Feb 25, 1987 ... Newly completed home, Energy effitient, 3 ..... paficy. Call Elgen Ree3ters,. (313)
2214000. FREE. GARAGE SALE. KITS! ... 30 acre faaC~~.
Frisanger and Pierson 131 3S754681 HAMBURG ¶OSVB South Hamburg Road. Minutes troin the expresswsy. RemOdO4Od, brick. 2 bedroom. new kitchen. blOt lirepiace, 3 car QarsQe On two acres. with mature trees, •nd garden area. Only $5t~- EveninQB BobKoch. (343)231-9777.
-~ -
Gil Houses
021 Houses
HOWELL Self employed dream Over 2300 (4. living area in this brick ranch, with walk-out basement. plus 30x30 attached office Pfus Over ~ ft. Grand River ironiage. $1b5.~X dollarsWith Quick Occupancy and possible terms. Crest Services (517)545-3302 evenings 1517)646-9375, HOWELL schools. Must sacrifice. 4 small bedrooms, 1½story. family room. 2 car Qarage. country living. I acre. Easy expressway access$40,500. (517)646-3755. H 0 W E L~L ~~T H A E £ ACRES...BARN AND FENCES FOR HORSES!f! Three bedrooms, two baths, walkout basement. Lots of extras including stereo inter-
HIGHLAND Axtord Acres. Charming Dutch colonial built in 1963, 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, Newly tinished basement. with 4th bedroom, or office or study. Lois of closets. upstairs ulibty room. large new deck, new carpet. Excellent area. with privileges on all sports DUCk Lake Asking $92,000. Call Bev, Manor Reality.
ffiMWA~aSC~r.~..Tf’ :iRbdw~-~ ~fraWNSIIN0NN. ‘.,
,ms~rpp~*~.so’scosflM* st66ysfl~aY04H0sft0flNasHsoanw~c~ast. ~
we hays over 2,*a floor puns
Which you can customize to your tnt. and Nisslyls; PI.US many dushgnsc options (such as leaded g4sss entry doors, skylttn, ws4k-out bays, BOW and nv wthdows, WIIIFtpOOI balM, natural oak trim and doors, S p88* Inticlor doors, many Our ltomee-trebSto the-Thsnnal-CraltId HOmLsp&ftC*IIOn.PLU&nUI&IhI,I*LIIt,$IM0#1N14Tt “Air Tight Drywall Awoach” In our constnactlon. Artisan Building Company your bulêdir, Is a reglstsrS buWder with tilt National Horns Owners Warranty Corpoistloit we provide B yesi warranty on your home. PLUS wIth our superior workmanship you will recoin grist value In horns buIlt with Integrity and prids at vary attordabis pricss. We have two plan books with prices for over 100 homes available (it no cost) upon yair requist. You are welcome to pick thin up, or we will be happy to maN them to you- TAKE A LOOK AT THIS SAMPLING OF HOMES FROM OUR AMERICAN DREAM SERIES AND OUR CUSTOM DESIGNER SERIES. ‘ -
Countryside COmptown Wlillamsport Washington Pennbrook Plnecrsst Brentisood Bedford
3aflranch 3 BR ranch 3 BR bllevsl 2 BR bllsvel 3 BR trilevel 2BRlrllevai 4 BR two story 3sRtwostory
Iwbaths 2 baths 2½baths I bath Iwbaths I bath I bath I bath l¼bsths iVabaths
997sq.ft. lIl3sqJt. 1348sq.ft. 960 sq.ft. sq.It. 1710 sq~ft. sq.ft. 1666M.ft. 1790 sq.ft. lZOOsq.ft.
$29,545 38,273
34,736 30,457
2¼baths ls4baths 2¼bsths 2¾baths 2 baths 2 baths 2 baths 2¾baths
3BRrartch 3 BR bilevel 2 BR trifevel 3Bfltwostory
2 baths 2¼baths 1 bath l¾baths
4 BR ranch 2 BR blievel 3 BR trilevel 3-4 BR two story
Z¾beths 1 beth 2 baths 2¾baths
53,631 included
44.957 37,125
12*0 eq.ft. llflsq.ft. 1$Usq.ft. 2424eq.ft. 1524 sqit. ifltsq.ft. lSO4sq.It.
$35,167 43.270 57,444 70.100 40.702 55.325 54,132
$3,931 Included
liDlsq.ft. 2157 sq.ft. 1476 sq.ft. llS2sq.ft.
555.010 76.964 59.711 0449
Design Design Design Design
33,020 34,02*
Crestvlew Waynesboro Plymouth Bridgeport S
2 BR ranch 3BRrench 48R ranch 4BRranch 3 BR bifevel 3BRtrIlsveI 3BRtwostory 4BRtwostorv
$3,531 Included
37.555 25,529
2455 sq.ft. 1554 sq.ft. 1776 sq.ft. 19*9 sq.tt.
$135,793 49,249 74,945 113.754
included included Included Included
Included Included
Included Included Included $1172 Included Included
Our owner participatIon progrem provides a home about 15% complete above the foundstlon. The exterior Is complete (requires paint/stain it needed), and the interior has the drywall screwed on. All the cabinets, countertops. sink Interior trim, doors, ocksets, light fIxtures and other miscellaneous items are included. Yhe bathrooms are comp4etely finIshed (except utility baths), and the plumbino is stubbed through the floor. Homeowners (or their subcontractors) provide the lot and foundation (or we will at added cost), heating, some plumbing and wiring hookups drywall fiShing, painting, floor coverings and tnterior trim carpentry. Alt of our owner partIClpstiOft custOmerS avid $5,000 to $72,000 last year; you too can this year. Our completed tumkiy prices include a finished hone ready to move In; It does not Include the lot or lot improvements. We arrange mortgaging and construction financing for you. Mortgages are at competfilve rates, and construction finance Interest Is at 2 peccant ovsr prints fate, currently at T½%.There are no poiitts or other tees on construction loans. If your lot or land Is not paid for, we can pay off your land and get you a warranty deed. If you would like s Budget Analysis and Design Session, plean call 1w an appointment
ARTISAN BUILDING COMPANY U.S. 7015 23 atFleldcrest Exit 58 (Lee Rd. Road) Brighton, Michigan 9~aG’1111aM t5O~O6T rene OSCC~ ~
OPEN HOUSE Sunday. March 1 from 1 to 5 p.m. Just North of Livingston County Line 10373 Bath Road, Byron 1650 sq.ft ranch. great room, fireplace. wet bar in walk-out basement. ~,900 CNM. McGuire Realty. (313)268-5530. Evenings. Bob (51 7)286-3575. OPEN HOUSE Sunday, March I from 1 to S p.m. Just North of Livingston County Line. 973 Lovejoy Road, Byron. Log cabin home. secluded area. S years old, 2 story. Country kitchen, detached garage, 4,5 wooded acres with pond. 579.900. CNM. McGuire Realty (313)266-5530. Evenings. M a r I a n n e (517)634-5259. ..GpEfLiiflU5L~Sunda , March 1 from I to s~Tii~ us North of Livingston County Line 43705 S. Vernon Rd. Byron. Colonial, 1.700 sq.ft.. fireplace, den, formaidining, country lot. $74,900 CNMILC. McGuire Rutty (313)265-5530. Evenings. Kathy(517)634-9977. OPEN ~HOUSE. Sunday, March 1 from I to 5 p.m. Just North of LIvingston County Line. 15252 Murray Rd. Byron. 2 acres, 265 ft. lake frontage, mature trees. year round home, all sports lake. good beach datached garage. $?3.900.CNMILC. McGuire Realty (313)286-5530. 74
021 Houses PINCKNEY. Water privileges ~‘ pattersQn Lake. Over 1000 sq ft. Enclosed porch, fenced backyard Great income potential rented ~ year round. Washer and dryer included, LOW PRICE of 845.000. Calf Prev4ew ~ r 0 p e r t i e 5 (SI7)546-7550 (P1644) PINCKNEY: EXCELLENT three bedroom ranch on beautiful one acre parcel usl ~‘ mile off paved road. Mature frees. large garden area, Plenty ol room for kids. Large bedrooms. Just ~‘~“ -v~d a very mottwaled seller. Call Preview Properties: (313)227-2200. (~~) PINCKNEY Schools. Lender owned, 10474 Langley. 2 bedrooms, 80 ft. of sandy
Q24 CondOitiIniumS For Salt
on MobMe Homes PoiseS
WIIITMORE LAKE. WI1~ rent? Live itt beautiful N -. field Estates for under ~: per month includIng lot re~t~ Buy a new 14x70 3 bedroom. full bath, Liberty mo*ll home. mquise at Airppl~ Home Center. Northtleld Estates. 5~ West S MIlo - - Road, Lot 3. Whitinore Lake. (313)449-4140. . WHITMORE LAKE- Wfl ~ rent? Buy a new seclioilal mobile home. a new ton. 24x48 with 3 be4ro~yn4 and 2 full baths. Over to sq.fl. of living area for unØc. $475 per month, including,lef 025 MObile Homee rent In beautiful Northileld For Sale Estates. Inquire at: Airport 1979 14x60 2 bedroom adult Home Center. Northfie4d section. Highland Greens. Estates. 8~W. Eight Mite Rd $10.cOO.(313)M7-4158. Lot 3, Whitmore Lake. nn.r~fl~.a uII,~,. D,4 tOn I:IflbAAS-4t40. ~
SOUTH LYON condo 2 bedroom. 1½bath. 2 large walkin closets. i car attached garage Finished basement with wet bar Deck oIl dining area with park view. GenItal air conditioning All brand new vinyl windows plus new wood doorwall. Beautifully decorated. wallpaper, all earthtones $59,900. (313)437-7283. SOUTH LYON Condo: Hampton Square Two bedroom. l’h bath, basement, garage. $51,900- (313f137-7157
sq. ft. concrete block. Home needs roof and heating plant. Has two extra tots. $35000. Nelson Real Estate. (313)4494456, (313)449-448?.
