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a reserved seetio,m, in the church, - ftsm Gu,lim l)iuy, fisiks. 'l'b,ere will he plenty the mornIng service. The president sf - gudng in, and since Ilitre is tsnly one.



Volume 55


Local Gardeler iLocal Lodge People Will Wrecked in Fog Brings Home Decide On TravelingGavei Potato Control -




Printed Programs


Number 36

I items of interest

‘i’h,t’ lierniti lists just finlshteel prh,ut—J Mni S’ora Morgiin and Alex Sim,,w their friends - several days itig vt’ry itt raetive programs for the 1 ago by announcing their ft,rthscon, hng~l’uuestiuiy clubs ssf Souths Lyon. ‘l’h,ei Geo. M. Wilson knows the horrible ‘feel” of being in a loaded~ sn,rmigis e wI,tch took place it thur I first In cell ng of I lie new yea r Is tin huaimse in South Lyon Wednesday tv—I Octtshier 8th,, at hue home of Mrs, J. 11.1 truck when it tips over. He, had that rising, Sept. 95th, itt 8 o’clock, ltev. H. ~‘,iistiemVen .. ¼ tbol,einiisu di,iner is to’ —‘ experience Tuesday morning. But he knows that he Is very lucky, because WiLi~\ CELEBRATE Ii. \Thnsberly reuieling the eeres,iouy.l he served, Officers for the year ar~ i ANNIVERFARMERS AND CONSUMERS TO he emerged from — the wreck with no Salem FEDERATED CHURCH I Miss \‘iola Bssliiuiso of Nortltvllhe’ Iresident, Mrs. Glen VanAttit; VIce CAUGHT ON THE RUN WITH TX! PRESENT VIEWS IN WASH- other Injury than a cut on one of his SARY”ON OCTOBER 2nd. ViSDavid lti,sh and \Vt,,. O’Leary aceotmu-J l’reshdeat, Mrs. II. -B. Wl,,ihemhy; SeeSHEARS BY THE EXCHANGE Cors M. PaneIl, Minister wrists. ITORS EXPECTED INCTON OCTOBER 3 1 panied the pair. ‘l’he day also mark— retitry, Mrs. Poster Ss,dth, ; ‘l’re,s,umer, Sept, 29, 10,80~“A Wise Invest- eed the 5 8 t h wedding anniversitry Mrs, Irving Clutrk, The eon,tmtittees: EDITOR Mr. Wilson left home about 3,15 ‘of - M r, sod M r 5, D. 5, Cois— I i’rtsgranm—Mrs. II. C. Mackey, Mrs.- It. Tuesday morning bound for the Fern- Officers of Entre Nous chapter No. nient.” At the 1-larvest” Festival on Friday I ncr of Ehlwood City, Pu., Isarents .1. St,dth, Mrs. C, 0. Roberts; ‘i’rans— There were 119 displays at tie reNo program for the control of po- daie’lllarket, J4is covered- truck- was 208, Order of the Eastern Star, went tato production In Michigan nor In loaded with seernlngy - every. sort -of teMilford’thio wcgk’Wédi~esdiiynlgtit evening,Met..O S umeat-pie supper wlIl~of tlse bride. Ilotb Mr. ,tnd Mrs. SImaw~hsomt,ttlon—Mrs, W. .1. E,uemy, Mrs. ccitt Faroihigtuis Garden Club flower be served In the ~hmureht dining roo,,,. haive reildeei in ~ouhh Lyon the pastl Irving Ciisrk; Flower—-Mrs. Getirge sh,tsw, the United States wilt be inaugurated vegetable -— tomatoes, shelled Dma where they had charge of initiatory until the farmers who grow potatoes beans, cabbage, corn, beets, onions and work of Whiting lOdge. - They brought ‘the IsrIce for adults will se as cent,, eleven years. lull’. Shaw is e,imjsloyetl I Arn,stroog, Mrs. Ittissell Cuslklsus Mats- ‘I’. II. I’iailey of Milforeh, grower of and the consumers who eat them have other.. All - the way along, on Ten- back an antique “traveling gavel”, ‘l’he church msuembèrs are asked to by tue Mielsigumn Seanmless ‘lube Cotn—J ic—N rs, 11.1. Smith. aaug,ilbiee,,L tiitliliuts, sent a dIsplay of had s tair opportunity to express their Mile road, he encountered banks of time property of Mal,el Wells of llcrke- bring ferns produce and isthuer gifts to pany. ‘they will continue residence, a ‘units to the (‘hevehaud flower show, Ise sold, to benefit thue ss’,srk of time lucre. Co,sgratulationst fog, but none was as severe as when vlewssat a-public hearing to be held in toni will ai.s,, send otse to the Port b’ president of the County AssocIation church, Washington Oct. 3, according to N. J. he was about two and a half miles of5 the Eastern Star. Mrs. Wells is huron show, Plan now to be at rhssirehi itrid Bible BaldwIn, administrator for AAA in from Woodward aveaue. Here the putting the gavel through each CIiiLp— I’,iniuart’, si-HI hianvist enoro,otius ‘ebr,i on Rally Day, Oct. hi, ‘l’iuere —- this state. fog surrounded him as a wall, He was ter in the county during her ycar of seiuot,l in -‘ s-ut, tuiw,ush,i , to,, this year. One will be special services tutu that day. 1 ears ‘rn isis held Michigan representatives who wilt unable to see the road, at all, It wits Office. gron-,’r - hunts foan,i go to Washington ill be Claude L. then that his truck ran off the road whit-h art- ii lii,’ht’s hi Ieuigtis and Next Wednesday evening, Oct. 2nd, Nash, Michigan State College, aad and fell down a very steep embank. the Pa rrnington chapter will take SALEM CONGREGATIONAL The anni,,tl ba,siluet of the S,sheiiu Ihsugiuis t’,,rk, a’t’lh kiut,usu, hi this liar Is-so Iui’ruo’b.s of (‘‘in,,. Harry Riley, Bellaire, Michiç’~a. It Is went, -s—li dolt, sisissisisreti by Siuletii F,urns— vli’i,dl>’, eu.’, reti,r,u,’ui to his I,,mu,’ near Lads M, S&oh. Ministir Nearly half .1 thu, t,,I,uI inca of probable that F, P. Hibst, Cadillac, The body of the truck was charge of Initiatory work In the South club is ,tts lie Isi-ItI i,, the hsumseu,t’nt Il,,t’i,e,ster tufter biusvhig h,m’iiu u,wuiy a Mio’loguoi ill but’ ,iupu’n tv det’r limiting -Mrs.- Nellie Corw,in -is giving it silver ens’ manager Of the Michigan Potato’Grow- wrecked. -Produce -was- thrown allov- Lyon -lodge, ‘the traveling gavel will of hue Federuutesl s’hnire’hu sf Stile,,, ,uis ,uaum,llu, br,is-ilhl,,~’’wlthuti,t shuu%’ blur— ti~isfa I. ‘lIt, iotai ‘ret, to ic eliot, is era Exchange will also attend the or. Mr. Wilson iicked up his produce be taken to i”iLrimmington with them, tea Wednesday aftérn,,iia froiti 2 to 5, - the evening t,f Octs,ber 2.5, l,,sts’iu,l of ses if Miss l’r;ouiu’s h)uudge ui tttsths,’s. 2ii.il2u .supi;Lr,— i:lt’Si io,i 4 sijuiare hearing. esentatives. for eonsu,it- and managed to send word of his October gnd Is also the a2nd anniver- It, lie r house on Seven— Mlie road, ‘this tue first - Wednesday sf lIst’ ,,,,,,stl, as h_er. (‘urIs sv,,rks ii,, the %\‘iI,.u~unt’,sti~tej stifles in t hut’ iuiwer i-insult, anti 16,489 ers ate to e a lected -by their organi- plight to friends residing not far from san’ of Entre Nous chapter of South will itiso be a farewell pu ri) for Mrs. isrigisually Isliuszsed. to c’Iuitrge t,f—.sup—’ ‘i’lui’rsu users’ ±1 hiu,rst,a,- with, -four- taI ,spur ti’ro,isuuhui. Tousey, who Is tint’ if the few zations. there, who in turn brought their r ~I,yon, Coninientisratitig this eyed, a Win. 1 cha!ter o,einbers of the’ thu rt’l,, Mrs. per uurrangei,sents ‘ire: Mc. au_tI nina r’ss t’uirs ro,sh 12 uuttt’,u,Ianls, togt-th,’r bust Itt’ ,‘oart jury at I Iiistlngs In the event that It Is deternitned atl and took Mr. - ‘Wilson and his mar short program is being arranged. Junior l’ast Grand Matron, SelaraThe A. ‘!‘ousey is n,os’ing to I )et nut. We re- ,llithhie l’e,_’bhes sail Mr. anti Mrs. it, it,’ wIth iar tIck-log u,atllt, ,hI shiilshu,’ti huy lu, right -of iii owner if a lake I)ixuo. ‘ ,\,iierie;un ll,,iiuvuuv Rsiuress. ‘I’,,’ h,usr— the public hearing to have a potato ad- stuff on to Ferndale, Brown of Blrn,inghain, and Mrs. W?~lls,gret to lose one who has lice’, such it if s,’s w,’re ,‘ats’ru’,l iui Shut’ hums,’ ,siuuu(e’s lii huui.55i’,Ss lishi t;ikt’ui fr,,,n it ‘‘‘it justmeat control plan, the plan mayt ‘o_,...._L.. president of the County Associ it ot mlthi ful itrad true sue,,, lii’ r, ——0-——-—-After ilelihienuiti,ig Hi sours, - lit lhhiu,us, Ol,iu,, li,’Il’’’u:u’ routl take one of two different forms. ThereJ ‘ito, was t’,ins-icta’,l of having vioNext Sunday service at I ii.’Jii SunMiss (sertr,itie I’.verett set’s at tt5ti Lv, uii,si ‘stun uiu,oiy lri~t’s it each’ if may be a voluntary acreage control - will lie present. lteunlnisccnec’s of di,y tic liii sI follows at lit h~. late, the giuulo’ iiu~,Tbs~jiu,a_s~n&~ haplienings of past years of the III~ lu,,o,e if her luiretuts. ~ uu,stl Mrs. tin’ ,aeets, there may be av~fornt ‘of control’ The trip to NrA It ‘lit’ rtso is liii ii inure ilium twu,.tliir,hs if tie lake and ,,ihs ruse I-vt-ret t, isv Cr - tltt. wickets I. through marketing. There is also the of tht loetil lodge, preisared by Mrs. A. in Oxford has been last noed frio,i >IIss e,o,ten,l,’il thu instilled Ids Isossession Everett Is teacl,b,,g is, W’,iterfu,rti possibility that no adjustment pints G. Phillips and Mrs W. A, Kitlnibaeh this week