example, resolution of current violent conflicts and development of a truly international and efficient mechanism for preventing future conflicts would provide the next step in the gradual development of humanitarianism and international cooperation. Already regional peace keeping forces have been developed in Africa and the NATO countries, for example. A famine in 1991–92 that could have threatened the lives of 17–20 million people in southern Africa was avoided through manysided cooperation (DeRose et al. 1998). Food security was restored through the actions of the countries involved in the region, many international organizations such as the World Food Program, bi-lateral donors, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). This gives a hint of the potential effectiveness of international humanitarian action. However, such successes are still too few, and the international system is still at a primitive stage of its development. It is not well coordinated. Different U.N. bodies respond to different kinds of emergencies – OCHA to natural disasters and internal displacement of persons, the UNHCR to the needs of refugees that cross international borders, UNEP and WHO to technological disasters such as Chernobyl and Bhopal. UNDP and ISDR focus on building capacity to plan for disasters, prepare for them, and to prevent or to mitigate their impacts. Still other international agencies (e.g. IPCC; IHDP) deal at the moment with the human dimensions of climate change with less than adequate coordination with those working on “other” potential disasters. The concerns of small island independent states (SIDS) are often treated separately a “special case.” While SIDS do, indeed, face special risks (Pelling and Uitto 2001; Kelman 2004) – and could



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be catastrophically affected by CAI – such “special treatment” can also close off important cross-linkages to other programs and institutions. However, even if we imagine a relatively peaceful world with a well-connected and well-financed international disaster response mechanism, would that be enough to cope with a CAI? The answer is probably no. The scale of urban destruction would be great. It would include the obliteration of port facilities that are the still the heart of international trade. International financial transactions would be disrupted for a period. The cost and logistical requirements to meet the needs of displaced persons would be great, but that is not the main problem. The Marshall Plan dispensed $ 13 billion between 1947–1953 to feed and clothe a large part of the European population following World War II and to begin to rebuild livelihoods (US Department of State 2004). This is approximately $ 238 billion in the value of 2004 dollars, a considerable investment by the Marshall Plan in a kind of disaster response. The problem is that now, and certainly by the time we suffer a CAI, the urban industrial system will be (a) larger and more mutually interdependent and (b) already stressed during the final decades of petroleum availability (Heinberg 2003; Shah 2004). One estimate of the impact of a recurrence of the 1923 earthquake in Tokyo produced by the consulting firm Risk Management Solutions considers the cost of disrupted markets plus the cost of the physical damage to a much larger metro area. The number they got was $ 2.1–3.3 trillion (Stanford 1996). The knock on effect of such an event – a simple earthquake of known size and location – would be world wide. This loss estimate dwarfs even the considerable economic destruction caused by the 26 December 2004 tsunami that affected 11 countries in Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Indian Ocean and coastal East Africa. Even a very rich country such as the U.S. has a hard time absorbing the economic shock of a single large hurricane when it hits the heart of one of its main petroleum production regions and a major city. Hurricane Katrina, which flooded New Orleans and did catastrophic damage to the Gulf Coast of Mississippi, is at the time of writing likely to be the most costly disaster triggered by a natural event in U.S. history, surpassing the $ 48.4 billion cost of hurricane Andrew that devastated Miami in 1992 (Fields and Rogers 2005). This leads me to the conclusion that the precautionary principle (Harremoes et al. 2002) demands more than the seven measures already on the agenda of international development and disaster management experts and policy makers (as ambitious as they already seem). Lateral thinking is required, as Foster puts it, “to survive change” (1997). Thus three additional measures are required:  Roll out more rapidly alternative energy sources, so that we save petroleum as a

future feedstock for pharmaceuticals and other useful things. This would also reduce the potential impact of disrupted international oil shipments due to CAI/tsunami damage of oil terminals and refineries near the coasts. It would also reduce the economic stress of the next century and a half that otherwise will have to cope with ever increasing oil prices.  Legislate at national level incentives to decentralize megacity populations to regional growth centers. This would have the benefit of producing much needed employ-