a’i;c~:“~Ix10. washerldryer, stove,
033 IndustrIal Conmer~ 014 Apaftmsrii% cial
For Rent
For Sale PRIME commercial zoned projSrty next to General Motors new building in Brighlpn, five to ten acres or mor~.j500per front tootS For info(~atloncall 13131229-5007. WHITMORE LAKE Storefront, 3,300 sq. ft. features 2 bedroom and t bedroom apartments. Land contract terMs possible, $55,000. Nejs~n Real Estate, (313)44.4466, (313)449-4467,
1~~___ 035 IncomeProperty
1 BEDROOM FROM $400 to $410 2 BEDROOM FROM $460 tO $470 pool and carpeting. Senior discounts. (313)229-7861
P*INCETON APARTMENTS ,ive in comfort and cunve.
hence, Just south 01 Iowrttown South Lyon oft FOWLERVILtE, Single family ~ontiacTrail. Easy access to unil.on 3 acres for $50,000. )etroll and Ann Arbor. (517)621-3232. .arge I bedroom and *autifui 2 bedlOO4fl layouts. 037 Real Estate Wanted A Bargain. Cash for existing Laqd Contracts or second mortgages. Highest Dollars Lowest discount. Perry Reelty. (313)478-7540. CASH for your land contract,
Apsrtments For Rent
GRAND PLAZA APARTMENTS IN HOWELL Rentals from $343.00. Includes heat, water, carpet, drapes, range, refrigerator, garbage disposal, Clubhouse, and pool. No pOts. Opened 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed Tuesday.
(517) 546-7713
SOUTH LYON. Sublet on family..ufllt (no (11016 thWl 3 people), Brookdale Apart-meets. $425 a- za~nth wlfh deposit. Available April 1 . No 4.37.5007 pets. (313)437-6796 or ______ BRIGHTON. Downtown g (313)493-3147. bedroom second story, SOUTH LYON area. 2 newlycarpeted. Garage park- bedroom apartment. $350 irig space included. $~. plus utilities. Security d e p 0 5 I (313)229-9585. ______ ty required. (313)4374121 afterO pm. SOUTH LYON. I bedroom ground floor. Short term l!asa. (313)437-2534. SOUTH LYON. 1 bedroom You can place your ad any da apartment for sub-leess, of the week, Office hours ar available now, $366 plus 8:30 am. to 5:00 p.m. MeSa utilities, Call Jim at - Friday. Our pitone roor (31 3)431-5103 or leave message at(313$3?’2053. salespeople will be happy WEBBERVILLE Apartments: help you. 2 bedrooms. appliances. (313)431-4133 carpet, drapes, gangs. $365 (313)348-3022 (313~ per month. Call (517)6214323 0!(313)663-3471. (313)2274436 (313)6664706 WHITMORE LAKE. Small (517)548-2570 efficiency near lake, Includes stove, refrIgerator. all utlil. HARTLAND, Single depend- ties. $220. (313)455-14*7. able person. country lMng WOLVERINE VILLAGEapartment, semi-furnIshed. Walled Lake. 2 bedroom $300 per month Including apartment. $475 per month. utIlities. $200 security. Includes all utilIties except (~511)S484536. Ilectrfc. Adults only. No pets. Security deposit required.(313$SS-200.
065 Foster Care
104 (~#4~~ ~
25. i9Sl—SOUTN
089 Wanted To Rent 402 AuctIons 016 industrIal, Commerical For Rent BRIGHTON area Large LIG HI Industrial Park cottage on lake Month of Condomihum. Office, stor~ July (313)353-3458 or age, and light industrial. 1.~ 313)229.4858. AUCTION sqfl to 12,000 sgft. Sales FAMILY, 2 adults, I child to SERVICE starting at S32,~ Leasing rent house. Can occupy on 31 available at 13.90 per sq.ft. March er Good references- katCn I o— F4 Tim. kaMeti Households -Farm Estates’ Located outside of South I 31 31227-3571 Business ‘Liquidations Lyon. between Ann Arbor FIRST floor Efficiency Aparl’ and Brighton, close to US-fl Roger Andersen ment for elderly man with and 1-96. (313)4374193. small pet. Close to downtown ,,(313) 229-9027 SOUTH LYON- Retail or Howell. (517)5*7164. office l,~ SQ ft. Prime GARAGEIone two carlo; downtown location. pole barn space. For antique (313)437~2006. cars. (343)453.5063 JERRY DUNCAN’S
CARROLLS Aduit Fosle’ Care has openings for female residents. Non-smoker. Semi private Reasonable rates. 1313)231’1632. ~ -- LONG term head infury care, Contact WillowBrook. (313)6324430. OPENINGS now available in Howell Adult Foster Care Residents must be arnbulaior-v. (517)5464337. ROOM and Board for elderly. 24 Hour personal care. Medicines monitored, physi’ cian on-call. Quiet country setting, located Brighton 060 Office Space For Rent area. Family operated. lIcensed and insured. $500 BRIGHTON. Deluxe olfice per month. (313)632-7750. space. 800 to 2400 sq. ft. p r i m e oil CondomIniums, location and good parking Townhouses between MeUQ(s and Bright’ For Rent on Mill.(313)229-2752. NtW KULIbVfl. I bniâfliOtt. cjrn.,,l.nn,. TwO’ condo, 1½baths, full base’ suites-S® sq. ft. . 725 sq. ft. ment, like new. Adult air conditioned office space community. $600 per month on Grand River at Main or buy it for 849.900. Street. (313)229-4454. (313)229-500?.
0.— ARROW~~
HOUSE. apartment or duplex, 2 bedroom. Brighton area, After 3 p.m. (517)223-3965. QUIET professional female with dog, seekIng house or apartment in Northville. Raterences-availab&LMeSle leave message. RESPONSIBLE Family. 3 adults, wiafles to rent home. Excellent care. (517)5314300, WANTED to lease: 80 acres oF woods for deer hunting purposes. Contact Ron (343)6874934.
AUCTIONEERING SERVICE Farm E~tate )lousehotd7.ofique Miscellaneous 431-9175 or 437-9104
‘103 GataØ&
__tismmact Sales
104 Househo4d (Seeds COMMERCIAL Stove. Magic Chet, 10 burner, 2 oven gas. £1,300. ~3l3)229981S or 4313)229-2481 COMPACT refngerafOr, $50Stainless bar sink. $35. Both like new- (313)5754315. DANISH Modern dining room set. 6 padded chairs. china cabinet, side cabinet, $500yellow lime formal couch, $200. Double bed mattress with box springs, $100. 2 matching living room chairs. $200- (313)887443. DINING room set- Broyhill, with leaf, 6 chairs, $300 o: best offer. (517)546-7415 be!!~!!p~!! arn.and8_p.m. FISHER stereo, console. oil walnut, Great condition. best offer. (517)546.7078, alterS Fine Painting- Life like. - . Personat, From your favorite photos. Also, sale of PAINTINUS trom my flUWr WORKSHOP. Gail Genevieve
104 HousehOld
RUSTIC Livingrooifl set. 8 —I pieces plus 2 lamps- Excellent condition. 2~ $350 def iv eredt3t1)459St — — soFAgsleoper, and loveseat. Brown. Good condition $50 each. Call after 6 pm (517)5469518. TAPPAN Double Oven Electric stove. refrigeratorCopperlone. Excellent condition. $375 both. (313)437-9661 TWIN bedroom set- 3Wx7 Valley slate poe1 table(313)861.3630, (517)546-0009. TWO green loveseats, $150. Green sleeper-sofa, $100. Orange Lazyboy, $50. (313)348-0453. UPRIGHT freezer. Like new. $75, (313)229-5152. . UPRIGHT freezer, 2 years p old, Whirlpool- $150. -I—-— (SI7~.