until a lntc r iluti’, Watch, fur of ‘the his,. will be read. Meeting. - will be call— i~hut’fuiih w,-juiht’r, tight sh’h,,suuil. will be adopted for potatoes. ii rtlier notice. I aPi sinioni,sbuile li,’e,,s,— slates will Funds for the administering of the ‘ . ed at ii o’clock, and will be preceeded VIsitors and friends iron i)eth,,it gti ii,, saie Niis-e,,,hier hat, the earliest Act as passed by Congress were inciudHoward- Musolif, 25, oldest son ofl by dinner at 6 taO, for which a charge i,,,tt Nortli vii Ic atteji it-ti t lie sc rvlees shut,’ hi lIst. States lulst’’ry. hi niaking ed In the third deficiency bill which Mr. and Mrs. Albert Musolff, in st. expenses. of 25e per- plate will be i,,ide to cover Sn nday. Miss Sbank,s ii incat a ,,sici— T.,.,.i.’s h~.~if,,iAfl,, A .1,.,,. is ‘.,knrn this ai,n,oi,u,’euuut’ist Se’t’rt’tu, rs’ of Stitte failed to come up for carrying the Act lie ~as taken last Friday after he had ‘the t ravell,sg -gitv.el ni ust elsuilile Ic an and for yeiLrs piuiiiist at tag tither— its—clrcuit—ol—hodgeus-’by—Octtsluer—ll hI, -n tide —,sseetlngs--bn—l let roila—pitsycal—the stitis—:,ru.:~r’l Ott,, nt i,:;”~’ii,:::~:r-~ co eituglst nms rlgtm iisciu at u,Js laltic toilets it u’uari,’s inst )-s’isr’s tuhates, tad ‘the Act itself hastwo titles, one of silo filler, ‘losing all’ of the fingers. which is the dilte for the n,eetlng of piano for tie service. which provided for the acreage adjust’ Doctors believe -they can save the ‘the County Association. h_lit’ ,‘l,uuiuge is ihgumetl to hum’ ‘m ,tli,,utant tit - the in,ltustrs’, ‘the 16011 lsh,mtes have ‘ went and the oilier for adjustment t~u,i,bwhsichu was badly cut and crushTHE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN through marketing allotments. NeIther ed In the accident. hiiaek suuoitrals is,, a grey biuekground~ To this Bride and Groom Just uu fe-st lumst ,,,oi,,e,,t iututes isis Hal t WImb.rly, MinIptar’ is in effect now nor will be until after ‘i’wt’,,tv—fu,,,r d,ui!uiru, u,,e,ts,t it sum— With a conspany of others, young The i.os-ewehi.hiill i’,,st inch Auxili— the big (I,,, wluiei, stui rts to,,uorruiw ‘try, Morning service itt iii 31). the public hearing hits provided evi- MusoltT w,ms working at the fitros of 25t12, t’xtttstl their ,‘oisgr,,tsihiti,stss n,mvrs saving is I iessry J~s’,.nf i’is’u,,— dence of the wishes of the people of, .Jity Itead when the accident occurred. i,itsrnlng. -‘ Sunday School at 11:10, still,, wI,,, 1s~%2 scums ohti---—it w,us cv— tout lust wish,t’s to tist’ir C,,s,,,,,a,itler, the United Stotes. - He sad attenspted to clean an obstrue‘h’h,e ci, rh> suit,rtmi ‘ig susu (we hope Alex Shins, a- ioi is ie,ts-iisg lila’ irres- i—ry fc’uuusv lie hitnh lus h lii— sv,,rltl,- mutt _o=— with, it bit— inheriul,’,l ti tiny- i’iu,thit-s anhi -thon-from-the gears-while-they_were-la ~STr JOSE?IfS—CHURCH-- - - -will—wi bicss— t4ue-—fi i-itt— tueti v itit’s—of-—-—a —hsistisIhmle— hsas’htc’ha,rli,u,,th._toenter._lnt., action, wlsen his gloved, hand caught A great deal of uxclteinent existed gu, >1 y thetis ruttetl little tows,, Thue the u,icsre st,ihsle iistl st’rene state of sillier hitlit’ urtls (tsr w’int’t’r. One t,igh,t C, T. Dolan, Minister in them, ‘I’l,ose whso’were working in our thriving little neighbor village usierc’huumi,ts tssihh be tin hiintl early t,s get iii t nit~us,ry. ‘‘is tlit’ fit litre 1,1 rs, Shsaw, last week the ‘Id i,u,mis lust thu IsiIlf,,hti near him were unaware of his pliglut of New Hudson, ‘I’uesday, wliea it dis- Mass at 8:80, on first intl third Su,i- everytl,in g lit reittli ,icss, ‘l’hiey I, isye our sIncere test wish,L’s, Cosice o,m, yb, contuuini,mg tIn— i,o~ust’y, ,,iuukltig ld,uist’If slays of the month. until he had stopped the nsaehine. l~n h,uisy fnc seve ritI diuys tacking isp other t,,tebirhisrs hi the outfit, how about bit’nnlhess. lit, Is now Iteggisig tIm fluid— covery on -Travis road- at first led to - “‘ Second, fourth and fifth Sundays at strea,,iers, so the town Inoks festive following suit I Cr to rehiur,, it uunsi receive his a,mdyiuig He was brought to South Lyon belief that there had been a iturder gnuh_ittill i’ where Dr. N. 0. Niliman gave first enacted someplace and a body discard- 