Chapter 26 · The Societal Implications of a Comet/Asteroid Impact on Earth

ment and releasing productive forces while it also reduced the numbers of people in the big coastal megacities. Decentralized, renewable energy, and decentralized, smaller towns and settlements are a key to resilience in the face of a CAI. On a modest scale, planners in the U.S. have already put forward the notion that control of sprawl and more ecologically sound cities are essential for disaster risk mitigation (Burby 1998).  Accelerate the acceptance of low input sustainable agriculture (LISA) through research, incentives, and subsidies. It is possible to wean agriculture off of high energy inputs in the form of agro-chemicals and unnecessary mechanization. Zero-tillage techniques, biological control of pests, and many other aspects of LISA are well studied, but they have not spread rapidly. Cuba, for example, is a natural laboratory for LISA since it was forced by the end of the cheap oil it received from the USSR and the U.S. embargo to grow much of the food for its population using low input techniques (Rosset and Benjamin 1994). At present food in the U.S. travels very long distances before it is consumed – for example, 1 494 miles from production to consumer in the case of Iowa (a farm state) (Pirog and Benjamin 2003). Food systems that are, at least for non-luxury items, more reliant on local or closer regional sources and that use LISA techniques would be far less disrupted by the effect of a CAI on trade and petroleum availability. 26.3.2 A Remaining Big Worry Even in a world characterized by considerable progress on the ten measures I have proposed, there would be an additional concern – climate disruption caused by the millions of tons of dust. The renewable sources of energy one might like to see as a transition from petroleum dependence are solar dependent. But there will be far less sunlight for several years following a CAI. Also, whether one is growing food with LISA or conventional techniques, plants need sunlight and warmth to grow. Is there a case to be made for development of varieties of crops that contain lots of energy (tubers of some kind) that grow under harsh conditions and reduced light? Will we be reduced to growing barley adapted to Tibet and eating momos, or, perhaps taking a page from Roald Dahl’s Big Friendly Giant (1998), and cultivating snozzcumbers? Might CAI therefore be a factor that would lean society toward retaining nuclear energy as an option? The trade off between the current enormous environmental cost of the whole uranium fuel cycle from mining through disposal of high level waste is so great, it is hard to imagine the calculation that would balance these costs against the benefit of having nuclear power to fall back upon in the case of CAI (Cutter et al. 1985, pp 378–391). 26.4

Some Tentative Conclusions 1. Disasters of regional scope are known and, in fact, not uncommon (e.g. those triggered by drought, population displacement, fires, tsunami, oil spills, and epidemic outbreaks). This means that CAI would not present a unique and unprecedented



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situation for humanity. Lessons can be learned from the more remote past (e.g. the 14th century plague in Europe). They can also be inferred from the more recent past. Examples include the 19th century food shortages in Europe following the 1815 Tambora volcano eruption (Post 1997), as well as 20th century African famines and floods in Bangladesh and China, all of which affected tens of millions of people on each occasion (Wisner et al. 2004, Chap. 4 and 6). Current thinking about the management of the “normal” range of natural hazard risks considers good governance and investments resilient infrastructure (public health, water, power, communications) to be central to risk reduction (Twigg 2004; UNISDR 2004a; UNDP 2004). Thus implementation of the U.N.’s Millennium Development Goals (by 2015) and the program of action of the World Conference on Disaster Reduction (2005–2015) would simultaneously help to provide humanity with more resilience in the face of CAI (UNISDR 2004b, 2005). Also the international community is presently re-appraising the international humanitarian assistance system (Sphere Project 2004). Incremental improvements of that system which facilitate rapid deployment, cutting through red tape, resolving civilian/military competition, etc. are not only valuable in dealing with conflict and post-war situations. In the case of a large disaster, including CAI, improved international response capability would be crucial. However, it should be noted that nearly everything I have proposed (the ten items in the two lists above) have many benefits besides preparation of humanity for CAI. This point is crucial. I am not convinced that sums of money spent exclusively for CAI preparation or mitigation (besides further scientific study and astronomical observation, discussed below) can be justified. My belief is based on the critical state of the human population at this moment. There is a great need for investments in maintenance of the childhood vaccination system world wide, reduction of maternal mortality rates, provision of safe drinking water, etc. – in short, implementation of the Millennium Development Goals. Since one no longer hears of a “peace dividend” (Brown and Wolf 1988), such money will be scarce and must compete with investment in preparing uniquely for CAI, that is, preparing in ways that do not have collateral benefits. Finally, I believe it may difficult to build an international consensus around policies for mitigating harm from CAI in a bi-polar world, where not only wealth and income are highly unequal, but also where access to scientific resources are uneven. The continuing gap between more and less developed nations has two implications. Firstly, as just noted, whatever is done to prepare for CAI must have additional, complementary benefits for “normal” disaster risk reduction and sustainable human development. Secondly, scientific capacity in astronomy/planetary science and Earth sciences in less developed countries (LDCs) should be reinforced. This should be part of a general effort to spread educational benefits more evenly throughout the world. The more we have good, solid scientific capacity in a large number of nation states, the easier it will be to reach a consensus on what to do about CAI. There has already been some complaint from scientists and policy makers in LDCs that they are dependent on wealthier countries for data on global climate change. This sensitivity is bound to show up again in the case of the scientific basis for CAI policy.

