Jul 4, 1977 ... Mr and Mn. Robert ft &ook, Sc. of. •~'NICI Pontiac Trail, NeW ... the Southwest and
coastal states and ... A sutprlse shivaree was given July 2.
W.dne.dsy. Aily 13,1977—THE SOUTH
South Lyon Sidelights
July 4 celebrated with travel and gatherings MRS. RMPR BWWELL 4374145 t.
*lor4Fowthof Julyweekend was asd by many ant Mmfl4 by sig gathflga for friends P
Acolorfulperada and pit Stivilis at Barton City on M.wby din the flSfl4sae ci Mr. and Mn. Norman 4 (leers, &t#tn Norma and Mary,
end Mn. Mary Lana who w~ vscatfrsdng at their cottage nest that towt On&aday, the group were Fasts of fr~ for a berbecue beef plaik. rsy people .n.afr4 The Jerry Gregorys of Ne..4hn, Pemisylvanla were holiday w...hw4 eats of his parS the Paul Gregory.. On July 4, the Gregory. heeled a picnic In honor of their t Guests h~d another son
Engagements told by two local couples Mary Cowley and Robert Raymond Qcek, Jr. an engaged and rmt( a s~lng,Wit w’Mng as ~‘-‘~‘ by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stejtien P. Cowley of 53719 NIne Mile Reed, Northvllle. Mr and Mn. Robert ft &ook, Sc. of •~‘NICI Pontiac Trail, NeW Hudson are parents of the ,09,s.-Uve hddeçoan. A 9Th ~thaS of Soilb Lyon High School, Miss Cowley Is attending Schioclealt ~‘-‘~imity College and is anployed psrt4lme at the Fife and Dnrn RSant Her fiancela 1971 grackiate of South Lyon High and Is enployed by Lerman ~fruction Company as a carpenter.
The .rig.r—’t of Cynthia At Smelser to Wayne Donald Stafford Is ann~sedby her pareS; Mr. and Mn. Herbert Smeüer of WOO Ctubb Road. The fuhwe bridegroom is the son of Mr. and MS. William Stafford ci 750 When Rat The brlde.elect, * 1977 graduate of SoithLyon High School, isemployedat Del’s ~ioea In Northvllle. Her fiance S employed at Meljen Thrifty Aaes In Ypsilanti. He Is also a WI? graduate of South Lyon High and plans to attend Eastern Michigan Unl~ vanity this faliI No wedding date has been set.
and his wlf~the James Gregorys of &lghton, and friends from South Lyon, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Burns and Mrs. Grace G~er. Holiday weekend guests of Mrs. lao Usndberg were Dr. and Mrs. Oliver Elan of Peoria, fllind.• Acamping trip over the holiday at the state at Sturgis was enjoyed by the Karl Prescher family, the Gerald Barrett family and the Frank Barabes family, all of Tangueray Hills, and the Darwin Tewkebury family of Grand Rapids, the Gaylord Barretta and the Victor Barrett family, all of Livonla.
A tat of 14 states on a rock hunting expedition was recently completed by Mr. and Mn. Clarence Megan of Marshall Road. They traveled in their ~tor home to Texas and throughout the Southwest and coastal states and report experiencing all kinds of weather bat being well rewarded by Anding many beautiful stones to add to their collection. Mn. Paul Gregory was beaten to members of the Marion Stiaw Circle of the South Lyon Methodist Church for their monthly meeting and luncheon on July 5. Mr. and Mrs. James Graham of Taylor were holiday weekend guests of her parents, the Wilfred Greens of South Hill Road. On July 3, ClaudIa Green was bitten at an Open House honoring Glen Wlsenian on his graduation from Eastern Michigan University. The party was held at the home of the \WilfrS Gne~. Holiday weekend guests of the John Newman, Jr. family of Fairland Drive were Mr. and Mn. Raymond Butts of Battle Creek and the Mike Spencer family of South Lyon. The Kimberly family reunion was held at the Wilson Kimberly home in
