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Leo Mainviile, R. Ph: Wm. Stanford, A. Ph. Stan Spencer, A. Ph. SPENCER DRUG STORE ... I IFsES S da~/4ngills t,n $229 t'. Qty1en llOaeIh a,a,lanIr.I~d4'I' on'.
Thuru~y,April 4,1914—THE SOUTH LYON HERALD—b-A


Turnout’s Light

Lyon OK’s Budget


Three Lyon Township Board members and 13 citizens met Saturday afternoon at the Township Hall in New Hudson for the exi$anation of the 1974 budget, approval of salaries, a change in the library program, a thlorlde program and other technicalities of the annual meeting. The recommended 1974 budget was set at $252,965 with $16,107.30 in revenue sharing monies on hand, but not budgeted. Anticipated Federal Revem4e monies to July 1, 1974 were pegged at 11,792 (also not budgeted at this time). The board met minus Treasurer Alfred Muck who has been vacationing and Tnistee Rthert Mccrory who kill. Citizens were informed that the Oakland County Equalization Board will be reassessing all properties in the township this spring under contract recently completed Wtween the Town Board and the County. Clerk Mary Canfield said, under the contract, cat will be $11 per tax description, payable over a five year period. Edward Erwin tithe Board of Review noted that property owners will be notified of reassessments by next February and that representatives of the Equalization Board will be on band to discuss changes during Board of Review hearings in 1975. Saturday’s assembly voted unanimously to sever connecilons with the South Lyon



Public Library so that the library housed at the Township Hall can become a separate entity. As explained by Mrs. Canfield, approval Saturday makes it pasible for the library to apply for state aid and its own share of penal fines this fail. If action had been delayed until the primary election in August, 5he Mid it would have been too late to make these applications for this year. Mrs. Canfield, who is also head librarian at New Hudson, noted that township residents in the South Lyon area may be able to continue to use the South Lyon LibraryThe township will continue to j*y toward this with $1500 set aside in the budget for that purpae. Under the new procedure. the library will be open 30 hours Stead of the present 17 each week. Salaries will also be increased May I in accordance with the $2 minimum wage. Presently librarians received $1.50 per hour. Othercosts tobe incurred in the separate library program for the township will be paid from the township’s general fund. Other salary increases approved in the budget were from an actual $5,104 in 1973 to $6,000 for the 1974 supervisor with $500 of this stipulated for office expense. The clerk’s salary will increase from $6000 to$7000 and department expenses estimated at an additional $5500. The Treasurer’s salary will henceforth be $6000 as


compared to $5,737 actual in 1973. Another $2700 was set aside for department expense. The annual meting voted to continue the chloride program for roads as In pjst years with the township paying 80 per cent of the cost and residents paying the remainder. Mrs.. Canfleld estimated, however, that cats may be upas much as 10 percent over last year. Also continued will be the township request for one mill from the County Allocation Board. The building reserve fund is budgeS at an additonal $5000 (total $30,000) for 2974 wIth the board discussing some future building. Appearing on behalf of the Youth Guidance Committee were Mike Duff and Lawson Letzring. The budget allows $~00in the recreation fund, $1,600 of which wenttoYGC in 1973 and to Little League baseball. Smith also promised that the beard “will do something abastulariesfortheBclrdof Review members”. Wages for firemen will also be raised, The raise effective in December will be to $5 for the first hair and $4 for each hour thereafter.

154£. Main (Mary Alexander Court) No,thv,iie 3494480


“Slaci 1901”

A reduction in the cat of government and a glowing vote of confidence for township officials were highlights of Salem Township’s two-hour annual meeting Saturday. No salary boats other than a small raise for fullS time administrative clerk Ed Fitzgerald and an overall r*mdon of 96,000 in lit. budget were approved by Salem residents. The 31 citizens present also heard Fred Bradley, speaking for the three-member committee which was created at the 1973 annual meeting, report on the work of township officials. Brandley, on behalf of himself, Miss Betty LeMaster and Mrs. Eugenia Uherek, said “At least a couple of officials especially the aipervisor (Philip Brandon) and general Inspector (Fred Verran) work well beyond —

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SPENCER DRUG STORE Elwood LChance asked nothing In return for his donation of giant tires and the Installation of same at South Lyon Elementary School recently. His reward comes from the constant playground use the fires have been receiving since their arrival.


the hairs required of them in thtr jobs.” The Salem Citizens Comrn mitte released a report evaluating all township elective and appointive personnel and made three recommendations and closed with Bradley’s observation ‘~Weare satisfied that the township is getting more than its money’s worth. They all deserve a good hand.” The committee’s recommendatlons were for publication of cards listing persons to be called first In specific emergencies or for answers to specific questions; a followup committee to study how many township offices sbaild be considered fuil-time and to

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n.gElla at IRe Reno HoI~dayInn A,, IannpO’Iat’On o’a Lftit TED AIR I IFsES S da~/4n~ gills t,n $229 t’ Qty1en llOaeIh a,a,lanIr.I~d4’I’on’ Weekly deparlanes ‘V “W’ -‘~







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make applicable pay recommendations and, finally, the reinstatement of the study committee “at regular intervals” to keep tabs on the officials. A $500 raise for Fitzgerald whose salary must now come from the township’s general fund with the ending in January of the federal Emergency Employment Act and a larger cash balance this year than In Fiscal Year 1973-74 helped the township hold the line and approve a budget of $se.700, down $6,000 from the precedIng year. Raponseto questions and announcement of the May 6-Il annual township cleanup week completed the agenda.

a — —— — — — —

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Stan Spencer, A. Ph.

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Leo Mainviile, R. Ph: Wm. Stanford, A.

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