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smti,, ,l,mv Smm%'les, 1,1,1,' grmmmimh—eltiltln''mi sit, greimi' grantl-cI, ihlmhremm. Sunday. ..... for Inst rmcet ions, and we hod to scrape paint from the guns ...



-THE Volume 61







I3~Year-OldSon of Babson Is Not ‘Milton Fields’ Dies -[Le~eiMàs6gèFYOthRei.R:C. (i WillIams’ Worried Over and hrH5~pitalSunday Taxation,imfhtioi’ -

Pastor of tisa M.tbocli.t Churche, of So~thLyon

New Hudson



Number IS


Auctioneer Elkow Reports SatisfactoryPrices, at ilk Sale

Community Has a Light~Yote’at’-’-’Monday’s Electjon -

But what Is tlue sigoifleanee of Wlmmst right lies he to Interfere with: • “The Veil of the Temple Was’ “The Iterut yell”? Pirsta it suggests centuries of traditions - and hicws? So Undcrtmiker F, F. i’hilIi1~s C’ is It - (‘i’M, Elksw reports L 5cr)’ - s:mtiS’ !~nlt.f~~e top to the bottom.” L.icy,aaL ilsuruLil~sLtara some, Hamuburg,Wednesdaymtfkernooii”ili TiiCti5’iilUiiFtlW Cttdy”tthtr’ala’ttnll’ tile wurm that -treated -His Son,tcanssotibtlog myself ciar— Pie’ ito utbm — lust — Sat orslay.’t’hmsa_ top ,rect ing the fit nerat of Phil lip — lie-I ci,There-are--people who do not care ‘--Green- Oahh-Only-Township-- -— Ru Rojes~W. Bibióii Ill—year—mild sun of Me, - and Mr&• Mil- I hmmisteima cow smmld for $1-lit; two i - to dwell as others do, upon the hor- to believe that Oodipri$~rypurpose “Omit touch upon HIs garment fringe, With Two Tickets in Field; for sending-HIs absciqto the world Hcmsied th~hurt ot’bitter years; itel ii yeti r-mild hmeifers went for $MtI ton F’ i e i d of hear Wl,ittmcore • jible atrocities, — barbarities“and iudlg. 4 Washington. D. C., ‘~pHi 9—Tax MeIlmi,s toni $A5, mini yearling hteifers brniuglmt Republicans W’un --‘‘ nations which Jesus Isad to suffer Pus-- was crucifixion. We ha~è-butto’ go That devils cringed before His word, - returns and_tax picymnents in March I t,ke -‘iv sc, died - irs t IcC’ back and -search the history of the He gave the wine of joy for tears,” I tospitmil Sundtty night - at 9 tHis. ‘IIme fnmmmi $ Iii is, $.tti, Au old Ftmniis,mmi - sion Week. Someone said to the writshattered all previous records, I iosvThey went about to kill Hint, and boy had beemi ill widi measles s mid wits traettir,of E,mglish uimmke, ‘aims 1mb! uthl A cc re iiglut ~‘mmte titmed visit - In er one day that “it made ‘her sick at Jewish_people to know what God thought of all the sacrifices that were cud not stay their intent untilthey had ever, the taxes collectible this year ulsparently recovering when striek.’im itt ~2tit4Imeficre it was s,,imh, intl it ID-ui tic,’ Cite- mt Stmmuthm l.ynut, Mmmusmiimy_ AlL - heart every time she heard a -preacher will be far short of it u r requi retuents. vehemently dilating upon the bheeQlng offered for sin,”The blood of goats done their foul work. It was Thot Not only are our dçifensc charges In- as’ ith, aispemsdieitis, the all pendi a rup- li, nI t rim c’ttm r smmhcr fL5f$~37. 1,u gsa e cal l(c1timhitic,tmc it,mt,, c,tIiCc’rs earrii’cl. 0. mimic re smmlLI for sat isf,seto re It rices, ibtiustdm,i Kemmmic—chy fimr Stmste- I ihghmwmay wounds, torn brow and pierced si,4e_ot and bulls, what areilsese to me? -I era enough that they had rejected 1-limo creasing rapidly, but the outlay of the toring.., lie sans tti ken to thC hums mit il Jesus.” I am Inclined to think with ~iëkThf it aM. Don’t bring these things frous the first; not enough that they civil’ depi~rftoentsof g,’veror,tetst has about ten chaos before Ins death. l’mmeit- Mr, I’Ukaw reports between 111111 niul Cam mat,cmt issi,u~ser_rtseIveiLth,e_aiuzt_votcs 2OmtO Iii’rsmtmls mit tIme sidle, It was well mt i cme’mulmc— mmcm t him,’— I)c’mmm,icemstim, Iic’ket— thit good woman, that we preachers tp me any more” said the Lord. Bring had refused to bellevç In fiji,,, but