1(1,30, h,stleed, Mose Has Gone Fi,hlng It takes a icisis En ci,, nbine - a hi ashnra Indiats I ,uikr in Sebuotihi’ri,ft e’,nuit:-, . He was taken to the hospital by ed along the road thereAbout uoon on ‘the -Isis’ uthis, still e iu st y, btit already jImes reaching skyward at the big aid Tuesday Joe Davis discovered a wood’ let METhODIST EPISCOPAL 1 with, pleissure, -‘ 55-amass is usually ins hut’ -sbstln,’tisssm tsf lueh,g t!,m’ ‘,suihy burn fire on the Lemuel Clement farm Dr. F, P. Lamoreaux.’, the imigiut hicf,sre, will sti,uo timke on tellsanxious _ti) f,tltIhl it pending nsIssioi, hit,ily if water hm tb,s’ tlIsIs,’r h’etiiiss,ilti, brush Howard’s many South Lyon friends en lard tub In the Deiwore C. ~tuhh., Minister lift , and islossommu fortl, in till their so near- Leland cemetery (just off of that she hiss a’s thought for lighter ,uf Mit’hieuuui mn which, wnto’rsutu,iuihs are one tulle south and a quarter -EPWOItTI-I LEAGUE SUNDAY 1 glory. ‘Flue keeoo stimod whuich will hse Terzitorial road) at about 7,00 o’clock were very sorry to learn of the acci- ahout. things, ‘l’l,ere is thse, instance of Mt,se known Its oeeuur. On it fairly, t’iush buy west- of New Hudson. The tub Tuesday night attracted persons from dent, nnd sincerely trust his injqred n,ile The fir,t seet’ef the day will he it ut the tisasul place has a new eoiut of I)avIs whet hits gone tt, his home town in At,gm,st uu slsuuut ihsuit itjspmuirrd tu hue Curious. Mr. SunrIse He occupies waCieBlid~ith wird. shlvei’ Isaint, -lint tin Is>’ (lIen Bumiuhsuunu cni}n around-’whu cause and watched -thumb will be saved. Breakfast imnel devoti,,niuh um,ert’ Davis opened it, and drew back in ing sponsored - hsy h_hue h&pwortls I .euuguue ,uf Stuien,. Gleui wilt not be with us on in (‘al’°’Cod, Mass’s eb,,,set ts on l,s,siness uu,tsre th,uuss oil fee-k dpi, ai,s ,shist’rs’ed. - as the barn and contents burned to Noons 880 at the hospital. and what cIties lie ut, I lie takes along it apls,ureat’y wt’iut tO bsies’tus its it lilt horror when lie beheld its contents at Cuss— lIen tin, I’a rk. of Gal,, hut>’ tluius yetur, la~trise, ,one in i.rhia’s canning t,utfit and while there the w,u,,ehs. lii 111:11 (hue Iieigbut sf such, - --- -- the ground. - sod breathed the terrible odor coming League age are invited. Cart‘h’h,t,se will - heave hue ranks is Kt,untling luy , ausil Isti1siasg ‘—‘I,, ‘__tI Milkine had lust been done at the .~ i,.t, clsiirch s,snn ,,ul’ter -6 it. in, ‘l’i,e hulL HiS form wien someone noticed that the stilt—water flshm hasI;sg u, funny -oaaue, ii nt’(etl ‘it 211th tsr ‘‘sore feet,1 s’,, dani age theçe—time tub wa, two-thirds full, tlse 1 gruti~swill tse buu’k in tinue to tieealsy Viii’ wutot t,s conic It, t~swncurlytsn horse stalls were afire. A few head of and in such a st,ite of decay! M-rvflatvlis a reserved seetio,m, in the church, - ftsm1 Gu,lim l)iuy, fisiks ‘l’b,ere will he plenty etc., and persuade his sister to cen sm f soy kin 1 was regist crc, . No specstock, which were in the barn were called others to the scesme, atsd bull were the mornIng service. The president sf - gudng in, a nd since I litre is tsnly one then,, lie is also planning u’s, bringing Ial re,,snn lie, b,een i,shvat,eed for the lead, out. Luekiiy there lied been only auspicIous. The Assistnnt ProsecutIng he i.eagtu e will give a brief imddress, si,,) af it, yus it slon’t a’ ‘mist - tus ii is, soy — bimek a bt,sl,el sf fresh, oysters, Reels ,st’e,irrent’e of water sisuutits. a few animaló in the barn, Some of h_hat in uislnsl, gang! lie will be hack - Because, hi their umhshnitin, State ton— Attorney fron, Pontiac, tlse Coroner Morning service at I0~ thing. imlatsiut the iniddie of next week. “ the tOils were saved, ‘but this year’s and SherIffs were thuere. FInally the tr,,h tuf the liquor trattit’ has proved a Two couples from highland Park 1 Church sehsusish ut 11.18. There will--br Vets utoti ,uuo,nbers of l,,irvest of grain and hay, stored In the~ R.aso. Sufficient “re,,unins” were taken to Pontiac. Esf,,llturej (lie ,navors tsf nearly it, shoseu -are grateful that money stolen’ Even log service mt 7,80, ‘‘I’lie ss 111mmrs t lie AuthIhir>’ it rtu‘01 tI -tc,wa its assist anti building, were