Chapter 26 · The Societal Implications of a Comet/Asteroid Impact on Earth

Notes An overview of the growth of coastal exposure is provided by Wisner et al. (2004, Chap. 2) and Wisner and Ahlinvi (2001). Evacuation would depend on the lead-time provided by a tsunami warning system such as the pan-Pacific system that now exists, as well as on the availability of evacuation routes and modes of transport sufficient to cope with the population of coastal megacities. A means of rapid communication with the people would be necessary and a great deal of discipline and self control. Evacuation of a major city such as Los Angeles, Mexico City, or Tokyo even if several days advance warning of an earthquake would be impossible (Mitchell 1999). On the other hand, with 2–4 days advance warning, 1–2 million people have been successfully evacuated from coastal Florida, Alabama, and Louisiana when warned of hurricanes, but many do not manage (Alexander 2002, pp 149–155). Cuba is extremely effective in organizing evacuations before hurricanes hit, and generally does not lose human life as a result (Thompson 2004). Approximately 50 000 people or 10% of New Orleans’ population did not leave the city prior to the impact of hurricane Katrina and subsequent breeching of the city’s protective levees. When a total evacuation of the city was officially ordered on 31 August 2005, the best estimate was that only 10 000–15 000 of these remaining people could be evacuated per day. If astronomical observations give a more or less precise window of time for CAI and thus provide several months’ or even years’ warning, it might be possible to organize an orderly temporary retreat from coastal settlements, securing and “mothballing” immobile assets and infrastructure. Of course, it would be better to dedensify and decentralize such coastal settlement for a variety of reasons discussed below. See also Aykroyd (1974), Rotberg and Rabb (1983), Arnold (1988), and Newman (1990). The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are a set of eight objectives adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 2000. Since then they have been re-affirmed and operationalized in a series of targets and benchmarks to be achieved by 2015–2020. See: and One of the MDGs is to get approximately 100 million children of school age – many of them girls – in school. Opportunities for secondary school education even more skewed toward citizens of industrial countries, and the chances of going to university or developing a career in science for someone from one of the HIPC countries is very slim (Highly Indebted Poor Countries are a U.N. category.) Mushrooms, of course, grow quite well in reduced light. They are quite nutritious when considered in units per dried weight unit of mushroom. One source states: “Mushrooms are relatively high in protein, averaging about 20% of their dried mass. They contribute a wide range of essential amino acids, are low in fat (0.3–2.0%), high in fiber and provide several groups of vitamins, particularly thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, biotin, and ascorbic acid. While nutrients vary from one kind of mushroom to the next, many contain protein, vitamins A and C, B-vitamins and minerals including iron, selenium, potassium and phosphorus.” ( PortabellaMushrooms.htm). At least one commercial product (Quorn) is made from the mold, Fusarium venenatum, from which is extracted a mycoprotein. However, it is hard to imagine large populations subsisting on such products during the “CAI win-



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ter” hiatus of farming. Fungus-based cuisine may suit “bogeymen” (Briggs 1977), but not most human beings. One might, however, be tempted to dull the suffering of the long “CAI” twilight with the consolation of “magic mushrooms.” The sea might be considered another source of food as agricultural production falls. However, ocean fishing would also be crippled by reduced numbers of useable boats and harbors (destroyed by the tsunami) and limited petroleum. In addition, CAI is likely to have severe impacts on ocean ecosystems and possibly even currents, so that food from the sea would not necessarily be plentiful.

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