risen ove ‘*a,OOO,Ottdt,l itit I in I lie luist mtmonict en ttsecLl,ls sheotise. are inclined to carry the sufferings of nae’’tiui’ mote-vain oblations: Your new they tisust subject Him to,jiia: basest ten yea I Washlngt irs cIl:lulren’tly ex- F’u,,ert,i ser~’e was held in the ai~ert I scsi, is fmc II emil ititin l,eimig ii semI tiH,Jimtt I_irma’ C. Sccmlth, eiummslld,ite fist Jesus a bit too far sometimes, even to iThons and your solemn feasts they are l,utitiiliatloas, even to nailing His hands pects sacrifices on the part of everyone Free Methodist church at 2cHmi, mt,mcl In time I lerald,’ Maity frn:mi Smut ii Stilt— I ilglmss-mm? Coimmmiiissitcner mn thic’ the point of Irreverence, and we have a trouble unto me1 my soul hateth and feet to a cross. I do not wonder except itself! Hence taxs’s tire being burial was in the hlaicmburg cerumetery. I ymmm, ibid a’Ii’lniiy were nimtc’si titmituig Itm’puthlii’tmm: tlcks’t received AM, ,tSS_ ‘~ lies1des Ii is parents, the him ci leave’s liii’ lmiddc’rs. made so much of it that certain people them, they are a trouble unto me, I that God took hold of the Temple Veil raised to suppprt Its ic,ereased costs as cimtmvs’ thai, Kemmmmcdy..-~tmiemsdmcieu:ts cite— of prominence have been inclined to will not hear; I -~‘lllnot see; I will with iRs strong hands and rent it in well as, to bear -the- exlie,,se of, de— to iscourn -isis death, two brothers, (,‘tih— rh—mI ore. viii an ml \Vi Ibmi r, and a sister, ‘I’ mel ama, ridicule Calvary’s transaction alto- close mine eyes..’ ‘Wash you, make-you twain—from—the-top, td the bottom. — -‘Lyon Township Thase.-- ‘the fanmtlyjo,rsn ly reside’l, on 1hzgether:-- “I wonder sometimes if it clean; put away the evil of your doing But, oh, wonder_of”wonders~ What lmm’’l’e’mmii times’mi,’ihtilm thin’ aa’:ts cmii cmimn— PROPOSED HIGHER TAXES hmoro road, upp ‘ te e Victor l’ ii,ie’ ISis Son tsnd His-power In the tii’tindpk, ritual of the teniple~~ s~’stCm of I-its Christ Victonhoums. God staildW harT nhtnual taxes on pnls’mtte imicotmics will, ,hi’sircjimst dhiul 3241. TIo Mtmsi,tt,’ dtt’mi~iiFti’r, Mrs. 4-l.hllfr•) I’lhi,~,slm’y, aim,h (c,uimt -(‘mmcci’’, and the earthquake, thie - dariseØ’ed tvorship and the -traditions of the El- of the rent veil and He - humus scpwand. surtmsxes beginning on’,mmm-t iarm’aiuies of imre ss-ilhimsg, ‘tIme (mrgilm,izidtltsn acm’ lii’ ,smti,, ,l,mv Smm%’les, 1,1,1,’ grmmmimh—eltiltln’’mi - Ismmmrmi of iti’vii’ss’, h’m’ti’r,h”tihfmit, Cimmmcl ‘t imlcarliacst’n’vas.’’’ - son and’tlie’opened graves. No-wonlin’ ders. These things must not be modi. Old Ilmings have passed away, and all $3,OtIO instead of at tin’. laresemlt level mllmaing ritm,tim of Mtssumm,ic ‘i’cmmmi’lm’ fur sit, greimi’ grantl-cI,ihlmhremm Osbmtiriu,’ ii,mrrs’ (‘l,irk,Chtims, c’ mit— t,mma is the only living charter oac’,milacrt Farson. More precisely written than shows and other things. It gets tiveson,o around here I’m: acves mit Ii, bU’,ching Okhohu,mmuma Cite’, ,lm,rm, fttrthmr, cii Irma-it irOn lits emts’e hums mit c’(’mrs, limits tmmrmimicmg a st~thnm’— 1 \V Chihili nmmw of I’i,ntbar- Iielpm’d • “The Way of a Transgressor.” The The camp is 21 miles long and half weekends, 1lie went, Ic-lining os-er tie edge if ibte We hmsve Satmirday tmftertiti’ mt;nss’,irih, tim mmiii’t liii’ sttijmm:lili’,s cs— miraw mIt the Cmmnstitmcttomi at the tlmmie content fills a, gap in our information a mile wide. It isn’t anywhere near full Ibm largest vimirumod city in the snuttlm— noon and So ndoy off, We’re ohmoim t 110 wcst, cvitim it lb ulotlon of 210,-tOO ram-k ,mn,l Im,,tkimmg duss’m liv im,emmns of l,-mmhiims mints-ti iimtlil tIme>’ niiei’t, fiurimitig mit orgminizimag, If tbn’ce bs anvtsnm’ n aI,oiit A frica as it is now. Tue factu- yet, as we are sniae nf the first to miles frnoa Los