destroyed. A ~uantitx~ from their ear at - Llmneklln lake one a,mulnimtion there- Is sold to hitve dis(lIen: My boys -are going to he Con- N id, igun sities vi, ted veer sty, at - t hue Ytuti e,,,u distinguish gressusien, ntst stsldicrs, of ducks in the adjoining . tool shed! day last week is again in, thelr’posses— closed the fact that time contents of tIme of the Epwurtli I ,ei,gue will be install- In fisriui yOu. annual sessi,sn of tIme tn,uyisr’a division I lice,,, Is>’ th,elr is hTiei uI etups and t auss, were destroyed when that building too Ihihi , And why Congressrmien ? - - af—the_MIclslgaas_.41u nici tail_I .e,,gue,_nI mb we-,-. ,,,,5 k,,,,,. n flee!, op bone Pnmka ed with. app!ols ml the services. IOC ilit t~I i.utiicrui at our cIiurcui cccl irci’ Li’ i5hihii’sOuC,i ‘lie ‘It fits> u.i’v. Glens I can’t--rt,rget thiitt situring ~tq~e~,_by ftteTJ~ — were quite relieved to think that”thseir Ann Arhmt,r, for a ret tin,, ts, I lie old to - ten, Ouur gtsal is twentyWe’ll tse seei,i’ vis ho Si,uitlu Lyon the entire wimr with, Gerimiany, not tsoe tli,,e saioan with Its prt,hIbitiso, on the Wind favored the house, blowing the The couples—c-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. suspicions were, unwarranted. Where Increased by Novenuhser 1st, ci, rh> tsn ‘thinruiuuy. N imke is day of It! sIngle - shell 1,1 t \%‘imshlo gton, I). C. sparks away from it. A copp crib was: Slugg and Mr. and Mrs. Hnrdle Cut- the tub ca,mue frosms nod how it got five‘l’he sate of beverages to minors, absence Ofrichth Ilnutrd will meet but time pepper, 96 Cottage—-Orov~, above th,ere, and why it lsnd been so securely of dqaeing, lack of restaurant an4 in the- path of the fire and Monday evening, September named city, had come to the lake to cabaret features, nsltlnl’glst closing, no ‘Flti’ Chief Claude Tapp says the io’, fish, While tlsere they noticed a fel- sealed rem,tins a nuystery. OOtIs. - Sunday business and exclusion of wocal fire department worked until about low, clad’ In a batlslng suIt, loItering In 0—~ nien, including I,artu,aids. A telegram lOtSO to save other ncarby buildings. the vicinity of their ear. When the STATE WILL PLANT to thust effect was dispatched to CoverThe barn, whieh was 4n’t inn feet h1~I•e..canat~to~ahore_tIsc3i’__asaade__.tlae ______________ —on as!! s ins, tieD nor Fitr,gernld. , long, was an old land mark In that lo- unpleasitnt discovery that the money Itegitrdless. air efforts inst winter to callty The blase Is thought to have they had left in the car was-gone. The ‘h’hey also are trying ‘to get a ganse Activities exterminate eayotes or species of the - originated front eIther defective wir- fellow they - had seen had disappear- Wlsen his ear crushed mIt, a tree ‘the fish division has started its three’ As—sclsoul hegisms so iI,s our varioi,s for Gusla Day, but are not sure of it wolf family which hind been causing ing’ or spontaneous cotnbustion in ed. The Shuggs were minus $27~their a half ntile north of Grand River, ssn ,ionths jobs if restocking the lakes yet, Paul Shailianc. nharoi in the Pleasant Valley district, ‘obi. straw. Loss is said to be heavy. friends, $8. - The quartette had, how- Wixom road, John 0. Redden, aged and streams of the state with the activities connected with, it. These soHolidays ,ii,itr Rent, - resislents claim there ever, been able to gain a fine deserlp- 61) year,, suffered n brokea neck and game fish rais~j1—inits various hatcher- cieties it rid teuutou are it sarI ti f one’s - No schoolSchool will be lucId on either schu,sohlng, as well us us tilve rsitsn fronu lire still such aol,,, ils living In time tion of the man who was trailed to died sboa after. Reddçn lived on the Ies, siti dies, ‘they are it hells to is - in a Selstedmiber 26 or October 10 and 11— wtuitls In that locality. Just recently Congdon farm one ismihe south, of WixSouth Lyon. Until the work las been finished the I great nutuny wusys, which ierbuatss we tlue, first on account of Gala Day, and several young turkeys were killed on According to the story of Chief of om. Fnrnsers living near tlse scene tsf exact count of fish planted will not he TIse birds ,ilshirccitste now’, h,,,t will in tIme the latter because of tIle Teachers~In- the Frances Tenny ferns, Police John Kingsley, when at first 10— the wreck’ heard the crash and found known. It is estimated the- number will thon’t ne,mr fu,ttsre, We tee offered these ac- stitute usseetlng to be held at tIme Cumss were taken front ‘in eoelosure,made by the dying lusan. The imceident occurred cated’the fellow, whd is about 20 years approximate 20,ilibO,000, More ilain tIvities wldch are not retpilred, but Technical School in Detroit,5 a five font fence, carried 80 to 40 six s’ebock Tuesday nlghtt.