103 and Coal
FOUR swIvel counter stools. 12 different kinds of drywood. 24 inches high, avocado After the ice storm etc. S green, vinyl upholstered seat leaves, NO POWER. NO a 070 MObile Homes and back. chrome legs. $15 HEAT? BURN W000l Be OFFICE BUILDING CASH for your land - For Rent each or $50 for all. prepared for comfortable FOR RENT heat on cold nights till June, contracts. Check with us to; (517)648-1014. too. Also delivering 554Thyour best deal. (517)548-1003 FOWLERVILLE. 14x70, 2 U® per month FREEZER. Gibson chest or (313)5224234. bedroom, 2 baths, garden 9932 Weber St. Brighton model 20 cu- ft. $100. Excel- loads of winter cut (less sa). Oak logs whole’ tub, fireplace, central sir. HOUSEHOLD Call State Soft Water TURN that collectibte land lent condition. (3I3)227-5~6. Northern wasfler artd dryer hookup. sale. Order now for good contract into cash. Investor 313-227-4661 FREEZER. Sears upright. 20 glassed In porch. I acre wood next winter. Free looking for seasoned cu. ft., 700 lbs. $100. delivery 7 days a week since private lot with shed. $375 contracts. Call Tom Caftan at BRIGHTON: Prime office 101 An~ (313)349-4494after3 p.m. 1970, Hank Joltnson S Sons. plus security. (313)678-3346. (313)665-1585. FREE GE counter top stove. Excel- phone persistently. HOWELL, noitPiwesf of, 2 space, 2,450 sq. ft. Private ANNOUNCING Ins expanWANTED: 2 Acres or more on lent condItion. $25. Built-in (313)349-3015. bedroom. country livIng. $300 entrance. Best Building on 51041 of our Pegasus and a male road. Preferably near G ra nd Riv er) Call Royal Chef oven. Works A-I Kentucky coal, fresh load plus security deposit. aindu~triaI. lawn and zoned tight Company enterincludes electricity. Call (313)750-1802 days or Trading $25. After 5 pm Iron Kentucky, sold by (313)885.6125. prises in South Lyon- Anti- ASK ABOUT YOURS WHEN good. (517)5*69503. evenings. pound or cubic- yard. Cedar Thursday and Friday only. t~!.3&?-?452 ques. collectibles. handiBRIGHTON, 4 individual YOU PLACEYOUR GIRLS Bedroom set. twin kindling. 2 bundles for $5. sa Cemetery Lots crafts, clock repair, country offices plus conference room accessories. 390 South GARAGE SALE AD IN bed. dresser. wall mirror, Eldreds Bushel Stop. THE GREEN SHEET 072 MObUeHOft*SIIee and receptIonist area. All for Lafayette at McHattle. Open desk, hutch and chair. tall (313)2294857. (You must pick up your kit at For Rent S c!metery lots, Salem~0oper month, (517)484-3383. Monday and Tuesday by chest, night stand, stand up AAA Firewood, coal. Super K Walker Cemetery, BRIGHTON. ~ to 2,200 sq. chance, Wednesday through your local newspaper office mirror. Sell as set or sepa~ kerosene, propane filling. ç313)449k.4779. ft. Near Old Kent Bank and Sunday II to 5, Pegasus durIng normal business rately. (313)665-7550. Fletcher S Rickard LandOffice, 135 West North (313)437-0320, Trading hours.) coAcIIMM$ ~0Vf- Post GIRL’S whIte bedroom set- scaps Suppties: LOTS in Oakland Hills MemorIal Gardens: NovI. By A beautltui mobile home Street. (313)229-8170. SIngle canopy bed, triple (313)4374006. Company (313)6374660. DealMILFORD. Moving sale- 4 dresser, with mirror, chest ol communIty on 619 Portage BRIGHTON. Office space for Sr inquIres welcome. prI’vIte owner. Call Lake, Concrete strata a in prIme location on East steel belted 15 In. radts, drawers, no mattresses. (3I3$3~2579. A AND S SUPPLY natural gas. regular a Grand River, 3.600 sq. ft. ANTiQUE claw foot bathtub- $15 each. I 31a42 Sate lawn $260, Excellent condition. SLABW000 4x4x5 bendS. Needs to be re-glazed. $160. double wldee. 3 eWes N. of dump trailer, $75. I Genie (313)227-3062. Seasoned. Each bundle 144, 16 mInutes Pd. at Ann formerly medical office. RefIt (617)223-3679. garage door opener. 2 tensall or port. ImmedIate occuArbor. $166 per month. Two electric yields approximately 3 face. mitters, $15. 1 30 In. Parker HEATERS: 5174flfl31 paficy. Call Elgen Ree3ters, radIator type- Newlt 536 each. $46 each bundle. Semi-toed THE QLIN$ lawn sweeper. $30. Cell (3130*2265. (313)2214000. quan lit y available, (3134564446. Live in lovejy seosed area near RENT (313)231-2201. dowr.~wn5119Mw’.tear access to FOWLERVILLE. ApproxiHIDE-A.BED and recllrter. AI.PNIE WANTED; cribs. walkers. ~ 074 U~Quarters Wand 13. tificlecy, I tfledroon matefy 700 sq.ft. of executive LAkE CHEMUNO COfldltIOfl. $200 ne~of Iunits *t~apaeio~mona, prssta high chairs. infant and child561 Houses For Rent To Share APARTMENTS type office space av&I~ie OlDIES A AND S SUPPLY balcen4n, lvii c&;eiad, a~iiancaa. ren’s clothing. etc. for rent. Excellent petting s*slE,Grendeivec.Newsl in the heart of ANN ARBOR. Belie~llIe, ciii wi.ean 5.5 Mon ihrv Fn. KENMOØE electric heavY’ Semi-loads and partial loads FOWLERVILLE area. Call end exposure on Grand 547-541-45Th or 546-flU delivered. 4x4x6 ft. Federal (313~~’~8Horeesnol Lake, Detroit. Oektand County’e aftere pm(517)521-4802. stsrsflf’4eePetNesth Ask for Fred or Dotlie 0twnwed.~5at.“spin, orcali duw dryer. 6 4fabilcare setcords. Also, cut and splIt fl6-2777 tlOfl. used months ont~. Kids. singles, pets, horses, reoreatloitel area HOWELL. Plnckniy area. River. IN HousehoMaoods lacecords available. (51 fl223-3143 days. Ioranac9olntm.ni ~‘ (3t3)43141S$, after 5. o.~(3t3)273~em. --1~~ -New 4 -bedroom- MIne to (511)2234060 evenlnge. (343)231-2207. ~ GE. micro wave, $75. I 4 ~,s~tfl HIGHLANL~Large 1 bedroom BRIGHTON. 2 bedroom, ments available tin- share. $250 a month, plus W HARTLAND. Professional BALSA wood at Laura’s ~ ~~no~n set, wood, Do you have a sick housetownhouse. Private yard, full Crafts, 427W. MaIn, Brighton. carpeted. range, refrigerator, medlat&y. Cable, utilities. .Days (313)6254200, A blend of up to 12 different dishwasher, disposal. $560 basement, new spa. 1654. Evenings offlceepece,FiritofAffle&a CASH. Buying costume traditIonal. $350. Electric holdappftance?CaliOurFaat varieties In a faceccid of our Cr. citizen dls- ext. Quiet neighborhood. Rent dryer, 125. Several assorted Friendly Honest Service. 13 per’ month, reference. and Bank, Uvingston, desiring Ic wel ry . Gail SI I I (517)548-2961. count. Next to Between $466 arid $560 per chl)drens bikes, best49 offer. years experience. All work ‘DeIuxe Mix’ or if you -: of excess branch (313)346-5324. securIty. (517)646.7204Alpine Vetley Siti MiILE. Professional. Non- rental guaranteed. Larry’s prefer, all hardwood. Try a After3 pan(313456’17 . office space. New and highly FOWLERVILLE house to rent. month, Includes heat and smoker. NovilNorthville cord of all apple, hickory or~ Lodge on M-56 In visible offIce iccatlon. rnalor OAKtab4t5l x 36,oneleaf, 2 bedrooms, excellent 001144- water. AX OX. (313)666-4076. area. (313)3444977 ask for traffic location In Hartland birch, 20 federal cords of ~ tion?nvecy close to schools. HOWELL. I bedroom, downMliford. George. NOflflsrfI Red OS. Hank area. Structure offers attrac- SIGN of the Pineapple Anti$375 a month. Open house town. $371 per month. Heel Johnson S Sons,: MATURE female. LAys in tin sunoendinga, and excel- Qilfl. WiHlafttStO4l, is seeking AppliancE Dryer. $75 each. Fowierviile. White Included. (517)546-5116 after Satoeday, February 28th, 2 ELECTRIC stoves. 