late June wIth Betty Kimberly of Am JetTy Mayos of South Lyon, and Astor, Daryl Kimberly of ~ friends, the Kemnsth McCis’lys of David Kimberly of Ypsilanti, Deimis Hamburg. and Kevin Clark and friend Kimberly of At Arbor and the Ted of South Lyon. &nlthe Cd Chelsea among the Fiesta. The Wilson Kimberlys spent three July4guestsofMr. and Mn. Walter days recently with the James Hatches Miller of Whipple Street were Mr. and in Toronto, Canada, returning home by Mrs. Frail MIst of New Hudson. way ofNiagara Fallswith a stopover at Sea World. Tuesday guests of the The Slat birthday of Randy Goers, a Kimberly. were Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur student at Michigan State University, was the occasion for a special dinner at Bond of Hilisdale. On a recent &mday, the Kimberlys the home of his parents, Mr. and Mn. were visitors at the home of his brother Norman (ben, last Sumday. and wife, the Riasell Kimberlys of Toledo. They are moving to Plate Mr. and Mn.Albert Kessler of New Lake, Michigan soon. Hudeon were guests at a dinner party July 2 gIven by Mrs. Byron Cliapin at A sutprlse shivaree was given July 2 her home at Lake Orion. for Mr. and Mn. Herman Scheel of Whipple Street by their cbil*en and Mrs. Shirley Hulls of Milford was the grandchildren. A buffet luncheon was guest of honor at a birthday dlit at served to so friends and relatives. A the Lyon’s Den Restaurant on July 3. cake decorated In green, orange, sad Others present were Mrs. Milo yellow centered the buffet table. Pettengill of New Hudson, the Bert Taylors of Waterford, Clair Hopkins of Sally, Dean, and Gary Becketein are Clarketon and Mn. Alice Hopkins of spending seven weeks camping at Big Whom. Later, the groIc spent the Star Lake in Baldwin. Mn. Becksteln Is afternoon at Mrs. Pettengill’s home. the camp nurse at the Oddfellow and The Boy Scout camp at Lost Lake Retekab camp for boys and girls there. near Care was the destination when Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith of Kay Mr. and Mn. Paul Gregory spent two Street with the Reginald &nIthe of days “up north” recently. The toast Road were dinner guests of their Gregorys enjoyed a tour of the home of brother and family, the William Smiths Harry Bennett, former Ford Motor of toast Road on Standay. Company executive who donated his property to the Boy Scot. A troop The Claude Cobb family of 10 Mile from South Lyon was also camping at Reed were holiday weekend guests at Lost Lake. the horn. of his brother and family, the The birthday of Mrs. Ralph Bidweil Jack CobS, at Clayton. Claude assisted his brother In working on conetructbon on July I was celebrated with a family of his new home. get-together which inclihd the Donald Bidwells of Plymouth, Gary and Clayton Bidwell of South Lyon and the Robert HughEs of Denver,Colorado Is visiting his mother.in-law and fatherS Duane Bidweils of Martindale Road. Saturday callers of Mrs. Bldwell were ln.law, the Lance Andersors of Sandy the Emery Van Skkls of Johns Road Hill Court, New Hudson. and Mn. Mm Polan of Bells Donna A vacation at Alpena was recently Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Fox of enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Carvel Clark Plymouth and Mrs. Gary Bidwell, ofRwhton Road. On July 4, they hoeted Lorelel, and Clayton were SiSsy Mrs. Clark’s sister and biaband, the visitort -
Cross of Chriii éhurch plans evening school Thstthg in Ood’i Care” Is the family will be offered. Classes will be ISne for thIs year’s Vacation Bible ~jov1dedfor chil&en, ages threó it SOMOl planned by the Cross ci QuInt Ic, with a special chess for yoitbe from 14-15 years old. Puts Michael &lstol ~theru thw* will conduct the adult Bible class. There will be six evening .~Wa Offerings taken during the Bible 4ced on einsPWw Thtrsdays from will be donated toward support ‘ .*lict4thra# Augiat IS. The classes school wUt•:bS held at the First Unitad of project India. This Is an evangelism PSbyterlan Clutch which Is banIrig sort on the part of the Lutheran facilities to the neighboring Clutch at Molt. They are sending lay people to India to bring the “Good tension. Mows are 5:304 p.m. $W Testament Bible storlis to be News” of Christianity to the people ~su the Elijah, thee. For fwther Information about Bible ;~DS and Daniel. FeilowshIp~mite, School, contact Jean Brown, 437.4596. projects for the whole ~.