Angeles, In’spic, as’s’ fi,iimmib it ha,! very fine pulu- I ighmteri icier mad miil,d rags’’ lie smiw i lie rolmummianity whmi himss furtln’v infmsc— ‘i~iiimirttf ghuit ,ci’,,e ~62 fm-it liigim al information is all there, and so is conic here, We had to clean, putty and still lrmrtri’r macvs anil n ‘pr’’ of th,m’imt, 56 f,’s’l ii mti~mu,o’tm’r, sv-b,im’li Is Ibmm~ hovg’ ni ,ith I ma cnnemtrnl mg I lie eakly years -of Will cviii please send rae 11111 hail’s lie srlmtinls, ii’,, thie notes! Okitihmrt,imo the fun and excitei,ient of travel in paint tIme windows when we first got 1 sm,ml,mgmtmit,’ 1mm lie sa’mtrbmi, l’stloi~mtcml time ,‘Imtbi, t,fflcevs timid cm:cmnl,crs would address? I clint knm,w where Ime a’cnt fit>’ I’na’,’r’ity- II Is also culled ibm.’ Umong Imitek tip lime rmmim’lt, lie ,tnl,i time the Dark Continent, here. —maaayhac lie stayeml mit Caimmp Grant? W’lsite (‘a ,itmul it Is the capitol mit the ,mthmr rimw I,m,s’,s wimam lie mmci die ‘mis’,’ h> gm’tulmtgi,at,s to I,, cimiure litmmti iitt,(tnfl,— ppri’ehate carol ng of It, “Random Har~est,”by James Hil. 1 We mad to clean rifles the oilier day, hi, tried it lnt,’rs’ei thiemmm tim (‘(mule - mmii ‘‘i-irs ,mtti, ‘l’hc’re trim iota>’ mmifra \%‘lslm we hmacl a fsmnt borker tss pmmt state, lsortlm,viag an the east nf ttimm ton. Over night this henictiful story be’ II sccnaed like there was a Itohf inch of things will, hiium ‘ m mmi i see,’ limit tlme,y lust sif ii mi-sm- luimt mm,mis’im smim,ilh,’r, in, ‘I’bmm’a’ sac’ si-u’ will get soitie c-its’ ‘nm’ liii’ ,c’mmrluh’s largest s,lh fluIds——— s., toes a best seller hecat, se it is a goad grease all over tbme,o, Went I, p In tbme as scion a,c liii’>’ ara nm,mrl,’—-tbmot s,’enms a1,iimt lqctmt urtitmeing a-elba s-Ith largi’ i,mtrghtr-ml ,,,ti m’imiim’ml lmimti ‘city. Ott In the’ mmxl cittmm,mhtm-r (-miii ‘dli’ mm— story well told, with a theme out of lug gamns yesterday for Inst rmcet ions, to lie the as’s>’ wIth evervtbtlng turtutunml ‘ l’’lnmliy lie t,’rst,,iilt’ii a I ,~—a’t’rir’mmlii mim’uu I time SLmim as-luh’lm ha 7,~tm ft’et m,mm,I,’r lie general run, (‘Elm £sct’t is one per- and we hod to scrape paint from the Immss-urlng mlerrmi’’m nmtttny feet lo lime ii r, - ‘Love, If I bind amae I ‘wtuiubd hauiv,, c’rmmm imimc’, ,ammmm mit a raim,’lmmtiilm, I,, aim ss’ittm - a’rmmiimttl whir,’ )-tiui sic time glgmmmmtlt’ son liked it an well copies were plir— guns, rican I heni inmi get then, ready lime Slatr’ I listitnim’uul liumllslhng amob cmiii Its’— mmietas rif rri~’’-i;Lmhmlcrs itt-c’ tent liii) cam’ I sttmgimmitm’s extending mum— semmml amy rLizmur, c’aliimtra mu tither Mi—mit act) tie Civic Center is itiruit— chased to give it tn friends—) ‘I’wenty Ilny Sv’nitts of St. Iteto’s for paintIng, They are sonme nhl Ill!? thuogs, /feml tbmerc, ‘lime )s’ivhmatasliiils sretimio bmmi,s as’m’imt mi liii’ ‘ties LtgLmlti —iimtss-mm mmm:i?i\’ ss-;mrd from,, 2mm lii emit ti-u-I hmiglm and im,irk A Correction -in t.n.t Week’s Report French 151 M, M’, abnot slx-inchm gmins, ,hmmst gmat hack frvoo a se’a(k tip tIm tine rcsimit’m,t’e’. ut as-eahtliy nil nmmagaets hi,mmdrc’mls if fm’,’t ,iiait dill nim ,mmtl, He’ ,iI,m,tit 21 mu ’ fr,mmmm time mmmalmm em,— ‘I’ritnp No, 2cm? nf Detrmmit, ammml Balance Morel, 21 (3940) ~_-$l Al .26 We are in tIme Ha rhine defense Ito vnad toot Scomutlm,astcr Geritlil I’lmanemif, (gmaes bmc’twnen Sun Dln,o_im,mj~h toil ,tmsimmm’s’i m,m”n, anti nmaoy h,-aitlful mmli>’ ,lLii \t’iiiui’ tmi,.k it iii sa-ith 1,1cc r;mi i’m- - it cliii1 5v-lm:immihim’e timere l,s a s-eve Receipts 3f1.5,31 M M- gun division of thin enact artII- Ins Angebesh It mmmmmbe Yale ss’l’mbt I ss’as Irks tint lii’ t’it~’, lust iuimtslsli’ club, r’’’,lmi lange ranme In the 1. ,1. Mcintyre farm, cd~(ImuS’ i’rnn,,’iit, gm’tti;m~miii’ vm’milugmsts mm— arise i-if,’ ,imil