1 (313)3494618. : companion for elderly lady. lent pantIng access. Monthly ~ qualifIed busIness plainer. 2EaJlyArrterlcandavenPOlls. (517)2234464. electric 30” stove with oven 6 pm. MAYTAG Gold washer and refrigerator. ~i.l. $50custom-made each.Excellent (343)221-7912. 5BPcOVcondi— . isM,joA.p.m.331 No.111 More for home than wages. rent of $550_includes utilities. C~1i (St 7)665-1404 Tuesday era. DAVE’S FIrewood. I yw and drawer. $50. (313)2314505 Stmet(cornerof Hibbard[. tio~$Thesch,(313)22lltl. UWOàpSAflFOiR*It - ~~Calf MWde(313)23T-2503. aeasone& sesch.aS.mixed—.—-- . snow removal endfawn ca*~ th~U6~tt~~7. lGtOLPM~ HARTLAND: Near expresshardwood. 556 for one, Two NEED person to share home PONTRAIL APIS HOWtLL. 2 bedroom, stove, with or room to rent. wa~;’Three bedroom, 4½ for $100. GaiNerS free to: on Pontiac Trail In S. Lyon refrigerator. No pets. $350 (313)226.7016. baIt. $525. No petsl mostareas. (313)437-2213. ~ (517)546-2046. MGA anert~. TV. stereo. Microwave All excellent cart (5171648S23. per month. $525 security. . ara.aenlealluse Previously Owned excellent (517)646-3410 to accomodets In Howell. needs SUNDAY server, camel fromtrunk, 42 Noon mIscelto 5 It.A-I doorwall. SINGLE parent lookIng for WillIng 229 02 (617)5469701. PINOKNEY ares. Modern 2 SEALY poeturepedic double HOWELL area. Lovely Mowrenwi9I 5 2 ‘- w— as REFmGERATORS. RANGES. .6 Olemsle parent to share home. as HIGHLAND Stice fteiIl5.what-rIO4, Pllfltt pine 5414 (313)632-7441 desired. IfTownship IttInterested Hamad call or bed, 3~p.m.corner Walnut nrSobe, 314 conditlon,5110.(313) 2 bbdrooqn heels close to WASHERS. DRYEI~.Gust- mattTes5 set. frame. Excel- by the BREW000 Light housekeeping. $425 per area. 1,500 eq. ft. shop. 5660 ~ ~ (side door). semi load, fufi cord ~ tent condition. . 5400. . from$3fl bedroom duplex. $475.per month , Brighton. month.(313)I$?-1132. towñ~ittirfiaculate, complete’ Pinnney,nbietolRuSiLsMe anteed. Low pricea. 565 at (31346441* 4X4X*,Slhadwood.lto2O ly ledecoisted. No pets. $700 tao%crq heat 5 hot ~5c. SI Worldwide tV.. Brighton Road. (3I3~94022. cord load. Ciii: (117)426.7972 HIGHLAND Professional Melt- (3I3)fl7-I~. per’ month. (547)546-1440 Sense kitchen. alt ~ r3r3mPhla~rtles.“° 8a.m. to 6p.m. or yOUNG protessEoftai bolting B_Office space. S WAN1fl Antique Weiss bet*een S em; and 6 p.m. I.,., ~ S~va ØIflSO-~ , . . . 4 tr-’=Par*eS lor,a to abn-hoq$e or 1 aN AMA-plus lootS) ~‘~A~uI.*tL . y .-.: ~ ~ : tionid laS bu..an Howell aid ;;)~7: — ‘9$. See. MOVED in sale. End HqWELE..’ Bóautilul 2 retilgeratots, stoves. IBRIGHTON. to per week. In PincAnay. $260 per month, HOWELL: MaIn Street. Rail WrnTED~Srp Collectors FiREWOOD $30 end up Ask stout air washers arid dayere. N Day kitchen tables. eeekeis. seasoned. cut, epMt, Site’ bed?Pom. clean, newly ~town. Kitchen. phone halt utiktles. (817)6469063. for Trade, Seti. euyl Not a Space for Rent. ~ eq. ft. . CS ~_dsI provam for odds slid ends, toys; reM~eled, new csrpetkig. werrafity, one yew atollS’, afterl pni. sled. Minimum 1-facecord. I~egn. (3t 3)226.4275. Great Locationt Available peeled U.S. arid Foreign. 0 down Ilnatcing avsSeb’a. (313069*. fl refffitttted hardwood floors, WOODLAND HARVEST. (517)6414*. April. Cell(517)6464164. 97$ tnduetriaI~ in-home service, ADC O**i~E desk with otiS, Bonded and Insured full basement, located In CLASSIFIED DEADliNES 437-3303 WINTER Sale. Poor Ricitert HOWELL: MaIn Street, 1,100 to4’tI.,Gss - low cost heating. welcome. The Appliance chIna cttiiat, rniecelienecua Coittmedcal For Rent Wednesday 12:00 - Green sq. ft. Retail or Office. Antiques. Walnut bed 5146. Place, WS E.GraS River, kitchen Hem. arid oilier ~~peny.(517)4I6-30N. Garage with automatic door 841451 ShOØptti9 Guide Serv. good horning Music cabinets $55. Tell HOWELL. I bedroom apart’ Available April 1. Call ~nr, $526 per month- Call Howell. (547)5*1300. miscellaneOus furnIture. Gail FIREWOOD. ing Dexter I Green Sheet 1200 SQ.. ft. lighl Industrial. in mixed hardwood. 540 pIcked~ Narrow Corner Cubbards (511)646.0010 daytIme and ment. Wa!k to shopping. $350 Shopping Guide ServIng Howell city limits for wareti- (517)646.8854. (313)22*4516. 546 delivered.. per month Includes utllitiea. Highland, Thursday 3:30 ouslng or manufactur- HOWELL: On Grand RIver, 5150. Trunk 146. KItchen ~5I7SS435I evenIngs. APPLiANCE SALE PtANO. old. $260. Dresser up, (3t3)I~-7iD1. .even- west exIt 141. Up to 2160 eq. chairs 525 each. Many other HOWELL. Goatemporaly 3 First, list and security. Shopper Business Directory, ing.Days (617)6469006. 4 and chest of drawers, $75. items. February 28 sad March Good selection of washers FIREWOOD Spilt and deHeAvailable March I. fngs(51fl5 6-3N0. ft. Available Immediately. Friday 3:30 ‘ Shopper. Monbedroom home on IC acres, (517)646-3247. Dee. WIcker headboard. king size, ered- (517)546.4064. 1. 12 noon until 5 pm, 5373 day Green Sheet, S Green BRIGHTON retail or office. Can eplltt FIrst Business D.reksmiviil. an.ad. Take anddryefl- From $25. Van, 1979, 5l.~.~Or ~st R stic setting. fIreplace, I ,~I sq. ii. uuwriiw, I ~ 9 stint easiness ulrectorys. up. .~uey Iv ‘ 7—. w,,,..~, otters. ~sirp~es~awallir de~k, besementT’flhifl~tn’Jnci_i_, uuwx~iv—F,. fly—.” UTSt to Clyde exit. t ,sie F1REW000 HOWELL. Private executive West, then I mile North, to Delivery available. Larrya 5:30 p.m. complete baths. $150 per able March 9. One bedroom. Monday 3:30 ‘ Wednesday Street. (313)2274566. table, Grandfather month. Negotiable lease. One year lease. $400 a Green Sheet. BRIGHTON: Retail space. office. includes use of Quaint lovely Paraltailvilie. Appliance, t41 South Grand ~L (across from Franks CA) clock. Best offer. BeautliSl white Birch (3154454661. prime location. downtown conference room, wItW wet (3434324614. ________________ month. Call(517)546-1164. seasoned hardwood. $58 a FowteflhiieMi, (517)2234464. (313)239,MS atter4 p.m. MLFORD Ares. ‘3 bedroom, HOWELL. FurnIshed one HOWELL. $225 per month Brighton. Approximately 520 bar, fully carpeted. SecietarBRAND new couchliOveselE REFRIGERATOR. ~ra 20 face cord, split. 4x1x16. Free bailment, 2 car garage. 5525. bedroom apartment, close to including kItchen privileges. sq. ft. Available February 1. IL services available. Ideal to most areas. beIge. paid $1,000. must sail. cu. ft., side by side. harvest delivery —--. (313)229-7292. ~.—downtown. 1200 securIty (517)5407)5. @i~3)22H243or (313)227-7229. for salesman or mastufaclur(517)6*1077. Twomore Adlei HiSOL1hC~ HOWELL. Three attractive wide, 1 .400 sq.ft. 3 bedrooms, (~!)3~~32~ _P.L:~~ rep, Please call $00. Also oak roll-top desk. ~ ~ and ~ MILFORD. Village. PIUWtLL. rumminuo - rWmT (517)64L2244. ~ bedroom, basement, 1 car and electricity included. Employed female with refer~ u vi 5 g 0 0 d-~—S I 0 0 FIREWOOD: Stacked and:duptexee just ½mile from 2 full baths, 2 decks. NOIIPSI1 Ptopeity~ ~ ‘‘‘ Developments In Brighton NORTHVILLE. 2,000 sq. ft., 6HOTHERS Knitting (313)~~flTh 1-96 and M~~• Maintertancs Appliances stay. Immediate garage. (313)6642707. . (547)546-Mo. ences only. $200 monthly, © PoiSeS -‘ , Polk Art She,s will divide. New. Immediate Machine. New. $375. Call SINGER zig-zag machine. Seasoned. Oak and Ash free exteriors. Neat and occupancy. $26,500. NOVI. Furnished. 