— —
— M, ~‘&~T~QøW~S$L~atjye pon.cwumlt ~Wfl4~bt aloeS ofdcer of the Pro- gilded alle d~stroyer
Fitzgerald Is en route to Thailand with his wife Prachid (Joy) and their son Jason Carlo. where they will stay with July SOwhenhereportstohls new duty station, Headquarters Allied Forces Southeastern Europe in Ismir, Turkey. This Is the
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Adams and daughter Cindy spent the holiday weekend vlsitlnglier parents, the Philip Bolangoa at St. Ignace. Bill Bakhaus was one of the part.ld. pants In the Mini National State Street meet at the State Fairground on June 25. HIs parents, the John Bakhauses of Martindale Road, and the Diaries MeCalns of South Hill Road attended the event and dined at the Long Joha. Silver Restaurant in Detroit later In the day. Members of the POW-MIA group of Michigan met at the home of Mn. Msrlan LaBohn on June 25. Mn. David Herald and Miss Jennie Challis spent Saturday afternoon visiting their mother and sister, Mn. Clement Smith, at her home in Pontiac. Mn. &nlth, a former resident of South Lyon, was 82 years old on that day. They were jolned at dinner by Mrs. Herald’s sister, Mn. E. Heichel.
Commerce~. Electrical Supply
Fitzgerald off to Thailand ELAINE MA.RY COWLEY
Mrs. Wilson Lane of Soith Lyon daughter Lois Whitman of Northvifle attended a birthday dinner perty for Mrs. Lane’s sister, Mn. Louise Bowers on June 25. Mrs. Bowers was 90 years old. The party was held at the home of her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Bowers, near Howeil. The ladies’ sister, Mn. Helen Reiner of Lajolla, California, flew to Michigan for the occasion and a brother, Howard Bidweli of Bay City, was also 5..,ent. Other guests Included the Robert RiMtmam of Fawlervllle, Cindy Rutman and her sister Rebecca and small daughter. Marilyn Crane and Sharon Hougiaton of Drayton Plains and Water. ford were afternoon guests. Mn. Relner was the guest of Mn. Lane for a short visit before returning to California.
Usda *eea ?*mnm~esent CU
Electrical Supply & Lighting Needs
yost Marshall’s office USS Parragut, homeand the Peat MP station. ported In Norfolk, have the opportunity to He will beth charge of a Virginia. His ship Is observe careers in which sectIon at his new duty operating as a unit of the they might wish to serve 20141 Inkstec (North dO Mile) — Air Force officers. U.S. Sixth Fleet. station. He and his fellow shipThe Fitzgerald. were Firininglon sits 4740450 married In Bangkok, mates recently visited Thailand, in 1974 when he Athens and Turkey. was asaigned to the Mlll~ During the remainder of “nfl, tary~Advlsoty_Qroupihe_cnaia_hls_shlti5_~ Turkey and is the largest there and .1w was attend- scheduled to participate International head- ing school. Their son was in several training opera’ TIE III$WILI CLINIC oerso~*mic quarters there. born last year while they dons with other Sixth 437CU51 314 N.Lsf~atte Fleet wilts and with ships The Fitzgerald. stop- were at Fort Hood. AS, Oduisid, DO itt Ods.ced. DO ci allied nations. In addioff in South Lyon for Mon., Tue. Wid., thurt 5-12 noon. a.a p~m. OPPICE HOURS, FrIday 9-12 noon, 24 p.m. Closed Saturday a visit with his parents. ~Marlne Private Mark tion to the training exar~ Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Fttz• A. Butt, son of Mr. and cises; several more- port gerald of 251OO Martin- Mn. Herbert A. Butt of visits In Mediterranean dale Road, on their way vieo Marshall Road, has countries are planned. MsxCrsSal,00 overseas from Fort Hood, completed recruit Wain~ The Farragutls 512 feet 41431 Tin MIle fluid, Newt 34e47t0 Texas where SFC Fitz- Ing at the Marine Corp. long andcarrles a crew of gerald was assigned to Recruit Depot, San 377 officers and enlfld Neon by Appointmeid men. She Is outfitted with duty as the admists- Diego. During the 11-week gwus, torpedo tubes and Cr J. No P.nsII onoaurair training cycle, he learned an antlsuthmarlne rocket lye t.,...