The Spirit of the. Awakened Warrior. Living the Dream with Courage,
Compassion and Personal Magic. W. O. R. K. S. H. O. P. Life By Design.
Life By Design Facilitators 880 CASA ROJA MIDVALE, UTAH 84047 1-866-497-8617 Enter to Win a FREE seminar:
"The skills I learned have made big changes in the way I perceive and interact with family members, fellow staff members, and, probably most importantly, patients . . . It was fun, and a little unsettling, to learn that I had the power to determine the quality of my conversations and relationships. The workshop atmosphere is safe and non-confrontational, with no requirement to participate. Once I got past my original skepticism, however, I found the workshops were too much fun not to participate". Raphiel Benjamin, M.D. Radiology Dept., St. Vincent's Hospital
The Spirit of the Awakened Warrior W
Living the Dream with Courage, Compassion and Personal Magic
The Spirit of the Awakened Warrior Living the Dream with Courage, Compassion and Personal Magic About This Course An Advanced “Awakening”
Self-Compassion: The Way Home
There is a major difference between the "Awakening" retreat and this course. The Awakening is designed to be the most profound experience possible of one's "trueself." It is meant to awaken participants to their own magnificence and all that is good and lovable about them. Its purpose is to open up possibilities by shifting your perceptions of yourself and the world. It does this by awakening you to the "sweetheart message" behind all of your barriers, defenses and dysfunctions. It is about your "perfection." By contrast, the "Spirit of the Awakened Warrior" workshop is not about your successes - it is about your failures. It is about your fears and self-doubts, when your "fight and flight" mind gets the best of you.
One's response to "bad news" determines one's success and growth. For years we've watched people do the workshops - and some grew slowly while others grew by leaps and bounds. Why? It's in the level of selfcompassion people have for themselves when they're buried in life's messes. Most people struggle by trying to avoid "messes." They try, try, try. Our job is to make messes! Growth comes not by avoiding messes, or by beating ourselves up when we make messes, but by cleaning up the mess, making the correction and moving on. As you learn to effectively deal with your fears, trials, criticisms and failures…you facilitate and expedite your growth and success. Certain key skills definitely make life easier. None is more important than selfcompassion applied to your failures. If the Awakening is the booster phase, this course is the breakaway phase of the rocket
“Success is NOT a function of how you respond when things are going well … success is a function of how you respond to failure!”
Why is there pain? A New Paradigm: The Creation of the Physical Universe
Gary Acevedo The Joy of Failure: The Great Key to Success This is a course on how to effectively deal with the negatives of your life in order to accelerate your growth and success. Success is NOT a function of how you respond when things are going well…success is a function of how your respond to failure! How do you most effectively fail forward? How do you respond when you're terrified, or fall on your face, when you know what you “could” do, and notice yourself not doing it. What do you do when your "fight or flight mind" criticizes you viciously, won't leave you alone, and the circumstances seem to get worse by the minute?
Why is there pain? Why is the physical universe designed for so much pain, anguish and suffering? There is an answer . . . one of profound significance. This process holds the answer and contains the power to dramatically transform one's perception of reality. It is a profoundly moving experience of infinite growth. A paradigm shift is available in this process that totally alters the way participants view the pain and battles of daily living. Awakening grads will also understand the necessity of experiencing certain processes only after the group has achieved a very high state of being. Only after being lifted to unprecedented heights - which Awakening grads can create - will this process be presented and have the full scope of its influence realized.
Highlights of the Course The Outdoor Program (Required): The Adventure Beyond Fear There is one thing that stops us from attaining our dreams - fear. It is what all upsets; problems, barriers, dysfunctional patterns and alienating behaviors have in common. Fear is the fundamental barrier. At every stage of success, creating a new relationship to your own fear attains higher ground. People have a fear "thermostat," which measures their current relationship to fear. As the fear decreases, success in love, career and other areas increases. This one-day program is designed to be one of the most effective innovations for anchoring in a new level of mastery over your fears. This is guaranteed to be one of the most profound, moving and inspiring days of your life - a day you will remember for the rest of your life. Fire Walk (Optional): The Experience of No Limits Originally, this process of volunteers walking across a bed of hot coals was considered unbelievable - a myth. A few years ago, Tony Robbins and others began to make it a regular part of their seminars. Still it was considered only for kooks! Now everyone is doing it. Like the outdoor program, it is one of the most effective experiences for anchoring in a new relationship with fear. An extraordinary experience you will never forget! Connected Breath: Unprecedented Love One of the true breakthroughs of our time, this simple gentle non-threatening method is designed to release any unwanted unfinished business by reprogramming old tapes, facilitating new revelations, bringing about new decisions. It is a profound and unprecedented experience of unconditional love. In conjunction with the ropes, firewalk and other powerful processes, it's impact is even more powerful.