1 bedroom BOTSFORD PLACE (5l7)5*43940r(611)548’4575 occupancy. (313)3*1473, (313)227-1*. Cabinet model, automatic mIxed. 4x6x16. $40. You pick’ ?.~tast clean Interiors. Paved drive 517)548.3714. . houae In country. Prefer HOWELL. Male only, 3045. up. (517)2213385. ______ with good parking. Each HOWELL. Vacant 2 badroont 031 VacantPropecty GRAND RIVER - S MILE NORTHVILLE. Very gool BUNK-BED set: Heavy duty. dial model. Makes blind Call for det~Its.(517)6*1062, senior. (313)660.1793. sj F1REW000, You pick up. $25Z duplex has its own coin in Chateau. $11,500 Crest For Sale location on Main Street. 950 Good condition. Three years hems, designs, buftonfwes, after 6. s-—— operated laundry. $209~ Services (5t7)546.3302 even062 lakefront Hoians squsre feet, perfect for office old. $100. (313)532-5417. etc. Repossessed. Pay off a facecord (4x6x16). Howeli MILFORD. Christian home. 4½ACRE wooded bui)~nj area. (517)521-4150. Call PREVIEW PROPERTIES. - ings(517)548-3679. space or service business, “!oi Rent furnished, non-smoker. COUCH and Lovessat: $200 $53 cash or monthly .Ja_p__w.’I~ ‘A.,——, i—a—I— ..__~,Jh site. Approved. road.t mUn-~ . — ~3i3)227-t20G4Bfl5) oocte3414Mt ~j~j[~ffifl31alâ7-2t66: ~paymtntt ;~;;;;r~:;;y. ~l 5~!5tWUU NEW HUDSON. By owner. north ol Howell. $16Jt Deposit, references. CEDAR Lake, Howell. 2 5%; split, $45. Delivered, (313)349-0533. 1973 Ladonte. 2 bedrooms, (3i3~. 0 Universal Sewing Center. minimum of 3. (547)223-3533. (313464-1136. . Bedroom year-round home 1/2 Acre or Larger Lots. Reserva024 Condonikikams~ . lsedroomtor$4$ (31fl IivingrOom. den with wet bar, NOVI, 1-275 at 6 Mile. COUNTRY NORTHVILLE: Furnished For Sale oIl month-to-month basis townshlp~ 7’2 Bedroom for $569 MIXED ftrewood. $50 a face., Preferred Executive Offices tion Accepted. CaD for Informa- overlooking Kensington BRIGHTON room, male, non-smoker, while owner is attempting to FOLK ART acres, Hartland SchOols.’ cord delivered. 545 pIcked’ 3 Bedroom for nsa now leasing shared ollics BRIGHTON. By owner. Lake. 514,900.1313)4314220. selL Call for details kitchen privileges. private ,JIpn, 229-5722. $39,500, (517)223-3668 up. 4x5x16, (313)231-2526. PETS PERMiTTED concept. ReceptionIst, feteSHOW& SALE condominium ltownhOuse. NORTHVtLLE. 1976 ChampS 3 p.m. (313)2274163. entrance. (313)345.2667. smeka Osdee ~ phone answering, secretary MIXED Hardwood. Oak, Char-~~ excellent condition. ion. 14x60, 2 bedroom, Adult BRIGHTON, Howell. sa WaDav~sburg,March SOUTH LYON: Kitchen arid .4 ,viE BUILT OUR services available, conferry and Ash. 3 face cord for” Spacious. 3 bedroom I full Section, pets allowed, 10,000 gorgeous 10 acre woOded Under the authority In Internal Revenue Code 6-74. Springfieldlaundry privileges. Large we Love ence room. utilities Included. 5126. (547)4669462. ~91 ‘ ‘ Rep0 2½ baths full basement, or best. (313)437-2147. . ForRent section 6331, the property described below has bedroom. $75 per week. HEAT S WATtS 15101-VOID I mile off main rOad. (313)464-2171. Oaks Center. US-23 central air, beautifully decor~ NOVI, Quick Occupancy. On parcels, ONE year seasoned oak,: been seized for nonpayment of Internal revenue oa prestige al*fl p~xq (313)431-9660. sq. ft. Good terms available. $24flBEAUTiFUL newly decorated NOVI. Rear offlcsa for rent. clod. Located in woodsy poci,afr conieS ~Yfl to M-59 to Ormond beech. ash mixed, $45 face., taxes due from GENESIS COMPUTER SERVICES. ~ 4 II wide expando, Large and $27,500. Ten Knils, 1 WALLED LAKE: Clean, 2 , ! bedroom apartment in stove S r*~fll, S uSS with office setting. Close to downtown. Master bedroom. Reduced to Grand River and NovI Road. cord. 4x$xlS. You pick up.~ Ad. north to INC. The property will be sold at public auction as ax~ S5CbWt~fl*J6S._wan.’ Magic Realty, (3i3)229’107~~-. furnished. Kitchen and Lake Notthville. Includes 1½spit Ls~ S $79,000. (313)229-7342. (313. (313)878-6469, or-’ provIded by Internal Revenue Code section 6335 $11,900. Crest Services (517)546-1504. k~—~privIleges. utilities included. space Davlsburg Rd. east - bathe. central air. — Goed ea~. (51 7)548-2366. (51 7)548-3302 evenings PROFESSIONAL apace, arid related regulations. -a HOMES INC. Cable N. $75 per week. to Andersonville ) DEXTERlPortage Like., a~ltances,carpet, balcony, Per more hAn ., ~ pS~— Cd (517)548.3679. 1 anywhere from 300 to 5,000 PURE quality red and while (313)3634607. AESIOENTIAL i COMMERCIAL BUtLOER access, Huron River lol.il.2 . 4714464 Rd. south ½ mile. and plenty of atmosphere. sq. ft. available. Otte office oak, seasoned 2 years. This: March 3, (313) ‘I, i GRAND ffl~FR •5101410N N, fl~’~ acres. $~.00o.~ WALLED LAKE. 2 furnished $675. t31 3)340-7143. 27883 Independence The leading Folk Art with secretarial service, is excellent wood. Don’t miss. STOP - lAKE ANGELA 2:00 P.M efficiencies. $16 $75 weekly. Show In the country with FOWLERVILLE, 21 rollIng.. approximately 512 per sq. ft. Ferminglon_Hue this offer, 6x4x18, 549, Deliv-’ BRIGHTON Cove Apartments Utilities Included. A gentleover 100 of your favorite CONDOMINIUMS Are you tired of investing in acres with perked building Multiple offices, and a 2.500 ne’S ‘ accepflng reservations Plaoe of Sale: ered free to most areas,artisans from 18 stateS sites. deaf for outdoors,, BRIGHTON: Exciting new sq. ft. building. Available fdv I and 2 bedroom HOWELL. Quail Creek is man preferred. (3134342146. (517)5214517. your landlords future? New Hudson, MI Liberty Storage A Lock, Contemporary Shopping around March 31. Located In bringing quality handpeople, cross country skiin~., aØrtmenta from $400. Office accepting applications for 2 SEASONED Hardwood: Cut,, (10 Mites east of crafted country Center. Prime location. On the city of BrIghton. For more 48200 West Rd-, WIxoin, MI 41096 MoPs: 9 am. to 5 p.m. bedroom apartments. Gail for spilt and delIvered. $45 face: Are you tired of making horses, etc. 725 feet road the Northeast corner Grand reproductions and Brighton) frontage. Splits avaIIØIt~ information call Diana. MOnday through Friday only. Only the right, title. and interest of GENESIS a,p~~pnent. f 517)548-3733. cord, 4x8x16, Csllpayments without building Fowierville schools.. ~5— 4277 heirlooms of the future River and Old US-fl. Please (313)22S Ptene(313)229 . COMPUTER SERVICES. INC. In arid to the (51W~. 2bedwom townhouses, equity? MILFORD. 1 bedroom. $325 stop by and see our site. For SOUTH LYON. Office retail as seen in Country minutes to Brighton. Lpnp, property will be offered for sale. If requested. the SRIG)ITON, Hidden Harbour, pIu5 utilitIes. Security depoLivIr4 flats and ranches. information please call space, downtown- 560 square Internal Revenuelervtce will furnish Information I ‘$114 2 Bedroom apWttietlt$ siterequired . (313)3644600.- if you have an item you wish mote Are you tired of paying 1110. or Flint, $31,500. Teñftt 1 SPECIAL (313)229-1990. available. (517)223-9611, At tEr. Friday evening 5 p.m. 109p.m. about possible encumbrances, which may be feet, Call (313)437-5223. hIgher income taxes because a~alIaS for immediate occ~i-MILFORD. 2 bedroom apart- to sell for $25. of less or a Large slabw000 bundIes~~ 6 p.m.. (517)223-8403. ~ BRIGHTON. 