Her Daughter’s Home

Red Cross Workers Are Njeded ere


Sunday. Marks Last Services of Catholics ‘of F!rum Services and Lutherans Special- Palm Sunday

‘New Books and PritTate ‘J. H. Canfield Writes Old in the Town’s From Camp Callan, Calit Publiè Library

-Farmers Club Meets at Roberts” in Salem

Byron Driver’s ‘10,000- Mile Vacation Trip

St. Reta’s Sebuts Meet at McIntyre’s

here’, ‘I’hlok It is shout Ibme liest b:rsnrh om,t drIvIng again, We saw a nice clmair i-It>- ‘toe foils ii hteauitbftil hake: a finn

citmtmmgh tm

seiit ansi fs’eil 1000 lieit;mlc ncr Seven-Mile rnamh anti Pontiac Trait

ti’restmmh intl tiniiily liii’ (imms’m’ rmmcin’nl of this,’ coast art Total in a ear, sari were wishIng 5”e hub It—--— ‘ark there mcmuvimles many sports time m, t mrtupm’immtett, ~6Lttt,tmttmtI,, stmtrt expbiir- at m hum’, ‘I’im,mm’ lm,mw liring 12:150 p. nm, Smcndoy, ‘I’hey hail Ii,nch In I lie Me— 11 (itt yre woods and ,shwnt the day studyWe hash gamma Wednesday after- haven’t sat In a good rhtoi v since we year arout nit - II ‘re also Is located m inc athimmm DIsbursements oar, noon— toil 1pm’’ lmi,iiit LL ‘t tii’’i’n’,’ 1mm lit isv went lu dinner, snmi being tired made moe--a little sti if after ly’ left Detroit, hal, on hand Mar. 2!, ‘41,_._$ 99.74 dtiwn 1,111 descent we hid ing Indian lore, Tite Assistant Scoutof t me largest atnrc-s of the S,uumth— h,s,tt,no of II,, eases ss-tum’it as’tms finish— frimoc ibm lag around and getting soft, hut I Will say good-bye until some other 50~ owned b,s’ 5ears, Roebuck & Co. • Dal 3291 before noon for pickup guess thcy wene ,imcst starting ‘us ou,t tiome when I ran think of more to ’’?hen as-c as-err miff to El Iteno, known of l.usudry sad-dry chesaiag Dehjv,rr ~easy by the way we ar~_gcttj~g,star~ ‘Yoii’r lnviiag”son~ irir its sUite game farm and”U, 8,’ daily, We close atOp. m every Ji~sx- ed now, P,xpee’t in get rifle dm111 mod — Pvt, Jarold Ii. Canfield, Military Reserve, On to Clinton aim’ cept Saturdays, Race’s Shoe Shop tfc m any time now, \%‘e have breakfast at I

cc1 In 192:5, saIl ,biml,m White look Ins ii nile ricken for two tmoiurs, as-c rested first tourist party of It persons In time a si-lair ii,’ fore aoatliee 120-foot descent bottom of -lhr eovnros’ ThIs is a-brief •sssiuIui,bc,in,,or’demr~~, To he continued) Imist ory of the discovery of tbmc largest

nmaster, who i only 20 years old, holds 5 a coveted metal presented to him by Prelll lie once saved a boy’s life,