- De- half will he hr,,ok, brown and rainbow old and Tesides in South Lyon, denied about Numd,m h av hovlch. rtitls in a siraigh,t pitthway across open there for its to get what benefit we his guilt, but after being identiftEd by puty Sherir’~t~KInleywas called to trout with the first species predonain- put hInds. S,suae tsf the birds hail’ been cutn frtui,s thie cu. Football Schedule Ep*orth Leaguers of the Methodist ‘the’Hlghland Parkers, he admitted the the scene. Reosalns were taken to, the ating. ‘rltey laity number 7,000,000. covered with, earth In a freshly plowed ‘the f,i it list, Ii teisi,, is one isisCe Oct. 4, Clarkstun at South Lyon. chuurchm will gather at the League roosms theft. • The fellow ‘borrowed twenty- Sclmrader Mortuary at Northvllle, Game fish classification also includes where you, cu,n gtt aisd let tilt nil thuit Oct. 9, Walled I,umku mt South Lyon. flu-hI and till h,sd an sspenlng In the left at C o’clock Sunday morning for sun- five cents from a friend’ which reprebass and bluegills, it ‘is estin,,tted the stored’ ~ e,sorgy, Lf thuumt - isn’t simthsfuic— side under the wing. Oct. 18, Open date. net service. They - will go - to Cass- sented the amount of the stolen money bluegill i,lant will approxinsate 7,000,— tory tiui’n ,hisisu tim Glee eh,il,, ‘l’hie sei,ut Oct. 26, South Lyoss at Keego lI,mr- Nr, end Mrs. 1.. E. Lucas are the Benton Park near Northville for he had spent. He then returned the (iOU and bass several hundred thousand 0 rguu iii -tiititsn is ititot mcr ft,rio of uscti vi’ haor. parents sf it ten issasnel son born at brealsfsst. Members - will take along $85 he had in his possession. \%‘itli All motor vebulehe equipmmueot is iseIsmg I y wIii ti u stsuuie will ei,,i uy. ‘A lie rst, n Nov. I, lirigiston at South Lymso. l’,tw aiing hos si t il S eIst, lath. Besides eats. The Society furnishes - cof- return of thei~‘money, his victims were sued -24 htsurs ii tiny to conuphete the Ieuirns usiuius> bielpfitl tl,hsgs al,uisit nut— Nov. 8, Mllford at Stsuiths i.ytsn, the parents, 1 the new arrival found fee and doughnuts. The group will re- satisfied and refused to take the mat- ‘l’uesehuiy night Oiuklnnd etiunty offif,,ur sisters ready to welcome hiam In— -jobs ii, qidckly us possible. tore uuiol the usu,tdisisrs frtsn, hieing Sta,iley S,s,Itl,. turn to South Lyon In time to attend ter into court, The young juan (who~c cers rimldeel what wits sumid tts be the tim the family, If anything is wrong t’lue deput rtcic eiu I wliI give imttenhim scout,5 Mutt> e,i.hisy tim l,u,soh. ‘I’huerc is Football morning church services. Don Hohlis, name the Herald withimolds) said he had I”rgest still in the County, mince tIme where ,imit, c,uo htI’’w uuntl do ‘l’b,is l”riclimy, Su,utb, l.yiin wIbI sluiy with the .Iournal-Era thIs week, blnnie president of the League, will give a been In a gaisibling game and lost the1 rehseiul 00 it fimruis east of - Auburn (as tluc run isf iserc’h mmnaows thuis fall. itsusuueleegtosll. it on lu tIge It,ens w has is “more or less Also It kilt-his tiiie hi their first gituule with Ite.Iftsrd ti,slouu short talk - at this service, Installation amount of his pay check. Rather than I leights. Five men were arrested. When the run is on the snsall fisbm are -iti, bus iuist ruusuueiut, Fur I in’,lilni— Sclsoo I. \S’e hut v e usstvc r is’ yed tbds overwt,ehtued by the glad tidings, and of the newly-elected League officers face his parents without the money In the large bumrn officers fouind twis net tesl ansI t mu, nips, s,ted I is t Ise h,euivi I>’ the 55 I high th,ert, Is ii soft—hall tet,n, whielu seho,,sl hut’fire, but it Is sure t,s be is the linotype Is cutting all sorts of CaI cr5,- two stills, tsf I SO—guII tsn anti fished Inland lakes, The runs during - i-ssr Very - will tuskC place at the evening service he .had_4!ci~ed,,rhentempted by the active. 