4500 sq. ft. useful in determining the value of the interest Dancy. I Bedrooms from mants from $4004550 per group of items selling for no Mm. ? Saturday & Sunday 10 1 4x4x5. $49 Approximately 3: FOWLERVILLE. Beautijul~ ~49,9OO you rent? being sold. fl60! Call (313)227.5652. month. Call Homentaster more than 525. you can now warehouse with k office- 16 062 Vacation Rentals face cords: (517)223-9000. am. toSp.m. Mm. ~r ft. ceIlings. large garage 1DESK WiTH ATTACHED EXTENSION. 1IBM 3.86 acres. Nickelson Rpa4.. MWtdIy through Friday. 0 to Realtors. (313)686-1588. STOP place an ad In the classified All Country decorating HILTON HEAD ISLAND. PERSONAL COMPUTER 5150 CPU. I- IBM In the landtord and Perked. $9,800, Easy terms.: 5, - —,, for ½ prIce! Ask our door. (313)2274073. SPECIAL, Poplar. $35 per: Chase the winter bin by needs are tor sale. MILFORD. Beautiful section SENIOR CITIZENS Investing PERSONAL COMPUTER DISPLAY 5151. 1- EPSON the IRS we at Global Homes Agent. (313)474.5802. ad-taker to place a Bargain BRIGHTON warehouse from renting a villa on Atlantic face cord. 4x8x16, 3 tsce.I bedroom. Carpeting, FX-100 PRINTER, 1- LARGE ROSEW000 DESK have the answer. We offer HAMBURG Township. tO Barrel ad for you, (10 wOrds 100 sq. ft. to 1200 sq. ft. Ocean beach. 2 bedroom, 2 WELCOME cords delivered within 10’ appliances. newly painted, WITH CHAIR. 1- ROSEWOOD CREDENZA. 3 ~ECE aRIOHION. On Crooked of less) and she will bill you Lighted. insulated. fenced. bath. pool, close to golf and affordable yet luxurious acres, quiet area, rO4R14Q miles 5420. Eldreds Bushel like your own home. $375 per L SHAPED DESK WITH 4 CHAIRS. I- DATA Lafl 1 person efficiency only $2.50, (This special Is of- Reasonable rates. Month-to- tennis, $350 per week until 102 Auctions manufactured housing. 10% some trees. Land conrracs ~n9-6e __ ATTIA PRODUCTS 5582 LETTER QUALITY PRINTER apartment. $240 monthly. month. No pets. Security 4O.feed to homeowners only— month lease. (313)227-7050. down. flexible financing up to ferms. 125,~: 1~4 soles.’ March 28, then $500. deposit. A~~j3’t3)478-?S ~~~3)fl9467t WITH 2 PIECES GLASS DESK TOP. 2’ MANNES106 Musical Instruments sorry. rto commercial ac- BRIGHTON area, 2.500 sq. ft. (313)629-1743. 20 years. 1*6—Il models set $9,500. (313)878-9571,’ MANN TALLI PRINTER 180L. 2- FOUR DRAWER coonts). up. ready for immediate evenings. immediate occupancy in new BASS amp. 100 waft. $250. HON CABINETS. 1- TABLE ON ROLLERS. 1’ IBM (31 3)229-8007 occupancy. Special HARTLAND Schools parcef 5. Industrial park. (313)437-7631, 054 Land ForRent ‘i.) Whalen Drum set. Professional. 9 PRINT BELT MODEL 5211, 264 CHARACTER discounts on 1986 models, (313)437-0934. after 6. three 2 acre parcels, ~ ,iii AuctloliSeMcs piece. $850. (313)437-4660, CARTRIDGE, I’ 16K MEMORY FOR IBM SYSTEM each. Call JerryBRIGHTON. Old U523, ‘.4 088 Storage Space 5340. 1~AISTER TYPEWRETER, 3 PtECt t. ELECTRONIC organ, many How about using your (313)750-1055, RE! MA . - ..., Plymouth Mile North of Grand River, :-;:- ‘ NEW OWNERS NEWMANAGEMENT ~ t For Rent SHAPED DESK WITH 2 CHAIRS. 1- DATA features. excellent condition, HOWELL. Neat 2 bedroom. income tax rofund and start REALTORS. New block building. suitable ! : MIchigan ELEKTRONIK TABE BACK-UP MODEL 9600, 1For sale or trade for piano. , (313)456.6144 800 plus sq. ft., upper level, investing in your future HOWELL: II acre parcelsar for distribution, retail, or BRIGHTON Best Self- , MODEM GENERAL DATA COMPUTER MODEL517)546.7075. Storage. Low monthly rates. all appliances included. today. professional use. May 1 2 acre tots. HIgh countr FREE ~O+4SULTAT)OHS .,.. DE-1, I- SET TERMINAL KEYBOARD CABLES. 1GULBRANSEN Theatrum -A-’,. Wide range of size. Free use Golden Triangle Condomioccupancy. 1.000-4.000 sq. ft. hilly and wooded. Pavi ‘I 1&2BedrOOm 4 OVAL VENEER TABLE. Spinet Organ. horseshoe GLOBAL HOMES, INC. of trailer. Packing materials, niums, located In Howell city Call(313)227’53 0. road! Call (517)548-2577. . Open7days design. Built in Leslie Ropolimits. Immediate occupancy. Newly Decorated, wall to wall carpeting, color coordinated tile floor. Open 7 days a week, HOWELL. 5 plus acrea!wi PROPERTY MAY BE INSPECTED AT: MEL’S AUCTION Norlhvftls sonic Speaker. 52,100, 313)227-7050. ____ For appointment before Fully applianced kitchen pool, cable available, 10 mtn. walk to HIGHLAND PLAZA Thinking auction for 1967’ LIBERTY STORAGE AND LOCK, 4*200 Over 400 ft. paved ro Country Estates :517)548-1512. 6 p.m., f313)632-708I, after NEW Mini-Storage now open Milford Road Thdn we are the people to frontage. Perked ar downtOwn 5 mm. to expressway. Public transportation. Howell Public 58220 West S Mile Road WEST RED, WIXOM, ~ 4*096 IBANEZ Road Star II: Pro 6 p.m. (313)4494585. in Fowler’viils, 7x10, 10x14, I Mile South M-59 contact, we put more $55 surveyed. 526.900. Cre (313)437-7561 Where Everyihing You Like is Everywhere You Look. Schools. 24 ~~Uremergency maintenance. Febnsary 26, if? -lOOO kM. to 1200. Rock’r Quitar with Peavey 450 sq. ft. or 1250 sq. ft. lox2S. Call for special rates. in YOUR pocket! ConsignSOUTH LYON. I Bedroom -1’ Services (517)5.45-3302 eve (511) 546-1660 OSANO livEN menis TAKEN DAILY Bandit 85 Amp speaker. From (517)223-0090. ranch unit, neutral tones Immediate Occupancy P.M. — AND ONE-HALF HOUR •EFORE ings ~ Whitmore Lake 5800. Evening~,(3l3)2fl450a Call Diversified Group Inc. CALL MEL AT throughout. enclosed patio SALE. Norlhfieid Estates HOWELL. High and rolii 9to5Mon. thru Fri. 089 Wanted To Rent KIMBALL musical rhythm (313)851-3~ (547) 223-8701 off living room, fully finished 855 West S Mile Road pond site, 10 miles North ‘~‘‘7flf’Off Mason Rd. LI’ accompaniment organ with lower Ievei, with 2nd BRIGHTON. Lovely two (313)441-4346 Howell, $20,000. Term All payments must be by cash, certified check, chair and music $50. bedroom, family room. 2nd HOWELL for feast. 4,000 sq. bedroom stone and wood (517)5464812. ~ between tsbell and cashiers or treasurer’s check or by a United States (517)546.5374. bath and laundry room. 1½ ft. building with offices, 3 house on secluded wooded •RAUW I hSItMO •550N ~ Walnut, Howell postal, bank. express. or telegrspl’ money order. I, Attached garage. Club WEBBERVILLE. 1950 Fair- LYON Township: Build~ phase ~owe’ blacktop road. lot. fenced yard. storage AUCTiON UI VICE KIMBALL PIano, consote, Make chock or money order payable tO the Internal House. lakes and bats. mont. 14x70, 3 bedrooms, 2 Wanted to Spec homes walnut, $450. (313)227-I 756. Negotiable. (547)648-2531. shed, i~ basement, and Farm, Household, Antique, ~. Revenue Service. bathrooms. fireplace, stove, exclusive lots of 2 icr Adult community. 50 or older. Building a reputation for excellence HOWELL. Office apace for laundry room. Appliances. Real Estate. MIscellaneous. KRAMER Striker electric refrigerator. new water each. Rolling Martindi no resident children under pets welcome, Lake Usydt~(3t34UflU retit. (511)5444166. Terry A. Johnson, guitar with Gorilla amp. Reservaf!ortS Be!npACCepfed C~t heater, and shed. Hamlin Road. Close to Kensingt I?. $74,900. (313)437-5200 privileges. $550 plus utilities. Revenue Officer. Excellent condition, 5250 or HOWELL. Warehouse space. Mobile Park. 1517)5214647, Park, Woods, stream. pqN afternoons. (313)887-5750 Security and references. Phone: 313!226-7531 best offer. (51 7)546-5614 ‘W,Manag ToM$k~PeOPlWH*PPY’ (313)463-0114 2.000-3.000 sq. ft. Office and after 5. evenings. Ask for Diane I :: (313)227-3823. loadirigdoor. ~ ‘-I Cs