Stepping into Your Sacred (God) Self What if your fully realized Self…your highest Self…your Godself…was within you? What if there was a way to access this self. What if the process to awaken this self wasn't long or painful, but easy and joyful? Using your heroes and heroines in new processes, you access the divine within you and create an anchor to the most powerful YOU available.
“In 14 years of consulting, having worked with hundreds of organizational development professionals, Gary is without qualification the best facilitator I've ever encountered . . . the single most profound developmental experience of my professional career.” Ron McMillan, of VitalSmarts and Co-Author of Crucial Conversations
For generation after generation mankind has sought to live on higher ground, placing one brick on top of another, until this magical time when some of us don't need to worry about where the next meal will come from. Beyond survival is this magical time when we can focus on consciousness. Profound experiences can be available not only to the rare and few, but to all. We are in the middle of the biggest transformation of all time for the planet. It is a breakdown and breakthrough of unimaginable proportions and we are just riding the crest of the wave that is now upon us.
Remembering an Incomparable Light I want to share a fascinating experience that happened to me recently. We had just ended the 'Spirit' workshop and we were "oooing" and "aaaaing", recounting all of the magical experiences and miracles that took place. Perhaps because of the principle that energy always transfers at the moment of completion, our sharing of the incredibleness of this workshop facilitated an eruption of energy in me, and I was flooded with insights and revelations. I was lifted to a place within of feeling totally fulfilled, with crystal clarity, absolute freedom and spontaneity (a noticeable lack of self-consciousness), and unbounded humor (we laughed for hours). This was one of those nights where even as it is happening, you are aware of the long term effect it will have on your life. All of the powerful principles and truths I was a voice for during the seminar seemed to hit me all at once. The Spirit workshop is a miracle equal to the Awakening and more. Its spiritual perspectives and profound experiential processes create a life-changing impact. This particular course was filled with innumerable moments of magic and "aha's" that took our breath away. Although there were many fascinating moments of truth that night, I want to share a particular one. When we stopped to take note of the rare and incredible energy that was flowing through us, I looked within and saw that there was a very real and tangible light that was filling both of us. More than feeling happy, we were filled with - infused with - an incomparable light that I imagined to be like liquid plasma. I realized something and said to my friend, "Every time I get the privilege of facilitating another workshop, I get to live in an incomparable light!" Then several things hit me at once. When we live our daily routine, it is much too easy to forget this extraordinary light; we forget how to speak and act in a way that aligns us with the highest light. When we visit a workshop, we give ourselves permission to speak and act our best. A workshop is an excuse to touch the highest light, to return to our dreams, our hearts, and our souls. We love the "high" we feel after workshops because we had a way to return and remember who we truly are. In daily life, we forget. In workshops, we remember. Let me say it again. In daily life, we forget . . . In workshops, we remember. Another thing hit me. A desire from the depths of my being became a commitment. I said, "No matter what it takes . . . I am going to find a way to live in the highest light most of the time . . . Failure is NOT an option." In this place of solid commitment, I knew it would happen. If I need to create enough Awakenings or Spirit workshops or whatever, to be able to access for myself the highest light, then whatever it takes, it's a done deal. These precious moments during a workshop, and for a day or two afterwards, are the most precious times in my life. All other goals are secondary. At 2:00 am we wondered if we should get to sleep. As I shared with my friend, "Ordinarily, in daily life I would be concerned about getting to bed, so I can wake up rested to do my day tomorrow and make my daily life work. When the light surrounds me, I don't care if I'm up all night, or if I need to cancel all my appointments tomorrow or whatever, because all of that is done to get to the light. Right now, I'm in the highest light. Nothing else means as much. This light, right here, right now is what life is about!” - Gary Acevedo