1 ,itusod ga,uut’, Rcchfisrd Unicsui sth,t,oi Isa, !se!s by way of s’elehratlesn, A name ‘—‘u__eu— 4ns~twnHs~mst~heee~very ‘-a,,’ °-.‘“.““~—-~ I Out of all these wit ‘~iuiT~ii~lV”flhiiT 275 1,1111111 hi lIce lsl’grn”s’i’liair,rT”rhe ‘omTIrtirew”lnry flOiJç” mimi r’iIftas - to raplace that which he huud lost. hifl7T mash sr ,mh,tss,t 2ts,000 gishlons, hue,ss’y, fusr whiiclu the- fish, divisisio lois ft,nnd Isut friends are suggesting Lyle clainsed to have gone to tI,e lithe to ‘ihe plumot wits said to Ise for niaking on answer tmsiyuurure thumn when hlteriuhly sHoe guloil usr if our sparc minutes — probabsle hineitp wilt be as foiluws. t,,l~.—A.Seimuster. I’erseverena’e Lu,eas.—ilerrien Springs iii cusbuusl - ‘I’ ic stilh was sp,stted hy two i,dblitssms were tuuke:, front tb,e ;Chiehtiy— sti everyone to his t,istt’. swim. L, ‘1,—it,N lchbis. ,Issurnai- I’m, N r. Lucas Is a former Virginia I larding. deputIes five weeks ago when they gttu, river, I,. G.—C, Dlgby. ,,ub,hisher of tt,e Smiths l.yon Herald,. The Girl Stunts li,’itl their meeting tasight the usdtsr of m isis ‘us tbuey drove (‘—C. Smith. Is,ivi ng- sold out to the late L. E, l’at’sday tight after sc’lo,t,h.’lhie pittrui.s past. Dcpu,ty Slueri if 11. J. McKInley KEEPING IT UP it.G.’ —It,;St,,itbu, S,iuIth, father of the present publisher. I wre rt’~irgutniztui,It wna .s,iggestt’il it,,,i if New II,, elson wit, itt tlse fuu mu frssm,m One step won’t like yofi very far, It, 1-—U. Snihth,, An advertising niotion picture for viuteih ii~i,inI hut sStt hillY ii,ies at each, It. I-’.--W, I i,thl, Use I’isntiac Motisr C,tr Company, Y,s,s’ve gut ii, kee, on walking; ‘I’ll, Scout Scribe. It p. mu, to a, in., equipnicnt. the next ,i,isrni0g. One Lyon Farmers’ chub holtls Its Octea— gt,usrding time7 seized word won’t t,ll folks wiso you tire,’ niectitig. Q.B.—hi. Bond. svhleis depicts the early Indian life ~nd her meeting at the hooue of Mr. and You’ve gist Iii ket’p on talking; Senior Newsi I”. B.—W, hines. t lie transition to tIme modern nietor Mrs. Bert Tapp at New Hudson, Unkuowa parties broke into the age, has just been taken at l.abadlë Mr and Mrs. Ileri,ian liakh,aims anti An Inch won’t ,,,akr yost very till ‘hi,’ Seniu rs iLre gel tug to start sell- L. Ii,.- N’. tjreitciy, Thursday evening, Oct. 3rd. It. 1.—S. Smith Lake. Hubert Ladadic had the rtuit of, Monahan ,,or Settlen,ent schooj in Mr. and Mrs. Arnold l.,iksche sisent - Y,,,i’ve got t,s keep on growing; log randy at noon hiu,urs, it1 the schi,,,,l, - J. H. Jacklin, superintendent of the Green Oak some tune during the over Sunday itt the SrI, ,u.ster et,ttitge at One little ad w,,n’t do-It all, at’ hirIng your ii lekeis alit hidhit tb, Substitutes are its follows, (‘Idef Pontiac and 80 Walpole -Island New Hudson school will talk, and the week end recess. Entrance and exit Silver Lake. ‘l’hei r guest-s tin Sat ard,. y You’ve got to keep then, going; Seniors. (1. Sayre, 5, Duislsan,, A. Dighy, 5, Indiusna gave a realistic touch. The öub is also expecting County- Agent were gained by breaking glass in the evening -weret Mr. sail Mrs. hltsward A t’nnstant droll of water We has’e also derided to liast’ hake \~‘>-ekeitl’, F. I’, SI,,i,oons, ‘Wm. Flits, (set was hs,ltt along the picturesque Ilailey. Milford Fuller will sing, and windows. The ainrauders’ visit was Shoemaker of Dearborn intl Mr. and \%‘ears away thu hardest strinni stiles, Girls tsf tha, lass wihi lie respoli— It, I leraitl, P. Lockwood, 3, Indwell, bank of the huron rIver near its en— there will also be other good musIc discovered by Miss Margaret Hoyt, the Mrs. D, Knidyke of Nairt Ii s’ilIe. Dy constant gnawing, Towsrr sible. It. Iiiitter,uore, 3. Tryand. trance to the lake, and tepees and ahd recitations. Efforts are being teacher, when Masile,ute.s the toughest bone; On stu,ii’ one of these days, if yin, she ope~sed school Stanley S,s,ith. j imitation ‘wlgwains were built for niade to secure other interesting talent. Monday morning, -and she immediately ‘l”he