retrigerafor, air-conditioned master bedroom. ceiling fan, storage shed with electricity. Financing or:. very nice home. $11,000. ~ Refinanc Ing PINCKNEY Schooli. Lender (313)2274012. owned, 11716 Old Hamburg BRIGHTON: Sylvan Glen. on a Mobite Home?. ~ 3 bedrooms. 3 car Parkwood, 14x70. enclosed porch. Adult section. $26,8005 Low Rates attached garage. and breeze-—. way. FInished walkout base- (3l3)fl7-~i0. elO% down ment with extra . bath and BRtGHTON. Deluxe 1985 bedroo~~~. Large rec room. Springbrook. Reduced to available Prlcedfirmal$59,500. Nelson $17,500. Crest Services Real Estate, (313)449-4466, (517)548-3302 svenings financial services ~x (517)548-3678. 477-1415 SOUTH LYON. 3 bedroom BRIGHTON. Double wide, 3 ~3I Gtand ~nr-Nc’vi ranch with family room. 2½ bedroom. 2 bath, large treed EveningsLRlck(Si7)218-3 0. car garage. whole house fan. tot. Quick occupancy. P4NCKNEY. Great place for Nicely decorated. Near shop- 523.900. Crest Services WHITMORE LAKE area. iI~ kIds. Lovely 3 bedroom. 2 ~ schools. church, By (517)548-3302 evenIngs Redman home located ~In~ baths, 3 acres. solar heat and appointment only. $71,500. (517)548-3678. beautiful Hamburg HIfl.~:’; woodburner. Close to state (313)4370310. BRIGHTON. Neat arid clean 2 Brand new coMlliona2 land, 879.500. REALTY WHITMbRE LAKE prIvate bedroom. Only $8.~.Crest Bedroom, 1½baths, 10x12 WORLDVANS(313)22?-3456. access to beautiful beach. Services (517)541-3302 even- wood barn. 128 sq. It. womanized deck. appliances PINCKNEY. 4 bedroOm. 2 Docking facilItIes, 2 ings(517)548-3679. baths, large fireplace. 2 car bedrooms down, 2 unfIn’ BRIGHTON. ~Older motHs and some furniture. Overt -.‘ garage. on 2 acres, wIth ~ ishSd bedrooms up. full home, newly remodeled. slz ed lot . $1 9,50O~~. ft. frontage on DexterlPlnc- basement, heated garage. Low lot rent. $6,000. (313)231-3556. kney Read (near M-38). fenced yard. *62.900. NelsOn (313)227-lSSOafter 4 pm. WOoDLAND LAKE water Potential for busineuortight Real Estate. (313)449-4466. privileges. Immaculate co.tl-, ‘, manufacturing. *60.000. Call (!1!$49-4787. t.4800)4621309. tion. Well Insulated, newer (313)449-4163. WHITMÔRE LAKE execuwell. furnace. cabEnets, water heater, carpeting. $39.~. PINCKNEY: COMPLETELY tIvS country estate Oil 10 REALTY WORLD VANS REMODELED.... rewIred arid wooded acres. 2.780 sq. ft.. (313)227-3455. new furnace within the last ttld0~2-story. 3 bedrooms, 1½ years. GREAT ROOM wIth 2½baths. 2 firePlEes. den, DARLING cathedral ceiling. Wood trIm 2½car garage, highest HOMES .4 on wIndows. This is REALLY quality and condition. one you must see!f Neat and $~~°NelsOn Real Estate, NaflaSNeiSt clean. Only $52,750. Call (313)449-4460, (313)449-4467. NOVI Acreegs ~‘ (343)346-1547 627 Farms ForSale H::~ PrevIew Properties: ~ cts*tuu (313)227.2200(H845) WILLIAUSTON area. Price Noflu, (617)545-1156 BUYING, selling or IesFng~ reduced on beautiful 10 acre AI4KAUO4 (312)661-7156 horse property? Please cM’~~ country estate. 5,400 sq~ft. tnoat Rancher - Cape Cod, 4 LAU (313)645-Nfl Kathie Crowley. Horse Prep-’ ,‘ bedrooms. 4 full baths. SpecIalIst. SchweItzer USflNG & UWNC ely Fantastic floor plan for soyl Real Estate, (313)437-1103, or. 346-nil ,,, I-, entertaining. guest house, Kolta (547445-V N (313)349-ISIS. I large barn and oul buildings. BYRON area. 30 acre faaC~~ Only minutes from 1-96. FLORIDA. 14x40, one comfortable 2 story fasm’. 1ST. OFFERING on thIs newer beautiful quad level Private sitowing, Nena B.. bedroom, central air, 2 house In excellent aflapt on lovely wood lot In country sub. Home features 3 (517)655-3267. CIB Hacker, covered cement patlea, utlil- ‘~Sbowspride ol owneralilpi~ bedrooms. 1½baths, family room with natural (517)332-2949. An Indepen’ ty shed. Nice rstlrement 3 bedrooms, formal dlnWig~.’ fireplace. dining room,coun!ry kitchen and fInishL. Sd walkout basement. 3 plus cii ittadhed Qaf’age7~ --dently. .OwDe&Snd .. gp~t.d~uum~. .~.qn a.n—. •Iv,.—~, 4args-Uvlngroom~.central~*t~ member ol Coidwell Banker (517)646-3729, after6. new furnace, detached 2 cat Won’t last long at this pricel $110,500. Residential Affiliates. Inc. garage and workshop. ba(ft FOWLERVILLE. Cute 2 Deer Countryl $73,509 •, SUPER FAMILY sized ranch in city sub features 3 bedroom. Crest Services. CNM. McGulre Resft~, 022 Lakefront Homes bedrooms. 2 baths. living robin with natural (511)548-3302 evenings (313)266~5530. EveninOt,’ For Sale fireplace, custom kItchen with loads of cupboard (517)541-3679. -. MarIanne. (547)034-5285 .,, : 1 space and finished basemenl, Beautiful In ground GLENNIE. 3 bedroom home, FbWLERVILLE. 1185. 14 pool. $84000. 250 ft. on the water, pontoon wide. Quick occupancy. Lot HARTLANDIFeiitOn Parcel, boat and motor, walk-out rent lBS. Great services Over 6 acres on US 23 at exit. NEWER 3 bedroom ranch in the country features basement, furnished, gas (517)548-3302 evenIngs between Hartland ~ living room with natural fireplace, dInIng room, Fenton. Large 3 bedroo*)~. heat, carpet thru-out, deck (51 7)548-WI. tots of storage space and basement. 2 car garage. on all 3 sIdes. $39,500. HIGHLAND Greens: Beitlor home, I bedroom aPt. at~.. Over an acre. Close to x-way. schools and sflopp- (517)646-5225. __________ ~iren eecttfl. 1WCftWip- $in. Stream_es.woq4~ir#~ tng center. $72,500. HARTLAND. Long and Round Ion, 1400. 2 baths, $175,006. Wo4t¼.têdssOeç,;,, acre ~nlng coiner w4Il~ Lake access. Custom built 3 dIshwasher. applisnces. able. CommercIal potential Is’ EXCEPTIONAL ADULT COMMUNITY CO-OP. This bedroom, 2½ baths, alt brick $v,w.c. PARK ASSOCIATES high. Cell Jerry (313)750-10. . ranch style 1 bedroom unit features large living ranch. 3½car attached Mobile Home Safes. New and REIMAX Realtors. room with attached Florida room. bath with : garage. finished basement. Used. (313)695-1147 or separate vanIty and full basement, I car attached WE have many buyere f4~‘ cathedral wood ceiling (313)6*0932, garage. Lake prIvileges on Crooked Lake, Must farms and vacant parcel( q( r, throughout, full wall brick sell bring alt oftersf land. If your property,,,is fireplace. central air, ¾ acre available for purchalirt CENTURY 21 with a bricked-in court yard, HARTFORD SOUTh-WEST backs to woods, 1119.000. HOWELL. 14 wide with please call United Ffl ~, (313)6324167. _______ 22454 PontIac TrsIl expendo. 3 bedroom, 1116 (517)4174061. 07-4111 model, Must see, $24,900. 920 LskeProgietty WOO 0 LAND LAKE -“ Soacious 2-story wIth Iwo c!!!i Services (517)6454302 -?;;Sale~--- -, . ::,~‘ large gliages. S bedrooms. 4 evej~p Si7)546-3678. baths. family room and patio HOWELL. Chateau. 11*0 HAMBURG TownehiD.’ on lake front. $210,000. Fairmont. 1 4x64. Alt Wooded buildIng slierREALTY WORLD VAN’S applIances, Move In coSt- (75x151) on Gallagher. *WIC t313)227-3456. _____ tion. Asking $15,500. private park on Strsw$tr~’ (517)5*2046 after 6:30 p.m. Lake. $19,500 each. Lait. 021 Duplexn unwfl I rh.,... .4n&.M~ contract available:,.