~.a,GM. Pitted, setline & Ceeteet Laniss launcher. the basics of battlefield AO~h.1 N_, closed ThiSs~ A 1974 graduate of survival. He was Intro~ Whitmore Mon.,Ta,WS.,Prie.m.t.sp.m,—setSs.m.e.1p,m. Lake High duced to the typical 107 N. Lstsy.tt.—seudi Lyon Plans 437.29w routine that he will School, he joined the Navy In January ifl. Roll Cmii: Wlckmafi yes. Rican experience during his DL Chiropractor Vie. Murphy yst Hank’ yes. enlistment and studied JenictI see. Harass yes, icencri the personal and proPinched nerves of the neck sitd beck yes. Yak absent. Cadet Randall K. Moved by Wickmae supported fessional standards 134W. LIberty, Saudi Lyoe,-437-3613 bit Appointment by Murphy tomppeil We mctttti of traditionally exhibited by Jones, whose wife Treva We County lix Allocation leeS I. the daughter of the decision to Its MIchigan Tax Marina. Eugene Randalls of 50450 CUNNINGHAM CHIROPRACTIC LIPI CINTIR TrIbunaL Roll Cell: Wlckmmn yes. Rite,. Navy Engineman Nine Mlle. Road, Is ye,. Murphy yes. Jolw~Iyet. iflW. Lake meet, south Lyon 437-slot participating In a US Air Kinks ra Jiflickl tie, games Second Class 7homas J. yes. Motion Cerriod PREC—PamIly lIst Keith Leetwis svuiy M.d., 7 pa.—PtlSsWf Force Reserve Officers Murphy, son of Mr. and •. Police Sack Fey: Moved by Training Corps field Risen supported by Murphy that Mrs. Thomas J. Murphy the peovItlOiS of tile contract be of 605 Eastahore Drive, training encampment at honored i~dtile back pay in It. Vandenberg AFB, Whltmore Lake, is amount of vms w approved tor sevmsnt. currently on an extended California. Roll Cell: Wlckmatt ysi. Resin During the In the ye Muryliy yie. Jolnon isteIn, deployment encampment, cadets Hiss yes. Jenicki yss. Kames Mediterranean Sea. Newest Member in the Reynolds Family yet Molten Carried. He Is serving as a receive survival and a. Tre.SI. of PunS: Mend by of Quality-Water Conditioning PrOdUCts. Wlckman and eupnfled by Murphy IS ttetwtw ff0511 We The Combine Is a combination of three
Industrial. Residential
Green Oak Minutes ~0
Mend by Resin wççais siy
luppirtid bV HtMl tobill Cartlir ferns biCktoi. 575.00 InStead it We 122.00 erislnel bill. Motion Mend by WICSJMSI .ewS1.d Carried. Contact both St. Police as a nn Deçt. sic County to 9sf situation bt hem for Chief stoner is fectHled. Olcusaien of a Junior :1. MtifMe wes cai~dto lids!’ tsin this l~55 tItled ata fiii’ I 043 alelnel sia MitSuI FIre Diet. foe 14 yiar old and atIS PM. Oldie 5014*50 site? *1130’ ChIef ‘t Ps_tots tIse~ ChIll shear imad to thsnfl Shear was aMid to check wIt,, t â$iICalh Wlct~ni~ janleki, sit., tire t5, Hans regutetid — Nsesi~SW?,, JIIWL Nafl Ha fir. newt fr_n the escuef isaAitirilsy hays s report en PIrs ,n..tlns of Ito ,n*Wh to It. tint k~.e, Present. ViltAlsant. A n~fr~TM lard inst Costs by rail tnsstlr S —. .4. Aiei’S%’i We AieMe: Moved U. Truck lId: Mevid by 7. LIner Projedurs arId by Woman iweirlid by lees., Morph, sweirtid by Jitwain to Policy: to .neewe she arId. as mcciii JIm WilS bid II this on Lbyar Licaiwi Policy; Moved Ford Triclir in as Ii he Hiss ppeeled by Murphy So ~at otlitst e. eflie TV. igsi Additl.i.: IL PItysiclIs cerdIlin — W~ttrTh50Milton Its LSuar LlCee.e Policy. c~i. lit lssd cw,tract. n Molten CarrIed. as PIIyska4 CsMtect: Mend by —