constant rotting lover tee a senitsr i,oy knocking at your buick Fir. Drill background of the Indian villager-” A A very fine meeting is antlcipnted itnch notified Joseph I)erks, director. The HUMANE SOCIETY ORGANIZED Carries tiff thur blushing uutid tjti,sr, ulease answer, for lie will Isp glad Mrurol,iy nitsrhing’ a’chso,sh started oft week’s preparatIon was spent 1n’ get— it is hoped there will be a good uutten- Intruders spilled Ink - al*,ut the room, A humane soviets’ has lire,, organ— ,~r,clthe i’nnst,int advertiser to rehies’e ~‘iiii of all ~‘,,u,r itirl i,iuigui— I with a hang- —tsr shall I say with a ting the set in order. It Is not hntleidance. The women are umsked to please ground chalk ‘on the iloor with Iced In Ann Arittir, with Mrs. Wai II. is the one wit,, gets ti,e trade. tines anti PaPers. bring sandwiches or cake. ——-Pro,,, ii’’ Red lull Mhshawu,ka~ It has hem thev’iclu’ti hy tie i,iajority ring? Well, anyway, everyone was very Isated that any further, work will be theIr feet, pnd had torn up tablets nf S%’orrell, 2 Hillside (‘soirt, tutu city, its ltiii,iar & Woolen Mfg. Co., sf the, class that ‘se will take ii trill ai1 ui ue’is 5,, rp rised ti, hear the old fa,nfli— done on tbse itic’atl,,n jiniess retakes are writing paper, The ru~ianswrote two its president. ‘I’he Society arc’ehlis anyl tin’ enil if the s,’huiuitl si’,’ r, ihthuou,gi, is ir uigssid tu get ready for a rIde—down necessary, although other pictures to Detrnlt addresses on the blackbuard. anin,al hrtiught theus fnr tiny reason the shoed, i tn, told the first ones Ise made by Jam Handy Corporatioa -— °~ Is-ct we 1,4511 ant cit’ridesi w her,’, A quantity of pencils were stolen. whatsoever, if the animals irs’ health>’1 If not .t 115-c snuippilug turtle, four lashes .~150,the st’ni,’rs art, guting Its give ii laid a little difficulty In getting down °~ Detroit whI prohably have some The sheriff’s office at Howell was noti- homes are found fisr the,,,. 1 us it wits not its slippery as it nuight I tcenes shot on the LabadTh premises. fled and fingerprints were taken. The also investigate i’r,ielty runt— of EhtuertuL in the ston,aeh ‘if a four- P~Ciant tars Olsen fnr further less luas t’ hem, A report fre,nt sonic of the wilhisum Schllling, a Hollywood recMiss Alice Bentley of Walled Lake, sheriff will check up nn the addresses They 1 plainta sent in to then,, whether it lie ;~unbh,i;u,k h,uuss’ a’hich he ruiiuglit Iti ahitiit it. -‘ senior -.1. W. ast lines stutted t bitt’ they had trouble tar. wuss ,,ut to direct the produtetio& licensed beauty operator, Is assisting ieft on the hoard. a healthy, ease of they domestic are destrn>-t’d pets sir firni hiu,iuan,’iy. ani’ ii, 11111cr length’, I herring w’;is fo,tniI hike, liv Penile Frank countY.! Snyder play before Christina,, Soft Ball si’ kei’p your st u,ppiti g wb,cn the>’ came tO the hot— Mrs. Lou Hyde in the Hyde Beauty Mr. ansI Mrs, hlernsap,.Neverth had mals, The Shelter is located at the Sr,vtier dId au,t uhice,,ver tlse turtle un— ‘I’i,e .luniu,r light SeI,io,I soft hail toot. ‘l’hnsc poor seventh gr~’’and Shop in South Lyon. Miss Bentley, Mrs. Charles Shepard returned home corner of Jackson Road us nil t lie lImit- Iii he lied Is ken his Catch home and 1 teat,, is t rvin g to get games with freshmen, I wonder just how- the? caIne as dhmnem guests ‘Subday, his - jistq,’’ -who is a very espntsle operator, reVisitors ate welcotae. dressed it out. It was placed on dis- Brighton, Sew IInelson, WaUed Lake nut— standing up we hopel ceived her training at City Colleges Saturday, after staying a week at line Cutoff. ~ W~1l~. kaecbt Mrs. Fritz Wagea- and Wagenkaeêbt, dsughtsr tins Mr. of UsIjbtoe, Pontiac. Phone Ann Arbor 9068. play in a hardware store. and Whitmore Lake, Pontiac, .51, rhirised





From Nearby Communities


‘Traveling With Annual 4-H Banquet Show Horses


F’ingersof Right-liand~

----Veterags -laripeIwTrn


New Hudson Folks Geta Big Scare,





Heavy Loss In -Bare Fire



_, -~

- -

Claims He Could NotResist Temptation

- —-


$outh --Lyon’ School News



Society ‘Has Sunrise Service


Large Still Raided



Jacklin Seated As Speaker Rural School is Broken Into


Assisting Mrs. Hyde


tta,nas s~~t