HOWELL 3 Bedroom ranch, HAMBURG. Remodelers 2 mIles north M49 Swimdelight. Strawberry Lake ming PCOI. paveC drive. I access. Very livable 3 acre. New carpet. floor A lovely place to live In Plymouth. Nestled in this bedroom. Needs mainly Covering throughout. Howell small town is a Cape Cod just waiting for you. Yes it has three bedrooms, a 2 car garage and a decorating. $48,~. Quick schools. $60000 negotiable. Occupancy. Crest Services 15Th546-2396. fenced In yard. $69900.00 Century 24 East at 12 (517)543-3302 evenings Oaks 4127 (5l7)546-13M. HOWELL. By owner. Close to HAMBURG Twp. Lake and e~nrssAwav. rn-level. 4 ~-~‘-.‘ D.._ —• eM river privileges. 3 Bedroom bedroom, 2 bath. large family a;ii ‘~;;~:;~~: ranch, 7 years. tireplace, -room with fireplace. $92,500. (517)546-7550. (M456) basement, deck. cathedral Gall anytimefl5il)546’6582. ceiling in Great RoOm. ¾HOWELL: DRASTICALLY HOWELL: Water privileges acre, beautifully landscaped. REDUCED. Large tot In a on Lake Chemung. Large Lake access. $95100. great family neighbortiood. deck with beautiful view of A custom built Contemporary on 10.76 acres in the Lake. POSSIBLE LAND (313)231-9319. Unfinished foutti bedroom CONTRACT. Just $51,500. Lyon Township. Four bedroom 2W bath. Has a HAMBURG. Waterfront, 75 ft. upstairs for really “stretchFlorida room, a wine cellar, balcony overlooking on Huron RIver Chain. 3 ing” possibilities. Be the first Call Preview Properties: Great room. Many other features too numerous bedrooms. Walkout on Park- to Call at this tow price of (51fl546-?550 (G752) to mention. A must see. $249,000.00 0306 like setting, Country Club $50,xo. Call Preview Proper- LIVINGSTON County. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1.~sq. ft. Membership. Call for excIting ties: (517)546-1550. (0401) Aluminum sided ranch. A great starter home details. $66,500. REALTY HOWELL, Earl Lake. 3 on 4 acres, secluded with with 3 bedrooms and den. House looks onto WORLD VAN’S (313)fl7-3456. bedroom ranch home. view. (517)5469629, after 5 or Walled Lake. Newer furnace and well. CIty HOWELL. 4 bedroom ranch, $95,~,No real estate calls weekends. sewer. A great buy at 556,00000. Land Contract NEW HUDSON. 2 bedroom close to town and expiess- please,(517)546-49(6 available D315. way. 7.45 acres. with pond H 0 W El t. I B R I G H I 0 N. country. 1,lsacres. 3miles to Each office is independently owned and operated and pole barn, many extras. REDUCED! IMMEDIATE 1-96. Basement. garage. $5e.~,(313)437-0046. $It4.~0.(517)546-5545. OCCUPANCY! Country living, near Oak Pointe. Large 4 NOVI. Lovely 2260 sq. ft. bedroom ranch, 2 baths, 3 car colonIal. 4 bedroom, 2½ garage, on super treed one bath, large master bedroom with walk-in closet and own acre. (51 7)546-1329 living room, dining HOWELL. Like new. 3 bath, room. famIly room with bedroom tn-level in city. 1½ lireplace, first floor laundry. 2 MAIN baths, family room, pr$ced REALESTATE 227-5400---Detroiters963-1480 BRIGHTON attached garageright, 161.500. Adler Homes, car $135,000. Call for appoint’ 313)229-5722. A GOOD BUY SEVEN ROOM COUNTRY s59.~Luntracl terms Now is the lime tO ment, (313)345-0525. Open HOWELL. Newly completed house Sunday. RANCH 4 B A family room. basement. 12 make an’ offer miles N W of Ann Arbor, 7 mites S of Rflt I Nfl tO AC’.RF pARed iN HA1&~ home, Energy effitient, 3 NOVI. Ranch, brick, 3 Brighton Reduced to 859.000 Owner must BURG TOWNSHIP — good expressway ac- cu garage, 3 bedrooms, 2 bedroom. Extra large kitcitcess. easy terms. $33,000. baths, S000- (313)229-7916. seif immediately en. attached I car garage, ALlY IHtS VALUABLE CORNER SITE LOOK OVER YOUR KINGDOM. ‘/~mile HOWELL. Owner transferred. glass enclosed fronl porch, AND DWELLINGS NOWi Consisting of 2 South of Brighton. 1½ scenic acres Make Single orduplex. 014sf home park-like yard. 5½% Interest. dwellings & a large jeated Hobby S gavage an oIler $18,000. on West WashIngton. Priced $59,000. Excellent Land building The large vacant portion of the A NICE 2 B R LAKEFRONT HOME to sell. Call for appointment. Contract terms- Novi Real site would easily accommodale various $55,000, terms (517)546-17*. Estate, (343)348-2525useage for commercial purposes $19O~, HOWELL.-- or Hartland ¶9 Pt US ACRES CCFNiC Subdivision terms schoots... you have the EXTRA LARGE LAKEFRONT lot, beamed land, Hamburg Township $44,000 ON HURON RIVER option. 1200 sq. ft. nodular Nice three bedroom home, ceilings. natural gas heat, firepface and ex- I4~HA flPY full fltNfl SJTF 465’ a 190 with three bedrooms, two full 1½baths, ireed. Lake privileges. $19,995 . terms heated garage, tra quality features, garage 559.900 baths and 2W car garage. to REAUTIFUt THICKtY WOODED SR BEAUTIFUL ACRFS NF~Au CENonly $72,900. Hamburg area. Deck back and front. Low, TRAf POINTS RRIGHTfl*1 Haunt mit ACRES, 660 It a 560 ft. are of nice homes tow heat bills. Only $52,500. Call MIlt at (313)229-5434. The ANN ARRAR I1PSRRflRN PONTIAC Asking 829.000, owner is now ready to con Micft~g~n Group. Call Preview Properties: FLINI LANSING caii us for mileage side, good offers, terms (517)646-7550 (CC) ,~lI
25. 198/
oz1 Houses
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Light Industrial Building
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